The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26
For ExoeHenco Oar Job Workwill compare with thatof any othar firm. ffk e This item wbentr-trktd iritis jsjj la-; dex, denote.* that* ytjufg ssfc*erip* l ticD« p**t due and a pr 9 a.p 1 **»-' iltraeKtisearfitatlydesired, , , >*1 THIRTY-FIFTH YJ)AR. NO. 15; CBDAKVILLE, O S » FRIDAY, APRIL 12.1912, PRICE, *1.00 A YEAR METI 1 COF XENIA PBESBYTEflY. An Interesting and highly profit able meeting of tlie Xenia Presby tery was held in the United Presby terian church acCedarville, Monday and Tuesday, The .first meeting was held Monday evening at 7:80, the sermon being preached by Rav, McKnfght, .of Greenfield, O. Hey, J, S. E. McMiehael, of the local Church, was elected as Moder ator for the ensuing year, At the morning and afternoon sessions on Tuesday much ume was given to routine business, but the apodal conferences .were of great importance, In the morning Revs, 3, G, King, of Columbus? E, H, Thompson, of New California; and B. F. Kibffiielshua, of Xenia, led m discussion on “ The Gospel Ministry,” “ The .Million. Dollar Campaign” bei'ngjnarricd on by .the churches of the ' denominations aroused great enthusiasm. The Untted Presbyterian’! churches have . pledged themselves to, raise this, sumitbr Missions during the ensuT ing yeap, Which begins with Apni lBt. Among the largest pledges for’ this Presbytery were $2800 from -the Cedarvitla church; $2450 -from the Second church Xeuia, and $1,000from First church, Xenia. Rev. J..‘ A. Speer, of Columbus. O., conducted the conference ,ou “ The Narrative apd State,of Re ligion.” Action pertaining to the depar ture of Dr. McClure from Second church to so. Kottright, N. Y., ana resolutions pertaining to Dr. Bobb, of Jamestown, -Who on account' of deftness Was unable to attend the sessions^ were also part of the events 'otTuesday. Special resolutions of sympathy -were extended to Dr. Robb and a special prayer was offered for Jii's recovery. Dr, Bobb is just entering on the 50th year of his "ministry In Jamestown. College Minstrels DecidedHit. In this issue can be found the an nouncement of Mr. J. Carl Marshall as a candidate for clerk of -courts. Mr. Marshall ’ lias been deputy Jn the office add . is thoroughly > ac quainted -vHth the .work, which has made him many friends through those who tisYa btisinee*connections with the office. 1 / ' Haying ta^en np the agency for . the Hale SteamA Dry CleaningCo., o f Xenia. I am now,able to take all such work. Prices right, All work guaranteedr Dot me have ,a ■trial and show you the quality of Work done, , ' • . Dwight Sfct :rett, 2t- ' The Baundr y Agent HORSE NOTICE. . The Royal Belgian Stallion, Her- cule de Lenze,owned byBarlOgles- bee, is 'now at the’ Clifton barn, .Farmers are requested to take no tice. *> Bell phono,,II, Clifton. PUBLIC SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS. The personal affects belonging to the estate of the late 3; D< William son will be Bold at public sale at •one o’ clock, Wednesday, April 17th. There wilt be all kinds o f house hold goods and furnishings, one- horse wagon, pbeaton buggy, har ness, etc, J, G. Williamson B,D.WHlhttn«m 8 , T. Baker, Aucfc, . Admrs. YOUR SUNBURNED FACE 1neck or arms need not cause you the least discomfort. Apply a little of our cooling, healing Peroxide Cream at once and the smart ing will cease, Apply it befor* expo sure to the etin’s burn- ihg rayfi and it will af ford full protection to you? skin, It’s a de lightful preparation tg use. f^rice 26c and 60c Wisterman’sPharmacy Cedarvjlie college has captured the banner for amateur productions, the minstrel ehoW last Friday be ing given before a packed house, and it was voted the greatest ama teur success ever attempted m the county. On. Saturday night the boys appeared in ,Tanestoii under the auspices of the Jajnestown Orchestra, which contributed much to the success of the-, production. The first act was. well set and brought i Eh applause ’ upon the rise of the curtain. The fifteen young men were arranged in circle, some in yellow satin suits of colonial style the four end men Cameron Boss, Ernest. Foster, Bos- ooe McOorkeli and Bari -McClellan, dressed in red and purple, repre sented the burnt cork, artists. The orchestra was seated on a platform back, of the circle* the whole form ing a striking scene. Miss Grace JBeckiey was the pianist who furnished the accompamnent for the orchestra, The boys put on a clever show, tlie solos being well received. The chorus equaled that of any profes sional organization. The song “ Where The Old Miami River Sings Its Song,'’.words by Mr Fred Mar shall and music byMr. G. F. Slejrler, was sung by the latter for the first time in public. The jokes and gags were original and of. a local nature and furnished much arnusemenfrfor the good natured audience. One of the features of the enter tainment >was clog dancing by Master Cassius Marcellas Towrisley, ten-year-old son of Mr. and- Mrs, W. P. Townsley, the fellow being an ariistin this line f, Mr. W. P. Harri- man's 'monologue, on “Modern Politics" brought down the house. The second part was devoted to a comical farce of one act “ The Matri monial Agency” fifteen college boys and girls taking part. Much' credit is given Miss Beckley as pianist, Prof, Siegler a$ interlocutor and di rector and Miss Vera Andr ew, who directed the farce, fer the success of the entertainment. - - Another feature was the 36 page theatrical program, the must pro- tentloua program ever put oufc for any production in this county. .It was the result, of the effprte Messrs.P, D. Hixon anti RosSoe**’ Oopkell. The HERALD has had many c.omplim'ents-on the artistic appearance of "the program. - The management took extra precaution this year for good order and this was emphasized in’ the re marks of Mayor. Bull; . wbe 'thanked the audience on behalf of the company for its generous support. -Bast season the order was such that the public became disgusted and the minstrel boys were determined to give the public a good evenings entertainment—and they i|id. BEAUTIFIES A TOWN. I f people interested In improving this town could only visit South Charleston and see the-nlce cement sidewalks, curbs, gutters anti th* streets we are certain therewould be a united effort to have th# same here. The village council in South Charleston provided the grade for walks and for gutters and let the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, who was requirea to give bond, tu. this manner the work: was put down in proper form apd; was cheaper to the property holders; than where individual contracts were lefc. There has been considerable work of this-kind done ip Cedarville in- the past bpt each person was al lowed to contract with whom he pleased.’ Theresultwas the .valks in some places^ were of Inferior/ material -weiVnot up to the standard, grade ’ and , file property owners 4 Could not rec^Yerfikmagea. ' A good rule;for cqUheil to follow would he the". Charleston plan.’ It will be.much cheaper to the people 1 and mue'hmore satisfactory. There is no reason why ^optli Charleston pride should outshine toatof Cedar- Vllle. Tiiep let's have the apriuk ing of streets done by contract and charged, to the property abuling just like they doth other towns. R rv . D r . J ames S. M artin " Rev, Dr. jfame&ShMartinof Pittsburg, Pa„ General Superintendent of Nation al Reform Asa'n, - Organizing Second World’s Christian Citizenship Confer ence to be heid at Portland, Oregon, June 20th—July 0 th, 1<J13.. COMMITTEE APPOINTED. MiAY HAVE TO PAY. The circuit court has overruled Judge Kyle in the suit of Prosecute or Daybourne of Clark Co , to com pel Greene county to pay her share of the district hospital. Kyle had held that the petition did not .state facts sufficient to constitute a case. Laybourna had brought a manda mus suit against Auditor Dean to compel payment, the treasurer and cbdnty comiBsioners also being made defendents. According to the circuit court decision the case must he opened in the Common Pleas aourtfor heating on the merits of the case. -The Greene county com missioners had refused to comply with the terms of the district hospi tal hoard In that the site purchased was unsuitable and valued too high . 1 THEATRENOTES. Leo Ditrichstein, who adapted “ The Concert” from tlie German play of the same name, wilUmact the principal role in that comedy when David Belasco presents it at the Fairbanks Theatre, Springfield, on Thursday, April 18th, This JBelasco production has been otle of the season’s greatest triumphs, It has had a run- of 850 performances Belasco’ s Theatre in New York, and the entire original company will he seen herewhen itls produced at the Fairbanks Theatre, The comedy contains a great many laughs but hae a senousveln withal. The story Is of a great musician, a virtuoso, Who IS adored by tills feminine pupils. This master of the piano forte is a Auhgarian with a sensible American Wife, ■Her love tor him steers him safely through many femlnihe escapades that would end in a divorce court with a less sensible wife- The action of tlie comedy is well sustained and the east is so evenly balancsd that the performance leaves nothing to- be desired* —For sanitary aiabastineT all colors all new stock at iMdgway's.Jt By all odds the best'lecture course number was the last one, the.Bohe mian quintet o, the Hruby Bros., which pleased a - large audience Tuesday evening.4' This inmous musical organization is comprised of five brothers, all artists and each, number, whether rendered as a body or by individuals, was an ar tistic gem. Those who did not hear this qumtettmissed anumber worth the price of a season ticket. The ImperaoMatlonspf Sousa and Crea tor®, famous band masters, could best be judged by those who have seen them. As announced before the Brother hood did not desire to continue the course and on the suggestion of Mr. L. H, Sullenkerger, a citizens com mittee was appointed to represent the various religious and education al institutions to provide a course next year. A vote of the audience showed favorable support would be guaranteed' for a course of six num bers for one dollar, ' Mr, Snllonborger appointed the following committee: S, G. "Wright, Dr. M» I. Marsh, Louis Tindall, Prof. Loro- Alien, Miss Mary-Ervin and Miss dha Townsley. . With the number of young people in this seution there should he Some concerted action of the public to provide clean wholesome amuse ment, with a few lectures atong humorous and educational lines, Cedarville cannot afford to lie with out a lecture course and the M. E, Brotherhood Is to be commended for the excellent courses lb has pro vided at a nominal cost. Send in yont picture framing now, Newest-mouldings, export work, low prices. West's, Xenia, O, —The only dearlof in town that handles ail leading brands of Cigars and Cigarettes is O. M. Bjdgway, 8 t **Tha Ulster” by Sydtier Rosor feld Philosophic play, will be presented in the Opera House April 26th. F o n t s Sasfttifrh* Pest* 1£o eaoh* No. 2 Locust Posts 18c each* ChefciriMt Posf* 20o each. No. 1Locust Peat* 28c each. Saleot Locust Posts 27c each. Kerr 4 Msstlftgd Bros* The grand j day after a days under toryey Hogas^ torney General As has been.: time previous ^ on indictroer politics, oneste refusing to in^ hers. Judge Kyle with the minor On the state charge of the result three if ported. The luvestij In character currentreporfc scratched and be called'Wlthii eider other os from evidence, The witness®s some of in the COUitji the Citizen’s well known O, T. XL irtem^ politicians, “the” mg physicians. been active in While meoibt are not at Ilber^ formation Unt Judge Kyle,-yet it that nqt only ‘ Ing in.the. Use of organization pc metBas well, are placed oh it be.givbn the pul at this timebnap nent business mj politicians will the political gs ppblic to a great past invcBtigatic , Two indtetmi: against ’Fhllilp in connection w| fall 'wbefi Dr, vote m the Ft? <)ne charge false stetemenLd electibir; the Mh<j in hjs possess County Ap purpose fraudulently- of those elect phyeicialdisal: mark their -ow&^ its Reported. ^Sported last Frl- Marion of three ireerion of Ate Assistant Ate thee. from time to could not agree flag to factional’ teheotber always jy of its mam- being satisfied .repr rts insisted tment taking nation and ag a lents were re- was sweeping judging from irfaoe was only is likely tq ?rt time te con iafc. developed oed last Week, led represented imllieut people members of .in Xqnla, less men, W, ‘ and prominent ling figures be- Senla wbo have olitjcyl arena, graddjury disposing m st charge by tea report lias gtherawrong do* W - by tlie old |M.|r,.bute. re/of|- Ip-Uiosc indicted ttbefull story id itis expected ies of promi- lysieianannd ? 4 nteCted with 4 Will stir the snt than the fere returned lew's, colored, te election last riled ,fco-get a] Yard,. Kenia> PHfelilhing a '■^'sult of an f;;sheet. Dean Ihishing tilted sg him in| the ballots hy- reason of were uhablettr iliotcr. COURT NEWS. A dispatch Batetfday staled' that the,attorney gentfral wiil conduct s more thorough probe in thin county and in due time ft will be, taken np. Thq same dispatch stated that Dr. Fess expressed surprise when in formed of the.Dean indictment,-but expressed a hope that i f he-had been guilty lie would bd convicted. Tills statement has caused no little comment 'in that the Qitlzen’s League and Mr* Dean were active in the Dr's- campaign last fall and It intimated that at the proper time this will, be investigated, money havingbeen raised to boost tbe Dri for constitutional convention. Information hiss been‘ given out that both the gangsters and re formers have endeavored to keep’ the attorney general out of the in vestigation* but efforts along this line failed. Monday; Auditor Dean and. Phil Matthews appeared before- Judge Kyle on the indictments against them* The formerentered a plea of not guilty while tbe latter took ad vantage of the three days allowed by law to makedris plea, The bond was placed at $600 and each signed his own bond. Dates for the trials will be set to accommodate Attorney General Hogan. Judge Kyle has asked the presiding judge in the district to ap point a judge suitable to the state and the defendants. . B uggies pAiNTXitHave your buggy or carriage painted now so thatitwrilbe ready for use When nice weather openB. My shop is now open and orders are being booked and wilt be filled in time. Ralph Wolferd. —Property ewrters contemplating painting their houses or bams should see M. A. McLean or I. F, Puffer for estimates on the work. AH orders carefully and promptly looked alter, , McLean & Puffer. Don’ t forget' the entertainment to be given on Fftjtey evening, April li, fit the K, Of PLHall by the young people -in of the Hfc. Paul Temple, A, >$r^ church. - ■ >' - ■ »n-iITy^ - -gnrthg Suits, $10.00 to $22.60. StjjbLJVAN’a, 21So, Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio; —Fow S a U»:—Two sorrel draft colt* for match team*, on* four years old weighs M00f other three and weighs lOfO, David Williamson A legal point of inuqh interest, affecting the right of a child born to a testator after his will was made, to take under the Will, was decided in the case of William Clar ence McMillan against Sarah J, Mc Millan. The case hinged on an item in the will of Hugh McMillan tp the eftect that if at bis death he would leave a child, his widow and the child should inherit the -farm share and share -alike, Clarence McMillan, the plaintiff, was born to the .couple after the will was executed. He held that, this fact revoked the will, and brought suit to recover as an heir. Common Pleas court held that the will was not revoked, and that It makes pro vision for the son as the after horn child. The opinion of the Circuit court waB the same as that of Judge Kyle. SENATORIALCONVENTION. . A meeting of the district senatori al committee Was held in Loveland last Friday and the date for the senatosiaT convention set for June « , 19m at Washington C. H. Dele gates will be chosen by county con ventions,-one foi; eaeh 2 o 0 votes as east for Warren G. Harding for governor. Clinton will have 13 delegates, Fayette 10, Greene 16, Highland Jlanu Boss 17. - It will re quire 35 votes-for a nomination. Harry D. Smith and A. W. Hum phreys are-the members mittee from this county. NOTICEOFAPPOINTMENT. . . «* It may seem== a little early to plant corn. There may be still a chill in the air, but it is none too early to resolve oneself into a Committee on Ways, and Means, so that when Corn planting time does come, you will not only knowwhat to do but the best way. to do it, Let us suggest that you purchase a Black Hawk —or— John Deere KERR1 HASTINGS BROS. Jn the matter of Publication of Notice itt the state ol James S. Turner," deceased;— “ Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed aiidduly qualified by the Probate Court of Greene^ County,. Ohio, as administrator of the above named estate. All persons 'indebted to *aid, estate must make immediate payment},those having claims-will present"themJor(S(jttlement, . - , ’ John D. Sitvey, Buy Anchor paint,'1 It will satisfy you ip every, respect- , • Tarbox Lumber Co. * . * rif*--: ‘ * POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT, , Mr, John McYay, member' o f the County Infirmary Board which was .legislated out of existence by -the lastlegislature, announces himself as a candidate before the next Re publican primary for.the nomination of county treasurer. We are authorized to announce the name of S. C. Anderson as a candidate for representative be fore the Republean primary. We are authorized to announce the name of B. 8 . Harmount as a candidate for county, treasurer sub ject to the Republican' primary. Wo are authorized to announce the name of W. L. Marshall as, a Candidate before the Republican primary for County Treasurer. - We are authorized to announce the name of Amos B, Faulkner as a candidate for County Auditor be fore theBepubllcan primary.' We are authorized to announce the name of Mr. George -Perrill, of Bowefsvllle, as a candidate for County. Commissioner before the Re publican primary. We are authorized to announce the name of Walter L, Dean as a candidate for the re-nomination of County Auditor.' We are authorized to announce U. F, Thomas as a candidate for County Recorder subject to the Republican Primary Election to bo held May Slat, tor/. We are authorized to announce the name of W. F. Orr as a candi date for Prosecuting Attorney be fore the Republican primary, May St We are authorized to announce the name of W« B. McCalhster a* candidate lor Bherlff, subject to the Republican Primary May 21. We arc authorized to announce the name o f Col, T. T. Cummins as a candidate for Representative be fore the Republican Primary. We are authorized to announce the name of Rt D, Williamson as,a candidate for renomination' for County Commissioner before^the Republican Primary. We ate authorized to announce the name o f Judge M*r6Us Shoup as a candidate for the Republican nomination for, Congress in the Bixth Congteasionaldistrict subject to the primary election inMay, We are authorized to announce the name Of J, Carl Marshall a sk candidate for County Clerk before the Republican primary, We are authorized to announce the name of Frank L. Johnson a* a candidate ior re-nomination for thoofiioeof Prosecuting Attorney,' subject to the Republican primary, j FRESH &SMOKED MEATS * * / * 4 „ •" 1 i * K * FRUIT & GROCERIES P SUCCESSORS TO.C. C.^WEIMER. Cedarville * - * - . Ohio. .’i;/ 'iflwwwiWMiW /5= Are You Satisfied -Vl with your investments? Is your interest paid promptly; Is your money available,, if yoy should need it on short notice—arid are you absolutely pro tected against loss? Write for booklet describing the many advan tages o f our 5% Dividend Accounts, with “ Security that is Absolute.” Getn Gty Building and Loan Association Dayton* Ohio ORGANIZED 1887 A88ET8 $3,800,000.00, * SURPLUS $100,000.00 6 North Main, Opposite Old Court House PUBLIC SALE OF F INE HORSES We will sell 85head of horses, consisting of standard bred horseq, . roadsters, work horsCs and mules at tlie Oak Lawn Farm Five miles north of Xenia, Ohm, on the Springfield and Xenia fraction Line, Stop 81, on Thursday, April 25th, 1912 Persons thinking of buyinp should come before the sale and look over the horses TERMS CASH--TO any orte so desiring, a credit of nine months will be given by purchaser giving interest bearing note with apprved security. W. B. Bryson & Son MAJOR H. H, BRAN, Auct, « , , • . BOAT. 35. RRFflON, Clerk r^«- A V
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