The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 27-52
mttfm Veterinary Pointers B y B r. DAVID ROBERTS, WtakesJta, Wts. The Cedarville Herald. I P e r Y e a r , Thoroughlyexamineytfiir stfk stock by talung thepulie, Which thould be from 28 to 4$. Take their teraferatore which d«ign*t« f«v«r'by th* use of a Veterinary k'*v« Thermometer. The live stock owners of the United State* would be several million dollars wealthier if they gave their live stock proper care*cd attention, suchtislieawithin the power of every live stock owner on earth, in the form of Dr. David Roberts Veterinary prescriptions, D*Botexperiment, or permit other* to do so, en your live stockwhen they are ailing, for the prescriptions of Dr, David Roberts hare been placed within reach of every ljye stock owneron earth. The season of Hog Cholera is on and an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. ‘ Indigestion is one of the great channels of this disease and should he pre vented and overcome by the use of Dr. David Roberts HogTonic internally, and pens shouldbe thoroughly disinfectedwith Dr«David Roberts Disinfcttnll. Abortion in cows can tv ' positively wiped out of anyriierd oh the face of the earth by the use of Dr. David Reborns Veterinary prescriptions., Damp, cold, rainy seasons, such as fall, often produce Inflamed or pafced udders In cows. This can be overcome by the ute of Dr. David Roberts.CowTonic and Badger Balm. *- Do not waste your time and 'energy in trying to.make a milker but of a beef animal, or a beef animal out of a heavy milker,' as the,law of nature will* not permit lb i In operating upon lambs, pigs and calves,; always use freely Dr. DavLa Rob erts Healing 011y * * i KARLH BULL * Editor . Cattle that have broken Into cornfields, and have overeaten, should be kept from drinking water for twenty-four hours and be given small doses of Dr. David Roberts liiixctQsiicdiy on the tongue, ’‘MUCH COWS" If the point of the teat be stopped up, making milking a difficulty, useDr, David Roberts Hard Milking Outfit, Entered tit the Post-Office, Cedar* v ittp ,' October 31, 1887, us second blass matter. FRIDA*?, OCTOBER 11, 1913 . Remember that you are not keeping live stock to look at or for pets. They should either be profitable or be killed. Very often nan-profitable animals can be made profitable by adding to their .feed such ingredients as will aid digestion, and is contained in the Dr. David Roberts. StOckvigor, mixed with linseed meal. The proper time to dehprn cattle is . when they are calves a few weeks old by the use of Dr, David Roberts HornKiller. If an animal In a herd be afilieted with lump jaw,*it should either he treated or killed, as it is exceedingly dangerous to the balance of the, herd. Dr. David Roberts Absorbent will overcome lump jaw in cattle. » • v ■ Thoroughly disinfect your cow’ barn* once a week, a* this will prevent and over-< come many diseases that cattle are heirto. Use Dr. David Roberts Disjnfpctall. If you want your hog* to fatten quickly and economically, give them Dr. David Roberts, HogTonic. This will rid them of worms, prevent indigestion and many other dangerous diseases too numerous to mention. -Bell your’cream fora good big sura', use part of the check In buying a pail of Dr. David Roberts Calf Meal, a substitute for whole milk for calves,- Anyone wishing specific directions in the treatment of-livestock ailments should feel free to write Dr. Roberts. Inquiries Will be cheerfully answered.' ■ Wo carry in stock all of Dr. David Roberts’ prepared prescriptions. They are t h e ‘•‘Best by Test” . C* M. RID GWAY, Druggist, ELASTIC ROOF FAINT for tin, metal, paper, felt and ruberoid roofs. 1r , proofagainsl the weather or rust. Absolutely holt 1 porous. Will not crack, peel, blister or scale. Will not evaporate after once set. - Is-a fine water-proof ing material. Contains no ingredierits such as salt ahd lime which enter into the composition of the major part of the so-called roof and iron paints on. the market to-day which have no elastic qualities ’and are destructive to metals and fibres, and are bound to crystallise any metal. It is germ proof. Sendfor circular andprice list. Why not purchase the heft when it costsno mere. T h eD A L L M A N C O O P E R S U P P L Y CO ., r o n d . d u - l a o ,W l s , PUBLIC SALE OF LIVE STOCK P repa ra to ry to m in in g arrangements to operate the farm known .1 Will’ offer a t Public theMatfclson Home Farm on a partne rsh ip basis. Sale bn the farm 'which Is s itu a ted one mile west Of South Charleston., on Tuesday, October 22, a t 10 o’clock,a. m*, th e following live stock, to-wifi 10 HEAD OF HORSES One 6 yea r o ldb ayg e ld ing , weight 1700lbs; one 3 year old bay geld- NO EXPERIMENTING NOW, There Is ho more reason why one Should experiment in politics than in business. When it comes to placing responsibility one wouldn't think of placing a school teacher a t the head of a banking institution, or a farm hand as the moving director of a large factory, unless the prospective appointee had had some experience along that line. • Then why should the people of this county be asked to turn over the greatest business institution on earth, the managenient of the U. S. govern ment, to a man who has had no ex perience or service in public life? One who has never served lii Con gress or been connected with tlm ex ecutive branch of the government, "We* refer to Woodrow Wilson and make the above statements as a -basis of honest belief tha t an administration under his guidance would'bo noihhtg more than an experiment .It is for the public to decide un-, tried haiul should control the reigns of this government the next four years. It must not be forgotten that Wood- row Wilson was nominated In a con vention under the brutal control of Bryan, who on the face of things, licked the Murphy-Sullivan-Taggert bosses. But to moninate Wilson the deal for the vice-presidency- has to be taken. Into consideration, and here we' find Governor Marshall, of Indiana, as the representative of- these ma chine politicians and liquor Interests. A shrewd combination for the foxy' Bryan. The boasts of this combina tion,! when, It,is known that “Marshall was elected on a platform for the re* peal of the county local option law in Indiana that returned saloons In more than forty counties that-had voted dry. makes the Criticisms ,Qf ’President Taft fade into the* distance when we view 'the scenes behind the Wilson- Marshall curtain. , As a further experiment we have but to point to the record of Dr, S, D, Fess, in the constitutional'conven tion and every taxpayer realizes today that the ODr. having no interests to represent had 1 nothing personally to Sacrifice, consequently he supported, without hesitancy provisions that gave you the eight-hour law, the possibility of a second payment on whatever Improvement- you might make on your farm, the labor’union nine-man jury, the right for the state to set .aside from inheritances what share it would take, and-all of the twenty-four pro visions supported' by the Socialists, with liquor-license, thrown' in. The Dr.’S service In the constitutional con* vention was a costly experiment to this county, and his work was reject ed at the polls so far as Greene coun ty 1 was concerned. . If sent ,io. Con gress he has nothing more a t stake so far as the interests In this district are concerned than .he had in the con stitutional convention, other than se- *curing or attracting Eastern money to -.Antioch College, So why experiment ip either case? POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. ing, weigh t 1500 lbs; one th ree y e a r old bay gelding; onb 11 year old bay m are, freigh t 17Q0 lbs;one 1* yea r old bay inare, W eight'1500 lb»; one 2 yea r old bay gelding; one 7 y ea r old. d ra ft w a re and colt; one 12 yea r old .edrret marO and colt; one 7 yea r old Xpad horse. 2 3 0 HEAD OF CATTLE 32 head weighing 1200 lb s; will he on lu ll feed by day of sale; 29 head of fancy f a t yearlings, If no t sold before day of sale; 62 head of feeding cattle, weighing 900 lbs; 25 head of Angus yearlings;'25 head of Hereford y ea rling s;-40head of Shorthorn and Angus yearlings; 6 pure bred Angus cows with, calves by side; 1 red polled cow w ith two calves by side; 2 J e r sey cows;'2 Angus heifers. 1136 HEAD OF SHEEP 670 feeding wethers; 250 breeding ewes;,2<>6 lambs. > 2TS HEAD OF HOGS 280 cattle-hogs and. sboats; 26 brood sows, softie w ith pigs by’ side. Terms Made Knotyn on Day of Sa le . We are authorised to announce the name ofW . F . Trader a sacand l- date for probate judge a t the No vember election on the nonpartisan ticket. imi.. upwiiii»|i[iiiiiiiiiTrmfjr rr im'-T^fT'-i’ A LETTER FROMTHE EDITOR j We a re authorised to announce tb s nanm of J. N . Dean as a -cand i date for Probate Judge on the non partisan ticket a t th e regular election in November. (Continued from psge l.J to to the wife of*the Illinois farmer, j Being aurnctcfl by the argument t h e ) lady turned to the writer ami says; j "So you’re,from Ohio, that state t h a t ; adopted liquor license just recently?” i Turning facing the lady wo discover- { ml the little white ribbon thatiropye-, coated the organization to which ebo belonged,- Again she says; ’‘And I read in our papers that the officers of the convention that recommended liquor licence v.ero a minister and a president of a college." "And you tell mo that minister and college president subscribed to liquor li cense after the efforts of this or ganization, pointing to the white rib bon, on ike part of thousands of mothers to oppose license, gave their voice and signature in recognition of this soul-destroying business?" The license question started an argument as to local option and the retired business man from Chicago, who op poses local option, stated that If Il linois adopted such a constitution as Ohio had, the cities of the state would vote to repeal every local, option lav/ now on the statute, books. Politics Is no common subject for discussion, for we rind ourselves in the hottest bed of "Aloosors" imagin able. Certainly Indiana, and Illinois are crazy- on Roosevelt, for seven out of ten c ‘ those who gome here are'for the idol of the Progressive party. Two of tho teir are for Wilson and tlio ione one for Taft,- From the senti ment against the pre.isdent one would be led to the conclusion that a dose of poison, must have been at some time administered ,to the people of these two states. Nine out of ten of the Chlcagolang are for Roosevelt, and they have no hesiteney in letting you know It. This might be explain-, ed from the fact that there Is but one newspaper in Chicago supporting Taft. Finding that to many Of these people a re , so bitter against Taft we made,It our business to inquire then .why they prefer' Roosevelt to Wil son, The answer invariably was that they could not stand a. man of no ex-, perlence in public affairs in Such a position,- When pressed the majority admit that Roosevelt may/not be elect ed, but that he would defeat Taft. With ’such a situation then nothing remains but AVilsdn’p election, but the .‘‘Mooserg," w(liilV admitting the calamity in business that is sure ,to follow Wilson’s election, seem bent only on Roosevelt securing more votes than Taft It ,se»nis<& foregone, con clusion that uriless-nomething radical happens former Senator Beveridge, the Roosevelt candidate for governor in Indiana,* will he elected easily over tlio Republican and Democratic nomi nees, In Illinois a t this time.the en trance of the ’Progressive state ticket is expected-to land Dunn, former Dem ocratic mayor, of Chicago, as gover* nor. .'; ' /, * ,* . ' The discussion of politics 'is not aloue confined to the men, but women as well, aud there are one or two wo men *here from Chicago that are do ing more missionary work ■ for -Roose velt than half •dozen campaign' ora tors could do in the Same length of time. One lady being unable, to con vince a Chicago business man th a t he should not support President Taft, -stated that she had seven sons, and as they Would all vote fob Roosevelt that would kill the business man’s vote. "But I can Set seven business men for Taft. ,That>will equal .your Seven Votes for Roosevelt," says the business man.- "Yes,” responded the lady, "but I have 'had' several social affairs .lately for the young men In our 'church, and ’ every one but one has promised me faithfully that they will vote for Roosevelt,” ■The busi ness man saw that he had run up -against a "suffragate,” and hastily made his ex it In endeavoring, to keep In touch with affairs in Greene county -We learn with Interst, but no particular .surprise, that Editor Paterson, of the Xenia Republican, has publically announced that he will vote for Wil- tor president. We would 1 have GASTORIA For Infants and Children. ALCOHOL ,3 PER CENT. . AwgeiabfeTffparMionforAs- sunliartngtUerBodaotflte^uia; tingdieStocedisaaiBowelsof: I n f a n t s /C hubrem PromptcsDigestionfhetful* nessandifestContalttsneittw. OpiimbMorphineiwrMiueraL N o t N a r c o t ic . The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature o f rc’v i o ! « i i jSdfsefoMmmEumm ' Rmpkh&td~ AkScata* JMdieSalls* ArneSeed* d S & u * * VSmSeti* " ‘ iSumr. ■ -Wfffloi - AnerfectRemedyforConsfipa* lion, SourStomach,Dlarrlwci Worms,ConvulsionsJtvmsiK nessaiulLossOFS leep . ' Facsimile Signature oF NEW"YORK. !n Use Over Thirty Years months oUT. 3 5 DOSBS- 3 5 CENTS !:Viunranteedunderthe rioodt US , Exact Copy of Wrapper. THEOINTAUHCOMPANY. NEWYORKCITY. MARSHALL'S Fruit Store Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Peaches, Apples, Sweet Potatoes, Celery, Melons, \ Plums, Tomatoes, Onions, - Peanuts, Candies, * iceCream. See me before you buy these articles. I Will Please You. Give Me a Call. son We a re authorized to announce tho name of Charles F . Howard as a candid file for his second-term as Probate Judge on thq. non-partisan ticket a t the November election. Thomas Mattinson MEADE and TITUS , Atfcfc. Bunch b y ,'W heeler. We are authorized to announce the name of O. I t. Woli as a candi date fo r'A ud ito r in the November election on the Democratic ticket. Election: Tuesday, November* 5th, 1913 Not in Opposition to Warren County andidales U. S. MARTIN EfblDulOuuo" Apples Candidate for Re-Election (SECOND TERM) C omm on P leas Jud ge In the 3rd Sub-division of the' Second Judicial District, Counties of Montgomery, Greene, Clinton and Warren. < W e w i lt have n e a r about October 25th. Baldwins Grimes Golden Jonathons Talpahockings York Imperials Starks The first crop of new orchard sprayed, 9 perfect fruit. So ld by Weight SO tb i to bu. R E A SO N A B LE PRICE We are authorized to announce the name of David H . Kcifcor as candidate foisoounty commissioner Oh the Democratic ticket. J , Mrs, Jeanette Eekridge leaves to morrow for Chicago, where she will visit with relatives. From there she will go to El Paso, Texas, to make an extended visit with her Son, Harry Barber, and brother, Asa McLean, ADVERTISEMENT , Public sale of real estate. McFarland Bros . Cedarville, Ohio For the purpose of closing the es# t a t e o f J , D. Williamson, deceased, his heirs will offer a tp u b lic auction on the'promises situated bn Miller stree t in Cedarville, Ohio, on Satur day, October 26, a t 2 o’clock p, m., the brick residence, containing 18 rooms, with stab le and outnuildlngs also the adjoining lot. The residence will be offered separately Hud as a whole. This p ro p e rty ' will be sold to the highest b idder w ithout any lim itation. Title to the property is perfect Terms of sale; Ono*thlrii cash, one-third in one year and one* th ird In two years, de fe rred pay . menfc secured by niurlgage op premises, the purchaser to have the been none the mote surprised) had be announced that he would support Debs for president,. after giving 80 iiborally of his support to tho Blge- low-Fess Socialistic constitution, urg? lag through the columns of his pa per at various times tho adoption of most of the amendments. As the Re publican was the only paper in the county to so endorse the Bigelow-Fess heresy and tho'voters turned down tho propositions with Such.tremendous majorities, we do not believe that Greene County Republicans have great reason for alarm Over the Republi can’s latest stand. war^^*»«iir 11 Tlio announcement of the Xenia Republican for Wilson evidently puts that paper a t right angles with the "reform” central and executive com mittees, which has endorsed Presi dent Taft. Back during the primary campaign the Republican was the private means of distributing just such Information as was eoiidttcivoto the so-called "reform” cause. At that time the Republican was deeply con cerned in success this fail and only the slate backed by the Republican could win. Now that the slate was put ever those on it find their “mouths* piece” blurting off 1 ft another direc tion, regardless of the fact that the "reform” committee is held regpon* slide to the state Republican commit tee for tho vote in the county. Either the Republican, has forsaken the cause , of the "reform” committee of the committee is not playing square in endorsing the President. If WoodroW Wilson could dictate a few editorials to the Republican and following the night they appear have them printed; in circular form from the same typo and mailed out by the hundred to the voters under some misleading head* Ing, some good might be accomplish ed. But the same scheme won’t al ways Work twice In succession. .- * ..... It is interesting to note that the Greene County Agricultural Society wili ask for a special vote for a four* tenths mill levy to purchase the Greene county fair grounds, which the county should own. The hoard holds an option on the grounds for $1.1,500 and $2,500 would be needed to build a new grand stand. The board is under good management and we are certain that President H. D. William son will see that there Is actual value given the county for every dollar in vested. The grounds jsah bo paid for in & few years by the saving in yearly rental, it's a business proposition for the county to own ■ Its own grounds. FRESH OYSTERS I H i - every HE- Monday, Thursday and Friday They are the kind you will enjoy, no water, no ice and large. *4* PHONE 110 C . M* S P E .N C E R g « M l l e CownslMpSchoo! Report. o eo a § s $ K n £ S' is aa do&-e* ‘6 On '-n&Q. Ba » § rr a (/) r>*a Number of District.,. En ro llm en t,.... .......................... Avoriigo Dally Attendance.... . Por Gent Daily A ttendance... Number T a rd y ........................ Number Presen t Every D a y . P e rC e n t Present Every Day.. Number of Visitors...,,.............. Rank fori Sep t,,............. ......... , t ‘ 1 2 3 4 5 n 7 ■t 10 2> 7- 14 1ft LI .1t 20 0 n 9 4-1 10 80 91' w ‘79 90 94 98 7 8 0 0 !• 0 0 8 ■0 c 1! 4 8 10 42 27 G(i* 14 44 tip 00 1 g 5 0 8 i 0 & 3 4 C 4 2 1 Diftt. No. 2. H ist. No, 3. privilege fa pay All cMh if desired, Heirs of J, D. Williamson, The Yoiing Ladies* Missionary So ciety of the tT, P. church met at the home of p. i \ Hastings Wednesday evening, HONOR fiOlX Names of pupils neither absent nor tardy . Dist, No. 1 . Jtui.Ii Baker, F rank Baker, Helen Bramuitn, Robert Braun uni, Pauline Uolllns, E a rle Collins, Ruth Huston, Haro ld Griunell. v * Rosa Andrews, Dorothy Andrews, Baulin® Bets, Hazel Hf. John, ■ ■ ■ • • , Alice Lackey, Opal Strobridge, W illard Kyle, Donald .'Smith. ■. '* John Moore,-Frederick Thompson. ' f>, ; Hazel Hirielor, Ruth Moore, Robert Evans, F rank Evans, 8,- Alice Hixdu, Clara Wldencr’, Flossie Widenor, Harvey McMillan, W ilbur McMillan, Leon (Shepard, Willis Shep ard. James Powell. Hist. Nd. 7. Dorothy Chapman, Mary Matthews, Nelho Neff, Virgil Bookman, Robert Bookman, Bernice Reekman, W ilbur Neff* Howard Matthews, Denis Davis, Harold Davis. ^.F< P. Ritenour* Mupt, f - I f the oh 11QU1 WE f a r Ci< j J you r *{.«*J IT W ILL JUST-TOUCH THE SPOT and prove an every day winner every time. Good health, good cheer and long life la what we promise If you •See* Buy Our Meats New prices each. over. Microbes, disease and death lurk in a lot Of the m ea t th a t’s sold, bu t not in ours, We sell the best and a t ’a fraction above cost. Our m arket is safe and po t high priced. .C l o t CLEA2 G H, CROUSE, Cedarville, Ohio. •Want- yr, old t y draft 3 Heart Disease Almost Fata! to Young Girl "My daughter, when thirteen years old; was stricken with'heart trouble. She Whs so bad we had. to place her 1 . bed near a window ■ -■ so {she cquld i;eri doctor said, ‘Poor chiid,, she Is likely to iall dead any 'time.' A friend .told .mo Dr. .Miles' •Heart Remedy had. cured her ,-father, so I tried it, and She began to Im prove. Sira took a great' many bot tles, but - she Is spared to me to day, a; fat, rosy F or couch in Inquire F ob ( quire of COS : Wo SO per bu > Flour * o r Geld ' For 8 - and one dition. forftiatit Checked girl. *No one can Imagine the conildencG I have-In .Dr. Miles'-Heart Remedy." A. B. CANON, Worth, Mo. F o r S. crop rec * The unbounded confidence Mr. Canon has in Dr. Miles’ Heart Rem- * edy is shared by thousands of others who .know its value from experience. Many heart disorders yield to treatment,-if the treatment is right. If. you are bothered with short breath, fainting spells, swell ing of feet or anltles, .pains. about, tile heart and shotildcr blades, pal pitation, weak -and hungry spells, you should begin using Dr. Miles’ Heart *tRemedy at once. Profit by ' the experience-of others while you - may.:; *"•' " ‘ ’ 1 , •: ■ ■. - Dr. Miles '1 Heart Remedy Is sold and guaranteed by a'll druggists. - MILES MEDICAL CO„ Elkhart, Ind. The V regular 2 p, m. i Come a State co Buy A youin e\ Lost - black wi notify th , The undersignedw ill sell a t Public Sale on the Whitelaw Reid farm two miles North-west of* Cedarville* on the Yellow Springs road on Thursday, October 24 , ’12 Commencing p romp tly a t 12180 p. m.,‘the following live stock ; 5 HEAD O F H O R S E S ' 5 Consisting of 1 farm m are good liner; one tour-year-old general purpose gelding; P a ir of ex tra Belgian d ra ft .geldings coming 3 years old, well matched sorrels with silver mane and ta il; I weanling d ra ft colt. . • . 20 FINE DAIRY CATTLE 20 Consisting of 10 cows and 10 heifers and Calves. Two of the cowb are registered Guernseys, 3 are purebred Jerseys, the others' are grades of both breeds. AH of these cows w i l l ' be fresh by day of sale or soon* thereafter. They are a choice lo t and will make flne w inter m ilkers. He*U o f Faadlng S h o a t* 15 ta rm s M a d e K n ow n D a y o f S a le Wm* Conley Cha*. Turnbull S* T* BAKER* Auctioneer. L. G. BULL, Clerk. LISTOFLETTERS. _ .• L is t No. 20. Remaining unclaimed In the Cedarville,* a , Post Office for the weekending O c t.5, 1912. L kxt & rs . « Anderson, H a rry Bibles, O. Bradford, G. W. Brayiey, L .-H . Byrd, Chas. Calender, Alexander Caviue, Clias. Cliff, J. W. Cliff* Leo Davis, Ray Drudle, Jno , * Hsm ton, Forest Haalett, Ola Howard, Yifildman Irw in, David atones, B e rt Binnison* A. J . Itaynolclg, Jas. , Robinson, F rank Mhrodos, H, "W*. Stull, Ralph Blmmerman, Morrle C ards . ObftUnoe, Mr, Dave Rlndsfeois, Mr. W. Persons calling for the above mull please say ' ‘Advertised ." 'S uemihn C« W r ight , P . M* Hi another column of this issue ottr ^ n! se0 thftt ^ e r e Will be submitted to the voters of the county Dial.1No. Dist, No. Diet, No, ----------- tjl mo ulvib *«. me e ^ t rtpI opor* ion ?f buy>«* tkB fair 4. grounds. Aa wo have had*a fair con- Imes 11 *J 6 lftSt th,rly yc&r* i«T- hftps it would be economy to buy tho present grounds for fair purposes, an w s* f<T sftvoi'y ?nc lo attend that has a desire to do so, The farmer, the merchant and the union of both can ami do meet Once a year to ex change greetings rs well ns the young we can pay for s*ma* without burdening any on e / * Un. sto/ I f v per rof Th A R< BA! , C1L FR 1 KA1 N1S S 1 L j t 4 m
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