The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26

. a m ~-*-i**j~- -~ ■-tttrrr^Ti'-,T-^'A~^if-rmt-A — '—mmuit:''. • ■ m i a m m H i HiVwWl IJJjJfWi onto. Mr, Man:-*-Saturday wil beyour last chance to secure a .iew Suit or Overcoat at just % Original Price Saturday is the LastDay of Our 1-4 Off Sale of Boys’ Suits and Overcoats One Lot 59c and 50c Bloomer Trousers Choice 29c One Lot SI.50 and $1.00 Bloomer Trousers Choice 496 The Surprise Store, 28 & 30 E. Third St. Dayton, 0, INSURANCE • Andrew Jacfeson Represents a line of good companies FIRE - LIFE - AUTOMOBILE TORNADO - ACCIDENT - SURETY BONDS MONEY TO LOAN AFGHAN FEUDS. tha J, E MITCHELL Fire - Lightning - Tornado INSURANCE BEST COMPANIES LOWEST RATES •V * M EREDITH’S U S I C S T O R E PATRONIZE - DAYTON'S - BEST Second Largest,ClassicStock in tho Stat« 131 S. Ludlow St., * Dayton, O. Palace Meat Market FRESH & SMOKED MEATS FRUIT & GROCERIES Truesdale &Rohler SUCCESSORS TO C. C. WEIMER. Cedarville Ohio. TRY OUR IOB PRINTING ESTABLtdlfED 1896 W . L . CLE.MANS, REAL ESTATE A N D ft I N S U R A N C t G»ttARVI*X* o a i b Towsr* of Bofugo From Which Warfare Is Conducted. In Afghanistan the. people are good haters; The blood feud exists in all, Afghan tribes. When a mur­ der occurs the avenger does not lim­ it his-reprisal to the murderer,, but kills any relative, that opines handy. This, in turn, calls fo ra counter at­ tack, and in time matters become so complicated that whole families are. wiped out. .When the tribe is called upon to meet a common enemy the .heads of the families who have had a quarrel bury .two stones- eide by side in the presence of the mullah ns symbolic of the feud being put ’ out of sight during the public dan- •ger,- ■When affairs fSvert to their \ normal state the stones are soleimi- t !y disinterred and the two parties ; are free ip go on shooting at each other again. Every Afghan villager,of moder­ ate moans owns a tower of refuge standing at the corner of his court­ yard, These towers, made of stone and mud, are perfectly solid for the' lower twenty feet or so, the top be­ ing surrounded by a loophole wall and covered over to make it habit­ able. The base is protected by a gallery, and the only means of as*, cent is by .a rope and a hole just large enohgh for one .man to crawl, through. Whenever a man has made things too hot for himself ha; takes his tower, and by the unwritten law o f the country ho can never he starved out so long as food and water are brought to him by a woman. A traveler in Afghanistan tells of seeing one tower of refuge whoso occupant had not stirred outside for. ten years. His only? amusement was taking shots St the occupant of an­ other tower, which wero duly re­ turned. In the meantime their wives visited each other and .gos­ siped and were on terms of perfect amity. ______ ________ A Good EH jj Job. Several New York schoolteachers paid a visit to Bloomingdale insane asylum and were approached by a gentleman who showed them about, the grounds. In the course of his remarks he dwelt with particular emphasis on the fact that some in­ sane people were o f euqh cunning that one could not discover their condition except by some strange re- marlf let fall by chance. After two pleasant hours spent in the com­ pany of their guide the teachers Were about to return when one o f them, wishing to take a not too abrupt leave, remarked: “ Time must pass slowly here for you among so mady lunatics," “ There is where you are wrong," replied the manl “ I am engaged five hours a day in my life work." "How interesting!” cooed the teachers, , The man produced a roll of man­ uscript, “ See} I am malting an index to Webster’s Dictionary"—New York World. ; ^ ja..f -..j.4 |y:j.r.j;|. ■-.p. .--fn1C - To Setils tha Question. Ho was engaged to he married, and every one knows how' the en­ gaged man talks when ho gets a friend cornered. "She is the loveliest and heat girl that ever lived," he asserted, “ Kure?" inquired the friend. “ Hurel Of course I ’m sure. Yon don’ t doubt it, do you Vs , “ Certainly notv" replied the friend hastily* "only"— “ Only what?" “ Oh, I suppose it’s all right, but Pd like to introduce you to iiobley," . “ Who’s Dohley?" "Oh, another friend of mine Vtln told me yesterday that he was en­ gaged to the loveliest and best girl that ever lived, and I ’d like to ha\ 0 you two get together and settle the matter," fjheutRkUe »■»<#• rtuswa 6 f e** <3 * . MS#*' A*i*>f*3* PHI*. U m C 3 OUR REMOVAL SALE •5 , -B E G IN S - ’ Saturday Morning, February 17th. Just a short time and we will be in our New Store*-New Build­ ingGX m 3 New Fixtures-New Merchandise W e are going to close out our present stock, of course, before „ moving. To do this in the short time, prices have been cut without: regard to cost, but with one idea in mind TO CLOSE OUT EVERYTHING The R’ike =Kumler Company, NOTICE TO LOT AND LAND OWNERS. a f r it o r ’ s o f f ic e , g k e en e count V, OHIO. Xenia, Ohio, February 8, 3912. Isr T he M a h e r of D it c h I h - FBOVEMENT PETITIONED FOR RY A rthur E. W tadmatt efc al.’ To the Lob and Land Owners, and to corporations, either Public or Private, affected by said Improve­ ment: You, and each of you are heroby notified that on the 1C day of Jan­ uary 1912, Arthur E* Wildman an i others filed -with the Auditor of Greene County a petit on, the prayer for which Is for the Deepening; wide­ ning and straightening of a County ditch on the following route: Com­ mencing at a point m the Howell Ditch at the land line of Alary B . Wiidmnu Hrs. and John,Howell’s Heirs amt at the west end of two bight inch Uifo in said ditch and running thence in a westerly di­ rection with the line of said Howell Ditch through the lands of .John Howell's Heirs, Charles Litter, and J. H. & T. B, Andrews to the P. C. O, & St. L, Ji, It. or so' far on said Ditch as Will provide good and sufficient outlet to parties benefited. You are also notified that the fol­ lowing time and place have been fixed when and where the Com­ missioners of Greene County, wilt meet for the hearing'of said petition, to wit: . Monday, March 18, lillS at in o’ clock As; M. at head, of the ditch tor the purpose of hearing any and all proof offered by any o f the parties affected by said ditch improvement, whether the ditch shall be conducivo to the public convenience, health and welfare; whether the route described Js the best route, and any and all ob­ jections to said proposed ditch iin- drovement. Any application for compensation or damage, for any change of route, must he in writing and *filed with said Commissioners on or before tha day set for hearing. ' No further notice of any pro­ ceedings in this matter will- be given, v * W alter L. D kajt , Auditor; Public Sale 1will sell at public sale on what Is known as the Henry Jones farm, one tnlle south of the Pleasant Grove Baptiat Church, on the, Springfield and Charleston trac­ tion, on Monday, February 19, 1912 Commencing at IDo'clock a, m., the fol­ lowing property: 5 HORSES e Consisting of 2 draft mares, one with foal; 1two year old draif filly; 2 weanling draft colts, good ones. 7 CATTLE 7 Consisting of three milch cows giving good flow of milk; 1 to he fresh March 30th; I Jersey heifer, fresh in May; l Short-Horn heifer; 14-montU old Jersey calf, pure bred, 14 HEAD OF HOGS 14 Consisting of 4 Duroc brood sows to far­ row in May, In shoats weight about CO lbs., each. 18 Head of Ewes and Lambs FARM IMPLEMENTS Consisting of I Evaiis torn planter, good as new; 73ui;keye corn plow; five tooth, cultivator; 50-tooth Brown harrow; farm wagon; spring wagon; DeLavel Creani Separator; 80-foot extension ladder, etc. Terms Made Known Day of Sale FRANK E. COREY. COL. LAMAk TITUS, Auct, ( BARK CKAB1LL, Clerk, W anted : - Plain and fancy sew­ ing. Phono 13 on 152, JoannaT. Smith, j --rv»f^^--rK.'iMrr--ar.-g,yaa^ DICK A. TDWNSLEY C ontrietcrfor Foundations,. Walks and Verandas a Specialty Cfttfarvlll*, Ohio. Pbbrt* 6 -1 0 0 r NO MANUFACTURER GIVES SUCH VALUE FOR A MODERATE PRICE Light Weight (LESS UP-KEEP) Durable Comfortable TOUR ING CAR , Fully Equipped.. $ 6 9 0 . F. O . B . Detroit. Speed Safety Service ROAbSTER, Fully Equipped, $690 . F-‘ O. B. Detroit. NAGLEY BROS ., Agts. Ceda~u<? O h io . c*~ / 'Tired, Irritable Business Men* Need a hot inspiring table drink before the day—after the day is over. They can drink B onano morning, noon and night with relish and with no effects but good effects. . Instead of attacking the nerves, it benefits them. ■ Instead of weakening the digestion, it strengthens, nourishes, correct*. Instead of causing irritation and fitful dumber— a cup o f B onano — . served steaming hot before retiring, draws the blood to the stomach away from the brain, rests the tired nerves, allows the brain- weary man to sleep the sleep of a child. D R IN K BONANO FOR A W E EK Give it a full test—give nature a chance to build up again—to show you that in this drink there is a difference. Then you will know llow wholesome and healthful B onano is—you will prefer it to every other drink—for its own satisfying goodness—for the good it does you, B onano is just bananas—not like we get them here, but pure, matured ripened-in-the-tropic-sunshine-fruit, peeled, dried, roasted, and granula*- ted by modern scientific moehinery,in a clean, sanitary manner. A teaspoon o f B onano , a cup o f water, a one minute boil, serve with a little cream and sugar, B onano is a most economics drink too. One 25-cent dust-proof can makes seventy-five cups “ soul warming” energy-giving delicious beverage . Why not make a pleasing start toward health today. INTERNATIONAL BANANA FOOD COMPANY CHICAGO, ILL, FOB SALE BY M c F arland bros . s • Hiatt To Core * Cold in One Day O 'M»LaxativeBromoQuinine Wnaftoii' bmm soilhifwaiat'IStwCisil*. . TUt gjhlW4»yP XX GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING X X