The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 27-52

jin CANDIUATK TOR AUDITOR, "lw*^l1fWrIWli'In { im OF LETTERS * j I . Last No. 22 . | f ^FFmainiop* nneJaimon lu tlioj II f'ilasvlUo Oiu»4Pont Office fop tho I (week mating iiet, la iojs , 1 t • *\>r years the votem or this county have recognized tins nocoa.-tlty Jf men in public office that ate thorough- iy capable of conducting i be publicV affairs. The best recommendation foi-a public official is pis eucces in personal affairs, J. II. Wot font, Progressive candi­ date for auditor, is sdeh a candidate that will appeal to the voters ol‘ the county. His diligence and strict in­ tegrity with his effeieney marks him a candidate to be reckoned with at election time. As a public servant hifi record is unstained, always demanding tm> same in return for expenditures that he. had' In conducting pis xirivaie business. As mayor, member of council and years of service on the board of education, in Cedarvllie, be has gained a Knowledge that makes him peculiarly iltted to care for'the duties as auditor. I f you want, a diligent, trust. worthy, painstaking and systematic servantas county auditor, you. will make no mistake in placing a mark opposite the name of J. H. Wolford on the Progressive ticket, (Advertisement) Butcher, Jess Carpenter, Mr. Floyd Uraham, Mias Vida • Elmer, Mrn. Ilifa Hards. ■Carpenter, Mr. Floyd Ervin, Mr. Jco Eseli, Mr. lid. Hickman, Mr. Harry C. Scioto Canning Co. Persons calling for the above please gay ‘'Advertised.** CHURCH SERVICES. CLIFTON U. p. CHURCH, principle is. never . wil Mr. A X. Smith left last .Saturday HtnUyaU the inf er >r Chicago where ho Will join his Missions; plan to be j i wife, on a visit with relatives there, N O T I C E - I n a r i “ ** UIUB lu- 'And tha‘t 5s the true Chap _PIUTICE. Car load o f apples. acter of aU g00d mm also, as obe Baldw ins, Golden Pussetts Nev- ■ (dent workers, or soldiers tinder can' er Fa ils, R om an Beau ty, P iffins, tains.-r-luiskim" Taipahockings, Kings, W inesaps ] ' P rice s 8 5 c to $1 .00 s in g le bush - r e l . . Reduced p rices on 5 bushel ■ n 0-mutter now iuu-a your beau aches, Or more. ' £)r. Miles' Antl-PHIii Pills will help you. W M . M . A R S H E L L . ' W e will have a car about October 25th. Baldwins Grimes Golden York Imperials The first crop o f new: orchard sprayed, perfect fruit Sold by weight SO lbs to bu. REASOJVJIBLE TRICE McFarland Bros. Cedarville, Ohio. A vote for thrown away, John fjy lo trill lead tiso Christian ruioii imstHaljbath evening. The no for fitudf, Slissionary-etirtnram'e. Tho only place the iiquoMraSlc fears the church is attiie halloijho^, it is geperaliy admitted that tho licensed saloon is the worlds chief , death trap, the 'center o f dlshoiism 1 on earth, 13icQda»«8 W. e » »ifn , J, .M, Wad- }die, Geo. W. llifo ana t). M*Ritchie S tephen O, W iuuht , XLJf. [attended the Columbus I'renbytetial Facts are the Fingers o f God. lit ature oir Home at Dayton, If the young men steadily march­ ing through the back door of the sa­ loon down to ruin and death areOall to be rcSeured, the church iuusf res* cue them,' • ' The Faster is spending a few days this week with his brother Bey, Jag, L .ItltoJiip.ofFellevlilfr Ohio,' All the tongregtttlon rejoices, with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Colima In the i convaiesciime o f Paulin and iinth, then* little- daughters and hope for a speedy and complete restoration to health, , " *• ■' ■ If ihe innrdnotm Dratnsbip is evpr to be outlawed and pulverized the Christian vote must elect the men who will enactthe Jaws and see that they are enforced, yv. , AH the men of tin* church, are re­ quested to keep tin*.Q andvth of No­ vember and open 'late ; plan to/give those days to a speeml iiiee.ting. What? A great conference. When? November oapdJ, ton. For whom? For the men- of the Second Synod. 3*11 be'there; will you he there? ...Mlss:;;^^trgageF Fmngy v- ■; :-.f%- teachItigheivr Jamestown attended Communion iaHtSabbaih. . ivlland your subscription to (ha Cedaryjllo Herald for ones, year to. the Faster. We very much applied- ate our-column in this paper and the oourtesyof the XSdilor in grant­ ing us the .space, Let u« put 1he pa­ per ni every borne Of {he church and keep ourselves posted, Themen ofGUHon IT. P, 'church are certainly studying “ Thu'Rural Church Problem1' as they never did belore. A meeting to exchange Ideas and plan for local work will bo--held probably in November ajfnmt the close of Home Mission Week. The names of Mr, aud Mrs. .Edgar Tobias and Mr. Israel A . FaCrone Were added to our„ roll of member- hip last Sabbath. " - The Mission Study books have ar­ rived and the class will start the first Sabbath evening of November. ReVi; Mills Taylor and H. C, Foster wore welcome participants in our post communion service, Dr, Mc-t Chesney preached a magnificent ser­ mon. ■ , . Hear what Bishop Berry says con­ cerning our struggle against the. sa­ loon, I tmeans WAR! The distil­ ler is against us. The brewer ip against us. Tim saloonist is against uh . Therespflctablccitizen wivorents bis properry, for Whiskey put-poses is against ns, Tfiogambler is against us, ■■Tim dirc-kecpcs-i's'against -tts* ■ Tim ■ politician -fs_agifn8b::;us.,;Tht:: wealc-kneed merCtmTit and profess sional men #ho think more o f their business than their principal are against uw, The time-serving Ghris* tiau who think more pf his party than of his fealty tpOlirist is against us. Alt the Satanic forces which are oparAtlng to pull men and wo­ men down to hell are against us! In our new constituGon wn have licensed hell. For a price wo have gi ven the devil permission' to prb- duee poverty, profligacy, cruelty, wretchedness, death.. We submit .while lie transforms heirs of heaven into felons, harlots, paupers, mad- mon and murderers.* We permit an | organised devilish despotism to h e ' reared at our own doors winch pos- | sesses money without limit and f RIGHT CHILDHOOD IS. MODEST Well-Bred Youngster Does Not Think That It Knows Everything, Says Buskin. The first character jot right child­ hood I d that it Is modest. A well- bred child, does not thin*, it can teach its, parents, or that It knows every­ thing. -It may think its father and mother know everything—perhaps that all gro\vn-up people know every­ thing; very certainly It Is pure that It does not. And it Is always asking, questions, and wanting to Iiiiow more, Well, that is the first character of a good and wise man at his work. To know that he knows very little; to perceive that there are many above: him v.-Iser than.’he, and to bp always asking questions, wanting to learn, not to teach, No one ever teaches well who wants to teach, or governs well who wants to govern; It is an old saying (Plato’s, but I know not if his, first), and as wise as old. •Then, the second -character of right childhood is to he faithful. Perceiv­ ing that Us father knows best what is good for ft, and having found al­ ways, wlien it has tried its own way against his, that ho was right and it was wrong, a noble child trusts him at last wholly* g -a him. its hand, and will walk hU1Jfold with him. If he bids lb Jonathons ' Taipahockings * Starks T h e Greatest R ange Sale Ever Inaugurated In This Vicinity Wo do the largest furniture and stove business in Spridgfield and are able to use great quantities o f goods and obtain thereby unusual pviee concessions for the manufacturers, We have just received an un­ usual shipment of ranges; but even with our large business there are too many for our regular trade. We, therefore offer one hundred ranges guaranteed as described below at unheard o f price for your vicinity. Grasp this opportunity at once as it will positively not be repeated. BliXM CLOSES ON NOVEMBER 2 , 1912, AND. POSITIVELY NO ORDERS W ILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER T I iAT DATE. FREIGHT PREPA ID TO ANY POINT W ITHIN 150 MILES OF SPRING- FIELD, SAFE ARR IVAL GUARANTEED. READ EVERY WORD OF THE DESCRIPTION. Built exactly like cut, Has blue planished steel bodyjia asbessois lined; linn ovenmeasuring 18x18x12 Inches. Six* inch hojesj full #bp.\ Oagt left end with pouch feed door and draft slide. Largease pit with pan, - Pupto grate td burn tpMMl or coal. Drop Are door. Steel stamped unbreakable oven door, Nickio gtrip along, front. High warming closet with nlckle trimmings ami pipe with slide damper* Two; toa shelves on warming closet. A perfect range Inevery fC8pect*” Romcmbey hBdkc ■tliis price shripjy to reduce-the qualify on hand andwfo introdpec.■:-.:darsfeIv*d vicinity. A good range like this will be our ' Note the size of oven 18x18x12 inches. -Size of top 28x85 inCheH. Height 29inches. OurPrice Is Only... Without Reservoir With 5 Gallon Reservoir It will pay you .to make a specialtrip to Springfield to see it, but if you connot come, mail orders will be filled in rotation if aecom ponied by check or money order. I f sold out before order reaches us, money will be returned. We refer to Hie Lagonda National Bank, Springfield, O. ' I ¥ ■ . SPRINGFIELD ’ S GREATEST FDRN ITUEE STORE. Corner We^t High and Center Sts. ■ w MENTION THIS FApER WHEN ORDERING. Springfield, Ohio High Cost of Living Made Easy jf When y ou trade at our store. Besides the lowness] o f price w e give y ou what y ou w an t jw h en ydh wan t ]it. Then]; y ou have the quality, quality and qu ick service, S A T U R D A Y SP E C IA L S M o th ers ’. Corn F lake l o c package for 5 c 9 D ifferent K inds o f Bread 3 c P er Loaf* Pure L a rd - « c per lb . Ca liforn ia H am s - per lb “l o c A rk S oap - <ac per ba r Salt W h ite F ish - t c ea ch M o ch a and Java Coffee 2 ac per lb. OUR PR ICES Star Orackers.................................... 8 c Silver Frillies............1.................. ........... 12 Francs............................ 10 California Frunos, a Mi............. -.......... -...... 8 Fancy LarueSanta Clara County Fruues, per lb................ 10 Fancy Bright Evaporated Apricots, per lb.... :...... 13c Fancy Large Lemon Cling Peaches, per lb.,. 10 Tomatoes, per can............................ 11 Corn, per cAn.......... ............................ Y Peas, per can............... ^8 - Lenox Soap, 3bare..... ................................10 • 9 H . E . Schm idt 6 Co Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, . . , Xenia, Ohio. ***** audacity without bounds, The giant oligarchy- moves forworn with gi­ gantic stirdes, inflames society with a.q the passions of the pit, robs itsj victims,' tears oufcSJheir manhood,] crushes out hope, and finally pushes] them downward to an awnil doom- ( 'Phis institution is flie school of an- 3 aruby, the prolific breeding place of' crime, the-iiursery of every human;, woo, the frreeoneilbd and irreconcil­ able enemyof theChristian Church t' R. CHURCH (Main. Street). ‘ Teachers Meeting Saturday at p, m. • Bible School Sabbath at 0:30 a, m; Preaching by the Pastor at 10:30’ a, m. . C. E. meets at 6:)"0p, m. Miss Ilo; Ramsey leads, iind the topia is, “ Missionary Endurance.’ ’ Preaching at 0:80 by Rev. J. Alvin Orr. * , Mid-Week Prayer Service next Wednesday at7p. m. Tho Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ per will be observed Sabbath, Nov, 3rd^ in connection with the morn­ ing service; Dr, J. H. Kendall of Taretitum, Fa., will assist. Dr. Kendall will preach also at the pre­ paratoryservice on Friday and Sat­ urday atternoous*Nov, 1 and % The Service on Friday, Nov. 1st will begin at 1;80p, m. sharp. And ] there will boa business meeting oi ! the congregation at 2:80 p. m. that ] day. • j Tho Saerdinent of Baptism will be ! admlnlflteml in connocted with any [ of those services, if called for. 1 M. & ' CHURCH 9:80 a, m. Sunday Sckeol. ; 10:30 a. ni. Preaciuug. . 0:00 p, in. EpworthLeague, Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 1:00 o'clock Oiiicial Board meeting the first Tues­ day evening of each lilDiith. E, p. c iim tc ii. Sabbath School at 0:80. Preaohlng by tile pastor at 10:30, Y. X*. O, If. at 5:80. Leader; Roy Henderwoti. Prayer merging Wednesday at 7 o’ clock. Lender: J. E. HaBtfngs. PHENIX BRAND FOR SALE-TWO Delaine rains that duareil 41 pounds of wool, Harry Townslcy* “ - 2t ■ 'Seed wheat at Kerf & Hasting Bros, new K nit U nderwear IS YOU NEED UNDERWEAR We have a fine supply MENTOR A N D PBENIX , NdrSeamHor« Arc pleased to say that ihanycustcmers have sieppcd in adjacent cities nnd have given us their orders. • 26 Suits selected for first cold days. Bishop, Wooltex and Other Fitters Also New Waists, bkirts, Wrappers Corsets, Gloves Etc. NarrowedAnkle ShapedFoc$ Hutchison & Gibney X E N I A , ’ ] .O H IO . Oiothoa of all kinds DRY CLEANED at jioMa5cu.thiug0o, Fcitilizer at Ke:f & Hastings Bus, Wino of OafduL V0« At Wlnfcrman’ o, . Wmo of Fardui, tfic ' ' At Wlatormftu’ s. jjp . aiika’ AtitM'ain I’lUu for ail palm The Bitter End. You hate probably often heard a perron say: “I will follow It to this Mttef end” or something to that ef­ fect, but very few persons know that ‘.hio fa a nautical term and la bon- ‘owed from a ship’s cable. If you save ever been on a big ship you aiust have noticed two big pieces of R'ood sticking up out of tho deck for­ ward, alongside each other. They lomctimes have a windlass betweeen ; ihont and they aro used to secure the fable that goes to tho anchor/ These pieces of wood aro called the blits. Uvhen tho ship comes to anchor and I’.ho cable la paid out all that part of It which la abaft or behind the hilts !s called tho bitter end of the cable, in a slom or In poor holding ground lor anchors tho more cable that Is paid" (mi, tho bettor tho anchor will sold and when the captain is at all ioubtfui he pays out his cable to th* pftter end sooner than risk any harm jo his ship, . 7 ■’ ' Excuses, It all the luvontlvo genius wasted oh excuses were exerted along more practical linos, an extension would have to bo built on the patent office, 1 --Atchison (Kan.) Uloho. Lament Religious Apathy, In Japan all kinds of, Christians aro lamenting tho religious stagnationthat seems to have settled on the country, Bays a writer in America, a Roman Catholic paper. Of the C5,00o Catho­ lics, 40,000 are descendants of the con­ verts of the seventeenth, century, and tho Greek Catholics have only 20,000 followers. "After 40 years of evange­ lization there aro only soniowhero be* tween 80,000 and 100,000 Protestants of all sects ,'1 says the v/riter, whoadd* that the Japanese are not irreligious, but "like other peoples they nro suf* ; faring front the religious apathy and unconcern Of tho times. Just as In Europe and America, tho modern Jap­ anese adore the golden calf and, a* elsewhere, are struggling for money and plate, the natural result of the adoption of a materiafisUo civiliza­ tion,” How Britons Increase. Tho number of British subjects In tli parts of the empire rose from303,» 194,000 in 1881 to 410,318,000 In 1911,: The volume of trade, foreign and In* teMtnpbrlal, expanded from £385,078,- )00 in 1898 to £1,170.883,000 in 1910, t i Relievessourstomach, palpitationoftheheart DigestswliatyOneM- “M ili cm all . ihisiifcwrtttpftiWflWfiLi ’ quickly rid year faSn < 5 ? -fisvery tat and feettsauca* _nio it without a bit of f *■ i ^ o r bother. It Hover falls*.h., > jfevery time; tho ckcncst/e- •• yjpkitsnd surest ratpoiaenteii ^RatBis-ICIPasl/: ffl# na.y puLsr. in this tub-i F. InsteadnftheoldctW-vhad f.'. f.f»n J Sat liia-KitPa.tei>i>utj rina-..rit,Hn flube.Youdsn'lhavatolista«>r>racr kt 5 0 , ,'tiin-MoveltIr. mhccsnandsr.teeaHtft t, tRebaifivbft.hupIrpft:» the{.«,£and>’.n l r.i'sif!,-.',nuirr''"; ” ’ I Itiff, no tnuM, ho troMote, I;ci> m i tin 1 ' Iof Mir, Hero*' ' “ ■ ' ' 1 ta kR j Rats Uk* ttr n-i« v Jl\ pjf>c>>Ifft Itoi-efsa, :.viu^ sniwha. . tev e< t, , ow rJ'.'ttrp.JTTcff . reftrutli'ii. •* Ar, ■ .. a * ftaH.'A al ,i , or rp/itstm fWAf ’1 Xfi V