The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 27-52
Qlearaae# Side of Winter Millinery This is opportunity and one that you should not miss as our line is large and complete with the latest styles, ffg ts Bonnets Toques For Women, Misses and Children. Entire stock to be disposed of regardless of cost. 37 Green Street, * 0 ' Xenia, Ohio Ml «w A W e want your dd Piano in exchange on a Player Piano. No home is complete without a x ” 1 y ' * , *. *■ ' 1 ; ' ' , r * •»•** , _ I , Player Piano. Anyone can operate it. B o t h Ph ono s E s t a b l i s h e d 12 Y e a r s B ijo u En t ra n c e 19 G reen S t ■*r X e n ia , O h io And now is the time to make your selectiotf*a&d , the best place in Xenia and Greene Co, is SCHEL’S HERE YOU C AN -BU Y Ladies’ gold filled Watch. -.*10 to *25 Gents’gold filled Watch.. . . $8 to $50 Ladies’ solid gold Case... .$10 to $50 Gents’ solid gold Case.. . .$10 to $100 Also a line of low priced watches for Ladies or Gent&from . ,$1 to $7 Diamond Bings, from .. . . .$6 to $400 Signet Bings, from............... $1 to $16 Glass Tumblers. *50e, 75c and $1 doz,' Single Sterling SilverTea spoons. . . . . . . . . 75b to $1.75 each Triple Plated Knives and Ports , Per setv.............. ;, .$3.50 to $6 50 Quadruple Plated Knives and Forks, per set........... $4 40 to $6.50 You can also see a large line of Sterling Silver Tea Spoons, per s e t ...................., .$4 to $10 Sterling Desert Spoons and Forks per se t .............................. $9 to $16 AND ALSO FOR A NICE G IFT S^lid gold necklaces, sold gold bracelets, solid gold sleevebuttons, solid gold scarf pins. Also the same line of goods in gold filled. - Toilet sets, brush, comb/ mirror, military brushes, clothes and hat brushes, scarf pins, gold and gold^filled locket* and an endless variety of set rings, signet rings, plain rings, band rings, all solid gold, silver and gold thimbles, gift clocks, chafing and bak ing dishes, rich cut glass, large line of backcombs and hat pins, the largest stock in Xenia. Special inducements for persons wishing to buy Umbrellas. 25 per cent discount. Also, will give the same oiscount on Ladies’ Gold Brooch Pins.' A fine line of Gullette and Auto Strop Safety Razors from $5.00 to $10.00 each. In fact a full and large line of goods always to be found in a first-class Jewelry Store* j ........ ^ F. J. H. SCHELL Steele Building, ■ t Xenia, Ohio AYuletMe Tragedy W HEN Gibbs found that UUwife "bad It In for him,1* a# he called It, and had ' bought him a box of cigars for his Obrfauw present he grew srtee and. with apparent sorrow, said to her; ♦‘Now. Isn’t It too bad, my level I discovered that cigar smoking was he, coming eo injurious to me that I hare quit It and lrnee to^cantent myself with a few Whitt* hpw and then on my pipe with mild tobacco, Now/ten’t It too bad!" ’Tm m awry,, denrr* salfl Joeloh Gibbs* wife “But y iur friends will enjoy them, and I*am sure tUftt will -ptoaseyou.” Gibbs smiled grlm lMM^fi/lils wife departed, lin k e d J c flH p ly at blm- aeff in the iooRi,ug,#ia«Jr And when he fmW his friend J»e $plcer he told him how he liacl escaped Ida wife’s, Christ mas cignvs-Jee Spicer, the best Judge pf. a good cigar that ever bit off the end of « two-for-edtalf. And JOe smiled grimly top, , But every time Joe Splcer caUcd at Gibbs’, which was often—he was an old friend of Gibbs—he smoked one or more of Joatah's wife's Christmas cl- SW- . - , “Gallant and diplomatic of yp'U* Old man!” Gibbs would say to Spicer on opportunity and smile bis knowing smile. And Joe would smile his. ’ And by and by the cigars were all smoked by SplcOr. and Gibbs”wife was led to say to Gibbs; • .'•‘'It's ju st,a perfect shame, JOsiah, that you couldn’t hike any pleasure in those cigars and that your friend Spi cer should .Mve bpd them all/”‘ . At which Joslah smiled his-knowing smile And said; “Oh; well, toy love,-never mind. Joe seemed to enjoy them.’* “Yes, indeed!” said JOsfab’s wife.. ‘•Why shouldn't he?" ' / V, hicb made jostab smile ’more and move and almost chuckle, But be said . nothing,. - ' j “Yes, Indeed," repeated Mrs. Gibbs,; “why shouldn't he? You know. Jo- slab,,you told me that a woman should never choose cigars for a Christmas, present to Set husband, as a woman ’ .knows nothing about their duality, so l ashed-Joe Spicer, having heard you say dften what ah excellent judge of a cigar be was, to select Abox for me— the best , he could.' get—and he-did, and”— ■ , a , % ' . ’-* ' Joslab Gibbs h$d instant business' down- a t the' office, where be tore his hair and flung hi$ pipe and tobacco opt of the window, And. he passed Job gpicar w iaogbb^ |l* fc5d witfcqst; The Reindeer Qw Upon a starlit night. The beat ot horn aha hoot. Eight noWVrvhKlefcr stood . And stamped upt>tt a root A sudden shot rang out, A Shot that fhtst sped, flit In Amortal spot-. "Down fell lb* sight deer dead. Beneath the show spread roof ' A mart in ntthleSa oau*e Had told a little boy There was no Sants Claus; And after they wore killed Throughout his life's long grind The itttl* boy saw not Another of their kind. Whereof the morel lies: In sport's fair playing name Pray 1st December be Close season for the game. —New York Times, GIFTS FROM HICKORY NUTS. Hickory nuU and hors* chest* nuts tnskti tjuslnt littl* inex* pensive toys. Draw features In Ink Upotf a wrinkle^ hiskory nut to form the head of a grand* mother doll, to which glue * roll of whit* oloth for the body. Two Short rolls of cloth sewed to the body will make the arms; Dress Irt a cheeked gingham freak, white kerchief end apron and * wide ruffled osp, glued to the nut head, With hore* chestnut*, a sharp S .jackknife, burnt match** and corn ellk may be mad* ducks, 7 chickens, horses and other an!* male for * toy barnyard, A few cuts to loosen the shell of the nut make fSathsre and ears, the corn cilk, pinned on, It used for telle and manes, and the matches make sturdy, realistic legs for •; the funny little creature*. Pep's Christmas, Christmas comes but one* a year. But It’* sure to come, Some are ferllng pretty gay, Others looking glam. Seme are blowing In tb* cash; Other* pay by cheek. Borne will get thelnt In the sock, Others In the heck. Ms will get a bunch pf things; Brother’ll not get tnuoh; Sister will get pretty gifts; Pop will get*-a touch! —Yonkers Statesman. A Dainty Holiday Dish, Scoop out yolks from two hard bolted eggs, add one tablsapocmful of butter, half a tcaspoonful of anchovy paste, a few drops of lemon juice, -half a tea- spoonful of whits pepper and All the whiten. Coat with liquid aspic Jelly and parsley. Flare on tomato slices seasoned with olive OP and tarragon vlnegiir, adding salt, Garnish With chopped! Aspic and parsley. When Doing Your Xmas Shopping Don’t Forget That L. S. Barnes 6 Co. ' Xenia, Ohio * . . . . . . . ■ f ■ ■ Carries the largest, best and cheapest line of Seals, Stickers, Tags, Cards and Stationery, W e do Picture Framing, Interior and Exterior House Decorating* . Greene County Hardware Co. Fine Storm Buggies, Gasoline Engines and All kinds of farm implements and hardware at ajDrice that w illp ay you to call and inquire before you places an order elsewhere* G A L L U S B Y P H O N E , IT C O S T S N O T H I N G T O G E T T H E S T O R E Main S t r e e t , X e n ia ,'O h io . •?sfcjfc'•sky The Place to Buy Supplies for Holiday fe s t iv it ie s The happy holidays arc fast approaching and with, them comes the joy of Home Coming and Mammoth TurkeyjDinners Seal Ou r P r ic e s Schm idt’s Old H ickory Flour, 25 lb sack for....,76c Schm idt’s Ocean . L igh t Flour, 25 lb. sack for... 10 Country' Cured Bacon....18c B reak fast Bacon, per lb...2S Fancy Sugar Cured Ham , „ l b ..................... 18 California and Picnic 'Hams, per lb .... ........ Id African J a v a Coffee, per lb.». .......... 22 Rio and J a v a Blend per lb ....................................... 24 Rio Coffee per lb 28 lAPVB&TOOtt IvNeke orWater UnrthtV ISEA’LSHWT OYSTEUb ANoCbe»\calVte*trattve \awd, ,iiv, -■ ilH stonl T I svot ,Trei bw iV) ” 01 \(, ffrsmyCVKYUanUP ‘Mill 4IR; Oysters The Oyster with the Genuine Sea Taste In Bulk and Cans Received Fresh Every Day Stone’s Cakes Received Fresh Daily Save your cash reg ister receipts $e* cu red here and get either a Clock or a beauti ful Mirror. FREE, TURKEYS, DUCKS, RABBITS, CHICKENS -------- ...........r rli fr ir‘ -r —■1 --------- —-f Fancy Candy in Package and Bulk Our stock was never so complete, either has it been of as high quality ahd offered at ths right price* We are going to furnish a, quality for holiday treats, i f $ou have not secured our prices you had better speak soon before the supply is sold out, 1 H* E. Schm idt 6 Co*, Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, . , Xenia, Ohio.
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