The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26
* mt* ■*-v. ...... .. imjmm a- -'■■(• >1 i • 1 ! ^ l f : f : ' #■ *' j* ^ •Ci c , * r*V: -<a ,-t- m 3 t» jf M I f 1 4MK i f WEATHER WORT. JiHinfa.ll 2.17 inches. Per cent, sunshine, i t 2, "Wind direction, southwest. Range of temperature, 14degrees. Average temperature, 87 degress. Thunder showers, *, Number of rains, .9, Number of frosts, 8. Number of snows, B, Highest tomporature, 68 degrees; lowest 14. - This has been a rather warm month, only ten days, below freusing. The average temperature Was 5 degrees above freezing. Samuel Qreswell, Observer. LIST OFLETTERS. Iiisfc No, 8. Rsmaining unclaimed in the Cedarville, O., Post Office for the week ending April 5, 1919. L jbttkbs . Oarnell, Mr. Calvin C ards ■ Smay, Miss Bertha Persons calling for the above will please say “ Advertised.” S tephen G. "W right , P, M. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Marshall, Sabbath, C l o t h e s of CLEANED at all kinds D R Y ; . • Spring Styles You can save from 25 per cent, to 331-3 per cent, if you buy a Spring Suit of 3feg~’-V y - fW * HOME Clothing Co, W e announce.the candidacy of Judge Marcus Shoup for Representative in Congress , at the May. Primary, He is widely and most favorably known throughout: the District and has a host of friends who will with him. He is a most capable lawyer, k tireless worker, and a man of ability. He has-contributed in a large measure to the.commercial .and industrial activity of the county'; among other things, Judge Shoup'(promoted the first electric , Railway in the county, organized the Home Building and Savings Company of Xenia, organized The Citizens Tele phone Cpmpany of Xenia; and was the first person to Circu late the first petition which" resulted in the building the New Court House in. Xenia. , He has always lived in this County, being born in Beavercreek township and intends to always remain in . Xenia. ( ‘ ' \ t.- ’ ‘ ‘ His life has been open, frank, honorable and upwright. In hiChome county it is. generally believed that he. will receive wide and generdus support. \ [ T$is month’s Butterkk Patterns are 10c rind IScrrnone higherl Sullivan 21 So, Limestone, Springfield Ohio, —Human hair made up in. flue- switches afcM. Marcus’ , 'Xenia; Q,- SU IT S ^ Latest S ty les and Lowest Pricej. SK IR T S^F ln e selection,The best for $5 ,75 yet ' shown W A IST S^$1 ,00 Up, SPRING CO A T S^$5 ,75 up The office of the Ohio Fuel Sup ply Co., will be located ia the 0. W- Crouse room. Another change in business location Is that the Cbalrles Spencer restaurant has been moved ,to the small brick building on South Main street, Mr. Wm. Marshall tot'$i.00pefgal,* has rented the Spencer room and * wilLinstall . new soda fountain, chairs and all necessary equipment in this line. The xoom is being re* dedorated and painted and will pre-’ Seet an attractive appearance. ' The most essential thing In paint ing is to see thatyou get good paint. None bettOr than the old reliable Anchor brand. , '. Tarbox Lumber C»- - The necessary .41000,OOfot the me morial chapel at Woodland ceme tery in Xenia has been subscribed. —The best number on the lecture course btoabeen saved until the last, the Hrnby Bros. Quintette the fa mous Bohemian musicians. r y * W e have an excellent barn paint Tarhox Lumber Co, —F or BAhEi-r-A general purpose horse, safe.for women and children to drive, Also a good,fresh cow. ' , * fit ! ’ Charles Cooley,- CARPETS RUGS LINOLEUM large Do not buy until you see their Fine Selection LOWEST PRICES REACHED. R.oom Rugs a Specialty Hutchison & Gibney X E N I A , O H IO . - F or ,S axe t-~AlargObutchexsmeat,. cooler Cincinnati makegood asnew. A lso* combination; lock iron safe. * It ’ G. W . Crouse, .'Cedarville, p. —Competitors and patrons readi ly admit that our line of iarnx 'implements Is unquestioned as to In the list we "find several yldcal j mdl'tt, llieu all that is left tp con- people: ^fr. and Mrs; O.T. Wolford, ‘ aider is the price, which weguaran- $125; David Brad,fute, R. O. Watt, Jtee to hethp lowest m the county. An/lnifonn HT-a Xf A Pillionfcr' >AIIV fftmlAl. fhnfc-dllOH nfll Sind S.'C. Anderson, Mrs, N. A . ollack, Gh E. JTobewore subscribers,for $25 each. - —The only dearler in town that handles all leading brands of Cigars and Cigarettes isC. M- Bidgway, 36 —JEGda F iR HA, toh in » :—From prize winding White Plymouth Rocks," Fifteen egg’s for 60 cents 3?hone8-108 Harvey Myers. —Spring Suits, $10.00to $22,60. : • SU LL IVAN ’ S,, u%, r ‘ ■ - 21So. Limcstone-Sh, , Springfield,"Ohio. n y far er t at- oes ot .call a get our prices stands ,lii his . own light'. It yomcUnhOt.visit the store, fell uByour wants, over-the phone and"we will give you the price or Send our representative, to see you,' Greene County-Hardware Co.. , _ ' Xenia’, Ohio. ' „ .’ .1. For Infants andChildren. ttieKM YevMawAlways Bought Beam, ther .gignatureof Hannahs Green Seal “THEMADE-TOWEARPAINT” Has stood the test of time and has been improved- in quality with the passing years. ‘ Many brands of paint are offered for sale and quite often careful scrutiny is not given the subject with reference to the quality of the paint to be used. EXPERIENCEISA GOOD TEACHER. TESTTHEQUALITY. It is a good idea to learn thecompositionof thepaint you intend touse. There Is a difference. ' ' * The printed formula appears on every package of Hanna’s Green Seal Paint. - T7 - r ""1■; r7 :; \ <• ‘ This is an evidence of goodjaith and attests-dip confidence the makers have in their product. . - » ' t ‘ * , , . fOR M U IV ^ ^ K ER R & H A ST IN G S BRO S POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Mr. JohnMcVay, member of. the ■ County,Infirmary Board which was legislated,out of existence by the 1 lent legislature, announces himself as a candidate .before the next Re- publican.pnmary for the nomination of conrtty treasurer. We are authorized to announce the name of S. -C, Ahderson as a candidate for - representative be- . fore, the Republcan primary. .We are authorized to announce the name of R. S. Harmount as.A candidate for county treasurer sub ject to the Republican primary. We are authorized to announce the name of W . L , Marshall as a candidate before the Republican primary for County Treasurer. We are authorized to announce the name of Amos B. Faulkner as a candidate for "County Auditor be fore the Republican primary. We are Authorized to announce- the name o f Mr. George Terrill, of Bowersvlllej as a candidate for eounty commissioner before the Re publican primary. - We are authorized to announce the name of Waiter L . Dean as a candidate for ibe re-nomination of County Auditor. We are authorized to Announce B. F, Thomas as a candidate for Gouuty Recorder subject to the Republican primary Election to be held May 21st, 1912, We are authorized to announce the dame of W, F, Orb as a candi date for Prosecuting Attorney be fore the Republican primary, May at, * . We ate authorized to announce' the name of W. 34. McOallister as candidate lor Sheriff, subject to the Republican Primary May 2l, We are authorized. ,0 announce the name of Col, I, T« Cummins as a candidate for Representative be fore the Republican Primary, Wears authorized to announce the name of R. D> Williamson atf a candidate for renomination for County Commissioner before the Republican Primary. W* are authorized to announce the name of Judge MArcus Shoup as a candidate for the ..Republican nomination for Congress in the Wlxth Cofigressmnat district subject to the primary election in May. WaetMuMs Pules «**»*!£ ** . -|diiawr m$i n*mm \ Never too late to do good. Ow ing to bad weather we could not have our opening at an^ earlier date. No doubt the people of Gedarville and vicinity are waiting for it, so we have S^; arranged to Have our Spring and Summer merchandise displayed on ^ 1 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 4th, 5th, and 6th 1 j| Everybody welcome to inspect oqr beautifiilline of Ladies', Misses and Children’s Ready=■to -W ea r Garments ^ Inviting prices good until Tuesday, April 9th. Ladies’ Muslin Underwear Ladles* Corset Covers,#ih lace and embroidery, regular 25c values, opening day o n l y , . . , . , .... ...... r_«...... .... -...„„13c Ladles’ 50<r«orsot Covers, opening days only................ ,25c. Ladios75c and $1.00 Corset Covers, opening days only.,.... ,45c $1.25Corset Covets, Opining days only........................ .....89c Ladies’ Muslin Drawers Ladies’ 25CDrawers, opening day..... ................. -... Ladles’ 85o Drawers, opening day...... ..........................,...,19c Ladies’ 50c Drawers, opening day......—....................... .»..,.80c Ladies’ 76c Drawers, opening day........ ......... ............. ...... 48 Ladies’ or Misses’ Muslin Gowns Ladies* or Misses* 60c Muslin Gowns, opettihgday sale.... 06c Ladies* or Mllses* 7SeMuslin Gowns, oponihg day sale 43c Ladies’ or Misses’ 83c and $i Muslin gowns, sale... ....^....,.606" Ladies* or Misses’ $1,50Muslin gowns, Opening day sale....98c Ladles' or Misses* $2atid'$2.60 MuslimGowns, Sale;...„....,$1.50 Ladies’ Muslin Petticoats Ladies’ 76eM,Uslm Petticoats, opening day sale.... ..... ......Sr>c Ladles* $i MiisUU Petticoats, opening day sale............... 5fle Ladies* $1.60Mnsiin Pettiooats, opening day sale... -... .....76c Ladies* $3and $3,60Muslin Petticoats, sale.... r..............$2.00 , Muslin and Nainsook . Ladies* $1.50Combination Suits., opening sale day...... ,-...$1.00 Ladies* $2,50 Combination Suits, opening sale day...... ,..$1.69 Ladies’ Slips Ladies* $2slips, opening sale day..-..... ...... ..................... $1.25 Ladies $3slips, opening sale duy................................... .$1.69 Ladies’ or Misses’ Waists Ladies* o f MI bbcs ’ $1Waists, opening sale day,...*....... .....Oflc Ladies or Misses* $1.60Waists* opening sale day...............89c Ladles* or Misses $2.60and $3Waists, opening sale day,.. $l.B9 Dresses A f allium of Wash dresses. A ll kinds including white lin geries, suitable for alt occasions. Prices astonishing,,.... $1.00 fa DresS, opening sale day....,....................... ................ „$t.76 $4Dress>opehing sale day.,....,..;........................ ............. $2.60 $5Dress, opening sale day,.......... ..................................$8.00 $8Dress, opening sale day........ ...... ....................... .....,.$8,50 $8DrssS, opening sale day!..... ........... ...................... ...,,,..,$5.00 $10Dress, opening sale day.......,.,...,., ........... ........... J..$6,oo MiHineiy Our Ladies* ( Mi6Bes* and Children's Millinery dspartment is oomplete,,. ■■ ■*- We have 4 full lino of Ladies* Human flair Hwitchqs,- Ladies’ Suits Ladies* $12.50Suits, opening day sale........................... $7.60 Ladies’ or Misses’ $18.60Suits, opening day sale...... ....$8.60 Ladies or Misses’ $15 Snits, Opening day..........................$10.00 Ladies* or Misses’ $18 Suita, opening day sale.,....,.....,,..... $18.60 Ladies’ or Misses* $22.608uits, opening day s a le - . . ....$1495 Ladles’ or Misses’ Goats Ladles* or Misses; $10Coats, opening day sale......... . $8.50 Ladies* or Misses* $16Coats, openihg day sale...,- ...... $10.00 Ladies* o f Mieses* $18Bults, opening day sale ...... . $11.50 Skirts Onelot of Ladies’ Black and Blue Skirts, regular $3 values. during opening day sale..,..,.,,,.,........................... .. ....L...$l,39 Ladies or Misses* Skirts, latest makes, $5 va lues ..]!,.,,$2.60 $7 Skirt, opening day.....$4.60 $8.60Skirt opening day.. $6 Ladies’ "Silk Dresses 1 $i2.60Ladies' Silk Dresses, opening day sale................ ,.$7.50 $20Ladies* Silk Dressas, opening day ssie...,.......... !.. ...$12,50 Men’s Clothing1 We are closing out all of our men’ s clothing. Ve have a few stilts loft, which can be bought at your own price. Remember the date and place of this Great Spring Opening Sale. It means money to you, especially 1 when you .can buy good, seasonable, up-to-date merchandise at such tremendous low prices % t 1 t I 1 t % M. MARCUS 30 EAST MAIN STREET Xenia, O. t t&mmemmmwmmmmmmmmk K E l . An InI able m« tery wa» teriau cl and Tu< was hek the sera J. E. Mi Rev, J, -local chi ator for At tin sessions given to special c importar J, G. K i Tbompsp E. F, Kl m discu /jg Ministry , Campaig churches aroused United P j pledged sum for 2 ing year, 1st, Air for -this from the from the . $1000iron Rev. J, 0., cond' “ The Na ligion,” Action ture of I church to resolution of Jamest sickness -i sessions, i of Tuosda sympathy Robb am . offered fo, is just ent his minis! In this i nounceme as a candi YA Mr. 'Mars i i the oJHcb quainted - 1 made hit- j >\ those whW| * witli the oM ..Having the Hale S of Xeina. , all such v = .N l work guai.fa* -guj trial and Work done 2t The Roy cule de Le ( bee, is no Fanners a flee. PUBLIC The persi the estate ( son will bf one o’ clock Wedc There wi bold goodf horse wago ness, etc. S. T. Baker i r n ... $; your ; w ...$uj i3 vaim Deck cause d iscoi little healii: at on< ing w: Applj sure t ing ra' ford f your •lightf use. o have: co. pee i
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