The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 27-52
M»HM w ■M m M f ■ H , 1’ Trimmed Millinery SPECIAL SA LE Stocks are just: as coinpltto in assortment to-day no nt rho otarfc of tlm season* ■with an ever changing display of the newest models, C r t Fm’ elderly wujnen’n j i a tst medium and *maU shapes,, the latest ideas, black, navy and grey, formerly 4LCQand $5.00. Great reductions on all models and Trimmed Hats. * 9 c n ;jTor. Hand Blocked A>C,\JXJ Velvet Hats in black and. navy, extremely smart shapes, formerly $&.Q0 and $0,00. SCE A f t For Black Ostrich tpO .UU Flumes, haudsome duality, 18 Inches long, and 8 inches wide. Formerly $8. Children’s and Infants A collection of clever little Hats and Gaps in smart, prac tical, modelB, a t very moderate prices, ■„ OSTERLY MILLINERY STGreen St.” Xenia, Ohio, A i ■j&l I t 1 b the proud Jioast of Senator Martine of New Jersey, that in all the yeans he has been farming he has never ‘sold a home. - When-*a home gets top old to wbrk he retires lt.on fall rations and lets it just loaf wound the: pasture-until- It-dies. ■*-* i." - ‘ : ---- 1* M a m im m a a m iim NICHE IN THE COUBT OF THE FOUR SEASONS, PAN- APAA-PACIFjC ‘ INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION. E ACH of the four cornel's of the Court of Four Bensons will lie adorned with groups of statuary symbolical of the seasons— Spring,”Summer. Autumn and Winter. The sculpture will be set in .niches screened by .colonnades and mural paintings, also suggestive of the seasons, will form the background for the setting. The Court of Pour Seasons will be 840 feet square. Mr. Jules Guerin, the noted artist, has charge of the color plan, and the designer of the court la Mr. Henry Bacon of New York. 'y* ,< gSfc *,»«.< FINE ARTS PALACE, PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL - EXPOSITION. . , * ■ . * . * t , * t . ■- . j. t ,. P flp tH B Fine Arts Palace will he ,one or the must heantlfol structures B m U r architecture ns welt as In ifs location at the I'anaum Pacific Exposition, The.building. GOO feet In lengimfrom uortti to sohth. will be semicircular In form and will hare ns Its cen t.ral motive a low dome arising from a unique base, (forming tile fore ground wilt be a great lagoon surrounded on three sides by tt suula-b garden," which will be designed1tn romantic Italian architecture, Heft* wilt be assembled the notable paintings of history. l . ’ t f i ■ l ' \ % f i t f § j I i 1 - f !;/■ * i >;6 ye i. Jewelry, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Handbags, Parses, Neckwear, Marabou Sets; Scarfs,. Hosiery, Ribbons, A rt Novelties Silks, , Dress Goods, DidenS, Now for Xmas Witb XmaS less tban a month away, EIGHT NOW isn't a day too soon to begin to select your "gift things"—much better NOW than later—stocks are more complete and yon can he more deliber ate in choosing. ^ Will yotf look over the following list of practical, sensible gift suggestions (just a hint of our Xmas stock), things with whicii you. are certain to please. ■ . For W omen ^Comforts, Perfumes, Sachets," . Umbrellas, Purs, .'Tailored Gowns, Costumes, •Waists, Milline / , Itugs, Curtains, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Etc., Hie, For the Baby Dainty Celluloid Articles, Soap and Salve Boxes, Talcum.Hr- m , Powder and Ribbon Boxes, Satin Covered Amulets, Teething Rings, Bodkins and Combs, Brush and Comb Sets, String Dolls, Rag Dolls, Hand- Dressed Dolls, Satin Coat Hangers, Carriage, Rob’es, Kid Shoes, Raney Bibs, Sacques and Nightingales, Pil low Cases, Bootees, Shawls, Flannel Skirts, Slips and Dresses (hand made and machine-made). For Men 0hl>terfpiidiiM to l a d l e s ’ H om o J o u r n a l For M isses Pur Scarfs, . P a r Sets, , Waists, Dresses, Handkerchiefs, Perfumes, * Sachets, Ribbons, Hosiery, A rt Novelties, Gloves, •Tcwelry, Umbrellas, Hats, Umlemuslins, Trunks, Traveling Cases, Neckwear, Scarfs, Marabou Sets, Etc., Etc, Smoking Jackets, Bath Rohes, Shirts, Underwear, Sox, " , Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Jewelry, Raney Waistcoats, Umbrellas, Hats, . ' Suits, Overcoats, Trunks, P itted Traveling Bags, Bill Purses, Poeketbooks,. Pur Caps, Overcoats, Suits, Neckwear, Gloves, For Boys Shirts, Underwear, Pbekotbooks, Jewelry, Stockings. NOY£»--(Cut cut tins shove fist fop future rsferenes.) THE RIKE-KUMLER CO. Th# Cidarvilfe Herald. $ i.«o l*ar Y e a r . KAHLH BUtL * * Editor] ■ Entered a t the Post-Office, Cedar- j >vilki, October 81, J'aS;*, as second i cla;?s matter, J FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1912 SETTLED BY THE DICTIONSBY Miss Pipkins Had to Consult It fore Eh# Ylslded to Augustus Hopper*# Suit. Augustus Hopper laid his heart a t the feet' of the wealthy,, though iin< educated, Mig? Pipkins, aud pleaded hig passion with a wealth Of oratory worthy of a cabinet; minister or a racecourse tipoier. . “My queen! my evening star!” he cried, striking an attitude of suppli cation. ’ “Will you ‘be mine? Fo?! months I haye worshiped you- with & deep devotion. I have loved- yon, better fhandife, X have treftsured? every syllable-' th a t has fallen front your ruby lips.. ' Now I can .remain silent no longer, and X declare my? passion in the earnest hopq tha t my ardent affection meets WithReci procity and ratification, ’ What is yOur answer, adored one?" " “One moment, Mr* Hopper," re plied Miss Pipkins, as she crossed' over to the'bookshelf j “first le t‘me consult my oracle." And she reached down the diction* ary and looked up the meaning of “reciprocity^ and “ratification.’” “ 'Gustus, -I am yours!” she de^ dared a moment later, snuggling- to his third Waistcoat-button.’ 1 TRAGEDY O K SWITCHBOARD Atlantic City Operator Telephone* Physician ThatSha Has Been Stricken Blind. i Not until they' heard1‘a fellow- worker ask her f amily physician- a t the telephone to come to her aid the other day did several 'other -young, women operators in the telephone esx change a t Atlantic City learn 'that- she had been stricken Mind Jwheh seated alongside tjiera. “I've gone Mind, doctorj won't you .come to me? Thisds Miss-Hiltner," one of the other operators heard her’com panion say. Tha girl had'beeu ”un- abln'to tee for several minutes, and when she realized the extent of her affliction “plugged “ in" -on the switchboard- in 'front of. which she had been working and established a connection with, the,- home of the family doctor. As she disconnected the plugs after communicating-with the latter, the young'woman stood up and,tried-,to walk;acrofea'the room. She fell* fainting. Several other operators ran'to her assistance; She was revived, but refused to he a hospital ,ahd insislcd upon returning to her home so she might be there'when the physician arrived; POPULAR CINEMATOGRAPH. From the tropical jungle; to the' Arctic circle, from-GaKforinVto the southern cottftn fields, from, naval combat to military warfare, the, edu cational value of the higher class ci nematograph .production is as ineal* culablo as is the degrading -effeefc'of the vulgar shows/' But fOriunatOly for the future of the moving 'picture, statistics prove that among tho most popular have been the productions* of “The Fall of Troy," “Macbeth/* Tasso's “Jerusalem," “Soli Roy," Dickens* .“Christmas Carol,"? etc. One of the most daring of all cine matographic exploits was achieved- by the photographer whn placed his machine on the verge'of a flaming crater and gave to the world the “Eruption of Mount Etna," a more vivid impression than could -he ob tained from any textbook.—Ex change. OLD-TIME BREAKFASTS. “Breakfast has o f latp years fallen into disrepute. The breakfast rooms of Victorian politicians were the scenes of many a delightful orgy. The table resounded with the merry clink of sordine tins, and, as they re lieved the groaning sideboard of its burden of ham and compressed veal, the wits and gfcllantk of the period vied with one another in jokes about Pygmalion and Galatea which their biographers have deemed worthy of immortality, Statesman pledged statesman in the’flowing coflee bowl, and the most popular toast of 'toe day was buttered."—“Tho Perfect Gentleman," by Harry Graham. ORLY IN EFFECT. Irascible Wife (to husband)'— You are no match for me, sir. Husband (meekly)—I f X am not, my dear, why do you always want to scratch me? ' iSrtiDAq .ni!^ innjuiii'l,LlMnif»■ A NiAR-MQNOfti “I hat youn«w rode In aa auto mobile.” “No, but mm kaoobd dona toy brother ob « l * Only Six More Days of the Silverberg Style Shop’s Big Sale. This Colossal Sale of Suits, Coats, Dresses, Furs, Skirts and Waists for Women, Misses and Children Proving to be a Regular Feast for the Public. :: :: :: THAT THE PEOPLE OF SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, find vicinity have been, taking advantnire of SILVEEBERG’S STYLE SHOP.MANIFFAO- TURERS* OUTLET SALE'hafi'peen mamfeeled by the* large crowilBin attendance a t this big Suits, Coats, Dresses, Fare and "Waists for women, misses and children salo since the opening day. Shipment upon shipment of manufacturers’ surplus stocks of Suits, Coats, Furs, Skirts, etc., have been Added to this great sale from day to day, and this most wonderful Sait, Coat, Ftfr, Skirt sale has proven one of the greatest bargain feasts that the people of SPRINGFIELD ‘aud the entire state of Ohio have beretof6re-been able to participate ii), and those who aye attending the sale buy liboTfilly, are well please!! with .their purchases; recommending theirfiiends to THE SILVERBERG STYLE SHOP’S BIG MANUFAC TURERS* OUTLET OF Suits, Coats, Fur*,; Waists, and DresseB. The good news hae’been spread far and wide of the malny bargains tha t SILVERBERG’S STYLE SHOP IS OFFERING ON SUITS, COATS, FURS, SKISTSWAISTS AND DRESSES, nowsellh b a t about one-lialf their regular’ value. Commercial circles have been shaken from center, to cirtumfeiFftcA The sale is the talk of the entire state. The people appreciate SUITS,:00ATS, FURS," SKIRTS,WAIST* AND DRESSES, the good quality:kind, a t a bargin price, and they are showing their ap- preclHtipn daily, by.buying out THE SILVERBERG STYLE SHOP’S big Manufacturers’ purchase by the armloads, The" sale only lasts six days more and positively ends Thursday night, December 5th, and to those’who have not attempted this tale and benefited "accordii.gly"~we Wish to say to you—tha t you are missing a great opportunity to secure for yourself Suits, Coats, Ifurs, Skirts, Waists and Dresses a t about -onp- half their Ubiial cost. In 'justice to yourself, you cannot afford to stiiy away, as this sale presents"an opportunity to save many dollars on SuifB, Coats, Furs, Skirts, Waists and Dresses. SILVERBERG'S STYLE SHOP would be unablo to make-this great sacrifice on Shits, Coats, Furs; Waists and Dresses were It not from the fact—that Manufacturers were forced to realize cash on their surplus stock with instructions to sell them out a t detail at from one-third their actual value. This is a sale th a t comes about once in a lifetime—Und you owe i t to your family and to yoiippocketbook to .mabeXbis great saving when the opportunity presents itself, and this is your opportunity'during„tliis sale to save yourselves many dollars RBI v 1 e MBER:tha t the’sale positively .closes THURSDAY NIGHT." DECEMBER 5th,’ bo buy al) you may peed tor the year, a t such a sacrifice sale on Coats, "Suits, Skirts, Furs, Waists, Sweaters, ectM will probably never Occur again, E x tra help have already be.en secured for the last four days of the sale, ns-we want everybody to bo waited upon properly. The last days of this big. bargain feast will-see the biggest- crowds of people a t SILVERBERG’S STYLE SHOP manufactures’ out-/ Jet sale of Coats/Suits, Skirts'. Furs* Waist#/Sweaters DresseB .etc., th a t was ever seen a t any sale in SPRINGFIELD,‘OHIO, before, -Make your anraugements "toattend the sale before i t closes, and secure your share of ' the many" Coat Suits, Sfkrrts, Fats; Waists; Sweater .and ■Dress bargains being offered. A word to the intelligent should be sufficient, as SILVER- BERG’S $TYLE SHOP’S BIG SALE presents an opportunity to make * yonr dollars do double-dutyi Make n o ‘mistake. Be sure your find $5EVERBERG'S STYLE SHOE BIG S fORE." Look for the big sign, reading SILVERBERG^ STYLE SHOP MANUFACTURER’S OUTLET SALE AT CORNER MAINAND LIMESTONE STS,, SPRINGFIELD; OHIO. DON'T DELAY, BUT ACT QUICKLY, AS THIS SALE POSITIVELY ENDS' THURSDAY NIGHT, THE LAST DAY OF THE SALE, DECEMBER «TH, AT5i80 P. a t enfcirJ n e x t l *1 a n d goodJh novella-' HTil ADC C O A T p d r e n ’el good, Z>adJ ' Miss Skir WA is, M COAT, SUIT, FUR, DRESS AND WAIST BARGAINS SEL ING RAPIDLY. Act Quickly! Don't -Delay, Hurry’ InJ Before Too Late, ' * Style Shop CbrMafn and Limestone St*. . Springfield, Ohio. THE MOST CONVENIENT CORNER IN TOWN in a You will buy a boiler i f you buy wisely, * A boiler will give you SUMMER HEAT INW INTER , will heat every portion of your house, and the Money Invested will give more comfort, health and happiness than can be obtained in an$r other manner. I t will banish colds, pneumonia and will ROB WINTER OF ITS TERRORS and rigor*. While indoors YOU WILL NOT KNOW IT IS WINTER. Without boiler heat you. are Missing the " greatest comfort and blessing in life^ Iftnd out the cost to secure such heating and you will Wonder why you did not have it done before. I tl lea |R H IGH GRADE STANDARD BO ILERS furnish well heated houses a t minimum cost of installation and f o r g e t , XWenty-tYTo years’ experience shows iis what to furnish to secure best re«ult», 0 m CATALOG IS T R E g , AskfovRMSl6rwtkvtiiforaiiil)M*ts^HMeBK. G I B L I N C& C O . U T I C A , N . X ANotedEWi i r Prof. W. of the Ihte position, \ held frnfn said:, “ Tim in show. I t l bottermonti West. On national grand purj “To the been fait! urge, take ■ “ tt y o u r to farming him. on t! him to thfi. hisatnbitit] “31 yem 4
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