The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 1-26

MlMplN Wm#wew*9#eeia**r$s3 t'smmdm&m ( kW Good News For You Our January Clearing Sale Pa ices w il l ho ld g o o d until T U E S D A Y N IG H T , F E B R U A R Y 4 th, up to that time you can buy 25 lb Sack Standard Granulated Sugar fo r .......... $1.25 3-25c Packages National Biscuit Company’s Cakes f o r . . . , . , . ............................. ................................ ; .25c 1 - j T'-mmrn MfHM acj*s* 3-10c Sack Corn Meal f o r . . . . . >..................... . . . . . . 25c 3-10c Packages Mother’s Oats f o r . ................. .. . 25 c 3 Bars Lenox Soap for, * ..................... 10c Canned Corn (extra good) per can .............................. 5 c 1 lb Can R oya l Baking Powder fo r ..................... .... . 45 c CALICOS (Best brands only) per y a r d , . . . . . . . . 5 1-2 GINGHAMS (Apron Check 7 1-2 grade) per yd . .5 1-2 MUSLIN (Hill Bleached worth l i e ) per y d ......... 8 1-2 Women’s Coats and Suits Men’s Overcoats and Suits Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes At Sacrifice Prices WANTED~-Butter and Eggs. WE WILL RAY YOU 25 to 28c per lb for Butter* , 23c per dozen for Eggs in trade only BR ING U S YOUR S U R P LU S \ several ucsirablo pieces of town ;| LOCAL AND PERSONAL ■ * j -------------— ■ —(to to 0. M. Ridgvmys and get tfi a Jorge Kidney Piaster for your ® backache, ' •• Wine of Cardiff, 70o At Wfsterman’ fi. E AR .A NC E l Mr. I). H. McFarland visited Dayton tlio first of the wceffT m Mrs. Win. Marshall with a sprained ankle. is suffering R»v. II.0. Foster; of Clifton,- who ; Walter, son ofDr. and Mrs. J. W. went to Erie, Pa., to ae<*nmjtnuy his j Dixox, who lias been .having scarlet son, Wendall, homo after a long ■fever, irf now aide to ho np and about sickness with torsilitis, has turned. The many Mends ol Wen-1 ------------------ > dall will bo pleased to know that he i Mr. Frank Welchhans and wifo of '■ Isgreatly improved,- Mammoth Store Mr. Hugh Grindle and wife enter- ifained the feliowing persons .at dinner Sabbath: Mr. M. Whalen, Springfield, Ruby and LIUe Hall, of Clifton, Mr. and Mrs. / Hugh Marshall and Mr, Fred Marshall and Miss Pauline Grindle, Springfield were guests of Mr. and f Mrs. (i» M. Crouse over Sabbath. IMi tor J, N. Wolford, wife and daughter, of Yellow Springs were guests o f the former’s parents, Mr. ami Mrs. J. II. Wolford, Sabbath. ‘ f t Miss Mae Corey, of near Clifton, who lias been siclc with .scarlet fever has fully recovered and has returned to her position at the County Children’ s Home, Mr, George Jeffrey resigned' his position at the paper 'mill and has accepted a position as engineer at, (lie shoe factory in Xenia, He -will reside in Xenlft id ilie hear future. The Pennsylvania Bail road Com­ pany Inis .'just- completed a new' station in South Charleston. A riu port iS given out that the company is already having plans .-drawn for a new station in Mania. There seems to be bo indication .when CedarvilJe will have the honor ot having a decent depot. Congressman Denver has secured on appropriation of $70,000-for site and a government building in his home town, Wilmington^. Xenia’s money will soon, be .'available. The site was purchased two years ago at the corner of Collier' and Main streets. The next nuukier on the Cedar- viite Citizens’ Lecture Course is Miss Margaret Stahl. The date js Monday, Feh. 10, at eight o’ clock p m. The plat for this number will open:atMoh..son s bn Friday, Feb. 7 , at two p. m. Single admission is 85 cents. A ticket for the remaining three rmmb< r on tlj^-conrse may be purchased for Foments. Winter Footwear « i Mrs. S. C. Wright was at home Tuesday afternoon to the members of the Home Culture Club. • ff you are- eontemplating the purchase of any nursery stock for spring planting you should see \V. P. Anderson, before giving your orders. . He represents one of the most reliable; nurseries in the county located at Newark, N. Y. Call him ,by phone. k Starts Friday, January 31,1913 $ 8 ' MI and lasts during all the month of February, THIS IS THE SALE OF FOOTWEAR YOU CAN ALWAYS GET BIG BARGAINS IN F o o t w e a r . I 5 TRY OUR JOB PRINTING M AnExcelsiorWill DoIt How much seed do you sow to the acre? Most farmers that haven’ t an EXCELSIOR Alfalfa and Clover Drill use 15 to 20 pounds to the acre. Farmers that have operated an EXCELSIOR generally buy 6 to 9 pounds of seed' and secure a good " catch, because ALL of the seed, is put IN the ground, evenly, accurately and not too deep, and in furrows only 4 inches apart, thds insuring a maximum tonnage to the acre. Your yield of wheat will be increased also from 3 to 7 bushels to the acre through proper cultivation. The discs on an EXCELSIOR are turned to a very slight angle, no damage done to the tender tap roots o ffb e a t or timothyThants. The Original and only practical drill. Call and see us. Look the EXCELSIOR over, you will then understand why it will to purchase now* C. N. STUCKEY & SON General Agents, Cedarville, ‘ Ohio. The college basket ball teams, both boys and girls came home Thursday night. from "Wilmington with colors fiyingfand jubilant over j on to Vermont for,a.visit with rela- two well earned victories.. ,THe boys' tive. Word was received from Phil* Mrs. .Jlimes McMillan and daugh­ ter, Mary, of Columbus, attended a birthday dinner last Friday in honor of the former’s father, Mr. Alex. Turnbull.' ■ D, Brndfpto & Sou shipped haven head of cattle from the iainoos Meadow Jfrbok herd to 33," K. Ben­ jamin at Barnurdstownl Mass , sev­ eral days ago- Herdsman Phillips accompanied the eatfclb and will go m ■. 'M m i NOTICETHEFOLLOWINGATTRACTIVEPRICES | ------ -----------— ----------------------------------— t « 1 won by a score of 20 to 30 and the girls by (i tt 20 , The Wilmington boysplay here’ next Friday night,, and an exeit ing gamers assured. / —Choice Plymouth ltock cock­ erels for sale- Gall soon. 3t W. H. CreswolL Oysters 30 cents a, quart, celery, fruits, dates and outs of all kinds, . . . Win* Marshall A vote is now being taken by 80000 union fireman on all railroads in the Eastern division as to aBtrike. As the Pennsylvania lines are affected it may be that service through here will be crippled in ease of"a walkout. It. isn’ t likely that the e n g i n e e r s would serve with ■non-union firemen (ut f the Whole service- would be two np. Only a few months ago the engineers voted to strike but the matter was adjusted between the un.qn and railroad officials. lips Tuesday stating that the train had been wrecked but that none of the cattle had been Injured. I ’o\ i 1 1 SPECIAL $1.65 200 Pairs of Ladies’ and grow­ ing Girls’ Siioes, m Gun Metal, Patent and 'Vici Kid. High, and Regular Heights. All sizes, 22 s to 8 . These Shoes'are worth..from $2.00 to $4/00. SPECIAL . 99c 50 Pairs Ladies’ ■ ’ Shoe’s, ' all ' sizes, but narrow widths. , Values from. $2.00 to $3.50. SPECIAL ' I- 49c ' •' / t ■ •' J00 Pairs Ladies’ -Diamond 75c Grade Storm and Low ''Rubbers- All sizes to .8 A genuine bargain. Mis. Annetth.Harbison has re­ ceived word of the serious flipess of her sister, Mrs. Howard.Jamison of Cannon Oily, Oolo>, who is suffering with pneumonia;. Mr. Al JSiner, the village marshal In Jamestown, is - the victim of diph theria and has b’een in a very serious condition though thought to be better at this time* — The Watt, and Foust Buroc Brood sow sale takes place at Cedar Vale Farm, Tuesday, Feh. 4,. at 1;0G o’ clock. Dr. Isaac Wistennan, through his attorney, who was found guilty of |selling liquor for medical purposes i without perscriptionsand with keep- i ing a place has filed a motion m the I common pleas court for eleven pet'l- i tions. in error, Judge Kyle sustained ’l’he Wednesday Afternoon Club I *- 6 ®motions was entertained this week at the home of Mrs, W. B. Stevenson* I will operate my soda fountain all winter with’ the heat of soda and sundaes. Also hot chocolate and bulions* Win. Marshall) I will sell at the Watt & Foust sale, Cedar Valo farm, Tuesday, Feb. 4, two head of Polled Durham / . Miss Mattie Marshall, daughter ot Mr, and Mrs. John Marshall, was operated upon last. Saturday In a Xenia hospital for appendicitis Thu operation was a success and re^ ports iudieate her early recovery. ThuCollege Basket Ball team met defeatlast Friday night at Alford Memorial whenMuskingum .defeat* «d them by a score of 52 to 2 i. The cattle, one Registered bull, two yrs. j visiting team was exceedingly fast old and a registered cow, 4 yre old. this year. 2t It. L. Hlxon. SHOE , POLISHES 8c Kimo 25c Dad French Gloss Kimo 15c Shinola Star 2 in I Oil Paste Velvet Oil $3.45 Wo are selling at tins price Ladies’. Regal $4.b0 Shoes in Patent, Gun Metal and Tan. Our $4,50 Tan Box Calf, Our $1.50 Tan Suedes. Our $4,60.. Black Suades. $2.95 At-tins price you can, find our $1.00,' $3.75 and $3.50Ladies'Shoes m Gun M«/tal, Patent Tan, Velvet and Vici Kid. H, 15,' and 10 Button. ’ $2.45 For our $3.00 ond $3 50 Ladies’ Shoes ~t in Velvet, Tan, Giijm Metal and Vici Kid, *n 14, 15and 18Button* $1.95 t £ I If II For our $2.75, $2.50 and$2,25Ladies' Shoes ,, in Gun Metal-,' Patent or Vici Kid. Button or-Blucher. I V i Men’s High Cut Shoes at a Big: Discount $6,00 AND $5,30, 17 AND 13 INCH HEIGHTS.... $4 50, 12 INCH HEIGHTS ....... ............ i . .Men’s Regal $i Russia Calf, Bluchers. $4.45 $3.45 $4.00, $3.75 AND $3.50 10 INCH HEIGHTS.. $3 00 . 30INCH HEIGHTS................ $4.20 4 70 Gun Metal, Button or $3.95 Men’s Regal and Holland Tan Lotus Calf and Gun Metal. $4.50 Grade. Button or Blucher, $3.65 Men's ReCal and Holland $1.26 and $4.00 Gun Metal, Russia Calf, Button or Blucher* $2.95 Men’ s E. or Gun Blucher. & J. $3.50 Grade Tan Meta), Button or $2.95 $2.45 | $2.65 Men’ s $3.00 Grade in. Tan or Gun Metal,Button or Blucher. $1.95 I V I I Men’ s $2.50 and $2.26 Grade,, Tan or Gun Metal, Button or Blucher. I $1.49 50 Pairs Boys’ High and Regular cut Shoes worth $2.00 to $ 3 . 00 , Great Reduction Winter Suits and Coats Many Suits at Half Price Fine lime to buy—winter just commenced. No old goods among these* Hutchison &Gibney XENIA, OHIO. •S Win. Pearl, Xenia, died Monday as the result of a gunshot wound in the abdomen alleged to have been _ done by Ike Smith, the proprietor i of an alleged blind tiger. Smith 1 claims that Pearl wanted whlskeyl and ho refused to sell to him* Later he found him trying to gain entrance to tho building and he drew a gun an shot him. Smith is held on a murder charge. Misses’ and Children’ s High Patent, Tan or Gun Metal. $2.5ffGrades $2,25 Grades s Mrs. J. t\ Barber was called to SmlUB Center, N. Y „ Monday, by the sndden death oi her sister, M-sh. William H. Weblor, after an illness of only a few hours, Mrs. Webier was about 43 years of age and was the daughter of Leonard and Rebec* ca Lefurgy Hood* Besides her hus­ band she leaves tt daughter at home and one sister, Mrs* J. O,. Bttrber of this place. The deceased was a member or the Presbyterian church of Sodus Center, ' $ 2.00 Grail es $1.50 Grades —Piorenco Smith and Robert Smith will represent tho Curtis Pub­ lishing Company hero for tho Coun­ try Gentlemen, Ladies Home Jour­ nal and Saturday Evening Post. Give your order to them. I I I K‘ Cut Shoes, $2.15 $1.95 $1.65. .$1.45 $ 1.20 10- Pairs Child’ s Sizes, Black and velvet top 98c Forner Price, $3,26 to $2.00. 2 to 8 in red, Jockey Boots. Misses’ aud Children’s Regular. Cut Shoes* Patent, Vici Kid and Gun Metal. $2.00 Grade I $1.75 Grades A 1.50 Grades $1.25 Grad > h $t.00 Grades $1.75 8 $1.45 1 $1.25 | $ 1.00 § .. 75c I No* ro South Detroit Street, Right Side of Street, X EN IA , OHIO S ptiMNN lAMnlM nmm Mrs. Matt Rasorand Mrs. Pierce, of London, spent Wednesday with Mrs. R. F. Kerr. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children, ThoKindYouHateAlwaysBought Bears the. Signature of OtreeQHfjt. hiT«oB*yi, To Cure a Coldln One Day Take L a K tt iV O B fO lR O To lile ti, rn mmy Wontmm *oM{apart 12 month*. _ TM l lo ibd lth