The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 27-52
SB Millinery Announcement Annual Exhibition of Autumn Fashions Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 12, 13,14. ' The Osteriy Millinery Store presents not pictures of New York hats, but fifty of the actual hats from such makers of models at Phipps, Gaye and Castle. Right into the heart of the New York modistes have we 1gone to select these models which are not alone new, but he dependabli thing. To these models is to see all -the best New York has^to show. V.: V.> ......7 : '••. * . -- ■ - . You ore Invited to this Display. LOCAL AND PERSONAL OsteHy 37 Greens St., _ * Xenia, Ohio, H. A. M cL ean Sole Agent [For € $ ■»S f •* k 99 Strictly Hand | Made, .no Dope. / > Dayton, Ohio. r PULVERIZED 1 Flour Made From Choice Selected Winter Wheat. Fancy cakes and crackers, Fresh fruits and vegetables- J. E. WADDLE Phone 2-26 iw m •mm M ARSHALL 'S Fruit Store X X X X , Bananas, Orangqs, Lemons, Peaches, Apples, Sweet Potatoes, Celery, Melons, Plums, tomatoes, Onions, i Peanuts, * Candies, Ice Cream, Sea me before [you buy these articles.' [ I Will Please You. Give Me a Call* Mrs. Unlee Ayres moved to X*n?a this week. Mr. .Frank H ite of the 0 . 8 . LI. accompanies Mr. Joe F inney home and was his guest for a few days. Mrs, 8 . McCullough and daughter, of Oakland, Ind ., were guests of Mr. John McFarland the first of the week, , Messrs. J . W. Johnson and H . M. Stormont and th e ir families spent Labor Day in Cincinnati. Mrs, Edward Houston and a party of friends, of South Charleston, motored here Monday evening, tak ing supper a t the Foster Hotel, Mr, George Silvey, of Cincinnati, la spending a few days with his brother, Mr. J . » . Silvey. c. Rev. A. B. Donnison and family of E ly ria, visited la st week with Mrs. Dennison’s father, Mr. 8 , K. Williamson; ' Miss E lia Lo\ynes is visiting in Morrow. Mr. Edmond Vance, of Troy, has been the guest of Dr. j . O. S tewart and wife the p a st week. Mr. WoodbridgeUstick, of Colum bus, who is a ttend ing the IJ. P. Seminary in Xenia, has been spend- a day or so with friends here, Mr. T. R, Morris has for hip guest his fa th e r and mother, Mr. and Mrs.’ NorriB, of n ea r Coshocton. Prof. F. P. Foster left Thursday for Marsailles, O,, where he has ac cepted the super!ntendency of the schools in th a t place. Mr. Will Finney, while driving a mower cutting the grass oh the col lege lawn was injured sligh tly this mprning when one of the horfles stepped into a sewer about two feet deep. The fall of the horse threw Mr. Finney from his- sea t onto the wheel ot the ,mower. The horses were k e p t under control, otherwise the accident m igh t have proved more serious, ; ’ A son was boru Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde. Johnson, colored. Gilbert 6. H anna has brough t su it to enjoin the H aley heirs from, building a fence where the p lain tiff claims w ill deprive h im of the iige of two o r th ree acres of hie'laud'. Word has been received here of the death o t R ob e rt,' th e , nine months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edga r Baker a t Lakeland, Florida, a fte r a week's illness of spinal men ingitis. Mrs. R ak e r and two sons went to Lakeland to v isit her p a t ents, M r. H a rry s tra in and -wife, and the littlo one took sick while there. Mr. Raker went south as Boon as ho heard ot the child’s ill ness. - ! Miss Hell Lewis, of Clifton, who has been teaching in the grade school a t XJrbana has been ap pointed as instructo r in L atin in ;be H igh School in th a t city a t a salary of $76 per m onth. Miss Hazel Lowry visited a few days w ith her friend, Miss Stella Bishop in Xenia. FATHERS AND MOTHERS Wo are closing out our Boys' Straight Cut Knee Pants at HALF PRICE this mean*: 60 c Pants at - ................25o Pr. 76 c Pants a t ............... . 36c Pr. SI .00 Pant* a t ................ 50o Pr. These ara bargains you will ap preciate. Bird's Mammoth Storey Cards have been received here an- nouncingtbe marriage of M r. E d ward Shaw to M( bs Agnes Jean Smith a t the home of her fatner, Rev, Robert Smith in Bardington* 0 ., September 3rd, Mr. Shaw 1 b attend ing the seminary ^ a t Al leghany. H is bride was a formerly a professor in Cedarville College. MEXICAN BASKETS 39o each Bird'* Mammoth S U f # *i —Foe RaKTi—My house dn North Mam S tre e t \ for on# y ea r a t least, Mrs, Archer. Mr, Casper Heitssroau, who sold out la st spring and went to Tekas,. returned here Wednesday evening and ekpectBta locate in th is vicinity if he can ge t a farm. Mr. Bor»Baldwin and Mrs, Minnie Hatfield, of Selma, spent Sabbath with Mr. and Mrs, M. 0 , Nagley. , ( i ii'— • i—...-ij ' Mrs, H a rry ■"K ing and son, of Washington C. H ., are v isiting Mrs, Flora pobbine, Dr. J , B. Swonger, of Beaumont, Texas, has hcen the guest of bis sister, Mrs. I r a Trout®. Mr. and Mr*, Emery Slagle anti children, Clifford, Mildred and Don na, of Pemberton were over Sab bath guests of Mr, and Mrs, A. T. Finney. CELERY, Fresh and Fine 10c worth for* NICKEL today at Bird's Mammoth Store. Rev. W. J. Sandetson and family w ill-leave Tuesday for Utica, 0 ., where they Will visit before going to Selma, Afe.« for the winter, where the ■Rev. has charge of a mission school. * ■ ; Enrollment of Public Schools 'M r.Howard MoGafHck, ot Beaver, Pa., a fte r spending a few days here with friends; left Tuesday for Memphis, where he will teach in a school hea r th a t city. Mr. Robert Bird and family spent Thursday in Dayton," , t ............. * The i f . E , church picnic will be held Saturday in the B; M, Murdock woods, south of town. ' V Mr. John stew&rtieffc Monday for Cincinnati where he will regime his studies in the College of Music. * " 4 Mrs. Sylvia Kyle le f t Wednesday sor Waldo, O-, where she expects to make her home. Mrs, 0 . M, Crouse is en tertain ing a t a house pa rty , Misses Leila and B e rtha Townsley, of Washington, 9 . H ., Misses Mary Marshall and Ru th Tarbox, o t Xenia, and Misses Carrie l ’ownsley and E d ith Barber, Mrs; Crouse entertained about twenty-five young ladies.this a fte r noon in honor of her gUests. Mr. E rn e st Foster, who has gone to tdaville, Ind,, to teach iu the high school, recently passed the examination for a teacher’s certifi cate in th a t state with an average a t M per Cent. Mr. Wendail Foster, a brother, has been offered a position w ith the American Sunday School Mission a t E rie, Pa., bu t will likely decline to g radu a te th is yea r from the college. C A ST O R IA Tor In fe s ts and Children, TbsKindYonHansAlwaysBssgM -■.Bears the # * n a tw * c f Mr- R . B. Barber' and wife have been spending several days with their daughter, Mrs, C laries Coulter near Oxford. ■ F oii S aifg :--A good phe&ton buggy. Inqu ire o f Mrs, I d a Lowry. - ■ FATHERS MOTHERS W# have in stock 6 0 BOYS KNEE PANT SUITS so ld . at $ 2 .0 0 t o $6.QDStSft, We have eu ithem half lit two and offer Boys’ $ 2 .0 0 Suits at $1 .00 each Boys* $ 3 ,0 0 Suit* a t $1 ,60 each Boy*’ $ 6 .0 0 Suit* a t $ 2 .6 0 each Coma lit and look these over If you want, something good and cheap / It will pay you. Bird’s Mamtnoth Store. Mr. Alex, Turnbull .shipped four Delaine Merino bucks "Wednesday to Milford where R, S, Campbell, of San Antonio, Texas, was making up a car ot 100 bucks for a large sheep breeder in th a t state. • The buyer wanted ten bucks bu t ‘Mr. Turnbull was Unable to supply thejn. Messrs, Lawrence and Rodger Nisbet, of Loveland, are spending a few days here with their g randpar ents, Mr, and Mrs. J . H . N isbet and Mrs. Andrew W inter. L o s t :— Lost Wednesday, ladies’ black ja c k e t on Jamestown pike, F inder pleas* notify R e tt Myers a t Bird’s store. Mrs, I . K. Turnbull has been quite sick th is wesk b u t is "much improved. , j l r . Wayne Kohler has moved into the McLean property, vacated by Mr. E rn e st Trqesdale, wh* expect to move to Dayton, Floyd Ferris has moved in to the W in ter’s prop e rty vacated by Mr, Rohler. . Misses Fann ie and M argaret Mc Neill, who have been spending a month w ith their paren ts a t Belle •e n te r, h^ve returned home. The Clifton Schools open Sept. 0. Mr. Jf. H . Wolford attended, the Mooso convention in Columbus Wednesday and Thursday, being ons of the county delegates. Tuesday was a g rea t day for what organized labor can accomplish. The public "schools opened Mon day morning under the moBt favor able circumstances, a number of the parents of pupils being present for the opening exercises. .Chapel service was held and ai- opening ad dress was made by Rev. W. J ,S a n d erson. ‘ f The enrollment is a s ‘follows: High School.................................. 58 G ramm ar .................... ..........„ 83 in te rm ed ia te ......................: S 8 P r im a r y .................... fit Total.... ..........................230 The enrollment th is year is not e- qual to th a t or la s t yea r by IS bu t there is an Increase when it is con sidered th a t a class of 24 was gradu a ted 'last May. ■ . A piano has been placed in the schools to be used for muRical tra in ing. The building and grounds presen t a nea t and a ttrac tive appearance, Jan ito r Ross having spent several weBjts m preparing fo r school open ing. Mrs. 0 . M. KJtoht# o f Clifton is visiting liar parents in Marlas*, ID. Mr, Chester Preston and Miss Ruth Corry of CUfton, the latte r the daughter of Mr. *tid Mrs, R, E . Cor- ry , were qu ietly married a t the home of the bride la s t Thursday ev ening by Rev. H en ry Foster of the Presbyterian church. daotta it, lUUtnMn Plaintiff Btfort L, <3.Butt. < V* .Justice of the Charles Johnson, Defendant- i ‘ese« (ietlsrville Townahiii. Oreeno County Ohio. On the 6th 4*V of Auslist. A, B. W12, flnid Justice (Mined ntt order ot nttAchtnetd in the #bo»S sedon* for diBSOtn hi I33.S6, oicoitaB it . ijAUtMAft, CsdsiWh*. owe, Aesnet m , Mr. Fred Townsley, while driving an anto owned by Nagley Bros, experienced a shake-up Tuesday When his machine struck a pile, of gravel m the road this side of Clif ton, which caused th e machine to jump into the ditch. There was no damage other than to the front axle of the machine. Veterinary Pointers By P r, DAVID ROBERTS, ' fTmlceslM, WH- Thoroughly mmin* your «ick nock hy taking the pulse, which should he from. 23 to 40, Take their temperature which designates fever by the use of a Veterinary Fever Thermometer. . The lire stock owners of the United States would be several million.dollars wealthier If they gave their Jir.e stock propercareandattention, such allieswithin .the power of every live stock owner on earth, in the form of Dr. David Roberts Veterinary prescriptions; . Po notexperiment, or permit others to do so, onyour live stockwhen theyareailing, for the prescriptions of Dr. David Roberts' have been placed within Teach of every liye stock owner on earth. The season of Hog Cholera is on and an ounce of. prevention is worth a pound of cure-' Indigestion is one of the great channels of this disease and should he pre vented and overcome by the use of Dr. David Roberts Hog Tonic internally, and. pens should be thoroughlydisinfectedwith Dr, David Roberts DisLnfectall. Abortion in cows can be positively wiped out of anylherd on the face of the earth by the uselof Dr, David Roberts Veterinary prescriptions. Damp, cold, rainy seasons, such as.fall, often produce inflamed or caked udders jn cows. This can be overcome by the.use of Dr. David RobertsCowTonic and Badger Balm. ■ Do not waste your time and energy in trying to make a milker out-of a beef animal, or a beef animal out^of a heavy milker, as the law. of nature will n o t. permit it. In operating upon lambs, pigs and calves, always use freely Dr. David Rob erts Healing Oil; , ' Precaution against death of cattle by bloat shouldbeguardedbykeepingonhand' •tie of Dr, David Roberts Cattle Trocars. Cattle that have broken into cornfield*, and have ovarsaten, should be kept from drinking waterfor twenty-four hours and be given small doses of Dr. David Roberts Laxotooic dry on the tongue. “‘MILCH COWS” I t the point of the teat be *topped up , 1 makingmilking a difficulty, useDr. Dand Roberts Hard Milking Outfit, Remember that you are not keeping live stock, to Jook at or for pet*. They should either be profitable or be killed: Very often non-profitable animal* can be . made, profitable by adding to their feed such ingredients as will aid digestion, and is contained in the Dr, David Roberts Stockvigor, mixed with linseed meal. The proper time to dehorn cattle ii when thqt’sre calve* * few week* old by the use or Dr. David Roberts HornKiller. If an animal in * herd be afflicted with lump jaw, it should either be treated ok killed, as it is exceedingly dangerous to the -balance 'of the herd, Dr. David Roberts Absorbent will overcome lump jaw Jn cattle. Thoroughly .disinfect your edw barns once a week, as this will prevent and over- , come many,disease* that cattleare heir to. Use Dr. David Roberta Disinfectidl, If you want'your hogs to fattenquickly and economically, give them Dr. David Roberts Hog Tonic. - This will rid them of worms, prevent indigestion and many . other dangerous disease* too numerous to mention. ■ , V ^ Sell your cream for ajijood big sum, use part of the check in buying a pail of Dr. Dayid RobertsCalf Meal, a substitute for whole milk for calves. Anyone iwishing specific directions In the treatment of livestock ailments should feel free to write Dr, Roberts, Inquiries will be cheerfully answered. W e ca rry in stock all, of Dr, David Roberts’ prepared prescriptions. They.are the l,Best by Test” , C. M. RIDGWAY, Druggist. W h en W e T ook on th e B lack C a t L ine ■ 1 . •,*' / *. .t- ' ' " ' ........... ‘ •- We did «o because we believed its merit would outsell every other line in town. j We wep right. I t has/ 4" . And if you wish to know why, all you need to do is to come and look over our good looking and good wearing men’s hose.. . Take notice of that Extended Heel—made by ' gpeclal machinery—which is an exclusive feature , of Black Cat, and which doubles th e , life of your sock. „ \ t. . Notice their soft lustre,and even bfeautiful,col ors. Almost sheer and? handsome' as Ladies’ steckings, yet abouty as strong as the children’s. ; SUITS— Latest Styles and Lowest prices * - . SPRING COATS— 15.75 up SKIRTS— Fine selection. The best for $5.75 yet shown WAISTS— $1.00 lip CARPETS - RUGS - LINOLEUM ; R o o m R . u g s a Lowest Prices Reached S p e c i a l t y Hutchison & Qibney XENIA* * OH IO . H ig h Co st of L iv in g Miade E a s y When you trade »t our«store. Besides the lowness of price we give you what you want when you want *,it. Then] you [have fthej quality, quality and quick service. o & ■ SATURDAY SPECIALS Mothers’ Corn Flake • loc package for gc 9 Different Kinds of Bread 3c Per Loaf* Pure Lard California Hams Ark Soap Salt White Fish nd per lb, per lb loc ao per bar 5 i c each Mocha arid Java Coffee 2 3 0 per lb. OUR PRICES #•*«*•*<*•.< •*«*«*.* V* ‘ ... 12 io ■iiSmiMrtttuttntn ■ tar (Iraolcers......... Silver Prunes. Prunes. California Prunes, a lb Fancy Large San ta Clara County Prunes, per Jib............. -..... 10 Fancy B righ t ^Evaporated Apricots, per lb .,.............................................13c Fancy Large Lemon Cling Peaches, per lb... 10 Tomatoes, pe r can **«•*■*■**«•* tv**•*<« t*s**»s*«a*t*VB>s*#»«»* 11 Corn, per can................ ....... ........... ................... . 7 Peas, per can.,.,..... A............ .............. ....... ........ „..Q , Lenox Soap. 8 bard.... .........................................10 H. E. Schm id t 6 Co 9’ .Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, * * . Xenia, Ohio. GET OUR PRICK! ON PRINTNG X X
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