The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 27-52
m n . *” s ^ 'Z a . .£,£*-. 'WMV'^v^viAr»w F o r E x ce llrn rp O u r J o b W o rk w ill com pa re w ith tha t o f ,a sy other firm,,,,* 'Jh fterdd, T H IR T Y -F I F T H Y E A R , NO , 49. CED ARV ILLE , 01 LOCAL DRUGGIST FOUND GUILTY, }Ji The trial of Isaacs Wistefuian* in mayor’ s court Wednesday.’ charged with keeping a place under the nuisance act, resulted in the defen dant being found giillty, Outside of three persons, Detec tive Anderson, J*"W. Jtadabaugh .and Waiter Iilff, the rest of the wit nesses were persons who had signed apharmaceutical book for the sale of liquor other than for .medical pur poses. The list taken from the book were Oeotge Shlngledecker, Robert Tay- , lor, W, O, McMillan, Marion Rue* hannan.Wm, Jeffries, Henry Young, Hoy MatfebOWs, FrankGordon, John Webb and Ike Young, The testi mony of most of the witnesses -was that they had purchased the liquor ■,«for medical purposes to. be used in *thelrfamilies, wh'iie softie of them Wanted to compound it with other * ingredient's. All testified to haying . signed the book and that they did not have a physicians’ certificate a» that tito% 1 *Mr; Illff testified as a convorsa- 1 - tion with Mr, Wistennan as to the sale of liquor to a friend, Mr, Bad- 1 abough showed way-bills as to t receipt of different shipjnehtsof , qnor. Detective Anderson told of •the raid and whet was found as did Marshal-Hennon. The defendant went on the stand - civiiisown behalf, aqd told- of ex- ‘ planing the pharmaceutical contract to each before n sale Was made and that each declared they wanted it . for compounding purposes and nol ' for medical usq. That he sold it in "good faith and could not tell what Use was made ot ibafter it left his , hands, ‘ Prosecutor Johnson in summing ;up; the^eyidence for the state look 1into account fciie shipments'of liquor ■ the amount found the day of the raid and theaiiiouhtsold as account- edforin the prescription and pbaiv . inaceutical bqok. MakitogiiiSdeduc- tiona 'he claimed that -there was - more, than two barrels<of liquor nn- ■accounted foVt That fhe frequency - o f -the-purchases throughout ’ the yeaf by dne or .two persons eho.nld iiaVe aroused the .spspiolon of- the Mi^f«ndant f% t the' liquor was bet being used'as represented. Attorney Harry . Armstrong- for . the defense waftted the court to ex clude from the evidence the decrep- •. enciCe in that a druggist under' -the law could handle great qbantifiefe of liquor and not have to account for it m that it' could be used for com- pounding’his own medicines’ or for compounds to others that- required no record. Also that many, oi the witnesses did not really know what the word “ pharmaceutical” meant and-that they would take it to rep resentmedical use, which most oi them testified to. By. deft ideftt selling in good faith pn representa tion of these parties he was comnut ting no intential Wrong. Attorney G. W. Crabb for the state closed the1argument and reviewed some of the testimany to prove that the defendant was guilty as charged . He made particular reference to the testimony of Matthews who told of having purchased liquor .without a prescription for the UBe Of his Wife during her illness, Also that he recognized his signature in the book for purchases weeks after his wife W rb dead. These sales being mad*, on such representation without a peracriptlon constituted guilt ift each instance, The defeiidettt being found guilty is allowed three days to file a mo tion for a new trial before sentence can be placed, It is probable- that the case wilt be appealed to higher court on error. NEWS FOR PENSIONERS. Some questions having' arisen as to the workings of the pew pension law that goes into effect the first ot the year, Superintendent Curry-of tfie Columns office, has sent gut the following: - Regarding pension payments un der the new system, the following classes o f pensioner are required to make out vouchers: ■Widows with minor children. Guardians, Helpless children. ' *' Division cases, where the wife .is drawing half the Soldier’s pension, Soldiers in the National 'Military Homes or Government Hospitals. . United StateaNaval Homes, - United States NavalHospitals. ^ Pensioners residing or so joining in foreign countries. Accrued pensions either fo widow or minors or as reimbursement. All other classes of. pensions are paid prompt by chock and re is not necessary foi them to have vouohers. The new checks will have a lineoft backfof the name of the pensioner and just below will be Hues., for (2) witnesses to sign and who must cer tify that the pensioner hasexhibited his or her pension certificate to them. Youwill note thatif is there fore very importanfcthab- pensioners should retain their certificates safely. CHRISTMAS CANDY. To suit the taste and the pocket book of all. Never.- was there a finer display of pure candy In town. Wm. Marshall. BOOMING DENVER. The OhiotielegatJonin congress Js planningde Hold a meeting soon and formerly reepmm.end Congressman M. R. Denver, whose term, expires in March, for a place in tiro Wilson cabinet! Mr. .Denver’s desires ip the matter a re ‘not known at this time but some of Iris-friends think he will decline the honor as he^haa served six years public, iifajipich to the loss of h}s immense private- in* terests. Serving as a cabinet mem ber even at a salary of $12,600yearly usually moans a financial loss for members o f thecabinet fo maintain the-dfgruty o f the office are require^ Unmingin •to entertain lavishly and must oft Clifton U. P. Church Chimes. Review .Day comes December28, . It never pours whiskey but It rains tegwn _ * The real church member is, tbs ono^ho Attends,- . • : Paul Ferguson and Orland Ritchie -will lead-tfieHhrtstiau Union. Tian'tb fake the church paperdur- mg 1913. See Mr. Collins, . * Mr, and Ml*s. Jacob Fluke very’ pleasantry entertained the pastor and his family on Thursday. The'Christian TJftion will hold * business meeting and social at Mr- Albert Ferguson’ s Friday evening December 13,. - Have' you Written thakjetttr to. SantaGlaus yet? Atleasfc you might be thinking'-what yon will dd for otliers, - . ■ . Mr- Lester Braloyi has been con fined to his room for some days baf is improving., ’ The date is December at 7:80 p., m. W ha f date?: Well, keep still and. listen.- Plan to be thet'A „ The Women’ s Missionary Society' met Wednesday with Mrs. Jacob, Fluke. A well attended, pleasant and profitable meeting wa.seftjoyed December 11, at 1:30 the prayer meeting Will convene in the Church Subject “ A DangerouWAssuinptlnn" Luke 2-44. .' , 1 - The Session will meet Wednesday at 2:80..'Special business'requiring the presence of every member will be considered- - ~ ,l * ' o_< * . J. - , One of the Bound Table Speakers raxtYl tiafrl * HTH7n;Kalihtrd ttr . ' ©vrning 7lid e B| B 9tk' in room above J. ^ ■ kqu ' s Jewelry Store. Hr- R, p . OHH9 B m a iu S t . ) ' Teach«w P’ltO* Saturday eve- niugat?:QOd’*M■ Dibble aeho^ajHbath at9;80a>m. Preaching Heavier sfc a, m* . jH 1 Thera Will of -the Township Hpbqpl AssooiaV Son in th«k&3w ■Pah * p- m* It will he K & y Rev, Shlli- van of the H^jr church,Xenia AH the SabbaqH keaphersand officersas waljJfl■pgyAlosiP're earn- estiy rcqua$iejraBPpj^-^yeMphft.A general invlto^gKga^indedto all, Gbji’istiaq ^p-atLsop* m. ^.No evenin^^EiPpuraeryics. Mid-week ppmeeting Wed- nesday evenuml B p # ’'" well s id: “ We believe in .©very congregation there should bea meet ing m which thewhole congregation can take apart and this canprobab ly be bout accomplished in the ordi nary prayer meeting. ) The United j School witlgiy tat* “ Probes Monday nij The smaller *lAugeUCGbQ| Sabbath Sc Pre*ehtH£ SUbject- ; y ,. p . <*-■ nio Fullerton* Prayer-meet 1:30 Leader- The Oedatv School Uonve the M. H, chu af8 o’ lock. SecretaryviyiiU the.worklntbi W* Sullivan' Death Mri >AY, DECEMBEIl 6,1912. Certified For Dow Tax. Through the Auditor of State, County Auditor Dean pft Wednes day certified nine persons for the •Dow ,tm Amounting Andy Day, $885.08; Turner Darnell, $865.93; H, J,„Dug*ta,. |868^$,|fi'"<£? Hornick, $240; John"Hudson* |802,- 84; CokpRyan,$958-04; Henry Smith $1196,04; Albert Wetgell, $240, and Isaac Wistsrman, $606.60. ' ' Death Calls Baby Daughter. THEATRE ROTES, 3an Sabbatfi simps Can- '•Falfillment,” give the. f«sme evening. i , : f 'v 3i*6or at 10 : 30 . And theLake. Leader—Jen- fednetiday fati. • Wf ruship Sabbath' ill be held in jath alternooft jbue,! County esent to organize frtsiiip. Rev. Or ran address. After an illness of about twoweeks Eioise, the 19 months o ld ' twin daughter o f ‘ Mr, atid.’Mrs.’ O. L Smith, d ied .at noon Monday of spinal meningitis. The twin daugh- tersfas well as Isabel, the four year -old daughter, developed.severe coid6 some time ago that resulted In pneu monia fpr the twins, Hloise and Hlizabeth, The former also had erysipelas* devajoping, into spinal meningitis. From day to day -par ents and friends became hopeful'of complete*recovery due to the fact that if had lingered so long. The funeral was held Wednesday morning from the residenco of Mr. D, S, Erun at Which time many frmnds gathered in sympathy wijth the breaved.'parents,The services were conducted 'by Rev. J. S. E. McMiqhael, was assisted by Dr. W, R. McCftesney. Burial tookplace at Ferncliff cem etery, Springfield, - * On Wednesday, December llth. tfie Fairbanks Thealre.wdl offer the companion piece to "The Rosa Maid" which is so popular in this section of the country. It is “ The RoseMaid” , produced by Messrs. Werba 4<Lues- eher with the same splendor that marked the production of “ The Spring Maid.” Its musicsorefresh- ipgiy original, so dashing in style and withall so tunefully “ catchy” has set every audience humming since its first American perform ance. The,performance begins and ends with a rietous display of danc ing girlq* laughter and comedy, while theJnfetyeniugtwo and a half hours are iiljed with dainty waltzes, two-steps that start .the toes a tap ping, and brilliabt concerted num bers that arouse the audience to volumes of applause, i, 1 ■ With the coming of the Paul J. Ilainoy African. Hnut pictures to the-Fairbanks {Theatre Thursday*' Friday,; and.-Saturday, De'Cember l2-l8-14th. theatregoers will have an oppartunity tosee whatis considered by the American Geographical So ciety and the jAmericatt Museum of Natural History as the greatest con tribution to the world’s knowledge of wild animal life which lias ever been made through the air of a cam era. . More than any other pictures which have ever been taken^do these fllinsmade by Mr'. Rainey, in-the Jungles of Africa, have a genune.ed ucational *yalfte. They were, exhi bited,at the Lyceum Theatre, New York last season and made such an impression that they finished the seasonand run all through the sum mer. 1 This ileai wkrhmxtfn# *<<! an i i ' dex, denote# tlat*'ye*f*ir ssfcscwp- ficn is past due aud a prompt yet- dement Ipearnestly desired, , , - 1 PRICE, *1.00 A YEAR "i'1... 1.... . Death Of D. M. Dean. IMPRESSIONS QFTHEEAST. DEMOCRATSGET,1N LINE. necessity.-,draw,,on their .pnyate Incbftie td meet the expense,' Hftl few, men. have the honor o f get ting to serve in the cabinet and this might induce the M, O. from this district tq consider a place at theap pointment of thepresident elect. W. c. T. IS: PROGRAMFORDEC* Word was r;« , , of the death*, •TheArticleaofIncorporation.feat}: tttSa|t Lake < TheAnnual Meeting for the election of Trustees and the transacting of any other justness which may prop erly come before the meeting shall, be on the first‘Wednesday of Janu ary.” ; Subscriptions for the HeraM are nicely; sooft^iverj t>h«t illness o f dot Mrs. McGSh City several’ soft/Heate^ With itbe i winter ther heaith. here' Monday tAlbertMcGIveri feyr % two1days loifia- 1 ta piaR. Lake |o td visit 'her Dighter BeSsik, “ spending ,ebb To benefit’, fief r i. Devotionals, -Muah 4:34. Parliam .ntary drill., Peace day, Wbat it is accomplish ing. Th Crusade, its meaning and spirit. ‘ ■■ •.» The new Crusade and its possi bilities, . » . , Reports of Superintendents, com mittees, add treasurers. The W- C- T.U. benediction. D ead AN imals —The Xenia Fer tilizer Co,, will remove all dead stock Immediately, free of charge. Call cither phone, Bell 887-W. Citizens 187, We pay 60c per cwt. for hogs or sheep, $2 for hones, $2 for cattle, delivered at the company’s plant. Mr. and Mrs. James Dufileld en tertained a number of relatives last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. O. R, Lawrence of Cincinnati. •Mr, and Mrs, Frank Grlndle, Bpringlield, Mr, Hugh Grihdle and wife andMr. John Grindieandf wife and Mr, Ed' win Richards, ! > > Iftso lu tdyPnre TheWomanMakestheHome She mak^s It best who, looking' after the culinary department, turn® her buck resolute ly upon unhaalthful, or even suspicious, food accessories, . She is economical; she knows that trtie .economy does not consist in the use o f inferior meat, Hour, or baking powder. She is an earnest advocate o f borne made, home baked food, and lies proved the truth o f the statement* o f the experts that the best cook ing In the world tod$y Is done with Royal JW t f flfR ow d s r . „ ’ Mr. Gordon OolUnq. ” Miss Lilian McCurdy ' o f Ohio State University is the guest 6f Grace Ritchie at the-Fatsonage; So long as one person reftiains out- side the fold there willbesomething dbflnjte for the church to work .and pray for.* “ Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he.wl! send forth labersinto his harvest.” ^ Mrs. Ritchie received Dec. 2 ayery cheery and appreciative tetter from MrS. Dr, Harris whp is in an Epis- copeliah Hospital in Pittsburg. -She is rapidly improving and expects to be home among her many friends shortly. Prof.F. T. Kyle of New Conpord Visited With Dr, and Mrs. O. M. Ritchie Wednesday l»Bt. Prof Ryle’ ISa brother of Df. M. G. Kyle o f Xenia Seminary. • The Christian Union has studied' the lives of “ The Servants o f the King” as follows: vis, David Liv ingstone, Henry Berjamln Whipple William Taylor, Alice Jackson,' Guido Verbeck Eleanor Chestnut Mathew Yates, Isabella Thoburn James Robertson aftd next Sahhath evening, John Coleridge Patteson and Ion Keith-Falsoner. It has been a very profitable coarse. Suppose that “ when the roll Is called up yonder,” I am there my self, but that alt through the eternal ages I am. unable to find a single person who Is there because of my having led him fcoCliriBt—howmuch will heaven mean to ftie? “ The action af any narcotic Is to breakdown the sense of moral re sponsibility. If a father finds his hoy fibbing to-him, is difficult to manage, or does not like to work, be will generally find that the boy is smoking cigarettes. The bqy .al ways starts smokingbeiorebe starts drinking* I f he is disposed to drink that disposition will be increased by smoking, because the action of to bacco normal for htfir to feel the need Of stimulatian, .Ciga rettes, drinks opium, is the logical and regular series,” . M. E. CHURCH Mnnday School at 9:80, Every body not going to Sunday flehooi Is cordially invited, An enthusiastic Ladies* Adult Dibble class has beep organised. Come and -join it, A Christmas Cantata “ Old Kriss Rrlttgle” will be given by the Sun day School during holidays* Let ail Who nave parts attend all the rehearsals, 1, The pastor Will preach at 10:4*. Epwarfcii League at 5 : 80 —*ha* Raney Leader. . | Frayer-msetmg tuple: “ Toward Bethlehems the Prophet’s Look.” Iss. ft:84* Mm if, 601 1-8, Official Board Will most Tuesday farmer.and Mi$ieit<OatherRm and Evelyn who are teaching school In this county* and Mrs. Fred McEl- wain of Washington, O, H« Mr*, McGlven wasamemherof the U, P church ,ahd was highly -re spected. The body is expected, to arrive this evening, accompanied by sop and daughter, and the .funeral will be held at the residence Saturday at one o’ clock. Burial at Jamestown We’ re coming. Father Woodrow, a hundred thousand -stron,;- they’ ve kepfcuB out of office for sixteenyears toes long; we’re hungry and We’re thirsty,' but maun* yo'iffll/’supply; from messenger to Cabinst the beads, will surely fly; we’ ve waited and we’vS waited tp hear *jtfie' big-horn blowj and now we’ll feast pn plenty others eat the crow; and now, from Malp, to Texas, you’ ll heat our bat- row, wowe coming for our pi©.—En- qalrer.- N--L- Bunnell-returned Monday from, a week’ s bneiness trip to New York slate,, says theMiami Gazette He says the most,Unusual ^ thing he noticed in the’ section he went fchrough.was the number of cabbage fields, They were’ 'as plentiful as bur corn fields; -Car after car of cab1- bage is now beingsblpped to market. Many topsWill bepttj intowarehouses which,are especially^built to keep cabbage in until* spring. Dairyiug fakes flrsMank. ih the agricultural Mr. D, M, Dean, after a thart ill ness although he bad been iailing fast the past year, died peacefully Sabbath evening at his home on , Miller street. The deceased of re cent years has resided m town having spenfcmost of bis life on ih*» farm now occupied by his son, Edwin Dean. . Tho funeral was h.el,d from the residence Tuesday afternoon, the services beinglncharge ofhiB pastor, Rev. M, J- Taylor, assisted by Rev. McMiohaelaftd Dr, McChesnCy. ' Burls' took ' place - at MasBiea Creek cemetery and the following weretbe pallbearers :L,j§, Degn, J.N- , „ Dean, Wm. Spencer, W, P, Beard, Arthur Wright, of .Oxford, and Charles Oldham, of Springileldl. The following obituary was read at the funeral: , Daniel M- Dean, a life long reel- . dent of iJreene county,, died in the village of Cedarvilie at six o’clock on Sabbath evening on the first'day ■ of December.. He, was--born in Greeks county,; • Ohio, five miles east of &enlar oh the 19th* -day" of May 188It and so1 was eighty oiie years old. He-wan , - the son of Joseph andHannah Dean andwaba life long cbftaistbnt'Christr ian man. He joined the Asspciafp Reformed church under thepastorrtl pare of Rev. Dr* R. D; Hatp^fatthe age of twenty years.’ At the time of his death he was a member .of the Covenanter Cbutcn o f OedarvilJeV . . He ratfelymissed ’a enureb service 'during bis -lone life and was ever • loyal to bis Master and to the priu- - ; ciplesofhis church, /He, was mat- / . tied to Miss. CarolineHalnCB.on' the 2ist. day.of bctobBt, 1857. To them \ we’fe bort^five children, all of whom are liyingt except Mrs. Ell*' Kyle, ’ wife of Rev. R. Gv Kyle. She died in February-1891. * * He iS ^survived by his Wife, to whom he was greatly devoted,' and four children, Frank R. andWilliam Edwin Dean, Mrs. Julia R. Patton^ wife of Dr.’ R. B:Patton ofColumbu^ ■ Mrs. Eva Gertrude Sibley, wife Wr,,' R. Sibley op\Ubiunibus, ten ’grand children arid'ohe great grand child. AlSQ thrad brolfiersi Lewis H. of * t* | CANDY! CANDY! u w n A pawftCfS City, Neb*,' Joseph N. of Dayton, Ohio- and Mta, Mary C. Wright of-Detroit, Mich. a ; .^:CfJw-Iwtf «v il.M m A ii Ohicken.and^egg production enters largely Into the income of the-farm-: er. One.farmer stated that his net Ltis worth anyone's 'time -to stop in and see the display of Christinas candy at Wm, Marshall's. Bopasssd aWay agebd mart after jlrocecds for a thousand hensexceed-longaftd'mse’ful lif^m the church- s«d$2000, whileanother,realizedmore than $1200from 600 hens> He said they had succeded better with alfal- and fti tbd tediperigico cause, H# was ever? faithful to hiffriend* renderinghis’Supphr.t in th©lpromo- J0SEPH HAWKINS. fa ihaupWe have.. The cojinty adja- htlon of every good Object,. Hisdeath cenfc to Syracuse had a total of 0,000 acres of alfalfa. Ltming the alfalfa field has been found necessary, ? is a great loss to his many iriebda and to the community in which he. lived. ■ * " Prof, M. F. Reynolds spentFriday in Dayton where he was present at the Western Ohio Superintendents* Round Tahiti. This is' one • oftthe most noted educational •organi zations in the state hud is attended by many noted Ohib and -Indians, educators* -They are open to all and cover olacies of educational work from the finances to teachers and text-hooks, . The Organization Weritbtt reCoifd against the proposed( legislation tor Uniform lext-UdPks over the state, 4In the organization Prof. Reynolds was chosen chair man of tha executive committee, he having served on this committee this year as* member. Mr, G. E. Jobe, has caught the spirit of thetimes and Will keep, up wltli the procession,of,progressive larinere. Not to be outdone with owning one of the finest" .stocked farms in the oounty, Mr. Jobe Will soon ride to town In thf latestmodel, Abbott-Dstroit automobile- T h e machine, While hot knowff io any extent In this Section, Is one o f tbe best on the market and will be de livered by early spring. Overcoats Ftfr a Good Stylish Oygrcoat guaranteed to give service and latisfactioia price ' $ 8 . 00 , $ 10 . 00 , $ 12.00 Better ones from $12. to $20. Clothing, Hats amd Furnishing Sullivan’s t\ & Mmtltdiiif $ i Sprlngfl*^, * Ohio* On Tuesday morning.Dec* 3th, aL 7:30 o’clock the death angel.,visited lisand taken from our midst Brother Joseph Hawkins one of our inoBfc dear beloved earnestChristian;,work ers and friend. He has been a member of the Cedarvilie Baptist church for about thirty years dur ing which time he was always ready and willing to lend a helping-hand in ©very way he could and waa one to whom we could go to for council. He was one of our most faithful and estimable tnombers. He w.-.s of, a jovial disposition and was liked by all who knew him. But there-was one who seeth not as man seetb, who makes no mistake, whoddes alllhinks wisely and well who said to him, .well done thou good and faithful servant your work has heefe Completed, your race has baen run, your journey is at an end, enter thou Into the joy of the Lord. -"Whereas Godin his allwlse and Divine Pro* vldence has seen fit to entar our church and Missionary Society take him ironi ns—' Be ft Resolved—That we- bow in humble Submission'to his will rea lizing that our toss is Heavens gain and that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and that He will enable us t o . say “ Not our will but Thine O Lord be done,” Be it further resolved that We as members Of the church andMission ary Society may realize the respon sibHitles that has come to us by his departure, and tKab God will raise up others to take the'place of him whole resting from his labours m the sleep of death, and that with as alliance we can sky— • We know thoii hast gouo to the home of thy rest; Theli why should our hearts be so ■Sad* ■ We kftow thou hast gone where the weary are blest And the Mourner ooks up and is glad* We know thou hast gone Where thy : forehead issiarrsd. With the beauty that dwelt in thy ’, soul, Where the light of thy loveliness cannot be marred, Nor thy heart bo flung back from its goal, ■ Oedarvlile Baptist Church, Count 01 Mail. -s Rural delivery mail carriers throughout the country have just com pleted a count ofmail delivered and collected during October and No vember. The following figures sllmwthe number of pieces delivered and collected on the three rural routes out of the local office* OCTOBER* ^ DEL. LBS. oz. COL. LBS. oz. Route No. 1 7812 1130 11 604 16 9 Route No. 2 7104 1142 8 497 . 11- 4 Route No. 3 10384 1422 4 ' 778 18 14 ROUte No. 1 7447 1696 NOVEMBER. 681 14 6 Route No. 2 6874 994„ .6 472 12 15 Ronte Mo. ft 9311 1808 6 767 18 Horner sells Footwear that Will protect your feet against either coltl^ or wet weather.' They are best values ever given and at prides that can*t bt equated* Men's All-Leather Shoss $2.00 to $5.00 Ladies* All-Leather Shoes $1.50 to $4.00 * Children’s All-Leather Shoes 60c to $2.50, Rubbers, Felt Boots, Arctics and Rubber Boots at a io Per Cent Saving to You, ' • *: , ■S„■ • ■ , 1 ; ." j ■ ’ • . -■ ; Horner Shoe Co.- 33 South Umeston* Streat, Sprlngfitld* #. •'**»•*
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