The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 1-26
“ JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT” Try mrking an oak or mahogany effeit czi your old chairs and table. .. You will be tickled beyond belief with the results. * HANNA’S LUSTRO- FINISH C H A N G E S — OLD THINGS INTO NEW © o S i m p l e S o I n e x p e n s i v e I ■ F O R •G A L E B Y . U KERR & HASTINGS BROS. qr*at AriUt 4»d. HI# Own M#tM i f Producing M**terpt#c#i Which the World PrJi.cs.' The studio, was surprisingly differ* i eat from the room li« previously used . in Lindsay row," and entirely unlike i the studies usually occupied by other i artists. I remember ,a long., not very ! iofty room, very light, with windows ; along one side; his canvas beside his ' model at ono end, .and a t the other, ! near the table which he used as a palette,-an old Georgian looking glass, so arranged that ho could see hi# can vas and model reflected In it. Those who use such a mirror <aa he did con stantly) will know that it is most merciless of critics, I-.marveled then at his e’xtrapdrinary activity, as he darted backward and forward to look at both painting and model from his point of view a t the extreme end of the long studio. He always used brushes of large -size, with very long handies, throe feet in length, and held them from the end-with his arms Btretched to their full extent, Each touch was laid on with great firmness, and his physical Gtrength enabled him to do without the assistance of a mahl- stick, while the distance at which he Btood from the canvas allowed him to have the whole of a large picture in sight and so judge the correct draw ing of each touch,—Way’s “Memories of Whistler,” . flWBMK ig rd g g^ •'Mrnmk*** «AVlft M6NIV 5AVCS TIME "* JaBttggr £& A A, Jag|L| logoff utysy^V&sjQ£^| J g j A , jha A 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL Bsnrwfin SAVES LAOOlt THE W EST S ID E BUILDING & LOAN ASSOC IAT ION . (Kstfibliehed m JLS37) DAYTON, OHIO. . * Has ju st closed one of the most prosperous years in ils history. HavmgmaUe a gain In assets the laShj’ear of.$16d,000.00 and now has assets of $1,798,000.00 making it one of the strongest, financial institu tions m Southern Ohio. It p ay s S P e r C e n t on S t o c k o r D epo s its a n d 4 P e r C e n t on s h o r t tim e deposito.. Loans itB funds on F irs t Mortgage on Real E state. The best security obtainable. Booklet mailed on request Onr offices are conveniently located- The Up Town office a t the N. 33, Corner of Mam anti Second Sts., and the-M am office a t the S. E. Corner of Third and Williams Sts. A. L, Shearer. President. Oivas- Reuch ,'T reasurer J . W< Kreitzor, Attorney, . C. B. Biiitnan, Secretary ■■■■■■■■BnHaNMSffiKEQESSESBK ONE SACK - of Universal Portland Cement used in concrete work will cause you to ask for m; re. There are many brands of Portland cement on the market —we .handle Univenial because we know * It will give our customers satisfaction; because we - know that millions of barrels are usccl In important concrete work fill over the country ; bccause< it comes to us with a guarantee of the highest quality. L E T US T A L K with you about your building material requirements. TARBOX LUMBER CO ' M -A” ..IW kjfVfol f»n «MaL Finest Prem ium s For Babbitt’s Trade-Marks * „ „ Silverware, jewelry, ^toilet articles, books, music, toys, etc., all of standard high quality. B.T.BABBITTS Bc*t Soap—1776 Soap Pow derE o rax Soap Naptha Soap-White Floating Soap—Pare Lye or Potash . Babbitt'* Cleanser e most economical and efficient washing and cleaning help# *n use. They save time, labor, money and clothes. A ll trade-marks Cut ft-om wrappers or labels are val uable. Save t’.em and in a short time you Ban ?»ave your choice from a list of thousands of desirable articles. These splendid premiums 4.H given abso* lately rR E E - tL y won't cost yon one c:nt—just get the habit of using Babbitt 't products and save tht tride-niarlcs, are th you da R, BIRD ’Write for list »/ - mmhhh gifts m m all Mwil a titn t# B, T. BABBITT, 1 * ., Bax 177 #, NewtWk CKy P^r.-nwiwi iji THE WIZARD FIRELESS COOKING KETTLE THE MOST WONDERFUL COOKING UTENSIL OF THE AGE. THE FIRELESS WIZARD The Wizard Firelcss Cooking Kettle combines the advantages of the expensive ffrele** cooker# and the common cooking; kaifie, and s you a simple insulated, kettle requiring ho soapstone or other heater#. You do not have to tranifer the Wizardto a big cumber*. > box. A ll you have to do is to put the food to be cooked in the Wizard, The Wizard does the rest. The Wizard is a yonder. The principle is a scientific fact. It is the last word in fireless cookery. Any method of,retaining heat at cooking temperature will dp ' .......................... - - - - - —- - - - - Jtis insulated with ground mica, A non* give some , NEW LIGHT ON OLD PROVERB Showing That the Early Bird la Not - Always the One J h a t Geta the Most Worms. Once there were two birds. One was an early bird; and the other vjas a lazy sort of bird which never got out much before eight o’clock in the morning. The early blrdi caught a worm. The early proverb-maker happened to be there a t the time, and made a note of it. Now, this worm that had been caught by this early bird had a wife and ten children. When the worm left home that morning his ten chil dren were just getting up and his wife was preparing breakfast. No doubt this worm had gone put for his morning walk to work up an appetite for -breakfast, but such are the uncertainties of life—he never re turned. The family of worms waited until about elght o’clock. apd then, highly alarmed, Btarted out to look for Papa Worm. At this time the bird that was a lazy Bort of bird was just getting out to look for a .bite of something, to eat. He saw the family of wormB— and had a fine breakfast Moral; It’s not always the bird that gets into the proverb that gets the most- worms.—Llppincott’e. * \ Sp'onge as an Animal. Nothing is less like a living crea ture than the common bath sponge, Vet the f.act. remains that Bponges do form a very Important species of the animal kingdom, eating their food and living their lives much as any other animal would do. The actual existence of a sponge commences with the- separation from the parent of a tiny particle. This particle, whirling through space, even ually attaches itself to a piece of rock, and from that time It seeks its own livelihood. At the very commencement, with some species of the sponge family, the baby sponges feed upon yolk cells, in which are stored food supplied. By- and-by, as the youngster develops, the currents In the water sweep Into a kind of bag -the minute particles of food required, and the same currents carry off undigested mattey. There are many varieties of sponges found' at different levels of the ocean, some clinging to rocks, others to mud. Snakes Fond of Music. Science has recently been studying the question as to whether or not snakes have an appreciation of music. This applies particularly to the cobra, which responds to the piping of a gourd instrument played by the East India fakir with a rhythmic movement’ suggesting a dance. The conclusion seems to he that it answers to the musical notes much in the same way as a dog does—that Is to say, through a special or nervous sympathy. When the whistles blow at noon In the Bronz zoo tj io wolves set up a great howl ing In concert. Whether or not they enjoy this sort of music is disputed— though probably they do, for some dogs undoubtedly take pleasure in har monious strains and will run a block to Bit In front of a hand organ and "sing,” while other dogs unquestion ably suffer from certain kinds -of music, and express their pain in lugu brious howls. . Asked and Answered, A languid swell was visiting a charming young society lady, and as they sat on either side of the Are his heart wbb full of a burning desire to say something not only compliment ary, but brilliantly flattering. So, after revolving the matter In his mind, he Bald: "Ah, Miss Lillie, why are those fire-longs so like me?” He meant her to guess, or hin| to tell her; "Because they glowed in her service,” or wero "prostrate a t her feet,” or something of that kind. Miss Lillie, looking solemnly de mure, said she didn’t know, unless it was because they had two thin legs and a brass lic-ad. He was groping blindly for the front door before she had recovered from the shock of her own folly- K l k L T H K C O U O H and C U R K thc L U N G S •ibRK IH C ’S NEWDISCOVERY m u m m mm Ct/AftANTMSD SAT/SFACJOftY 1 the work. Why bother with expensive devices ? Get the Wizard. It does not cost much, conductor. Nothing can injure it. It is sanitary, The insulation will not decay. It will not pack down. Always ready to u#e. THE WIZARD SAVES SO MINUTES ON THE HOUR OF ,FU"L COST IT WILL COOK Oat Meal, Breakfast Food, . Boiled Iiiee, Bariev Mush, Bf;e, "Cream o f Wheat, Vitos, Cracked Wheat, Gra ham Mush, Postum Cereal, Stock, Split Pea Soup, Mut ton Broth, Chicken Soup,' Vegetable Soup, Corn Soup, Mock Turtle Soup, Chicken Broth, Lentil Soup, Boast Beef, Boast Veal, B oa st Pork, .Pork .-Tenderloin, F r e n li Pork and Sauerkraut, Bo&st JLarab, Boast , Chicken, Boiled Beef, Veal. "Bplls, veal Curry, Beef. Stew; 'Corned B ee f, Pot Boast/Stuffed Steak, Boiled —Ham, Stuffed Heart, Sweet Breads, Beef L'oaL Corn, Parsnips, Potatoes, f3nia- toes, Onions, Cabbage, Sau erkraut, Macaroni, Spa ghetti, Oysters, Fish, and a thousand other good things to eat. Think what the Wizard does. ; Cooks anything you can cook in au expensive fireless cooker at the cost of ah or dinary aluminum , kettle. Keeps -food hot. Saves money, time, labor, worry. N o th in g burned. .A lireleas cooker in :kettle form. . Send your order now TRY IT OUT The Wizard is made in two sizes, Four and Six Quart. l l is constructed of beautiful aluminum. Will not rust. Will UotUorrode. W ill last a lifetime. It is hygienic. The Four Quart retails for $ 3 .7 5 . The Six Quart for $ 4 .7 5 We give you either size at these prices, cartage paid, and when your order is received will ship at once aud will mail you a sub scription bond which will be received by the newspaper in which this advertisement is printed at $1.00 to cover $1,00 in valuation of regular subscription- price. REMEMBER THIS We are so positive the Wizard will give you complete satisfaction ' “ * - • the ms ' ‘ ~ .The articles to be eooked are placed in the Wizard and are allowed to remain there just one-sixth of the time required, in the old w a j. This starts the cook ing process. Take the kettle off the fuel „and allow to remain on the non-conductor1 mat until ready to #erve any time after the cooking.baa Keen completed. Potatoes require 30 minutes of steady boiling. Boil in the Wizard for 5 minutes; place on the mat for 25 minutes. They are ready to serve or you can leave them in the Wizard and they will be hot and mealy for hours.- Same method used with everything. Just cook for ong-sixth the time of the old way, then i&fc on the mat for the balance of time. Saves 59 minutes. Go out in the a f t e r n o o n .F o o d ready for supper. Prepare before bed time. Beheat for a few miniites in the morning. 'Fine. Send in your order for I ■ the Wizard now. Do not delay. .Your money hack if you do not think it the hett thing in the world. We stand back of onr claims. "Your pa per and theWizard' for the one price as an inducement. Send your order now. izard to us we will refund ixesent of the subscription. ”e want you to know. This t y the full price paid and will make yon a We know just what the Wizard will do. is a fair offer. We refer you to THE GUARDIAN SAVINGS AND TMJST CO , Cleveland, Okie, e t to our reliability aud finsnoiel standing. Cut tfci» coupon out and mail to uo with remittance- SUBSCRIPTION CERTIFICATE THE WIZARD COOKING UTENSIL SALES CO. . ■ " 1276 West Third Struct. Clcvcl.ud'Ohio. . 1 enclose $_ .lo r subscription lo the_ .quari Wizard Fireless Cooking Kettle, cartage to be and one prepaid. I t I am notaatisfled with the Wizard after 30 days trial, 1 am to re turn the Wizard without cost to me and you are to refund to me the full purchase price without stopping my subscription. ■Name. ■ : :■ Address. City or Tewa_ .State. Dr. C. W. B. HARBOUR mu y i'-'i + _ Sx>eelaU8t on S k i n Diseases! Will bo in Cednrville A p ril 10, 1913 and Can bo consulted a t tne - Foster Hotel Consultation Free He removes all Skin Growths Skin Cancers Ulcers, Cysts -Wens, Moles* and the treatment of all skm dis eases without the use of the knife of paste Piles Cured' Without the Knife or Ligature Abo all chronicdiseasetreated, Oall and ,talk ir over. Oasis you NOTHING Twenty-seven Years Experience TryOur New Headadhe Powder iWe/expect to Make Cedarvllle EveryFour Weeks ' X X GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTNG X X Seal Shipt Oysters The Oyster with the Genuine Sea Taste m frtto In Bulk and Cans Rceived Fresh Every Day SUGAR. For Friday and Saturday only SPOT CASH 25 lb. Bag for $1.17 [Our Prices Schm idt’s Old H ickory Flour, 25 lb sack for......76c Schmidt’s Ocean Light Fiour, 25'lb. sack for... 70 Country Cured Bacon... 12^ Breakfast Bacon, per lb ..,18 Fapcy Sugar Cured Ham, l b .................... 17 California and I’icfiJc Hams, pur ib ................... 13 African Java Coffee, per lb...,..... 22 Rio and Java Blend per lb!...... ................................ 24 Rio Coffee per lb.............. 20 Chick Feed, a lb ............2>j POTATOES 60 c BU. H. E. Schmidt dr Co. r \ Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, Xenia, Ohib.
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