The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 1-26
wiwpifcjpfjt) DIDYOUEVER -<wer^-r»«r*^.o*4'C*<Nrxk ; J tOCAL AND PERSONAL j —Wine of Cardul, ,0e At Wlsteyman’ s, —Remember Heitzman lor fruit# Mrs, Sylvia Kyle of Waldo, (),, is ■the guest of relatives here. stop to realize that the landlord gets'the money while von e*Fth* roeeiiHs? It s a fact isn't It? Why „ot own your own mme’ We help you toward that end and will he only too pleased tn rio so Call and let us Explain how wo can help you own your home. The GedarviHe Building .& Loan Association Incorporated for f ..... .... $ 200 , 000,06 Subscribed Stock..............$126.425,OQ / BOARD OF DIRECTORS W. J . Tarbox, President Bavid Bradfute, Vlce-Pres •J. W. Dixon . W. II. Barber ° ' “ - 9 rouse W .A . tfpeneer B. E. McFarland ' W. M. Cottrell Andrew Jackson, Secretary, Miss Anna Mary McPorkell has been the visiting in Cincinnati for several days. Sell Your Cream -to the- Xenia Creamery Co. XENIA, OHIO Highest market price to the tenth of a pound. Arrange for shipment at once. Cali us by Phone for information or have our representa- tive call. WATT BROS. I So. Detroit St., Xenia, Ohio. A Trade Puller For 30 days beginning March 15, and ending April 15, •you can have one or a dozen of this Sewing Rocker ■ 'for, ' ' 8 5 c I Worth $1.5,0. Exactly like cut except Cobler seat. ■ ' Curtain Stretchier Automatic Self Squaring Curtain Stretcher, opens and closes with.the ease of an umbrella. Curtains stretched on this look right.. J. H. McMillan Furniture Funeral Director GedarviHe, Ohio. PARCELS PdST BULLETIN DON 'T WAIT till you g o t o town to g o t your Drugs, lot us know your wan ts either by Telephone or Mall and It will bo d e livered t o you the next day by ParcOI Rost, and at our regular cu t prices. Our guarantee is absolute satisfaction In every.paricular 25ft Mentholatutn.............. ...... . 20ft 23ft 0*rterrs Silver Bills...... ..... 16e SSo Porous Plasters.................. I6o 60c Boau'e Kidney Pills...........40c 25ft Broino Quinine..;.......20c 25o I*axfttive Cold Tablets..... 20o 25ft Anti-Pain Fills ............ Me 2% Carbolic Salve............. ;18e 6oe JDeWitt’ s Kidney Bills...... 40c Our best Kidney Bills, 100 f»>r..G0e 45c King’s Now Life Bills.......20c, Boo Dyspepsia Tablets........ 40o lettuce*Ou-m Camphor;.-......,20c 25e Box OharcoaT Tablets....... J8c 4 dozen Migraine Tablets.......28c 100 Bhottola* Waiers..... ........JJGe m sa l Hopatica........... ..........-20c 1 pound Sodium Phosphate......20o 45o Bromo Seltzer.....................20c 28« Jar Cold cream................ 20ft Bure Castle Soap, per lb......... *oc 25« Tooth Basts, any kind...... 20e 23c Talcum Powders, any klndi.lBo 41,60 Fountain Syringes...... |l.*o 41,00 Hot Water Bottles....... -M e 10c Quinine Pillff> or 10 O Iron Pilhl, or 100 Aeafefcida Pills, or 100 Cascara Pills, or 100 Cathartio Pills, or 100 Calomel Tablet* 2 5 c 75c Rubber Gloves • - For ^ 4 8 c OnAngina Nofa.,l.l«otoWO,*. —Try one of the “ Really Good” cakes you get,-themat Cooper's Mr, and Mrs. O. E. Bradfute were at home Monday to a number of friends for dinner. „ —Leonard package and bulk garden seeds and onion sets at Nagley Bros. Our apples .and oranges the best to be had, Giye ub a call, Waddle’ s Grocery. FOR SALE!-* Carriage, Har- nass and 1 ton of tlmothyhay. Robt. Bird. Remember the EaBter market, Saturday in the gas office. ; Mr. Hugh Marshall has rented the G. H,. Smith property on North Mam street. • • v .* ■«*■• —Muths Bread bfttter than ever. Get it at Cooper’s the same day it is baked. The Easter market given by the. L. A. S, of the M. E. church will be held in the gas office Saturdry after noon. „ FOR SALE:--Sow and 5 pigs, will sell together or separator Pigs are 10 weeks old. Robt. Bird. Call us for prices on sugar by 100 lbs. Waddle’ s Grocery. Mr. George Jeffries has given up his position as engineer at the XeniajShoe Factory and will move to Dayton. Miss Inez Shepard, assistance at the post office, has been on the sick list for several days. Try Ohio Stale Sugar Corn, 4 cans 25 cents. Waddle’s Grocery. NOTICE*- Wo positively will not show wall paper or carpet at NIGHT'. Bird's Mammoth Store •Mr. John Shepherd has moved to the Kyle farm along the railroad owned by Mr. D. S. Ervin. Mrs, C. N. Stuckey has been Sick for several days but has improved. -Wine of Cardul, 70c AjfcWistsrman’s. Remember tnat the silverware premium is not for a single month. It is open to all purchasers. Those who*have the tea spoons should take advantage of the trading offer and Becure the other seven pieces o f the set. . Nagley Bros. ; F ob S ale :—First class pheaton. Good rubber tire. Inqpfre at this office. SEED POTATOES — Ohio's Rose and Triumphs. ONION SETS—Bast we have aver had. GARDEN SEEDS in Packet and bulk. Bird's Mammoth Store. Mr. Herman Corry, whelms been spending some time with bis father, Mr. Howard Corry at Jamestown, and other relatives in the county, returned to Lethbridge, Canada, Monday evening, - W. B. Bryson & Son recently lost their handsome trotting stallion, Homewood, 2:17^ as a result of dis temper. The horse was valued at 42,000and no insurance. Accumulation was held last Mab- bath between Dfs, Grube of Xenia and Lawrence of Dayton with Dr. Oglesbee as to the condition of the SOUof Mr. and Mrs. O. R.-Lawionce. Mr. M. Marcus, formerly of Xenia has opened a fashionable shop for women’ s toggery on the west side of Main street between- Third And, Fourth streets, Dayton. Of course thaatock Is new throughoutand the very latest fashions, The prices ate In keeping with quality, which ISguaranteed, Give him a call, lb mpm HOLEPROOF HOSIERY for men and- women 26 end 360, DARN SAVER HOSE for men the best 2 for a quarter hose in town. A full line of eolofs to seleot from. Bird’s Mammoth Store* Rev J. 8. E. McMlcbael was called to Xenia this morning t>y the sudden change in bis mother’s con dition, It was thought that Mrs. McMlcbael was Improving but a j change for the worse developed: Thursday evening. - j BIG GASH PRIZES FOR MAKING SOAP •TTxis is a great opportunity for every housewife to test her skill as a soap maker and at the same time win a valuable cash prize. Every woman can enter this contest— it doesn’t cost one cent to try— the conditions are as simple as A B C, W e want to prove to every housewifewho reads this paper, that with the aid of Batiner:Ijye she can make all the soap she needs for her family use—make bet ter soap than she can buy anywhere— make it cheaper, with very little labor and in a very short time. T o the women who send in the best samples of homemade soap in which Banner Lye has been used we will award the following cash prizes this month: l$t Prize $15.00 2nd Prize $10.00 3rdPrize $ 5.00 50 Prizes of $ 1.00 each * / So that every woman who enters this contest has fifty-three, chances to win a cash prize, ranging from $1,00 to $15.00.’ Full directions for making soap are printed on every wrapper of Banner Lye—everycontestant has ailequal chance of winning aprize. After you have made your soap, cut off a small piece, wrap it in the Banner Lye Wrapper, then ina piece of plainpaper, onwhich write your full name and address and mail to The Penn , -ChemicalWorks, Philadelphia, Pa.. All packages must be received by us not later than the last, day of each contest. Every contestant will be refunded 10c—the price of a can of Bonner Lye —whether they wina prize or not. Enter thisgreat" soap-making contest now—it won’ t colt yon anything—, you get a canof lye free—you stand to win acash, prize. G re a te s t M a k e r Is the greatest soap maker on the market. It unites per fectly With fats-and oilsr making a soap that lathers freely, eats Up dirt and grease and destroys germs. * Banner Lye soap, makes hard water soft, saves labor and backaches. If you are not quite ready to boil your fat just now, remember there wilt be two contests, the first one end ing March 31st. the other ending May 31st.‘ Same , amount of prize money will be given away ($80.00) each contest. If you don’t win in first contest, try 4the second contest. Enter the contest soon as possible—if your dealer cannot supply you with Banner Lye, write us. T H E P E N N C H E I H I C U L W O R K S P h i l a d e l p h i a , P a • tPULVERIZl f t j c l T i , , mi. nuuniILkjfa ZWIlADClPtV'1^ Produce wanted at Nagley Bros. . Mr. J. R. O n Is visiting bis son, Rev. J . Alvin Ore and family, of Philadelphia. Borneo Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bum. garner, a daughter, last Friday. Mrs, Ardie Charles of Rowersville Was the guest ol Mr. Leander Teas and wife several days last week. Catsh or trade for smoked meat and lard at Nagley Bros. Mr. T. W. Eveleth of Cythlana, j .Kyv, was aguesfc of bis brother, Mr. [ A. G. EVeletb the first of the week Mrs. Robert Anderson formerly ol Chiton but now of Santa, Aua, Cal., is with her mother, Mrs, Mary Bar ber, Springfield, whole seriously lil with heart trouble. —F o r S A h E Mortised f r ame building, good condition, roofed two years ago." Just tbs thing for bu shed or garage. About 12 L(foot square and 10 feet to the eve. Ap ply at this office for Information. light —F ob sale Sorrel mare, mane and tail, coming 4. (3t) ^ 8. Williu ison. We are agents for the AMERI CAN LADY CORSET and carry a full line of that# at $1.00, $1-60 and $2 .00 each. Blrd’e Mammoth Store* The last basket ball game of the season result In a victory for the college when the Xenia Seminary team was defeated by a score of 21 to 24. A preliminary game betwosn the Freshman girls and Upperclass men resulted in a victory for the latter. v . LINOLEUM — beet kitchen floor covering made. We 2 2 1 -2 end 4 yard* widt E and D qualities. Bird's Mammoth Store* Sh ipm ent — O F — ------- ■ Carpets Rugs Linoleums and O il cloth ‘ i• also New Coats Suits Waists Embroidery Bargains ' • i ■ > 1-2 Yard wide...... !..... ....... ........ioc 18 Inches wide............. .............. v ........l5c 27 Inches wide ................. ............. 25c •> * Hutchison & Gibney XEN IA , OHIO. -/ ; . ... ............................. .........-r-......^............! ....... ...................... ............................. — ...... Rime and Sulphur Solutlcu. 60 r ----------------------------------— . . N N O T I C E ! THE GREENE COUNTY FER TILIZER COMPANY; Will remove all dead animals irnme dlately, free of charge* We will also pay 41.00 per head for horse* and 41.80 for cows just as they lay on the ground. Will re move hogs and sheep free of charge. Both* { Bell Phone 828-W, Phone* I Citizens’ Phone GG8-Red. All calls answered promptly. O h a r m w II wmwc , Manager. gallon Highest test. Mr. S. T, Baker and wife, who have been at Daytonia, Florida, for several weeks returned home Thurs day morning much pleased with their stay in the south.. The weath er has been exceedingly warm of late but a heavy cold rain visited that section, Monday. Mr. Baker reports that the Greene countlans at Daytonia are in good health. . 4> $100 Reward* $100* Die rtsdgra of this paper will be plsate- *olearn thlt there Is at least one dreadafl AUwiSethat Sciencehas beanable to etiralo all Its stage* and that is C*tanh. R$1’S Aterrh CoreIs the only positive antenow ’ known to the medical frlWrrdty. Ostarifc bfttog a constitutional disease,- requires a ocmtiitutkmal treatment. Hall’s Catarrh OnesUtaken internally, anting directly up «ti the blqodand mucotwanmoea of system thereby deetVorlng the foundation of the dJAMfee, andgiving the patient strength by kbkdlrigupthe coniftittitidn and shifting nature in doing Its work, The proprietor! Mte somoth mlth In ita ctflWlve ikww*, hat they dfler SheHdfcdriMMoke forany gWfttbatU (MIS to eare, MtWdIfcflrXhitxt Addtile, F. J. OIIFRRY.AOo. Tokd* 0 . * £ ’* F * * e% FUle mm tU tweiL Daytwbtt TinBistStiris . is Mi* Coipltti Stscks tfu b M a rh U a y .T)autpn X -^C dciu O ily OaytMhasUp- To-Thi-Misate Styles Right Pficts Wednesday—Suburban Day-" In Dayton s 1 A ll Dayton merchants are offering special inducements to Suburban customers to SHOP IN DAYTON - IT W ILL PAY YOU Fine Hotels and TheatrOs Meet your friends in Dayton. TR Y OUR JOB PRINTING
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