The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26
Acotylcn# Generators for t a t Hghtingof country aomoo, J. M. Pitres. lW*w.»f|i'r-l1ir'B"jijiani;.).^<. • M m , Eunice A ym has moved in to a p a r t of Mrs. H, H. McMillan’# property. MU« EfQe Conley visited friend# *UflipringValley, Saturday and gab bath. ’Mr. Joseph Fmnsy, of the Q, B, ft.* visited a t homo the first of the 'week,. M itt Edith N tsld of Xenia spent Sabbath with Dr, E, C. Oglesbee and family, Mr*,, Elizabeth Galbreatb. spent ■Wednesday in Dayton, Mis# EfhsieSpencer And Mr. Ral PbuUx,- of Dayfon, •were guests of Mr, W. A. Spencer and family Sab bath, —SJ 8 M 0 PoTATone:—My ear of seed potatoes has arrived and the stock w extra fine, Call and see them. Lowest market prices. , > .. Wm, Marshall, —EastmaifcKodaks and ' supplies, ‘ *3 Clark N’agley. Dea —A car of seed and eating pota toes on hands. Wm. Marshall APPLES amall hut sound par .. ‘ ^ v Bird’s MammothStora. Bev. J, W. McKmght, of Pitts- hurg, will preach Sabbath for the B,P, congregation <0, B.) Ed* **u»:~-Bron»#Gobblsr; flt Marry Kenaon. Mr. ft. E. ghraades, of Xenia, Sabbath with friends hers, ^P ilo t Acetylene Generators for the lighting of country homes, 1.12, Pierce. >*B skti - Fiv* room cottage on Xsnia Avenue. Apply to Dick An operation was performed Thursday vm Frank Shears, who lives on the Frank Oorry farm, by Dr, M, I, Marsh, who was assisted by Dr. J> O. Stewart, !912 The venerable George Shroades is In a very serious condition Buffer ing with urtemlo poisoning. Mis? Bessie Boss had for hpr guests Sabbath, Misses Viola Rallis, of Dayton, and Nellie Balls, of Xenia, A number of relatives were enter tained Monday a t the home of Dr, W. R. McChebuey m honor of Mrs. Morton’s birthday; James, Jones is- celebrating bis 92»d birthday .today, having been born iu Virginia, March,fe, 1820, Mr, Jones has lived, here nearly four score years. Mr- Ralph TowhBley, who pur chased the lliff Bros, cement house, moved same to his lot this week to be used as a blacksmith shop in place of the one destroyed by fire. Mr, W. H. Smith, of Fowler, Ind., who purchased the Harper farm, occupied by Daniel Depnehey, moved lastweek, His family joined him Monday. Mr, Harry Pfizer, who has been the guest of his uncle, O. N. Stucky for several weeks is spending a few days with Mr. W, T. HAfnes near .jCenia.' .1 ■. ■. NO MORE $ 1 5 NO LESS the 9th -Anchor paint is ode of the oldest and best paints made today. I t will stand all kinds of weather .and 1colors stand well. The Tarbox Dumber Co, ■* . . /• ' ? , . C o m e t Millinery fo r Women, March Fourteenth ■* , F / j i , „ v ' To Sixteenth . „ Showing all th« latest models and Millinery . ■, " ISToveities. CURTAIN DRAPERIES. Se our window display today there are spme beauties among them arid the price* are very low cop- siderlng quality. ■Bird’* Mammoth Store. —Go to Bidgway’e for your Dime and Sulphur Solution, Arsenite of Dead, Sulphate ' Copper, BOrdtie mixture. Every thing in the line at the very lowest prices. We Beg to Announce to Our Many Customers and Friends Residing in CedarviJIe and Vicinity That Our Formal Spring Opening -■- *Msaiasi>*wlks*8s*^s*iM*ss*w**aMMaMMWMpMw»*| ■ Will Be Held Saturday, March the 9th Wo make the statement with a great deal of pride that our showing of all that new in Spring fabrics is far superior to any we have had for any previous season; * Every suit is cut to your own individual measure and we guarantee the style to be strictly up-to-date^ I t sesips, unnecessary to mention that we have the biggest stock of patterns from which to make a se lection to-be fpupd in Springfield. If we cannot satisfy your tastes" and fancies, we fear yoif will from ne cessity be deprived of a new Spring Suit. A Til*—Should you desire your suit for Easter, it would be wise to place your order NOW to avoid disap pointment?, • t - . -; J c \^y - A clever selection of Paris Creations, also a . futi line of the Knox, Phipps -and other , ‘ branded hjits. . , ^ * ., L• . v , 1 ; * ^ , f *o A cordial invitation extended to,all. X en ia , Ohio. W. Main S t Steele Building . i f • . Mi. J . D. Silvoy was operated' upon several dayb ago. at a Xenia" hospital for a tumor on his side. Several months aero Mr. Silvey underwent a similar operation and had the growth removed but it ap peared again and a second operation was necessary., ■ v,'-r „ * ,,<sj a ‘ . f ■*»- Corner of •Limestone S ts. NO MORE NO LESS Ohio, The fire department was called Thursday morning to the -D. S. Ervin barn where fire in some msn- ner'had started in amaiiger. Aline ofhose was la id , from the paper mill and the fire extinguished be fore fhe department was ready to throw water. The loss was slight. . .Have you evar worn* pair of MEN *S — EASE WORK SHOES " If not; try thorn out ihl* spring, cost a tl^is more then some ethors, but give you GREATER COMFORT «nd DOUBLE WEAR for tho price paid. And we personally guar antee ovary pair we sal!. , Bird’s Mammoth Store Agents for Men’s-Easo Sheas.. KINNANE/S Springfield Ohio MRS. MARY E. KINNANE and MR. JOHN KINNANE have acquired the entire stock of the Kinnane-Sullivan Co., and the Company h a s been re-organized and put' upon a strong financial and working 'basis.: ■ ■ ■. ■ ' \ . Mr. Samuel C. Barbour of Pittsburg, has purchased a large inter est lit the company, has been elected general manager and will give his entire time to the business. Mr. Barbour has for many years been closely connected with and a t the head of several important departments of the, great store of the Joseph Horn# Co. of Pittsburg, one o f the leading homes in the United States. He received his dry goods education in Belfast, the training ground of many great merchants of the country. His wide experience and'opportunities as buyer have brought him in touch with up-to-date methods in the selection and buying of goods to the best advantage, As well as*ih the conduct of the store. Eor the next thirty days Mr. Barbour will spend most of the time with t h e Joseph Horne Co*, in connection with his departments there,, and comes to Springfield with thepntirC good will and friendship of that house • 4 The name of the new Company as re-ofganized will be t h e Kinnane-Bafbour Co. # . t h e business of the new company will be pushed with the same visor and ability which gave ahd secured to the Kinnane stores their high standing with the people of this part of Ohio and in the mercantile world, and all of this with modern methods and spirit.' We shall confidently rely on a ^continuance of the kind support * and patronage whichyou have given us in 4 h e past—and in turn will bring you the very best for the lowest price, ., —SeS me for stfed au J Bating po tatoes a t on6e, . Wm. Marsbalt, -M e . Jamas lurjaer, a well-known colored matf Jiving Ht Strongtown died Saturday attd -was buried Mon day., He was 70 yeara of age and leaves uO;faraiIyofcher than bis wife, who was Mrs. Porter, before rnar- r i a ^ ’ GARDEN SEEDS. All va rieties In paokets and ’bulk. SEED POTATOES Early OHIO ROSE end TRIUMPH at lowest nriess-r Q| rd,s ^ |gn ,moth s to r e . Rev. M. J, Taylor, wile and son were called to Washington, Iowa* Tuesday by the death of an aunt- Rey. Taylor'S mbther is also Very sicit. * ' "In the special venire of thirty-six names to secure a Jury for the trial of Joseph Curt,* colored, who murderertjhis brother-in-law,' Char les WatSon, some timeago In Xenia, we And the following names froip this section: George Powers, "Wil liam Hopping, George M. Shroades,' „H. M. Barber. Mr. C* D. Bnider, of Olearspring, Md., stopped oft here several days Hgowlth his friepd, Mr, J . H. Wol ford.- Mr. Snider is engaged in the operation of a general store in his town and is an extensive owner of land in that vicinity. H e . also visited MiflFO, T, Wolford before going on to Chicago on a business trip., .-■■ \\ ' Betel & Wilson, enterprising far mers oti the, Clirton pike, have caught the spirit of the tfmeB and have purchased an autoihoblle. There is probably norsection In this part of tho state where farmers own as few automobiles s r ' h e rc But When the farmers in this township get started, look out. Word has been received here of the marriage of Miss Fearie Doane to Mr. Frank Hanna, both of De- 6raff, O., onMonday, Feb. 86 a t the home of the bride’s sister In Spring, field. Miss Doane is known to many here and her marriage wan quite a surprise. The couple will go to housekeeping on a farm near De- Graff. . ■ -■■■ Mr, T. M, Spencer, Who resides *oh the Jamestown and Xenia pckfc lost a horse valued a t #800 the ether day, due to a runaway. The Jeaih at tached to a farm wagon frightened a t a traction engine as they were being driven out of Mr, Homer: Jobe’s barn lot, The team ran for a distance and finally landed in tj)e ditch Where one of the horses re- received a broken leg and had to be shot. A. birthday surprise was given Mrs*Andrew Jackson la&tSaturday* the happy affair being planned by her daughters, Mrs. B. ft? George, of Jamestown and Mrs. H, JL Ohofry, of near Xenia. The decor- atlonft Ware pink, white and green with pink carnations and violets. A three course dinner was served, Those present were: Mr. ami Mrs. Robert Hood, Mrs. Wilt Blair, Mrs, j , it, McMillan, Mrs, Dee Hash, and Mrs. Matthew Baser, of London, After dinner Mrs, Jackson wan pre sented with a birthday box con taining a number of packages, each dated when to be opened, * JDid you ever eat any Sealshipt Oysters? If you have not, you dbn,t know:whafra treat you have missed/ When you buy oysters try a quart of " S E A L S H I P T ” . M ' They come in air tight contain- \|§ m S \0 ers and are delivered as fresh and pure as when they leave the oyster beds. , • i H. £ . Schmidt <S Co Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, . . Xenia, Ohio. Mr, W. P. Harriman has an at tack of the qUlnsy. .Mr, C. W. CrOuse is able to be afoont by the aitf of a Crutch. Mrs, Jkmes Townstey has been suffering with lumbago this week. The Tarbox Dumber Co*, handles Anchorpalrtt, oiis, turpqptlne and, variilsh, also muresco in alb colors for inside work. The Tarbox Dumber Co, W ant *®:—Plain and fancy sew ing. Phone is on 1&2. Joanna T* Smith. Anchor paint will not .blister or peel off if properly, applied. tJse raw oil in thinning your paint. The Tarbox Dumber Co, Wall Paper , The Season’s Newest Patterns . 5 c to 25 c Per Bolt BORDER S AM E PR ICE A S W A L L 60 YEARS* -EXPERIENCE Tnaoi M ack * . v.' ,_ „ CorvntoMT*Ac, MnilnJrs«k*tAMh8 tnfifieAmtrieaii. nMltreMeW.! •iiPlLlflM' Immense stock to select from also “Sample Books” of the “finest papers that you may select exclusive patterns. W ill be delivered at your house for the asking. Bird's Mammoth Store. B. B* Ho Wall Taper will be shown at night. .i\r*
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