The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 1-26
s F o r BjfOoIloBM Our j o b !■ Work will compare w ith t h a t of any o the r firm,,,,, ffhe « VJ THe itttn wbfa to*rk#i'’*it|t i s fs-$ dex,der.i /tt!*iha{j( year# gufcvsrip' tion i« past due »:<da prompt set' tJement is earnestly desired. . . - TH IRTY -S IXTH YEAH. NO, 10. CEDARVILLE, OHIO , FRIDAY , MAYO 1913, PR ICE , $1.00 A YEAR GOVERNOR’S SECRETARY country roads. He thinks of you as ADDRESSES AUTO MEN, T<lontkr.ely pursuing him on the-city jstreets and when he dodges you -it la _ — . ■ cnly to he run down by an ice wagon." The Springfield Automobile <luh . held its annual meeting add banquet Tuesday evening when Y)h V, I* Hon- field, i president of the ‘State Automo bile Acs'oeiation and Gcorqe F. Burba, secretary to Governor Cox, gave ad- dresses. The former-condemned the Warren auto <tax bill passed by tho legislature, while the latter spoke in behalf of the thousands that do not own automobile: “You have heard the subject of an automobile tag discussed from the point of view of a motor car owner," said George I \ Burba. “I want to discuss the same subject from, the point of view of -a man who does not own .&machine, and I do not want to be understood as speaking for Gover nor Cox, either. ' “You, men have LECTURE COMMITTEE ELECTION. . Thp result of the balloting for mem bers of the CUizenn’ Lecture Course committee resulted in the following being chosen: Dr. M. 1 /'Marsh, 224; S. <*. Wright, 220; G. F. Scigler, 208; W, Dwight S tem tt, 162, Mrs. E. C, Oglesbee, 120; Mrs. S. T, Baker, 134- - Others voted -upon were; C. G- Mor ton, Mrs. H, 'M. Stormont, Effle Con ley, Roseoe McCorkell, Paul Turnbull, Cecil Burns, Mary -E. 'Ervin, Rev. J. S, E. MeMichael, L. F. Tindall, Mrs. W. E. 'Putt, Vera Andrew, Prof. R. A. Banning, Prof, Leroy Allen, Prof.'W. R. McChesney, D. D., Prof, Alberta Creswell,1L, H. 'Suljenherger, Belle Winter, Dr, Leo Anderson, Edmi absolutely con- jTownaley, Howard Turnbull, Andrew flscated the roads of the state for j'v/toter, G. H, Hartman, J. W. Jobn- your automobiles and you ought to be s<m> Prof' A- Jta’kat, Mrs. Harry made to, pay for it, You have -made it ' Nagley, h- 'Smith,- O. A. Dobbins-, •necessary to the man who drives -a Mrs, M. X. ‘Marsh, Charlotte Siegler, horse-drawn vehicle over the roads of iIto J- O. Stewart, Rev. M. J. Taylor. ■the state to turn, out to -let you pass, J ----- r.----------- to suffer the inconvenience of driving -through 'tire clouds of. dust you raise and, gentlemen, since you have begun to fill tbo roads of Ohio with motor- driven. Vehicles it is no longer safe to. drive a livery horse with one hand over any road. “The money, you 'men pay into the ‘state treasury. In the form of an auto- , mobile fax, -Is hot frittered away; not sent out of Ohio, I t is used right he re in Ohio for the benefit of th£ /people of the state. The automobile ■has increased the expenses tof the state of Ohio and 1 see no reason why the automobile Shahid not be-made to ’bear its just share of th a t increase, *"I want to inform you that Gov ernor *Cox was not In favor of the pro vision of the;'Warren bill which re- -quiredthat the money should bS'Turn- ed into the general fund, instead of the road /and, and that if Governor Cox had his way about It there would -have been a graduated tax on auto mobiles, the higher tax on the high power machines, and the smaller rath for the machines, of lower speed!1 , Now, having said so much serious;, .ly, I want to discuss more facetious ly some other aspects of my theme, Ytju imen who own' automobiltb look to we m!en who have none, like millionaires. To a man who has no machine, you look like the most heart, less barbarians,-in the wide, world. In his mind’s eye! the man who does not I SEMINARY GRADUATION. Dr. J. K, Montgomery, of New Con cord, president of 'Muskingum col lege, delivered the baccalaureate-ser mon to the members of the graduat ing class o f the Xenia Seminary last Sabbath evening lat the Second D, P, church in Xenia. The following are the graduate?- and where they will locate:' J. Humphrey Dean, Xenia, Ohio, will go to North Aygyle, N. Y.' IX W- McVey, of Sterling, Kansas, will have charge at McChanicatown, O. W. 0, McOleery, of Inland, III., will have charge of the North Henderson congregation, near Alexis, III, A, D. Anderson, of Ray; Tilth, will probably go to the mission field. . A. M- Neale, of Kimbolteu, 0„ will be located a t 'Scotch Ridge, O. 33. C. Coleman, of New Corcord, will have two charges a t Poole and Majors, Neb. - - X Kelly Griffin, of St. iClairsville, O., will go to Muskingum college, as an assistant to President Dr. J. Knox Montgomery. Milliard -'Wylie, of Lieb, Texas, is not yet settled. A. 1 j . Yarnell, of Cambridge, O., will begin his ministry a t Arlington, Wis. COUNCIL MEETING, Council met in regular session Mon day evening, all members being pres ent, The bills for the month amo: -ited to 1242,91. The reports of the various ecmimUeca were adopted. An ordinance -for constructing a cement curb and gutter In front of the J. II, Andrews and F, T. Tarbox prop erties was passed. These two proper ties are the only ones that have not complied with the improvement or dinance passed last rummer which resulted in new curbs and gutters be ing constructed, /dr. Tarbox show ed good' intentions by letting the con tract, but the contractor failed to do the work. Mr. Andrew ignored nil 3}io legal notices and indirectly has chal lenged the officials. As a result coun cil will let bids and make the Inf provement and tax same to the prop erty. , A petition was presented signed by roost every property oWnor and busl- ness man oh -Main street and Xenia uvenu© asking that these streets bo oiled to keep down the dust, Council Is powerless to act at once under the law ns 90 days is required before the work , can be started. Council by a full vote passed a resolution granting the property owners and Individuals the right to oil. Where the oiling is completed 'to cross -streets council will hear the expense of the square. In another year if the public desirtes council to do the oiling it will be necessary for the ordinance to be passed not later tliah •February to comply with the referendum law. FACT§ WORTH READING. *DED OF LOCK-JAW. j Isaac Young, aged '87, died early Tniiday morning, after suffering more than a week trfum lock-jaw pro duced by an Injury pa his right foot while .at work on the Andrew Win ter farm, south of town, one day last Week; \ tmng was engaged In plowing and while going around a stump the double-tree caught. stepped for ward and lifted it wad a t the some time spoke to hie ikrej-horge team do move up. The plow bad eaught ou a root and' the team gave a Jerk which re sulted to the point altering the mld- Ih-! of Young’# right, foot. The injury was on unusual one and •niff i ;?ig great and «9l that could be done in tt m QU'pl icred. There was- no covory after loek-ja’ deceased leaVM no community except Wife, formerly. % BhM«: a couple of years cap, was held Thursday. was admini&- ope for his re developed. The datives in this marriage, Hls ledecker, died The funeral Mrs.. W. A. Gondohjand^children, of Trenton, are visiting j$r. and Mrs. R C, Watt. *Mr. Andrew 4•>* Jadtadn promising pacer -on-‘Monday * NOTICE. Jly the orders of the Board of Health no more dumping of ashes, brush or any other material will be -permitted in the Klldow quarry from this time on under eiders of prosecution. D, II. ’MeFARLAAM), Health Officer. The Log&n Gas & Fuel Co„ thnt ds laying j& pew pipe line through this section' fa Dayton, is making rapid progress with the work, I t is said that the company will have one of the largest forces ever used in doing such work. ‘Hundreds of men will work in the trenches and .a number of teams will be required to distribute the pipe. FDR SALE—About 20 tons of good timothy hay. D. B. Turner. LAST MEETING. ‘ The Green County Blind Commis sion, which was legislated out f cx- ir-tento bj the last legislature, held •the final meeting Tuesday ta com plete the hiieiness before turning It over to the county commissioners, their successors. The commission eonsigted of C. L, Jobe, P, JI. 'Stewart, T. J. Stewart, NOTICE. Notice is Jtereby given that all vaults, rubbish, trash and ashes must be cleaned up and ^carried away by May 20, 19J3, in accordance with the Ohio laws and village' ordinance. Failure to comply with the above notice shall 'be considered' a misde meanor and punished accordingly, D, H. -M c F arland , Health Officer. TEA0HER8, NOTJQEI Would you like to make a few Jmn* cat dollars during your vacation? I have a proposition to offer you wh^r- - by you can use all or part of yum time. • Something entirely now. L. will pay you to see me. Write at once, or better yet call personally. A. M, Myers, 3105 Conover Bldg., Das- ton, Ohio. MEN AND BOYS WANTED. Regular employment for a limited number. Good wages and special in ducements to steady workers, AprA; to any of our superintendents. Thy Booven. & Allison Company, Xenia, Ohio. - — o uw t V.I.U uuut. FI°y£ Hamilton, of Clifton was run own a machine sees where you have-40™ by automoblle wWle turning gemp past,, a trail of chicken -feathers,1^ SJ?rl?sfleln !ast' If rida?r' where you have relentlessly run *c5.i!eceJVef-:ai aild down *the innocent poultry -along the *UJ° hud-motorcycle were badly 29th Annual Tour' . S tows . COM B INED CIRCUS WILDWEST 0o!o^aJJongress._QfJrap82eJloHZflntal-Bar~fifld-Roman Ring Aeriaists, Acrobats, Wire Performers, Contortionists, Equilibrist ,Clowns, Russian Dancers, Cowboys and Indians Performing Ponies, Donleys, Dogs,Bears and Monkeys. Beautiful Specimensof Wild Animals F R E E B A N D C O N C E R T B E FO R E EACH PER FO RM ANCE , ADMISSION 25c, Children under 9 yra. iSc Under Mammoth WATERPROOF TENTS TWO SHOWS DAILY A T 2 AND 8 P. M. R A IN O R S H IN E * P O S IT IV E L Y O N E D A Y O N L Y Geo. H. Smith’s Lot, Cedarville, Ohio. Thursday, May 15,1913 The following Is sent by a. -subscrib er, Rev. H, P. Jackson, who states that 'SecreLuy-Bryaa-ds-not-afraid to stand by hfs conscience—one public man that pays one-tenth oEhis income to the Lord; A writer in the Congregationalism fellow-townsman and minister/ gives a: pleasant view ,o£ William Jennings Bryan as a neighbor and Christian at Lincoln, Neb.: "It was characteristic of ,Mr. Bryan th a t when he came to Lincoln, twenty-five years ago he be came, at.once an a'etlve member’of the First'Presbyterian church. He seems to have been a normally developed Christian boy. At fourteen he declar ed Ilia faith. l-Tls has -been an Intuitive and positive faith.- His participation in -church wc-rk and life xloea -not suf fer vacation moods, He'glves a tenth of his income to the work of the king dom, No -more, unassuming cltinea walks the street of Lincoln, or.rides In‘Its street cars. There seems to ho no craving for luxury, no concern for pretense. The children were brou^flt up in Mis dlttle neighborhood t'hJrqh, the mother long had a class of young peopJqrin the Bible school. One child as «|nee'become on ' -Hpiscopellan ' r.a. ~ terian church to South Lincoln that they ffiay aid the*-new enterprise that went out- fvom the nidther church down town.” The telegraphic hews reports Mr. Bryan, as assuming ac tive work in connection with Sabbath Shipped his i s to Co lumbus, where Mr, Frank Hedrick will add her to his string u f race The young mate is clean footed and his made milts to 2:12 without hobbies. There -is promise of ! reducing the tlmp considerable this season. -.invitations are oUS'for the marriage of Mr. Howard Turnbull -and ‘Miss Let- ta Bumgarner, Wednesday, May 14.. Mr, and Mrs. A.' JX-Carver, of Rich, ‘ mond, fnd., are spending a. few days with the latter’s parents, Mr. Win, Jeffries and Wife. - j Watt & Foust recently ^old one o f; their prise-winning hogs to Kohll & > .Michler, of New Paris, tod., for $800. [ The hog had. taken .fitst prizes a t Ohio, Indiana and fairs last year. . w! B, Clark of chased the Aaron, that village, Mr. Ernest Foster' teaching the past w yllle, lnd„ high ’scfei his work and returned to ins home in Clifton, last -Saturday. ' Mr. Foster has entered -college ana JViU finish with the graduating, class! ‘this year, *hav- > tog only a few wdel4 Work to com plete -his coursew Dr. Elmer Elder, who was called to Y- the death of pUt- friends in this sectio Hon* George Littb the largest cohtribu fund a t Tippecanoe Herald.* Mr. Little at the.jtlto A Handsome $2.50 W A L L P O C K E T or M IR R O R H A T R A C K 5 s>- 1 0 to 98c >Here is a copy of the tickets we are giving with purchases: .Kentucky state 1 dffon, has pur- jlia property to ;who has been ter to the Ida- hi hap finished . f Pueblo, ,CoI„ >w Spriugs by, her, ended on- * ® They-re both wood** A planK and a- violin, bu t th e re ’s som e differ* en e e in v a lu e . - of our Hue of * ■ ■ ■ before purchasing. POSTE , HERR ING AND BIMEL ' " : m . ; tt Kerr&HastingsBros. C eda rv ille , O h io afternoon meetings in tho^Y^JvtoCYjL. bfetfuaulteJlL ■oFTheTiatrofiaTcapRal. Dr. -E. C. Ogleabee will be away from hls office next Tuesday and Wednesday attending a meeting of the State Medical Association to Mar ion. ■ ■ ' ■- —One or the Incidents to the re cent flood which was not disastrous to the general public was -the loss of millions of gallons of booze which: floated down tha Ohio .river when the Rugby distillery collapsed and Its pro duct went to swell the high waters. About 5,000 barrels of the redeye, val ued at $200,000, Went whore it couldn’t hurt anybody except the fishes. The motorcycle craze seems to have struck town, Among those who have now machines are Hugh Grindld, John Steele, W. K, Kennon and-Hugh Marshall, Mr. R. P. McLean, who has conduct ed the Central Hotel and Restaurant for more than a year has closed up hls business and will devote his time to some other dine. FOR RENT —Splendid office room over Hartman’s Clothing Store. Rent $4. J. P. Chew, Xenia. IT WAS OUR MISTAKE. Thhfc people read, advertising was proven by the Adv. of the Home Clothing Go., In our la st issue. A handsome wall pocket or m irror hat rack is being given away by this firm upon the purchase of stipulated amounts of merchandise and the payment ot a small fee. The Adv. a ttrac ted attention bu t the necessary prices were liilBslng to make the reader understand the liberal offer, I f you could* not understand the*proposition last week just take a look a t the Adv. In 'tins Iflmin.-------—------ —1—- DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to a lt con corned th a t the partnersh ip firm, known as Chao. L itte r & Bon, hue th is day besn dissolved. -The busl* ness will bo conducted by Edw. Li L itter to whop) a lt accounts are pay able, . Chas. L itte r 13dw. L. L itte r, May 6 ,1B18. TOWHOMIT CONCERNS, All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to McFarland Bros, wilt take notice th a tL . (L Bull has been authorized to make collection amt settlement. A rrangement for immediate payment should he made with Mr. Bull. McFarland Bros* Recorded, as Jpg to the fthW’V'ttltega: bears: the inspbeiptton and line out as to the helghth of water during the flbod to that city .to 180B. The flood Iasi month passed the former record by seven feet and throe inches. Miss Florence White, of CiiftoW, has Trade $20.00 at our store and 198c (in Cash n a ' .’> a ■ a 85c i- " 'ii i\ "■ 1a' a■ 650 a a it u ' tt a 45c a ■ ti ■ ii . a a t, 25c a a V, Gov, Cox baa lifted marital law- in Dayton... and Hamilton where these cities have been under control of.the atate^for the past 42 days. At ope time there were 2,700 men “on duty to Dayton alonel For several weeks the number has been reduced to 100 men. Conditions are gradually becom ing normal to th e city, yet .there re mains a .vast amount of work to -he done in cleaning the mud Troifi the streets and alleys In the residence sections, Probably, no city in the world ever suffered as great a loss and ’ 1& coming out of the ruins in so quick a time, aw Dayton. - —r-i ---- -* . •v • >' *41 | A ORDINANCE NO, 76, -Be. it “ordained by the council of the village of Cedarville, State of Ohio: To levy special assessments for the construction of curbs and gutters on Mato street between Cedar street ahd the south line of F. T. Tarbox. -Section That to pay the cost and expense o f constructing a curb 'and gutter heretofore determined to be assessed therefore, In accordance with a resolution, passed on the 4th day of ‘March, 1912, to construct a curb and gutter on west side of Main Gtrcet, -beginning at the south side of Gcdar effect and extending to the south tine of F. T. Tarbox’S lot, tn accord ance with the aforesaid refolutlon of the council of the said village, there be levied and assessed upon the lots described and-the amounts set forth, viz: ,T. II. Andrews lot No. 58, Nes bitt addition, 68 degrees, 3 minutes and 8 seconds, total 71 minutes hud & seconds, at 45c per lineal foot. Amount S£ paid cash, 432.20. F. T, Tarbox part of tot No. 58, Nesbitt ad dition. The aforesaid assessments are * t the rate- and amounts In dollars and cenfspef front foot ws stated In the schedule herein above set out. Section 2- That the-totat-aygegs^ ment -against each lot shall be pay able In cash within twenty days from the date of the final passage of-this Ordinance, or in five annual Install ments, with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per -annum upon the deferr ed payments, a t the option^ of the own er; all cash payments shall be made to the village treasurer, and all In stallments of assessments shall be certified by tbo clerk of council to the county auditor before the second Mon day of 'September, annually, -to bo by him placed upon the tax duplicate, -as provided by law, wnd collected as other taxes are collected. ' Section 3, That this ordinance shall take effect and be to force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Passed this 5th day of ‘May, 1913. L. G, BULL, President of 'Council. Attest*. J. W. JOHNSON, Clerk, Approved tills 5th <|ay of May, 1913, h . <L BULL, Mftyot of the village of Cedarville, Ohio. (SftAb) Dr. Mile*1AtP’-lVdn Ptoa for rheumatism, Trade $30.00 w ith us and we will give you one FRE IJ. Purchasers from, 5c up will count on th is ticket. .Come in and see this beautiful -Wall-Pocket Or Mirror H a t Rack, and w.e are qu ite sure you will wan t one. - . ' . v Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goodsand Shoes ; c", r/ Trade at HOME Cedarville^ Ofaip ■J it Not Only SPR INGFIELD ’S G r e a te s t S to re B u t the G r e a te s t S to re in C e n t ra l Ohio. b •J 2 Big Sales Beginning Thursday, May 15th » -4 t Oar Annual May Sale of Silks and Dress Goods Morfe than 20,000 yards of the newest weaves - , % * and colorings at prices from 1-4 to 1-2 below values. Our Regular Spring Sale ofHouse Furnisliings - ■ ■ ■ t ; - 1 - ' '« Everything that i s !carried in an up-to-date House furnishing store you’ll find at W R E N ’S* Prices have been greatly reduced lor this annualvevent. We payyourfare bothways on purchasesof $15 or over. COMETOWHEN’S.. i«il**W*M* MMi
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