The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 1-26
I * * r' •*»VVVVVW\ri S»)* For Kxcullenee Our Job Work will compare with th*t;of any other firm..... ffke %cdarhilk $ 5 ' .'1 ':.:r, itcip w h en ocf^ rC C .* ;'.......f | dex, demotes that a y m * rafescrip- | < tson '"s i’as: due as;d a prompt set -1 ? tlcroent i« earnestly desired. . . * ? THIRTY-SIXTH YEAH. NO. IT, C E D A R V I L L E , O H IO * ( F R I D A Y , A P R I L 25 1913 . P R I C E , $ 1.00 A Y E A R CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY. SA L A R Y IS FIXED . | The* county ronmUssioncrs at a : tiueeting Saturday fixed the salary o f ; I GIVES CREDIT. jtlio deputy sealer of weights and Jmeasures in this county at $500. T3»e . *appointiaw must bo made by Auditor 1 The neighboring city o f Xenia very jDean, Josiah Espy was ’appointed for 1early in i he. days of the flood- came to f this position last year, but refused to i the rescue of the Gem City with food . ___ ________ serve owing to the low salary. ;and clothing and other necessities. tovate of Jlov.W, A, Robb, D,D., of i The coinmissjonera feeI that $500 i Due credit and appreciation has been ho JamestownT,T., washeld i 13 a fair compensation for the time Ivoiced for the kind-hearted interest of The fiftieth anniversary of the pas-! . r Rev. , o , D., ! m i s tne T. p. church, hold! l . . in that village Wednesday at which' that ic required to fill this position IDayton’s nearest eastern neighbors, time Xenia Presbytery met In connec- i aud have had responsible persons j The beneficiaries, 1 tion with tho celebration, The meeting was presided over by ttte retiring moderator, Rev. J. s. E. McMiehae], who delivered tiro opening sermon on the subject* "Launch Out into the Peep," a sermon that great ly Impressed the gathering. Dr. R. n Hume, of Springfield, was chosen moil erator, and Dr, J. M. Henderson, clerk. Dr, S. E. -Martin, of Xenia, presided ' over the exercises in honor of Dr. Robb’s long service in the ministry. Other addresses were made by Mrs. Susan. Harper, Mrs. S. T. Pigeon, two ■b£ the six persons now living who .were members of Dr. Robbte congregation 1at feasarcreek, from which the Jamestown Congregation was organiz ed* The other persons who were mem bers are Mrs. Eliza McCall, Mrs, Eliza Junkin, and !Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Dean, * . ■ . The Jamestown congregation has 'had hut three pastors in 82 .years, the first Rev. Andrew Herron, the second,- . Rev. Cyrus 'Cummins, and then i>r. Robb, Dr, Robb has resigned his pas torate to take effect the third Sab bath of June. however, have not groe to accept an' appointment for 1been told that one of the freight cars this salary, but -the Auditor Refuse:; to make such appointments, Citizens generally stand -with the commission- era on the salary question and think that some others might suffer the ac tion of the pruning knife and thus help to relieve the financial condition of the county affairs. E L EC T ION ' OF TEACH ERS . Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of 'Cedarville town ship,. will meet Tuesday , evening, Apx-il 29, at seven o’clock, lor the pur pose of electing teachers for the com ing school year. Applicants will hand in (heir applications in writing to the clerk of the board. ■ • CEDARVILLE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION. ANDREW JACKSON, Clerk. O FF IC IAL BIOGRAPH IES,. The proofs of the official blogra-, phies of members of the present con gress are out. and the Enquirer Mon day states that many -freaks there are in the manner in which the variout members described their political his- rles. ■ In .the list of freaks 'is Congressman Fess* family history that even went so far as to register the ages of the members and other private informa tion 'that has not jn the past been, made a matter of. public record., BRYSON HOME BURNED, The W. B. Bryson homestead at Oak Lawu Stock farm, near Goes Staton, was burned to the ground Monday. The fii’e Is’supposed to have originated from a defective flue an \ the, loss is placed at $8,000 with only $2400 insurance’1 on bouse and com tent's, most of .which were saved. The building was erected about GQ years ago. The fire did not, reach the horse barns, and will in no wise Interfere with the horse,sale on April;30. Mr. Cash Gordon has purchased Reo touring car. , which came to the city .laden with good things whs filled by the kind people of Cedarville. When the news of the Dayton tragedy was made .known in the latter village, the mayor hastened to interest the citizenship % the work of relief, and a busy day- it was in 'Cedarville. Every housewife in the town made haste to bare her arms and busy her self about the Kitchen, while her hue •baiid rapsackeil his wardrobe for gar meats lie could spare. The little village has received no public mention of Its goodness, and it seems but fitting that Dayton1 should voice the appreciation which it feels for the interest and sympathy of outlaying towns and communities, Dayton Journal, TH E Y. Powder m s & m A bsolutely pure H i e only Baking Powder made fin Royal Grape Cream o f Tartar iron cost* Makes home baking pleasant and profitable YOUR AIM is to GET THE BEST THERE IS MADE FOR THE MONEY yoii spend, naturally you look for such ' store or ask your friends about it, BE W ISE, S E E US F IR ST - if You wish to have made SUITS cut to your MEASURE - ■ * O U R — PRICE ONLY" THE BEST THERE IS IN CLOTHING AND MAKE SIEBLER Tailoring LIMESTONE and MAIN S p r i n g f i e l d Ohio W HAT ABOUT , O IL IN G ' ST R E E T S ? If every man lias to eat a peck of dirt there will he no doubt about the truth of the statement if conditions in town continue us-they have been this week. Dust is everywhere, in the store's in the homes* offices and shops and at times It is almost Impossible to see across, the street. . Last season the-Herald urged the use of oil on-the. streets ip place ,of sprinkling, but the work on gutters stopped this. Now some action should be taken and a petition circulated as Is done in Yellow Springs and South Charleston. In each of these villages the cost Is divided* according to the frontage. ) F IV E FA RM ER ! B E H E LD II 1 Tho new }Bill, jqrt passed, *institutes in ***<■! four, as beretofor these meetings ii Nearly three institutes, corn iulYfi, were he dition to the 550 From December) 1910, over 600 m« tural nature wtr#3 The State Boaid nore demands tog ’ore.. The avert nuch higher. In * uadequato and Merchants and pt ontributed $20,0 jondent Institute) tiaylng of prizes, (•rest so grt at ■ffective work df >xycrJenced inati in response* to't utoB for farmer*! vrote into the hould lio five ir y, to receive st some counties -n Hotitutes, when granted, Over halE mill ad hy these Places desiring son should -make X EN IA SCHOOL TITUTES TO f EACH COUNTY,! »r*l Commission rides five farmer ounty, instead of Tho demand for iO, [.independent And poultry ex it winter, in ad- . *Iar institutes.- 1912, to March 1, S« of. an agricul- iducted in Ohio. | Agriculture had than ever be- -attendance was the halls were crowd divided, •pirlted citizens aid thesp. inde* id "shows,, and sr was the in- thorough and ifcy practical and- ora. .... • *_ : ^demand for instil law makers, hill that there tr.l fp-assfeasamis. aid. Last year ELECTION j ^ X E N IA GAS TANK EXPLODES. William. Scott lost his life when a Of New LectureCourse Com* putte to Take Place on the Evening of May1st. gas tank exploded Monday, while he and his partner, Aea Piico, were en deavoring to repair come leaks. The tank had been token to their shop in Xenia and was supposed to have had all of the gasolino drawn out of It. Price had both jaw hones broken and was otherwise injured, but will recov er. f>oH died shortly afterwards, many hones having hern broken, Cc- gido injury to his spine and brain. A .similar tank exploded here several year.i ago at the rear of the f ’rouse & Bull store, when G. A. Shroades and William. Smith, colored, were blown out of tho hole in the ground up"n Smith lighting a -match. ' Fftr ji« 84 *chADr Htl**' F*i> BKtwssiJWv t - tL’ry.-iy ig r r ’Wgs.!'.1 l ■ The selection of a new Lecture Course Committee will be made o n ' the evening o f the Hobson lecture, May let, Each ind iv idu a lJ who )iolds;s 'Eedarville Lecture Course ■;efcsonyHeket for the season just Moftl-rfg is entitled tq ,.a vote. A ballot w ill be handed to you when you gqfe your seat reserved for the Hobson lecture, the plat for which .opens at Johnson's Monday, April 28, at two o’eleck p. Hi,.. - Yon may then murk yopr ballots at your leisure and bring it with you to the lecture on the evening of May 1st, ««x^/'{»^t|aXMEZy±fliXtr3Hry!F2K7r3Mi-T2Xt!5i5r-->*-i CEDAR DAY. Cedar Day in Cedarville ’College will be observed 'this year May 9, • Fri day, beginning at 9 o’clock in the morning. The various, stunts. of the ■students and faculty and the Maypole dancew ill be. given ‘in the morning on the College campus, Mr, Hofmelster will deliver the, oration of the day. At noon dinner will be eaten 'at the Al ford memorial. The (Seniors of the; high schools in the county have been invited ad. special guests. Everybody is cordially hw'ited to come and, bring a basket of eatables and enjoy the day in the sports and an old-fashioned, pic nic. On& of the most Interesting fea tures will be a tug of war between the -Seniors and Sophomores on one side and the Juniors and Freshmen; on the other side. The -winning aide :<j to place their flag on the college _hu!iidla& All comet : BRYSON HORSE SALE. The annual horse sale at Oak Lawn Stock farm, owned hy Bryson & Son, will be held Wednesday. April 30, at which time 33 head of fine horses will be offered. The offerings will con sist of mares and geldings; colts, both roadster and draft, fast green trotters and pacers, the get of such sires as Wilmons 2x1694, and many others. The sale usually attracts hundreds of horse ‘buyers and the demand for good horses being extra- strong means that there will be a large crowd. The Xenia. b | refused to borrl thei schools ;the meeting was h? lay to dlscuPS ororn'inent cittz ;ave their views provided other passed approVi: minority meml Jeavoring to state bureau o he board that sd legally. Mr. Casper ‘nto the Mechll: lumbus pike. Messrs, Towns sons, ated Edii Springs, were \VCdnesday. We ddslre ‘t o , and friends during the ill father, and es 3 ,’A. R„ and > most excalier Mrs, Frank' tended tha*J Monday. Among named * World’s enco to June request for ten four could he ople are reach- meetings, lies for next sea- llcaiion at once. ILL f,VE TO CLOSE, education has ley to continue and a, niass fliat <'ity Mon-, 'tuation. Man}’ present and no"solution was resolution was ,action of the lie board .in en- the money. The ting has assured can be borrow- on^thh GO* rfisle and two ford, of Yellow (to on" business,- ak the neighbors adly assisted us M ,death of our f ‘the Curry Post, Bros, for-their fjjunes Gaines. Columbus, at- Jambs Gaines,: xed persons Second ship Confer- Ot-^on, grvin, Dr. "truHlTdFbTx'wrfio^ “aF th e head of the .stairs where yon may depoalfc your ballot as you er^ter the auditorium, The following is, the report of the nominating committee appointed at the last number , of the course given BALLOTFORLECTURE COURSE COMMITTEE (Six to be elected) Place a n ‘'X''before the name of each Individual for whom you wish to vote. Do not vote for more than six candidates. Blank spaces are provided and it you wish to vote for others whose names do not appear on the printed list, write their names and place an XI 'before them. Mark this baJiob and bring it with you the m gbtof the Hobson lecture. Observe these instructions care fully, N Roscoe McCorkell Oeo. F. Siegler Dr, M. I, Marsh S. C. W.rlght ■ Mrs. Gertrude Stormont HORSES=35 PUBLIC SA LE OF FINF HORSES "Wo w ill sell 33 head of horscB, consisting of standard bred horses, roadsters, work" horses and mules, a t the Oak L aw n^ann , ..flvy. miles north-of -Xcnia-, Ohio, on the Springfield and Xenia Traction Line, Stop 31, on «. • ; ' Wednesday, April 30, 1913 Sain toCommence at 11 a. m. Catalogue on Application TERMS;—A credit ol nine mouths w ill be given by purchase giving note with approved security. ^ W. B. Bryson & Son LEMAR TITUS, Auctioneer. ROBERT E . BRYSON and GEO. DRAKE , Clerks. Tl Paul Turnbull O, O. Morton SOMEBODY may make and sell a. better CornPlanter thanthe Black Hawk or Superior some* time. Mr*. E , C. OgleabHe greatest ora tors will itake^mrt in the conference, which will attract 20,660 persons. Mr*. Iteid, of Springfisld, ha* been the guest of her brother, Mr. 0. W. Crouse, and Wife tor several days. Mrs, Ti H. Morris, who haft been quite ill for some time, was taken to a Xenia hospital for treatment, Wed nesday. ■ The Ladles' Aid -Society of the M. , church will hold a market Satur day, April 26, In Johnson’fi Jewelry Store. .. v Dwight Sterrett ■ EfflO Conley C ed i Burns Mrs. S. T. Baker ~ 7 Airs, Harry Fluhart, of Dayton, is the guest at the home of Mr. Robert Bird. , _Mr. L. H, SuUonberger and wffe have been spending a few days with Oxford relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell spent Sabbath with Mr. James Barr and fam ily. i R ev. M. .T. T iy lu L -w ifo jin d xh ild fen have gone to Washington, Iowa, or), a visit to be gone several-weeks. Mr, jtimes McClellan, of the Spring- field,, III., News, spent Sabbath with relatives here. „ Editor Harry Rice,, of the Xenia Herald, 1s a candidate for appointment as Minister to Switzerland, and several ■congressmen and promlnenl Demo crats wilt urge* hia appointment by President Wilson, Messrs. George Little, Cash Gordon, Charles Marshall, -Sidney Smith and Ralph Wolford have been enjoying the fishing at the reservoir this week, Mr. E, G. Lowry sold two Bulck ears this week. A model 25 to Mr, H, N. Coe and a model 31 to Mr, Ar thur Collins, J. J. McClellan, former Advertising manager of the Dayton Journal, arriv ed In Dayton Tuesday from Spring-; field, Mo., where he had raised a fund of $2,500 for the Daytop "relief fum^ Mr, McClellan is at present business manager of the Springfield News,, where.the subscription for Dayton suf ferers wa3 started with a fund of $230 raised among employes of the News.*— myton Journal. Upon application of their mother, Mrs. Lillian Clemdna Dunkle, Attorney M. R. Snodgrass wan appointed guard ian of ’Constance and William Robert Clemans, Tuesday. He furnished $6,- 850 bond. The case of the Ohio Pos tal Telegraph Cable Company against -Frederick McMillan and Clayton McMillan, 'has been car ried from Probate- Court to tho Common fle a s Court on error atnl the preliminary hearing net for May 16th. In the lower court the McMil lans recovered judgment find the case) was taken up in error by the Postal Telegraph Co, Mr. M. W. Collins is in receipt of a card from his brother, D..B., of Ala- . mosa, .Col., who 'recently underwent treatment for a growth on Ilia neck 1called ’'strapococcan infection.” Ho writes that tho swelling Is redu^d and he is much better. ' Mr. G. W. Randall asks us to thank the young man, Mr. Collins, who dis covered a fire that was destroying a Capt. Richmond Peatson Hobson, M. C., will lecturo in tho Cedarville opora house on the evening of May 1st. -Wlno of Carduf. 70o , A t WlRterman’s. -Picture framing neatly and promptly done atTvfeMllIan’s. OhnrleB Hackott, tho Yellow SpringB merchant, has been en- -tloracd - by—S(motor* Ponimerre^ forF We don't believe they ever will Buy one from Kerr&Hastings Bros. Cedarville, Ohio . postmaster In that village. The plat for the Hobson lecture wilt open a t Johnson's Monday afternoon, A p r i l o ’cl ock. Admission COc. -House Cleaning Time is Here! You can get every thing you need at Ridgway’s Pharmacy. Insect powder. Moth Balls, Ammonia, Roach Powdor, Bed Bug pqison. Sulphur Candles, Formalde hyde, Carbolic acid, Lye, Soap, Sal Soda, Borax, Silk Stove Polish, and Black Enamel, Gold and Silver paint, Jup'-a-lac, all sizes and colors and 60 other things. Time to Take ’Em Off A UNUSUAL OFFER “I t Isn’t often that we have faith enough in the medicine put up by other people to he willing to offer to refund the money if it does not cure” said O. M. Ridgway's to a Herald man who dropped Into nis store, nut we are glad to Sell Dr. How ard’s specicflc-for the cure of con stipation and dyspepria on that basis. “The Dr, Howard Company in order to got a quick introductory sale, authorizes us to sc’l their regular fifty cent bottles At half pries, 25 cents and, altho Wo have sold a lo t of it, and have guaranteed every package, not one haft been brought back as unsatisfactory.” .Wo are selling the specific a t half price, aitho we cannot tell how long Wtf shall bo able to do so, and any one who is subject to constipation, sick headache, dizziness', liver trouble, inulgestion or a general! played out condition, ought to take! advantage of this chance. You can j toll your readers, that if they are j not satisfied with the specific th a t’ residence on his place. Thanks is also they can come right back to our extended to the neighbors who assist-1 store and we will cheerfully refund cd fn tho good work. j-thelr money. adv, * >-.Y 'W"' 0 .. \ CopyrightHanSchtflhct&Murk Trade at HOME Warm weather is here and so is our Spring" goods—a full line of every thing in Men's and Boys’ wearing^tfplmrel. See our hew Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits, Walk-Over Shoes, Interwoven Hosiery, Munsing Under wear, Cluett & Monarch Shirts. All Standard Merchandise that is guaranteed to give Satiefact;on. / * Come and give us a trial and we will try awfully hard to please you, HOME ■ *■ Clothing Company 'Q U A L IT Y Goods Cedarville, Ohio v i fl i \
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