The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26

JFor Excellence 0 ;ir Jqb Work will compare with that o f any other firm,,.*; THIRTY-FIFTH TEAK. NO. 1 2 , CEDARVILLE, OHIO, fR IB A Y , MARCH 22 1012. ryvvwvw* *jvyv./vyyy\n <W~-, Thi$ itemwb^nmarked with an frH -des, denotes thata year's subscrip­ tion is past cric and a prompt set­ tlement is earnestly desired- - , ♦ PRICE, $1.00 A YEAR m. dhid loi- HILL SENATORIAL Will Probe Election Frauds. The following account Is taken Irani The Warren Comity Demo­ crat, Monmouth, 111,, which speaks highly of a former Odam lUan that is a candidate for high honors In that county. “ For the ’office of state senator from the 32m District, Warren County presents the Hon. David Turnbull lor the Democratic nomi­ nation, subject to the decision of the primaries, AprilOth. Mr. Turnbull is qualified iu every way to fill the position for which he is a candidate, and there is no ques­ tion as to hfis willingness and ability to serve his district and. the state al large in the most acceptable aiid , creditable manner. He has hosts of enthusiatic friends, is a strong and energetic campaigner, and if he gets the nomi­ nation will be a winner. The following sketch of his life ■clearly demonstrates the character abd fitness of the man. David Turnbull was born atCedar- vllle, Greeny, County, Ohio, Febru- ary 4, 1837, a son of'.John and Margaret (Allen) Turnbull. John Turnbull, who was born at Nash­ ville, Tenn., was a son of William and Margaret (Marshall) Turnbull, the first a native of Scotland, the latter a native of Virginia. Mnr- . garefc Allen, who Was born at Spring- boro, Ohio, was In the maternal line, af least, of Irish extraction. The subject of tbissketch was edu­ cated at Cedarville, anctm 1883 be­ gan business as a furniture dealer and undertaker in Cedarville, O. * 'H e located in Monmouth in Janu­ ary 1884, where he conducted an un­ dertaking and iivery business fora number of years giving up the livery business in 1903and devoting all his time- to undertaking in,, which .lie has met merited success. In 1890 lie was elected sheriff on the Democratic ticket, and so well .did fie fill this important offlet, tbaf he Was again elected in 1888, He has the distinction of being one of only two Democrats elected sheriff of Warren County since 1860. From ItOo to 1898 he ably served the' city of Monmouth on th&Board of Alder­ man. ‘ For a long period o f years he has occupied the honorary position of treasurer of the Fire Depart­ ment, and has actively contributed his time to the welfare, of this efficient organization.. - At present lie is chief of the local camp of Woodmen, and clerk of the state organization. He is also an active member of the B. P. O. Elks. Mr. Turnbull was married af Xenia, Ohio, to Miss Ida Btevens, and they’have one son, J. Maxwell Turnbull and one daughter, Miss Hois Turnbull. One son, llobert Turnbull, died in 1892, Mr. Turnbull is numbered among the successful public spirited men of the community, aiid It is safe to say that if he is sent to the senate he will return with clean hands and an honorable record. Dispatches state that Attorney 'General Hogan will come to this county on April 2 to assist- Prose­ cutor Jonnson in probing the! election frauds last fall when it is} claimed that Dr. Fees was counted j out in the Fourth Ward, Xenia, [ Judge Kylo has agreed to eall the grand jury at the above date to ac­ commodate Mr, Hogan, who has been busy prosecuting the bribery charges against several members of the legislature, Attorney General Hogan is said to be a fearless examiner before grand and petit juries and his, interest in the cases has caused con­ siderable comment as'to where tho investigation might end, as reports have been onm nt that friends of Win. Neeld in Xenia will insist on his prosecuting similar charges when he was defeated for mayor fewyetrs ago.- Should the Neeld case be taken up, and there is ho reason why It should not, several prominent professional men. in the city may get to toll of their interest, in the Neeld defeat at this time. k This Saloon Is Operate* dorsed by Dr. S. D: Fei Tribune, and the Our Bartenders are M< SoCijestlvc Sian for the New Regulated Licensed Saloon. fader License as En- the Greene County iti Saloon League, of Moral Character. Largest Sale In The County. The J, A. Bumgarner public sale Holiday was no doubt the largest ev^r-held m. the county. The day was ideal and there was every con­ venience for handling’the stock for a quick sale. Few sales have had larger attendance. The receipts of the sale amounted to more that) $10,700. While Mr. Bumgarner had several hundred head of stock that could be marketed easily at .this season of the year, yet be attributes ins greatest success*!#) the extensive advertising campaign he conducted. —FOE SALE:—-Having decided to leave here I will sell rny blllard and pool out fit which is one o f the finest In tho country. Good business and profitable* investment, Charles Harris. Jr. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Mr. John McVay, member of the County Infirmary Board which was legislated out of existence ,by the last legislature, announces himself as a cfetnffiMO'efQretTifc n*xt Jfc* publican pmnaryforthe nomination of county treasurer. We are authorized to announce the name of S. C. Anderson as a Candidate for representative be­ fore the Bepublcau primary. We are authorized •to announce the name of K. S. Karmount as a candidate for county treasurer sub­ ject to the Bepublican primary. We are authorized to announce the name of W. Jj. Marshall as a candidate before tho Bepubtican primary. : . B uggies P ainted :—Have your buggy or carriage painted now so that ifcwtllbo ready for use when nice weather opens. My shop is now open and orders are’ being booked and will bo filled in time. Balph Wolford. The m o st essential tlnng in paint­ ing is to seo that you get good paint. None better than the old reliable Anchor brand. Tarbox Lumber Go. Fon S age :—About 200 shocks corn. Apply to C. F. Marshall., of THE GATE TO PROSPERITY Opens to the man w h o keeps, abreast o f the tim es in the selection of his Hardware, Implements, Wa­ gons, Buggies, Harness, Etc. — and the sale o f his— G R A IN , S E E D S , W OO L , ETC . Our line em bod ies the latest ideas in pro­ duction o f these g ood s and9is proving to be T H E K E Y TO T H E GA TE KERR & HASTINGS BROS. It has become a problem now-a- days to know where men stand'on the liquor question, particularly Is this so since the dr.vs in - the con­ stitutional convention turned wet and the wets turned dry. Men elected to oppose license deliber atoly compromised-with the forces of evil for the mere purpose of win ning the political game, for it must be remembered, the con con has so far proven but a training camp, for a large per cent of the delegates, who lust for the public office, from governor clown to the jusUce court. On the question of temperance a man is either wot or dry: no other position being recognized Until within the past ton days when' the anti-saloon league established what might be termed the “ damp crowd’’, those \v:hado not want to be too wet or too dry, or the “ middle of the renders” . t , Two weeks ago when we stated that Greene county’s delegate, Dr. S. D, Fess, voted directly opposite to the platform upon which he was elected, we meant just what we said and will not back up now and take an excuse for .bis. action as a reason­ able answer. The Greene County Tribune, self- designated organ of temperance forces, takes issue with our state­ ment concerning Dr. Fess In that it is manifestly unfair, but we do not find any lengthy article endorsing the license proposition oilier than the Dr’ s, excuse .to his constituents for his license vote. If \ye remember correctly, and flic Tribune files will prove our state­ ments, from lasfcO space have been anything that led liquor traffic. On Tribune stated i license problem: stale has refused level of the saloon mentas to regula something iu the business that mnk possible.*’ In another issue t; of the “ No Incan* Col ambus, a r folio not a word that so promise, anff the them, were hard men.’* Another yon have got a con fuses to lictnsfe the God’ s sake ■keep Berry. Still arm “ Tijoro must be no gulate tho cancer;,! cated,-notft root m bind, for until clause's must conUrn becoming victims this: “ Gan it; be temperance men yt kina of a comp; question? Better go down in defeat iota jvho would u known on earth fasten tho acciirscc^rtrfdlic pn This state for all time.” *' I f the Tribune ea fication for its defers stand, we tail to geo It has been .preach months. her columns of voted against lemming of the tobei* fitli the discussing the. ’or GOyears the stoop to flier Anotherptale*, i : “ There i f nature of the 'regulation im- Trlbune tells nvention.” in “ There was ed like com-* hers, many of ded business tement: “ i f ution that ve­ ilor traffic, for “ —Win. H. r -siatement: ttempf to re- Hist .be erati- t -be ie.fc be- is dime all iu danger of drink.” And ibfo that the submit many me on the tutsand times u to yield one ovary. means •perdition to What we want to know is how the Tribune reconciles itself ii support of a constitutional provision that tias given tiic wets the best argu­ ment in reversing dry counties. There is not one .item in the pro­ posed amendment that can be' com­ mended to. temperance voters, the Tribuhe, Dr. Fess and the Anti- Saloon League notwithstanding, License gives , the saloon legal slanding alongwith other business enterprises. Tlie proposition of one saloon to each 308 people is a sham as proven’in New York style. . If, makes little difference on the morals of a community whether there is one, two or thrue saloons. The joker of the whole proposition is the following:. “ The keeper of a Horse Thief Makes Escape. Harry Lee, alias John Walker, indicted horse thief, made good his escape from the county jail Monday night by the aid nt a pal that had entered the sheriff’s residence through a basement window, ^’or years tho ceil keys have been kept m a certain closet and the pal, evt dently having accurate information as to the interior of, the residence, secured Ibe keys and secured the prisoner without liberating two other, prisoners, Ed . Grindle and Joseph Curl, the latter.indicted for murder, ' Sheriff McCallisfcer personally offers a reward of $6Qfor the capture of Leo. Th§. only opportunity Lee has had for communication without outside parties was a week ago when several members of the militia were placed under arrest, tt is sui'inisod that Leo probably sent a letter out with one of the membors. ' Lee was 'captured Tuesday night in Dayton, after he had called up. Sheriff McCallister. Tt is thought that the fellow had too much of a jag ami did'hot realize What. lio was Canvass For Mission Funds. ltd any iiisti- of b e, Fees’ In tho doctrine g for several sklopn must-be a citizen of moral doing when ho telephoned the shor- eimraoter” , one of the things wo iff. He refused to" make known have been taught in tho past was who assisted in. gaining his impossible, yet Hie con con has liberty, other than saying that jail voted respectability into the drain'breaking is an easy matter /with selling business and the people are'mm . asked to commend it—the liconsed j _________ J_________ mid regulated liquor traffic, | I f Greene county wore to again ' Subscribe for.the Herald. enter the wet column and saloons wore to be opened under the pro­ posed license provisions, each saloon should have a.sigiv exposed to public view: “ This saloon is oper­ ated under license as indorsed by l>r. y. D.Fess, the Greene County Tribune^temperance Organ, and the Anti Saloon League. Our bar tenders are men of moral character,’’ Nothing would be more fitting lor ■the’ proprietor than to have such a Sigua' exception could betaken The I’ nitt-d Presbyterian denomi­ nation has planned to raise .a mil­ lion dollars for mission purposes, for the year ending April 1913, To thisend local congregation was solicited tins week,, and Dr. M. 1. March the church treasurer, reports that $2,400 Jigs been subscribed, with a few cards yet outstanding that will make the total reach $2,500. The following was the soliciting committee; J. Auld, Wip. Watt, Baymoud Bull, J, C-' Towusley, Charles Cooley, B. Bird, J, E. Hast­ ings, It. B. Barber, G. E. Jobe, W. J. Tarbox, Dr. M. T, Marsh and Bev, J . S. E, McMichael, Mr. David Mechlin# is nursing a sprained wrist duo to an effort In crank an automobile belonging to Nhgicy Bros. Tho origins “.kicked” ’and dislocatedjfcbe wrist. Dr. Marsh set the member, . - *. . Mr. Charles Powell, who' resides , on the Kyle farm along the railroad i west of town, reports that some one: •visited his lion house while he was in town attending church and ap­ propriated three dozen of Ins hens,' This is the second time the- roost, lias been visited this wihtor. Mr. Powell lias a .line on the supposed thief that may-dovelope later. Pie is thankful that an even dozen hens and four roosters were le ft.. THEATRE NOTES. A ;whirlwind o f merriment and will arrive at the Fairbanks Theatre next Wednesday, March 27th, matinee and night. There Will be great doings. “ ’Mult & Jeff” with, their interesting family of .45 singers, dan cere arid comedians will hold . “ high jinks” . Of course you've heard about them, every­ body has, at leaiit people who read uewBpapOrs: Miltons of - people laugh at Bud Fisher's clever car­ toons every day. So you can im­ agine seeing them in real life; ilesh uul blood is a great deal funnier than seoinglheui in print. Especial­ ly so because there is a chorus of twenty-five’ unusually, pretty -girls give color to the entertainment. Not forgetting associate comedians and singers, and a carload . of gorgeous scenery. All ■ in all “ Mutt <&Jeff” is quite tho best musical comedy of the year. Facts and figures provo this assertion. All classes of people have approved it as is shown by the remarkable business tho play is doing from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Canada to tho Gulf of Mexico. Tho immense strides made by Lyman H. Howe in the realm of animated photography since his last appearance here will be demon­ strated a the Fairbanks Theatre on Friday, March 20th, for three, per­ formances, when many features will be presented in all tho glory "of nature’s own colors, Since hie last appearance in Springfield he has made an entire change of pictures. In addition to this innovation of color, Mr. Howe's scenes are strict­ ly exclusive, being photographed by his own staff of- photographers, and therefore cannot he seen at any other exhibition. They are shown only in first class houses. . RESOLUTION. To construct cement walks: Be It resolved by the council of the village of Cedarville, State of Ohio: That a sidewalk shall he con­ structed on tho flmith.fiide of Ohilli- tsotho street from East street west to Bridge street. The above named walk to be four (4)'feet Inwidth and to be completed by July 1st, IMS, in acoordatico with tho plans and specifications iiow on file in the office of the Street Commissioner. J, W, Johnson, Corporation Clerk. Passed Feb. 0, 1912. Beady For Business:—*T. Am now ready for business having secured another building Blnee my lire, Former patrono qs well as new ones will find my equipment' complete for all kimiirof Blacksmithing and wagon work. I will manufacture cen out blocks as formerly, Balph Townaley. Mrs, yinrra M. Harper to William ' }.. The Hagar Straw Board & Paper Company plant closed down last Friday night owing to n shortage m straw. The condition of Urn roads and the excesSrve’ cold winter has kept the' company from getting a iWPSJ*. ! been shipped in Inst fall and winter ! ttiknvqnld not keep the mill ran- H. and Kate jamith, of Benton, njn{» ’ Unless weather- conditions Courts, Md,, 218 acres tu Massies^ei, m0j,e favorable the mill will bo Creek, , [closed down several Weeks. In tho Jay M. and Clauma L - «AnId to fmeantime minor repairs and im- ^ to!provements are being made. 41.76 acres in Cedarville tp., $8009. Thomas A. and Louisa J. Wtfflqfcj .... ........................... -1 to James D - and Alice C. Molt, fiLBJ acres in Cedarville tp., $7191). P. It. and Grace IV. Madden to Alonzo Peelle, 102.3 acres in Xenial tp„ $7250. Baraii J. Harrier to T. B, Mech­ ilng, 123.11 acres in Xenia and New Jasper tps., $8000. John P.and Dora Dodtl to J. A. Conner, acres in Jamestown and Bilvercfeeli tps., $1. John A. McClain etn l to Horace Burr, 88 acres iii Now Jasper tp., $8800, * ” Thomas B, and Anna Mecbling to Frank Towusley*. 99,57 acres in Cedarville tp., $1. Thomas Wylie to Frank O. Har- bison, 3 acres in C’edarvilio tp., $1. Blanche T. and Charles B, McCoy to Harriet Lamb, oilo-fonrth inter­ est in 214 58 acres nr Cedarville tp,, $1,000. Harriet Lamb, Hannah and Theo­ dore Gray atul Kebecca and Janies H, Thompson tp John 'A . Bum­ garner, 214.GH acres in Cedarville tp., $20,985,10. ' H, A. Copsey, as administrator of Ellen Oopsey, to Mary Emin Ellin two tracts In Caesarereek tp,, $500 * Property owners contemplating painting their houses or barns fdiMild seo H. A. McLean or I. 'F, Puffer for estimates on the work. All orders carefally and p rom p tly looked aitor. » McLean & Puffer, John If. Shepard, from wh mi F, B. Miller, replovineda horse several weeks ago, has brought p i t for $123 damages iu tho Common Picas Court. Five other successive owners, Patrick Hanley, Frank Sparks, Ferguson and Fichthorn, Wm. Matthews, Bay Haglcr. W. F. j)ir, attorney. Buy Anchor paint'. I t will satisfiy you in every respect. .Tarbox Lumber Co, t*H*MMT* EXAMINE YOUR TONGUE. When you Bee that it is coated if is high time to attend to the adjust­ ment of your inner organs, . FRESH PURE) DRUGS are the only kind wo selT'at tins drugstore and we cut our prices as low as possible to get your fratio. We also have the customary collec­ tion of Toilotanu Sickroom Novel ties and Comforts at- moderate prices. WISTERMAN’S ♦Pharmacy* .•Women's Tailored Suits. All the New Materials in Serges, Whip Cords, and Fancy Suitings; Correct in every detail. Priced to suit the most critical buyers f SI5, '$17,50, $20, $25. Ready<to-Wear Dresses In Serges, Challies, Messalines and Fou’ d Silks* All colors at $8,75, $10, $12.50, $15. j £ M ^ R £ i i L g J l c f t s s g e o d e Every thing new in W o o l .Dress Goods, prices 35c to $1,50 yd. Foulard Silks at 49c and 75c 36 inch Messalines Silks, 75c . 36 mcii Changeable Taffetas $1.50 36 inch Measaline Silks at $1.00 Trimmmgs of every kind at pop8* ular prices. — Women’ s Fine Shoes Women’s White Buckskin Buttoned Shoes, Tiigh tops, new styling last $4.00. ’ Tan Button Shoes at $3.00, $3.5Q, $4:00 Blaclc $nd Tan Oxfords'at $2.50, $3.00, $3 50 JOBEBROTHERS & COMPANY, XENIA, OHIO; and “Absolute Security” — O make an excellent investment. Our “Absolu te Security consists o f Three and one-half million dol­ lars o f carefully selected first mortgages on Mont­ gomery County Real Estate, further guaranteed by a Surplus Fund o f over $100,000.00. W r ite for book­ let describing our 5 % Dividend Accounts. Gem City Building and loan Association * Dayton, Ohio ' ORGANIZED 188Z ASSETS $3,500,000.00, SURPLUS $105,000.00 j 0 North Main, Opposite Old Court House Fon B at . e -Alaigft butchersmeat, cooler Cincinnati make good as now. < Also a combination lbek iron safe., j It O. W. Crouse, Cedarville, <). *‘“Jeo mo for seed tato nr at once, and eating po- Wirt, Marshall Having taken up tho agency forj the Halc&G am * Dry Cleaning Co., of-Xenia. I am lmwabio to take all such work, prices right. All work gtiavauitf d. Let ism havo ii, trial and show you flm quality of work done, Dw igh t 0 toil'd t, 2 t Th$ Laundry Agent. = = ^ O y » e r a H o u s e : FR IDAY EVENING, A PR IL 5 th, 1912 College Minstrels 30 PEOPLE INCLUDING ORCHESTRA Fifteen people in circle all beautifully GOstumed with appropriate stage Bet­ ting, wili make'it the greatest College Minstrel yet. Hear the latest songs; the latest “ Taps” and jdkld. FART I. to be followed by a farce comedy, “ The Matrimonial Ag«ncy” — Unctuous humor flowing gently and growing as it flows. You ’ ll smile slightly j You ’ ll chuckle carelessly; You ’ ll laugh loud and long, Josh Billings used to say "Laughing is the sensashun o f pheeling good all over and showing it principally in . onesppt- PLAT OPENS AT JOHNSON’S TUESDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1 P. M. ADMISSION . * % * - •* • 2j5o jmm * 3£ c *