The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26
Mr* W itt X>a£KoM» of Dayton sp en t> MI gq Lillian R 033 bac feats Buffer* | {TfesrBcJsy witU relatives boro. - Strawberries JO ecsfo a quart !a t Marshall's, Saturday. Prof. F. H. Reynold!; wont to 1lilsBchcster Wednesday wwiing to *jniTdfene“ ‘to I m r w V f h o ? rolh remain, aver u *m Day. sng with tonsxJiiio tfcq pa?s wcelr. M m E d ith H arb o r fees fecus tfeo : guest ’«£ her sister, Mrs, vba.vlm foul- i ter, of Oxford, g Miss Berths Starijjont ssto a charm*! ; i Thursday for Decor-,] friends at her homo last Saturday. i Treat Your live Slock fiRS9tS&SS88SSS?* Af y*«rOr«s Store W»«urryIh»P^rpsredpro, o!»r.DavidRobert,, «*•MBiMatvettnn.rian aM , jgwjgckwctaUrt,Wito t£ew>1 ?r**«*1pUcn»ana Dr. Roberts’ , •jms*velutair?took<184pages,1 * x tin)youarcrouter at all»u; 5“*J*»nddiseasescfyourCow*. W OktU*,Horses,t>hcep,Hogs,ChSck:ec-" Get the BookNow FREE t*amtotarowyouranimals. TMoBookJlatho ffiKl^J2,li£2.t5P’i'0,ih*vl 0f,UTe****<U«ea«», S”*f *>,bowtodoIt. gSSLffW.roo’ir-obsolutelyfree, Call forIt, TrwtrsooUalwaiaherewhs*youneedtbem! Sold By G, M. Rldgway. Mr, and Mrs. I), 8 ^«uo t«>Morning'8un, Iowa, fon t tend tho annual Synod of the K, lb i church, 0 , 8. Mr. Dwight Sterxcit very pleasantly E ry in have ] tntertainod. a number of his friends ■at h: i feojnc Tuesday evening. Mr.. Carl Osterman, who nas visited Mr, James McMillan and family du ring the summer for several years, recently won tho intor-sotriety debat* a t Tarfeio, Mo., where he is a junior, | Mrs. O. (r. Pauli, cf Dayton,'vrerf ! called here Saturday fey the illness of her brother, Mr. Will Hopping, who suffered a relapse. s We have an excellent bum paint for $1,0Uper gal, ■ Tarhox Lumber Co, | LOCAL AND PERSONAL ***ai>*‘*—^ t *— t - um - thiht fiu i §-> § —Stop a t Marshall's for a- cool re freshing soda. Mrs. It. S , Towilsley quite ill with th e g r ip .. lias been Mr. H en ry Kyle was baton serious ly III Thu rsday b u t reports today ind icate th a t he is Improving., —Call m e for Ice Cream for your d inner or supper. Pxomp palivery. W in . Marshall. Miss A lfre tta ham raom l. is ^he gu e st of her aiint, Mrs. H. M illan. H, Mcr Misses Mary Hastings and Wll- » iah Spencer en tertained th e young laldies of the college a t the home of th e former, Wednesday evening. Mr. Louis Raney, t f Fairfield, Iowa, spen t Monday w ith Mr. Charles Raney. M r. Robert H anna, who has been visiting h is daugh ter, Mrs. J. W. Dixon, has returned to Chilticothe C l o t h e s ' of CLEANED a t all k inds D R Y "HOME Clothing Co* We Wilt pay you ■ - 1 7 c —‘ per dozen In trade for CLEAN TN ttiSH *• m & W * S e t u r d a y , dune 1st, bring us your, surplus. Bird's Mammoth Store. Decoration Day was observed in a qu iet w a y Thursday, Through the kindness e t a number of automo b ile owners a number of veterians were tak en to the cemeteries, where th e various graves of departed ■soldiers Wore decorated, I n the a fte rnoon 'a t th e ,opera house Rev. W . E : P u t t delivered an address t h a t Was in keeping with the sen ti m en t of tho day. The program was in terspereed with" exercises by the school c h ild ren .. j 1 —Fine'strawberries, only 10 cents a quart, Satu rday a t Mareliall's. Mr. L . H , Sullenberger and wife and .Dr, Ml I. Marsh and wife motored over to Oxford la s t Satur day remaining until Monday, with friends. - Mrs. R. Bird, Miss Verna Bird, Miss Edna Townsley, Mrs. R. C, Watt.and Mi’s. M. I. Marsh spent Tuesday with Rev. W. A, Condon and family in Trenton Mr. E li. Small, of Springfield-, spen t Decoration Day with relatives here. ■ ' L ISTEN I Have your Spring clothes dry- cleaned and make them look, like hew'.. H. F . Bird- ,has the agency for the. Xenia Dry Cleaning Co. Every bit of work guaran teed .. Messrs. Charles Gilbert and wife and Ralph Gilbert and wite, of South Charleston, were guests Thursday-ef Mr. J. W. Johnson and family. ' • Mr. H a rry Iliif and fam ily, of London, spen t Thursday with rela tives here. F or S aue :—Good cidar vinegar in any quan tity . See me a t once, Galvin Ewry. —F inest strawberries, only 10 cents a qu a rt a t Marshall's Satur day. Mr* Reimeth Hamilton and wife, o f Bloomington, EL , were' guests of Mr. A. 23. Sm ith and fam ily, F ri day. . > ’ ' Mr. I m , Herlihy, b ro ther o t Mrs, A. Z . Sm ith , departed for his borne in OhiC&go, Tuesday. B uy Anchor pa in t. I t will satisfy you in every respect. ■ Tarhox Lumber Co, —Call Wm* Marshall for berries and fru it of a ll kind. Give Anchor paint a tria l and you j. will use no other. ] Tarbox Lumber Co* i Mrs. R. B. Wilsoi and two ehildr.en j of Hillsboro, life, are here on a visit \ with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Orr. Miss i Josephine Orr, who has been teach* j lng in Hillsboro accompanied Mrs. | Wilson a n d ' children home. ABSOLUTELY FREE TO EVERVMOtORIST ' SPARK PLUGS to Intro duce th e i r Superiority overall other M a k e s , ‘ ' MAIL US ' $ 1 . 5 0 andWewfiJMail you 4 fiuffalq Standard Spark Plugs THE BEST PLUG MADE Worth $1,50Each ^ inchpipe or - A , I*. A . H . Thread. Frey Auto Supply Co. TOOMain St. BUFFALO, N, Y. 1 m * Mr. and Mrs. O, V. Hartstine, the newly married •couple from Indiana, i who have been spending a few days of their honeymoon at the home of the bride’s aunt, Mrs. John Marshall, returned.’ home Friday morning. They expect to visit In the West before they go to housekeeping. P lenty of straw berries nex t week for canning and they will be cheap. Win. Marshall. Mr. Frank Bull; of Evansville, Iud„ was called here Sabbath .by the sick ness and death of his uncle, the late H. At.' Barber. Mr. Bull -has been ad vertising ■manager on- the Journal- News in that city for the past two years and has severed his connection with that company to go to Indi ■<- apolis the first of the month, wht he has accepted a position on. thc- Morning Star in that city. R,P,scon ON PATENT LAWS 1 -. ' Candidate For Congressman-af- Large Writes Intelligent. Mr. Harry Kennon, assessor in the township., has filed his report and we find 15' t he has made a gain of $36,* 73$ or . last year, The value- of 970 horses is $99,830; 11*55 cattle, $31,050; 26 mules, $2,550; 5302 shtfep, $17,925: 3964 hogs, $32,108; household goods, etc., ' $45,985; 9S watches, $860; 36 pianos, $2,4.40; money, credits, etc., $71,293; 179 male dogs and 9 female; total valuation, $327,728 . with, added improvements, §3,315. REVISIONUNlVEiMlYDESIREO -Charging that liabilities aggregating. $14,000 and assets, of but, $10”,009 are bn the books of the John Dewine Company1 of Yellow Springs; applica tion has been made for the appoint ment of a receiver by Charles' -Geis, who pays he is ■surety on unpaid, notes to the company aggregating $6^ 000. Attorney Lawrence Layboufne, of -Springfield, represents Gels. . The annual banquet given by the Junior to the Senior class' of Cedar* ville -college was held Friday even! jg a t tho Foster Bouse and was a very enjoyable even t The dining Tgomwas elaborately decorated in the Senior -class colors .of mayoon -and -whiter with a, few touches of the Junior maroon and hfciefc. After the banquet a .short program o f toasts was given. Mt, Earl McClellan gave'the address of welcome, which was responded to by Walter Harnraan. A toast, to “The Most Grave and Potent Seniors*’ was given by Miss Mary Cooper. “The Jciys. of Life” , was the theme of a toast hy Edith Mitray, and “What We Remember” formed the' basis, of the remarks by Di, W„ It. MoCfeecney. F or R ent : —Handsome office Toxons over H a rtm an ’s Glothtng Store. $4. J . P, Chew, Xenia, O, A 12-1f. Bird’s “Shoe Special Beginning Saturday, June 1st. We offer you at “EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES” to to.dose them out. Mr. And Mrs. J, H. Wplford enter tained tho following Thursdays .Frank- Mills and fem ily, Mrs- Florence Remsberg, Fred Rems- berg, wife and son,, of Springfield, p . E . Wolfotd, wife and daughter, Washington C. H ., Mrs. OHie Dodds, Akron, Mr. J . N . Wolford, wife and daughter, Yellow Springs. Resent Loss of New Year Festival. Hews of the proposed change of cal endars -from the Chinese to the Gre gorian was not very well received by the Chinese residents in Manila. While realizing that many radical changes must he made In the govern ment and in many of the institutions j ! of the empire, still they deemed thin - one as coming too suddenly, and-some j even considered it entirely unneces-1 sary. The Chinese New Year, the only j real period of recreation and joy for {• them, will, hy a recent proclamation ; _ of tho provisional Chinese republic, ( ttn t a patent may he valid :n- one f _ . y ...» « 4 «. ,rt£t .JIT. -** ir-T«^Vi i « T r e 1 l , l -* w* T Lack of Experience o f Congressmen th e C ause of th e P re sen t Mlx-tlp. • Says Professional Men Look at Theoretical Side of the Question and That It ts an industrial, -Corn-; mercia! Proposition. That the revision of the patent laws of the United' States-is greatly needed is not denied and one of,-tha many excuses that this had not beer*- done Irng a so, is because of the fact that there is no member fi£ congress who has had the necessary experi ence rn the Issue in present it in telligently, -It. P. Scott of Cadis, who has an nounced himself as a -candidate for the Republican nomination for eon- -greesni&nrat-'inrite,' In Ohio, recently received- n letter from a Now York friend, asking how he stood on, the patent laws -ef the t ’nltcd .Slat-os. Now, if there is any two. man in Ohio who i$ qualified to speak on this sub ject. 'that, man is Mr- Scott, He has invented so, many good things, haB fought for his right to manufacture them --through many courts—always wirmVs—mid he* is -exceptionally fitted to discuss this- subject. Horn Is whal Mr. Scott .days about the -re vision of .the patent laws of the tkdted States: , " ■‘•With nil due respect to. legal train ing and its utility In 'governmental affairs, it Is -never!ht-Tegg a, fact that a professional man looks a t practical business matters inn much from a theoretical standpoint. -“The professional man probably would say more cogently what should . he. The business man -says what is, “Now it must he conceded that the work of congress id -becoming more and more -of a buainosa nature. All of the trust investigation, the pure food laws; good* roads and patent monopoly are ,n!l ‘of .a business na ture, and the whole trouble with the tariff discussion results from the -dif ference 'between a practical business view -of the matter,, in contradistinc tion to th e beautiful free .trade chi mera which has lured the whole world, from time to time, since, the j immortal Cobden presented his beau- j teous theories. Surely, we want- the _ business side of all these things sup- i ported. •“As to the mistsp In the .patent ] laws, i( .in a question that cannot he i ‘grasped In a lens exhaustive way than { is treated by my paper On that nub- : ject, which takes thrCe-quaitero of an ; hour to read, ■; “The- fact that tha supreme -court I will not take up a patent tone at all, and the appeal courts hi the nine, different circuits being liable to differ, create- a situation with the ridicu lous and ancmalouff characteristic sizes , ,ua , % , , i n ) 01 vbo .pravwirnai .vimneue i - * .... • I Lot Infants Black Kid Shoes lace and -button. All I be done away with, hut the Manila < part of the emmtey and invc’td in i , , , . . L n n t »„‘ j Celestials have dh'ormined to observe j another. And then, a plaintiff in a \ ,, 1 to 5 were 5Qe pair; in this lot ............. .......... .... .29c Pair j lt m hpr{;toforc 6 . . . 1 Lot Women’s White Canvas Oxfords sold at 51.50 pair, the «tyles are excellent, but they must go, so we mark thetmat the special price of 09c pair. 1 Lot Wom’en’o $2.50 and $2.00 Lace Oxfords in Patent Leather, Vici Kid nnd Tan. DOROTHY DODD, W. L. DOUGLAS and KIPPENDORF-DITTMAN makes in this lot. A ll sizes and at the very special price , of $1.49 perpnir. 1 Lot Men’s Oxfords in all L tathers and sizes the majority of which sold at $3JO and $ 3*00 pair in this sale a t the special bw price of $1.98 pair. If you want a good pair, of shoes get one out of this Jot. We have your size. Cafficgie’s F irst L ibrary, When Andrew Carnegie was a mere lad In the employ of she Pennsylvania railroad, he W ith the other beys of the old First ward, Allegheny, Fa„ now the North Side, Pittsburg, had for many years the use at the private library of a Major Anderson, Mr. Carnegie, while speaking a t the instal lation of his libraries, often said that much ef his success was due? to the influence of the books obtained in this? library, and that when lie became wealthy the building of the Allegheny Free library was one ef his first acts. $100 Rewards $100. The readers ai this paper will ba please* toffcKfti that tbiro Js -tit leant »ue Uwadcd dSim*! thnt science hi» harm tthlc to sore in ] * 1 ! ills Blsgcfl mid that is C&tnrrh, Hell’s Oittflnrrh Oftrc is thn only positive euronow known to the tmuhcnl fmtetnlty. (Mtnrrii Wng h coustitutimml requires,« tfJtwtiiutloiMd treatment, Hnil's Cutiirrh Cjnrcis fsken Intoyf-ally, nGing dlreatly up cmtho bloml and nnii-auemirmeca of eyslcm fiiwspy flatreylng the foundation.of 4 ho (Urntm, nnd giving tho patient tiirengih by huUdfog up thn cmritltution nut] ff,;sfejing ttsture in doing U .1 Wmk, The proprkunm h«vo m> much Wth i» ils eurattvo pirworo, h*t #nsf ttfrar one Hundred IMHnrs for tony <«rb that ft M is to euro, Sunil for Hat u* tattmauMn, A'tSdiim t \ J . C lIF S fU Y Ife t b , Tnledis O ; ? 8 e, v F*mHr FUt» k «ibe b«st, patent ease ran double bin rhanres of j winnlrg, nr cut his chancer; in two, fi'-rnrfli :g to the r.rfertioii he malms as to where h r brings hit; r.nit, , .“Of course, thin v.-tnild apply in criminal procedure, if. a man could select the place to be tried in, as nan judge may be opposed to capital pun* ,, for Instance, while another ; mby Iran toward It, hut unless there ; be unusual circumstances Involved, ! he lms to be tried where he commits fhe crime. In 'a patent earn. 'the in- j ventre often has Infringers .n every ; one o? the nine circuits, and lie can j choose to suit himself, and Lord help * him i* he chooses badly, ■ “At nne time there, wer a judge lu i the Hiveil circuit who lie er nnrit&inod 1 n patent in his life that 1 ever heard i of, while auiii h-'-r judge in the. Second ; circjfi.- ntmtained -a majority of those < that came before him, and I hate -Un derstood That In th e above cases the flint judge feteteted that he would j never cmilain a patent at all, if he » ppuld help It, while the other naifl i lie would olwayu sustain a patent If We <’ould. “This is only orm point in patent nfi'rin;. tt Is ’.limply Incoinprehenslble • lunv hr.dly the whole system lr: mined ^ up. In i.;y case it is mi Industrial, eummorciai preposition, and not a professional qucsUou. “I can Imagine nothing mure grn* ' tesqtie than a lot of lawyers trying ' to deelde between the merits of a fine j brick rood and a'slovenly pike, un-, lens it, would' be a 1st of good road Li builders trying to interpret a com* plicated uueofion law, which they do notnotlmta tiditlo hiOHt brillSttfitly lti tins corner fivoepry,'* High Cost of Living Made Easy When you trade at our store. Besides tho lowftess of. price we give .you what you want when you want f t T h en . you have the quality, quality and quick service. . S A T U R D A Y S P E C IA L S Mothers’ Corn Flake loc package for 5 c 9 Different Kinds of Bread 3 c Per L-oaf, Pure Lard - 1 1 c per lb, California Hams • .per lb .lo c Ark Soap - 20 per bar Salt White Fish - ic each Mocha and Java Coffee ' 22 c per lb. OUR P R IC E S fila r U ra c k e jn .................. Silver Prunes ......... ... » .... .. P run e s.......................... ....... ......... California Prunes, a l b ............... Fancy Large San ta Clara County Prunes, per lb ., , Fancy B righ t Evaporated Apricots, per Jb . ......................... Fancy Large Lernoq Cling Peaches, per Tomatoes, per c a n ...... ...... Corn, per c a n ,............... ..................... ......... Peas, per can.................... -................... ..... Lenox Soap, 3 bars . .. .................... 8 c ..... - 1 2 ..... 1Q ... ........IO •13c lb. to ........ 11 ...... . 7 ........ - 8 10 H . E . Schm id t 6 Con Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, Xenia, Ohio. When We Took on the Black Cat Line We did so because we, believed its merit would outsell every other line in town. We were'rigAt. It has. And if you wish to know why, all you "need' to do is to come and look over* our good looking and. good wearing men’s hose. - Take notice of that Extended Heel—made by special machinery—which is an exclusive feature of Black Cat, and which doubles' the life' of your sock. Notice their soft lustre and even beautiful col ors. Almost sheer and handsome Ladies’ stockings, yet about as strong .as the children's, SU iT i—Latest -Styles ,jmd Low-est prices - SPRING '0OAt$-~$5.75 up SKIRTS—Fine selecfion. The best for $5.'75 yet- shown WAISTS—$1.00 up CARP ETS * RUfiS - L fN O L EUM - Lowest Prices Reapfied Room R.ngs a ' Specialty ,t. ; Hutchison & Gibney X E N I A , ,t OHIO, A poor furnace Is not only a source of discomfort, bu t causes ill health, and wastes your fuel and your money. G R A D E . STANDARD FURNACES arre younotonlywarmair*but-pure* fresh air, to breathe, and ft Is warmed to the proper temper ature. . S T A N D A R D F U R N A C E S are honestly made of the befit < materials, and will .pay fo r ! themselvesana very short time by the fuel they save. They are not an expense, they A N IN V E S T M E N T earning you larger profits than almost anything rise .you can buy**. Oar Catalog is Free, Ask far it and far any informationabort Hooting* G lB L IN & CO* U T I C A , N . Y . * 5
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