The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26
ETJWPI f> - ■ w. A VOTE FOR MriRSTTAT.T. ■ >• - ■■■■■■ ■"■■■.■■ -V (■■ r■ ■■ ( , For County Treasurer Is A Vote For A Cedarville Township Candidate ^ LOCAL AND PERSONAL f F or R ent :—A tenanthouse of five rooms. Inquire of Mrs, T. J , Fitch. Mr, James Gray, of Pittsburg, "was here to attepd commencement exer cises o f the high school. Mr. Robert Hanria, of Chillicothe, is the guest o f Dr. J. W . Dixon and ■family , . Give Anchor paint a trial and you ■will use no other. Tarbox Lumber Co, Misses Mary Marshall and Ruth Tarbox, of Xenia, were here W ed nesday . evening for high school commencements Mr. Cecil Burns has issued invi tations to a number of his friends for next Tuesday evening. Dr. E. C. OgleBhee spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Dayton, attend ing a meeting o f ’the Homeopatical Medical Association. Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell spent Friday and Saturday in Day- ton, The most essential thing in paint ing is to see that you get good painAU Hone hotter than the old reliable Anchor brand. ■Tarbpx Lumbe Co,' —I f you can’ t buy a new one, have the old onb DRY CLEANED at the HOME Cldthing company, F or Rmsra?i— Handgbme office room s'‘over Hartman’ s Clothing Store. $4, J. P. Chew, Xenia, O. ' ^ ’ Aiz-fcf. We will pay you -----17c— or dozen in trade for CLEAN, RESH EGGS, Bring us your urplus. Bird's Mammoth Store. Mr. S. W . .Smith and wife, who have been spending the winter in Florida, are home for the Bummer. . son was bijrn Tuesday to Mr- I Mrs. Elmer Waddle. M f Robert Hood has. been granted a patent ’ on his spring wheel for automobiles, Mr*' Hood will try now to interest a rnanu- i'aoturerfor his new device. Saturday fine straw berries at two Quarts for a quarter, • Wm. Marshall. The tegular meeting of the senior j.T . L. will be postponed from Puesday evening until Thursday .yening, May *3. The program will le irt charge of'" the Auti-narcotic Jupt. Every member is urged to be iresehtas a special program has >eenprepared. ••■ Ii i "i• 1 ""l **'"1"1 If yon Want to vote for Taft next Puesday you will havs to put your £ opposite the names Of Cotroll C. EUlass and F. H. Slaughter. The lame of Taft orRoosetelt will not ippear'on the ballot. The adver Jsementon the first page shows »ow to vote for President Taft and ,he one on the seoond page for Col. Roosevelt. * "MUSLIN UNDERWEAR" for Ladies and Misses tho Jar- laat stock over in Cedarville. Night Down* SOCtSand $1,00 iftoiC * Dorset Cover* 25 , 50 and 75e »*ch. , Drawers 25 add 60o per pair. Skirt* 50 , 75 aftd $1.00 up to 13 .00 each, _ Bird"* Mammoth Store. Plenty of straw berries next week for canning end they will bo. cheap. Wm. Marshall. Prof. D. I t Barnes was in town Wednesday In the interest of Mr. a o . Anderson's cainpal&i? for the itats representative. Mr. Bernes nates that Mr. AMetson is ifn mivinff slowly at a hospital m Day ton Whore it was necessary to undergo an operation to save the sight of one Of hiit eye*. -0AllWm . Marshall for h^rrle* and fruit of ail kind. . —Stop at Marshall’ s for a cool re freshing soda. - v "Miss Mary Matthews was the hostess o f a surprise party Saturday afternoon. The date being cele brated in rembcrance o f her tenth birthday. Several presents were re ceived. •Every one left wishing Miss ■Mary many . more happy birthdays, Buy Anchor paint. It w ill satisfy you in .every respect. Tarbox Lumber Co. C l o t h e s of CLEANED at all kinds D R Y HOME Clothing Go. The local officials Thursday held up a band of gypsy wagons at the request of Sabina officials who have been in vestigating a clan of moving Italians that are supposed to have.stolen two small; boys in Cincinnati, Robert and Urban Nichols, aged 5 and 4 years. The wagons were searched but no trace of the boys were found. There were about twenty men, women and children in the band,but nothing to in dicate- that, the little fellows were in the crowd. The parents- of the chil dren are poor and Cincinnati mer chants will-offer a reward. SILK HOSE" Ladies in black and white per pair 50c and $ 1 . 0 0 ,, Bird’s Mammoth Store. A t the W. C, T. U. institute in Jamestown one.of the feature of the program is a play “ Mr. William Con versation,” was written by Mrs. Arch er of this place. A large delegation from this, vicini ty. heard Colonel Roosefeit in Xenia Wednesday afternoon. “ RUGS RUGS RUGS” - Eevery size and quality in our stock with many patternsto pick from., 9x12 Tapestry Brussels • ■ 1*1 — $ 10*00 9x12 Seamless Brussels " \ Rugs-<*-“-«-*-*-... ..~.-......„.~$14,90 10- 6x12 Seamless Brussels Rpgs....*..........*...... *.......$18.75 11- 3x13-6 Seamless Brussels Rugs......................-— $19.50 We have BODY BRUSSELS, AXMINSTER andVELVET also. Come In' aricT look ^hem over. We can save you money. Bird's Mammoth Store. Floyd Felly and Wm, Zimmerman, indicted tor burglary, have plead not guilty and. will stand trial. The in dictments were made tor the theft Of clover seed from Andrew Bros, —Call me for Ice Cream itar your dinner or supper. * Fromp pellvery, Wm, Marshall, The Postal Telegrriph^Company has brought suit against Messrs. Fred and Clayton McMillan to force.the trim ming of shade trees-along the McMil lan land, on toe Columbus pike. For B a le :-B rood sow, will far row this month. Phone 4 Tl. Mr. Cecil Burns has been elected to teach school in New Jasper town ship next year. . - v Mr. Charles Galbreath, of Dayton, spent Saturday and “Sabbath with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Galbreath. Messrs, Fred. McMillan, of Des Moines, Iowa, and Harland McMillan, of Mason City, Mo., visited Mr. and Mrs, James McMillan the first of too week. The twenty-ninth anpual meeting of the Missionary Society of the United Presbyterian church is being held In Chicago And a ‘ number of prominent women in this county are in attend ance. Miss Lulu Henderson, of this place, being among toein. .' The infant daughter born to Mr, and Mrs, John W. Johnson, died last Saturday afternoon, -having lived but a few hours. „ Rev, M, J. Taylor and Mr, W, H, Cre 3 well rind Rev. William Naide* who goes to India to engage in mis sion work, are attending General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian church in -Cincinnati this week. Dr, W. R. MeChesrtey delivered the -haccalaureate sermon to tho gradu ates of the high school Mist Sabbath evening before a large crowd in the opera house. The speaker chose tor his theme, - “ So Run That You May Obtain," the message to the class being wove about the ancient Greek games, the most famous being the races at Corttlth. The class was urg ed to prepare for tho race of life, not only With the development of the physical powers, but that the mlna as Well for pure and noble purposes In that the goal to be obtained is too reward o f having lived th* -best and fullest life. Scripture wa<* read .by Rev, W, K. Putt, D, D.» and prayer was offered by Rev. M. J. Taylor and Rev. J, S. B. McMichael. Music was furnished by the members of the ehubch choirs. Lest you forget, W e handle Uni- versalicomont, Also patent plaster * Tarbox Lumber Co Death OF W. J. Smith. Mr; W . J. Smith, of Kent, for merly a resident of this place,, died last Friday after a short illness o f plural pneumonia. The deceased was tbe son o f Jonathan and Eleanor F. Smith and was-, in his 69fch year, being the oldest of two sons and two daughter. A t the out break of the war Mr. Smith enlisted liivthe 44th O. V. I. arid was .later transferred to,the 8 th O- C.x A t the close o f the war he was united in marriage to Miss Minerva Townsley, who .survives besides a daughter,' Eleanor and an adopted daughter, Miss Lulu Smith. Mrs. Lucy Mc Clellan, Mrs. J.’E. Turnbull and Mr. G. H. Smith were sisters and brother to the deceased. The funeral was held Monday afterpooir, the services being con ducted by the Congregationalist minister m 1 that place, the family having uuited, with that denomi nation since leaving here. Banal took place near Kent. Mr. H . A. Townsley, Mrs. M. A. Creswell, Mrs. Mary Bridgman, Mr. G. H . Smith and daughter, Florence, and Mrs. Lucy McClellan of this place and Mr, G. A. Mc Clellan and Miss Irene McClellan, o f Indianapolis attended thefuneral. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT, W e are authorized to announce the name o f Dr. P. C. Marquart as a candidate for tbe Republican nomi nation for Coroner, subject to the primary election May Sl, Mr. John M cVay, member oi, the Colinty Infirmary Board which was legislated out .of existence by the last legislature, .announces' himself as a candidate before the" next Re publican primary for the nomination' of county treasurer. W e are authorized to announce the name o f S« O. AudersoV as a candidate for representative be fore the Repuhlcan primary. We are authorized to announce the name of R. S. Harmount as a candidate for county treasurer sub ject to the Republican primary. We are authorized to announce the name of Mr. George Perrill, of Boworsville, as a candidate for .county commissioner before the Re publican primary. * We ate authorized to announce B; F /Tbomas as a candidate for County Recorder subject to the Republican PrimaryElection .to he hold May 21 st, 1012 . , W e are authorized to announce the name o f W . F . Orr as a candi date for Prosecuting Attorney be fore the Republican primary, May 21 . ‘ W e are authorized to announce the name of W . B, McGalhster as Candidate for Sheriff, subject to the Republican Primary MaySl. We are authorized to announce the name of Col. I. T. Cummins as a candidate for Representative be fore the Republican Primary, We are authorized to announce the name o f R. D, Williamson as a candidate fo r - renomination for County Commissioner before the Republican Primary* W o arc authorized to announce the name o f Judge Marcus Shonp as a candidate for the Republican nomlriation for Congress in the Sixth Co* sessional district subject to the primary election in May. We arc authorized to announce the natnc of J. Carl Marshall as a candidate for County Clerk before tho Republican primary. We are authorized to announce the name of Frank L. Johnson as a candidate for re-nopiibatiou for the office of Prosecuting Attorney, subject to tho Republican primary* W e arc authorized to announce the name of George Shoots as a can didate for Clerk o f Court subject to the Republican primary. Wo are authorized to announce the name of Foss Hartman as a can didate for County Treasurer sub ject to the Republican primary,- We are authorized to announce tho name o f Mel Barrows as a 'ca n didate for County Treasurer subject to the Republican primary. We are authorized to announce tho natne o f Mr, J, 0 . C«<nwoU as a candidate fpr county commissioner heioro the Republican primary, MaySl, We arc authorized to announce the name of 0 , M. Austin as a candi dst# fo r County Commissioner b i - fore the Republican Primary. Rightly Due Rural Population- FiguresThat OpenElectors Eyes OutlyingDistrict*HaveVery’ Small Representation inthe Court House. The population o f Xenia City is 8,706: o f th e "outlying districts, 21,027. . (Census 1910) Xenia City pays $119,337.- 88 taxes, the outlying dis tricts pay $317,769,68. 77 Per cen t -o f the court house officers., fstsre republi can candidatesforlhem from outlying districts. 70 Ffer cent of. these candi dates are from Xenia while 30 per cent are from outlying districts. * X ' There , are F IVE candi- didates: for , treasurer from Xenia while, them* is only ONE, R . S. Harmount, from the outlying districts*.' * After reading the |ibove statistics no .one can help re alizing that tbe outlying dis tricts .have, indeed, a very small representation ' at the county seat and that it is only fair that it should be larger, and also, that a vote for the candidate for treasur er from the outlying districts, is only giving to., those dis tricts a consideration which is justly due them. ORDINANCE NO, 73. To impress and restrain disorderly houses and to provide for the pun ishment o f lewd and lascivious be havior In the streets and other pub- 11 s places. Be it ordained by the council of the village of Cedarville, state of Ohio: Section 1. That it shall., he Unlaw ful tor .any .person to keep a disor derly house within this village or for any person keepl* , or occupying any house or part of a house within this village, to permit or allow any riot ous, noisy or disorderly persons to resort to or frequent the same, or to hold or allow therein dances or car rousels for idle or dissolute company, or to allow any boisterous, noisy, lewd or disorderly conduct therein or there abouts, Every person so offending shall upon conviction thereof be fined in -any sum not exceeding fottr hun dred (400) dollars and shall pay the costs of prosecution. section 2. Any person who shall while In or upon any alley, street, sidewalk, public ground or other pub lic' place in this village, make use of atiy indecent, obscene or lascivious language, gesture or behavior, shall on conviction thereof he fined in any sum not exceeding four hundred (400) dollars and shrill pay the costs o f pros ecution. . Section 3.. This ordinance shall take effect and he In force from and after tho earliest period allowed by law, ■■ V , ’" ■ . . v . (Passed this- 14th day of May, 1012. L. G. PULL, President of Council. ATTEST: J. W. JOHNSON, Clerk. Approved this 14th day of May, 1912. • ■». L. G. BULL, Mayor Of tile. Village of •Codarvilie, ■. ■Ohio. . ■ .. " . CARD OF THANKS. We desire to thank the many friends who so kindly assistod aut* ih£ our recent bereavement. Tho many tavors and kindness ap preciated by us, M f, Mtigh Burget, .G, E, Hanna and Family* Subscribe for the Herald, High Cost of Living Made Easy When y ou trade at our store. Besides the lown ess o f price w e give yoh what you want when you want it. T h en you have the quality, quality 3 nd qu ick service. : S A T U R D A Y V S P E C IA L S M others ’ Corn F lake l o c package tor 5 c 9 D ifferent Kinds o f Bread 3 c Per Loaf. Pure Lard - California H am s Ark Soap „ - . Salt W h ite F ish M o ch a and Java Coffee l i e per lb. per lb l o c 20 per bar . i c each 22 c per lb. OUR PRICES Star Crackers...... ................................................ 6 C Silver Prunes......... ............. ........ ....... .......... 12 Prunes................. ........ .‘......................................... ■jo California Prunes, a lb .... ......................... ......... 0 'Fancy Large Santa Clara •County Prunes, per lb....................,10 Fancy Bright Evaporated Apricots', , per lb ................ 1 3 C Fancy LargeLemon Cling Peaches, per lb...„lO- Tomatoes, per can.................... H Corn, per can.,.,.............................. ..................... 7 Peas, per can...................... ............................. Ldnox Soap. 3 bars........ .................. .y. ............ ..,.10 • * H. E. Schmidt 6 Co Wholesale and Retail Grocers , * ’* , . * ._ * 30 South Detroit Street, . .. Xenia, Ohio* ■ v- • ! • on the Cat Lifle We did so because we >believed its merit would outsell every other line in town. We were right. It has,, ‘ And if you wish to know why, all you need to do is to come and look over our good looking and good wearing men’s hose. ’ . •’ Take notice o f that Extended Heel—made by special Machinery—rWhich is an exclusive feature of Black Cat, and which doubles the life o f your. *ock. Notice their soft lustre and even beautiful col ors. Almost *heer and handsome as Ladies’ stockings, yet about as strong as the children's. SUITS —Latest S ylea and Lowest prices - SPRING COATS —$ 5.75 up SKIRTS —Fine selection. The best for $5.75 yet shown WAISTS —$ 1.00 up CARPETS - RUGS - LINOLEUM - Lowest Prices Reached R o o m R .u g s a S p e c i a l t y / Hutchison & Gibhey X E N I A , O H I O . $100 Rewards $100. The readers of this paper will be pleaso- io learn that there is at least one dreedecl disease that science hoa breh able to Cure in all its stages' end that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Care is the only positive cure now known !to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly up ah the blood and mneoussurraccs of system thereby destroying the foundation of tho. disease,"andglVUig the patient strength by j buildingUp the constitution and assisting* urtture in doing Its work. The "proprietors j briveso much faith in its curative powers, ] hat they offer one IIundred Dollars for puy | soft that it falls to cure. Send for fist o ‘ testdnionkds, Address, F. J. CHFNEY & Co, Toledo 0. Sold by Druggist, 75c. rift’s Fatuity plUs we the best, LISTEN J Have your Spring clothes dry- cleaned and make them look like htjvv. H. F. Bird has tho agency for the Xenia' Dry Cleaning Co, Every hit of work guaranteed.'* Attention! Fanners—Dairymen B. T . Babbitt’ s Lye or Potash will keep your fruit trees in good condi tion, Fine for your hogs and fowls. Keeps milk utensils sweet and clean. ,■ •Pry-off-top on can keeps lye good ’ till used. Save the trade-marks and send for our Lye Booklet giv ing directions for its different uses. B .T . BABB ITT , I n e . r . o . box t i n New York City aoon-nvn a To Marie* Oermrit
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