The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26

t - HH i Fashionable Spring Footwear Button Oxfords, Blucher Oxfords, Stray Sandals and Pumps, in white buck, dull calf, velvet, patent leath­ er-tan calf and soft vici kid. , White Button Boots are very good, this Spring. W e have them all . sizes, double A to E! - * Frazer’s Store Store, For 15 Years the Leader. Xenia, Ohio a Gedarville, O., February 24 1912 v. The tlamagejto my dwelling caused by the flrej of the shop of Ralph i ’owusley,.February 14th, 1912,-was promptly paid by The New York Underwriters Agency, represented by Andrew Jackson. , Arthur I). Towusloy. Cedarville, Ohio, February 27th, 1912, The loss and damage to my property caused by the lire ot Ralph Townsley’s shop February lltn, 1912, was promptly paid, by The Npw York Underwriters Agency, represented by, Andrew Jackson. ' . „ ■ George H. Smith • ' . : • March 5, 1912. My shop and; contents were totally destroyed by fire February 14th, 1012, the loss was promptly paid by The National Fire In­ surance Oomsany, of Harttord, Con., represented by Andrew ■Jackson. ■ Ralph E. Townsley. INSURANCE Andrew , R ep re sen ts^ line o f g o o d com pan ies F IR E - t - I F E - , A U T O M O B IL E T O R N A D O - A C C ID E N T * - S U R E T Y B O N D S M O N E Y T O L O A N Palace Meat FRESH & SMOKED MEATS FRUIT & GROCERIES Truesdale &Rohler SUCCESSORS T01C. C.^WEIMER. Ccdarville Ohio. If you believe in giving anoffi­ cer a second term then vote for FrankL. Johnson FOR PROSECUTOR ZSSTSamthiri fig5gWt«l«l(wS.7j»iM rartw-iiwjIrin^TWrjTf'liitV'fiilPUiM iCTrini j MayorBull was in Columbus and | I LOCAL AND PEHSONAL $ j ^ hoct(mon trip, Satur- j The South Charleston Sentinel has changed hands, 1. M.. Light, of Springfield, being the new owner. Misa Mary Marshall of Xenia was the guest of Miss Helen Oglesbce, Saturday. Give Anchor paint a trial and you will use no other. Tarhox Lumber Co. I C. N. Stuckey, H. M. Barber Harry Oorry, Arthur Cummings and J. W , Fudge are among the list of May jurors. A new series of look boxes have been added to the post office equip­ ment displacing the,old key boxes. Mir. Win. Hopping, who has been quite iil for the past week is greatly improved and will be able ‘ to be about in a few days. Lest you forget. We jiandle Uni-, versal cement. Also patent plaster. Tarbox Lumber Co day, Mr. Ray McFarland of Columbus visited his parents over Sabbath. •F ok R ent :—A tenont house of five * rooms. Inquire of Mrs. T, j . Fitch. I Mrs. Belle Gray and Ludle spent Saturday in Payton Mrs. Harry King, of Washington, C. H „ is visitingJier mother, Mrs. Flora Bobbins. Mr. Charles Fields, of Payton, spent Sabbath with Mr, W. W. Cres- w’ell and family. Mr. W. A, Spencer has been on the sick list suffering with rheuma­ tism; » •Mr, Arthur Bipnhas issued invi­ tations to a number of his friends for next Tuesday evening. Mrs, I. 0. Davis has returned to Dayton after a three weeks visit With relative’s-. Mrs. Chas, Faulper and,son, Law­ rence of Cincinnati are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Kildow. ■ Mrs. Ohas. Turnbull has for hor guest hersmother, Mrs. Ferguson, of Xeniawlio will spend several weeks at the Turnbull home. Mrs. (SariPauli of Payton has been speeding several days here with her brother, Mr, William Hopping, -who has been quite sick at the Foster Hotel. . The most essential thing in paint­ ing is to see that you get good paint. Nona better than the old reliable Anchor brand. Tarbox.Lumber Co, Maude H. Johnson has brought suit for divorce against ht-r husband Georgo’H, Johnson, whom she mar­ ried, in April 1905. She charges, de­ sertion in her petition. The Greene County Bible Society celebrated its 95Anniversary in Triu- ity church, Xenia, Sabbath night. Rev. W. Hanshue, pastor of the -Lutheran church preached the ser­ mon. •1____________ Mr.'W. P. Anderson, who has been spending several weeks looking af­ ter his farm interests near Hale Cen­ ter Texas, has returned home. Mr, J. Q, Adams of Jamestown, also re­ turned. ■ —N otice :~rThoSe wishing rug$ made from old carpet, notify mo at once. ■ Mrs. J, G. McCorkell. Mrs. F. B. Turnbull and sou Rob­ ert. arrived home Monday after spending the winter,in Santa Anna, Cal. Mr. Turnbull accompanied them as far as Chicago where he rer mftined a few days in connection with a Polled Angus cattle sale held to-day in that city. - The suit ol Bert Niles aualnst the Tarnox Lumber Co., for $16,0W> damages on the loss pf a hand was heard Thursday in Common Pleas Court before’Judge Clark, of Leban-. on. T. C. Lindsey, of Payton, rep- resented thoplainsiff while Smith & Smith, the defondonts. Mrs..Win. McGervey of Xenia, who conducts a vocal class, gave a recital Tuesday evening at Trinity M E.j ciiurch. Among the pupils presented were Misses Vera Andrew Verna Bird and Mary Hastings of this place. We'wish to express our apprecia­ tion and thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kind assistance in our recent misfortune of our home being destroyed by fire January 10, Mr. and Mrs. John Proctor. Representative Burkely of Ohio, huB introduced a bill for tile coinage of 3-cent pieces with a hole in the middle. The now piece would be made of copper and nickel, would be slightly larger than a cent and be legal tender up to BO cents. The new coin is (aid to he reeded in Gleveland, whore the streetcar com­ panies charge 3-cent fare. Buy Anchor paint. It will satisfy you In every respect. Tarbox Lumber Co. A judgment of $850 was rendered against the Tarbox Lumber Compa­ ny last Saturday in Common Pleas Court by a jury as a result of Bert Niles bringing suit for $15000 for damages for the loss of a hand. Smith and Smith represented the company, and Attorney Llndsoy of Payton the plaintiff. It is under­ stood that the plaintiff will appeal the case. t r y our iob printing Mr. Ed. Litter has sold ah interest n hiB hog cholera remedy to Mr. Eugene Booco of Jeffersonville who will become active in pushing .this product. Mr. Utter reports excel- ent success - with tho sale of his remedy through his western repre­ sentative in Kansas City. Mr. ’ Lit­ ter loiivcB in a few days for a tour through Use west to appoint, agents and assign territory. —If you can’t buy a new one, have the old one PRY CLEANED at the HOME Clothing company. Miss Ethel Spenser ot Payton was a Sabbath visitor ,at the home of her parents.. —E ggs F ok H atching ‘.—From prize winning White Plymouth Rooks- Fifteen eggs for 60 cents Phone 3-108 Harvey Myers. .Mr, I. F, Puffer has accepted a position as painter with the crew on the Pennsylvania lines. Mr, Frank Owens •has taken his place as a painter in the firm of McLean and Puffer. F ob R bnt ;—Handsome office rotuns over HaVtman’s Clothing Store.- $4., J. P. Chew, Xenia, 0. ' . A 12-tf. -Mr. Jumps . Holmes, wife and daughter, of Xenia, who have been visiting in Harrison county are spending a few days here With Mrs. H. H. McMillan. CEMENT POSTS, A full line of cement anchor line posts, braces and rods, at 2b . The’Tarbox Lumber Co. and 1Mr. Charles Baskin, who is attend ing medical school at. Ann Arbor, Mich,, has returned after spending a few days w ith.Mrs and Mrs. Clay­ ton McMillans The’will of Mrs. Efester' Townsley, deceased widow- of. the late Lamps To'wneley, was probated Saturday Mr. H. M, Berber, wa* named exe­ cutor. The United” Presbyterian church is be-queathed $300 by the. terms of the will. The funeral services of Miss Eliza­ beth Keenan was held Friday, April 20th,. ab2p. m., at the' lionie of W , H; Bull near Wllber/oroe. Miss Keenan, who was an aunt of Mrs. Robt. Bird, died Wednesday night at th'e ago of 93 years. LISTEN l . Have y ou r . Spring clothes dry- cleaned and make.them look like new. H. F. Bird lifts the agency for the Xenia Pry Cleaning Co. Every bit of work guaranteed. B uggies P aintbij i—Have your buggy'or carriage painted now so that it will bo ready for use when nice weather opens. My shop is now open and orders .are being hooked and will be filled in time, Ralph Wolford P O S T S Sassafras Posts 15c each. No. 2 Locust Posts 18c each, Chestnut Post 20c each. No. 1 Locust Posts 25c each. Select Locust Posts 27c each. Kerr & Hastings Bros. ’ NOTICE. Patrons wishing to book mares to the Imported Stallions, Prince Al­ bert and Moteur can do so by calling phone No. 13 ori 198 at the barn or No. 28 at my residence. Andrew. Winter, In this isdue will bs found the’arn nouncement of Mr. J. C. Conwell as a candidate for county commissioner, Mr. Conwell needs no introduction to the people of Greene county other than tho formal mention of lifa- name for this place. His years ot business success lii Xenia where he has boon closely associated with tho farmers has given him An acquaintanceship that will brlhg support from many friends. HORSE NOTICE, The Royal Bolgiftn Stallion, Her- cule do Leir/o, owned by Earl Ogles- bee, is now at.the Clifton barn, Farmers are reqtiostod to take no­ tice. ■ Roll phono, If, Clifton. '80 Helpful. a man cannot he bis highest and beat self without giving out those things which are best in him.—Ber* nard Snell. ‘-'TTTT SEALSHIPT Oysters Did you ever eat any Seashipt Oysters? If you have not, you don,t know what a treat you have missed. When you buy oysters try a quart of “SEALSHIPT 99 They come in air tight contain­ ers and are deivered as fresh and pure as when they leave the oyster beds. H . E . S c h m id t cS Go., Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, . . Xenia, Ohio. O • When We Took on the Black Cat Line We did so because we belieyed its merit would outsell every other line in town. We were right. It has. And if you wish to know why, all you need to do is to come and look over our ^ood looking’and good wearing men's hose. Take notice of that Extended Heel—made by special machinery— which is an exclusive feature of Black Cat, and'which doubles the life of your sock. . ‘ Notice their soft lustre and even beautiful col­ ors. Almost sheer and handsome as Ladies' stockings, yet about as strong as the children's. >’ - " v I ; . - - ’ . j * SO ITS— Latest Styles and Lowest prices SPRING C0ATS- $ 5 . 75 up $ 1,00 up ' i SKIRTS— Mne selection,. The best for $5.75 yet shown WAISTS CARP ETS - RUGS - L INO LEUM - Lowest Prices Reached Room Foigs a Specialty Hutchison & Gibney X E N I A , O H IO . f - i I AMOS E. FAULKNER, CANDIDATE FOR County Auditor, Republican Primary, May 21st $100 Rewards $ 100 . Pie readers of this paper will bo jiloase- to learn that there I* at least one dratded disease that sclents has been ublo to earntn all lie stage* and that is Catarrh. Hall's Qetsrrh Ctareis tbs only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Ostnrib. being a ’constitutional djaeaso! requires a daootltatlanel treatment. Hall's Oatarrh CureIs taken intornally, acting directly up an the blood and mucous surrncss of system diarchy destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by bundling up the constitution and ostesting nature In doing its work, The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, hat they offtr oneHundredHollars for any con that It falls to cure. Send for fist o teMtaaouMa. " Addnm JV J. OHFNEY A Co, Toledo O. §u>8bfyHrtiggist/TSe. alt's Ttm ltr JPlUs era the best, Scotch Collies tot Sale: Tho grand* sire cofit $8000, ' Call and seo. MILLS CONNER, miles N. E. of Jamestown, (>. Division of Labor. A man's better-half lays down the roles In tho house, but allows her hus­ band to lay down tho carpets. Ctdaroille township school Report '4 X S K *1 »*« * c ■W . 2 S E r* » i '<S o S’ O - m» * oo*o* ff to K S to* -to*» s s ro o ‘•S i vt ■T § s % $ ')■ «* Number of District............... ....... Enrollment.... ................................ Avorago Pally Attendance.......... Per Cent Daily Attendance.......... Number Tardy............................ Number Present Every P a y ...... PorOent Present Every Pay ...... Numbor of Visitors................... . Bank for Poe.............................. l 2 8 4 5 6 7 15 2 i 7 0 8 14 U 14 13 7; 5 8 18 1.0 94 03 97 83 90 89 97 4 7 0 ,8 0 S' 0 d 3 . 4 0 0 2 6 37 14 59 0 75 14 54 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 1 1 6 8 5 1 82 09 84 16 26 S3 1 ANDREW JACKSON, CLERK. -......... * ------------ -----:------ — — ------ ^— ■— "V" ..................... l»l"l lllllM'llll III j| ' v How It Started. " An Exception, It is a not unreasonable supposition Blnkn—"Here la somebody whp says that many, If not most, quarrels are that no woman is & suffragist unless like that described in the Washington she has a grouch on Some man.” Sinks Star. "So you and your husband are—"That's queer. My wife Isn't a auf* alwnya quarreling?" asked the lawyer, traglst,” "Yes,” answered tho young woman. ..... ..... .......... "What do you quarrel about?” "I for* Motto for Success, get the subject of the first quarfeh y ou must say- nothing. "That Is But wo have been quarreling, ever beneath me,” nor feel that anything since over who was to blamo for it,” c*;r i,o out of your power.—Mlrabeati,