The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26

nriTiinipr—r n> . BWtiWHiP for Profit FuneralOf G.W. Shroades. Means Selling Your Cream to The Western Ohio Creamery Co. Gor.^nd &Columbus Sts., Xenia,'0. / Ccsdarvillo, O., February 21 iflia. The damnge^ttsViy dwelling caused by'tliH fire of lUo"sliop of Ralph Townsley, February lith, lOia, was promptly paUl by The Now York Underwriters Agency, represented by Andrew, Jackson. ■ ■ Arthur I), Towusley, Cedarville, Ohio, February 27fci), 101*2.. . The loss and damage to, my property caused by ‘the lire of Ralph Tawnsley’s shop February 1Ith, 1D12, was prompt}y paid by The New York Underwriters Agency, represented by Andrew ■Jackson.': ■ ■ ' 7 G eorge H . Smit h • v ' MarchS, ltd2. My shop and contents were totally destroyed by. lire February lifch, 1912, the loss was promptly paid by The ■National Fire In­ surance Comsany, of Hartford, Con., represented by Andrew Jackson. , . Ralph E. Townslny. IN S U R A N C E . ■ ’ Andrew Jackson Represents a line of good companies FIRE - LIFE - AUTOMOBILE TORNADO -[ACCIDENT t SURETY BONDS • M ONEY TO .L O A N The funeral of Mr. <5cargo W. Shroadeu was hold at tun late home on ChillU'otho liueH, Balibnth after- ■ noon at two o’ clock, atwhich service j Bov. Butt ollielated. The music j was rendered by the quartet of tb« J M jE . church which was very; beautiful ami impressivev Many t beautiful floral offerings expressed the sympathy and love of kind l’riond aud relatives. On account of the recent rains it was Impossible to put in tho vault, so the burial did not take place until Thursday afternoon at 1:150 o’clock. In the absence of tjh© pastor, Rev. Putt, ltey. Taylor ' of the R. P. church held a short service at which tune relatives, friends ami neigh- j hors, again gathered to pay their lastrespect to the one whom they honored and revered. His soldier ] comrades wore especially invited to be present. Burial took place north of town. ’ The family of the de­ ceased received the news of the death of an unde in West Va., who was the last of the older family, of Shroades. It was a strange coinci­ dence that the funeral of the uncle’ was held on Sabbath as was that of the nephew of this place. OBITUARY. Mr. George W. Shroades, son of G. W. and Margaret Shroades, was born August 6th, ly;}U, in Berkley Go., West Va. Died March 2()th, : Ktl-2, aged 72 years. He lived near­ ly all his GedarviUe having come to Ohio-'with his parents, brothers, and sisters in ivagons when lie was H .yearn of age, 'Ho* enlisted in, the Civil war in 16CI in tfie'44lli O. V. I. and after serving a year or more was discharged on mey: count of disability. In Fob, IfeCi he re-enlisted in the lOlli Ohio Battery .and served until the close of the war. August "2.7th, 1806 he was married to Elizabeth House and for nearly '-17 years they shared alike each others joys aud sorrows. To them were born four, children: Ida. Cora, Walter and Millard. .Walter, Ida and Millard having preceded theirdather, to the world beyond. He is survived by his wife, and one daughter, Mrs. Gora Trurnbo, and three gjran.d children: , Edna and Elsie Shroades and Mildred Trninbe; aud one sister, Mrs. Isaac Tingley, Mr. Shroades was honest and up­ right In all his. dealings with his follow men.and was a good husband, and a k'lnd and faithful-father to hi# children and grand children. Be­ fore his death he gave evidence of his great peace and joy which ire said came to him in answer to prayer and confessed a willingness to’ go homo, to hikhdma in the sky. 1 I I GRAND OPPORTUNITY EASTER SHOPPING. 8 I $ 3 .6 0 Ladies' and Misses' New Spring Skirts, $1 ,§8 . Serges, Novelties, Worsteds and Mix­ tures all sizes and all shades. Said Price..... ........ T h e F a i r $ 1 .9 8 Dayton, Chip. $ 6 .0 0 Ladies' and Misses’ ’ Spring Skirts. $ 2 .9 5 Novelties, Serges, Diagonals and lures, all colors and shades . Bale price-.......................... ... New Mix- $ 2 .9 5 antic Slaughter Sale And it is a. s laugh ter sale indeed. Never were prices so ruthlessly cut at this time o f the year, wintry blasts, when the gentle Spring should be here, forces us to these heroic measures to induce Easter business. • We lose heavily by this unusual weather, while it means Big Savings for you. THIS WEEK WE OFFER THESE SPECIALS. But early J e w e l r y G iv e n FREE : To Housewives Who Save Babbitt’s TRADE-MARKS The most liberal premium offering ever made—Save the trade-marks on’ the wrappers and labels of A World of Handsome Easter Millinery You’Jl find it bo easy to make your selection of that new Hat here, for our assortment is so immense that any peculiar idea taste you may have can be easily satisflfd. Charming, indeed,,is the display and prices so reasonable you’ll wonder at them. Our $3.00 values, English Derbies, v e ry latest hat of the season, made of extra fine quality of Milan trimmed with fancy stick-up Bafe price....-..,...., ...... . $1 .45 All our $3.50 and $1.00 Sailor Hats, trim- , *. ined fancy stick ups and silk velvets, ail the latest and smartest a p styles of the season. Price..... J Children’s Trimmed Hats, made of. Tus­ can braid, trimmed with silk ribbon and flowers; worth $3. Salo Price....... ..... i. ...... .......... ..98c A .Feast in IVEuslin Underwear. 50c value fine Cambric Gowks, extra large sizes. Sale Price...,,-,................................................. f $1.0(1 value value fine Combination Suits, trimmed with embroidery and lace, all sizes Sale price.. ..*. $l.ou value line Cambric skirls Sale price..,..,.............,.... .~...................... ............ 50c value fine, Cambric and .Muslin Drawers, trim- - mediucciy with embroidery and lace Price......... 3 3 c ' 87 c 6 7 c 3 3 c Shirt Waists at Great Savings cream and blue; low Tongee Silk Silk Shirt Waists, tan, neck and lace collars, $3.00 values. rt*| Q Q Slaughter Sale Price.,..,.................... ......................Jj) f * 0 0 Radies’ White Shirt Waists, in high or low necks, lace and embroidery trimmed; $3values, A A Radies Mannish Waists in blue and white, 75c i jj» values. Slaughter Sale Prices,^.............. .............. One lot of Xadies Messaline and Ponged Shirt d* -j AJJ* Waists, -all colors; $2.50 values. Sale price......... ! , 7 1 ) New Spring Suits, Goats and Dresses Shorn of A ll Profit in This Most Unusual Sale ‘ $24 ;50 ladies’ and (Hisses’ New Spring Suits, $16.50 Why'pay mofe for suits no better? You can’ t match them in Dayton at $21,50. Daily arrivals’ of now models includes home- - Spans, serges, whipcords, and diagonals and mannish materials, some strictly tailored, others with large revere collars and long reveres of satin OTself material, others wiih one or two buttons; snappy jackets 23 to 20 inches long; skirts A -g s ' latest straight lines models, plain or braid trimmed,"all tho new shades, Bale price ............ ....... :...... L ........... j0»uU $15 Ladies’ add Misses’ New Spring Suits diagonals, $ 9 .7 5 New models and materials, serges, homespuns, ami mixtures, plain .tailored and largo revere coats satin Jibed. Sale Price................................. $8.50 Ladies’-and Misses’ New Dresses AU-Wool Sergo Dresses,’ faultlessly fashioned in all pre­ vailing modes and all practical sizes. You will bo most agreeably surprised at these exceptional bar A g* A r t gains. .Sale price,..... .......... ...... .......... ...................i| )u »U u $12.50 Ladies’ and Misses’ New Spring Dresses $ 6.95 Dainty little gowns for street or semi-dress affairs, waist of puiin color with braid all over pattern, soutache braid, Copenhagen, tan, navy, black, in fact all A / a i » shades. Bale price.............................. .............. $i 5 Ladies’ and Misses’ New Spring Dresses, $9.75 New models In changeable, silk, foulards .and taffeta; .coat effect or side effect; newest creation in all colors, shades and sizes. ,Sale Price.... . BOOSTINGMEL. B , T. B a b b it t Believing that all bis fellow beings Were created in tho image of their maker, he likewise holds the opinion that they are all entitled to their own ideas and opinions, without being subject to unilue or unjust criticism, or worse .than that, ostracism of any form. Mel Barrows—who don't know him? Not to know huh is to be unaware of the sunshine that any, one person is SUITS-vLatest Styles and capable of shedding over the lives of fellow creatures. People who have lived in Xenia say “ 1 BarfoWs was never seen the smile -that won’t tome Best Soap—1776 Soap Powder—Borax Soap Naptha Soap—White Floating Soap—Pure Lye or Potash Babbitt's Cleanser Send us the number of trade-marks necessary, for tire article you select, and you can have; without Spending one cent, any article you choose from a long list of Babbitt’s Premiums: standard h‘gh quality jewelry, silverware, alumi­ num ware, leather goods, art embroidery, etc. Everyone knows that the name Babbitt’s on soaps guarantees quality like the word ‘’ sterling” on silverware. Each Babbitt product is the best of its kind —the most effective—the most economical. Every housewife should use Babbitt's modern household cleaners:—the premiums will save you money. ROBERT BIRD Llsltofwaitablepremiums on request. Address all mail order's to B. T. BABBITT* Inc.* Box 1776 * New York City without off. Honest as the day is long, true as steel, loyalty personifeid to friends, . generous, broad minded and whole i souled, he is a figure to be reckoned with, provided he decides to enter the lists. Besides all this, Mel Barrows is a . business man of unusual ability. He i Would take exceptional talent to the - office. Keep your tye3 on Mel. | One of tho surest indications of a i man’s standing in Ms community is f when he excites the admiration of >members of his opposite political par* t ty, We herewith publish the follow- I ftif* ■frnYn Hin Vmiin lTm*nffi* ing from the Xen a Herald: Hist. It:s a secret. But three- peo­ ple know it and they are pledged to Mel Barrows, secrecy. Keep it dark, of bon vivant, bon hoinmie fame, may become a candidate for the Itepubh- j can nomination for county treasurer, and if he does, look out for a display of 2:01 speed that will put some of ■m the candidates in the distanced list. Hanna’s Green Seal " T h e M a d e -to -W e a r P a in t” II you expect to do any painting, you am interested—you should be;—in the quality ol the paint to be used. In any given job of painting, labor represents practically two-thirds, material one-third the cost, 0 Itstandstoreasonthatwithsomuchexpenseinlabor, the enduringquality of thepaint i» all important. Why have the painting done unices the protection and durability of the job is sought? H«w » one to determine the truevalueand obtain paint that majrbe depended upon for.durability> HANA’SGREENSEAL PAINTIS NOT A SECRET. This paint ha* thetprinted formula on every package. 'The makdrs have confidence and take pride in the quality and tell the public the composition of the paint. ■ * ISTHISOFANYVALUETOYOU? ITOUGHTTOBE. ■ * y .V KERR & HASTINGS BROS Among the people of the county i generally; regardless of political af- i filiations, there ia expressed a good |(Itsi of satisfaction ,over the prospect j 0:? Mr. Barrows as a candidate at the 1coming primary election. No man in the county has more fj lends. No man in the county can shako hands with more fervor and g-.nuine good fellowship. It may be said with rigid adherence to the truth that he is not controlled by any political faction, boss or would h.j boss. He is the friend alike of rich and poor, black and white, wet and dry, Lowest Price, SKIRTS-vFine selection,The best for $5,75 yet shown WAISTS,v$l,00 Up, SPRING COATS/$5,75 up CARPETS RUGS LINOLEUM Do not buy until you see their large Fine Selection LOWEST PR ICES REACHED. Room Rugs a Specialty Hutchison & Gibney XENIA, OHIO. The most essential thing in paint­ ing is to'see that you get good paint. None better than the old reliable Anchor brand, Turbos Lumber Co, Tfavlng taken up the agency for th« Halo&team ifcDry Cleaning Go., of Xenia, i am *now able to take all suck work, Prices right* -AH work guaranteed. Let me have a trial and show you the quality of work done, ' Dwight Stcfrett* !Also a combination lock iron safe, St The Lanndr y AgentJ It 0 . W. Crouse, Cedarville, () Foii K a i . e :«*A large butellersmeat, cooler Cincinnati make good as new. CASTOR IA Infants and CMldftii, TheKMYouHail AlwaysBought Boars the Signatureof 1 —Just to remind you! Up-to-date *dress making. Best, of references. Mrs. It, N. Hholoy, Just off Oedarvillo & Clifton pike. Do Your Glasses Suit You? Try our modern dark room methods. Headaches and other eye troubles cured by properly fitted glass­ es. Foii LkUAi: - House bf four rooms', cellar, cistern, chicken house, stable anti garden, 2.11 acres. I). N, Tarbox. The transparent tissues of tho eyes im easily rui ,ed with medicine, CHAS. S. FAY Mfg. Optician 2 $ 1*2 E o t Main St., SjMrtagflald, O. T I POL; The < Olernu old <rou faction pwace. of the party n qpest: 0 tlons J Bishop boon w vailed nees w tho t,w< as the 1 have b spectiv usual!.' one Re Ing a o to the < . .Mr. nounc counfcj that la. bolder thin iu people be giv. larity; queste sonal count} f t 18 that F nated It is _ has as m tlie and t( self fc the d . voter; mins vote i held ; terms Seeon with honoi, of th Conn Tht has fc own *1 ' tiol dicta varlo *< than wb<u , ij takpa,vm| i salai Thoi S coun ^ serv reco* W. to tli and : for t has j and advi cipn Whit Orr’ aoti' will port pain shot Puli All* look B bug that met now boo tatc A j ' ] / L, id .. ^ j e i . ell lal i .i W- J