The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26

«**•' •~"~rm» T Wm W <*-V~R*rs‘ -mtnwyeiwv FINE BUGGIES A L L S T Y L E S POSTE BUGGIES DURANT DORT Baggies wd other* Comfortable seat, classy beets, attractive gears, highest qualitymaterial throughout” We have * large stock of »evr and up-to-the-minute buggies on ourflqors, These buggies have been sold hero for years—are the cream of the trade, they have proven their excellent. quality and their guarantee means everything to you, 1 T A I T who are going to buy buggies this spring V 1 1 1 I will dp well to come in early while the stock is full. We will make yon a price that will send you away with a newbuggy, OUR TERMS WILL SUIT YOU You can 't afford to have your old one repaired Trade it to us. Greene County , Hardware Co, East Main street Xenia, O. PalaceMeat Market FRESH & SMOKED MEATS FRUIT & GROCERIES Truesdale & Rohler SUCCESSORS TO C. C.^WEIMER. Cedarville Ohio. C E PA feV X XX E OH IO Handles'llejal Estate and Insurance in allbranehes of the business. I alwayshata a list oftgood Ohio Famisfor sale. '■ ' I handle Texas and Gunanst Lands, and conductcxcursions for Home* seekers to Texas and Canada on the first and thirdTuesdays of each month Xhave soWmany thousands of acres of rich lands in Texas and Oana- da at the extremely low figures of $15 to $86 per acre. ..Many of the buyers of these lands have raised crops the first year that paid for the land. You can. do the same Did you know, Mr, Renter/that the rent ypu pay your landlord will in three or four years pay for a fine farm of the same size as the farm you are renting? . , W r i t e M e f o r I n f o rm a t i o n . Cartel papers Cut out-borders Artistic Decorations , . Send for us and let us do yotlr designing Paints, Stationary, Picture Framing L S, BARNES & CO, 4-6 Green S t., Xenia, Ohio;- The Cedarville Herald, $ i.o o P e r 'V'ea.r. KARLH BULL - Editor ••.- ■. . V. - ”• *:■ • ’ • ' - ' M f . - ESTABLISHED 18*>6 The W , L Clemans Real Esc tate and Insurance Office You Don’t Need a Town Crier % ' ' to ftxiphasizc the merits of your busifteSS. dh tttf noutios your social sales. A straight story told in a straight way to the readers of this paper Wilt quickly reach the ears of the thoughtful, intelligent buying public, the people who have the money m their pockets, and the, people who listen to reason 1 and not noise. Our books, you a list of the kind of people you appeal to. Call and see them at this office, Entered a t t}ie Post-Office, Cedor ville. October 31, 1887, as second class matter. FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1912 The Xenia Republican, the organ of the “reform hoodlers" in Xenia, admits in answer to the Herald's charges that there were some things dope by the Citizens* League that re­ sembled "gang” methods. The Re­ publican hides behind such men,aa Dr, Moorehead and W. C. Hutchisbn and intimates that the Herald- termed them boodlers. We never said such, never intimated or even thought of such. The Republican can not be­ cloud the issue by hiding behind the good names of these men. The Citi­ zens’ League is not managed by such men as tho Republican would have you believe, It is the cowards behind a number of good men that used gang methods without their knowledge. Dr, Moorehead or Mr,. Hutchison had no knowledge that the band used in the Fourth Ward was paid three timfes by three different people for .the same night's services, Such a tale as this only was used to keep from telling what really had been done with the le -no's funds. Dr. Moore­ head or Mr. Hutchison had no more to do with spending the money in the Fourth Ward.-than did the Governor of the.state. There watf no occasion for the Republican to shield its bood- ling friends behind a few who were entirely ignorant of what the league was being used for. The Republican 'is new in the field and will know more about its friends in the next six months than it has learned in the past six, In a- Different' Role. ‘'Thousands of Americans have seen the sailow, long bearded Anton Lang .at work in his" modest pottery or on the Oberammorgau stage as the central figure in the ‘Passion Play,' '* says a letter from Munich, quoted, in the New York Tribune, “but we, who visited the place recently, in the wrong yearvand t^e more than Wrong Season, Baw him in a new and human­ ly Interesting role. In a rought-heavy- epat, high woolen leggings* fur cape -hd old fashioned wool mittens, he gat .on 'a sled. In front of him sat,.a little girl Muffled tightly lq . heavy wraps. Her little gloved hands were, on the Wheel and she probably thought that she was directing the course of tho Sled. If facial expression may he tak­ en as a guide Lang was having a bet* ter time than When we saw him oil the celebrated peasant stage,*' ' . .Modem Drain*. v - Klynter— 'What Is the secret, of. success in‘business? Selling the peo­ ple what they want?” tyuntoburn— “No, not exactly! educating them Into' wanting (lie things you haVe to sell.” TRY O U R JOB P R A T I N G 15 NO te ram n oN A L StMfSORE L essor Wy E, o, SELLERJS, Director of Even­ ing Department, The Moody Bible In. Btitute of. Chicago,) TBUTHFDLNE88. LESSON TEXT—Melt. 6?J3-37; James S: GOLDEN TEliT—“Putting away false­ hood, speak ye truth each man with his neighbor; for wo are members ope of another,*’—Eph. 4;25, In. this lesson Jesus makes a still further application, or rather* gives us another illustration of the righteous4 ness of his new kingdom, which must be greater than that. taught by the Pharisees, We have studied the sa­ cred relationsiof the righteous life, now we are to consider the matter of truth. We have first a paragraph from Jesus, then an ethical teaching and ap- plication from the writings of Jamei the apostle. Under- the old law men. -swore by heaven which Is God's throne, by the earth which la his footstool, by Jeru­ salem which was his peculiar qhOBen clfy. They swore by the head and yet they could .not change one hair white or black.' JesuB contrasts all of this with 'his new kingdom in which.absolute simple veracity In our speech is all that Is to be required. This makes all oaths profane. .When men live in these new relations, with this now consciousness of God they will speak the truth naturally and of necessity. To such there will be no need for any form of speech or oath, for..the simplest, .plainest speech will be the only necessary and the alto­ gether, satisfactory medium of giving and of creating assurance. How about oaths in court? Jesiia is, dpeaking to the members of bis new kingdom, lie-- tween them yea and nay ip sufficient, but as between them and others we must adjust ourselves;’ and therefore we do not read into this any admoni­ tion not to oath, in court. Should Be 6,Wlft to Hear. •'Be not many teachers.” We now tufn to a paragraph from the Epistle o f James which has its peculiar value and interest ap .showing the difficulty, of'mastering th e ‘ tongue. , In the church of Christ there, must of neces­ sity b© a great, many more disciples {learners) than teachers. ’Every man should be swlft-to hear; but the posi­ tion of teacher,' carries, with it such d'burden of. responsibility that no one should audaciously..assBume '.it,* see *Eph. 4:11, etc. With this responsibil­ ity is' also a corresponding!#, heavier Judgment if wq .Stumble, " H e . that stumbles'not' in teaching,. In the use of his tongue, is indeed a perfect man and one that Is-able ,tb bridle the whole body; to. guide the ship of life, of state, and of the- church, amidst the fiercest storms. ' “The tongM# mt '•» fife.”' It is in­ deed for it infficffies wlth anger the whole "body, the family, society and the nafioh. History is ablaze with the conflagrations that are a consequence of untimely words and of unbridled tongues, Prov, 16:1, etd. The tongue giving utterance to the thoughts of the heart (for out of the abundance of the heart 'it speaks), will Inflame lust, wither purity and consume strength. It fires Jealousy and burns the sweet bonds'of friendship- It. will sever the ties of home, burn away the founda­ tions of character, of commercial in- • tegrtty, social purity and destroy the .bonds of civic righteousness. It la indeed “a world Of iniquity among our members” . Let us quote from Dr. K. A, Torrey: “The Area of hell are kindled by Idie words .that set men .thinking Wrong about God and sin and Christ and the Bible.' Men usually careful lln-handiidg'fire are careless about the tongue. Whence come the words that inflame the imagination and the passions? Whence come the words that undermine faith and the credibility of the Bible? if any man question James’ vrhrda that 'the tongue can no man tame* he has evidently never tried it himself.” This does not mean, however, that the tongue can not be tamed, Mr What Is impossible with than la possible with God. James draws a frightful picture of the un­ tamed tongue and of Its evil conse­ quences. Frofans Men Classified, "ThesO things ought not to be.” No more can a fountain yield, fresh and salt water at one and the same time, or a fig tree yield olives, than for a Christian to bless God and With the same tongue curse bis fellow inen, Not only Is it unkind but it is un- Christlike. Sarcasm means literally “to tear flesh like dogs,” the chari­ oteer’s whip tore the flesh, so we use the tongue as a lash, biting the Sensi­ tive spirits of men; verily these things “ought not to he,” Phillips Brooks said, “Tell me the words a man uses and reproduce his tone of voice and I’ll tell what sort Of man he Is,” It is a literal fact that the truthful man Is he who usually exemplifies all other virtues and We cannot em­ phasize too strongly that no”gentle­ man swears. Profane men are of three .classes; those who are thought­ less, those Who are ignorant of lan­ guage and have a paucity of expres­ sions at their command, :and those Who Use profanity to emphasize a lie, and generally the greater the lie the more and stronger the oaths, We must hot forget, however, that by our si: lence we may bear false witness and that a positive obligation rests upon us to speak words of praise. —•Competitors and patrons readi­ ly admit that our line of Harm implements la unquestioned as to merit, then all that is left to con­ sider is the price, which wo guaran­ tee to be the lowest in the county. Any farmer that does not call and got our prices stands in his own light. If you cannot visit tho store, tell us your wants over tho phono and wewiii give you the price or Solid our representative to see you. Greene County Hardware ipo„ Xema, Ohio. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind Ton Have Always Bough t, and which has been - In use for over 3 0 years, has borne tb e signature of and has been made under bis per­ sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon In this. A ll Counterfeits, Im itations and “ ju st-as-good” a re but ‘ -Experiments th a t trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CA STO R 1A Cdstoria is a harm less substitute fo r Castor Oil, P a re ­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t Is P leasan t, I t contains neither Opium, Morphine no r other Narcotic substance. I ts ag e Is its guaran tee . I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation . and Flatu lency . I t assim ilates th e Food , regulates tb e Stomach and Bowels,, giving Healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—L MeM other's F riend ; GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS FBears the Signature, of TheKindYouHaveAlwaysBought In Use For Over 3 0 Years THCCENTAURCOMPANY,TTMURRAYRTBEET. NEWYORKCITY. Are You Getting the Tenths? W e pay you for every bit of cream delivered to us even to the tenth of a pound. TRY US AND SEE! * r> ' ' « The Xenia Creamery Company, * The Best Is the Test. _. W a t t B ro s . So . Detroit S t ., X en ia , Ohio, Our line of Woolens for this seaiori is one of the finest and best we ever had. We haye an ex tra line of fine blue serges in stock and when you to come to Xenia not to forget to call and inspect , our Stock. Suits from $20 .00 up. k a n y , . . The Leading flerchant Tailor. [XENIA, 4 OHIO. Fresh Fish . O Y S T E R S ATLAS HOTEL and RESTAURANT, REMODLED - REFURNISHED Popular Priced R es tau ran t for Ladles and Gentlemen. - Service Is unexcelled S , D etroit s tre e t, X en ia , 0 , I T WELL JU S T TOUCH THE SPOT and prove an every day winner every time* Good health, good cheer and long life is wlmt we promise if yon Buy Our Meats Microbes, disease and death lurk ih a ldfc of the meet that’s sold, , buf not ip ours. We sell the best and a t a fraction above cost. Our market is safe and not high priced. G B CROUSE, Cedarville , Ohio, “The Only Thing That Will Relieve Neuralgia.” • The piercing pains, of Neuralgia, which often follows a bad cold or La Grippe,'are frequentlyalmost un- - bearable and few medicines afford - any relief to the sufferer. “I am a rural .mail carrier and have been a user of the Dr. Miles medicines for years. Dr. Miles* Anli*Pain P ills can’t be beaten. They'Ve the ■ only thing 1 have found-that will relievemy neuralgiaandI have tried most everything, besides medicine from the doctor. I am willing to tell anyone what the Anti-Pain Pills did for me.” ' ’ • j 1 C harles H ilderbrandt /, ‘ Box 205 Woodvill, Ohio- If you, like Mr. Hilderbrandt, “ have tripd iuost everything” in vain, why not. do as he did, fight your aches and pains with Dr. ’ Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills. .Let the pills bear the brunt of the battle. No matter how stubborn the con­ test, they will come out victorious; Dr* Miles’, Anti-Pain Pills stand on their record, which is a .long list of cures extending back a gener a t ion . ■ -“ Druggists everywhere sejl -them. If first package falls to 'benefit, your drug­ gist will return yo,ur money. v MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Intb - f-. -I TheBookmaltw ...ItestaufMt.., IN THE BOOKWALTER H®TEL ✓ HIGH STREET DININGROOMFORLADIBSUP STAIRS ALSO REST ROOM. M e a l s " n o w .as c e n t s . ^ Lunch Counter on Main Floor ‘ OpenDay and Night. The Best ef Good Used in tho Cul- : Urnrjr Department. J* H. McHlLLAN. Funeral Director end Furniture Dealer. Manufacturer ef Gemeat Grave Vault* and Cement Building Blecka. Telephone 7. Cedarville, Ohio. DICKA. TOWNSLEY Contractor for Founda tions , W a lk s and V e rand as a Sp ecia lty Cedarville, Ohio. Phone £ -108 tW k lU iA v 6 0 YEARS’ t?XD£nfF?NIN>ff P atents trade marks DceiQNe C opyrights & 0 . sending k sketch Anddescriptionmar enlckhr nseertftln our opinion free whether «n W^toi notUt, without chAr^e, in the ScientificjfftiitrieaiL Ahaiidedmelfillustrated weekly. W rest cir- culatloit or any scientlUn journal. Terms, *3 » AtmAU, » e DISEASESOFTHEREdTUM d r j » j . j . M c C l e l l a n « “ i5LTfcJ CSLSMBW, 0, Cmeinle l i v e Sh IsH C i X very 1 ~At Yes *58W1? 1 serlpUcosi Dm «mina Uvestocks Pr«cripu« fxtfljyi meatsand Cattle,Hor G e t 11 Laarnto l hUthetrtauj Owes »ym Your cop, Treatment Soil ; ' et<nr»M*' :i'. c s : •<cea>’-« L( , —Stop 1 Mi freshing > Saturd two quai Mr. G ninety f three-coj gfiests. favors, cial plea Ol o f .1 CI/EA j S Mr. S Ford aui other ne Mr. Cla- Mr. S home af a Dqyto was fori . but it w friends. Give / will use i The i ecf at th eral Syr terian < Cincinm' erator; ,Chestnu', lor; tre; •' The S same a maintai- cate. 1 pointint ker, Mr. , serve., The ) 'i ) mormni .‘farewel, for his 1 i . 1 F ob rooms Store. ' S paipitati' 1 *1* O.C.& {. !n ■ 1 .1