The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 27-52
m m t m The Cedarville HeraNL I . r P » r Y#»r* I =s—£7.- r j KAKLH IU U . - • Etflter; 2*35 Enteisd a t the Post-Office, Cedar- \ vilte. October OU IflN, as second j #Hss matter. FRIDAY, XOVJBMBER 1, 1*13 AN INFAMOUS IiE. Some oue has touch the button and the Tribune is on another hdi-roarin ex cursion, the last before election, The Tribune has an affectionate interest to Dr. Fess. It should have for the Editor helped raise part of the corruption fund jxsylou*to' the coRstitatlcna£ election. • "The Tribune ft the only paper Ip the county that has alluded to a story con cerning I)r. Fess, The Herald heard the same story weeks ago but neyergave it much credence other than related whatwas In circulation to a friend. Now ft happen* fbat at a social gather ing near Xenia several nights ago,a stock holder in the Tribune related the same itpry to our,friend, and thisjriocic holder posses as one of the leading lights in po litical and civic righteousness in Xenia, We challange the Tribune Editor with the statement that we had intention of publishing the story as an infamous lie and stand ready to face anyman on the dental. , . t . The Tribune has done more to injure Dr. Fess than anyother movement and has started the wheels of, gossip in mo tion. It’s the Dr’s egotistical fool friends that is bringing him down to- def;aU For'peaoe and properity: William. Howard Taft. Dr, F obs Voted in the Con, Con. to license Bell. All thpBe who endorse Such n. license , pi rime rise. Those tha t fere standing owe their vote to the Dr, \ , 1 , <,-,f ^ ,r, *~ i l j 1 There Is no 'hope' of doing away with govermehtaUlquor license by, sending Dr. less to Congress, when falsposition on this issue Imperfectly dear. •*' . A rainbow chasers, there- is none tha t can equal Bigelow and Fess and i t realty is disappointing that they could not be given,a county to them selves to experiment as to their idea of atate government." „ ’ Under .the nevr eonstitutioh. the legielatnre is empowered to grant the widow of every' prisoner" m the penitentiary a stipulated sum. The more woflnd out about the constitu tion the more certain'we becoine .in our opposition to Dr.Fess. Mr. S. <J. Anderson is quoted in Uincinnatl Post as being opposed to employers liability, municipal home Bite, and -a number of propositions of Socialistic nature forced through Von, Con, t>y Bigelow and Fens. The declaration of Mr. Anderson should make him an easy"winner for.representative next week. That’s the kind of sentiment the people like te hear, * Tho ulatitii't In which the Pas* j followed gro grasping straws tan j fcost ho Bhowa in the altitude of I some over the editorial In our last issue as to lh)v. McMiehael reject-! mg Fees. The editorial so angered ! tho Fess followers that they turned j on the Rev. and would have the t public believe tha t he had author ized the fttatenmut. The Herald assnms all refcpoi sibjlity for what waa published and' is willing to re lieve Bov, McMiehael of any re sponsibility of the announcement being given tbs pulbie. The editorial was based on statements made dur ing a discussion of the campaign. Any attempt of the Fess people to discredit the editorial in contract with an interview merely proves that the Dr,., has a lot ol ‘’lunk heads’* managing his campaign. When a self. constituted committee take* i t upon itself to do the think ing for the people and attempt coercion 'when men differ in view, it Is time that such acpmnritteo and the candidate It represents is laid an the shelf. And this is going to be done next Tuesday, As Dr. Fess has made good use of the Sabbath day in forwarding his campaign, the Herald suggests tha t the Xenia,opera house be procured for this-coming Sabbath night so 'that every minister In the county t.iiatissupportlng the Dr. could have opportunity of, approving of the Dr*s. stand In votmgTor liquor license Ip the constitutional convention. Rev, Elderldgeofthe Anti Saloon league also-endorses the Dr, and he should be invited, Marcus Shoup ib the latest acquisition In the Fess camp and DCand his aide should have a place on the stage, f t must not be overlooked-that the fudge was .for license also, consequently he ISnow among- his friends.' Such a meet ing would not be out of place not would there he anything inconsist ent about It,; The .people, of the county Would Only .be given art op portunity of seeing some shamed faces among those who vyear, -the inoriaterlal garb. ' ■' When ydhate handed your ballot neyt,Tuesday dojiiot over look the name of W R. McChesney for Btate school commissioner o» the Prohi bition'ticket, -Dr. McChesifey is em-' ineptly qualified for thb position he has been nominated for and he de-‘ serves %handsome vote not only In tbese twd precincts but in the coun ty as-well* Homepildeshould in fluence you in giving Dr. McOhesney yoUrvMelf nothing else; ’ ■ I m t May' Judg* Stioup was a horrible specimen of •.humanity among the Fess followers, Today he is held as king among those who are seeking to elect the Dr. a t any cost. And i t will take the fudge at his best to puli .the Dr, through. There will he no complaint from Fes# this time about, the Fourth Ward results for the ballot box staffers are working like trojans ter his election, ." •' ' Think1before you vote. Dr* Fess stated last Juno tha t his greatest desire to go to congress was to at tract eastern money to Antioch col lege. Bow does he K"opose to at tract this money, b his Vote with the corporate interests or by the ubc of his Official position a t the expense of the district? If by the later why doe* he not inelude Wilmington College, Lebanon University and Cedarville College, all of which are In the district. Think before yon vote. Dr. Fess drew tijQQO salary as a member of the Con, Con* represent ing this county. In the convention he gave his vote to recommend the various proposals to the people. On the stump he advocated the adoption of the proposals* On {Sept. * when the people voted on the adoption of the convention's Work why did not the Dr, go to the polls ana cast his vote. The poll books from Yellow Springs show that Dr, Fess did hot vote a t all after stumping the state urging the people to support fais pet hobbles. A Weil known Republicanwbo liae cahvaeed the district stated #opae days ago tha t much to his surprise he found about seven out of ten of the manufacturers and the bankets of the district opposed to the elect ion of Dr. Fess* Among'the attor neys he stated that fully nine out of ten would support D, JC, Hempstead for congress. If the Dr, was running for his second term afterwt had two years of legislation under the con S Uutlott just adopted, avery farmer . and land owner would take the same stand the bankers* manufacturers and attorneys have assumed, These interests realise what the Dr, has done for them and in less than two years the people in general Will have pegliied what these msi? s#f«tod*?> THE REASON WHY. - The following are the rpaaonhwhy you should vote for thB“purchase of the fair ground; . - *1. Option expires hi one yeur. s‘g I t is a good investment for jthe county a* an advantageous option has been secured on the fair grounds* f t is a good time-to buy before option expires, 8, f t will be free from tax. i. JRenfc and> temporary improve ments each year cost the fair board $1460or 6000 admiBSioh tickets at 36cents each, 1 8. The members of the fair board receive no pay, 0. Vote Yes*. ' - ’ . I f the tax levy la approved' the grounds will be purchased gnd they will belong to the county just as the homo for the infirm and for children All improvements that follow will enhance the. value of the county's property. As it has been the coun ty must make the improvements and then they become the property of the present.Owners. * (Advertisement) SHREWD IDEA OF DIPLOMAT Where Russian Officer of Embassy Proved More Than a Matoh for Abdul Hamid. . Diplomatists abroad tell how a dis tinguished member of the Russian corps diplomatique cleverly outwitted Abdul Hamid, the late Sultan of Tur key. The Russian displayed a curious ingenuity in introducing the business of his country in. the guise of personal pleasure. I t appears that the Sullen had abso lutely refused to grant ah audience to any member of the diplomatic body at Constantinople and that during the period in question Abdul Hamid spent the greater pert of his time in cock- fighting, an amusement whereof he was passionately fond* The Russian heard that his imperial majesty stood in bead of fresh birds to supply the place of those killed' in light, whereupon the wily Muscovite procured a fine-looking white fowl of the barnyard species* caused It'to be trimmed and spurred to resemble a gamecock, and sent It In a richly deco rated cage to the Sultan. The ruse Was successful, but tie Sultan, at first delighted with the gift, soon Sent for the diplomatist to ex plain, if he could, why his bird had shown no inclination to fi»M- The Russian went, examined the bird in the presence of Abdul Hamid, and With great astonishment and regret acknowledged that it was quite unable to cope with the royal gamecocks, which were undoubtedly of a superior breed* A conference followed ott the subject Of gamecocks in general' and when this Was finished the Muscovite suc ceeded in drawing the Sultan In a wood tc: conversation of a different character, and In time adroitly intro duced tile political matter he had so long awaited an opportunity to discuss* After a long interview he returned to nix embassy triumphant over his col* leagUes.'^Harper's Weekly, Achild fakes jw . Mites' laxative Taw* lets Without thinking of "medicine/' CHRISTIANOmENEMP. While tjiays Is inucli of good, wo believe, In both Men ami measures, in the old Jins political parties and in the now-in the distinctly Christ ian touch, we believe the Lord Jes us would enter none of them- Our governmental system by sup planting tiie will of the Divine Me diator by the will of the” people* by ignoring moral obligation-, by elimi nating the basis of appeal to the pu blic civic conscience—becomes a shelter to moral evils that, are eat ing a t the vitals -of the Republic. Such evils, the liquor traffic, desecra tion of the.Lord’s day, impurity, profanity—the menace of special privilege, graft and political corrup tion, ’• ' . ■ . . Can the Christian citizen. consis tently support the prohibition party? We say no. First of all, it is identi fied with the governmental system described. Secondly iis aoknoWr lodgement in its party platform Is deistlcal merely That all.authority lias been com mitted to the Divine Mediator—in Scriptural'teaching—is a plain as the sun a t noontide, ^ The ancient prophet declares, “ the governmentsbail be upon hissboqld- er” “Hois the Governor among the na tions.” Jesus declared, “All author ity hath been given unto me in hea ven and on earth.” “The -Father judgetlino man but hath committed all judgement unto the Son.” “He that honoreth not the Son honoretb not the Father which sent him.” , • The point of opposition of the Con federacy of darkness is “ we will not have* t h m a n to .reign over us,” The humble disciples of Jesus wjent about Galilee declaring, in the face of the ptoud Roman Empire, “There Is another King, one Jesus.” Rome iahghod,if sfaenoticed the challenge. Rome, ‘crumbled before^ his power, and turned into Shook. "So have all the'natioiiB that foigot'.God, • .. Ortr great American Republic was founded by Chriatian men i its new born life baptized in Christian faith. The Christian Citizemclalms for his Country its rightful inheritance! I f thls proud American common wealth will not submit, let it fear his mighty.hand; for, “He will judge among the nations?’ "He Will fill the places with dead bodies”"! , Wbat is.left to the Christian Citi zen? An. instrument of power—a consistent -protest ’against art un moral governmental system, I t was not. ballots, .butA hand full of meq (armed .with the power of protest—) who refused to-stand m complicity with the crime of American Slavery, that forced the issue and the settle ment of tne question of human free dom. • - , A. M* George, MarnsnoNAL SM SM . ] (By X O. SJEX **. pltsoter of Hwdag H#p*rtaa«at, 2% Xoofty Bible JasthuU, 1 CMetce.) Editor;—I desire a small amount of space to write of Eugene "VV,- Chaim's; speech a t Marion, Did., i^gt week, he being the Prohibition, candidate for President; He' made" some comparison as to tbe obaftfeesof the various candidates and summed' it up by Stating that the race was between Mr, Wilson and himself, Ths candidate continued tba tif the people would vote their .sentiments On the liquor question ho wrtuld car ry every state in the Union, A strikingstatementinhisaddreSs was th a t for forty years the party had only been able to get’but two per cent of the Christian conscience in tbe ballot box.- He regarded it about time to' quit Working with dhuroh people a(id appeal to drunk ards to save their own souls by aiU- lng ths cause of prohibition. Mr. Cliafln also sjsid: “ I eftn take ten foreigners right from the old country and teach them the English language and instruct them in tem perance and maksprobibitionists out of them quickerthwu 1 faftuld out of. ten bishops in toy. own church* > am getting tired of Beelng our bj- shopB and preachers pray for one thing and go right to the ballot box and vote against it,” Last May the people of the coun ty was asked to assist in electing Wbat they termed a “reform central committee” and voters of all the political parties were asked to .give their vote to candidates so endorsed and they were victorious. How whfti do we find in the way of reform This same committee openly espoe- Ihg the cause of Genaffri BtoWn, who has hindered every temperance movement iji Muskingum county. This is what the good peopie get fer electing a eocalled “ reform commit tee” , Nothing more can be said of the Domocratsc candidate, James Cox*-' , . The only candidate for governor worthy of your Support is Daiuei A, Poling, but our “ retorm” committee is doing all It can for a wet candi date, in opposition to the only cand idate that is running on a platform like the one this committee advo cated last May, H r M. M, la Golf Scotch or Dutch? ’he origin of golf, one of tbe most' popular pastimes lft the United Ring dam, has generally been ascribed to Scotland. •But this Is a fallacy.. Late ly, however, U is asserted that' It Is to Holland we owe this gaffie, and that It Was brought froth Holland to Scot land, For instance, the name “golf itself is derived from the Dutch Wofd flolf, meaning a bat of club, "Fore!” •—the word shouted befofe driving; Oft -^is derived from the Dutch word voor, meaning, in front, From “put* ten"—the Dutch word to hole—wo get oiir English word put} and niblick-** the Scotch “knlblOch,’' a knob of wood Ms derived from the Dutch knohba laohtif, sntonin* knotty* i LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 3 , THE EIG^Np THE LEAVEN. rttark *;«.-!», : •—“J m «» spake unto ; iin tbs U sh t of ths llowsth Ms shall not vu , hut shall have th* t i S;fit B. V* * ! ly to understand this i to study carefully ! ifk in Matthew 16:39 read carefully John persistent Pharisees his track- seeking to : accuse him. Claim- ; and to represent the ; Jesus to show them -vert, Turning upon LESSON ’* GOLDEN • toam, My(r world; Ha , walk to the light of Uf#/‘ % In order ; , lesson we ; the parallel * to 16:12, air 8j 1% to 32. •< were ever u,' find wherein ) ingtocome;' 'Father, the}\ a sign from/ them, he sa-. Ifonuobserve the con dition of the . y mid- foretell what weather to exAict tbe coming day and yet you c not discern the sign of the times.” ;s though to say, ”1 have comeand ' j formed those thing* that have, bo ' \ rophesied of me a# the Messiah a*>A/8(; you cannot read in my life fho^fulfilllment of these signs of my office" In Luk^ 12; 61-66 Jesus. makes' a similar state ment; “When ye See*si cloud In the west} straightway ,ye say, there com- eth a shower; and so it cometb to •pass; . , . Ye hypocrites, ye know how to interpret-the face of the earth and the heaven;, hut how is it that ye know not how to Interpret this time?* • •/ ■*!<; • t *, ,, . ,Hjs^ideal^^, * ■ Their question involved a sugges- ‘ tlon that his/Works, might he account ed fpr In many ways other than the rightful interpretation (John .10:87, .38), hut their demand was for some particular demonstration. They were , not looking tor -a Spiritual manifesta tion and so far-at their request .he. sighed, because they did not .conform to his Ideal; he rebuked them by tell ing them that their wickedness should have one sign, that would be an ieter- nal seal upon his deity. Reaching the other side*of the lake, the disciples.realize, their hunger am discover that they have but one lo of bread among, them,' -Jesus seizes -the, occasion to warn them of the evil *which he had combated withthe'Phar isees whom they had just left. If anyone has any question as to the- scriptural" teaching upon tpq sub ject of heaven, this passage ought to answer their query, Mark tells .us that Jesus warns' them against- the leaven of the Pharisees and of Herod, while Matthew records the leaven of tpe Pharisees and of the’ Sadducees, There Is no difference in the two, tor Herod .belonged h? -the Sadducees. There'was, however, quite a-differ* ence between these-two parties. The teaching of the Pharisees laid 'great ■ emphasis upon the ceremonial observ ance of the law frsdtttona of the’elders, -The Sadducees lald-great emphasis upon the denial of the su pernatural, they did not belleye In the resurrection from the dead. There Was this In common/ however, that they both substituted the false .tor the true. - - Answer to the Question* » The misunderstanding" of this warn ing upon. the part of the disciples was a common occurrence and con tinued until after Pentecost. In this case, however, Jesus tells them plain* ly why they did not understand (,. 17). Jesus knew-and ooffid read their hearts (Heb. iil-lh How like the disciples of old ’a. o we today, - The disciples bad been, with Jesus a long time and observed his' mighty acta, yet they confused the material with the spiritual,- It was against' this sort of leaven he warned them, rather than some kind of bread. . We,mow turn to the third section of our lesson, the healing of the blind man vv. 22*26. There are four casee of restored eyesight mentioned in the gospels, three of whom ere brought, and One came alone. In this case others bring the man and Intercede for him (T* 22). Last Week We oh* served a case of a progressive cure and here We have another, Jesus led the mamby the hand outside the Vfi* lage and making day with ipfltle opened his eyes. Again we would emphasize the fact that “they oto served him, that they might accuse him,” and hence every act on each separate occasion had a significance and a suggesthreness tor that partic ular occasion, n meaning entirely ir relevant at any other time. Why this man did not see at first we' are not told, but surely *twas through no fault on the part of Jesus, Nor Was It the- mere tiee of the spittle that effected the cure, but rather a demonstration of the tact that Jesua can heal with or without means, The Golden Text seems to be At variance with the facts revealed in this lesson and yet when we turn frotn examining the disciples wltb| their lack of perception and from the pharisees whose herd hearts demand ed Asigh And gase upon Jesus as he- deals with these two classes And with the blind man we set the truth in the text He is the Light And by- his fmtlent dealing, by hi# rebuke, by his iftsfructlon, he led them to the! light that they might have a true, understanding of life. as we, too, follow him we musff be conscloui Of our dullness. Us Origin* Ham explained his complexion, “1 was the first man asked to take down a stove pipe,” he'said.—Harper's Ba* ■SAT. C A S T O R IA For Ifitant* and Children, II I KindYou Han Atop Bought Ch ild ren C ry fo r F le tc h e r '* R e a rs th e Cignatore of V iie Kind You Have Always Bought, »ad which has been in use fpc over 0 0 years, has hom e the signature of aud has been made trader h is per sona! supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon In th is, AH Counterfeits* Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger th e health of Infants and Children—Experience against/Experiment, W h a t is C A S T O R IA Costoria is a harmless substitute lo r Castor Oil, Pare-, gorie, Prop# and Soothing Syrups* I t Is Pleasant. I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. I ts age is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, I t cores Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic, I t relieves Teething Troubles, pores Constipation • and Flatulency. I t assim ilates the Food , regulates th e Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, , ” The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend, GENUINE C A S T O R IA ALWAYS Heaps the Signature pf I n U s e F o r O v e r 3 0 Y e a r s - THECENTAURCOMPANY.*TMURRAYSTREET, NEWYORKCITY. Bananas, Oranges, lemons, Peaches, Apples, Sweet Potatoes, Celery, Melons, Plums, Tomatoes, Onions, Peanuts, Candies, * '.‘av . r s, ’> ,’ * , ( ,q. *' * * " ’ , i ' Ice Cream. ) See me faefore fypu buk these articles* IWili PleaseYou. G iv e M e a Ca ll* F V*l- FRESH OYSTERS every|-#- ., _ Monday, Thursday and Friday They are the k ind you w ill enjoy, no ' water, nice and large ,} . PHONE 110 C . M . S P E . N C E R \ ATLAS HOTEL and RESTAURANT, R E M O D I -E D - R E F U R N I A r iE D Popular Priced Restaurant for Ladies and Gentlemen. ~ Service is unexcelled S. Detroit street, Xenia, 0 * IT WILL JI/ST TOUCH THE SPOT and provp an every day winner every flips. Goodbealtli, good cheer and tong life Is what we promise if you Buy" Our Meats Microbes, disease and death lurk in a tot of tho meat that's sold, but pot in ours. We sell tbo best anil a t a fraction above cost* Onr market is safe apd not high ■ -priced, ..v C, H, CROUSE Cedarville, Ohio* Constipation, if Neglected, Causes Serious Illness Constipation, >£ neglected, leads to almost ’innumerable complica tions affecting the general health. Many-: cases ot r iyKp ; appendicitis a n d Other severe dis eases are frace- able to prolonged. -bowels, J Regard- . t h e effects o f ■constipation, C. E. Ayers, 6 Sabin S t i , Montpelier* Vfc, says: " l waa afflicted with constipation and biliousness, for years, and at times became-no bad X would become'.-unconscious. Jf have been found in that condition many times," Physicians did not* *eem to be able to do m* any jrood. I Twpuid become weak and to r days at a time could do no work. Not long ago X got' a box or Dr.- Miles’* Laxative Tablets, ana after using them found X bad never tried anything that acted In such a . mild and effective manner.’ I believe I have at last found the Temedy that suits my case,” 5 - i * - ' Thousands-of people_are_sufferers from habitual constipation and while possibly- realizing .something ofJthe danger of this condition, yet neglect too long to employ proper eftrativa measures-until serious ill ness often results. The- advice of all' physicians is, "keep your bowels ' clean,” and'it’s good advice. Dr, Miles' .Laxative Tablets nref sold by all druggists at 2$ cents a box containing. 25 doses. If .not found ’satisfactory,,your money is returned. * MILE 9 MEDICAL CD., Elkhart,^ Intf. '•mss CHO CE MADE T O ORDER. NO 15 NO ANbAib. DISEASES OFTHE RECTUM m tm wJwrtw! , RMAbWMtMME nitsM rs m . nmtm MyaWlRI* DR!*j. j. M c C l e l l a n S ' l a a S i i J C olumbus , 0. PilesorSmilesPi A POSITIVE GUARANTEE OR. HEBRAS UNfiOtJ BctohHSe dl^Xnrenr < ttJcvMlb* tnmblt Aid hMl« Uh»"mtAuSb pemAnently. Ateclntc Mtlrtwftcn »n*««dcr monty refunded, _ -ssssav,fflssast**- - *“ THE fl. C. BITTHER 00 ., Ttlri*. 0 * 1 ,. ■a a " ■ ua* 5 IEBLER, ■TAILORING MAIS1r*i!Mbi:iNh| 5 PRJNGFIELD 0 J# H. McrilLI Funeral Direotir m i paalef, Manutactarer Ofrave V a tilte a n d Uemsj •tori**, tHigltofii f , . - „ D^ffAririUf.'Ojh
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