The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 27-52
For ExetlC’iee Car Job f W o r k w ill c o m p a r e w i t h t h a t o f a n y o t b e r irm ,,.* . X e ra ld . ' T H I R T T - F I F T H Y WATX, N O . 48 . CJRDARVILLlS, 0 HI0 4 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1912. PROSECUTOR AFTER Clifton U. P. I Church Chimes. There baa been a general campaign conducted in this county -unknown' only to Prosecutor Johnson, detec tives for the State Dairy and Fuad t ’onimiri&iouer and TTinled States revenue officers, against those who are alleged to have engaged in illeg al liquor sales and with keeping •' places.. • I t is stated th a t two score or mow cases will be filed against Xenia of* fenders, there being evidence against one offender tha t would be ground® for twenty-three different charges. A lready twenty-five charges have been filed hefore Mayor Wilson in Fairfield. In list are many th a t have been up as the result of previ ona raids. Michael Dugan, Michael Carroll, Turner Darnell, John Gft Hofnick, Carrie. Alien; Albert Wet zel! and many others. In the list Were a number ot colored citizen® from the Fourth'Ward and it is said th a t some of them have taken out for'fche parts unknown, A lbert Wotzoil entered a plea ot guilty and was fined $230 by Mayor 'Wilsoq,. There were four charge®, one for keeping a place and three for selling. The flna was paid nn mediately. The cases over the county are con fined ‘ mostly to Cedarvillo a n it • Jamestown and i t is said" will be based on evidence gathered by de tectives of the State Dairy and Food Commissioner. I t has been known for several days th a t1government .detectives had -gathered evidence against George Stafford, colored, who has been engaged in boot-leg- ing here more o rJless for two or three years. The government officers It is said gave Stafford until this wee'k to produce the revenue tax but the offender has disappeared as if the eHrth had swallowed him. The hbldingfof a government license' ijs held as evidence against one charged under the Dose Jaw, The line for sellingwith oufca govermncntllcons'c is $l,Q0p, ' . ■;. * ‘ Monday afternobn two detectives, accompanied by Marshall Keniiou, -searched the Wisfcermati drug store. Chi fclie evidence found a1"4well' as other evidence hol'd by the proSecu- • tor One charge with beeping a place heart, fEed in Mayor Buff’s court j Help the other fellow. , Prosecutor Johnson has "filed in thekama court four charges againifc George Stafford bu t of course the papers cannot be served until ills whereabouts are'known . I t is al together probable th a t .when/ Staf- fordis found the govef nmont officials .Will have first claim on him.. In thift . case his trial will be held in the dis tric t court in QincinnatL In case of conviction he probably Would be sen t to $he government penitentiary a t A tlanta, d a ., as he would he un» able to pay the maximum flue. Greet one another with a holy hand shake, Miss Hattie Turner assisted by Alice Finney will lead the Christian Union Sabbath evening. . Give God your best each day. And now wo must plan for Christ man. Every one with a perfect rec ord In Sabbath School will be espec ially remembered a t tlmt time. The Woman’s Missionary Society will meet a t the church, Wednesday a t 2. p, ra. , Heaven Is a Prepared Place for a Prepared People. Are you Prepared? “■Except a man be born again he can not see the Kingdom of God." Mr. Will Ferguson and Misses Oarrie Rife andNMBe Waddle have been appointed by the Session as Associate Editors for the Chimes Column. Report news items to them or the Pastor, j I t was fine to see the old people at J.he congregational Social. . I f you have no t done so, give your subscription for the Herald to Mr, Gordon Collins- We want every family In the' church to read the. Chimes Co-luYnn. ' The Home Mission Cliampaigh has caused us all to do some serious thinking. Messrs E. C, Corey and Benjamin Anderson have been appointed to act as ushers and see th a t all stran- ers and1friends are cordially wel comed to a good pew.’ The Church is the Life-Boat by which Christ saves the perishing. Do not turn your ta ck on tha only way of Escape! “Whosoever shall confess me before men f will confess before my Father in Heaven,” A good one of the best Christinas gifts; i t can he enjoyed and then passed around to others. More books and fewer papers would be advisable in many homes. We are -told what is not worth reading a. second tiffie'is not worth reading a t all, Mr. W. P. Ritchie will preach Sabbath Dec* I, a t Morgnhville Iltor- haa filled moro useful? But if all the member® J did ns you do. must they not be giv- -j en up? Could not the rest find ex- j cuaes for staying nivay, think you, j as well as you? Do you not think i they would if their hearts were an} worldly, of as cold, or as mdiif rent j about the prosperity of 1,briefs cause ] as you appear to he? Ex-Governor Glenn.of North Car olina says tha t his state, since liquor was driven ou* four years ago, lias doubled its school attendance and its church attendance, and halved its crime record Ho adds: “A great wave of spirituality has swept over the state. Billy Sunday's meetings in E a s t. Liverpool, Ohio, have resulted In 6,000 conversions, which amounts to almost one In three of the whole population of the town. The “ free will offering" given the evangelist for his six weeks' -work 'there a- mounted to-$12,000. - / - U. P* CHURCH. Sabbath School a t 0:80. Preaching by the pastor a t 10:30, Subject—“The Cost of High Living." Y. P. C. U.. afcSUtO. Leader—Hazel Lowry, Preaching by the pastor,at 0:30. • Praying meeting Wednesday eve ning a t 7:0Q. Leader—W. J. Tarbox, M, E. CHURCH .9:30‘a. m, Sunday School, 10:80 a. m. Preaching. ■ 0:Q0 p. ni. Epwortll League. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00 o'clock ‘ ! Official Board meeting the first Tues day evening of each month. FILL 1 the ™ notes . CLOCK REFORMS, ■ Daniel CoffPjrJ formerly of this place, met a horHtlo death last Fri day in Cincinnati when befell from a telegraph p: I«, f » being nli>,enjan fertile Western t# ion Telegraph Co. Mr, Ooffoy waaimro in Boss coun ty and was iff ynjfr of ago and hie death Is the first In a family of ten brothers and Histys. Four years ago lie was married t f Miss Mamie Pow ers o f London att 4 she survives with, two children, r’l«|rrton." aged three, and Mary Cailn-riito, aged seventeen months. Besides, his fj Mr, and Mrs. Marj his is survived toj members of the partmenfc"; Mrs Qlerrenco Neal, Mary,' Hatliefi) Bessie, and Frai The funeral.wj Brigid’a church Tliere were floral telephone coiiipaj Xenia, ami ’fyoi Western Union as from friends a tiers; to which ho h e r and. mother, It Coffey, of Xenia John and Martinv ttclhnati, F ire De ll Stewart; Mrs, mestown; Misses Josephine and a t home, hold from St, Xenia Monday; ffei ings ffom the is "in Oedarville. the , Postal and timpanies as well d the various or- "elongod. - Road Assessment^ Being Made. No fainting w trespassing will the fawns rented following person David McMillan Mrs. Fannie Bar David Johnson *- Clayton McMillafe xxr.ii ■ / r h dog or gun or be permitted on Of owned by the NOTICE. I will sell you fresh solid oysters a t cost, 23 cents per quart. Wm, Marshall -Wine of Cardui, 70c A t Wlsterman’s, APPLES, 50 CENTS. I have about fifty bushel of Nev- er-fail apples th a t will bo sold for fltty cents per basket. I am forced' to convert the apples into cash a t once. The Round Table was so lnterest- ing-that several are suggesting that another be held in the near future* Fifty-five men and boys Were in at- tendAnce. The men of Clifton church are waking up. j *Over 100 were m attendance a t the Parsonage Social on Friday evening and a very enjoyable time prevailed Those who did not get to the meet ing certainly missed quite an event. We always enjoy the Congregational, Social. Why no t have one every quarter a t least? I t is time to be getting NewYear’s Resolutions drawn up, and by the way how 'abou tfjoining the Bible Ciass during 1818, and bringing your neighbor too. A *inn never does any betLer than he purposes. J The Faster preached Nov. 24 for }the Mf E. church in Clifton. This j congregation has grown weak and Isomowhat discouraged. However a !few still continue the weekly service i when a.speaker can bo obtained. Mr, Ferguson’s Bible Class i t growing. Cannot you join it on next Sabbath? The children canat- ! teifd it too. Camel The state highway .commissioner} has certified, the cost ot the macadhni on the Columbus pike to the county’, the auditor in turn to, the township trustees and Township Clerk An^ drew jackson is Bonding out the as sessments to the property owners along the’rpad. The cost of the rOad was $8236.44; sta te ’s share one half, $4478.22;"coUn- ty, $3259.1(5; township $1343.46 and the property owners, $S95.(l4. T The commissioners have granted, the trustees the use of a road roller and some repair work will be dona Two new steal pika. Naxtaprijiff- .?5?cte? 3 | the trustees expect to rebu ild ' the rftnn*a t <jUI Clifton pike on the order of the 1m- John. Webb Abe Mann J. C- Towhsley S* & W. Arthur Will Neff ^George Hamman Ed. Dean * Clarence Finney John Burns- J , IC.Finnby Sons. Clarence S tuckejf dames Matthews ; A"great deal of comedy, a little . pathos make up an unusually good i production entitled “Tho Traveling \ Salesman" which will visittho Fair- ’ibanks Theatre, Springfield on Tues- ••day evening December 3rd. The iman who travels about from town to | town selling everything from a Bpool j of thread to a steam engine has been j the subject of many stories, hmnor- | ons and otherwise, and this tact Tbrought about tho play which lias j Interested so many audiences since 1Its first production several years (ago. I t is a play that appeals to ■everyone because everyone knows and appreciate the lives of thatmuch talked of individual. • The announcement of two such great favorites as Richard Carle and Hattie Williams in one production will interest theatregoers. “The' Girl from Montmartre", headed by, these two comedians will he seen a t the Fairbanks Friday evening, Dec. 6th. I t is a farce, with music and . a delightful entertainment. A large singing and dancing chorus and an unusually good cast of principals and a beautiful scenic production in sure ah evening long to be remem bered. • Tnose who have had the pleasure of hearing the farce with music; “Alma’.’ on its previous visits to Springfield will be "glad to hear of Its return on Saturday afternoon and evening, to tho Fairbanks The atre. The music of this piece has never been excelled and rarely ever equalled )n any musical productions and it is the delight of- the gallery. Its comedy i$ clever and the audi ence laughs from the time the cur tain iroes up until the close ot the} last act. A good company, possess-' juu both acting and singing ability will present5“Alma’’ a t the F a ir banks. Henry Kyle Will Smith Boy Matthews R, C* Watt C. G. Hanna ., STEEL C m CRIBS. »*( l srfhsara being iprovide stor- provement just about coitnpTetcd on the Wilmington road A GOODHUSKER. John Spears husked a 19-acre field of coin for John X*. Langdon, which yielded 1450 bushels. He husked, sorted akd cribbed the above,amount in l8}i days of 0 hours each, making an average of 78 bushels per day*. On oiie day husked '40 bushels and 40 pounds n three hours and 40 minutes, winch would he a t the rate of 114 bushels per day.—Sabina Tri bune. • . • GUARANTEED ATTRACTION. Company Comes On Guarantees Satisfaction Or YonrMoney Will Bo Refunded. Would it be right td give up the prayer-meetmg? Do you think this Wm. Marshall. *would please God or malcethe church AT Tte. only B a n M r made from Royal Grape (fpojMar Royal S a k i n g P a w d e r AbsolutebPure , § i a M u m .. | f n U m m P t m # 0 k * i 0 * “Beverly of Graustark" which shows a t the Jamestown Opera House next S uurday night is the first guaranteed attraction tha t has beeh a t Jamestown for years. To secure them i t Was necessary to guarantco them so much money nnd they re turn guarantee that if the show is not Worth the money and as good as can be seen in the larger twohs for the same yrice th a t anyone can re turn to the box office nnd get their money after tho first or second act, “Boverly of Graiistark” playssuch towns as Findlay, Middletown, Sid ney, Greenfield and goes f r o n t Jameetown to Xenia. Watch the Xtmia Gazette for special advertis ing of this show. » The Jamestown Symphony Or chestra Will furnish the music and needs no recommendation as their ability for entertaining is w e l l known. ’ The company has asked fora clear stage using none of the house scene ry whatever* They carry special scenery for every act which of courBo adds much to the strength of the attraction . This play offers the very best on the road to theatre goers and tho Jomestown Opera House Will no doubt bepaclted. Advance sale will be on at Harpers Drug (Store, and tickets, can bn secured either by mail or telephone, Remonthsr tho date, Saturday night Nov. noth, and take advantage of this opportanity. D bad A nimat . s Tho Xenia Fer tilizer Co., will remove all deadstock immediately, /roe of charge,. Call either phone, Bell 1137-W. Citizens IliV. We pay 50c per owt, for hogs D rew trio e at Cate. To the list of divorces for steemjngly trivial Causes—such as “cruelty In not taking mo out riding,” "cruelty In re quiring me to sew on buttons/’ eta-, has’now been added a divorce granted to a man who chatged'his wife with •'cruelty in keeping cots la the house,” thereby preventing him from occupy ing his favorite chair. On the judge's Inquiring, "Why didn't you put the cate out of the house?” the man an swered, "My wife is a member of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and I Was afraid she would have me arrested,” ■.Will Arthur Lew Henderson J , R. Oft H- M. Murdock Flarenee McMillan Beginning with January 1, France will inaugurate her long-talked-of clock reform, Officially there will bo no “a. m.” and “p. m.1’ Tbefaco of the clock will bo numbered from one to twenty-four. 9’he clay will begin a t midnigh fc-or a moment thereafter-aud continue until the following midnight. What Is now J p. m. will be thirteen o’clock, and the closing hour pf the day will be twenty-tour o’clock. For a time there may be a little: confusion, as where a fellow makes an engagement to meet his girl at, .say, seventeen o'clock, tout It will be but a short time until ttie mine as readily grasps the height of the sun by hearing someone say. that it is sixteen o’clock as it does now at mention of four o’clock p.m. As the railways are going to adopt the reformed clock dial i t will work ou ta ll the better—and quicker. The’ railroads.are the real'mlssiOharies In the matter oT time. Whatever Bystem they adopt,,' the people will Come to it. We should never have been able toi worlt out, the system known as Standard time in this country hut for the railroads. But aft soon as theyadopted the reformed system, and began running their trains accordingly, and advertising the arrival and departure of trains according to Standard time,' i t was a question of but a few weeks -until practically all other industrial; con cerns took it up and insisted upon using it. There was nothing left for the public generally to do but to fol low the reform, and while it was combatted in a few communities, it- haB come to prevail practically everywhere. There has notag yetbeen a great deal of discussion m this "country for the twenty-four-hour clock, but it can not be much longer delayed. There is so much to be said in fav or of the reform, and so little argn- merit againsf it, it would seem the railroads ought to take up th e ' mat ter and compel the people to .come to the' new "method pf .making the day. „ ' ' - A . , 4 I Tits stew mix n n g fifd with an fc | 9 dn-v’er: 1 tfrp it past due andia prompt tel** J tlemtot it tarnettly desired, » . - | PR ICE , $1.00 A YEAR Couldn’t Control Her Temper. age Tooln for this yoar's buinper corn crop* These cribs have a capacity of 000 bushels each, and with the two already in use provide, a total stor age capacity of 2,000 bushels Of corn. Both steel and wtooden" cribs have been used on the University farm. The steel cribs have proved, very satisfactory, as they are durable and proof against birds, rodents, thieves and fire. These cribs are circular in form and made of perforated steel,- The,flOoris of cement and steel and is moisture proof. Tho total cost Is about $150per crib. • F ob S auk Storm buggy in goad condition, will too priced reasonable if sold soon, Mrs. 0. D. Dobbins. CatiM and dffeot. Gabe—"How did JoneS get behind the bars?” KEeVe—"Spent too much time in front Of them.”' —New York American* Overcoats Fo r a Good Stylish Overcoat; guaranteed to give service and satisfaction price $ 8 . 0 0 , $ 1 0 . 0 0 , $ 1 2 . 0 0 . B e tte r ones from $12. to $20. Clothing, Hats amd Furnishing Sullivan’s Atfricts Farmers Who Send Prize Products. The corn show now being held by the merchants of the Arcade build- ingpromises to be the moat success ful one ever held m the state of Qhio,i and jjU.VY, Olfr hundreds. More than 2,800 ears of cornaro now on display," all of the! Wall eases being filled and a.mmiber! ofTtie largo show windows of the merchants being used to display the' golden corn. - According to a letter received yes terday, O. R. Wagner, of Calumtoufi, a member oi the state board of agri culture, will b*» in the city Saturday! afternoon and he will speak to the farmers of Clark and adjoining coun ties, Mr. Wagner is a well known speaker atid lie will tell of the' growth of. the corn a t the experi mental station a t Wooster* Mr. Wagner has been extended an invi tation by the Commercial club, through i(s secretary, Fred Ander son to take dinner with the members and make o short talk* A band concert will be given Sat urday afternoon in the Arcade, be tween the hours ot 1:30 and 2:80 o'clock, and with the address by Mr. Wagner hundreds of the farmers for miles around will be attracted to the show idven by tho merchants for their benefit, Noarly $250 in prizes will be given to the Winner of the different clqsaes while the capital prize, a $65 Foos Gas engine, will be given to one of tho exhibitors, all the entry numbers being placed in a box and tho first one drawn securing tbe’prlze. The Bnuop Manufacturing com pany will give a feed mill, valued a t $25, to the farmer or member ,of his family writing the best composition, not to exceed 150 words, on “Why Every Farm Should Have a Feed Mill.’’ The American Seeding Ma chine company will give a cultiva tor, valued at $32, to one of the win ners, while E . 9. Kelly, will given a prize of $2? to tho winner In Class A. In addition, the prizes of the local merchants amount to $100. Weapons Too Unconventional. An affair of honor was arranged In the south once between Captain Bragg and swashbuckler Ned BOtts. Bragg left choico of weapons to h is , second. The second, a veritable fire- eater, proposed broadaxen. Botts ob jected. Bragg's man, disgusted, said ho would have satisfactory weapons on the field. He built two roaring fires, and over them hung pots of water which, when at tho boiling, point, he would have had each duelist squirt over the other at short range with a big syringe. Botts balked a’ [ second time. Husbands Entertain in a very hospitable manner a t the Foster House Tuesday evening. T’he four course supper was served uniter the direction of Mrs. Foster; Whose repUtation as a. caterer 'is a guarantee of an elaborate and sump tions dinner. The decoration of the rooms nnd the table wore in keeping of the Thanksgiving season, yellow being the predominating Color. - Following tho 'dinhoiT thdre were toAsts.y Mrs. Willard Trouie"choSe “ 6 ur p e a t HuihantlS/’’ Mr. 0 . H. Haftman'responded' for Ills gei’itle- men friends on uGuivPear ’Skives." kfra. ’ Bt. M.* Stormont/ “ In the Home.’’ Mr* 91 C. \y righ t acted as toastmaster. During the dinner hour Mi8"s Oliyo Wiuter prehided a t the piano. The party then adjourned to the home of Mr. G, Y, 'Winter1Where ■the gentlemen had provided enter tainment for the evening. Thelad- ios Were all required to join a cer tain club and it; was necessary to kiss tiio blarney stone. Othprforms of amusoment were bitting an apple suspended in a ddor way and pin ning the tall on the donkey, Mrs. S. C. Wright was presented a plate for her offorIs.’ Mrs. " ff. M." Stor mont won the “boby" prize, and Mrs. Willard Tronte won the brack* noli contest. Mrs. Nannie Stafford, wifeofGeo, Stafford, who Is wanted by govern ment revenue officers as well a# lo cal officials, was brought into may or's court Tuesday on a charge <>f disorderly* W WhilesearcbmgtheStafford home Monday afternoon tho mistress is said to have spoked in no uncertain - terms as so the acts of the officer?. As an object lesson," Mrs. Stafford, was brought into court Tuesday and. while not placed in a cell, was given the use of the cell room. Even this was more than she could stand and, her crya were loud enough to be heard to the street. When brohght" before Mayor Bull she" first protested her inh'Qcense, butadmifted that she had an uncon- trolable temper and woffld not "enter a plea of gu ilty ,' jBeyeral tnheB dur ing the questioning she broke down, crying and did not went to he held, for her husband’s wrong doing. ! Through the influence of her daugh ter she plead guilty' and was fined. $5 and costs and thirty day£' in the’" works. This toeing her first offense tho days were suspendedqii th'Cpay ment of the fine and good behavior. Subscribe for tile Herald. .... ■ LiSTOF LETTERS L ist No. 25. . Remaining , unclaimed in- ■the, CedarvJilc, Ohio, Post Office for the week ending Nov. 26.1912. . JBaker, Qtbo W. (three) Bradford, Mr. Almon Buck, Martin, Buck, Thos. " , - Shapm'an, Jesse. Chapman, Maftin. - Hiff, Mr.’G'. W. . » fluff, Mrs. Mary. ' \ Huff, Thos, r' Manfean, James. McDuffy, Thos. Randall, Ifr/G eo . W, RSbmson, Mr.'’William. Stewart," Tlieo,' Thumai David. Verd,Mi". Reder E, Cards. Gelick, Ml‘s. Geo. burrery; Mrs* Rianna. GrCve, Reckons calling for the afaove w ill please say “AdvertiBed.“ . SoDKPitnisr O'. W ricui *, P. M. - . *J f-f ’ l(>, Vj .J’ ,v. « • <i{ DEATH TAKES 183. Deaths during October, mowed" down another squadpi'J$8 Ohio yet?, erans of the Grand Army of th.e Re-- public, aocordlng- to figures given out Friday by Colonel W, L* Curry, united States pension agent. The total nuriiber Ofp'snhtOders on the rolis of" Hie 'Oolutiitous Agency has bedh cut down tC' 79 ; 2 =i&^b'yrf1ns latest assault of the Grlih ifeaperi This total'includes Oivii and'Bpftn- iBh-American war veterans/" and their widows and children wKo draw pensions through the "Columbus a« genisy. ’ Of this" number bu t’ 45,452 are veteran* of the G Ivil war; Better Halves. If you think the expression ot a man’s better- half as applied to bill wife Is ft j6ke you aro not a newspa per reader.' For instance’, the ladles' at Eagle Rock the other day enter- tairiiid'Wpr'eBeEtatlves of 23 women’* chibs mifi then they only‘scratched'th^ surface of feminine culture, in a limit ed district, You would hdvc td takg in all of California and half the gov ernments of Arizona, Utah ftnd Texas to get ft corporal’s guard of men from hail that number of literary club*. .. 21 S, Limostons S t tor Sheep, #1 for lffirtaft, $2 for cattle,! * h « trteHo AfA . „ r |U jfl |delivered at the cotnpany's plant* 5 P r l n » t , * ,0 » U n i0 ^ Newspaper's Great influence, The newspaper has greater influence la the home than any other printed thing, and your ncighbhr’a converts* tlon Is largely made, up of what he or she has read in the day's pftper. What reaches them for the first time in to day's issue la a tvoek or a day later*4 has become their belief And know!* i *4**, I Saturday, November 30 We Will Sell for Casfi Only, the Following Articles: Sugar, per sack............... .,$1.36 Star Crackers, two lbs....... 150 Lenox Soap, 7 bars.... ...... 26c ' String Beans per can,........... Co Rolled Oats, Package..........,8c , Trilby Soap,- per cake...... 9c Corn, pef can..................... ,'....0c Apples, per pk...................... 2ce Matches, C boxes................ 2ots Kellog’aCorn Flake.............8o Je iw y Corn Flake .....v ....... lie Tomato Crtlsuip.-....... ,... a ..... . German's Sweet Ohocolale...8c Van camps Vegetable soup ,' per cart,.'„....... !....... ..9c "Walrus Salmon, Best Brand.............."............ 15c Gas Mftntb-s, each ............. 8C A Nice White liandker* chief.................................... Ac Grape Nuts..................... lfl*s The best tea, lb pack age . .l?1-:;*? Heinz PreparedMustard.. 9 o WANTED—*Yon to know We keep a large supply ot canvas gloves and mittens a t a low- price. Also tha t wo will pay 62 cents in trade for nice fresh eggs, J. E*. Waddle G n d * r t i U « i O h i o if f
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