The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26

The Oedarville HeraM.| lftear» KARLH BULL Editor ■ at the P©3t»0fflco, Geciar- Tille, October 31, 1897,•$■as second doss matter, FR IDAY , MARCH 2D, 1812 The explanations and excuses as to why supposed, “drys’' supported the liquor license clause sounds to many about as plausible as the Roosevelt explanation of the third term idea. It Timothy Hogan should strike “pay dirt” during his investigation of eketion frauds and corruptions in this county there may be a call from cer­ tain quarters to invoke. the “ recall” of the Attorney Geneial and jury as well. : Judge Holli; ter in the U, S. District Court in Cincinnati, a few days ago, instructed a jury to return a verdict against the CHesepealc and Ohio rail­ road for §3,500,000, as the result of a breach of contract, And yet there arc S le that say that judges have no power, . . . i . Brandt Whitlock says: “Under/di­ rect legislation the city.will control. The farmers have always been dead weight about the necks of the labor­ ing men, We will get the Initiative and Referendum and will then give them a taste of the .same kind o f leg­ islation they have been giving us," When Woodrow Wilson wrote: “A •government can no more make laws through its voters than it can make laws through its newspapers. What I mean, to say is that popular initia­ tive. is an inconceivable thing,” there was little thought of the Governor ever being.a candidate for the presi­ dency. How a man’s mind does change when on the hunt for votes, the high­ er the station, the quicker the change, even though it involves a principle. ■ If there is anyone person -that the public is obligated to once in a generation It is a newspaper man. Politicians . have little use tor a newspaper man, except during a campaign, when he can be used for some particular purpose. The news­ papers of the district have stood by the Republicans iu years past and here is no reason why a mark of gratitude can not be extended and a newspaper man sent to congress, .one who has always stood for civic and moral advancement. constitutional convention be a knock-i oat or a host to a candidate for any office?" Evidently James must hayo been wise to the midnight excursions of several Xenia politicians to Yellow Springs “ imploring” the Dr to be. comet tho 00 h. p. Silent Knight mo­ tive power and draw a bunch into pub­ lic office. Eater on the Dr. may dis­ cover that fie is not up in tho proces­ sion and to maintain his speed will have to unload part of his “ drag." Few may not know it but Dr. S. I). Fess is no “new-comer” in politics. When the Doctor was a resident of the Eighth District he was a candidate for congress no lost than two or three, times, and just that many times did he fail to get the nomination, ‘ If you have never met S, G. Ander­ son, the best introduction we can give you is the following from tho Xenia Herald: . . . He should be called ‘Sun Rise ; An­ derson. Politics used to have “ Sun Set” Cox. Sam Ahderson has a smile that ought to be a fortune in itself. It spreads over his face with all the glory and warmth of .the orb of day. It’s a smile that grows. It radiates good fellowship. It’s good for the blues, It drives away despondency, It developes optimism, It should be good for both hunger and diseajse. It appears .as does the sun with little lines of red, •Then it spreads, into a flame. The illumination proceeds un­ til the whole face is a shine. If we have nothing, else to be thankful for in this campaign it is Sam. Anderson s smile. ‘ James W. Faulkner, Columbus Cor­ respondent of the Enquirer, has the following to say concerning the an­ nouncement of Dr. Fess for Congress: “Following the old custom of yield­ ing to “ the importunities of his many friends," Dr. Simeon D. Fess, of Greene county, vice-president of the Ohio Constitutional Convention, has permitted himself to be dragged into the Republican fracas for Congress in the Sixth District. Dr. H. M, Brown, of Highland, did npt play upon the pipe or thrum the tabor when the professor gaye his consent to becom- ihg a candidate, for he expected to be Hie only constitutional convention representative in the race. The new- t " precipitated condition gives rise to e query: “Will membership in.the Nobby FOR Hats, Suits, and Furnishings, you „can save from 25 to 33 1-3 per cent, if you buy o f Sullivan, 21 So. Limestone S tre e t Springfield , Ohio. We want to thank every one who assisted us in any way, daring the sickness and death which occurred in our home. Mrs, G. W. Shroadesand family. —Human hair made up in line switches atM, Marcus’ , Xenia, O. —Tho best number on the lecture course has been saved-until the last, the Hruby Bros. Quintette the fa­ mous Bohemian musiciaus,. Wo have an excellent barn paint for $1.00 per gal, Tarbox Lumber Co. . High school commencement will take place May 16, there being, twenty-four graduates,- the largest number in the history ot the school. X class orator will be selected, probably Col, Bain, the noted lecturer. “WALL PAPEP” Immense stock to •pick from 5 to 25c per bolt. Also sample books of BEAUTI­ FUL CROWN PAPERS from 2 5 c up. We can supply you at low­ est prices on these grades. Bird’s Mammoth Store, —F ob S a m ;—A general purpose horse, safe for women and children to drive.. Also a good fresh cow. 3t 9 Charles Cooley. Mrs. Thomas Gibson, of Marys­ ville, O,, .was the guest of Mrs. Lida D. Archer from Saturday un­ til Tuesday. • While driving from Springfield Thursday, Mr. and Mrs.. O. H, Crouse were ^thrown from the wagon w h e n j d Xing bolt broke. Neither were injured but the team ran to Clifton with the front trucks before they Were captured, POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Mr. John McVay, member of the County Infirmary Board which wap legislated out of existence by the last legislature, announces himself asa candidate before the next Re publican primary for the' nomination of county treasurer. We are authorized to announce of 8. C. Anderson as a candidate for representative be­ fore tjie Republcan primary. We are authorized to announce the name of R. S. Harmount ■as a candidate for county treasurer sub­ ject to the Republican primary. We are authorized to announce the name of W. L. Marshall as a candidate before the Republican primary for County Treasurer* We are authorized to announce the name of Amos B. Faulkner as a candidate for County Auditor be fore the Republican primary; We are authorized to announce the name of Mr. George Perrill, of Bowersvilte, as a candidate for county commissioner before the Re­ publican primary. Wo are' authorized to announce the name of Walter L. Dean asa candidate for the ro-nomination of County Auditor. BrcsHXES P a i n t e u ;— Havo your ■ buggy o r carriage painted now bo j that It will be ready for use when j nice weather opens. My shop is- now open and orders are being 1 booked and will be filled In time. Ralph Wolford, j F or 8 aj , b ; -About 200 shocks of ‘ corn, Apply to C. F- Marshall. i —See me for seed and eating po- j tatoea at onco. Win, Marshall. : —You can buy a switch of human hair, any shade for $1,50 at M. Marcus’ , Xenia, Ohio. Mrs. Elizabeth Reid returned to Cincinnati Friday after spending the.week here with relatives, A $8.60 switch will equal with any $7.00 switch in the market, M. Marcus, 3£enin, Ohio. Mrs. T, N, Tarbox entertained the Home Culture Club, Tuesday, Rev. Bproul, of Pittsburg, will preach.Sabbath for the R. P. congre­ gation (O, S.) -Mr, James Holmes, wife and' daugnter, of Xenia, spent Thursday with Mrs. B. H. McMillan. They left today for Harrison county to visit relatives, —S e e d P o ta toe s :— My . car of seed potatoes has arrived and the stock is extra line. Call, and see them. Lowest market prices. Win. Marshall. —Call and see the Bull Dog Feed Grinders and Miami Gasoline En­ gines. ' J. E. Pierce. Lest you forget. We handle Uni-* versal cement. Also patent plaster. Tarbox Lumher'Co Marlow' Marion Crouse,* the eight moiiths old son of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Crouse died last Friday evening, having been sick for several months, The funeral was held from the home Sabbath afternoon, the .services be-; mg conducted by Rev. J. S. E. Mc- Michael. The pall bearers were Misses Helen Oglesbee and Mary Bird ofthls place and Misses Mary Marshall and Ruth Tarbox ot Xenia. Burial tbok place at Massies Creek cemetery. >• - • Ml’s, L. G. Bull waB hostess to the Wednesday Afternoon Club this week. ; Horse “ COLLAR PARS” the 35c kindfor 25c each at Bird’s Mammoth Store, Mrs. F. P. Hastings had for, he? guest from Saturday until Tuesday, Miss Della Lorimer, who teaches in Muskingum College, New Concord* Miss Lorimer came to Xenia Friday to attend the Muskingum College banquet. Miss A. L Craufurd, Who has been iconducting a millinery store here has given up the business and expects to go to Cincinnati, : Mrs. J, .]W. Dixoh, Mrs. M. C. Nagley, Mrs. F, P. Hastings, and Mr, and Mrs, J. E. Hastings at­ tended the funeral of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Alexander at Spring Valley, Saturday. ■ “ LINOLEUM” is the greatest KITCHEN FLOOR COVERING made. We carry it in stock in 2 grades, 2, --2 1-2 and 4 yards wide with a number of chojce patterns to pick from.' Bird’s Mammoth Store, —Property owners contemplating painting their houses or barns should see H* A . McLean or I, F, Puffer for estimates on the work, All orders carefully and promptly lboked'*attor. , • McLean & Puffer, Buy Anchor paint. It will satisfly you In every respect. Tarbox Lumber Co. Mrs, W. A. Condon and children, of Trenton, are guests of Mr. R. O Watt and wife. Mrs J ulia Condon, who has been residing with her son, Rev. W« A. Condon, in Trenton, is here on a visit, Miss Clara Bull returned to Xenia today after a visit with Miss Olive Winter, Mr. Fred •Townsley visited In Trenton from Saturday Until Mon­ day. * MAKE YOUR DOLLARSWORK ■ - 5 y2 fa Is What The Springfield Building & Loan Association |P a ys for Deposits in Any Sum, Start an Account Now Deposits made oft or before April 8th, 1912 will bear Interest from April 1st 1912* Our assets are $2,359,000.00 Our Reserve Fund is $119,000.00 Springfield Building & Loan Association, 2 0 East Main St.. Springfield, Ohio. ftp $100 Reward? $100. The readers of this paper will be pUasti- to lorn that there Is at least on* dreaded dimes that edeace has been able to mirein dll Ua sisges and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Qitsrrh, Curais the only puslllve curenow known to the medical fraternity, Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a Constitutional treatment. Hail’s Catarrh Cureis takeninternally, aiding directly up on the blood and mucoussurrnecs of system thereby destroying tho foundation of tho disease, andgiving the patient strength by building*up the constitution and assisting natureIndoing its work, Tho proprietors havesomoth faith iniUs Curative powers,* hat they offer oneHundredDollars for any cave that it frits to cure, Send for list o terifimotaiats, Addnm jr. J. CliPKEY A Co, Toledo O. Sold b$tDruggist* 7*e. - all’s Family Pills are tho best, —Competitors and patrons readi­ ly admit that our lino of farm Wy^lemcnts is unquestioned as to inorit, tiien all that is left -to con­ sider Is the price, which w’o guaran­ tee to-ho tho lowest in tho county. Any farmer Dial docs not call and get our prices stands In his own light, If you cannot visit the store, tell ns your wants over tho phone and wo will gtvo yon the prico or send out representative to seo you. Grocno County Hardwato Go., Xenia, Ohio, Havoyou scon those 10c EM - | BROIDERIES in our window? j If not'take a look at tham today, ;• They are EXTRA VALUE and j wont last long, , ) Dird’s Mammpth Store. J. Mr, Eltuig Hanna of ’VVashlngtoa j I). CMa brother of Mrs. J. W. D ix -! on. and Mrs. W. J, Jones of OliWi- cothe, wero guests at tho home of I)r. Dixon and fanuly. ** MATTINGS ‘ * Immense stock, every kind and pattern you can think of' to select from at 121-2 .to 35c per yard. Gome in and lepk them over. We can please you. Bird’ s Mammoth Store. Mr. R, S. Townsley has been com­ pelled to go about by the aid of crutches, having sprained his right ankle several days ago. Twin boys were born Saturday to Rev. Joseph Thompson and wife, colored, Saturday. This make thirteen children, eight of whom are living. . RUGS, RUGS, RUGS. We have Just received a new lot 'Of “ ROOM SIZE RUGS" in all grades and sixes. Prices range from $ 5 .0 0 ( to $ 4 0 .0 0 each. Come and see them. 1 Bird's Mammoth Store. ON THE DEATH OF AN OLD SOLDIER. J ohn O, S tewart , J il , Our heads are hawed Inmourning, -. The children's voice Is still, The one we loved has vanished, From off life's weary hift. \V©knew him as an honest man— Who lived a simple life, Until his country called him To join the angry strife.' He came hack to his loved ones When his. task had been done, His life was spared for future years, But now bis race js run. He lived his life as he thought best, Along the peaceful plan— He served his county when in need, Ha was a true, hrave man. He did not win fresh laurels, He held noplaot/of fame, He simply fought just for the right, That’s why we love his name. He’ s joined the Heavenly forces, He's gone tqmeet his friends, He's gone to claim his just Reward, His memory never ends. W E NOTES. Francis Wilson will again be seen at the Fairbanks Theatre, Spring- field, on Friday, April' 5th, That Francis Wilson is a very fanny comedian Is a fact so well.known to the theatregoers as to he a truism, and his vehicle this season, of which he is hjmkelf the author, is a deliciously anuistng comedy, afford­ ing him the amplest opportunities for his drolleries and possessing a neat and consistent plot. The name of the comedy- is "The Bachelor’s Baby." ' The comedian bus told his story directly !and while bright linss, clover ..epigram , and most amusing situations are the order of the performance. Mr, Wilson has been successful m weavjnginto the warp of his ploy, a pretty little love story and a gferb deal of humanity. Tiiif company Is ono of exceptional merit and' tho production is the same as the original, Judge Kyle, on Monday, decided the District Tuberculosis hospital suit in favor of Greene County. . A writ of mandamus had been brought to com­ pel Greene county to pay her share of the purchase price of the ICinnane property near Springfield. Not being satisfied with the site this county withdrew and notified the other coun­ ties, According to information given out at the Y. M. C. A., Xenia, meeting of tax-paying women, there are 3,600 of them in- Greene county, 1,200 of which are in the city of Xenia. A Woman’s Taxpayers’ League has been organised. The women hold it to he unfair for them to be required to pay taxes and not get to vote when rton- taxpaying men are given this privil­ ege. Another meeting will be held today in the assembly room of the court-house when there will be an ad­ dress on “Equal Suffrage.” Rev. W. E. Putt, D. D., is conduct­ ing a two weeks’ aeries of meetings at Trinity M. E. chureli in Xenia. Rev. Hoffman of Trinity conducted similar meetings here for two weeks for Rev. Putt. Mrs. Lizzie B, Wolford has brought suit to construe scctiohs of the will of the late Hattie B. Madden. Harry Leo, horse thief, who was lib­ erated from the county jail last week, When taken before the court, stated that a friend by the name of “Bert Walker” secured his release. Lee was sent to the pen for three years after pleading guilty. We •<ish to thank the many friends, relatives and neighbors for their kind' assistance and sympathy during the sickness of husband and father. Mrs, Caroline Harhison arid family, W ' ’ i ' I -.r w ■, a- • i ’ - expert v ................ “j Watch Repairing Cleaning by Factory ; - , System r v . ’ f ■' M.RKV.lRfHWfDONF h s v i - • mR ' Geo. p. tiffany, Xenia Children Cry for Fletcher’s The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been In use' for over 30 years, has borne the signature of —, and has been made under his per- ■/z- 5 sonal supervision since its infancy. - - . . . A llow no one to deceive you in this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle vvitli and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience, against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cfastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Fare- g-orie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t is Plcasaut. It contains neither, Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee., I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipation and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food, regulates tlio Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Thh Children’ s Panacea—The Mother’ s Friend. ' GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature o f 1889 In Use F op Over 3 0 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Are You Gettifig the Tenths? / - W e -pay you for every bit o f cream delivered to us even to. the tenth o f a pound. r TRY US AND SEE! Thfc Xenia Creamery Company, . ■ The Beat l a the Test. W a t t Biros. . So. Detroit St., Xenia, Ohio, * Our line o f Woolens for this season is one of the I finest and best we ever had. We have an extra line of fine blue.serges in. stock and when you to come to Xenia hot to forget to call and inspect our Stock. Suits from $20.00 up* KANY , The Leading ITerchant Tailor. XENIA, OHIO. Fresh Fish AND .O Y S T E R S . At C. M. SPENCER’S ESTABLISHED 1896 W. L. CLEMANS, RE.AL E.STATE AND I N S U R A N C E , TheKindYouSaveAlwaysBought IT WILL JUST TOUCH THE SPOT ami prove an every day winner every time. Good health, good cheer and long life 1 b what we promise if you Buy OurMeats ' - • > i> Microbes, disease and death lurk •Ina lot of the meat that’s sold, but not in ours. We sell the best and at a. fraction above cost. Our market Is safe and not high priced. C, H. CROUSE, Cedarville, Ohio. Cedarville Residence and Business Properties For Sale. 2 Elegant homes on West Xenia avenue. Brick Business Blocks on 3lTain street. Good residence properties, Chillicothe street. Good 5 room house with barn, cement walks, good . well and cistern. South Main street, Price $1100, ONE 10-room house on. Main street between railroad and Xenia ave­ nue. Lot 70x150 feet; cement walks drilled well, cistern in house; barn. Price and terms reasonable W.L.CLEMANS Real E s ta te Agent The »*• *•• IN THE BOOKWALTER HOTEL HIGH STREET DINING ROOM FOK LADIES UP STAIRS ALSO REST ROOM. M E A L S N O W as C » N T S . _ Lunch Counter on Main. Floor • Open Day and Night. The. Boot of Good U««d in tho GuI- inary Department. J. H. McHILLAN. Funeral Director and Furnitui Dealer. Manufacturer of Gomoi: G rave Vault* and Cement Build in Blooki. Telephone 7. Cedarville, Ohio. »IY» -W W H L' U li m-.Ml.M H l. uu i l >■ DICK A. TOWNSLEY Contractor for Foundations, W a lk s and V erandas a Specialty- Cedarville, Ohio. Phone 5 -108 Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you* For this reason we urge you In buying to bo careful to got the genuine— CED AK VX IXE OHIO TRY OUR TOB PRINTING Tho reputation of this old, relia­ ble medicine, for constipation, in* digestion andliver trouble, is firm­ ly established. It does riot imitate other medicines, It is better than others, or it would not be the fa- , vorite liver powder, With a- large; sale than all others combined* SOLD IN TOWN m FISTULA ARb ASJU •' DISEASESOFTHERECTUM DRl»J. j, McCLELLAI SCISiliX* C olumbus , (