The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26

« §M Birrs;’- -••?**- 43 »r* ikar-* •*«r=a?^'»r -r~-* -•W¥s?=<K: Street Improve-* ments Promised. Notices arn hoi«;? ploeecljUitj .the hands tit all property iiol-ievs on cerUm streets requiring cement gutters ami curb to bo put down by tha first o f Ju ly; unless completed by that time the law gives the vil­ lage power to make the improve­ ments and the cost will be assessed against the property. People are .talcing-considerable interest in this proposed improvement knowing that it will greatly .improve the town, m appearance, also from a sanitary standpoint and 'add value to the property. South Charleston, . Yellpw Springs and Xenia have completed this work bo It is time for Cedarville to get up in. procession. Those who tyUl the cement walks twenty years ago thought such a task an advanced step, so it was at that time but there is no one now that would do away with a cement walk, nor will they with the gutUr after it Is done. JamestoWn will vote on Tuesday, May 21, on a bond proposition for $20,000 for the purpose of paying the village’ s share o f cement walks, curbs and gutters, This amount w ill also pave fourteen streets In-tltu village Bitummus macadam, con­ crete and brick. Such an improve­ ment ap this would-place James­ town in the lead of all, county vil­ lages for first class streets. V , «*. Furniture and Carpet Department. The same painstaking care in style, quality and workm a ship, characteristic o f our Furniture, is duplicated in our Rugs and Floor Coverings # • ’ The best and choicest styles and qualities of the best mills in the country you will find here at bargain prices 20=24 N. Detroit St., Xenia, O. —Every thing for house cleaning at Ridgways, moth balls, ammonia extra strong, wall paper cleaner, shell paper, bed bug poison, gold paint, aluminum bronze, gloss black for a ll'k inds o f stoves, furniture polish and rubber gloves for 50c. 31 . POSTS Sassafras Posts 15c each. No. 2 Locust Posts 18c each. Chestnut Post 2 0 c each. No. 1 Locust Ppsts 25 c each, Select Locust P osts‘2 7 c each. Kerr & Hastings Bren. Subscribe for the Herald. Committe For Lecture Course. The newly appointed Cedarville Lecture Course ' Committee held their, first meeting in Carnegie Hall Tuesday evening. . The' committee, which was recent* ly appointed at a public meeting ol the citizens of Cedarville .to seeun a Lecture Course for the town and surrounding community during tin coming season, consists of the fol­ lowing representatives fl’om the various churches and schools: Mr. S. C, Wright., Dr. M, . I ; Marsh, Prof. Leroy Allen, Mr. Louis Tin­ dall, Miss Edna Townsley and Miss Ervin. At the meeting .of this committee the followingoilicers were elected: President, S. C. Wright; Treasurer. Loins Tindall; Secretary, M«ry Ervin. Several plans were dis­ cussed in the interest of making this- course a success—financially nnd otherwise. The Lecture Course this coming year is to be promoted and financed by the citizens of Cedarville, and the hearty support of every loyal citizen y i and around Cedarville is fully anticipated by those who have been entrusted with a certain amount of the responsibility.. A ll reports,will be expended to se­ cure a Course of as good talent as the means will allow. ToMel Barrows. Xenia Herald Showers Bouquets on the Latest Candidate for Republican Nomina- ‘ 1 * 1 i **v , _ ' __ ’ k-’ v r- ■I*1' tion for County Treasurer, Every reader of the Gazette, should read the-following article, from the Xenia Herald, it certainly has the right ring. Beat the. drum I BlOw tlio bazoo; Make the bassoon ring! 'iyind up the tuba. Give the fife fits !■ The item calls for it. Mel Barrows, according to strongly authenticated report—not one of tbe grape vine type, either,—is going to do it. Within seven daj s,« more or less, formal announcement of his candidacy for the nomina­ tion for County Treasurer may be expected. I f it is not this eminent­ ly fair family journal will publicly ackn owledge it lias been fooled. , THE HERALD i&privileged to state that Ife l Barrows is certain' torbj a candidate and If be is looked out for a swath in and through - the the county that will look like the foot steps of a road roller. It may be said that Mel Barrows has been importuned repeated­ ly to get into the race. It may be added that he lias been promised support by an army of friends* It is not overdoing It to say that in personal popularity Mel BarrOws is unsurpassed in the county and when that army of friends get to work they are going to hit all the impregnable places with Shatter like force and come out of the fray with the capture of enough ballots to fill all the waste baskets in the court house. Mel Barrows has been m a delicate position. As foreman of the grand jury ho bad a duty to the public to perform. Ho had on the one side the natural appeals for leniency and on the other demands of a sickened public for a verdict free front white wash. Duty held a star of hope before him and he followed it without faltering* It takes a strong man to do his duty under such circumstances. It takes mote than that—a pntnot-^a pariot of the type of old Cln- . clunatus or o f Israel Putnam, who left his plough in the furrow when the rad coats started that little trouble at Breed’ s hill. In the words of the frontier orator, Mel Barrows “ seen his duty and done it,” His courage marks, it is to be hoped, a new era in Greene county—an era that will restore the ballot to the white purity that should be its environment forovor. I f he and hla fellow jurors have taken the action thut has stopped the flood o r corruptio i that has, like a sore festered, and hurt the whole body politic, then it is up to the electors o f Greene county, to rise lh their might aiul say, with ringing emphasis, “ Wo are for strong, courageous men—men who are not afraid to do right as they see it and we are going to reward men of the type of Mel Barrows. Go where you may in Greene county and you will hear praises oH lte work of the grand jury. May he some o f the members did break down and slic'd tears when they faced on one side their bind- ingOftth, and rm the other life time friends, against whom evidence had been piled up. It may have huftUiem to agree, but back of them, Wa« tho great Stale <<f‘ Ohio, calling out for justice. Tim jurors showed Hparlaii like courage. They showed tho courage that 1ms made illustrious the name of martyrs. They showed the courage that wrote the Magna Ghartn, the courage that / wrote tho Social Contract and Urn courage that penned the De­ claration of Independence, It’s a courage that makes the pulses beat faster. It’s a courage tbaUs emblazoned oh the stars ami stripes. It’ s a courage which is typified by the Goddess o f Liberty, >It’ s J|i courage that embodies everything summed up In that grand old document—tho Oonstittifioft of the United States* It’s the courage that lias made Mel Barrows the man of the hour. It's tho courage that has sent his name rlngiugout all over the country aide* ItA Urn courage that brings Honesty and Purity once more to tha captlancy o f the ranks- and may they stand, there forever, lead- tug it fgvotsd people on atul up to the best and greatest things in life, MEL BARROWS. , ) To the Citizens of'Greene County, In coming before .the people as a candidate for County Treasurer, will say that I have been a resident, of Greene County for 47 years, and, of course will have to stand on tho reputation established .during that period "WOULD BE GERMAN TO. HIM Wordless the Play..■Might Be,, but Bond of Sentiment Could Not Be Ignored. . In what language is a wordless, play given? When It Is presented by n German company,'wjll the play be giv­ en in German? Wlnthrop Antes, who brought, over Professor Max Rein­ hardt's wordless play, “Sumurun,” from, the Deutsches theater, Berlin, was-under the impression that “Sura- urtin" would not be given In any lan­ guage, as the descriptive phrase ex- ' preasly states that no words are used. AH, announcements made concerning the production in New York said plainly that It was a wordless play, yet when,Mr, Ames told a prominent artist, a native' horn German, about the play and invited hint to attend n performance, he sa id :'' “1 shall be delighted to see it. I have read a great deal about it In tho j 1 refer you to my many associates Berlin and London papers. It will bo and the general public with Whomj-doubly enjo., ble to me. being In Ger- Iliave transacted business for many i man—I wonV have to bo thinking of years. : th'a English words and their meanings Jf honored by the people as their ■aI1 the time," choice of the candidates before! But no words are used In the whole them, I will be their Treasurer, and ; f t “ “ f t Haven ' 1 juef will consider their confidence and and trust reposed in mo as sacred, will perform the duties incident thereto, to the best of my ability, I would like to shake hands with every man, woman and child in {■Greene County between no>v and election day; i f ‘ .for any reason T cannot do so, it will atford me the same pleasure after the election, as it would before, and that smUe will go with it. Sincerely, M F. BARROWS: .you /, it- is a wordless been telling play?" “ A play without words?" said the German artist “But the players ara all Germans!" • When We Took on the Black Cat Line We did so because we believed outsell every other line in town. We were right. It has. its .merit would New. System of Towing. Tests of a new ‘towing system in­ vented by a German government en­ gineer, Herr Boss, have been recent­ ly made on the Hiltrup section (1 4-o miles in length) of the Dortmund Etna canal. An elastic rail is laid at the bottom of the canal, and the tugboat carries at its bottom four rollers which clasp tho rail. These rollers arc operated from "the boat rirhich is thus propelled. A large economy of, power Is claimed for this method. The experimental tug IS worked by elec­ tricity, the energy being obtained through a cable from an auxiliary boat equipped with a dynamo. This, however, is only u provisional ar­ rangement, and in. ordinary working a trolley wire would be Installed alongside the canal. Electrical opera­ tion can obviously be replaced by crude oil motors, etc., each barge be­ ing fitted with a Set of rollers acting on the rail.-—London Times.' The moBfc essential thing in paint­ ing Is to soo that you got good paint, Hone better than tho old reliable Anchor brand. Tarbox Lumber Co. ■ . ,■ > Lest you forget. We handle Uni­ versal cement. A lso patent plaster, Tarbox Lumber Co You c&n save from 25 per cent, to 331-3 per cent, if you buy a Spring Suit of And if you wish to know why, all you need to do is to come and look over our good looking and good wearing men's hose.^ Take notice of'that Extended Heel—made by special machinery—which is an exclusive feature of Black Cat, and which doubles the life o f your sock. Notice their soft lustre and even beautiful col­ ors. Almost sheer and handsome ‘ as Ladies' stockings, yet about as strong as the children’s. SUITS-r-Latest Styles and Lowest prices - ^ SPRING COATS— $5.75 up SKIRTS— Fine selection. The best for .$5.75 yet shown. WAISTS— $1.00 up CARPETS - RUGS - LINOLEUM - Lowest Prices Reached Roopi Rjugs a Specialty Hutchison & Gibney X E N I A , O H IO . Sullivan 21 So .. Limestone, Springfield - Ohio Fashionable Spring Footwear Button Oxfords, Blucher Oxfords, Stray Sandals and Pumps, in white buck, dull calf, velvet, patent leath­ er-tan calf and so ftv icl kid. White Button Boots are very good this Spring. We have them all sizes, double'A to E. Frazer’s. Store Store, F6r 15 Years the Loader. Xenia, Ohio “ The M ade-to-W ear P a i i t ” F o r m u l a o n E v e r y P A C k A b f e Does This Mean Anything to You?/ It expresses the maker's faith in the product. Labor is the principal cost in painting. The material should be the best 4 YO U CANNOT A FFO R D A N Y OTH ER K IND . FOR SALE BY KERR & HASTINGS BROS —Competitors ami patrons read!- j W /W A V % W iW .V A V W A V iV W iW A A V A W V iW «W A V V V V % ly admit that our lino of farm Implements is unquestioned as to merit, then all that is left to con­ sider is the price, which wo guaran­ tee to bo the lowest m tho county. Any farmer that does not cftll and get Our prices stands in his own light. I f you cannot visit the store, toil us your wants over the phono and we will give you the price or send our representative to see you Greene County Hardware Co., Xertia, Ohio, Sola Topi. An English correspondent at the durbar made mention In a recent let­ ter of a "solar" lielmet. A Manches­ ter Guardian contributor points out that the word has no connection what­ ever with the sun. "Sola” is the Hin­ du and Bengali name for fho tail legu­ minous swamp plant known to bot­ anists as AeschcynOment aspera, the stems of which furnish the pith, oth­ erwise spongowood, which Is made up Into the helmets worn by Europeans in the tropics, Hence "sola topi" is not to be translated verbally as "sun bonnet," although the confusion Is nat­ ural enough, considering how precise • s the translation in. fact. CASTOR IA Foil Infants andChildren, Ibi KindYouHanAlwajs Bought Beats the Signature of t Mearick’s Cloak HouseJ 123 5o* Main St., Dayton, Ohio. k New and Exclusive Srping % Suits at | $15.00 $20.00 $25 $35 | In this assortment of stylish suits will be found origi- St ' nal and distinctive garments in Fancy Whip Cords, § Wide-Wale Serges, Mannish Suitings, Mixtures and I Pin Stripe designs. Many of them are handsomely I trimmed and dressy enough for any occasion; others § are plain tailored along graceful straight lines. S A Superb Showing of Serge and Whip Cord Coats $10 $12 $15 $20 Coats that are marvels in their all-round quality* smartly tailored or serge in black, blue, tan, gray and brown, also stylish whipcords and novelty weaves for .motor traveling, street or dress^ wear. New Lingerie Waists Exclusive styles, probably the largest assortment we have ever shown; 150 styles are offered in. Batistes Voiles and Lawns, crocheted lace trimmings, 1 $1,50 $1,35 $3.95