The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 1-26

V P t iiSeitiM. M .fa r -v - ANNOUNCEMENT! 5 - W e tletjir# to uunoimee that we have taken the agency of the Victor Ladies* Tailoring Co., Chicago, manufacturers of stylish and well fitting Suits, Cloaks, Dresses and Skirts. Individual measurements taken for style and material of your selection. I t will cost you nothing to (look over the line whether you wish to buy or not. - Prompt Service, Perfect' Fit and Satis* faction Guaranteed at Prices always the .lowest. Miss Bernice Northup Cedarville* Ohio. % LUSTR WILL CHANGE ANY WORN AND COMMON OLD FLOOR " TO A HIGHLY POLISHED FINISH THAT ENDURES ; , a Done Almost Insfamtaneoiisly | SO SIMPLE SO INEXPENSIVE S ' - ’ ’ ■ F O R 6 A U R B Y fjj KERR & HASTINGS BROS. THE W EST S ID E BUILDING & LOAN ASSOC IATION. $ . l (Established ir« J887) * DAYTON. OHIO. Has just closed one o f the most prosperous years In its history. .Havingmade a gaiu in assets the last year of $164,000.00 and now has assets o f $1,703^00.00 malting it ono of the. strongest,financial "institutions m Southern Ohio. ltp a y s5P e r Cent on. Stock or Deposits and 4 Par Contort short time doposito. * Loans its funds on First Mortgage on Beal Estate.. The best security obtainable.' • , Booklet malledon request Our offices are conveniently located. The Dp Town office at the N. E , Corner of Mam and Second Sts., and the Main office at the S. E: Corner of'Third and Williams Sts, /Ai I j . Shearer. President. Chas. Bench, Treasurer / J . W . Kreltzor, Attorney! O. S. Biilman, Secretary ONE SACK of Universal Portland Cement nseJ in ^concrete work will cause you to ask for metre. There are many brands of Portland cement on the market . —we handle Universal because we know *5t will give our ci:r.ionicrs satisfactionbecause we know that millions of tune!# are used in important concrete work all .over the country) because it conies to us with a guarantee of the highest quality, LET US TALK wkh you about your building material requirements. TARBOX LUMBER CO Th i* Month** Butterick Pattern* 10c and IS c — none higher. 3 0 D A Y S F R E E T R I A L IA vm httt ’' •AVJC* UMKJff THfi W iz a r d f ir e l e s £ c o o k in g j s s j fm ttt&^QST WONDERFUL COOKING UTENSIL OF THE AGE. THE TIRELESS WIZARD The Wkaxd/glmesa Cooking Kettle combines the advantage* of the expensive firelee* cookers and the common cooking kettle, and give# you a simple insulated kettle requiring no soajggpne orOther heaters. You do not have to transfer the Wizard to fcbig cumber­ some box. All you have to do is to put the food to be cooked in the Wizard. The Wizard 3 or the rest. The Wizard is a'wonder- The principle is a scientific fact. It is the last word in tireless cookery. Any method of retaining heat at cooking temperature will do the work. Why bother with expensive devices T Get the Wizard. It does not cost much,' It is insulated with ground mica, A non­ conductor. Nothing can injure it. ‘ ----- 51— ""•* f— ,-i*------— - - ** * 5 0 V E S HOUR o r FUEL COS It is sanitary. The insulation will not decay. It will not pack down. Always ready to use. HOWARD WILCOX, Upward Wilcox, who has been nom­ inated to. drive the Fox Special in Um third annual 500-mile International SwepBtakes Racd at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 30, Is an Wdl- -tShapolia man, who has been driving racing cars ever since he was a young boy in , short trousers. He won the first race he ran, which was the Five- mile* Southern championship at New Orleans In 1909. He hOlda the world’s record for the stock chassis beach straightaway mile, -which he lowered to 40.32 seconds. He also holds the record far the five-uille heach cham­ pionship which he made over the At­ lantic Pablo course in 3:56:32. Wil­ cox is generally known throughout the racing fraternity as “Handsome How­ dy" ' EUROPESENDSCARS INTEREST IS AROUSED OVER EN­ TRY OF FOREIGN RECORD BREAKERS. Famous Drivers to be Seen at .'Indi­ anapolis^ Speedway on May 30. For the first tipie in the history -of American, automobile racing, several of the greatest European cars will face the starter at the. beginning of the third annual 500-mile International Sweepstakes race at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 30. Foreign cars have been seen in this country before, hut they were not the cars which have made the. Sensational rec­ ords abrodd. However, with the en­ trance of an English Sunbeam and two French Peygeois, matteak Item-taken, another ’-turn, for 'these cars are the ■ones which have distinguished them­ selves both on the Brookflelds ‘ track; in England, and in the great French Grand Prix race. It has long been the desire o f the Indianapolis Speedway management to have these cars represented in the 500-mile race, and last autumn Charles W. Sadwick,' director‘of events at the Speedway, went to Europe in order to interest the-European manufactur­ ers iin the great American event.'After leaving. Indianapolis .Mr. Sedwick spent several days In New York where -he nought the-advfee-of-men-who had an intimate knowledge of European automobile affairs. When he told them that he hoped to arouke the in­ terest of the Sunbeam and the Peu­ geot Company in the Indianapolis race, and that he desired to induce them to enter their- cars be was -laughed at. ’ . “Don’t you know,’*said one automo­ bile authority,, “ that you are not the first man to go to Europe on such a mission as this? Why, practically ev­ ery race association in the country has made an effort to secure Sunbeam and Peugeot entries, but they have never succeeded. 1 would advise you to save your time and your boat .fare, for I know it will not be long until you are back In New York, and that you will tell me that I Was right.’’ But Charles W. Sedwick. was too enthusiastic over his project to let such advice as this dampen his ar­ dor. "You may be right,” be told his well meaning friend, “aud if L find that you arc I shall be perfectly will­ ing to acknowledge it, hut I am going to try anyway, and then If I fail I will at least have the.eatlsfacton of know- lng that I have done my best.” He proceeded on his way and ftp sooner had he arrived in Europe than be sought out the heads of the great concerns which manufacture the most celebrated of the European cars. He went to them In a direct and business­ like way. He told them o f the Speed­ way and showed them photographs of. it, and be gave them an awful sur­ prise, for the average European can not imagine that there Is a track in the world which is greater than the track at Brookflelds. Mr. Sedwick proved definitely that faster time could be made on the -Indianapolis Motor Speedway than could be made at Brookflelds, and that by entering the GOO-mfie race on May 30, the Euro­ pean manufacturer would have the opportunity 'to pit his cars against the very host cars manufactured In Amer­ ica, and that the European drivers would be able to match their skill and science against the skill and science of the American ‘veterans. It did not take long for the foreign manufacturers to see the logic of Mr, Sedwick’s arguments, and when, at the end o f thirty days Mr, Sedwick sailed for New York again, he had been given the practical assurance that both the Sunbeam and the Peu­ geot factories would begin building cars which Would measure up to the technical standard required for the In­ dianapolis race. Word has been re­ ceived that the car has been completed and is showing up splendidly in the tests which are being made of it. It is now ready for the driver who will bring It to America, and that driver, by the way, is no less a man than the veteran Frenchman, Guyot, who has won more honors than any other driv­ er in Europe and who is an aviator as well as a motmist. The Peugeot company, have also sent their forma] entry papers the cars they send will h* driven by Goux and Zucarelli, both of whom rank among the great driver* Of the world, .. I T W I L L C O O K Oat Meal, Breakfast Food, Boiled Rice, Barley Mush, Rice, Cream o f Wheat, Vitos, Cracked Wheat^ Gra­ ham Mush, Postiim Cereal, Stbck, Spilt Tea Soup, Mut­ ton Broth, Chicken Soup, Vegetable. Soup, Corn Soup, Mock Turtle Soup, Chicken Broth, Lentil Soup, Roast Beef, Roast, .Veal, Roast’ Pork, Pork Tenderloin^ F r e sh Pork andSauerkraut, Roast Lamb, Roast Chicken, Boiled Befcf, Veal Rolls, Veal Curry, Beef Stew, Corned Beef, Pot- Roast, Stuffed Steak, Boiled Ham,. Stuffed Heart, Sweet Bread*, Reel Lbafj Corn/ Parsnif)*, Potatoes, Toma­ toes*, Onions, Cabbage, Sau­ erkraut,' Macaron i,. Spa­ ghetti, Oyster*, Pish, and a thousand other' good things to eat. Thinkwhat theWizard 'does, : - ^ . Cook* anything you can cook in au expensive fireless cooker at the cost of au or­ dinary aluminum kettle. Keeps food hot; Saves money, time, labor, worry- Noth ing burned. A fireles* cooker in kettle' form! “ ~ * i f . * ■ « - ‘V. -' * f t%« % ». ' ^ h Ht ** * / a I K y . * ‘ ‘J - 'c " ' J " 7 r ; Send order your n o w TRY IT OUT ' ' - -■ '.’ . ' e y * - V - , y y . . The article* to be cooked are ^placed in the Wizard ~ and are allowed to remain there ju*{ ope-aixth of the time required 4n the old way. Thi* atari* the cook­ ing process. Take the kettle off the fuel and allow to remain on the non-oondaetor mat until ready to serve iny .... time after the cooking has ^ been completed, Potatoes require 80 minute*of steady •boiling. Bpil in the Wizard for 5 minutes, place on the mat for 25 minutes. They . are ready to »orve or you can leave them in the Wizard and they will be hot and •mealy for hours, Same method used with everything. Just cook for one-sixth the time of the old way, then set on the mat for the balance of time. Save* 50 minutes. Go out in the afternoon, Pood ready for supper. Prepare before bed time. Rebeat for a few minutes in the morning. Fine. Send inyour order for . the Wizard now. Do not delay. Your money back if you do not think it the best thing in the world. Wo * stand back of our claims. Your pa­ perand theWizard for the one price . as an inducement. Send your order now. Tbe Wizard is made In two sizes, Four and Six Quart. It te constructed of beautiful aluminum. Will not rust. Will hot corrode. Will last A lifetime. It is hygienic, . The FourQuart retails for $3.75, The SixQuart for$4.75 , We give you either size at these prices, cartage paid, and when your order is received will ship at once -and will mail -you a sub- ncriptiop bond which will bo-received-by the-newspaper iq which this advertisement is printed at 11.00 to cover $1,00 In valuation o f regular subscription price. r< ’ rem £ m b e r THIS / - *o positive ihe Wizard will give you complete satisfaction that if you are.not satisfied and return theWizard to'uo we will refund~ the foil price paid add will make you a present of the subscription. We knowjustwhat the Wizard We,want you to know. This is a fairOffer. We refer you' to TBE GUARDIAN SAVINGS AND TRUST CO., Cleveland, Olds, »• to our reliability and financial standing, C#l thi, « , p n out aid mail t» M with ruariftuacf SUBSCRIPTION CERTIFICATE THE WIZARD COOKIHG UTEHSO. SALES CO. ■ 1276 Weft Third Street, ClcveUaiCOfcie. I enclose $_ J e r snfticription to the. .quart Wizard FtreleSs Cooking Nellie, cartage to be and qm *.. .prepaid,'.: If I am not satisfied with tho Wizard after 30 dayB trial, I am to re* turn the Wizard without cost to mo and you are to refund to me the full purchase price without Stoppingmy subscription. Name . .. . ......................... ........................ Address. City er Tewa. JStats. Life's Healings.. Of'alFthe amazing force* of nature —her thunderand cataracts, oceans In wild storm and volcanoes in floods of molten took; end those hidden mon­ ster-power* of electricity, gravitation and chsmlo affinities—tho most won­ derful of all is her healing power,her ability to get oyer Anything, her in­ finite resource?! of ‘recovery. Haven't' yon often wondered why the whole world did not die of the oholeraf And those other plagues no one sesmsableto stay, tho typho, the smallpox, the hubonlo plague, be­ sides the awful pests of history, the red death and the black death; why hare an^ of them ceased at all? One reason o£ this Is that the four huge rooms In nature’# house are full of health supply. These raomi are sunshine, water, air and earth. For Nature’s other name Is The Hteltr. She Is the original and only ourean. And-aU this Is quite as true In the realm of mind and soul as It Is In ths realm of body/-Woman’s World. K I L L T H t C O U i m NEW m m t m m a o E « a Horse Up a Tree. ' Visitors to Ferry Bar ware much surprised yesterday morning to see s horse up among the branches of a tree. The animsl had got in its un- comfoxtahle position by falling ten fast from a bank that overtoppsd the 'trseu The tree probably saved the horse's Ilf a * Blocks and felt Ware fastened to * tree stump on top of the hill and leather belts were wrapped about the •hors*. When the work of hitching Ithe bejts was Completed }t was found tbs* the animal oould not he rescued until several of the limbs of ths tree wore out off, This took considerable time, during which the home retted sad watched the Work of tbe score of mors of men who were trying to re less# him. With the removal of the last limb the hosse was slowly drawn to the top of the hank from which hi had fallen, A Muse examination re veiled that outside of A fen sortiche* he wag unhurt.—Baltimore American/'" * ____ M X GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTNG X X ipell Againct Evil Eye , Southern Indie i* a land ofomen* and superstitions, These are xtm [nants of the religion of the lost Drfc ‘vidian tader, engrafted upon the Hitt* Auiem of their conquerors, - Edgar .Thurston, In a book «m the subject Just published in VaJdand, gives au :exhaustive aeoount of the strange be lief* of these various tapes, Where htt- ‘man sacrifice, though forbidden htw, persists, , The author cites" among other; chums against the evil eye fcapre* alone Of the hand ha red paint, which may b» aeen on the walls of mosduer and other Mohammedan buildings and .at Kadur cache M hmss of' Bruhmina, A phetograph tit om of VrhkL taksii, m Mr, |§ yjgtsiiigit hji| Seal Shipt Oysters The Oyster with the Genuine Sea Taste 6 oO arid In Bulk and Caris & Rceived Fresh Every Day t o * . -M.v, ^^HIPT0 yst ERSY5TE^ jj [O up Prices S clun id t's Old H ick o ry Flour, 26 lb sack for.... 76o Schmidt’ s Ocean L igh t Flour, 26 lb. each for..... V0 Country Cured Bacon,..12^ Breakfast Bacon, per Ib...l8 Fancy Sugar Cured Ham l b ...................... .............. California and Picnic Hams, per lb ................... id A frican Java Coffee, per lbedsu....................... R io and Java Blend per n>................................ ,.si Bio Coffee per lb.......... ,...,20 Chick Fetd, a l b ......... 17 22 SUGAR For Friday End Saturday only SPOf CASH 25 IbvSag tor $1.17 P O T A T O E S 6 0 c B U . . E. Schmidt 6 Co., Wholesale and' Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, . . . Xenia, Ohio. WWMWN m m *