The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26
rr- ititAs, Am PFRsorm . I « 5 I l S NIi tt$OWU, • :«#*.t--;#*_* ci-e -Pilot A^otyi*.* o Ctem'tU^ra pit flu-* J. 1'. rjpiw , —Banana;; sRwen, B and to conit a . M Marshall’ *. Acf'5^ii;i.u Gt for Use liyhtijiijuj country IsoiiieD, ,3.1:. P kuw Ut,^ i*Imr!.-a EHu-! kail, wl'.a !ms t)i-**i* t*rnu‘aH,v III wills' rh'uumUBM, in ro^qrti'ii a;siu nv'wLnt imptwoil* blears- tiforgo thwart and Fml Uirjsianaof the O, M. l\ vero luusio overMabbatii. Minstrel Proceedings. Bananas, iSno quality 5 and 10 cents popdp*on» At'Marsftcil's. Mra-3. !?* R qgm , of WliM-iiug. W* YA«* fl.niv<(t lcibfc Saturday and han hs'on fiui 'vuejst „ f inr nists'r, . Mrs.Ii. F. i f err. A man ^ivin^th? tuuno of Harry Loo, has iji'on in Haimi- ton in runnectfen wit h the theft of a horso and hitugy belonging to Frank Hup.nwt!, of Xema NEW NECKWEAR for Ladies Ribbon Roses, Lace Collars, Fan* ey Jabots, 2 5 c , 50ci and $1 each Bee them at Bird’s Mammoth Store. -FOR SALE:—-Having deeidodto leave here I will sell my billartt and pool out fit which is one of the finest in the country, Good- business and profitable investment, - Charles Harris, Jr I —For thoJjt'Kt pr'ceB on spraying { materiat go to KJdgvvay’ s < M hq Irene Mctiellan, of Indian- ' apnlis, i;f vi\t Habhath with her - mother, Mrs. Lucy McClellan, re-, , turning Monday, Prof. Hp-glcr, musical director o f tho.Mlnstrclafuwv, reports-that the **I)indues” areeofaing alohg nicely J 5and ivith rehearsals twice a wool;, Mr. ami Mr >, tV. J, Cherry have, ' ' " — ; “ big doiuna” am expected in the jisswd invlttrtioiifl to tv minHuy o f: Mrs. I. 0. T)avis and children, of opera bongo, Friday ovo,- April (Uhl ; tlac-U fri- juh for Friday, today, evr,' Dayton. are visit!mi; n lativcs here. The circle, eiuls. ami orchestra will ; oloveu thi; ty. - * ’ : ■------- ----- --- ho iKivutifully and appropriately } - ----- — *™~. ; MinaEthcle Spencer, of Dayton, coyturned and throtago will he set • Mr. Howard Crosweli left T ups - *ppent Sabbath athorny in typical Southland style, No ex. , .day on aprospectjug trip to Florida, i' ‘ ------- ---------- ! iu ni*arPd t,rP^ent the , expecting to make several stops onrmite, before returning home. Since mii* last issue wo have learned that Mr. 11, J. Fowler is al so honored with appointment, to the Second World’s Christian Qitiwn- ] ship conference to he hold in Oregon next year. In.the first list sent out' the name of Mi*. I). 8- Ervin was the only one from this section. FLOOR COVERINGS Of all sbosfc MiiiStJ’el 0Vftr &iv.el} in lucal kinds. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum- j.°I,oro *«fU810- tT,i? Jaf ctel1' and Mattings.. Oiir large stock *phony Orchestra hass been contract- will surprise you. .Our prices tempt you. Our attention pleas* es you, . Bird’s Mammoth Store. Mr,’ W. W. North up, straw buyo'r for The Coshocton Straw Taper Co., visited here, 'Wednesday with bn mother, Mrs.’ Klizaborh Xorthup, Mr, Norf,hup was for-several years CDnneotc.U witn the Hagar Straw Board & Paper Company in tin same capacity. WALL PAPER. New stock and New Patterns coming in every week, also Sample Books 9 f the Highest Grade Papers to select from. If you want some thing none of your frierids or neighbors have, come in and let us showyou. Bird’s Mammoth Store. Mr. Enos.Hill is home from Brazil where bo went last fall ip tho interest of tho Champion branch of -international Hanester Company, Mr. Hill is spending imud> of bis time since his return indoors Jn (hat tho country he left . has warm weathomnet tho sudden ’change is very unpleasant. Mr. Warren X). Printz will hold a public sale on 'Wednesday, XCebru- ary 28, when ho will oiler bis farm stock and implements. Mr, Printz has been a partner in the grocery, firm of Printz anti Post m Clifton ancf will take complete charge of the business in a few days, Mr, Post will retire. Mrs, XX 10.' Post, who has been living near’ Washing ton C. H,, will move to< Itor. farm,'to" be vacated by Mr. Printz. A well known citizen in the county, Robert ' M. Smart, died ■Wednesday -morning at tho home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr, . and Mrs* Coorge R Kelly In Xenia. He was a son of Itay,, James Patter son Smart, former minister at the Masaies Creek church. Mr. aod Mrs. C.1H.’ Crouse. <md daughter. Mildred, spent Sabbath in South ‘Charleston. * Mr, and'Mrs.O. Q. Turnbull will entertained this-evening at a kiielmn shower in honor of Miss Mary Ferguson, who is soon to we'd Mr. Roy McClellan. 1od to furnish the music. Rehearsals will bo Mark'd next week on the Minstrel niter-piece “ The. Matrimo nial Agency.” Tins is a very filniiy farce comedy of 10 characters. The ; l play is under 1hc odieicin direction of M ibb Vera Andrew. The maun- goris arranging to stage the Min* strel at Jamestown the night fol lowing Cedarvllle and a t ' South Charleston, Monday, April 8th. —Go to Ridgway’s for your Lime and Snlpbur Solution, Arsenite of Lead, Sulphate Copper, Lordua mixture. Every .thing in the line at tllo very lowest prices. GARDEN SEEDS. All varie ties in packages and in bulk. Sweet Peas and Nasturtium Se«?d. Bird’s Mammoth Store. Mr. Harlan McMillan, ol Mason City, Mo,, and Mr. Fi-od McMillan, of Res Moines, made short, visits this week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McMillan, Disease Of Honey Bees. —Now the time to savo the fruits of all kinds by spraying! You wilHlud every thing in that lino at O. M. 1-iidgway’s. . ^ .... .............. i APPLES. If- you have any to sell bring me a. sample. ] wii| give you a price oh them, . Robert Bird. F ob EF.x'jLV'-Fivc room cottage on l East Xenia Avenue. Apply to Rick { A. Townsley. See . Rakor .Bros,, contractors and repairers. _XVe. repair furniture ami polish ir, also old chairs.. Wo wish to have you. call ns. .Phone OB, Regardless We aro iti receipt of a letter from --------------- ; Frank Davis, P.R. Box,212, Cayuga, of the fact that the f Jnd., seeking information as to the gas meters are being read' nearly a ; .whereabouts of Mrs. Davis, his week sooner, patrons .of the Ohm \ mother, two sisters and twobrotimrs. Fuel Supply Company will be called j They lived at on^ time on a farm upon to put up about tho same j near town. - Any oue having amount the first of March As for {-knowledge of a family by the above February one. The meters will be ! description should inform the above read on the 20th from now on. The ! as addressed/ last week in January with the three | --------- ------- — weeks in Februarywcreahoutascold | ' a senes of evangelistic services as tbeformerweeka. .Last month the Uyill be held at tho ,M* E. eli^rch be- gas bill for the Industrial Behool at j ginning Sabbath, February 25th. Wilbotforco Was $Toi 'and this j Beginning Monday breiimg, Feb ruary 2GUi, the Rev. 0 . P. Hoffman, month it, reaches §R5G which conics’ out of the state’s pocket. Silverberg’s Style Shop THE LARGEST CLOAK STORE IN SPRING- FIELD AND CEN TRAL OHIO. —Announce— ' # Advance Opening '••OF''*' Spring Styles 0tf Women’ s and Misses’ Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Waists and Petti coats. Before making your pur chases elsewhere, ifc will pay you to call at our store and have our salesladies show you through our va rious lines. We also carry a full line of the above garments in' stout sizes for women up to <51bust measure. SILVERBERG Style Shop. of'Xcnia, will preach each evening of the week. There will bo after- noon meetings every day except Monday and Saturday. A cordial invitatiou is extended to the public to attend theso meetings. J § Cor. Mala and Limestone, Springfield, Ohio. Welcome to our parlor and B e s t B o om s 1 | \ W tm v oarforea under THE NEW NOVELTY Dress Goods, white with black stripes, also plain cream serges, at 25c and 50c and 75c per yard are the season’s newest. See them at Bird’s Mammoth Store. Sandusky county voted wet Wed nesday by about 1000 majority, not quite t$ice the dry. majority three years ago. This is the seventeenth County out or twenty-five to go into fliewet column. Miami county is preparing for an election as is Clark county, Wayne B. Wheeler has |entered into the Clark county fight i to assist in perfecting a good dry \ organization. Tho Personal Liberty 1League will conduct the fight for j the wets, Clark voted dry three |years ago by abou t. it«>. | r '-1’~ . • """ ' 1 Messrs, Turnbull' Dixon, MeCor- j I;ell Ross, Martin and Bieglor, | *members o f Cm college minstrels j , The flrb department was called out Tuesday afternoon in response to an alarm o f-fire owing to a chimney taking fire at the honie of Mrs,' Ann , Robinson, colored. Powder biul been placed in the ilue and exploded in an endeayor to clear out the soot but it took fire and caused quite a scare. There was no damage of any consequence. SEALSHIPT Oysters Did you ever eat any Sealshipfc Oysters? If you have not, you don,t know what a treat you have missed. When you buy oysters try a quart of “S E A L S H I P T ” . They come ers and are and pure as oyster beds. in air tight contain- delivered as fresh when they leave the H. E. Schmidt <3 The United Slates Department of Agriculture calls attention to the fact that American foul brood has boon found to exist in Greene county. The Bepartment has no means of. knowing-, -how long tljo disease has. existed in the region, but desites to notify bee keepers of the tronble.and' to suggest that, * if not already informed concerning the disease, they inform themselves at once. Very frequently colonies of bees are destroyed by disease | -. _____ and tho loss is attributed by the j n . . boo keeper to some oilier cause, j w fliin iza tion s , Farmers’ Bulletin No. -112, .“ The ’ Treatment of the Diseases,” gives a description of the brood diseases and methods of treatment I t .will be sent free on inquest to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washing ton, R, O. Attention is also called to the fact that the brood diseased Jo not at alhinjure honey for human ■ con sumption, so that there need be no fear on the part- of purchasers of honey. Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Streets . , Xenia, Ohio. TAFT OPPOSITION NOWLMDERLESS Not / ungs, Determine the Selection • of Delegates. FACTSDISPLACETHE CLAIMS —Call ami see the Bull Dog Feed Grinders and Miami Gasoline En gines, J, E . Pierce, Mr, Ralph Townsley, who suffered quite a loss when rhis blacksmith and harness shop was destroyed last Wednesday by fire, has had his loss adjusted by tho insurance people. Mr. Townsley has .purchased the building owned by . Iliff Bros, and used tor cement purposes and will move it as suoii as tho weather -is favorable. This building at ode time was a dry bouse for fruit on tho Tarbox place west of town. CHURCH SERVICES. M. E. CHURCH 0:30 a. ni. Simday School. 10:30 a. in. Preaching. 0:00 p. in. Epworth League. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00 o’clock. ' Official Board meeting the first Tues day evening of each month. Union services at this church Sabbath evening at 7 o’ clock at which time Dr. A. S. Watkins, who lectured Thursday evening will preftch. . U n it e d I’ R i:suvTEn rAX . Sabbath School at U:i%a. m. Younger Children Are Strongest. Tlie first two children in a family, in a majority of cases, arc not as able mentally and nsstrongphysical ly as those that Como later. This is an astonishing, authe»,tieat<-d fact Just demonstrated in London in a great laboratory, which has been examining and tabulating, thous ands and thousands of cases. The results of this tremendously Jm-*- pbrtaut-investigation arc* published by Albert Jay Nock in the March AinintctAs M aoazixb . It Is dear that thi# discovery is of enormous significance to the people of t.ho^ United States where eco nomic pressure has been reducing tho size of families. Translated in to plain language, it means for. the United States that, unless the cost of living decreases and families he- ganto. Increase, in size, wo shall have a weaker race, both mentally and physically.' For this new statistical science puts before us the offect of a strange naturallaw of pri mogeniture, It shows that the physical amt mental condition of early members of the family—first bom and second born—is sharply differentiated from that of later members. Where, for example, tuberculosis, insanity, criminality and albinism are found in a family, they are found to predominate tre- tho first and second Delegates Assured Frorp Philippines, Florida, Tennessee, Virginia, Iowa, Mississippi,. Georgia, Illinois,. Kan* sas, Indiana, New York, Missouri, West Virginia and Georgia. de- took 111 the Hik'd, Minstr.-lfi a t ; Preaching by tho pastor at 10:80 j mendously In i Springfield Tuesday evening. The ’ ft. m. Subject, *'A Crisis and a Gall.” j born. | b o y s report thaf tnelr plans wjIl e x - 1 Mission Study at fltOOp. m. ' | In England tho size of families ; coed tho liifc’ a show* and many of j Y. P. O.. V. at 5:30 p. m. l ’iul j has decreased. The cause Was tho ! f,he songs used were the same as the ; Dixon leader. j passage of stringent child labor laws ' local fellows have been practicing. " Prayer meeting Wednesday even- j a generation ago. These laws make I * __ . •------- ■mg at 7 o’ clock, lead by the pastor Jit imposmble for children to Work in 1 The costa in the Baltpr murder! (R P. CHURCH, Main*st.) •^ie *a6tor*es' hnco re" 1ease to tho county will total about j I $2,000, two investigations by the j ,*grand jury amt the. trial last week. | Them were l f l persons subpoenaed., Fifty-rtbree veniremen were called | ; before a jury of twelve w a s chosen. - i The attorneys for the defense \ well us City Solicitor llarry Smith, j who assisted Prosecutor Johnson, *will got about $100 each. The lees , , ,* earned for the county by Sheriff j ^ ” ‘ ” 1 suited in a deereasert birthrate, in- Teachors Meeting Saturday even-} a,tniuyii ttBworking people could not tng at 6 : 80 , an hour before tH* |affox'd to tiavo cliiltlreti Unless the Temperance Meeting iu the opera t.|,ildreii could work and become an economic acsot. This decrease in Biblo School Sabbath at 0:30 a. in. the size of tamllies was. followed by Subject, “ Immortality.” I an increase in tuberculosis, crime, 0 . 15. meeting at 5:30. Subject, j insanity and albinism The Galton ‘ ’ The Homo Missionary Whoso Life Laboratory tools lmld o f tho anatfor Has Most Inspired Mo.” Leader, McAllister amounted to $2J»), but the county must, looijo this in ther<5 was no conviction. Remember tho Mid-Week prayer that! Service, Wednesday at 7 p. jn. i Subject, Five-Fold Fulness, Rem. i 15:13-14. ! - Lettu’ee, cabbage, sweet po- 1 ftatoes. oranges, grapes, cran - 1 __ 1berries undonioniAitMarchall’s. I "anas, S and fO cents a dozen. I , ..... ............. •! At Marshall’s, -Extra f|no Golden Ripe Ba- Use The Telephone! 1 and has produced in documentary form theresu’ ts briefly summarized here. , Extreme Egotism. Some men have an exaggerated no tion of their own Importance they think they should he promoted fast enough for their salaries to keep up With the inereaool cost of living,— Atchison Globe. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. TheKindYouHaveAlways Bought THEATRENOTES. pfttft o t t h o I t e l i a t i t e Aunoeiati^n When you have ninvu items o f j importance, rclativen from a die-} tdiiCC visiting you, mirprise parties, | lh a j , birthday and marriugf eoh-braliwit!: accldeulfi rmd all news oi public Ip- j jej-ei.'.’ , in.,., your tcb-pbolie nml ||lY0 j tblu uliiio tho ‘ ‘ tip” nml w«r viilf tlq' thi WOt Roam tho Cighaturo of K n t l n i M $ c § t k » * i, lieHeveacuurttoiaach, j pslpilationofthqhcavt. Dige^whatyoucat Tho engagement of Nancy Boyer at tho Fairbanks Theatm has been oxfondt-d through (mother week, be ginning Monday. February 26th, with two performances daily. Her supporiiiig «<i)ii|!«ny m out of ex- copfional ahih’ y and her repertoire of plays includes the newest and best to be found in Mock, - (GUS J. KARGER.) Washington, Fob.’ 17.—Every velopmentatak the political game con tinues .Ah Krmg cheer and encpUrage- niCftt to tho supporters of President Taft for the rpnpmlnaLlon. • • ■Tho collapse of tho La Folfctte movement has left the feeble oppo sition to the president’ in. leadoriess and rudderless state. Senator La Follette's breakdown seived to em phasize the precarious character of his support that has been accorded him. With the first Intimation of his physical failure came desertion of those who seemed pledged to loyalty to the very end. -Medill McCormick of Illinois and John D, .Facklcr of Oldo were among the first to abandon .him.- In the meantime President Taffs support continues to come in from all quarters. Friends of the administration,, persuaded that the record of the achievements of the last three years demands that the party appear before the people .with the same presidential candidate, are or ganizing on Tlielr own account in every state of tho Union,* The results .of this organization are beginning to show. Jn tho selection of delegates. Wherever conventions or primaries have thus far been held, the, delegates have been Instructed for Mr, Taft and the opposition expended Its force. In futile manner. The Philippine Islands came forward with TafUdclo- gates, and Florida flocked to the Taft banner with a delegation of 12, In other respects .he week’s show ing has been an exceedingly favorable one. The .opposition had given cir culation to the canard that the ICnox« Vllle, Team, Republican county com mittee has declined to endorse Mr. Taft. The, fact fs, Congressman Aus tin coming forward immediately with a denial, that the committee unani mously endorsed the president for renomination. Virginia has made as surance of a solid Taft delegation (lcuhly sure, Norfolk city and county ’and several other counties Instruct ing for the president. The Republi can central committee of. tho First Iowa district, heretofore stoutly Claimed for'Senator Cummins, unani mously endorsed President Taft, making it quite clear that even the favorite con game cannot keep the delegates from tho president. Both Mississippi and Georgia have come forward with state endorsement which will develop the fuller fruit of instructed Taft delegations later on, Indiana and New York have taken action which precludes any diversion of the convention Vote from President Taft and wlieie there was doub.t, as In Illinois and Missouri, that doubt has been removed by outspoken declaration from tbe governing or ganizations. The situation in West Virginia, muddied by the declaration a week or two ago of Governor Glass cock, has been cleared by offers ol support from the leading Republicans of the state, whose number was in creased this week by Charles F. Tetcr, who Will bo one of tho Repub lican candidates for congress, and Col, Fred Paul .Grossctlp, former Speaker of the house. Former Gov, W. j. Bailey, of Kansas .writes that there la no doubt that his state will i send, ft Taft delegation In tho Inter- ’ cot of fair play. Other noteworthy accessions to the ranks are coming in dally. . A bandwagon Is being organized, Nov/ is tho time for good scats hi thd front rows. INSURANCE Andrew Jackson Represents ^ line of good companies F IR E - ' L IF E - ' - AU TOM O B ILE . TO RN AD O - A C C ID E N T - S U R E T Y BOltfDS M O N E Y T O L O A N ..Poultry Wanted... 1 W e w ill-pay the highest market price for P O U L T R Y anii EGGS Cali at our store or notify us by phone * B R A D S T R E E T ’S G R O C E R Y N* Detroit Street, , Xenia, Ohio, Both ,Phone» Owing to the unprecedented cold weather the ground is frozen to a much greater depth than usual, and the danger' of broken and leaking service lines is correspondingly in creased. • The Gas Company is doing everything in its power to take care of its lines, and the at tention of consumers is specifically called to their service lines, All consumers of natural gas are hereby notified to use every precaution to guard against accidents, and— * 4 • In case any odor of gas is de tected, the gas should be shut off at the meter, immediately, extinguish all fires and lights, air out the premises and notify the gas company at once. Great care should be exercised not search for gas leaks with a light. to TheOhio Fuel Supply Co. T R Y OUR IOB PRINTING MMMMteMt# H’*!#* VflMVii ** •»* «* This month’s Butterick Patterns e 10 e and ISe^none higher.
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