The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 1-26

i r E&l - - W H I T E S H O E S A N D O X F O R D S “ A R E I T ” F o r W o m e n a n d C h i l d r e n a Childs White High Shoes Good Grade ’ t 2 to 5 5 t o « 81 to H Hi to 2 85c " $1,10 $140 $1.50 Ladies White High Shoes $2.00 $3.Q0 $2.50 $3,50 Childs 2 Strap White Sandies 500 ■ ■ - 85c 65c $1.00 «... Misses 2 Strap, and 4 Button Oxfords, / . _ $1.00 $f.40 - $1.25 Ladies Pumps 1 and 2 Strap and .4 But­ ton Oxfords Afi Sizes and Widths Ato E $1.25 $ U 5 $2.50 $1.50 ’ $2.00 $3.00 'i v ' . < < ’f . - h , !, , ’• 1 Vl, ’ M o s e r ’s S h o e S t o r e ■ X e n ia * OHIO; ‘ 1 1 we* Cash For One Week Beginning June 14th. Cane Sugar, 9 lbs............—CQc ' Hatches, &boxes 4 ft4M f,*M*! I-,*..20c Fanoydried. pouches,.,..„.l0o lb California HamS..... lb .Clean Easy aoapt six large bars r,__260. A Good Coffee 220 lb Walras Salmon, Scans.,....S0o Red Bird Salmon, Scans,...40c ■ Silver Fleece Sauer Kcaufc' - S cans,... .—.......... ..... 26c BIkspride Catsup-.,... 10c botUe. 100 lbs Cane Sugar......,,.. ..;,.|£.0O Lenox Soap, 7 bars.,...,-......26c H ad E lv e r S iring beans 6 cents can Van Camps XtltnaRsans, m Ohio Sugar Corn, 4 can...,..*5c We Will Pay 18 Cents in Trade for Fresh Eggs PHONE 2-28. Waddle’s Grocery Judge Could Not See Libel. Libel In.a novel ie a quirk in the law that is rather unusual. A man named D-iley In New York objected because he thought he had been Injured by this expression lu a bit of fiction: “Ahd Dailey, the Star Rater of the Palace hotel—he used to have four canraaback ducks. cooked, selected one, and used only the juice from the others. He ordered soup at a dollar a plate, and he had a happy way of buying a case of cha ^pagne with each meal, drinking only thC top glass from each bottle." Without saying j that there was no possibility of libel, 1 the court held that the import Of the , words was a harmless one, i fare Cdarville Herald, # i,o o P e r Y e a r . KARLH BULL Editor raSMKKrf Estered a t the Post-Office, Cedar- vills, October H , 18»7, as second \ class matter. FRIDAY, JUNE W, 1912. Belgian Makes ArttfWW Meat, A Belgian chemist, M. Hffroat, as­ serts that he has synthetically pro­ duced viands, closely resembling butcher’s meat in taste, hu t of great­ er nutritive value. M, affront's method is to take such Industrial resi­ due as malt grains and to extract therefrom the proteids. The malt grains, after being washed, pressed, and treated with sulphuric acid and then lime, give after'^flUratlon and evaporation, a pasty substance, tast­ ing like meat, but with three times as much nourishment. Several sec- torn in Brussels have experimented on man with this artificial meat with satisfactory results. M. Rffront has also prepared another food from- the hay of lucerne and clover and othei fodder, the nutritive quality of which has passed the tests. English Literary Consuls) If America is famous for its ambas sadors who have been men of letters, England can boast of her literary con suls, G, P. It, James, probably the most prolific English novelist (except, perhaps, Miss Braddon), wrote three novels a year for about forty years, and died in I860 as consul general At Venice, Sir Richard, Burton also wrote most of .his travel books and translations of eastern Works when consul in Various parts of the'world. At his last consulship at Trieste, which he held from 1872 to 1890, .he succeeded Charles Lever, the Irish novelist, who had occupied the. posi­ tion for fifteen years. But is there n famous English literary consul at the present time2 i individual Motor.Drive. Individual motor drive lias been introduced In an English miilKWhere there are 700 looms, and the result has been a great economy and many other advantages. The efficiency oi the machinery was greatly increased, as compared with the shafting drive, and ten per cent, added to the. prod­ uct, , Besides this, there was an im­ provement in the quality of. the prod­ uct, better light and less, danger o i personal risk to the operatives. An­ other point in favor Of the innovation is that In the designing of a mill building where individual drive is re­ sorted to there is a considerable sav­ ing In the tighter character of con­ struction which may bq made use of. Merchant “Mammy-* The kindly familiarity of the ne- groks of Barbados shines out in a brief excerpt from Mrs, C* Cameron** “A 'Woman's Wfnter|im.nonet- Amer­ ica." An old colored woman* whose head was wrapped ift A stately red- and-yellow turban, and who carried a basket of. yellow and red bananas, accosted an English officer on the street and proffered her wares. "Not today," he replied, shaking hi* head* “It’s all right/ sweetheart,” .rejoined the smiling old woman: “you buy an­ other day." -What a star instructor In an American school of salesman' ship that old black woman would make!—Youth'B Companion. dfunkonnes. Fat stated ms side oi the case with all the eloquence at bis command* hut the colonel was: un­ moved, “Eight days in the guard, .house!" he said sternly. But in writ­ ing the ”8” onPafa defaulter-sheet the pen sputtered. Pat noticed this, and leaned forward, “Thry It 'twill make a ‘2’ anny alslar, sOrr,” he aug- gested in.A- persuasive whisper.— Youth’s Companion. Magisterial Repartee. "The gallows will he my end: I'm very passionate,” said * young woman who applied to Hr. Iledderwick a t the North London (Eng.) police court for a Summons against a man for assault­ ing her. The Magistrate—“I’m very sorry to hoar that. You must en­ deavor to control your passion,” Ap­ plicant—“But I’m Irish and Spanish mixed." The Magistrate—“That ought to be Asplendid mixture—the Spanish people ate brave and the Irish people are hpmorous.” The woman said the man was a mean worm to assault her. The Magistrate—“Yes, there are lot* of worms; they Will have all of us some day." , Goat as a Sanitarian, The war department ha* found that the goat 1* an unpretentious, but ef­ fective sanitarian. Ft. Washington, on the Potomac, ha* been condemned a* unhealthful. This was because of the dense undergrowth which' is a sanctuary tor the breeding of files and mosquitos. The goat, a sufficient number of him, is now to >e used as a sanitary agent, With his omnivor­ ous appetite, he is expected to eat away the undergrowth and make the premises, having dispossessed mos­ quitos ahd file* of their abldifig place, *,t for human habitation. Greatest Asphalt Lake is Trinidad, The asphalt lake in Venezuela, is situated across the gulf of Paria about 105 miles due west of the Trinidad lake. This body covers an area of about one thousand acres, nearly nine times as large as that of the lake at Trinidad. Its deposits are, however, only a few feet deep in some places, SO the supply from Venezuela la hot pearly so great as that of Trinidad. for English-Speaking Travelers'. The American traveler whe unde himself in Dresden or Leipsig will do well in Case of need to look out for policemen who wear badge* bearing the crossed flags of the United States end Ragland. Officers thus decorated eaa speak English, and even though it be not the moat accurate kind it win suffice. And now Berlin Is to fol­ low ift* same praiseworthy example. A number of effleers have been select- ed sad sent to a language school from which they will emerge fully equipped to be guide, philosopher and friend to the wandering tourist Inuooeut oi .aft tongues save his into. Good tip. Fat's Remedy. , *T should, like to secure an audl- Jrtah wit is a, well-head that has *aee with your wife” “if you will) never been known to run dry, Fat consent to he the audience it ought lttW*4r* had been misbehaving, and, to be easy enough.”—Houston Fort. 4MRMW& before Mr of-» . . mm stoojgod ter <$,» IMrd time with Too Much Ceremonial, A famous Ohio, humorist says that a new rich family In Cleveland, who were beginning to put on a lot of airs, hired a colored girl just arrived from the south to Set as their serving maid. Her new mistress Insisted that all meals should be served in courses, Even when there wasn’t much to eat It was brought to the table In courses. At the end of a week-the girl threw up her job, Being pressed for a rea­ son for quitting so suddenly, she snld: “I’ll tell you, lady—in dis yere house dere’s too much shiftin' of do dishes fur de fewness of de tittles!” —Saturday Evening Post. Must Settle Bills Before Wedding, Mayor Joseph Mark of Metuchen, N, J., has decided not to marry any more persons, unless the bridegroom starts married life free front debt. A former citizen came back to South Bend River after an absence of two years with his mind set On matri­ mony, The wedding was held up un­ til he settled a grocery bill of #42, which had awaited his return. It was hard work to make the bridegroom see the necessity of paying the hill, but he did so when the mayor ex­ plained that there would bo no wed­ ding otherwise. Willing to Prove Statement, A little old woman shuffled into the dock at Tottenham, relates the Lon­ don Mail. The Clerk—“Alice Mahon?” Prisoner—“Alice Mahon,'aged sixty- Sevan, a native of Brighton, and a traveler from, casual ward to casual ward.” She was charged with being drunk and disorderly. “I' only lad two glasses of beer,” she said, "and your worship will agree t couldn’t get drunk on that.” The Magistrate—“I don’t know.” The . Woman—“I do. And I am Teady to be tested." Leva Grows Through fiervloa We all love those Whom we benefit, and, as zooms* we find ourselves actu­ ally interested in benefiting humanity, our love for humanity begins to grow and develop. Uncle Pennywlee'. Uncle Pennywise says; *1 don’t suppose a rich woman feels any par­ ticular gratification when she gets a * new pair of shoes.”—Kansas City Jour. . nsl. - Just Before He Pled. "I don’t see,” observed Mrs. Bing, “why, when they are giving away all them offices, they don’t let women hold something." “They would, my dear, but the women won’t do it," an­ swered her husband, “Well, I should like to know, John Bing, What theyll let them hold?” He took his hat, look­ ed to see that* the hall-door was open, and, in trembling accents, murmured; “Their tongues, my dear." New York Lead* In Lite uiiumno*. | New York city has as much life ift- l snrance Ift force as Chicago, Phils- . delphia, Boston, St. Louis and Balti­ more all taken together. fI - I & I i r- ■ m 1 Here’s a Good One For Yon THE CRITERION. THE KINGSBURY CO. Ready-for-Service Suits $ 1 0 1 » $ 2 5 ' ■^ f ; ■_ ■ Perfection it like the iky—in sight, but out of reach .' You’ll only find <fper- fection” fu two place*»»the dictionary and the mouths of fools, j O U R C L O T H E S f o r sum m e r a re as r a ta r perfection a s “try h a r d ” and “know how1*can m ak e them . * t3 .Iy ' Quality counts herefand every gar­ ments just right in material, trimming, cu-%?ai|:firing, fit, style, finish, and every­ thin;? that goes to make' up Clothing that looks wei(, fits well, and wears well. . ^ Seeing, is Believing You may. ho sure o f a welcome awaiting you always at Our Stores, The Same courtesy is extended to “lookers’* as to purchasers. Extra Special A' Suit Sale 105 Suits in full range of sizes, that were formerly $12, $15, $10, $18 values, offered, for $ © ■ 7 5 ' Btoken lines—cue, or two pf a kind. ( T h e JC h tg s b u ry , C o . o n ly ). Also about $5 Suits in $20, $22, £ 2 3 , a t . ' V f t e C y f f e c r f o n 4 • Will sell M ?.‘rst ct 11» r. tut r«-Lt ' > ;n vteifjhfcond L-u-ihl-iu ;■- -Ik” iV i- und wear, Boys’ Norfolks Suits that are- tailored as well as merely made. A Store T o FBw y s r FpIeucJid styles — are just x should be—mannish '•Yet youthful—sizes ranging tlH j to i s ; ^ w p 4-. * Furnishings and Ilafcr--., 1 I j ’>■> A i-U n > i iHie. Criterion 22 South Detroit St,, Xenia. 55S5ffi$S3C0**8S n n ga {■X b J ' SO and 3J East Main St:, Xenia * l w m m $ M i ( $ u - i i s 4 i,3 Balkan Kings Speak English, A peculiarity of the three Balkan rulers, King Ferdinand, King Peter and King Nicholas, Is the admirable manner in which they all speak Eng. lish. That King Ferdinand, a Saxe- Coburg and a Jdn*man of our royal family* . and King Reter, who has spent most of his life itt the ’ capitals of Europe, should be oonversaftt with our lan­ guage Is not, after all* astonishing, but it is curioes that King Nicholas, who has reigned over his little nation bf herdsmen and shepherds for five and forty years, and seldom crosses his own frontier, should be the most per­ fect English scholar of the three.— London Letter in New York Sun. Dogs Haul #1,000,000 2,000 Miles, More than #1,O£0,GO0 in gold was brought to Seattle, Wash., by the steamer Mariposa from Cordova, Alas­ ka, having been more than two months in transit from the Idltsriod district From Idltsriod to Chitlna, mote than 2,000 miles, the gold was hauled on dog sleds. At Chitlna it was placed on a train and oaught between two snow slide* that tied up traffic more than a month. During that time the express company's guards* heavily armed, wafohed over the treasure. Ambiguous. Mattd—What kind of a man did Car­ oline marry? Beatrix—The kind Who can oome home from Europe with money ln his pocket PURE READY MIXED PAINTS Marvel Marvel Marvel The Paint That is Right. _ These materials are made from the beat raw products and put together with the best of human ingenuity, for a paint to have absolute durability, permanency, color and wearing properties. We guarantee these products to be just as we say they are, absolutely safe and reliable under any reasonable conditions. Also our Varnish line is one of the highest grade and most re­ liable lines in the United States. Any information in regard to these materials, wc%ill glaclly for­ ward, color cards and price lists on request. If They Are Ours, They Are Good. THE SPRINGFIELD PAINT &VARNISH CO. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Mi lsjs ;n<m money; them tw to yon. sta rt yo The C Xe $ ' £ LOCA Mrs. Edit Kathleen oi - into the Bli’t loen will tes next’fall. , The Gi'eei to be held a will prove < beuefioial g pie. The se the Y.M.O. church. An from tins so ing of Oiifto ing session; McMillan. —Over 12 frames to e<- General p lildgway’s f. * 1# J * *'/ ■ 2 £ GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTNG ft * 12-ft t) X 12-1