The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26
For Excellence Our Job Work will compare with that o f any other firm..... TL:s item when sharked with an dex, denotes that it year’s subscrip* tioa is pact due and a prompt set tlement is earnestly desired. . . TH IRTY -F IFTH YEAR . NO. 19. CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY , MAY 10 , 1912. PRICE, $1.00 A YEAR CEDJR, MU HUGESUCES. Tho second annual “ Cedar Day” celebration o f our College was held last Friday, May 3rd, The day was ideal in every respect and every thing went off in-a-manner reflecting highly to the true CodarvJIle spirit. “ The Stunts” begun at 10 o’clock W ith “ A I,eap Year Hold -up” by the Faculty, who surprised the bfcud- ents and friends by the dramatic ability they displayed, by the title one can see that it was very “ tragic” and the heavy part was placed upon Prof. Banning, who, costumed, as a female, took the blue ribbon as ' the ‘.‘leading lady:” This stunt Was1followed in.,order by the different classes. The Seniors presented from their own “ private car.” “ The Table Turned,” a one a it, three scene sketch along the line of that popular' topic—The suf fragette. The class of *13 presented “ a true picture taken In 1927.” In , this s'tunt Bobby Deatvwas postumed -as a monkey and was compelled to under go a delicate surgical opera tion, in which various articles from bricks down'to toothpicks were re moved by the skilled surgeons. The prep stunt u a paper match” .was well presented by the Academy,rep resentatives and last hut not least came the “ Freshman Stew’’ . This was the best stunt of the day ana bespeaks weil for those who con ceived and' arranged it. Several of the boys of ’15 attired as “ Cannibals" came-tearing, out of the basement, down across the campus with their hideous yells, brandishing bowie knives, spears etc.—and bearing a victim roped to a bamboo pole, and a huge copper kettle. The scene was so graphic that the friends, visitors and students were, for the time be ing, transplanted, in their thots to the scene we would imagine prevailing in the “ Barbarous Fiji Islauds.” A lter placing their victim, Mr- W . D . Sterrett, in the pot they gave a dance around the pot, singing songs, .appropriate for the occasion set to popular airs-. * .While arranging the fire under the pot, Sterratt bolding attempted his get-away, striking out ou dead run thru the audience/ he /whs holly pursued by the fleetfooted Cannibals‘tind recaptured and again ■placed in the pot and Are started. Everyone tumbled that the joke was on one o f their good facu lty men, Prof. F. A . jurkat, as Dwight sit there in the pot, calm and composed expounding solid "historical facts" from time of Nero down to present date and eating salted peanuts ai) the while—However just before' the boiling point was reached, the Fresh man Girls heard the unusual corn- motion o f the Gatmibals and perciev* ing something wrong armed them selves with revolvers and. came to the rescue, they proved to be “ Joan1* o f Arcs and saved the dear Profess ors life. This ended the stunts, and ,hs a whole they surpasfed anything ever attempted,' by the college stud ents in-the foolish line. A very pretty May Pole dance was given by 24 of the college girls with music by the college orchestra. A regular picnic dinner Was spread in the A l ford gym. The guests ol honor be ing, the Stonier classes o f Cedarville Clifton and Selma High Schools. The tables were full to overflow ing with the good things to eat and amid college yells and songs, 9 rahs for the visiting High Schools, and class yells, a bounteous repast was enjoyed by all* After dinner, Mr. W . F» Harriman, Pros., of the Sen ior class; made a few brief remarks and introduced Mr. S. E. Foster of class ’ 18, who delivered the annual “ Cedar Day” Oration in a manner pleasing to all and a credit to ho and bis class. Promptly at 8 p. m. the bail game scheduled between the Varsity and Wilmington College was called. Inasmuch as the weather bad pre vented regular practlc, the hoys put up js good game o f ball. Pitcher Foster lacked the best of support _*nd the defeat of only 4 points (lfr-C) was taken in a sportsmanlike man ner. McOafllck was the “Big Stick” at batting, out of 5 times up lie made 6 hits, one run and was left on 3rd base 1?different times. This ended the second annual Cedar Day program and* from all sides we hear favorable comment 'upon the day. More friends and vis itors were present than last year and this added to the pleasure of the day and those unable to be there regret it all the more learning of the enjoyment they missed. It is a day .long to be remembered and every one looks forward with longing to the Third Annual Cedar Day in 1913. ELECTIONOF TEACHERS. Notice is hereby, given that the Board of Education o f Gedarviilo {School District will meat Monday evening, May 13, for the etoetum of teachers for the coining school year. Applicant# should file their papers With the clerk. J. W. Johnson, Clerk, CodarvlHw School District, Commencement. notice . High School Commencement tak en place Wednesday evening May 15 At which time the largest class the history of .the school will be gradu ated, seventeen ladies and seven gentlemen. . Col, Bain, the noted Kentucky Orator, has been engaged for the class address, the Col. being a ex cellent speaker on such occassions. His repretutation as a platform ora tor extends throughout the county. The plat opens at Johnson's Sat urday afternoon at one o’ clock.' Tickets are 25 cenis each. • NOTICE. The Board of Education of Cedar- villa Township will meet May 10th, 1912, to elect Teachers, and transact Buch’’other business as may come be fore them. Andrew Jackson Clerk. POSTS Sassafras Pasts 15c each. No. 2 Locust Posts 18c each. Chostnut Posts 20c each. No. 1 Locust Posts 25 c each. Select Locust Posts 27c each. Kerr & Hastings Bros. Don’ t stay in a run-down con dition. Ify ou a re weak, tired and are fast losing flesh your vitality ia going. . , . ' . A. D. S. Hypophosphites will promptly change this dangerous condition. Wo are so sure of It that ws’ ll refund the price If it fails. Aids digestion, tones the nervous system, Increases the appetite. Gives permanent results. Price $1.00 Wistermai/s Pharmacy Notice, is hereby given that all vaults, rubbish, trash and ashes cleaned up and carried away by May 15,1912, in accordance with the Ohio laws and, village ordi nances. Failure to comply with the above notice shall bo considered a misdemeanor und punished accord ingly. By order of Board of Health, cD. H. McFarland, Health Officer Council Met Monday Evening. An unusually large crowd of citizens attended council meeting Monday evening, all o f whom are Interested in the cement sidewalks and curbs and gutters. > * Different reports were read and accepted the one from the treasurer showing that there was $2,010.07 on hand. The mayor’ s budget for the com ing year was submitted ana about $4,700 will be needed next' ypar.. This goes to the finance -committee for action. Mayor Bull also in formed Council that the village had been denied the three "mill levcy last year by the action of the tax commission. A recent examiner was the authority that no tax body or court could keep the village out of the three mill levy voted in ad dition to the regular levy. Mr. D ' S. Eryin asked that action be taken against using the village clump as a burying ground for carcases of animals. Mr. C. N. Stuckey asked the privi lege of building a retaining, wall along ids property. Tn the discussion of sidewalks and gutters Messrs. David Bradfuto and Robert Bird wanted council to take charge of (he work, let the con tracts and hold the contractors re spossibto for same, _Mr. Bird pro tests against allowing property owners to put down walks and gut ters at their oWn will. He ■Insisted the work should be started at one end of the street and pushed through so thatlt-wouidbe uniform. Adjournment was . taken until Thursday evening when the proper ty owners on Ohlllicothe street met as to now walks. ICE! ICE! ■W o are now ready to deliver for home use. Dot ns look after your refrigerator by having a standing order far Ice, O, IT. Crouse. W»>have anexcellent barn paint for$l ,()0 pergal. TMbkxDumberGo. TheCongressional Situation, Editor Haynes, in his announcement to the people’ has clearly stated his position an a candidate for congress. HiB recognition oi his oppon ents as men o f merit and ability was fair and as he said, after all It is a qi; stion of ability of the nominee to unite the party to be elected. Mr. Haynes Is an able man, one who can grasp the great issues of the day aud lend his support on the side that most interests thp people. His private life stands unblemished and his record in bis own county Is especially commended to all friends of good government aifil a square deal,* In our opinion ho Is the one candidate that can unite theparty, hav ing afc all times been outside of the districfc-factionninght. It has been proven in the two past eampaighs that no Republican can be elected to congress without the solid vote in Greene county. Tiffs cannot be , this year. The friends of Dr, Fees w'ouJd never support Judge Slump ’ If he were nominated. Just so with the friends of the Judge.if the Dr. ’ was nominated. Clinton county stands ready at all tunes to cut down any Greeito county nominee and this has proven true-in each of the two past campaigns. The Democratic nominee this year comes from Clin ton county, the home Of Congressman Denver, and this must be taken into consideration. Clermont and Brown counties have ho candidates and their vote will be divided,, Editor Haynes without doubt getting his full share. Stoth Brown of Warren county Is making a bid for the Boldier vote in.every county in the district. With the factional fight as it has been in this county, certainly there is no one that can say that the two Greene county candidates would agree to support one or the other, should be bS nominated. I f the Re publicans of this county will go outside of the factional light and sup- portEd itor Haynes, they will <io a great service in putting down both factions. 1 . Highland county has not had a candidate for congress in twenty-one years, and for this reason the leading people in the county are Insist ing on Editor Haynes.being the standard bearer.for the district. Di\ H. M. Brown is generally recognized as not an available candi date because of his factional alignment m the past and at. the present time with the Hi.Idebrant organization in Clinton coupty. Reporlsal- so indicate that he will p o ll a comparatively. light vote even in his. own county, not having the qualities for success owing to his factional standing. During the past two weeks a very notable change o f senti ment has been noted in Clinton county and many of the loading citi zens, who are opposed to the Hiidebrant organizatton, being inclined toward Dr Fess, have turned tp Editor Haynes as-the only <anriidate that can down the Hildtebranfc crowd supporting Dr Brown. In this county people readily see as the result of the factional fight, one side supporting Judge Sliqiip antl the 'other Dr. Fess, who was defeated three times for the congressional nomination in the Eighth district, that a third man must be looked too and it is none other than Editor •Haynes.1 1 / ' ■ - ' v Tuesday afternoon Mr. Haynes called upon a number of citizens and it was remarkable the recej-ffion he receivbd. That, popple are ready to eliminate factional troubles by nominating a third man. is evident. His personal appearance was pleasing and his personality moved all that is claimed of him. Having been reared upon’ a farm, acquainted-. With the needs and conditions of. the fanner he is well adapted to su p -' port their interests. He is not a theorist and for that reason stands close to the people for the more elevating and practical things in life. Hia work in behalf of the Hillsboro chautauqna association, of which he .is a member, strongly commends him to the people of his county. Wliafc.more could be said for a candidate? With these statements to be true as we-know them to bo is it any wonder that the Herald js standing for R . A . Haynes for congress'? Frightful Accident Last Saturday. Mrs. A lex McDorman and daugh ter, Bessie, whiles returning fro/n Springfield last Saturday met with a frightful accident when at the Hunry Harper fairm. A. four-horse team to a roll and cutter had been loft standing along the roadside while the driver wept hack to look after a team being driven by a young boy, ■ :!* , ' In some manner .the four-horse: team became fTightened and started in a run to.waj’ds the; buggy, driven by Mrs. McDarm^n, "who had pulled to the side of the roatl a* far as possible. Before the team reached thO MqDornian httggy a telephone pole was broken in.two pieces. The buggy was overturned, the occupants thrown, out and their clothing was torn iri|p shreds. Miss Bessie was badly bfnised and cut about the head and’fin- a timO 'was in a ser|(jus condition. The buggy was completly demolished but the driving horse escape^ unhurt. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. We are authorized' to announce the name of Dr. P. G. Marcjiiart as a candidate for the Republican nomi nation for Coroner, 'subject to the primary election May 21. Mr. John MeVay, member of the County Infirmary BOard which was legislated out of' existence by the last legislature, announces himself as a candidate before the, next Re publican primary for the nomination of county treasurer* - We are authorized to announce the name o f S. G. Anderson as a candidate- ;’or representative be fore the Republcah primary. - 3 -11 Wo are authorized'to announce the name,of R. £>. Havmbunfc as a candidate for county,treasurer sub ject to the Republican primary. We are authorized- to announce the name of W , JL, Marshall as a candidate before-tlife. Republican primary for County Treasurer, We are aiithorbssu/ to’ announce the name o f Athba iS -^u lkn er as candidate for County Auditor be fore the Republican primary. ' We are authorized to . announce the narhe of Mr. George Perriil, of' Bowerfiville, as a candidate for county commissioner before the Re publican primary. We are authorized to announce the name of Walter I*. Dean as a candidate for the re-norninafloh of County Auditor, We are authorized to announce B. F. Thomas as a candidate for County Recorder subject to the Republican Primary Election to be held May 21st, 1912. We arc authorized to announce tlin name of W . F» Orr as a candi date for Prosocutiug Attorney" be fore the Republican primary, May 21. ‘ ' L We are authorized to announce thename-of W . B. McGallister as candidate lor Sheriff, subject to the Republican Primary May 21. W e are authorized to announce the name of Gol. I . T, Cummins as a candidate for Representative be fore the Republican Primary. We are authorized to announce the name of R. D, Williamson as a candidate for renomination for County Commissioner before the Republican. Primary. W e are authorized to announce the name of Judge Marcus Shoup as a candidate for the Republican nomination for Eohgrcss in the Sixth Congressional district subject to the primary election in May, We are authorized to announce tho'namo Of J. Carl Marshall as a candidate for County Clerk before the Republican primary. W e am authorized to announce thenanje Of Frank L. Johnson .as a candidate for re-nomination .for tho office,of Prosecuting Attorney, the .Republican primary. ■ Wo are authorized to announce the name of George Sheets as a can didate for Clerk of Court subject to the Republican primary. We are authorized to announce tlte. name of Foss iSnrtman as a can didate for County Treasurer' sub ject to the Republican primary,' We are authorized to anuounee the name of Mel Barrows as a can didate for County Treasurer subject to the Republican primary. Wo are authorized to announce tho i..jn e of Mr, J. O. Cmiwell as a candidate for county commissioner before tho Republican primary, May 21. Wo are authorized to announce the name of C. M. Austin as a candi date for County Commissioner bo- tore Use Republican Primary. Subscribe fortheHerald* Dean Denied Place On Ticket By a decision of Secretary of State Graves, County Auditor Dean/, who was a. candidate for a third term, will he dented a place bn the ticket at the coming primary In that his nomina- ion papers were defective. .The Board of flections in this coun ty by a vote of two :■> one. voted to withhold the name from th e . ticket and an appeal to. Secretary Graves resulted as stated'above. The original vote was two Demo cratic adverse and one Republican; favorable to pjneing the name on the ticket. Mr. Amos B. Faulkner, who, was Sir. Dean’s opponent in the race wrote a letter to the election hoard stating that he waS wiJllng that Mr. Dean's name apepar on the ticket and should not be thrown out- on techni cality. Under the law the board could do nothing more than, submit the. ques tion to Secretary Graves, whose de cision .is final. • Mr. Dean has issued a statement to the public thanking his many friends for the support given him and assures them of continued loyalty for support -in the- past. Dr. H. R. Hawkins, who was a can didate for. coroner, suffered a like fate and’ his name will not be on the ticket, ■■■■.' It has been reported that -Mr. Dean wquld run on art independent ticket at the fall election., hut he states that b e ’ positively will not. The candidates for central commit tee, whose papers weer rejected by the election? board will also be barr ed, They-. represented 'candidates: from both factions'. It is safe to say that in the future candidates will 'be more careful in having their papers made out and will conform to the law - ■ The Highest Tribute , A CARD TO THE PUBLIC,. On account of a serious trouble which has developed during the past few days in one of hiy eyes, I have been ordered to a hospital, in Dayfon by my physicians, Drs. C, M. and W. A .Galloway, and Dr. D, AV. Greene. The trouble is of such gravity as to require an operation an4 stay of in definite length. Ou this account I will -he unable to make an active can vass for the remainder of the cam paign. I am, however, still a candidate for Representative, and ask my friends in every precinct to use every hon orable means at the poll# to assure my- election. Respectfully, ' S, -C. ANDERSON. / OBITUARY. Ida Mae Hanna was born at Ida-, ville, Ind,, Deceimber 18th, 1880. Slio lived at Idaville until tho spritlg.of 1900 when with her par ents she came to Cedarville, Ohio. September Oth, lOOiyshe was married to Hugh Burgefc. Mr, and Mrs. Burgefc lived at Fredric, Wisconsin, until the spring of 1910 when they tnbved to Scobey, Montana. They lived there until last'Fe.bruarywhen Mrs. Burget’ e health failed.- Fol lowing an operation at Indianapolis she spent her last days afc the home of her parents. ' Sim. died May 4th, 1912, age 31 years,'4months and 22 days. She Leaves her husband and a daughter, Vervioe Duello, 2j£ years old, Also her father . arid mother, three briithersandfivosisters.' She waB the oldest of a family of nine children arid hers is the iitst death, In the summer of 1899. she united with the Reformed Presbyterian church of Idaville, Ind. When she moved to Fredric, Wls., she with her husband united with the M,, B, church. She lived a consistent Christian life and as a daughter, sister, wife and mother she was al ways ready with a willing hand to do what she cou ld .. , AN UP-TO-DATE PLACE. What is l eyond a doubt the neat est sweetest ice cream parlorm these parts is flow Jn operation by Win. Marshall. He lms one of the latest Soda fountains installed and it sur ly makes an attractive appearance. Everything is strictly sanitary and looks clean and neat, Mr, Marshall has had chough ex perience in the business to put out some tasteful Sodas and Sundaes }arid is doing a nourishing business. Cedarville always was in need of a place of this kilid and Mr. Marshall should receive the support he de serve in this enterprise. Tim grand jury deliberated but four hours, hud a half ‘Monday and found four true bills. Elijah Ariderson, who shot Hofward Hickman, of James-, town, was Indicted for manslaughter, Floyd Polly and William SSimmefmatt, o f tiffs place,, were indicted for burg lary for the theft of Clover seed from Andrew Bros, John Ford for assault ing William Richardson, in Xenia, | The many friends.of Mr, S. (1. Ah* dersoft will regret to know that ow ing to an affliction of his eyes ho has had to enter a hospital for treatment and must of necessity give up his campaign for representative, HotV* ever, this must hot he construed that Mr. Anderson has withdrawn from the race. His friends will look after his campaign for him from now on until primary day, it is to he hoped that Mr. Anderson will in a short time ho restored lo Ills usual sight. ever paid our efficiency and our methods is the united ‘ judgement of our customers. You would agree with them if you shared their experience. To get the right article at the right price is more than half the battle won. .. Cheapness is the’prime motive only when buying “ junk” , . The success of our line depends on quality. Land Rollers, Harrows. Corn Planters and Cultivators KER &HASTINGS BROS. ESTABLISHED 1896 The W, L, Clematis Real Es^ tate and Insurance Office CEDARVILLE OHIO Handles Real Estate and Insurance in all branches of the business.' I always have a list of good Ohio Farms, for sale.. I handle Texas and Canaria1Lands,.and.conduct excursions for Home- seekers to Texas and Canada on the firstand thirdTuesdays of each month- I have sold many thousands of acres of rich lands in Texas and Cana da at the extremely low figures of Slo to.$35 per acre. Many of the buyers of these lands have raised'crops the first year that paid for the Jand. You can do the same ■ _ Did you know, Mr, Renter, that the rent you phy your landlord will in three or four years pay for a fine farm of the same size as the farm' ‘ Write Me for Information. Panel papers Cut out borders Artistic Decorations Send for us and I6t us do your designing Paints, Stationary, Picture Framing L, S, BARNES & CO, 4-6 Green St., Xenia, Ohio. FINE BUGGIES A L L S T Y L E S P0STEBUGGIES DURANT D0RT Buggies andothers Comfortable seat, classy brds, attractive gears, highest 'quality material throughout} We have a large stock o f new amt up-to-the-minute buggies on our floors. These buggies have been sold here for years—afo the cream of the trade, they have proven 'th e ir excellent quality and their guarantee means, everything t6 you. ' VTi TtYj whoare going to huy buggies this spring W I I I I willdoWell tocome inearly while the stock ’ -.v isfull. We willmake you a price that will sendyouaway’ withanewbuggy. OUR TERMS WILL SUIT YOU Y ou can’ t afford to have your old one repaired Trade it to us. Greene County Hardware Co. East Alain street ia, (X. #
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