The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 1-26

F o r E w e t a e e O u r J o b Work will compare with th a t of any o th tr firm..... Sfke THIRTY-FIFTH YKAH, NO, 1. 55v!S?3CyS yterald, ibi# Jt«« witfft » * * * # wkk ** f . UcJt; d«nu** tW * year's rnttmcrif*- tiou it J»*t 4w* IMi A fMMIft w t- jienumt it ««*»«*}? #*»<r*d. . . . * CEDARVILLE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3,1013, PRICE, *1.00 A YEAR R. P. Annual Dinner. The Reformed I ’renbyterlan con­ gregation, M ain Street, h e ld their annua l d inner New Y ear’s day , A t 12 o’clock the g rea te r p a rt of the congregation s a t down to * sump tu ­ ous f e a s t’yhlcb a ll h e a rtily enjoyed. A t the close of the dinner on behalf Of tho congregation Dr, W, R. Me* Chesney presented th e pastor, Rev. Mills J , Rxylor w ith a purse of . between $00 and $70, Rev. Tayloi responded in a most appremativt manner. The congregation ap­ preciates Rev. T ay lo r’s- splendid cha rac te r and service?, The annua l business m eetu igof the Sabbath School w ill be held Saturday afternoon a t S o’clock. The election of officers, hearing of reports and .new 'business of im­ portance w ill come up. * AU the mCtribers are urged to ho present. Antioch Ousted FromAssociation, BodyArrives The body of Ambassador W hite- law £teui arrives in New York F ri­ day morning and w}H be taken from tlie B rltjsh warship, convoyed by.- a number of U,‘S, war vessels, •oppo­ s ite G ran t5# Tomb and then to the C a thed ra l of S t. J o h n ’s th e Divine where funeral services will be held S a tu rday . , > 1( ' Mrs. Reid, h e r daugh ter, Mrs. W ard , and son, Ogden Mills, have a rriv ed from London. Mr, and Mrs. Wm f Conley a r r iv e d ' in 'N ew York 1C ity Tuesday bud w en t d irec t fco the Ambassador’s home- where they were received by Mrs, yield. NOTESOF AN OBSERVER. Saun tering over th e streets of the good town o f Cedarville one wm tery aftiemdon—th e tfnge pi iro s t on th e 'snappy ' a ir , %h« cheery; wh istle •of th e locomotive, the busy, stree ts o f the old’town preach’ ,a pleasing set* tingtotfte,Beasoh op good w ill, ; W e observe a team o f decrep it bid horses ju s t relieved from the burden; of RRDVlfllf a heavy* JoadT'oT wood. This sdems to he a dep ressing note in a n otherwise happy. Bpene. I f shobld seem th a t the. good will; flowing ou t to m e n ' should over­ flow h i k indness to helpless c reatu res w ith in o a r power, i t is no kindness to a n unfeeling m a ste r to perm it him. to persisten tly abuse h is m iserable horses. The use— wh ich is abuse—of crippled Old horses m ay be seen occasion&llyin our village. Thera is a ,certa in fe l­ low m otir village w ho -h a s made a p ractice for. years—a s we remember —of* abu s ing a t e a m o f decrepit, crippled old boraeS u n til they sink on to th e ir graves and th is, we -be­ lieve, w ithou t a single p ro te st from the Combiuntity. I s remonstrance offered against such conduct as th e w rite r knew, m e t w ith no encourag­ ing response. W h a t abou t the person Who pu ts these belpleBU creature's in to h is power? f u r th e rm o r e shou ld employers of labo r refuse t* employ such* a wretched team of bo rles and th e ir unfeeling master, i t m igh t rem edy thb sitCiatlbh greatly , “ A righteous m an regardeth th e life of h is beast” declares th e sacred scriptures.’ I t sliobld be expected also th a t be would regard the life of the beast he employs* Should moderate means fail to amend the conduct of offenders a g a in s t humane feeling, s dose of the law m igh t prove beneficial. f t is a Violation of the s ta tu te to p u t a weak, infirm team to labor and em phatically so, to the labo r t h a t * Strong team should perform, Th* w riter is willing to do h is p a rt in the m atte r o f enforcing th is sta tu te , if he has suppo rt from the community, "What is the use of a ttem p ting to beautify our streets, if ou r humane feelings are to be outraged by Such scenes of unfeeling by abiise v isited on helpless creatures th a t have long sine* earned the rig h t to be la id to rest. F ifty centuries la te r—we well copy Into Our communal life the Hebrew poets finishing stroke of thedU o rip tloa of the happp city ♦•That th e re be no ou tcry in ou r These dumb creatures m th e ir p itiab le helplessness cry ou t to us. . . A . M* G* Jbxafr AffiMAnS'-Th# N eh ia Fo r till*** Co., will remove aU «U*a stock immediately, free of charge, Call e ithe r phone. **Jl 3*7-W. Citizens J8f, W* p ay Wo per cwh for. hogs o r sheep, t* fo r horses, I* fo r ca ti le delivered a t th e company’s p lan t. tw i l l operate my soda fountain a ll w in ter With the best of aeda and sundaes. Also h o t choeOlate and bttihbus. Wm* lla rsh a tti College Notes. Prof, Andrew S. Creswell 10 left for Darlington, P a ., Wednesday to resume his school duties. Prof, J . R . F itzpa trick *04 spent his holidays a t home. H e has/re^* tu rned to the University of Penn­ sylvania where he holds a flue pos^ion in the Chem istry’ depa rt­ m en t ■' Miss Florence Cleinans, who was in college last y e a r ,iuid who is teaching nea r Xenia th is year, spent a few days th is week with friends, in Cedarville. ■ Profs. Allen and Lanning, students Carl Duncan, Balph Hofmeister, M argaret E lder, Helen and Ru th Edwards, Grace Shiplefc, Jennie Fullerton, E a r l McClellan and Miss Yea 1 will retu rn Tuesday for college work.. College will opnn Wednesday morning a t 7 o’clock. Tiie address of the morning delivered by Rev . H . C. Foster, pastor of the Presby terian church Clifton, The second semester will open Feb . 4 a t 9:30. Rev. C, M. Ritchie, Ph , j)., pastor o f the Un ited Presbyterian church of Clifton w ill m ake the opening address then. Several n<$w studen ts are expected. Mr. W endall Fo ste r ’18 is serious* ly ill nea r E rie, Pa,, w iy i, tonsotiUgj, Mr.1P o ste r has been ' engage^ dur­ ing th e F a ll in Sabbath School Work in Western Pa., a n d has beon quite successful,- Joseph Finney ’06, Wm, Graham ’&>, W alter Morton ’00, George S tew a rt’07, Carl Marshall »07, Mrs. J . O. Marshall ’07, Leroy Marshall ’07, Fred W illiamson, ’07, . Ju lia Harison ’l l, Horner McMillan '07, and Agnes Stormont ’08 «wero holi­ day visitors In Cedarville, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, has been ousted from membership iq the State College Association a t a meeting dn Columbus la s t F riday and Saturday. The only datum an­ nounced lo r-th is ac tion ,w a s th a t Antioch h^d hot th e required endow­ m en t and sufficient Instructors and the members of the Association voted to drop the institu tion from the list.; A t fcho commencement exercises la st summer P residen t Fess an ­ nounced th a t his g rea test desire to go to congress was to a ttr a c t p a s t ­ ern money to Antioch. Now, th a t he h a s p a rt o f his ambition realized in election all he has to do is to a t ­ tra c t the money* . I Death Of Mrs;Randall. Mrs. Margaret R and a ll, window of the la te Dempster R andall, died Tuesday evening a t S t. Elizabeth- Hospital in Dayton, Several months ago while th e deceased resided on the W . M, Barber fa rm she fell and fractu red a hip and never recovered. She was- born on October 24, 1825 in V irginia and has lived In th is vici- n ity since she was 13 yea rs ot age. Her busbandd ied In 3895. One son, David, resides m the so u th ; Charles Jones, a son-in-law, and Carl Jones, a grand soh, of Dayton, and Law* rence Jones, ano ther grandson, lives in the Phllliplnes and these mourn h e r loss. The funeral w ill be held F rid ay morning from th* M. E , church. B an a l a t Massies Creek cemetery, CHURCH SERVICES. M. E, CHURCH Sunday SohoolfifSO. You should not miss the first les­ sons lo t the yeaii God; creation, man these are sublime themes. Communion Services a t 10:80. Reception of members— Epworth Reague 5:80, Leader— L. B . Sulleoberger. P rayer meeting Wednesday 7:00. Gfiiolal Board meets Tuesday eve* ning a t 7:?0 in Brotherhood room. The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Ran* dall w as held a t the church F riday morning a t 10:00 o’clock, Mrs, R an ­ dall died a t the S t. E lizabeth Hos p ltal Dayton, For many years she was a -member of the M.-E. church. She was past eight-seven years old, K, P, CHUftCHi (Main Street), Teachers meeting S a tu rday a t 7 p. m. ■ Bible School School a t 0:30 a, w* Preaching by the pastor a t 1:30 a. m*... \ ’ C. E< a t 6:30 sub ject: The Ideal Christian. H is Consecration, Preaching by th e pastor a t «:80, Mid-Week P ray e r Service Wed­ nesday a t 7 p* m* CliftonU.P. ChurchChimes, 10131 One y ea r nearer tho eterni­ t y we m ust spend somewhere in weol o r woe. W hether in work o r spo rt ’’Don’t flinch, don’t foul, and h it the line h a rd .” Th© Holy Sp irit d id not exhaust H im self a t the beginning. New Pentecosfs are bending low in the hpavens, looking to r men through whom they can reach tho careless Christians in our churches and tlm unconverted m our neighborhoods, Wo are-trying to find tlie origin of life in the slime of the ocean bed. We are m aking evolution a power Instead of a method, and our vision of the Creator,is veiled fey H is crea­ tion. This day nCedp a religion of which. God is the center—po tm an . Look upknd'tmfc down, Look for­ ward and not .back, Look o u t and not in and lenma hand. ' ■„ ■ William Ferguson will lead the Christian Union Sabbath evening, jtf any one is not getting th e Cod- aryilte H era id with the Clifton U. P . Church Chimes please repo rt to Mr* Collins or the Pastor. Dr. R itchie, who has been visiting In Southern, Illino is his old home, and where he was a pastor fojf fifteen years has returned and will bo in the,pu lp it nex t Sabbath as usual.. MissM ae Oorry who baa scarlet fever a t the County home in Xenia is reported getting along nicely. The Christmas program wen t Off fine: >-two well-loaded trees were much in, evidence. The music too .was inspiring and then San ta Giaus came in to dispense the treat. A hearty vote of thanks is due the decorating committee for th e ir work, Xmas eve. . f Mrs. Joint A, Gregg and son W il­ liam o i Philadelphia -are spending the Holidays a t the Parspnge. The Y, P , 0 , U. presented' the Pastor and fam ily a splendid water­ proof Carriage robe for Christmas, I f you are n o t getting the Men'k Record and M issionary Review, le t Pasto r or Mr. Collins know, X«ma worshipped w ith us la s t Sab­ bath . Mies Ky le has been a, teach­ e r in Cairo E g y p t and will retu rn as a Missionary* Dr. ,B. T. Campbell of Sterling Kansas preached an excellent ser­ mon la s t Sabbath a t the Clifton: church . Dr, Campbell’s boyhood was spent here bu t he had no t v isit­ ed here for 23 years, - The Pasto r and fam ily speut New Year’s a t Mr. A lbert Fergusons and F riday a t Mr. Jns. M. Waddle’s. I t is interesting to note how .much good, the money th a t is spen t for warships would do if i t were spen t for th* betterm en t of civilization* I t is said th a t the ba ttlesh ip F lor­ ida cost six millions of dollars. If this had been spen t fo rih e develop­ ment o f Florida, i t would have built a system of good roads th roughou t the state, drained many swamps, bu ilt a high school m every county founded and endowed a s m any col- legos as the Bfate needs, and founded as many hospitals and lib raries as th e sta te could use. - Recent figures compiled show thap in 87 prominent colleges in th e coun­ try 25 per cen t of the studen ts are Studing to be teachers, 20 per cen t to bo business men, 15 per cent to be lawyers, 6 p*r cen t to doctors and 5 per cen t to be ministers, “ Think o f lt>” . .: ' ■; The great revivalists preached doctrine, constantly, bfeorge W h it­ field was preaching on ” Yo m ust he born again,” ,when .1600 souls were saved. Those men did no t mincp m atters. They spoke of sm and its penalty in burning words. Did Run­ y an s ta r t his pilgrim from some easy, quiet city? H e started him from the City of Destruetlon—from Which every Sinner starts. ^iVhat we need, is to g e t these doctrines hack into our pulpits a n d p ray e r meetings, We m ay well got away from our fine rhet6ric and psycholo­ gy, only, and proclaim the Word of God with power, “ E ve ry promise of Scripture is a w riting ef God, which may bb pleaded before H im w ith thi* rea ­ sonable request: “Do as Thou h a st said .” The b rea to r will no t cheat H is creature who depends upon H is tru th ; and, f a r more, the Heavenly Fa ther will no t break H is word to His own child. “ Remember the Word unto Thy s e rv a n t on which Thou hast casued m e to hope” * is most prevalent, pleading. I t i? a double argument: it is T hy Word, w ilt Thou no t keep it? W hy h a st Thou spoken of i t if TImu w ilt not make It good? Thou h a s t caused me to hope In i t ; w ilt Thou disap­ po in t the hope which Thou ha st Thyself begottoh in me?” D, L. Moody was accustomed to say, “ I t is a g rea t th ing to lead on# ; seal from th# |harkuess of sin into ■ ( tho glorious tU p t of the GoBpcl. i j , believe i f an ajag*l were to wing his way fi<*m ea*t» up to Heaven, and were to say IN * them was one poor, ragged boy, w ithout father or moth­ er, w ith iio o a s to care for him and teach him Hi* way of life; and if God were to ack who among them were willing to some down to this eo rth and Uve hero for fifty years' hail lead ihakono to Jesus Christ, every angel In Heaven would volun­ teer to go, Even Gabriel, who stand s in th* presence of the AH migfity, woul$l *ay, “ L e t me leave my high aud fy&y position,, and lot; mb have tfie.l(i^iry of leading nob ist,” There it no a to b s tho instru* d* of leadlng one klngdoitt of Satari .RfbbijSeavfu,’’;.;"' NewTrials Were Denied. hou I to Jesus greater hone m ea t in Gods person out of’ into theg lou r Autos 1 Under the ! mobiles must of white and stHave ewTags, Prosecutor Johnson for the state, and H a rry Armstrong for the de- fendedt, Isaac Wisterman, appeared in Mayor B u ll’s .c o u rt Tuesday to argue the motion for- new tria ls in tlie cases where the defendenf'had been found gu ilty of keeping a place and selling liquor without a per- scription. The Mayor overruled the motion and assessed the following fines; Keeping a place $300; keeping a place, second charge ‘bp .resu lt of second raid |200. Five charges to r sale* to George Shmgiedccker; a t various times, $926; two charges bn sales to Roy Matthews, 4476; one to Marion Buchanan, |2E0 ;. ^Robert TayJgr, f300, . The to tal amount of the fines is $2,460; the costs in the cases to date 4119,35. Bond was fixed a t 42,6Q0 \yhioh must be Signed beiore appeal to, a‘high court can be obtained. ii owners of auto* the hew lftI3 tag -root! as issued by the automobil^'department, o f t h o , ' secretary .ot at ' Lostyearthd foapartm en t was un-' able to furnish^Sgsitod aft extensiofi of twenty dayw)tofcer Jtf>e first, waj granted bu tth&wR I not. be nece^- oary th is y ea r uStt th e peace officers are reguested to see th a t the law is enforced and autuista not having tlie new tags to be placed under a<- rest,. ; '■ ’• ‘l ' ? Car owners tM u sec th e need of filing their app%hitionaAt once for th is will be tbe jOttiy way machines can be used on jpf^'fiigbways; Clifton Girl Returns Home. NewS’ i c h v ' j - v v -4 Installed. SlissEllaKnotfc, of near Clifton,- known to m any here, has returned from a. two years stay in South Da­ ko ta where she h a s /ta k e n up a homestead claim of 160 acres i n tho Cheyenne Ind ian Reseryfetion. Fo r 19 mon ths Mias Emott occupied a cabin alone though a brother, Peter Knott, was located, on a claim ad ­ joining. -Paul, ano ther brother, wax located three miles distant*,,Miss Knott and her brother, P e te r ,' have proven their claim and have 3Q6 acrestof ilne Corn and a lfa lfa land. NOTICE The Exchange Bank Cedarville, Ohio Haying opened a new Saving Department last January, and having added many new Depositors and increased the volume of business tnthe-ir commercial department, are pleased to make the following announcement: On and After J a n u a ry 1st, 1913. 4 Per Cent Will be Paid on Savings from $1.00 up. "I - ■, All patrons holding time Certificates and SavingPass Books will please bring them to this Bank on or after J; unary 1st, and receive credit for interest accured; otherwise they will continue to receive the same rate of interest as heretofore paid. ' In sympathy with, the season, we thank our friends and numsrous customers for their continued confidence shown us in the past, which has enabled us to .pass through a very prosperous year. Wo respectfully solicit a'continuance of your patronage, and promise to all new depositors the same courteous service a* given all in,the past, consistent with conservative sound banking, - The Exchange Bank jt Cedarville, Ohio ,1 ‘ 1 *( \ _ . ij .•”* 1* , * • . ‘/„ ’l •’; \ 1 Resources and Responsibility Over $ 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 )0 Subject to Examination and Regulation by Stkte=Banktog Department f , , - of tlie State of Ohio. > T|m Cedarvil ny lias ju st had drop switoh’to The new board e ra E lectrm ■ a ll 'the lsde*ti old board^bad b. .cbmjnin; j*Dsl«pib®«* Gfnfipa- I s d if new 880 cetumge* m ... Mr. artd M rs.’ Anderson, Cp|l' have received the anpottUe th e marDage of their L rn a OolUtrs,"daugh te r Mrs* J , H a le Gotfir " " " CM oh ,to. R ev .., w : Of 0* G. Smith* Caohier. ' ........... i- *« #1 THU 4 - J ‘ 'W r; p+t CARD OF THANKS. been toaobing a t Ottumwa, Iowa. The m any friends of the b ride and groom, e x te n d . them their , best wishes in th e ir new life., ,. We desire to thank the friends, and neighbors to r th e ir kiiudness du ring th e . sickness and death oi our mother* Mrs. RLtonour, Thomas Field and fam ily. C l o t h e s of CLEANED a t all kinds DRY TRY OUR IOB PRINTING HbME Clothing Co.’ The Choicest Styles! The Biggest Assortment! The BestValues! ASalePositivelyWithoutAuEqual! ■ '••£'*■ . . *•w 1 ^ ■; ,r* , . 5. . ^..^3 ’*If *. ■». ’" This, is tiie season of Sales. Merchants everywhere are closing out the remnants of their Fall and Winter. % atock; odds and ends left from a season^ selling—with us the case is different. Our Mr. S. Margolis and a corps of buyers spent tho last two week* of November scouring New York for merchandise for this sale. The object was to offer to the Dayton public not the odds and end usually offered a t this time of the year, bu t practically a hew Winter stock consisting of the very latest Winter Models and most wanted fabrics m Ready-to-Wear Garments arid the best number in the various other lines we handle. The tremendous bus­ iness, we were doing this Fall and Winter convinced us tha t very little bf our stocks would be leftover when January 1st came. Realizing th a t merchants as a rule had ceased their buying of Winter goods when these purchases were about to be made, we knew we could go to the 40 or more manufacturers whom we had in mind and practically dictate the price for their tiiercharidise. How well these buyers sncceeded we want YOtT to judge," We will say, however, • Never in Dayton 's History was such a Complete S tock o f Desir­ able Merchandise Offered a t Such Tremendous Reductions! Sale S tarts Thursday A. M., January and, at 8 O 'c lo ck -Com e Pre* pared to See the B iggest Values of Your Life—And Better Still, G e t Them! i 28 and 30 E a s t Fifth Street, Dayton, Ohio. VERY POOR COP/