The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 27-52
<?&&?*■#•XU£*.T»*£y i i LOCAL AND PERSONAL W , C , T . July 28. • 'm 1T. w ill meet Friday, —First class tenant house for Bale or to let. Inquire of It, Hood. Better tlian over, the seventy* third Greene County Fair. Foii S at . e :•■'Good-work draft m are1 W . A . Turnbull, f Remember the Greene Fair, August 7, 8, 0. Miss Wilmali Spencer Is the gueBt s of the Missels Graff at Trenton. Mr, Fostor McFarland is on the DaUl-Millikay Grocery excursion to CedaivPolnt this week. Mrs. Walter Jones, of Dayton is spending a few days w ith 'M r . ana Mrs, M, W , Collins. The Women’s Missionary Society o f the TJ. P. church w ill meet at the, home o f Mrs, Chas. Turnbull, Mon- afternoon o t 2 o ’ clock. , Miss ISorada Lorrimer is the guest o f Mr. F, p , Hastings and family. During the electrical storm Mon- j day Mr, F. B. Turnbull lost two] valuable cows while Mr. 0 ; E . ) Bradfuto lost two head of sheep. Tbo year has been uuusual for the loss of live stock by lightning. For Sale : Thirty-foot wood wind null tower, 8 ft. Star mill and 20bar- rel tank in good condition. Q, W . Crouse, —I f you have poultry for . sale notify W , B. Kelso, phone 8-180, who w ill call on you. Highest market price, * 25d The entries o f all departments of the Greene County Fair promise rt,o be fn jl. Indications point to even a "greater fair than last season when all.records were broken lor exhibits, stock and attendance. Tiie members of the Jamestown U, P. congregation met at clinrch last Friday evening when they celebrated thefcpth birthday of their pastor, Kev W . A . Bobb, D. D ., who was presented $60in gold as a token of love and respect. Dr, Bobb is nearing his fiftieth year as pastor of that congregation, . Mrs, W , J. Sanderson has for her1 guest her sister, Miss Adams, of Utica, O. ”, Dr. Elmer Ewry, who is practic ing dentistry at Galloplis, has. been spending a few days with- his par* ents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Ewry. . Mr. Fred Bird is attending the Y . Pi C. U. convention. . The Tennis Court at the college campus having been remodeled, persons desiring'to, play Can dci so on payment bf the monthly fee of 50 cents. Rackets„and halls can be secured thru* the agett, Geo. O. Stewart, —Straw Hats! Special reduction 'sale, Sapper cehfc off. Sullivan 21 S. Limestone St., Springfield, O, Word has been received here of the death Mrs. Carlton, wife of Dr. Carlton, o f " Canal Winchester, mother of Mr. H . B. Hitohcook, formerly o t this place. The de ceased was 88 years o f age and died of paralysis Tuesday. Two sons and one •daughter survive. The funeral w ill be held Friday, burial taking place at Coolviile, .CL p a in t W e have an excellent barn forftl.OO per gal. v Tarbox Lumber Go. C l o t h e s of CLEANED at all kinds. D B Y HOME Clothing Co N Mrs.,Frank Welchhans, of Spring- field, "bias ' been "^pending several days with her parents, Mr. O. M. Townsley and wife. *"’ M r . Arthur Hartman, 'o f W il mington, traveling salesman fo r a fertilizer company, dropped In lieye Wednesday evening for(a short stay with his brother^ Mr. G. H . Hart man. . ’ • . 1\ M r.'M era ld Jobe is recovering from a siege of the summer grip that for a time bordered on the fever and caused his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, E . Jobe considerable concern. A trained nurse from Columbus, who has been, nursing him has returned home. ~ Mr. W . L . Cleinana reports the sale of the D , M. Stewart farm of 254 acres bear Xenia to a Mr. Timms o f Delewftre, for a ’ consideration of $88,000. Misses Dorethaand Marjorie M c Clellan, who have been spending a month with tneir father, Mr. J. J. McClellan m Springfield, 111., re turned home Sabbath,4 I t is reported that the Xenia Gazette has been sold by Mr. J. P„ Chew, who has been at the helm for many years, to his grandson, James ; Chew, the consideration being j placed a.fc $30,000. Mr. J. O. M e -. Cormick retirr cl several weeks ago owing to poor- health. . Mr. Chew enjoys good health in his advanced age but decided to rotire from the newspaper work; Win; Shepherd, of West Carlton, while riding a motor cycle at a fast pace on the new pike, lost control of the machine this morning at the turn of the. road near Mr. J. C. Townsley’ s.. The. rider Was not injured but the machine had to be hauled to town for repairs. Messrs Fred Clemans, Ralph Hill, Hugh Turnbull, Bobert Conley and Birdsell Creswell and Misses1Ila Bamsey, Grace Morton, Lucy Shaw, Bertha Anderson,.Bertha Storment, Minnie Shaw and Ora Hanna are among those who went to Miami Chautauqua this week. Miss Buth White, who has been the guest of Miss Josephine Orr,' has returned td her bome in H ills boro, 111. Miss Gertrude Bumgarner is Spending a few days in\porttim0ujtb> .Miss Alfretta Hammond is -visit- ing in Oklahoma. MlsaEthele Spenper, o f Dayton, spent Sabbath at home. MiBStesLill and. Anna Spsncer entertained at dinner lastThursday, Mrs. John Cisco and daughter, of Washington, D . 0 ., Mrs. J. A, Ben- nick, of Topeka, Kan., Hon. F. E, Kirpatrick, wi£d and son, Nat, of Cherry Fork, Ohio, and Mr. ,J. E. K y le and son, W illard of this place. Miss Flora Ilift, of Chicago, 1 b here on a two weeks vacation. Miss Inez Shepard, the popularj assistant postmistress, is taking a j month’ s vacation. j Mr. Henry J. Du Bois and wife, of Springfield, spent Sabbath with Mr. and Mrs. Enos ■H ill. Mr. Du Bois ana Mr. H ill traveled In Brazil last winter for the Inter national Harvester Company, A child taltcs Ur. times' Uasatlye T»D- tots '.fitlimit thin' • of "medicine^ Closing Out Sale of Summer Millinery A ll ou r rem a in ing Sinmfiei’ S to ck o f Trimm ed Hats, M ow e r s RnchOrnaments we w ill close^ ou t at on e -h a lf and less than regular price. * L e gh o rn and H em p F a ts , trimm ed w ith flowers, w ings and malilie, va lu es $5 and $b n o w $ 2 .5 0 and $3.00. ^Au tom ob ile Hats and B onn e ts , values S4.00 to $5.00 -■ now $1.95 ' Unfyfimmed Shapes in b la ck and colors, 25c and up. V e ils f o r summ er in the new effects, 50c p er yard , A l i o Shetlknff V e ils th e m o s t desirab le o f the season $ 1.00 Children's Hats M ilan and<Faney B ra id s trimm ed w ith satin r ibbon and flowers, form er ly $1.50 and $2 00, n ow 50c W h ite O u ting H a ts , R a tin e and B ed fo rd Cord 75c up OSTERLY MIUINERY 37 G reen B t., X en ia , Ohio* H I CRITERION 22 S. Detroit Street TWICE,=A=YEAR THE KIN6SBURY CO. 50-52 East Main Street Twice a year we “clean house” by giving1our customers the values regardless of profit or cost. W e offer you, at sharp reductions, Hirsh-Wickwire special hand-made suits, L System, Griffon make, and other distinguished qualities for which we enjoy the exclusive selling rights in Xenia. Choice of Suits, Spring andMedium P i Roys* Bloomer Pants Weights, Former Prices $3G, $28 and $25, i /ow ........... .......... .................................. .$17.50 $23, $22 and $20, now ............ ............,$14.75 $15 and $12, now .......................................... ............ *. 1 ................ $ 9.98 A small lot of Fancy Suits»«small sizes only== $12 and $ 1 0 values, now.... . . . , . $ 4 9 4 $2 and $1,50 values, now ...... .......... ; ............................................ ,$1.25 $1,15 and $1 values, now........................................ ........................... .89 75c values, npw l.............................. ............................................... : . . .64 ., 50c and 60c values,. . . . . . . . . . . >.w. . . . . . _____ ' . . .45 Men’s Trousers $8, 7 and $6 values, now .................................................................. $4.98 $5 and $4 50 values, now ........................... .................. .............. .... .$3.75 $3 and $2;50 values, n ow . . 1 .......................................................... $1.98 $1.75 and $1.50 values, n ow ..........; ............ ...................... $1.42 Boys’ Wash Suits $3 and $2.50 values, now........................................ ............ .............. $J .98 $2 values, now ................................. ........................... . . . . . X ......... $1.48 $1.50 values, now...................1................................ f ...........................$1 24 $1.25 and $1 values, now ...............*.......... -..............................* / . . . 89c Boys* Bloomer Pants $12, $10‘ and $9 values now ........................................... ............$7.48 $7 and $6’50 values, h o w . ................................................................. $4.68 Wash Ties VYe offer a small lot;: of Soft Shirts with matched collars Shirts 50c values, now................. .... 38c One lot of boy’s straight pantsuit values, $4rnow 98c. The Kingsbury Company only. , , ' 2 SJL.OUvalues, n ow . , . . . . . . $ 1 .l o $1.25 values, now. ............. 89c 25c values, now .................... 19c Panamas Ml - '' 1 ’ M ' $6 and $5 values, n o w . ...............................................................; . . ,$3.95 $10 and $8 values, n ow .................. ................................................. $5,98 * SENNETT and SPLIT $4,”$3.50 and $3 values, now ........... M ............. . .$1.98 $1.50 and $1 values, now ....................................................................J78c 78c and 50c values, n ow ............. ....................................... . 38c G o The KINGSBURY CO. THE 50-52 E.asf Main St. XENIA, OHIO 22 South Detroit St. Still Further Reductions In Our July RemodelingSale 5 0 0 Entirely J\[ew Suits Attractive models In Serges, Whipcords and Mixtures, made to . r 1 2-T5 $ 1 6 .50 .oa$ l 9.50 Wash Dresses j . 1Junion and Misses’ Tub Dresses, regular $2.85 and $3.05 values...................... ............................ ................. ... Sheer Batiste, Lingerie and Allover Dresses; Q g <j|g g Q $ 1 '5 0 w ea r. and $4.95 regular $10 and $18 values... Linen Coats For traveling and motor $1 .50 $2.95 Dressy Waists Of Voile and Imported Batiste, new and refreshingly pretty styles, $1 .35 including the Bobespterre; regular $2.00 and $8.00 values Mearick’s Cloak Honse 123 SOUTH MAIN STREE*' DAYTON, OHIO. When you trade at our store. Besides the lowness of price we give you what you want when you want it. Then you have Ithejj quality, quality and quick^fcrvice. . S A T U R D A Y S P E C IA L S Mothers’-CornJFlake loc package for 5c 9 Different Kinds of Bresad 3c Per Loaf. Pure Lard California Hams Ark Soap « , Salt White Fish Mocha and Java Coffee 23 c per lb. lie per lb. per lb loc 20 per bar ic each . OUR P R IC E S . ® *. #;! •1 •, » - f # . . Star Crackers ...........................,................... . 6c Sliver Prunes .....................— 12 Prunes... ............................ 10 California PruneB, a lb ................ 8 . , ' V* Fancy Large*Santa Clara 1 ' County Prunes, per lb........... ....... ..10 Fancy Bright Evaporated Apricots, • per l b ......................... 1 3 c Fancy Large Lemon Cling Peaches, per lb ...10 Tomatoes, per "can................... 11 Corn, pj?r can.;.,..,...................................... 7 Peas, per can.................... ................ " .......... . 8 Lenox Soap, 3 bars..................... '............ ............10 H. £ . Schmidt 6 Co., ’ Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, . . Xenia, Ohio, —Suimner clothing being cleared at 85 off. Better take advantage of this great sale. Sullivan 21 S. Limestone St., Springfield, 0» Miss Irene McClellan, who has been spending her vacation here the guest ef her mother, has re turned to Indianapolis. Miss Louise Smith entertained a number o f lady friends Monday afternoon. Miss Smith left Titos-, day foi***Chicago to resume her studies In art, $ * Mr. R, B. Barber received an in jured foot last Friday at Mr, Frank Towrtsloy’ s barn raising when a largo timber rolled on to the mom* her bruising the instep. It lias been necessary for him to got about by the aid of crutches. Dr, Miles! laxative Tablets tapW ilk* esndy and work: like a charm. Bev. W« A . Pollock, df South Oma ha, stopped hsre for a visit Monday with til's father-in-law, Mr, W . B . Slerrett and family. Rev, Pollock wftB enroute to Pittsburg. Mr, Frank Creswell, who is lo cated at Hale Center, Texas, is home on an extensive vacation, crops in that section Hot being ready for fall harvest fpr some time, Mr. Creswell has several hundred acres under cultivation. Dr. J. C. George, superintendent o f the Miami Valley Hospital,.Day ton, has offered his resignation to take effect in the bear future. Dr. George and Dr. Shepherd, the lat ter a former superintendent of the State Hospital for the Insane, have formed a partnership rthd will open a private sanitarium near Dayton tills fall, Dr, George was a ton e tune a surgeon at th i jsJtsteHospital, Gaelic Alphabet. Men familiar with the. Oaellc tongue . toll us that the'alphabet of that an cient language Is the most curious ot all alphabets, In that nearly every let ter is represented by a tree. The al phabet. of today comprises eighteen letters; ancient Gaelic had seventeen, Now, as of old, all the letters with, the exception of g, t and u„ which stand fbr ivy, furze and heather, are called after trees. j The Gaelic a b c ndw runs? Alim, ■ belle, coll, dur, eagh, fear ”, gatft, lwath, iogh, luls, muln, ht i, olv, . peith, rills, suit, teine, ur, which is j equivalent to saying: Elm, birch, ha-' *el« oak, aspen, alder, ivy, Whltehorn, j yew, rowan or quicken, vine, ash, spin- [ dletreo, pine, elder, willow, .furze, ” heath, in the ancient Gaelic alpha bet the letter li (tiie huath, or white* horn) does not exist. The alphabet Is called the both-luis-nuln, because to, 1, n, and not a, b, c, are its first thres letters. fi You Don’t Need a Town Grier \ , to emphasize the merits of yonr busirtess dr Att'* nhnnee yotif special sales. A straight story thld to ft straight way to thc; readers of this paper Will quicltly reach the ears of the thoughtful^intelligent .buying public, the people who have the money in tlieir pockets, and the people who listen t<$ retsdii and not noise.* Our books, will show you. ft list Of the kind of people yoti' appeal to. Call and see themiat this,office. T R Y * OUR JOB PRINTING l
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