The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26

For the Benefit of Out-of-Town Patrons Owing to the continued zero weather what lias kept many foiss at home, this store will continue for a lew days our Wonder Embroidery Sale.- Our em­ broidery showing at this time has backed up any claim we havermade and as we predicted, has spread still farther the fame of this store as Springfield's Leading Ivmbroidery Store. A FEW OF OUR VALUES— UNMATOHABLEU 10c and 12 l-2c Galloons, Edges and Insertions, at the yard ............ ............................. ; ......... 4 l-2c X5 q Cambric E> ges, Galloons and Insertion at the yar<I.......... ............ .................................. ; ............... 9c 19c Edges and Insertions up to 12 inches wide, at the y a r d . . . . . . ............................. ....................... .... 12 l-2e Beautiful Corset Cover Embroidery, 35c quality, at the yard.......... ......................... .19q 69c Pine Swiss Flouneings and Dress Embroideries, at the y a rd .............. ...................................... ........... 39 c Feature Bargain S W I S S F L O U N C I N G S Full 27 Inches wide, All New Patterns, Fresh end Clean--Speclal 25 Cents a Yard , This is undoubtedly the most sensational offer ever made on flouneings of this character—fine smooth fabric, strong edges, work very deep' and a great variety of patterns. Extra special feature bargain, at tlie yard 25c KINNANE-SUL IVAN CO. s p r in g f . eld , WE PAY YOUR RAILROAD FARES OHIO . . . P o u l t r y W a n t e d . . . W e will pay the highest, market price for POULTRY and EGGS Call at our store or notify us by phone , \ B R A D S T R E E T ’S G R O C E R Y N. Detroit Street, Xenia, Ohio, Both Phones ' BYRNE ’S - : . F eb ru a ry C lea ran ce S a le This Isthe OneGreat Sale You Can't Miss Our entire stock of Furniture, Bugs, Stoves, Etc., go at a discount of from 10 per cent, to 30 per cent., including all new up to date Spring Goods, To show you how much you can save, we name some of the bargains below. - All Goods Marked in Plain Figures Do not Overlook These Great Bargains as It Means a Big Savings to You YOU ALWAYS DO BETTER AT Wiliam Byrne’s, 22-24-26 West Fifth St., Dayton, Ohio. Born to Mr, .Win. Hubbard wife, Monday, a girl. and aor IN WRONG WITH WRIGHT $21,00 Brussels Rug...... ... $15.03 $14.00 Dining Table.......... $ 0,75 - $25.00 Davenpu, •.......... . ..$10.50 $ 7.95 Felt Mattress...... .,..$ 7.06 $23.00 Buffet........... . ....$10.05 $ 4.00 Rocker................ .... $ 2.45 $ 2.00 Dining Chair.......... $ 1.30 $18.00 Book Case.,......... ‘ $5 Parlor -Stand,....,........ ...,$ 3.25 $ 3.50 Lace Curcalns..... ...$ 1.05 M8.00 Kitchen Cabinet. ....$18.05 $15.00Dresser.,.............. $20,00 Brass Bed....... . $ 9,00 Rocker........ 4 LOCAL AND PERSONAL | - Cfttl atid sec the Bull Dog Feed } Grinders and Miami Gasoline En­ gines. J. Pierce. Mrs. J. C. Foley, of 3cio, O., has been spending a few days .with rela­ tives here. Mr. J. J. Keleher, who has lived on one nt the Andrew farms for sev- eral years, has accepted a position on the Daisy FrultFann in Texas, owned by the Ohio Dairy Company of Toledo, and leaves shortly for thatplace, His family will go later. Mr. Win. Hopping arrived homo Tuesday alter a trip through the hsouth-west. Fxtra find Golden filpe Ba­ nanas, 5 and 10 cent* • doxan- At Marshall'*. Mr. Kttfus McFarland has been on the sick list this week and Mr. Fay Kftfsbtter is assisting at the grocery lor a few days. liev. W. E. Fait, D. D. and Rev O. P. Hoffman of the Trinity M. E. church in Xenia will exchange pub pits during their revival services. The CedarvilleirteotingswillhO held from February 20 to Mai en 10 and the Xenia meetings from March 5*5 until Easter Sabbath, April 7. : Mrs. Carl Pauli and sou were i guests of Mr. W. A. Spencer and *family from Friday until Sabbath . evening. Mr. Pauli came over Sab- jbatn morning. i Dr.J. W. Dixon and eon, Phil, ' ami Mr. Hugh Turnbull attended ! theautomobileshow m Dayton this Jweefc. “ • Mr. .1. Emerson 3Sisbet, of Dayton, : Pimnt Sabbato at home. Joe Baker, colored, was flbjsd $10 and costs and SOdays lu the works, Thursday in the mayor’ s court on a charge of assault as filed by Bessie Miller, waiter at the Foster Hotel. The days were suspended on pay­ ment of the fine. - ■ Mrs. Geo. Jeffrey is spending * few days with. Mrs, Lela Dean, of Springfield, Ohio. I f you are going to Have a public sale, arrange date with your auctioneer and then place your order for bills with the Herald, In doing this w,e will announce your sale so that no conflicting dates will occur in this community. Friday night,February 10th. at 8:15 the fast Muskingum team and the Cedarville qmritett will clash in a contest eacli determining -to win. East year this team had. ’ com­ paratively easy .work In getting Cedarville’s goat, A new spirit pre vails here in , Cedarville and the boys are expecting to siiow^ the Muskingum boys that they can play ball Anew line up will be tried owing to the absence of one of our regular guards. This will probably be one of the best games of the season. Come otae, come all. This game will be, called at 8:16. Mr. Clarence McMillan was taken to a Dayton hospital the first of the week where he underwent an ex­ amination for a growth on the left side. Eater- he was brought back to Xenia where he is at the home of his uucle. Mr. Wtoi. Oreswell is minus a half dozen of his young hens which were lifted from the rooBt last Thursday evening. The night prowler that received this lot of fine fowls evi­ dentlywas looking after the best fdr the older hens were ’ eft. Traces of footprints in the snow led to the railroad hut were lose there. ■ Mr. Wallace Barber and wife, of Dayton, have been’ spending a,few days this week with the former’ s mother at the homo of Mr. R. B. Barber. 4 Mr, Roy Foster and Bister, Miss Martha,’ were at home to about thirty of their friends Wednesday evening. The decqratiohB were in keeping with the Valentino day and tiie guests were"* pleasantly entertained. Mrs. O. F. Marshall, has been quite ill with inflammatory rheuma­ tism. Mrs. Lay tham and Mrs. Held, o^Dayton, are with her during her sickness. Mrs. J. B, Winter Is spending the week with relatives in Xenia. Mr, and Mrs. M. W. Collins at­ tended the funeral of the latter’s great aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Leavitt in Springfield-, Thursday, Death was dne to burns received at her home Monday when some clothing took fire from an over-heated Btove The deceased was an invalid and the fire was nob discover d by her daughter, Mrs. Emily Atherton, un­ til it had reached the bed clothing. The daughter plunged .Into the flames and carried her mother to another room and smothered the flames. The daughter received serious burns that also resulted in her death several hours after that of the mother. Word was received here Monday announcing tiie arrival of a nine pound daughter at the home of Editor and Mrs. J. X . Wolford in Yellow Springs. This is tbs first grand child in (ho family of Mr. J. H. Wolford and of course its the finest,girl in the county, •Word was received here Monday f The beautiful country home of Mr. jhat Messrs. W. H. Barber and R. j and Mrs. G. E, Jobe was the scene <1. th orge, who are on a trip to Gen-1 o f a pleasant nodal gathering, Wed- ftkl America with a party of eleven nepday, When about eighty invited from Chicago, that they passed flu- guests assembled. The occasion ha Babhath. Their boat in equipped was the celeb*, ation of the twenty- with wireless and word was sent to third wedding anniversary of tho -Chicago at‘d Mta. George was iwti- host, and hosfeus. Tiio home' was fled from Un re. , f decorated with hearts, cupula and ~~~> jarrows and tho colors were pink amt S in Wirt T'orfeneo, of Xenia, white. The gnosis assembled for spent* Ba tu rW irUta Mrs. Bella ..the elegant two course dinner by i Dr. X, W. Tracy, the noted Ken­ tucky evangelist, opens a series of Illustrated lectures In the opera house this Friday evening under the managements the W , C.T. U. Tho lectures will he illustrated and highly interesting as Weil as in­ structive. Dr. Tracy has been in­ terested m temperance work for twenty-seven years, lecturing from one side of the continent to the other, He comes highly- recom­ mended by press and pulpit as well as a all kinds of religious and tem­ perance organizations. Dr. Traey’ s mission is to create a’ desire for a better, purer, kobler, higher life in tiie heaats of ail people. ““Lcttuco, cabbage, sweet po­ tatoes, oranges, grapes.cran- berrles and onions at Marshall’s. .matchingcut comic valentines. Either Never Write, or Never Lie . About Your Writings, is Moral of ’ I Murdock’s Experience. Back Jn the days when Wilbur Wright was demonstrating that tho art of splitting clouds wide open with an aeroplane was both easy and prac­ tical, Victor Murdock, who owns a newspaper in Kansas and occupies a seat in congress, wrote for his paper a three-column avticlo, praising Wright 1n glowing,’ glittering, and dazzling phrases. Shortly after that Murdock, who, for 'political and other reasons, always says h©never writes anything that ap­ pears in his paper, attended an aero­ plane meet, and was approached by a quiet young man who was evidently a newspaper correspondent, i “Mr. Murdock,” said this intruder, “I enjoyed immensely your article on aeroplanes, and I. was wondering If you would tell mo how you—’’ “No, not And again, not” exclaim­ ed Murdock, “I never write anything, ‘and I never give interview's on whht appears in nly paper.” Whereupon tho young man subsided Into the crowd, That might at a banquet given In .honor of the aeronauts, Murdock was -seated opposite WUbur Wright, and in ia break in the chorus of talk, Mur- dock leaned across the table, and said .urbanely: “Mr. Wright, I hope you saw that ;article 1 7wrote and published in my- :paper about- you, and—’’ , ' He gat no further. Right there was :the blowup, the crestfallen finish. Wil- ibur gave him a stony stare, and in the .flash of a moment Murdock had roc- •ognized in Wright the man who had iaccosted him earlier in the afternoon. “The moral of that,” said Murdock, lin telling the story, “ is; Either never Jwrite, or never, fie about your writ- ■ings.”—Twlce-a-Month Popular Maga- jzlne. Grand Illustrated Lecture Series |AN IDLE SON OF THE RICH |How Father’s Money Was Ruining Stomach and Dfgeation of a Pampered Fool, t Dr. J. N. Horty, secretary of the fstate board of health, told of a young Wan he saw in a dining egr on a re- (cent trip from New York: “He was. evidently one of the Idle ishns of the new and very rich,” said |Dr. Hurty.- “He sat at the' table jacross from me, and I prolonged my jdinner just to watch him: He first {had a cocktail and then some raw [oysters, a 'Bpecial pick/ for which he {tipped- the steward generously. Re iceived, he- salted them, heavily, then ipepppved them as- heavily. ] Then he {covered them with tahasco sauce and [finally with catsup. With- these he (ate some dill pickles. Then he went jdown the. course with two. kinds ol (meat, done very rare; two kinds ol {salads,, with pastries, hot bread and (two kinds ,of dessert, and. much more, Jail served in courses, topped off with j* pot of two or three cups or coffee, {followed by -a cigarette/ He was [young and his face Was covered with .'those little pimplesi signs that the din- iner he was consuming was not aU un­ usual one. ‘AH the while he watched me and others in the car from the corner of his eye, to see how we were taking him. I don’t know .whether he read my thoughts or not. A half dozen old­ er men, myself included, who had learned from experience, were eating simple food', and pitying, the poor; pampered fool whose father’s money was ruining his stomach.’ Two of up left the dining car together. The oth­ er said to me: . - “ 'One grain of satisfaction yon and ‘l, who have to'travel and eat on din­ ing cars, can get from that Either he will die early from that sort of things or he will be so laid up with stomach trouble that he can’t travel.” —In­ dianapolis News.’ . Use The Telephone! When you have news Items of importance, relatives from a dls twice visiting you, surprise parties birthday and marriage celebrations accidents and all nows of public in tcrest, use your telephone and give this oiiice tho *'Up** and wo will do the rest. To Distill Ocean Water. Santa Monica, Cal., Is considering a unique plan for solving the BCrioua water problem which it faces. The supply Is already Inadequate, and an application for a part of the Owens river from. Los Angeles has not been grafted. Now It is proposed to distill ocean water for domestic purposes, snd the municipality may purchase the '“Burning Mountain,” several miles up the coast in the fi&nta Mon, lea range, for use as a heating plant. It Is believed the sea water could he carried through- a ”tJ” pipe deep to the hot interior of the smoking hlli and distilled at practically no cost. Power might be produced,- some engi­ neers think, that-Would enable th6 municipality to maintain an electric lighting plant. Short of Mon. Two irishmen died, so the story ran. Ono went to heaven and the other didn’t. Mike called down to Pat: “What arre yez doin', Pat?” “ShoveHn’ coal.” “Arre yez working harrd?” “Not very. We has shifts an* Work only three hours a day, Whflt arre yez doin’ up there in Ulvlht” “Ol’m sweepln’ the golden Stairs.’’ “Arre yez workin’ harrd?” “ Yi». Ol hoV to worfk eighteen hours a day. W r e short of men up here!” * - a t the OPERA HOUSE COMMENCING FRIDAY EVE, FEBRUARY 16 By DR, N. W. TRACY,TheKentuckyTemperance Evangelist, UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE W. C. T. U. -v . . . . . . ■ ■ ■ ■ . # ■ ■ ■ Beautiful Allegories - Grand Transformation Scenes Wonderful Dissolving Effects - Come Bring aFriend H ADM ISS ION F R E E •X " \ a Did you ever eat any Sealshipt Oysters? If you have not, you don,t know what a treat you have missed. When you buy oysters try a quart of "SEALSHIPT”. They come in air tight contain­ ers and are delivered as fresh -, , • , » and pure as when they leave the . oyster beds. H. E. Schmidt «S Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, . , Xenia, Ohio. Baker Trial Ends Suddenly. The fcrial erf Frank Baker, charged with murder in the first degree, for taking the life of George Tharr last October was started Tuesday when the Jury was selected after examin­ ing GOvenireman. About 160 wit­ nesses were called, most all of them from this place. From the start »t it appeared that the trial, would not be completed under a week but, When theBtate rested its case Thurs- s day afternoon, tho attorneys for the j defense offered a motion for dis-J missal of defendent in that no d l-' rect testimony had been Hffroriuced and that the. evidence was not sufficient to warrant conviction. The court after hearing the argu- mentsinstriicted tho jury to bring in a verdict accordingly and tho de­ fendant was released. . Following this Prosecutor John­ son nulltod the indictment against James Baker, and he was given his release, which brought the Tlmrr murder Cases to a sudden close. Cackling. Jackson—Our friend the poet seems to be in great feather tonight. He 1# laughing and talking at a great rate. . Carrie—Yes. He wrote a poem to­ day and' he is Cackling over bis lay. CASTOR IA For Infants and CbiMreu, tfis Klnd You Havft Always Bought Bears the , Signature of t«n* fndigAttSon, Relieves sour stomach, psipitatioaofiheheart. Digest*wh*tyeneat Jt P. CHURCH, (Mam-st.) Teachers meeting at 7 p. m. Satur­ day* BibleSchoblat 8:80 a. m., Sab­ bath. Preaching by the paslor at 10:80 a. in. Subject: "Jesus and our Be­ reavements.” Christian Endeavor at 0:80 p, m. Leader, Lueilo Gray. Prayer meeting Wednesday even* ih g a t7 o’ clock. Subject: “ Daily Renewal.” , PilesorSmiles? A POSITIVE GUARANTEE {«fmnwllitafyntkv*andwlilmatehr« « OR. HiBRISUNSDIiS thaworf WOtttatfol eelsnlWo ^*9£ST£7,,?J iiiitjetatIni*smtth#WVWeNtcAW*uflt<>«jtJg M&isfhJk, Titter* Bftlt Rneftm) W otm , B*tb*r*Itch, *\c. Thj*hlRlilymeat cited MitieepUc SAW* kUta ths gjma «* mivm Murtrouble heftlijJhe lrrlUH^ fiemMtefttl?. Atwoltae »*tj*SHrttoa sum * Weedw:mtm*yMftn$*2, - sumpl*So*nt*tooovermailing. THE 6. C> BITTNER00.,TeHMkW 20 Per Cent. D I SCOUN T ON ALL ' ~ Q Winter Footwear * W j r offer you this liberal discount on standard makes of shoes. . FOR TWO WEE.K 3 ONLY A splendid assortment of Children’s and Boy’s high cut shoes in this sale, x - aw-wSv* . \ . . . Men’s and Women’s fine and heavy shoes included in this sale Frazer’s ShoeStore East Main Street, Xnnla* Ohio. TRY OUR JOB PRINTING