The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 1-26
r fit? fARMFIS W E P A Y Y O U INTEREST €Nvet-D5 W L LOAN tOU HONEY | WHEN INNEED Vou will find a friend in, us, Mr. Farmer. One who will pay you intt-resfc on your deposits, or who will’ loan you money at a reasonable rate of interest. Von cannot place your money to a J hf-tter advantage than with hr for a able and conservative manage ment. None ran excel The ( ’edarviHt* Building & Loan Asso ciation. The Cedarville Building & Loan Association Incorporated for..................$200,000,00 Subscribed .stock ........ $126,425,00 BOARD OF DIRECTORS W . J. Tftrbox, President David Bradfute, Vice-Pres.' J. W, Dixon W. H. Barber O. M. Crouso W. A. Bpencer B. E, McFarland W. M, Cottrell “ Andrew Jarikson, Secretary. J N ow is the to think about selling us your cream ■..v r." r.-* , . - • ff ^.- Xenia Creamery Co. XENIA, OHIO #*- ‘ ~ < -v - , , ' 4 , ‘ 4 * v Highest Price Cream Buyers Both Phones . Cans furnished 30 days for free trial. BROS. : X en ia , Ohio. So. Detroit St-,, Cash For One Week Beginning May 24th. ’ • ‘ . • - t Cadte Sugar, 0 lbs........ ........jSOe . Matches, 5 boxes .......20c Fancy dried peaches..... 10c lb California Hams............16c lb Clean Easy soap, six largo . bars.......... ........ .............. . 25e -~1 A Good Coffee........ ..........22e lb Walrus Salmon, 8 cans.....50c Red Bird Salmon, 8 cans . ...40c. We Will Pay 18 Cents in Trade for Fresh Eggs PHONE 2-26/ Waddle’ s Grocery Njl.rv*'. I * “ JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT” I Try making an oak or mahogany effect on your old chairs and table* You wiU be tickled beyond belie! with, the results, HANNA ’S LUSTRO -F IN ISH CHANGES Silver Fleece Sauer Kraut - 8 caaB... .......................I,......250 Elksgrida Catsup..... 10c bottle 100 lbs Cane Sugar............ $5.00 Lenox Soap, T bars............25e- Mad River String beans'......?’',....... . 5 cents can > Van Camps Lima Loans, h cans........ 1....................... 25c Olii 0 „Sugar Corn, 4 can .....25c LOCALANDPERSONAL j d? ’■* ___ . ] y Canned corn and tomatoes are j especially priced in dozen lots. . j Nagley Bros. Mr. Frank Brailey, of t’ineimudl, was the guest of Mr. B, W. Ander son and family, Tuesday. m* ■» . m i Ice cream will bo served at tbo market Saturday, June 7. t! isne and help the benefit fund. CHURCi SERVICES.. R, P. CHURCHL (Mam StreeD Mr. 0. W. Crouse and grand daughter, Thelma Smith, spent Wednesday iu Fairfield. Miss Maude Harris has resigned bet position at tbo Telephone Ex change to make her homo with her grandmother, "Mrs. Elmer Spencer. Miss Ina Farm will fill the vacancy. —•Special prices on five pound or more of coffee, Nagley’Bros. Ono grand performance of music and entertainment at the opera house, Monday night. Mr, and Mrs, W. R, Torrence, of Xenia, have goue to Rochester, Minn., where the latter will under go an operation at the Mayo, Bros.1 hospital. Be sure and see Raymond WiL hamson in the role of “ Joseph Pendexter, an insurgent” Monday night. R qv , W. J. Smiley, of Sparta, 111., who has been attending the R. P. Synod in Cincinnati, made a short visitwith relatives this this .week. The jjart of Marie, the parlor maid, who puts on “ French Airs’ 1 will be played by Miss Mary Cooper In “ Polly fn Politics.” I will open a fish market in the room at the corner of Xenia avenue arid Main Strict,. T expect to handle ail kinds of fresh fruits and vege tables in season. Prices the lowest considering the duality. , Casper Heitsnnan. The ladies of the Missionary So ciety of the United Presbyterian; church will hold a market next week, Saturday, June i, for"the benefit of the If, P. church of Day- ton, which suffered so in the recent flood. v Market June?, for the benefit of flood Hiilfererg will bo held fn Crouse’s implement room. A good grade Ante Carbon ' De* fonder OlFat Rltlgway’a for 4u cents gallon. Messr^. Will Marshall and John Ross IsaVe made tlm capture of the fishing season thus far. a day or so ago. they journeyed to Clifton where they landed two carp, ono weighing 11,M lbs and the other lbs and placed thonrort'exbibitum at Mar shall's restaurant, Asiistiaf a still larger one than either of the above got away. Don’ t fail to see “Polly in Politics," Monday night, Juno 2nd. Mr. Walter Sterrett, wife and son, Ronwick, of Pittsburg are here to attend ttie reunion of the W. R. iSterrett family. Mr. Sterrett is connected with the engineering de partment of Heyl & Patterson, trie., Pittsburg, . , Tcachoib M ictiu f Saturday at 7 p.m . ' itibio School Sabbath at bd'O a, m, Preaching at lo,*3Uit. 'Tu. by Rev. Dai id McKinney, 1), I). The pa:- tor will preach for Dr. McKinney in Urn First church, Omrimmti, Sab bath. C. E. meets at Gp. m. Jim. David McKinney, D. D .,; pmMitout of Odm ville College, will deliver flip Baccalaureate sermon to the graduating class of the college m tho-church at the eveningservico, TI ip hour is 7 o’clock. Mid-week prayer service next Wednesday at 2 p.m. Shsslqn meets at 8 p. m. M. & CHURCH t):f,0 HudiFay School. 10:80 Public worship, sermon by the pastor. (5p, m, Epworth League. Leader: Bernice Nortimp, Prayer, meeting Wednesday even .ing at seven o’ clock- The Ladies’ Aid Society of the M, E, church will hold a market Sat urday, May Ulftt, in the. Gas Office. N ome a T o w JAPANESE CITIES AS MODELS Lecturer Declare# They Are Ahead of Other Nations In Municipal Government. That western Ideas of civilization have permeated Japan to such an ex tent that it is rapidly forg'ng ahead of some of the recognized leading na tions of the world was the declara-, tfon made by Harvey N. Shepard of Boston, former attorney general of Massachusetts, In an address on “Jap anese Municipal Governments” to' the members of tho Philadelphia City club. Mr, Shepard also declared that the Japanese people Were far ahead of Americans in solving municipal af fairs, ° , “In no other countries on tho face of the earth/’ he said, "‘are tho mu* nidpal governments closer to the WiU of the people thari they are In the Flowery Kingdom, and graft and ex travagances such as often charged against the -'-officials of cities and towns In our. own country‘ are prac tically unknown. "While the- munici palities of Japan are of a more recent development than our own Yhey are founded on a firmer basis to further the prosperity of the people. Patterned after the efilet of France and Prussia their administration corresponds greatly to that of the municipalities of those two European epuntrfes.. All over Japan there is a.marked progress in municipal affairs. Public works are being forwarded and they are Con structing good roads and developing their harbors.” ' Mr. Shepard" spent many years In Japan and studied closely the phases of. life In that empire. “As skilled workmen,” he said, “ the Japanese are rapidly becoming .proficient and are equal to the skilled workmen of our own country. Thoro Is no child labor in tho factories, and because of this wages have increased perceptibly., While modem and ancient clvillza* tlonB are contrasted sharply with each other In some parts o f the Japanese islands, thoy are rather a modern country with telegraphs, railroads arid other conveniences such as wo la Americaenjoy.” Messrs. G. E, Jobe and Clayton McMillan with their automobiles tortjc a party of friends to Mechanics- burg Wednesday toattenifthe Alfal fa picnic. Mr. Joseph Wing one of the foremost alfalfa growers in the county conductsa farm near that city and enlightened a large crowd on this subject. Governor Cox was also pregent and made an able 5defense of legislation enacted along progressive lines. Among thp improvements of retd*! dances in this section large verandas j are being erected for T, B« Mech- Img, R.tJ. Watt and 8.M. Murdock. Mr. David Johnson recently com pleted a veranda. Mrs. David Fellows, of Cleveland, is visitii.gat tiie home of her par ents, Mr.and Mrs, J. II. MUburn. S o . S o J l’N exF »K N iu ve ■ PGfX 1-tAL.K I3Y QBRR & HASTINGS BROS. Mr, J. B, Rife and son spent Sat urday in Columbus, inspecting tho method of manufacturing fertilizer. >$100 Reward* $ 100 , ThoMatters of this pnpor will bo please- toltttfn find theca is St least on# drasded that Sciencehas beenable to cumhi i *li its stages arid that is Catarrh. Beil's i&t#trh Cure is the only positive cur#now ; known to Urnmedical fraternity. Cattfriii m r n # constitutional disease, requires a \ oermSCfttitioiwil treatment. Ball’s Ofifnrrb j OUreis taktlj ihkrnolly, ailing direrelly tqi on tiie blood Midmucoussurmersof system thereby destroying th« foutidstion of th# AU#*6e, *ndgiving the patient strength by buttiUrigupthe consiitntidn end naturn1ftdoing its Work, Tie# proprietors bur#somn£h faith in Sts cdsrtftiire powers, h.#t Wuy dfl’er 5ueHiftiduttl tiOllkr#fotiaiy i tm that tt Tafits to cur*, fieri*! fat Art 0 toMfiMrcfoM*, A,Hitftk F. J, C'HFlfBY * Oo, Tekit0. iM1# fm ty fih # m fir* Nrt, SEES ONLY THE BIG CITIES Brooklyn Minister Would Hava Thom Beautified at the Centers of Our Civilization, Dr. mills of Brooklyn, while hold ing pronounced viewri oft tho dis graceful condition at present prevail ing In many American cities, has very optimistic views of the future. “There is a now spirit abroad in the nations of tho earth,” ho said. “A spirit of revolt against tlm ugliness of largo towns is now sweeping over tho Old World and tho Now. This revolt haa taken on the majesty of a destroy ing Wave, Londpn and Paris, Berlin and Vienna are tired of the old ugli ness, • ' “In Germany alone I have found this summer twenty volumes fresh from tho press, with the ink scarcely dry on the pages, on the new science of town planning an I city building. “In our own country 180 cities are now organized and formally commit ted to a commission for laying out tho lines of growth for twenty years to coma, “AH of our cities of the first class having over 1,000,000 population,most of our cities of the second class, with 100,000 population to 1,000,000, and more than 100 cities Of the third class have their organized municipal com*’ mission on city building. “Tho time was when our civilization was largely rooted In the country, In the farm and the fural village, while the city was only a ganglion and nerve center rather than the" brain. “Nov every year the pull of tlie metropolis upon the heartstrings of boys and girls in rural districts is a stronger pull. 'The city is the center of business, with manufacturing and financial life. The city la the home of music, art and eloquence. The city is home of the college, the libra ry, professional schools, and ibe nil these reasons It la quit# certain that as the city goea *o will go the re public.” inrMinMW sfMiMM *^rt Dr. Mites’ latattv# Tablet* fast* iik* m b* m* wark mm a <****, Two Cars Seed Potatoes O u r P r ic e s Briunirirn old Hickory Flour, 25 lb sack fo r - 75c Schmidt’s Ocean Light Flour, 25 lb. sack for . 7o Country Cured Bacon .. 18c „ Breakfast Bacon, per lb. £8 Fancy Sugar Cured Ham, l b .................................... 22> California and Picnic . Hams, per lb................. 18 African Java Coffee, per lb............................. ....... 22 Rio and Java Blond per lb ................. .... ........24 Rio-Coffee per lb.............. 2G Chick Feed, a l b . ...... 21 i The finest seed potatoes at the price ever offered In the county, Several differ ent varieties, *Get our prices, O u r P r ic e s SlaPCi’aukrrB ............ -..8 Silver iTuffes.................... 10 P run e s ..................... .. • 8 Fancy Largo Santa Clam Apricots, per lb...... .....12 Fancy Largo I,onion Cling I’ caciioft, her lb......... .....9 Tomatoes, per can..,,,........ 9 Shoo Beg Corn, per can .... 7 J’eas, per can 8 Lenox Soap, 3 bars .........10 SUGAR For Friday and Saturday only SPOT GASH 25 lb. Bag for $1.18 POTATOES 60c BU. H. E. Schmidt 6 Co Wholesale and Retail Grocers •f 30 South Detroit Street, Xenia, Ohio. Lconard-Gates Harness.................. $12,00 and up I. H. . No, J Blue Bell Cream Separator, .$52.00 LH, C. No. 2 Blue Bell CreamSeparator,. .$57.00 I. H.C. 3 1-4 Skein Steel King Wagon.., .$80.00 I. H. C.3,1-4 Skein Columbus Wagon........$75100 I. H. C. 21-2 Skein One Horse Wagon. , . . .$43.00 I. H. C. Disc, Harrow Tongue Truck 3 H, 1 Everier-----............................ .............,$25.00 I. H. C. DiscHarrow Tongue Thick. With Tandum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . $ 4 4 . 0 0 I. H. C* w JPegTooth Harrow $1! .00 L H. C, Champion SelfBinder.. .$!25;00 and up I, H- C, Champion 5 ft. Mower . . . . . . . . ,$42.50 H. C, Champion 6 ft. Mower ................$46.00 I. H. C. Champion Self Dump HayRake. .$20.00 Side Delivery Hay Rake. .$55.00 I. H. C. 8 Fork Tedder........ .....................$35.00 I. H, C. Hay Loader . . . . I ....................... $55.00 Gale 13 inch Breaking Plow.......................$13.00 Gale 14 inch Breaking Plow .$14.00 Gale 14 inch Sulky Plow . , . ........... .. .$30.00 Gale SureDrop Planter ............... ,$35.00 With Fertilizer Attachment. . . . . . . . .$45.00 Gale Riding Cultivators..............................$24.00 Gale Walking Cultivators........ ............. .$16100 Gale Single Shovel P l o w s .$2,10 Gale Double Shovel Plows.......... .$2.25 Gale 5 Tooth Cultivators,.......... . . . .,.$3,50 Gale 7 Tooth Cultivators,. . . . . . . . . f . ,$4.75 The New Idea Manure Spreader Light Draft and Wide Spread............ $90, $100 to $115 ; GASOLINE, ENGINES 1 1-2 Horse Power ........................... .. .‘$35.00 2 1-4 Horse Power , . .$45.00 4 Horse Power................... $90.00 6 Horse Power ....................... $125.00 8 inch Burr Feed Grinder and Crushers . . .$20.00 C. M. CROUSE % , ■ ■ ■ ■ „ ■ ■ ■ * _ ’ I ” ■ V H ardw ar e=Farming Implem ents Cedarville, Ohio. First Shipment OF- Carpets Rugs Linoleums and Oil cloth also « New Goats Suits Waists Embroidery Bargains 1-2 *Y*cUrd wide* **••««**»****«•*«• *** *««««* # ****#**loo 18 Inches wide........................................... 15c 27 Inches wide ................ ^........................ 25c * " . ■ * • Hutchison & Gibney The Quality is the Same But special prices are named for quick sale. We couldn’t change the quality.if we wanted to for these are all standard articles, manufactured by companies that stand back of every sale. li-s dollars to every purchaser and that is what you want. I « 0 XEN IA . OHIO., WWIIWI wtnt vmm •XX GET OCR PRICES ON PRINTNG X X
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