The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26

iMWtiPIfi Treat Your Own live Stock psa/SEBBSS* Kvwy 1 H ' —-Ai YourDrugStott W%«tnyUM]Pmtr*<Pre- _ ,. MertpUoM MwiDr. .R*b*rU' R aa5 s r_„ '.™ ::__ _ Get the Book Now FREE i to know your u ta ila . t U k Book is tk« rtsuthorttjf wefatvs on ib n stock <U*M umm . i *ymptom», tolta wh*t to do, bow to doit. — - «*dy-Jtwolut«ly fr»s. c»ll lor It sslw sjihsrs whw» jou m *4 tbeoC Miss Dona Barca entertained th* young lades of the high school grad- eating class at a slumber party on the night of the JOth. Luncheon was served at 10 p, m, and 8 three-course b?>eakfast at 8 a. m. -Then an er- joyablo time was spent until the ar­ rival of a conveyance to conduct the guests to their- homes. I f reports are true then slumbers were continued throughout the day. Buy Anchor paint. I t will satisfy you in every respect. '■Turbo's Lumber Co, Miss' Florence Forbes attended the funeral of Mrs. Gathers, of Yellow Springs, Monday, Spld By C. M, Ridaway, LOCAL AND PERSONAL | —Stop at Marshall’s for a cool re­ freshing soda. Saturday fine straw berries* at two quarts for a quarter. Wip. Marshall. Mr. ■Cecil Burns entertained about ninety friends Tuesday, evening. - A three-course luncheon was. served the f ;uests. Pink carnations were the avors. The evening was one of so­ cial pleasure to all.. m o t h os Of all kinds D B Y CLEANED at HOME Clothing Co. Mr. - S. W. Smith has purchased a Ford automobile of Nagley Bros. An­ other new owner of an automobile is Mir. -Clayton McMillan. ^ fv ' t ’ Mr. S. C. Anderson has returned home after having an eye removed at a.Dayton hospital. "Mr, Anderson ' was forced to give up his campaign, . but -it was successfully carried on by ' frierids. Give Anchor paint a trial and you will use no other. • 1 Tarbox Lumber Co. The following .officers were elect­ ed a t the annual meeting of the Gen­ eral Bynod of the Reformed Presby­ terian Church of North America in Cincinnati? Rev, W-, H. Gailey, mod­ erator, Stated 'clerk, Rev, James L. Chestnut; assistant, Rev. Mi J . Tay­ lor; treasurer, Rav. J . L. Chestnut. The-Synod voted to appropriate the same amount this year a s last' .to .-maintain the efficiency of the Advo­ cate. A resolution was passed ap­ pointing Prof. F . A» Jurkat publish- ' er, Mr. S,”' C. Wright declining td serve.' ; . Tjie Rev, William Waidepn Friday morning was tendered an interesting farewell meeting before h? leaves for his mission Held, F ob R ent ; —Handsome office •roptn«‘ over Hartman’s Clothing Store. $1. J . P . Chew, Xeuia, O. .. A 12-tf, Subscribe for the Herald. n ^ 1 For Indigestion. A Relieves sour stomach, palpitationOftheheart, Digests whatyou eat Plenty of straw* berries next week for canning and they will be cheap. • Win, Marshall. The township trustees are having the opera house cleaned from top to bottom and when completed will pre­ sent a different appearance. It may he that the house will be decorated on the interior, If sufficient funds are available this should he done as the walla present an unsightly ap-, pearance. Fred J . Southard, of Minneapolis, fell 100 feet to his death a t the Wright aviation field near Simms Station in this county Tuesday morn­ ing. Sputhard was the son of a bank­ er and -was an enthusiastic amateur aviator, having purchased a machine several days ago, He had never made flights without being accompanied by a professional but Tuesday morning Woke into the aerodome and stole out the machine. Six minutes after he started he was dead, the machine hav­ ing turned turtle. CHURCH SERVICES, R , P, Church, Teachers meeting Saturday evon- ‘ ftt-7 p. m, * Bible School,-Sabbath a t 0:30 a. m. Preaching by the pastor a t 10:30 a. in. Subject; “The Obscure Apostle.” Christian Endeavor at Gs;p. m. Subject: “Missionary Progress in Asia” , Mary Ellen Lownos, leader* or. Ptayer meeting Wednesday even­ ing a t 7 p, m, Subject: "The Hear­ er—the Moralist,” Mara 10:17-22. U. P , CHURCH. Sabbath School at 9:30 Preaching by the pastor a t 10:80a, m. - ‘ Y . P. C. II. at 6.00. Leader, Roy Henderson, Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:00 p. m. Led by the pastor. M. E. CHURCH 9:30 a. m, Sunday School. . ‘ 10:30 a. m. Preaching. 6 :00 pi m. Epworth League. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00 o’clock. .Official Board meeting the jirst Tues­ day evening of each month. —CallWm . Marshall for berries and fru it o f ail kind, , Mrs. Jennie H.utchison, Mrs. Will Cherry and Mrs. Ernest Hutchison were at home Tuesday afternoon to a large number of ladies at the home of the latter in honor of Mrs.-Max­ well and Mrs. McClintock, of Penn­ sylvania,: daughters- of NMrst Jennie Hutchison. ‘ President Taft spoke to a large crowd in Xenia Monday afternoon, but owing to his voice being overtaxed few could understand what he had to say. As the train was somewhat late in arriving the crowd was given a talk on equal Suffrage by Mrs. Fitz­ gerald, one of a number of women, that have been following the Roose­ velt and Taft campaign orators aver the. state- addressing crowds before or after the presidential speakers. The' Junior Class of the College banquets the Seniors tonight a t the L ib ra ry ., ' Mr. Win. Hopping hasr.eturned Jo, the Foster , Hotel after spending some time with his sister, Mrs- C. G, Pauli, of Dayton.* Mr- Hopping is much. improyed( Mr. Pauli and wife will spend the summer in-A r­ kansas where they recently pur­ chased a large tract of land. * ■ L IS T EN ! ' Have y ou r . Spring clothes dry- cleaned and make them look like pew, tH; F- B ird Jtjps the agency for the X en ia Dry Cleaning Co. Every bit of‘Work guaranteed^- ' Miss Florence Williamson, who has been teaching at Glenwood, la., will nbt return home as soon a? school Closes, hut will take a Western trip, visiting relatives near Colville, Wash.,, for several weeks. For S a l e ’Brood, sow,- will far­ row th is’month. Phono 4 71. HighScholCommencement of the Clifton Union Schools Tuesday Evening, May 28, 1912 ... . .|f-.y. p r o r a m MUSIC Invocation. ..Rev, Ritchie MUSIC. Peace .... .....—..................... ................. ............Cornelia M, B'mdfute Our Highways...... .................— .........:.......... ..... ................‘l ohn W* Coll,n* Home, Sweet Home.................... *.....;........- ..........................Anna B. Wright Choosing an Occupation.......... ............. .....................................J* Merle Rlfe MUSIC The Slaughter of the Innocents........................................ M. Dorothy Collins Importance of Trifles...... ........................ - ..................... J* Edwal-d Highwood Stepping Stones....,.................................................;....... -...Frances M. CoWjr TheTongue.....-.... .............. -...*.... *........ ..Maurice L, Swaby MUSfc Opportunity........ .... ........................... ...................... Self Control..............-.... ......................................... Lobor Hater*........ ................................................ ehristianityrthd C®uge 0 i,Progress ......- MUSIC .......... .....Maud M. Muffler ..... .......Clare A. Brown ........... .........M. Inez Loyett ...........J . Wilbur Corry .Prof. C, L, Martzoff Hayei fesfer ■ClassAddress ................ Presentation of Diplomas................................................... Frof, W, B, a es Benedicion..................... - .......... ............... •'.......................................Rev. Foster MUSIC Mr- Joe Finney, has returned to Columbus after spending a few%days here, Tho Ladies’ Aid Society of thu M. E . church will hold a market Satur­ day afternoon, May 25th, a t 2 :80 in the room occupied by O. M. ToWus- ley, , Mr. K . E . Randall, superin­ tendent of the Spring Valley Schools visited here the first of the week. \ Miss Cora Conner, Yellow Springs has been the guest ot friends, being here to attend the high school: com­ mencement. Wilherforce commencement takes place Thursday, June 18: Mrs. W. A. Beckley, of Coulter- ville, 111 ,, is here as a guest of her daughter, Miss Grace Beckley and to attend the college commence­ ment exercises: Dr. W. R . McChesney returned home Monday evening from ©bat. field’, O., where be delivered the class address a t the graduation exercises In that place*. . .. Rev, R . O. Wiley, of Pittsburg, will preach for the R . P , congre­ gation, O. S, Mr. Geprge MoClellan, wife and son. Rohert, and Miss Irene Mc­ Clellan, of Indianapolis and Miss Siager, of Springfield, spent Sab­ bath with Mrs, Lucy McClellan.' Miss E th e i Spencer, of Dayton,' spebt Sabbath a t homo^ , Mr, and Mrs, Charles Stevenson are entertaining ‘ a daughter that arrived a t their home, Tuesday. 1 Mr. John Lo tt of Pittsburg, stop­ ped off here Monday for a short stay, euroute to Evansville, Ind, Mrs. Ju lia Condon has returned to Trenton after spending several days here with relatives. Mr; and Mrs. Charles Gilbert, of South Charleston spent Sabbath w ifi^Mr. arid Mrs. John Johnson. ’ Mrs, J . W. Radabaugh has for her guest her Bister, Miss McDonald, of Celina. * : A jury in Mayor Bu ll’s court this morning found Mrs. Stella Hinton not guilty of disorderly as charged. Judge Shoup represented the de- fendentand W. L , Miller, the v il­ lage. A similar charge had been filed against the husband, Andrew Hinton, but the case has not been disposed ot as yet. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Clark and daughters, of Springfield, spent several days laBfc week with Mrs, Anna Boyd and attended Commence­ ment;. 1 Market. Saturday afternoon, .May 25, in tt:a rOcftn occupied, by O. M. Townsley by the L . A. S, of the M. E . Church. RoV. J , S. E , MoMichapl delivers tho Memorial sermon Sabbath afternoon in the/ opera house at three o’clock to the veterans. HliBWi lWMilil $I00 Rewards $i00. The readers of this paper will be picase- 10 learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to euro in all ite Singes and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh CureIs the only positive euronow known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a ddostitutionai treatment. Hail’s Catarrh Cure IS takdnintarnajly, acting directly up on the bloodand mucoussurrnces of system tjbsreby drotlbylng the foundation of the dtaStte, andgiving thepatient strcetgtli by hufiding up the constitution and uwistiief Mturo in doing its work, The proprfetoro hftveSOmuch fktth in its curative pimsta, Oder oneHundredDollars for my €Mft that H fells to curs, Send tot Htt o tMitetonMg, AMswa t. J. BHFNRY ACo, Toiefle 0. •eiahirDrunfst, tsc . * Ik’s Pipearetbs best, Experiences of Congressional -Candidate and His Pet Bear. Deadly Germs Pirpf D. H. Barnes, v lll deliver the class addresi a t the Boxwell commoneemettt next Wednesday evening. Dr. George Stewart, of S ta rlin g ) Ohio Medical college, Columbus, returned home Thursday evening and will »B 8 ist his father, Dr. J . O, Stewart during the Bummor. Mr. A. D. Carver, ot Richmond, Ind., and M i« Dm Jeffries of this place were quietly married in Xenia last Saturday afternoon by Dr. J . G. Carson, The couple returned here to the home of the bride’s par­ ents wnere they remained until Monday morning, when they left for Richmond, where Mr. Carver has a position in that pity, The bride for five and one half years was a member of the Herald force and her services were highly appreci­ ated. We extend the heartiest con­ gratulations to bride and groom in’ their new .life and may they live long and prosper. EVERYBODYKNOWS “BABEANDBOB” Everybody in a half dozen states knew "Baby,” the pet hear which Robert P. Scott of Cadiz, O,, the can- didate for congressman-at-large on the Republican, ticket, carried, about with him for several months. It was a genuine pet, fond of chil­ dren, and, lust like children, loved cahdles of -all sorts. The better the candles were the .better "Baby" would be and the more tricks he would, per- form. Harmless hs a kitten, the little 'grizzly' created, all kinds of excite­ ment, and many express agents were afraid to- handle him when being Bhipped ffom one point to another. "Here comes Bob and Babe,” was a familiar expression always when Mr. Scott and his pet bear went into a hotel, where the finally became pretty well known- Down in Louisville, where *‘Babe” contracted pneumonia and died, Mr. Scott met with, a pe­ culiar incident He was going to at­ tend a convention of dinners with his pet and a crowd Of school chil­ dren followed him, asking him where his grind organ wk*- Mr. Scott'is one of the democratic sort of fellows and the shock didn't phase him one hit, and to entertain the children,' mada,”lBabe', do all sorts of stunt*, when the children, expect­ ing a collection taken up, began to dig down In their pockets for their pennies? The above picture shows “Bob and. Babe" as the owner Is, fcetJing. liim on some choice bon-bons. ■ All about ub are these minute organisms ready to attack when conditions are favorable. It is said that they lurjf in the mouth of healthy people. « Our Antiseptic Solution is a powerful germicide. May be used as S, mouth wash or ap­ plication for external sores, wounds, etc. Its use will make yon sate* Price 15 Cent*, Wisterman’s Pharmacy* ^Mr*» **>MtM m * * *NNT “ M itmm 1$ '■ High Cost of Living Made Easy ■i * When you trade a t ou r store , Besides th e lowness gf price w e . give* you w h a t you w an t when you w an t it, T h en you have th £ qua lity , quality and. quick service. S A T U R D A Y SPECIALS M others ’ Corn F lak e Ipc package lor 5 c 9 Different Kinds of B read 3 c P e r Loaf. P u re L a rd - California H am s Ark Soap Sa lt W h i te F i sh l i e per lb, per lb lo c 20 per bar xc each M o ch a and J a v a Coffee 22 c per lb. OUR PR ICES ■Altar Crackers................................ .......... . 6 c Silver Prunes......... ....................... ...................... 12 Prunes ;................ ..................... .................... 1 Q California Prunes, a lb ....... ......... ....................... 8 Fancy Large Santa Clara County Prunes, per lb ...... ..............10 ■*• » Fancy Bright Evaporated Apricots, per lb .................................................. 13c Fancy Largo Lemon Cling Peaches, per lb ....10 Tomatoes, per can.................... .............. ............ ..11 Corn, per oan................. .............................. .......... 7 Peas, .per can................. - ................................... -...,.8 Lenox Soap, 3 bars........ ......... ... ................ . 10 H. E. Schmidt & Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocfers 30 South Detroit Street, •* ■ . Xenia, Ohio* XENIA, OHIO. A poor furnace is not only a source of discomfort, hut causes ill health, and wastes your fuel and your money. HIGH GRADE STANDARD FURNACES give 1 you not only■warmair, butpure, j fresh air, to breathe, and it is warmed t 6 the proper temper­ ature* STANDARD FURNACES are honestly made of the beet i ‘ materials, and will pay for j themselves in a Very short time l by the fuel they save* They ■; are not an expense, they ; ARE AN ! INVESTMENT earning you larger profits than . almost anything else you can *bUy. j 1 OurCatalogisFree. Asktoritand foranyinformationaboutHeating. G i b l i n & Co. UTICA N.Y. ' Qmrm Girlp To Cure a CoWmOne Day T*fce L u t a d v o B n o m o S n M n e T i M M t . ,. T h k slgMiMire, When We Took on the Black Cat Line We did so because we believed its merit would . * **“ , i . 1 outsell every other line in town. We were right. I t has. And if you wish to know why, all you need to do is to come and look over our good looking and good wearing^men’s hose. 1 Take notice of th a t Extended Heel—Made by special machinery—which is au-exclusive feature of Black Cat, and which doubles the life of your sock. ■ \ ' 1 -<#' t 4 1 H , * *1 ' " ^ , , Notice their soft lustre and even beautiful col­ ors- Almost sheer aud handsome as Ladies’ stockings, y e t about as strong as the children’s. SUITS —Latest Styles and Lowest prices - SPRING COATS —$5 .75 up SKIRTS —Fine selection, The best for $5 .7 5 y e t sljpwn WAISTS —$1 .00 up CARPETS - RUGS - LINOLEUM - Lowest Prices Reached Room Ruga a Specialty Hutchison & Gibney e*£i