The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 1-26

% M mz M am POT TOTO m m v 'OTo w®m , i LOCAL AND PERSONAL j -■Win* of Cardiff, 7Qo> At WMerruan’s. —liemambor Hviizman for fruita Mis* WJIh*!MJin* Mitray, of Lon* ( ........ day* T o* B alwi - S ow and three pig*, j J*m«sGillMpl«,on the Ed Baney 1farm. „ Call us for prices on sugar by 100 lbs, Waddle’s Grocery. a . houe Money that Isn’t onfcat interest and WORKING Is flbt doing the owner m«el> good. Money deposited with us W0KR8 and draw* interest. One of these days you will want to' buy a homo. A saving* account with us will help you and It you haven’ t all the niQosy you need, w#(will loan yon the balance. The CedarviUe Building& Loan'Association Incorporated for................ $ 2 0 0 , 000 ,00 S ubsc ribed S to p k ...... ........$ 1 1 0 ,9 0 0 ,0 0 ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS W. j . Tarbox, President David Bradfnte, Vipe-Pres. J. W. Dbcqn W. H. Barber 0. M. Crouse ' W, A. Ppencer B. S3, McFarland* W- M. Cottrell * • Andrew Jackson, Secretary. PARCELS POST BULLETIN DON’T WAIT till you go to town to get your Drugs, let us know your wapts either by Telephone or Mail and . it will bo de- livered to you the next day by Parcel Post, and at otfr regulat OutprJce*. Ourguarantee Is absolute satisfaction In every parley lai 25o Carter’ sLiver Pills..... .... „15t 25c Porous Plasters..-..,.':....;.........46< Quinine Pills, o r . 100 Iron Pills, or 100 Aaafetida Pills, or 100 Cascara Pills, or ■100Cathartic Pills, or 100. Calomel Tablets 75c Rubber Gloves For ' ■ 50c Doan's Kidney Pills........,„4lk 25u Biomo Quinine.,..,.......... 20t 256 Laxative Cold Tablets.....20: 250-Antt-Pain P ijlg ....;...... lfl< 25o Carjbolie Salve................... 10< 50c DeWitt's Kidney Pills,....401 Our best Kidney Pills, 100 ft)r„50 25c King’s New Life Pills...... 20c 5Qo Dyspepsia Tablets... 4 ounces Gum Camphor......... 20i 25c .Box Charcoal Tablets.....,.18< 4 dozen Migraine Tablets—... 25t 100Phenolax Wafers___ _____35c 25c Sal Hepatica...',....... .......... 20c* 1 pound SodiumPhosphate.......:20c- 25c Bromo Seltzer............... ,,...20i 25c Jar Cold Cream... .......... 20* Pure Castle Soap, per l b ..........2bt -250Tooth Paste, any kind....... 20. 256Talcum powders,anyjkind,.lf c ' $1,50Fountain Syringe*.........$1.20 $1.00 Plot Water Bottles ....78c Money Refunded On Anything Not Satisfactory o re * Represented O p e n i n g D a y s Thursday, March l F r i d a y , - M a r c h " ’ y t t r 0 S a t u r d a y , „ M a r c h 8 t k ( * / * % You are Cordially Invited S IN Z Steel B ldg. Xenia, Ohio* I F qr B a l i T**mbaymares, aged 7 and h, weight 1400, both in foal j and good worker*, it head Delaine : ewes that lamb in April, . =■ A* O. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. J). S. Ervin went to Cincinnati Tuesday morning, Mr. ErvliVreturiffngthat.evening. MinaBelle Middleton, of Yellow Springs, 1*the guest o f MI bs Char, lotte Siegler, . Mr- Ed. Litter, who had intended moving to JeffftMonyilJe, has slianged bis plana ancl has moved. Into the Boyce property on South Main street, thin place. Mr; W, B. Kelso has moved to a farm . recently purchased near Springfield on the Jackson road, V Try Ohio, Btate Sugar Corn, 4 cans 25 cents. Waddle’ s Grocery, -Mr. Casper Heltzman took charge of tile Marshall frnltstore Saturday, Mr.TIeitzman will carry a full line of fruits and Vegetables In season. F or S ale ;—Two sheds one 12x S6- Another 15 x 35.- Inquire o f . 2t George H, Smith. Mr, Ralph Wolford, who has been employed' In the capacity of draughtman311 the office of the C. ,W*. Raymond Company, Dayton, manufacturer# of clay working ma­ chinery, has resigned that' position and accepted a similar one with an­ other company in Bucyrns, 0. - Mr, Walter C. Rickey and Mande Mathew, Gladstone, were married Saturday morpmg at the home oi dev, O, P, Hoffman, Xenia. The irido and groom will reside in the -rest portion-of tfap Milburn prop­ erty, Cedar street, .thiB place. - —Wine of Catdui, 7Qe. At Wlsterman’ Si Mr. J. O. Barber visited his moth *r, Mrs. Mary Barber, of Spring' field,"who ,is suffering with bear’ 1rouble, Tuesday: WaNTED:^-Stenographer for de­ partment store in Dayton, Inquire >troom 318 XT, B. building, annex, Oayton. ......................... _ Mrs. Mary MoMIchael, o f Xenia, who suffered ft paralytic stroke several days ago is still in a Seldom condition. Tuesday her sons were called-to her bedside but afterwards she rallied and has improved some. Rev.' T. Ef. MoMiChael, president oi Manmoutb college, ltsv.- W» J,, of Ureenaburg, Pa .j Dr. Charles, oi Cleveland add Rev. J, S. R. of. this place. ’ , ; Our.apples and oranges the. best 0 be had. Give'us a call. - * Waddle’ BGrocery, Bird’s Mammoth Store Is under­ going some decorations, painters <aving been busy this w.eek bright- •ninjc np the interior. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Wright enter- allied at dinner Tuesday evening, Bev.W. W. IMF. of Boston,'and Rev, W -.E . Graham and wife, oi Yellow Springs. Mrs. J. E. Kyle,has been called to Seaman, Ohio, by the death -of her ffttle nelce, Thelma Molntire, Who tied Feb. 27, of pneumonia. MOLE WORKS PORING WINTER Little Antmal Keeps Busy Where Ground I*Rot Frozen Too Hard— Hi* etrangth 1* Marvelous. -" Mr, and Mrs. M. C. Nagley and two sons, who were called toMorey- own by the serious Illness of the Iftter’ e mother, returned home Mon- lay,evening. . I F or Satan—First class pheaton. Good rubber tire* Inquire ’ at this office. -Ice cream, fruits, vegetablesand candy at Heltzmans, ‘ The commissioners have re-appointed Mr. O. E. Bradfufe as a member of the County Children’s Home Board for a -period of four years. The Othermembers of the board are A. S. Frazer, M. L. Flnnell and Perry Alexander*. > We are obligated to Mr, J.B . White, Wilmington, for a copy of the Xenia and Greene county di­ rectory. There is a list of district, county, township, municipal And board of education officials of M>s counfjjr. The county directory coai- prisesali tlie taxpayers as taken from the records. The book:Is com­ plete and Will prove very useful. President Patterson of the M, O. R., Dayton, entertained the winners and presented prizes to the boys and girls that took honors in the garden contest. The young folks were giv­ en a banquet that highly pleased the 841 youngsters- We notice in the list of winners the name of Haber Gillaitgh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oillaugh, formerly of this place. , —Order your fruits and’vegetabies of Heltzman and knowthat they are fresh. The auto season will soon be here. ARcady W. L. Olemans baa blos­ somed out with a new five passenger Studebaker purchased through W. L. Marshall A Sons,'Xenia. $ 53 , 000.00 BEING GIVEN AWAY to those who act as the representative of EVERYBODY'S MAGA­ ZINE and THE DELINEATOR—ail in addition t* liberal com* minsiona. Let us show you how j*ou can Secure a Share , simply by forwarding the subscriptions of your iWands and neigh­ bors and oollecting the renewals of our present subscribers.. Try for THIS month’s prizes. There are lots of prizes that can be Won only by pmsons living In towns same a* you own. Write at one# • ■ t o i h # . ftU T T C R lC K P U B L IS H IN G C O M P A N Y BotteHok Building, New York City. - . •niY OUR m PRINTING Mrs, Levi Dean died Thursday at her home In Xenia at the age of 75. j For thirty years the deceased has been a sufferer from rheumatism* I twenty years o f which she was an invalid. The deceased was the daughter of James and Nanoy Spencer andwasborn in thiscounty. Her husband Levi b , D<san died four years ago. Eight sons Burvl&s as follows: James R., of Dayton; H. O , of Govs} J. A., of Xenia; Wil­ liam E,, of Springfield; John WM of Stuttgart, Ark., Frank, Walter L., and Archie, of Xentai Thera are also six surviving brothers and sisters: Thomas A. Spencer, of Xenia; Mrs- Arminta Spencer, of Clinton, Ind.i Dr, F. M. Spencer, of Starling, Kansas; Mrs. R. 0. Finney, of Xenia; Mrs. James Henderson, of CedarvRle, and Mrs. Sue Harper, of Jamestown, The funeral Will take place a $ o’clock Saturday afternoon, and the burial Will be made at Woodland, Dr. Mllee’ Antl-SWIti S*m$ far alt pal# Hand, Foot and NpseofCommon Mole. The strength of these little animals is marvelous. They will heave up the. 'surface of a path trodden so hare that repeated blow* of a pick needed to -break the crust Ordinarily the mole make* his way through the soil aat a root dees, or a stake when driven by the blows of a sledge. The earth Is not excavated, but simply crowded azide. When the ground become* very hard, of coarse, the male 1* obliged to excavate the passageways1and push the loose dirt out through the openings of the roof of hi* tunnel.. The mole keeps at work all through the winter In place*Where the ground Is not frozen too hard. He works more frequently in, the morning and evening. ,Moles do very little harm to the roots of grain, grasses or vegetables, except in pushing the soli aside, and -they live principally on the white grub, earth-worms and beetle*. He thns proves himself to be a -friend to mankind, because grub* are the greatest soonrgea of gras* and other-valuable plant toots, VAtUE OF THE DRlL t SYSTEM Question Most Frequent In DIzous- atone on Wheat Raising It Ah* iwzred by Many Farmers. . (By JU,0. BURNETT.) The value of the drill is the ques­ tion meat frequent, in discussions o» wheat raising. The result* of four years’ tests la Jtowa are found to be 4.2 bushels of winter wheat gain per acre when the grain was drilled, over that which was broadcasted, This, figured -at to cents per bushel, the avenge price of wheat for the time covered W the experiment, shows a balance of ftH> per *w» in favor of drilling. NOTICE! T H 8 G R E E N E C O U N T Y F E R ­ T IL IZ E R O O M ftA N Y * Will remove all dead/animals imme diately, free of charge., * We w iifa lio pay $1.00 per head for horses and $1.66 for cows just as they lay on the ground. Will re- mdVe hogs and sheep free of charge. Both j Bell Phone «*-W . phones JdUHeae* Ebons Kid-Red. All oallz wttzwervd promptly. Manager. a ♦ JOBE, BROTHERS COMPANY X E N IA / OH IO . ■ ANNOUNCES, - . T H E FORMAU OPENING OF THE SPRING SEASON FOR THE DAYS OF MARCH THIRTEENTH TO ' MARCH FIFTEENTH, NINTEEN HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN. . MILLINERY, SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, SILKS, DRESS FABRICS LACES, EMBROIDERIES, NECK WEAR WOMEN’S SHOES X J ,/ • (By T. B. 8CHESFKR.) The mole,' like the pocket gopher, is more or less active at all season* of the year, hut R b|during the rainy period, When. the toll J#moist, that hi# work is pushed, most, vigorously. Shallow raityay* e^titon f*-. tended m.eSliwIfeeSwatf’eaiS #*« mw*3■ way* tejpaii— When a mole make# up it* mind to go in a certain direettewv*10thing but concrete or atone will stop-him. First Shipment OF- Carpets Rugs Linoleums and Oil cloth ■ . also New Coats Suits Waists Embroidery Barg&ins - r-2 Yard wide. , . , . , .T. , ( loc 18 Inches w id e ....... 77 ..,.,,......... 15 c ■ . 2^7 Inches- wtde . ♦"v; 2|}C :■ -■ Hutchison & Gibney XENIA, OHIO. The opinion of farmers in all fart* of the country seoma to he about the same,- when It comes to the value of the drill'. Eidward Defot of Minnesota say*:- ’’Five pecks per acre is the usual quantity sown when the wheat i* drilled, and six peck# broadcast. Hx- : periments seem to Indloate that e larger quantity'o f toed does not in­ crease the yield. I prefer drilling to ■ Z/ff 3 ,0 / V % fir K ■ % THE WEST SIDE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. (Established m 1887) DAYTOK, OHIO. . Has just closed one of the most prosperous years in its history. Havingmade a gain in asset# the last year of $164,000.00 and now has assets of $1,708,000.00making It one of the strongest'finanoial institutions in Southern Ohio, It pay# 5 Par Cent on Stock or Deposits and 4 Per Gent on short time deposito. Loans its funds on First Mortgage on Beal Estate. The best security obtainable. . Booklet mailed on request , Our offices are conveniently located. The Up Town office at the K. E, Corner of Mam and Second Sts., and the Mam office at the B. E. Corner of Third and Williams Sts. A. In Shearer. President. Ohas. Bench, Treasurer J. W. Kreltzer, Attorney, O. S<Biliman, Secretary Dritfed. Broadcast, thowlng Loss of Buahzls OooastOned by Broadosst Saeding. broadcasting, mainly because it place* the seed whet# each kernel will gto minute at once*and there i# absoltt# ly no waste of seed." APennsylvania farmer says; "Drill*' lug proves best here." in Virginia, $0 bushel# per sere ha* been and le being harvested each year from broadcasted seed. in Kentucky drilling Is said to have given f*r better results than broad* casting. . ■■ . . . ■• A Missouri farmer write*: *T pr* fer the drill, as it distributes the seed more uniformly." From North Carolina a farmer writes: *Tf the seed is evenly dis­ tributed we think broadcasting best in the south, as .it keep# down all Other vegetation” •ofentlfio Fact teiAbltehed. A number of rabbits upon whom coffee wastried to determinethe effect of the caffeine it contained died, prov­ ing beyond a doubt that coffee »* v « was Intended as food for rabbit#.—* Louisville Cofirier-Jourflal. THE •* *• Xenia Fertilizer Co. , . c . i ' *■ y Will remove all dead stock immediately free of charge. 60c per 100 lbs. for hogs or sheep. $2.00 per head for^horses and $3.00 per head for cattle will be paid upon delivery at the plant, BOTH PHONES (tall 337 "W Citizens 187 -tiiil(ii.iint»iiii\.ii'iii^M.,iwMi. ■ i ■rrJ;"- r;t--Y;--Tr--t' \V Wm, Byers, the former owner of the plant) is in otmrg* a « general manager. \ t*:zi wsr;