The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 27-52

‘0 - vr . • 1 w«~“; -r - < .>\* I-I;. HXi %'*&rr?+t* muirft* There appeared in the Greene Gouhty Tribune in the issue of Thursday, October 3 i, a story to the effect that the Editor of the Cedarvilie Herald, Karlh Bull, fyad related a certain story to a citizen of-Cedarvilie concerning Dr. S. D. Fees, and then said: “What would you think about publishing that?” The reference of the Tribune to such an interrogation is an abso­ lute falsehood, and to induce the editor of the Tribune to produce his evidence the undersigned offers T o the satisfaction of a committee tomposed of the cashiers of the / . P * t three Banks in Xenia. Said $100 will be deposited in the name of this committee, in either of the Xenia Banks to be designated by the Tribune Editor. If updn the presentation Of the evidence of the interested parties this committee finds that the Editor of the Herald made such, an interrogation, said committee is then authorized to pay said $100 to any charitable institution in the county. K a r l h B i i l l , E d i t o r TRY OUR JOB PRINTING ARMAGEDDON OF THE SCRIPTURES StartlingPresentation of Gen­ ing Events. PASTOR RUSSELL'S VIEWS. Church#* o f Alt Denomination* and the Civil Powers of Earth A re Ahout to Unite Jn Common Cause—Powerful Influence Preparing For the Battle o f Arm*geddo>WA Reign o f Anarchy W ill Be the Recutt of the Warfare Until The Messiah Tak e* Control. BrOOWfRt ■N <:.%L N ov . : 3. —T h e Brooklyn Acnflnwy -of Mu s i c ■wtt.8- crowded to the lim­ it today to hear .P a B to r -Russell’B discourse on ib9 "Battle of Artna- gedflpn". His test was: "He gatheted them together unto a placed called In IPASTOfcRUSSEllI i the Hebrew tongue - i i - im ... ... A rm a g e d d o n ." (Revelation xvl, 10.) The speaker said: Armageddon in the Hebrew signifies the •‘Hill of Meglddo,” or Mount of De­ struction. It was famous ns a battle­ field lu Old Testament times. • The Lord has seen'fit to associate the name Armageddon, with, the great con­ troversy between Truth and Error, rlghf and wrong, God and Mammon, with which this Age will. close, perish, and tltti New Age of Messiah’a glory be ushered, in. He lias purposely used highly symbolical figures of speech jn the last book of the Bible, evidently with a view to hiding certain impor­ tant truths until the due time for their revenlment. But oven in the due time, (he Bible assures ns, "None of' the wicked shall understand” (Daniel xif, 9, 10)—none who are out of heart har­ mony with God—but only the wise of His people—the “wise virgin” class of the Master’s parable. ' ' ■ I have long avoided presentation, of my understanding of our text and its context. take it up now by request and because i believe it is due -time to be understood. I disclaim any special inspiration, jn some particulars my. views agree syvith those of other Biblo students, and in other respects they, disagree. Each hearer must use bis own judgment, do his own Bible study, and reach his own conclusions. Kindly remember that I am not re sponsible for the figures of speech used by the Lord. My interpretations do in­ deed constitute a terrible arraignment of Institutions which we have all revere enced and which embrace good people, of good words and good works. God’s saintly iieople in these various Ihstitu- Rons, being comparatively" few, are ignored when systems as a whole are dealt with jin prophecy.. The Dragon, Beast, False Prophet. Our context tells us that three im­ pure spirits teachings) will go forth from the- mouths of the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet, and these "three will be In accord,’and symbolical­ ly the doctrines are represented by, "frogs.”-. These three doctrines are to have a mighty Influence throughout the civilized earth, They are to gather the kings and their armies to' the great Battle of Armageddon. The ecclesiastical kings and princes, and .their retinues of clergy and faith ful adherents,, wilt be gathered in solid phalanx—Protestant and Catholic. The kings and captains of Industry, and as many as can be influenced by them, will be gathered to the same side* The political kings and princes, with all their henchmen and retainers, will fol­ low in fine1on the same side. - The financial kings and merchant princes, and nil whom they can influence by tbe most gigantic power ever yet exercis­ ed in the world, will join-tlie -oamo side, according to. this prophecy. These "doctrines of demons,” repre­ sented by the, "frogs,” drill lead many noble people In this great army to as­ sume an attitude quite contrary to their preference. For a time the wheels of liberty and progress will be turned backwnrd and medieval re­ straints will be considered necessary for self-preservationr-for tho mainte­ nance of the present order of things. In giving this interpretation, it is necessary for us to indicate what is symbolized by the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet. Bible.students of nearly all denominations agree 'with us that the "Drngon” of Revelation represents the purely Civil Power. Protestant interpreters generally, agree that the “Beast like a leopard” (Reve­ lation xtli. 2) represents the Papacy. But fewer still, we fear, will be ready to support otir view that Protestantism Is the "Image of tbe Beast” (Revelation kill, 15) in our context given another name, ‘‘the False Prophet” We Urge no one to' accept our interpretation, nor shall we think hard Of any Who refuse It. We will neither slander nor otherwise Injure them now. nor threat­ en them With etcrita! torture. They have the same right to their views that I have, and the same right to make them known to others. And I, for one, will he very gfml to consider any­ thing which opponents may set forth as tljelr Interpreiirtlous of onr text. "Unclean Spirits Like Froge.” The symbolizing of Scripture, right­ ly Understood,, are always forceful. When the Holy spirit used a "frOg” to symbolically represent certain ioctHae* or teiaeBSS, W* »*y h* the tra* application will fit well, A frog h*« a m go look, a wise ipok. It it * jf m u apparent en­ deavor to imprea* the beholder. It# great mouth well represent* its chief power, used to croak. Applying these symbols, we learn that ttt evil spirit, I»8u*nce. teaching, wiUoeta# from tbe Protestant churches federated, from the Cbntth of Rome, and fam the Civil authorities, all in full agreement. The spirit of all will' be boastful; an air of superior wisdom and knowledge will be proudly assum- Od-att wili ereak in harmony. All will tell of dire results that would follow, involving the interests- of both the present and the future life, if their counsel be not followed. However con­ flicting tbs creeds, the differences .will bO ignored itt the general proposition that nothing ancient must be disturb­ ed. or looked Into, or repudiated. The DlglfiHi authority of the Church, tnd the- Dirine right of kings, aside from tbe Church, will not be allowed to conflict Any persons or teachings in conflict with these boastful and un* scriptural claims will be branded a# everything vile, a t tbe mouths of these "frogs" speaking from puJpits and platforms and through the religious and secular press. The nobler senti­ ments of some will be strangled by tbe philosojby of the same evil spirit which -spoke through Caiaphas, the high priest; respecting Jesus. As Cala- pbas declared it expedient-to commit a crime in violation of justice, human and Divine, to be rid of Jesus and His teachings, so this "ffog" spirit will ap­ prove of every violation of principle necessary to thplr self-protection. The croaking of these "frog" spirits or doctrines will gather the kings and princes, financial, political, religious and industrial Into one" great army. The spirit of,fear, inspired by the croaklngs of these "frogs,*’will scourge the passions of otherwise' good and reasonable men to fury, desperation. In their blind following of .these evil spirit*, evil doctrines, they, will - he ready to sacrifice life and everything on tho aitar of what they mistakenly ’suppose is justice, truth and righteous­ ness. under a "Divine arrangement. , For a brief time, as we understand tho Scriptures, these combined forces of Armageddon will. triumph. Free speech,-free mail*, and other liberties which havOComo to be the very breath of the musses in oiir day. will be ruth­ lessly Shutoff under the plea of neces­ sity, tho glory of, Gpd, the Commands of the Church. et& Ail will seem to be serene." until the great social explosion in our context described as- the "great Earthquake.” ' An "earthquake." in symbolic language, ■signifies social revolution, and the declaration of the context is Abut uone like unto It ever before Occurred.. (Revelation xvl, 18, 10.) Jesus described it as a time of trouble $Uch as Saevdr was since there was a nation.—Matthew xxlv, 21. II BEAUTY • WORTHVOIRWIILE 7 ViolaCream tOefltrBy aradleatea freektos, melee, b u c k heed*, ironburn r e s to r in g dtoel blotched, touch tad — , . *Vtn to the ftMhneea tad dclknwy offtmth. There tonombetUnte for thtoeimenorlaerw- 3h»UB*Meretofthe grMtomflkltt speotoltot, At alt waited AwMethto, %eMalpi« A,< AjhJmjfcA a 1 htJti • The Lord W ill Gather Them. 'The false,, frog-ilka^ teachings will gather together Into one bostthe great, tho rich, .the wise, the learned and the kings of the earth, to battle. At this juncture Divine Power will step for­ ward, and our text tells ua that UK shall gather the marshaled hosts to, Armageddon—to the Mountain of'Be- struction, The very thing Which they fought to avert by their npion, federa­ tion, etc., wift' bo the Very thing they Wilt hasten.- Other Scriptures fell Us that God will be represented by the Great Messiah, and that Be.will be on the side"Of the ma’sses. Thus we rend In Daniel xtt, 1: "At that time shall Michael (the Godlike One—Messiah] stand up”-~tt8stmie authority. He will take possession of His Kingdom in a manner little looked for by many of those- who erroneously have been claiming that they wereHis Kingdom, and authorized by Him to reign in His name and In His steid, Jesus declared, "His servants ye are onto whom ye render service." Some may be rendering service to Satan and to error, who1claim to be rendering service to God and to righteousness; and some of these may be serving ig­ norantly, as did Sanl of Tarsus, who •iverijy thought that he did God a Serv­ ice” in persecuting the Church. The. same principle. holds true .reversely. As an earthly -king does not hold him­ self responsible for the moral character' of each soldier who fights In his bat­ tles, so the Lord does not vouch for the moral character of all who will enlist und fight on His side of any question. "HIS servants they are to whom they render service," whatever the motive or abject prompting them. The same principles will apply In the coming Battle of Armageddon. God’s aide of that battle will he the people’s side, and the very nondescript host the people, will he pitted at the begin­ ning of the battle. Anarchists. Social­ ists, and hot-headed radicals of every school of reason and unreason, will be' In the forefront of that battle. The majority of the poor dud the middle class'prefer peace at almost any price, A comparatively smalf number, God's consecrated people, will at heart be 'Ongingfor Messiah'S Kingdom. These Will bide the Lord's time and wait pa­ tiently for iti they will be of good courage, knowing the outcome outlined In the "more sore word of prophecy,’’ to which they have done well to take h&ed. "as unto a light shining In a dark'place until- the Day dawn,”—U Peter h 19. The masses will be restless of their restraints, bat will be conscious of their own weakness as compared to the kings and princes, financial, religious and political, which will then hold sway. Besides, the masses have no sympathy with anarchy. They realize truly that the wOrat form of govern­ ment is better than none. .The masses will seek relief through the ballot and peaceful readjustment of earth's af­ fairs for the elimination of evil, for 0o* t sued on Tags * Q A J N O W d f l O , "flUr■ ■ ■ ■ Tho People*’ Store 8PRIJNGFI ELD, OHIO, WE GIVE SM.. GREENTRADING STAMPS WITH EVERYCASHSALE In line with the policy of the reorganised Kinnane store to give the buying public of Springfield and vicinity ju s t what they want, we have, after a careful investigation decided to SHARE OUR PROFITS WITH bUR CUSTOMERS and, therefore, an­ nounce tha t from this date we will give jm GREEN TRAD­ ING STAMPS WITH EVERY CASH SALE. I SATURDAY, NOV. Bth, WE WILL OIVE FREE W l: STAMPS * j ) ) TO S T A R T YOUR BOOK We know jjgtf Premiums are the finest merchandise on the market and they cost you absolutely nothing. ; r We Are Undersefimg All Conmetitioa m-f lit., - & Supply your winter' needs a t Kinnane’s and save money on every, purchase. Our stocks are complete--our prices, the low­ est, as comparisons will show. AskFor Visit Premium Parlor Now Located In Our Store to Springfield Under the Plan of the Merchants’ Association of Springfield, Ohio JUST TWO REQUIREMENTS Spend $15 at any on* or any number.of the stores listed below-—you.must liv* within a radius of 40 miles of Springfield. If. you live a greater distance, we will pay $1.60 of the cost of your transportation, ADDITIONAL CASH REBATE The Aisociation also allows a cash refund of one cent for every dollar ex­ pended inexcess of the required $15. This is in addition to the payment of the round trip carfare. ' . The Following Springfield Merchants issue and sign carfare Rebate Books: ARCADE JEWELRY STORE Jewelery and Opticians, Watches, Diamonds. Jewelery, Solid Silver and Planted Ware, Watch Inspectors for all Railroads and Traction Line* . entering Springfield, 87-60 Kelly’s Arcade, . BANCROFT, HATTER AND FURRIER. Sole agent for "Dunlap", "Knapp-Felt” "Hawes”, English "Tress" and-French “Mos- sant” hats; "Headcaps” and Children’s Head­ wear. Furs, fur repairing and remodeling. Established 1851. 26 East Main St, CHAS, F. HAUCK &’GO, Oentral Ohio's Largest Stove and Culinary Furnishing Store, Fenninsular stoves, Coles'* Hot Blast stoves, cutlery, etc. All kinds of tin repairing, 59West Main St. STERLING FURNITURE AND CARPETCO. Greater Springfield’s Greatest House Furnish­ ing Store. Furniture, Carpets, Rug*, Stove*. Etc. 26-29 North Fountain Ave. SULLIVAN'S "Originatoir of Low Prices.” Cloaks, Suits, Dry Goods, Hosiery, Underwear*, Men’s Fumish- >ng, Etc. You always felt at home in our old store; well be pleased to See you In the new one, SOEast Main St. FRIED’S JEWELRY STORE Largest assortment in the city of Diamonds,. Watches, Silverware, Cut and Etched Glass. High-Grade Silver Elated Ware* Novelties, Fully equipped Optical Parlors. Eyes tested free. 9-8 East Main St. KAUFMAN'S The Quality Store. Springfield's largest and best clothing -store for man, youth or toy, Complete stock of Clothing, Hats, Furnishings, Trunks and Suit Cases. 18-17 South Lime­ stone St. NISLEY, IN THE ARCADE "It You Wear NisleyShoes You Wear the Best Shoes Money Can Buy.” Three large store rooms filled with guaranteed foottvear’ for ■men. lydtneh and children, 62-6# Kelly's Arcade, SILVERBERG'S STYLE SHOP Largest Exclusive Ready-to-Wear House in Springfield and Central Dido, Complete line of Women's and Misses' Coats, Suits, Dresses, Gowns, Waists, Skirts, Petticoats, Raincoats and Furs, Cor, Main and Limestone Sts, THE EDWARD WREtf CO. Central Ohio’s Biggest and Best Department Store. Seventy-six stores under one roof. Dry Goods, Ready-to-Wear, Shoes, Furniture, Carpets, in fact everything. 28-81 E. High St. THE HOME STORE . Dry Goods, Coats, Suits, Waist*, Skirts* Draperies, Lace Curtains, Mattings, Druggets, Rug*. Sole agents for the celebrated Wboltex Coats, Suits and Skirts, Butterick Patterns. Karsey Gloves, and St. Mary’s Blankets, 12-82 . West Main St. . , THE KINNANE CO. Absolute Honesty in Merchandising, Dry1 Goods, Carpets, Exclusive Coat* and Suits* "Harvard Mill*” Underwear, "Onyx” Hosiery, "Fownes” <’,loves, great assortment of ladles’ Waists, Skirts, etc, Big bargain ^basement 12*14 E. Main St., 20-29 N, Fountain Ave. THE SPRINGFIELD HARDWARE CO. Manufacturers' Agehts, Jobbers alid Retailers of Builders' and Manufacturer*’ Hardware, Factory Supplies and Machinist*' Tools. Fine Cutlery* Percolators, Coffee Machines, 86-88 East Main St. THE WHEN ! Central Ohio’s Greatest Clothing, hats and Furnishing Store solicits your patronage. An absolute guarantee of satisfaction With every . purchase bf your money hack. Cor, Hlkh S t . ; and Fountain Ave. (Arcade,) GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING X X r JEW? & , f* '%*► "t .K7 T1 «M| wbJ- the ‘ plnj boyi bo v tero-> , Ti pro; tbe afte star was Cedi. Char are ) Wilt Sch< be *< tlon Ho imal atfcl the'] will aB h Pali t-i 'V at H I* '1‘ mo thf: fa i