The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 27-52
f t ft •/, < i -•*,5 *.*?■ t! ' l r 4. « 1. •:; 1 1 f i rV-t T r .*. ■ 14 i ) *«S.i $ •: ip, (•} I t ! 1 l l J « d -I t Veterinary Pointers B y S r . D A V ID ROBERTS, * Vnkeski, WIs. ‘Thoroughly examineyour rick stock by mki»r *h* pulse, which, should be from28 K« 4S. Take their temperature which iAsticnatas fever by the use of % Veterinary F*r*fThermometer, The lire stock owners of the United fetal** would be several .million dollars wealthier if they gave their live stock 3 Wop*rtsrsandattention, sucha?Heawithin take power of every live stock owner on sort's, in the form of Dr. David Robert* Veterinary prescription*. Paaoftxperiment, orpermitothera todo »t*a your live stockwhentheyare ailing, . ■the prescriptions of Dr, David Roberts {hare been placed within reach of eve-v live Stock owner on earth. The season of Hog Cholera is on and *ut ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,' Indigestion is one of the great (channel* of thin diieate and should be jue- wer ted and overcome by the use JOavldRoberts Hog Tonic internally, and pensshouldbethoroughlydisinfectedwith ' Dr. DavidRobertsDisinfectall. Abortion in cow* can be positively wip*d out of anyjierd on the face of the earth by the use’ of Dr. David Roberts Veterinary prescriptions. I Damp, cold, rainy seasons, such asfall, soften produce inflamed or caked udders in • ’(Cow*. This can be overcome by the useof •jDri David RobertsCowTonlc and Badger 'Balm. I .Do not waste your time and energy In trying to make a milker out of a beef animal, or a beef animal out of a heavy .milker, a* the law of nature will not permit It. t In operating upon lambs, pigs and calves, always use freely Dr. David Rob erts Healing Oil, Precaution against death of cattle by bloat shouldbeguardedbykeepingonhand fete of Dr, David Roberts Cattle Trocars, The Cedarville Herald. .f.x.oa P e r Y e a r . ; KARLH BULL - Editor Cattle that have broken into cornfields, andhave overeaten, should be kept from drinking water for twenty-four hours and be given small dosesof Dr. David Roberts Laxotonicdry on the tongue, “ MILCH COWS" | Entered at the Fost-Oilice, Cedar- villo, October ill, 1P87, as socond I f the point of the teat be Stopped up, .. . „rr_ " rid makingmilking a difficulty, useDr, David Roberta Hard Milking Outfit, Remember that you are not keeping livestock to look at or for pets. They should either be profitable or be killed. Very often non-profitabl* animals can be made profitable ..byadding to their feed such ingredient* as will aid digestion, and is contained in the Dr, David Roberts Stockvigor, mixed with linseed meal. The proper time to dehorn cattle is when they are calve* a few weeks old by the use of Dr. David Roberts HornKiller. If an animal in a herd be afflicted with lump jaw, it should either be treated or killed, as it is exceedingly dangerous to the balance ■of the herd. Dr, David Robert* Absorbent will overcome lump jaw in cattle. Thoroughly disinfect your cow bams nee a week, as this will preven o c t and over come many diseases that cattle areheir to. Use Dr, David RobertaDisinfectall,, If you want your hogs to fatten quickly and economically, give them Dr. David Roberts Hog Tonic. This will rid them of worms, prevent indigestion and many other dangerous diseases too numerous to mention,; Sell yourmeant for a good big sum, use part of the check in buying a pail of Dr, David Roberts Calf Meal, a substitute for J.whole milk for calves. Anyone wishing specific directions ,in . the-treatment of live stockailments should feel free to write Dr. Roberts. Inquiries will be cheerfully answered. class matter. F R ID A Y , OCTOBER 18, 1913 When Dr, Wiley, the pur.e food ex pert, eo bitterly arraigned President Taft at the Antioch Chautauqua this summer, people were somewhat in clined to accept his criticisms. The Dr. is pounding Roosevelt and Taft alike and stumping the country for .‘‘Woody" Wilson, the speech at An-, tioch last summer was but the fore runner in hehalf of the Democratic candidate, and Dr, Fees, a candidate himself on the Republican ticket stood for ft. Now It is learned that 'Dr, Wiley is to be Secretary of Agricul ture in case Woodrow Wilson is elected. £ iW « carry in stock all of Dr, David Roberts’ prepared prescriptions. $-j They are the “ Best by Test” . C. M. RIDGWAY, Druggist. #*■ ELASTIC R O Q F P A I N T for tin, metal, paper, felt and ruberoid roofs. Jr proof against the weather or rust, Absolutely note porous. Will not crack, peel, blisteror scale. Will not evaporateafter once set. Is a finewater-proof ing material. Contains hOingredients such a* salt and lime which enter into the composition of the major part of the so-called roof anairon paint* on the market to-day which have no elastic qualities "and are destructive to metals and fibres, and are bound to cryatalize any metal. It is germproof. • Strutfor circulararidprice list. Why not purchase thehestvrken it centsno mere. Th a DM L I.MAN OOOPER S U P P L Y CO., rond-du-lao,W lu, There is ease now in the FeeB camp in this county. Tlfs grand jury has been called and not a word was said about investigating the Dr.'s consti tutional election expense account. Among certain Fess supporters it was feared that some one might- cause this case to he opened. It was partically .ludrr investigation, by a former-gran. •x*y and cold chills yun up and doy. vhe backs of certain reformers ever; time the subject is mentioned. If it had been any other candidate than the Dr. this same crowd would have had lilm indicted and convicted by this time. But it makes a difference who buys votes and whe "'oos hot. Ill the Dr.’s case it, wsb for a reform gang—not a reform cause, • PUBLIC SALE OF LIVE STOCK Preparatory to making arrangements to.operate the' farm known’ as the Mattioon Home Farm pna partnership basi*,' I will offer at Public Sate on the farm which is situated one mile west of South Charleston, on Tuesday, October 22, # zk T (I.'S h S**. at lOo'clook a, mMthe- following live stock, to-wit; 10 HEAD OF HORSES One.S year old bay goldipg, weight 1700lbs; one 3 year old bay geld ing, weight 1500 lba; one three year old bay gelding; one I I year old bay mare, weight 1700 lbs; one 1* year old bay mare, weight v1500 lbs; one 2 year old bay gelding; one Tyear old draft mare and colt; one 12 year old sorrel mare and colt; one 7year old Toad horse. 230 HEAD OF CATTLE 32 head weighing 1200lbs; will he .on full feed by day of sale; 29 bead of fanoy fat yearlings, if not sold before day of sale; 62 head of -feeding cattle weighing 900lbs; 25 head of Angus yearlings; 26head otj Herefojd yearlings; 40head of Shorthorn and Angus yearlings; 6pure bred Angus cow* with calves by side; I red polled cow with two calves by side: 2Jer sey cows; 2 Angus heifers. 1136 HEAD OF SHEEP fl?0feeding wethers; 260breedingewes; 205 Iambs, 275 HEAD OF HOGS . 230cattle hogs and Bhoats; 25brood sows, some with pigs by side. Term* Mad* Known on Day of Sale, The gentlemen's agreement between Dr. Fess, the Republican nominee, and the Progressives in this district lia» proven, nothing more than a putt of wind. . It Was mutually understood between the Dr. and certain Progres sive Isadora that if he did not open ly support Roosevelt he would at least- remain quiet. Bub State Chairman Harry Daugherty several days, ago placed -the slippery Dr. on the car pet and gave him explicit instructions what he should do on the stump for President Taft This was the Iasi siring pulled so the Dr,1in his next speech came across strong for Taft. This angered ’the Progressives who now openly oppose the Dr. rind de clare that he swindled them by re maining quiet until the experlatlono! time for filing petitions. The most vehement against the Dr, is Shawari of Warren, who was the Rbdsevelt delegate to the Chicago convention, Last Saturday the Dr. took his posi tion on the,fence again at a Republl can rally in "Wilmington, when he spoke from the. same platform with Ralph Cote, eulogized Roosevelt as the greatest living American and said as littlo for President Taft as If he were not a candidate. The house was packed when Cole delivered his ad dress, .but by the time the Dr. had finished fifty per cent, of the crowd became disguested with his middle-of- the-road policy and left the -house, Public Sale MEADE and TITUjS, Atoct, Lunch by Wheeler. I will Bell at rublic Sale on the Hugh Turnbull farm 2miles East of Oudarville on the Turnbull road, on Tuesday, October 2 2 , 1912 Commencing at 10 o’ olook a. m., the following property : 7 HEAD OF HORSES 4 HEAD OF COWS 27 HEAD OFSHEEP 27 FARMING IMPLEMENTS Consisting of 2farm wagon, 1car riage, 4 buggies, 1roatl cart, 1sot of platform ladders, 1 breaking plow good, 1 riding cultivator I 60tooth harrow, 1 corn planter, 1 mower, 1 new disc harrow, 1 hay tedrlor good as new, 1 riding hay rake. 1wheat drill, 3 sets of work harness. 10Tons of timothy hay in barn, 200 bu. of oats. Term* Made Known Day of Sale. C. 0 . WE IMER U. T« B a k e r , Auct. H . A n d r ew , Clerk, Im ro raoNA L SUNMSOKE > .L e s s ® Children Cry for Fletcher’s <JSy a O, SELLERS, Director ot-Ev*nIng Department, The Moody Bible Institute, Chicago.) LESSON FOR OCTOBER 20. MI89ION TO THE GENTILES. . LESSON TEXT-—Mark 7:M-» and Mat thew 8:6-11 GOLDEN TEXT—.“Him that coroetfc to me I will in no w!*e cast out.”—John C:S7. Mrs, Jeanette Eckfidgo leaves to morrow for Chicago, whero she will visit with relatives, From there she will, go to El Paso, Texas, to make an extended visit with her son, Harry Barber, and brother, Asa McLean. C9B58B™ The B ooko ia ltif ...H e s ta a ra n t ... IN THE BOOKWALTCR HOTEL HIGH STRUCT D1NIN0 ROOM PORLADlftSUP STAIR! ALSO REST ROOM, W&AX ji N O W '-emUTSt, Lunch Counter on Main Floor. Open D«y «nd Night. th * Mari at Good Used in tu* oul- i m ? D *p »rka**t. , Chronologically the Incident of -the centurions servant precede* that of the Syrophenlclan woman, though we. will look at them In the order sug gested, The one Incident occurs near the border of Tyre and Bldon, prob ably about May or June, A. D. 29, and the other In Capernaum during the summer of A, D. 28. Both are inci dents In the life of Jesus that have to do with his ministry a* the Hebrew Messiah to those who were outside of the pale of Judaism. At the beginning of Mark's record (v, 24) we have a Wonderful sugges tion as to the Bfrain. of Jesus, ministry and the accompanying . lesson that true righteousness cannot he hid, It speaks for Itself , There are four uses of the word "answered" In Matthew’s record of this Incident (Matt.15:21-28) that are ■ suggestive, Let ns first, however, get the setting. This woman was a Greek ■'—a Gentile; by race she was a 8y- ropheniclan, that Is, a Canaanlte. Thus she was a descendant of that race whom God, by, the hand of Josh ua, had driven out to make room for the Hebrew nation, arid as such la under the ban of God. See Bph. 2:12, Yet this woman reaches.Jesus, her trouble being that her daughter la possessed by an unclean spirit. . At her approach she takes a lowly place at Jesus’ feet and requests that he heal the child. She calls him the “Son of David," and "He answered her not a word." Matt,, 15:23. . She had no claim upon him as the Mes siah. This was the wrong footing, for she was not a child of the kingdom. It was her need that drove her to him. How aha had- heard of Mm ta suggested in Mark' 3:8 and 7:24, cf. Rom. 10:17. There are some ques tion that silence- Will not auswer. A wrong conclusion will be reached, as in this case the disciples came to a wrong conclusion and desired to "send her away" Contrast Jesus' patience with the disciples’ impa tience, "she crleth after us" rind em- phasitd'the danger of external judg ment There are m&ny great moral issues today that are demanding an other answer than that of silence.' The Ahawer of Law. Je.<” then made a second’ answer, the answer of law, Matthew 15:24, In which, he accept* her estimate of him’ a* the Jewish «M«jpSlab. .HI* work was primarily’ to thp Jews (John 1:11, 12). But her need was great, and Identifying herself with the need of the. child she "worshipped” Jesus. He 1 b more than the Messiah, he 1 b a’ Saviour. TNTot'yet, -however. Is Jesus ready to grant her■request His third answer (v. 25), the’ answer of mercy. Is literally that drat the children must be fed, and. she replied, "Tea, Lord; even the dogs under' the table eat of the’ children’s crumhB.” For this saying, viz,, that she did, not pro test against the Words he had spoken, but accepted the proper estimate of him as being the Jewish Messiah and herself a* outside of that covenant* he made a fourth answer, the answer to faith. He answered; "O, woman* great Is thy faith," v. 28, and grant* her carte “blano (v* 28), "be It unto thee even a* thou wilt" AS outcasts, we must cast ourselves "at his feet" Let us now look at' the account of tbo centurion’s servant Once more Jesus is appealed to by one .who Is outside the Hebrew covenant and on behalf ot a servant. In the other In cident therqjwas the interruption of a.seeming refusal and here the inter ruption of as Instantaneous granting of the request Again we need to read .the parallel account* given by the other evangelists. Versa tsn of this section 1* the key to this whole story. What are some of the mark* of a "great faith!" First It Is tested. The servant was "dear unto the centurion," Luke 7:2. Second, it Is progressive "when he heard o f JesuB," Luke 7:8. Third, it will he recognized by others, Luke 7:4. The Great Faith. The protest in r. 9, and the remark able commendation of Jesus thereon, is a solemn warning to all who are In covenant relations With God and'hi* Son whomh®ha* sent Jesu*hadthere a glimpse of that great coming day when all Gentiles would be gathered unto him, r, 11 (ef. Her. 7:9), The centurion received for h!s faith com mendation, and heating for his servant as well, v. 13. "Why should there b* such a differ ence ltt’ thft tteatmrit of these two when we read of each that they bad great faith?—Matthew 15:28 and 8:10. The difference can be explained only by the fact that the Master knew all the facts about both and he adopted such tactics for each as Wero best suited to the Case, This Impresses us with the truth that personal work cannot be done by any rule of thumb; indeed, the Master seems seldom to have used the-same method twice, Is there then no common factor In these two incidents? The yielding of faith always gains that which is sought, The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been I q use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of M and has been, made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. A llow no one to deceive you in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA ©aatorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. I t destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. I t relieves (Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. (Che Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS iBears the Signature o f TfieKindYouBareAlwaysBought In U se For O ver 3 0 Years : THECENTAURCOMPANY*»7MURRAYSTREET,NEWYORKCITY* MARSHALL’S Fruit Store Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Peaches, Apples, Sweet Potatoes, Celery, Melons, Plums, Tomatoes; Onions, Peanuts, Candies, Ice Cream. ! 1 See me before fyou buy th e s e a r tic le s . / I W ill P lease You. Give Me a Call. i FRESH OYSTERS 3 every - # - { g§ Monday, Thursday and Friday -T h e y are th e k ind y ou w i l l en jo y , no * * . w a te r , no ic e and la rg e . H t PHONE 110 C. M* SPE .NCER I ATLAS HOTEL and RESTAURANT, R E M O D L E D - R E F U R N I S H E D Popular Priced Restaurant for Ladies and Gentlemen. - Service is unexcelled S. Detroit street, Xenia, O, CASTORIA Tor Infants and Ohildrsn, ThaKindYou HavaAiways Bought Hears thi signature of i diseases of m nteTun Mr. Wsmlall Fester, who is Io* eilthsin Erie, isspendlug a fow days with hl» parents, Hev, Henry i Foster and wjjfo, ef Clifton. D W . h S b O B U A N 'HyiUjuA HI A . ^ • . . . P S . i B l b f e C m a t M , PilesorSmiles 9 A POSITIVE GUARANTEE t*tauMEaUI,ritkva« h >uHlmiUf,Mnsf* DR. HEBRASUNBOU bto and beats th* Irritation retleutooWftn soon IT W IL L JUST TOUCH THE SPOT and prove an every day- winner every time, Good health, good cheer and long life is what we promise if you Buy Our Meats Microbes, disease and death lurk in a lot of the meat that’ s sold, but not In oura. We sell the best- and at a fraction above cost, Our market is safe and not high priced. C, H, CROUSE C e d a r v ille , Oh io . Wom an Finally Recover* From Nervous Breakdown Impoverished nerveS destroymany people before their tlfne. Often be fore a sufferer realizes what the, trouble is, he is on the verge of a complete nervous breakdown. It is or the utmost importance to keep your nervous system in good con dition, as the nerves are the source - of all bodily power. Mrs, Anna Kdunz, 211 Mechanic St, Pueblo, Colo., says: “Fpr many years I suffered from nervous prostration; I was unable to do any house work and.doctors failed to help me. Remedies I tried from druggists did not do me a particle of good. A neighbor told my husband about Dr. Miles* Nervine and he procured a bottle. After the first few doses I showed a^marked improvement and after taking two bottles I was entirely cured. I have been perfectly well for -years and cannot praise Dr.' Miles1 Nervine too' highly." * If you are troubled with loss o f appetite, -poor digestion, weakness, inability to sleep; if you are in a general run down condition and- unable to bear your part of the daily grind oF life, you need some thing to strengthen your nerves. You may not realize what is themat ter with you, but that is no reason why you should delay treatment. I)r . Miles* Nervine has proven its value in nervous dis orders for thirty years, and merits a trial, riQ matter how many other remedies have failed to help you. Sold by all druao>*t*. If first bottla fails to benefit your money fa returned. *—,er ......... -.......... MU. s MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Trial . vwmw LW. ni a ' jm . i ,i-fw. OffnAilSd., tampl* 1 cent* tocovermailing. TH£ 8 . C. BITTNER 00 .,Tslftds, OM*. *.»vs»»— -— -— ■“----——*J‘JI—"■-i-,- — — wWSe Btop your tiS(1 breath with Dr. Mfl*tf Lixativ* Tablet*. Ftthstnl Director an* Ftfmtfar* B«*ier, Manatastutcr of Osmot't iOr*v* VkttUs kiiri HaiLStfei Totiphtm t *, ■ fcl5» old v HOME f ■’ ' . Mr- a f ■ . ■■£OB, <Ji* : and Mr J * Seed v. Mrs. 3- visited 1 len Hah 1 C lo t- CLEAJS Mieses Spencer i Ohio, th t they we People’s ‘ Fob couch in Inquire. Miss -A McChesn well atter ard McGi urday. k er, Andr fore retu F ob .' S quire i . Mr. ant j Mlse Rut j cinnati, 1 death of ] JjPon&A ! prop rech ., , Mr. and . low Spri- .3 Mr. and 3 q bath, ‘t Over ox been issu Orr to tb ter. TM Mr. and the ho tf. Rev. E. Wednesda Twenty-1 At Six ■ Miss Ox vllle Colle the Cedar- McClellan *i Xenia Sen ed the pa: ’j byterian < Va„ where. u| their home. Buy Anci ‘ youln eva.-.' W, L. Clc| two weeks' ; Lost — F .black with notify this ij Thomas J| moved into property, n < Norris. Feitilizer a| Amor P. the Candida the Flfth-Sii ticket. Editj Chester, Wasi nomination ! ing his pa "; feated Pye For Sale Phone 5 - 1 P* 1 FOR SALE sheared Townsley. ’ Mr*. Me after an e| Thomas Ti burg, Pa. Mrs. T. have gone \ frlon’ s in BAN K n «* Pa eut knee pjj them out to see thni *5.00 SulTij *3.00 S b f * 2 .6 0 S *4 ' E| Mr, G. Dl against M.T '"-'represenUn/ ...i-hale of doh holds that <s fei* the pr-f a contract. The Lad;I E. church the honi . last FridajJ Townsley i' dressed t K vfreshtnenta | sum realis Mr, and I^Odi, Who | count of t uL mother rclh- bath motp®* . r - There a. sttfihf fibril umm r i i i
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