The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 1-26
Years Have Made Change s. Clifton U. P. , Church Chimes. headquarters need*] Wo were good] were. most of, the j hoy*. Tomorrow, our carcasses f might be consigned to the trench, j They were all along the way from At* ( lanfa to the sea.. A battle was a svr-i lanta la 'the era. A battle was a scr- 1 ......... Mr. amf-Mrs, H. T. L’akcr, who amst, ’ thing, a horse race the opposite, j the winter in Florida, were here Tr.c*- ’ We extracted all the fun in it, if not; Joseph's experience was one of the day morning on their wav to the f°r our country sake, for our own. happiest illustrations of the saying Hor,~o -Show at Washington {\ u, yir. *And if the hoys were mado happy, the that- every cloud has a silver lining. Baker boughK property in Kisriinee. ‘ country would not suffer. And it they j Merle Rife will lead the Christian Florida, while cojourning there. He lost a horse race, they would be cure ( Union'Sabbath evening, had owned .property in' the new aohi-'t10 hikek nut on the enemy Whom, we ier town of St. Cloud, with which Jio«0°w* should meet. The soldier’s phll- was well pleased, hut finding an ex-’ osophy Is made to suit all occasions. I ceptional bargain In Itisslmee. the ‘ ai» SMd, comrade, to meet you as one eouuty seat, it was put into the deal.. ot the spectators of that horse race dn ISavannah so long ago. . Wonder fwhere all the rest of the hoys are that |wore there that day? You are the Ionly one l have ever met «inee.” I "And as one, if not the only one, I am glad,Pm alive.” murmured the com* »rade, sadly. -—Jamestown journal. JOHN H. 8HHPHARD ANSWERS THE FlfclAh SUMMONS, | PROSECUTOR WILL NOT RESIGN HIS OFFICE. Mrs. Anna Belle gtopherd, wife of iJohn H. Shepherd, a HfWll-known farm er „of the Federal pdu,' died at her home Monday afteraeon at o'clock, She had be*u ill for ■time from a trouble qAt her physician was unable to dlagnrae, Mrs. -Shepherd was *1 years of age. ^:30 some Speaking-of St. (“loud; he relates many interesting incidents that are con stantly. occurring there,1 .yvhere -com rades, who' have not imt since the war, happened to come together. They have a register of all soldier visitors to the place, and these aro divided into states, with the name of company and regiment to which the soldier belonged. In. this way they trace each other, and sometimes sold iers have met by simply hearing a name, and making inquiry of the com rade as to where he came from. In Mr. Baker's case an old soldier .. was telling of a horse race he saw at ■•Savannah, Ga., after Sherman liad reached there. The speaker was pret ty hard on the young fellow who won race. He had played Ignorant of rac ing, and his competitor was anxious to run with him. The time Was set same days ahead and in the meantime the young soldier,' supposed not. to know anything about it, who was at tached !aa an orderly .to Gen; Sher man’s headquarters, and a splendid rider, found a horse that was a real goer, die tried him' out several times cinity. AN QLp SOLQIER’S DEATH. ■Edward S. Griffith died at the Soldiers! Home at Dayton April 23rd, aged 6? years, 8 months and 15 days. Two years ago M b apd Mrs. Grif fith with Boy Matthews moved from Hillsboro to the Little farm, .off the. Kyle road. Abdut a year ago his health failed and on March 22 was taken to the Soldiers' Home hospital. Mr. Griffith was born -in Mercer county, Pa„ Sept. 8, 1 8 4 6 ,When he wgs about 13 years old, he with his parents, moyed from Pennsylvania to Samantha, O., and soon after to Hills boro, where he remained until two ytats a&o,. when he came to this vi- tor wbl preach a series, o f !She was horn and r*|*ed jn Greene special sermons to young men during...county and had always lived in the vi- May. The theme next Sal-bath. wjll. city where she died. Her mar- bc "A Young Alan’s Strength." i fiage to Mr. -Shepherd took place No* The following committee has been =vember, 10, 1877, 1I& burband sur- hppointed to arrange for Mother's Day,, vives her and there nm eight children viz: Airs. Edgar Tobias, .Misses Mag.. as follows: John iU if.: .Mrs. L. Leo- gle Finney and-Carrie Rife. ipard, of near Xenia; m*. Robert Seik, Rev. C. <*. Kyle, of Quimhy, Iowa, of Kenla; Elmer, of W&apokoneta, Ho- preached a moat helpful and Inter- tuur, Frank, .'Raymond mud Lester, at eating sermon last Sabbath. The con* home.' gregation is delighted to/have its boys' Airs. Shepherd was come back, giving evidence of liav-; AT, E. church at -C ing developed Into useful Christian! devout -Christian.' Prosecutor Frank L, Johnson has been offered the position of district superintendent of the Anti-Saloon j league with headquarters in Dayton, 1The vacancy is caused by the resigna tion of Attorney George Crabbe, who has accepted the. state superintend* entshlp of West Virginia. While the prosecutor has had the offer under consideration he will not accept the same at this time as he de sires to serve his present term of nearly two years; He has been as sured that a similar position will bo offered him at the expiration of his term, DEAD LETTER L16T NQ 7. and told his partner he would licit the other fellow out of his last wage draw and- that of all his hackers. And it so happened. He said that it was the greatest race he ever saw. Mr. Raker asked him If he had a good memory of faces. “Yes, I think I,have,” was the re ply, "You nevermet thpboys afterward," . queried Mr. Baker, “No, No, I never saw then] since, and after these many yqars?, I suppose, they are c^anged-sOine." • “No doubt of that. None of us look exactly like v*e did in that year q£ 1864. I am sure I don’t Perhaps . that’s why you do not recognize me/’ said Baker. “ Recognize you,” replied the com- rade, puzzled. - - “Yes, me, because I certainly did win that race, and it is funny to me every time I recall the Incident. My competitor was -so confident. He real ly knew very little about horses. He was no Jockey, but had plenty of nerve, and With a good horse, he ’thought he. was safe against all com ers. «And the “know nothing” he At the age of. fifty he united with the Presbyterian church at Hillsboro. He remained a faithful member until death. In Juiie; 1862,. he enlisted in the army, being.a member of Go. G of the Hth. Ohio. He was a t rue. soldier to the close of the war, always doing his duty as a brave soldier. 1-le was •also *a member of the’ G. A, R. His wife, >-Irs. Martha M. Griffith, three children, one step-son, two sla ters and two brothers survive him. The body waif brought from Hayton to the residence on North' street Fri day. The -funeral wqs held 'Saturday at ten o’clock, Rev. W.E. Putt, D. D., of the M. E. church conducting. tho serviced - ’ Interment took place at Massies Greek, where- the G. A; R. burial ser vice was used. The family greatly ap preciates the kindness of friends and neighbors in their bereavement. . NEW CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS The legislature has adjourned and as expected the nev congressional wa* to run against.pleased him all the ?districting hill passed which greatly Makes Homs Baking Easy life. He- merely pitted himself [districts. It is said ttiat the Dedio- against my hobby—-that Was all. Wefcrata have provided places for twelve wmmmmmmmmtlmmmmt l ° f their fait:hful While the Republicans --------•------- ~—■•—.... - ................ ...... [have been given ten. • j EfeenGcounty has been taken from ithe sixth and placed in what is to be j the seventh, made up of the following f counties: warren, Clinton, Fayette, iMaclhon, Clark, ' Champaign, Union, {Logan. Republican by 12,000.. I Tho eld Sixth consists of tjiermont, Brown, Highland, Adams, Pike, Sciotd, ; Democratic by i. small margin, j Various Members of congress, Dem ocratic and Republican, ate denounce ’ ing the present plan and are threat- workers. The -Christian Union is planning for a month of special activity during May. What will you do? . Gordon. Collins gave ,the congrega tion an interesting report of the meet ing of Presbytery at Jamestown last week. ■ The Sabbath school went over the mark set by the superintendent last Sabbath. Now let us keep up the good attendance. -My, .how the su perintendent and Pastor smiled. " Quite a fine attendance of strang ers were present last Sabbath. Come again, friends. Everybody is wel come.. ■ Alesdames Charles Finney and Geo, W. Rife and Miss Elva Ferguson are a committee to members for the Missionary Society, Let every wo man join, . General Secretary Shaw, of the Christian Endeavor movement has an nounced himself a recruit to the Pro hibition Party. Air. Floyd Hamilton had the misfor tune to get his limb broken last week. An auto, in Springfield, ran, into bis motorcycle. * “I can’t think of asking my children to go •to both Sabbath school and church; it is top much to expect them to sit still through two services,” is, the 'voice of. not real ma ternal care; It is ’simply sen timental coddling. No *hiltlrea of normal health, are the worse for two and a half’ hours of enforced quiet on Sabbath morning, -Apart al together from the religious benefit of it, the experience is an excellent anti dote to the ever-present American poison of restlessness. “The liquor sellers recently put for ward a man who was said to have tak en a pint of spirit a day;'and-yet he Was 90 years of age. Some doctors Investigated his case, and found It to be quite true, But they also found that of his children, one was an Idiot, another an epileptic, and the rest of took place at the fr lernopn at 1 o’clock. ember-of the ■, and was a tel services- Thursday -af- CORN. CONGEST, hwSlMtMT>r Mil«a* Antl-TWn j*n» Letters. Borror, Air. A. B, Gee, John W. Lowry, Airs. Belli I-oyop, Hanos, Rogers) Air. Ed. Roberts, Lester, Richardson, Airs, Lewis II. Rowers,-Alisa Jennie. Stmble, Air. Dan. ' Wilcox, Airs. Al, Cards. Alexander, T. C, Bervorly, Air. Edw. I) ivisf Mr. P, B. Fapley, Alisa Alda. 'Miller, Air. Wilson, Pierson, Airs. Hannah, Miller, Air, Wilson R. Shephard, Win, Swioher, Mb's Fay. Victor Plbg, Go. Wood, Air. Bobt. S. <*. WRIGHT, P. ,M. TEACHERS, NOTICE! 'Below is a list of nettles received ,by the -Ohio Department of, Agricul ture from this county^ to date,. Many more entries are wj busy. Get your nc) ter. Remember it r for- each county contt each township, contest Ing to enter, you ha, gain, even if you. time, you get the exp? jbelp You for the. next; iPlans now and show ■beat* him raising cot see* at*' Entries close Jane l. Greene Cojjpty: Daniel O. Shoup, jSayton Greene township d. Boys get r • hoys to en- ■ten entries t, and five for It costs noth- everything to not win. this iepce that will me. ;I-ny ympr d” "you can; Test your •R. 8., ■Harold Glass, Jamewbwn 11. 2, ferson township, Charles Toms, Valley township. S. Alorton Greswell. Cedarville township, Howard Alanor, Valley township. Henry* Ochs, Daytai? Creek township, Alfred Hutsiar, He darville township. The Ohio Departrat has received free V nouncementt from lews: Fair. ®oard, one Eavey Packing trip. Congressman Fe congressional dist Jef- ,R 4, Spring edarvlUe it. 1, 4X Spring H. -1, Sugar ille R, l r Ce- appeared all right, his family had all 'suffered, “ 'df you smile at tho world and look cheerful, The world will soon smile bafek at you. So try to bi <ce up and look pleasant, No matter how low you are down; Good humor is always contagious, But you banish your frlend.s when you frown,” TOWNSHIP BOARD ELECTED TEACHERS TUESDAY.” eniug to use the referendum election (law to upset matters. The charge is 'that the districts are unfair, but we ’ ask who ever saw a fair gerrymander? 5, The fnct that the majority party In diower makes the districts means that ijnothing fair can be expected under j!littfih a law. | -f ongresonien Willis, Francis, Post, "/Senator Burton and others who are '(complaining, would do just what hjjis (been done If it,was to their own per- iaonal advantage. Congressman Fess (admits that the gerrymander bill is [unfair, but “unfair” things are all [right when they come a politician’s (way, consequently the congressman POWDER Absolutely Pure Tlufi o n l y b a k i n g p ow e to t* has little to say and will take advan- m a t fo f r o n t R o y a l G r a p o the I)emocratB have cut d r e a m o f T a r ta r WAUMjraUMEPIfilSPHATE The township board of education elected teachers at a meeting Tuesday evening. Prof. ,F. P. Ritnour was elected on the same terms as in for mer years, devoting part of Ills time to the Ross township schools. Mr. G. I*'. Siogler, supervisor of music, was re-elected. The hoard in recognition of the services of the superintendent and the music teacher increased their salaries, Tile former to $500 and the latter $400. District No. 1, Bertha C’reswell; 2, Inez Lovett; 3, Katherine McGlven; 4, Esther Townsley; 5, Flor ence Cleman?; 6, Fannie Tonkinsonl 7, Lillias Ross, day, beginning morning., T students, aiid faculty and the May pole dance will be given Hnthe morning on the College campus. Air, Hpfmelster .will deliver the oration of the day.-At, noon dinner will bp eaten at, the Al ford memorial. The ■Seniors of the high schools in the county have been invited as special guests. Everybody is cordially-invited to come and bring a basket of eatables and enjoy the day in the sports and an old-fashioned pic nic. One of the most interesting fea tures will be -tug of war between the 'Seniors and Sophomores on one side and the Juniors and Freshmen on the other side. Tho Winning side is to place their -flag on the college bu'ilding. AH come! APOPLEXY CALLS FQRMER CLIFTON WOMAN MONDAY. out for him. I ---------------------- L 5 No matter now hnfii jour head aches. Dr. Mile*’ Antl-Ualn Pills will help yoa. —Picture framing ’ neatly and promptfy done at McAIilian's. m may make and sell a better CornPlanter thantheBlack Hawk or Superior some time. They haven’t yet We don’t believe they ever will Buy one from - m , i » Kerr& Hastings Bros. CedarviUe, Ohio *mr Tho plat for tho Hobson lecture ^vTU open at Johnson’s Monday afternoon, April 28, at two o’ clock. Admission COc. —House Cleaning Time is Hero! Yott can get every thing you need at Ridgway’s Pharmacy. Insect powder, Moth Balls, Ammonia, Roach Powder, Bed Bug poison, Sulphur Candles, Formalde hyde, Carbolic acid, Lye, Soap, Sal Soda, Borax, Silk Stove Polish, and Black Enamel, Gold and Silver paint, Jap-a-lnc, all sizes and colors and 60 other things, 1 After an Illness of only three days Mrs. George Elder, a prominent Greene county woman, passed away Alonday evening at about b I x o’clock at her home In Yellow Springs. Airs. Elder had been in her ushal health until Saturday evening when she suf fered a stroke of apoplexy and sank into an unconscious condition from which she never rallied, Airs. Elder had for many years made her home near Clifton, but removed to Yellow Springs after the death of her'hus band a year ago. She was a mem ber of the 'Presbyterian church and was a woman of splendid qualities of heart and life. She is survived by three children, Mrs, Wendell Black, of near Yellow Springs; Dr. Ehner Elder, of Pueblo, (’ol.. and Air. Wil liam Elder, of Detroit, Alich, Funeral services were held at tho home In Yellow Springs Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Capt, Richmond Pearson Hobson, M. C., will lecture in the Cedarville opera houso on the evening of May 1st. . . success C. Af. Itulgw&y the enterprising druggist rather than await tho ordi nary methods of introduction,.urged the Dr. Howaad Co. to secure a quick sale ior their celebrated spec ific for the cure.of constipation and dyspepsia by offering the regular 60c bottle at half price. Ill addition to selling a 50c bottle of Dr, Howard's specific for Sue C. M!. Ridgway have, so much faith in the remedy that ho will refund the money to anyone whom it does not cure, Whon your head aches, your stopiach does not digest food easily atid naturally when there Is consti pation, specks before the eyes, tired feeling, giddiness, bad tasto in tho mouth, coated tongue, heart burn,' sour stomao’i, roaring or ringing In tho oar*, melancholy **nml liver troubles Dr, Howaid's spoclflo will euro you. I f ft does not,, it will not cost you a cent, •—Wine of Oariilul, 70c At Wfsterman's. Persona wanting piano.tuning will telephone G, F. Siegler as Air. ; Piiehringer,of Cleveland, whs has' boen coming here for several years, will be here next week on life spring trip, , F or S ai - b : Avery corn planter, KK) rods of wire, and drill atta’ch* mont, all In good condition, • Casper Heitzman. —Special prices on all groceries in quantities. , • . Nagley Bros. 1,1mo ami Sulphur Solution. 60 gallon barrel ftt Xtidgways for $7,60, Highest tost, Fon S a ). ti : -A rebuilt RomJug-, ton StandhrU Typewriter No. 2.* This machine is in good condition, Quick sale is desired, , S. 0, W right , Would you like to make a few hon est dollars during your vacation? ° ,f have a proposition to offer yon wher * by you can use all or part of ypvr time. Something*1entirely new. it will pay you to see me. Write *t once, or better yet call personally. /,. M. Alyers, 1103 Conover Bldg., ,Da. ■ ton, Ohio, FOR SALE— About 20 ‘tons of goal timothy hay. D. B. Turner, B» it is A Handsome $2.50WALL POCKET orMIRROR HAT RACK 0 to 98 c Here is a copy of the tickets we are giving with purchases: in Cash Trade $ 10 .00 Trade $15rfl0 Trade $20 .00 . Trade $25 .00 Trade $30.00 with us and we will give you one FREE . Purchasers from 5c up will count on this ticket. Come in and ses this beautiful Wall-Pocket or MirrDr Hat Rack, and we are quite sure you will want, one. Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods and Shoes at our "store and 90c n u < it n u u ,n - a■ ii n < u (« it - n n a it li a f51 S' KiMWMiii Trade .at HOM E Clothing Company wmm Humor Wisdom Wit M r s . W i g g s By Alice Hegati Rice Impersonated by the Talented Reader * ' ’ . _ ■ . ' * ...M iss Beulah McNemar... * Cedarville Opera House May 9th, 1913 CEDAR. NIGHT 8:00 o’clock Adm. 25 Cents Ticket Sale on Monday, May 5th, at 2 p. m., at - Johnson's tf
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