The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 27-52

J }' V- ^amsuLiL 0*o4 by rciataetBis bwfertd f tetettcs. ' tin 4m «*<i JUT lMs<w|t*txi twu* fe wwwww’ V*y*. May fe# chwlwwt *E Wf gteqwryb*occupied lurf&y wife** «bj« wfefcfe *b*H sHteqkt*. to y*t gTe*t^r qlfca-t* in the wrvfcn of our Sfbttsr. . , ; ■ ***&*«(*$ ifesj>** ■' agjpwtj^tftu, cHtftmtts* vEkUdua# SCSMl!' if eivly to SEE! It W illi* * *$#bt Wjtftb traveling to #ee •—This 43.*jpsfcrts»fftt « Hoot Ifojatto Bfesf tb Tt*4<ti) m*&, peeked and vritb Sa*f*if»--b*rt, tb*r*, *v*ry- wher* you turn-gfe* Crowd* o f BMmoy.**»i«j People Baying Lik# Madl CQljE, if only to tool M * in S t r e e t a n d A r c a d e , DAYTON , OHIO ■*»■■ « jl 4 * Te)U»s M WMfe afeflf-fc <£*» *pow4 into fonr j«#wtp*f»r *7 g r . fop tire unking. B*t »*** in t*J* m t ** * * j j i f f oot told f e e batlf o i tfe-e w oM nw * etory of thin GagswatteJfuwmry Solo. January Sale E n d s S a t u r d a y HVm twe’jt UWF&dt***** 3wmt$ fad.abwfcwWfcwhnt^ftnnttm. fijow A hapjiy New-ynar is yottr pswtw-e wishfor you ell. For ainfosf Year's feoyterspur present relations Jiave existed and have beenpTete- Grooting « u ind harmonious, Each year brings u* closer togetherns pas­ tor and people. ‘ , •, Ynt Thorn Is ' Rgom From onrpresent vantage ground let us advance. The Clifton Church h|Sa growing membership. One hundred apd forty are on its rolls, Let eVery ope he In the Sabbath service?, ■ Ji,.:fe al­ most twp years since my cotptng among you,. In that time attend­ ance's have shown a noticeable increase, Tbere'fs ground tor copr gratwlatiqm. We are glad attendance has become a fixed habit withmany, Come let us in Cod's temple meet, ‘ Let ts ' be on 'fime, ; ‘ '•' " ’ ’ - 4k Begins Saturday, January 3 , 1914 ( A Swec^ng Gle?ranoc of our Entire Tremendous Stoo ls in 50 complete Depertmente-At Prices that are Extraordinary and Positively Sensational, Bargains that will open the eyes of every Bargain Hunter, Bargains WHhout Number. OUR SECOND ANNUAL GIGANTIC JANUARY SALE, we believe, will be#the most extraordinary ^Bargain Sale ever seen in Dayton . W$ k &winter weatber has left u&with enormous stoekB of fall and winter goods of every description which must be cleared opt at once AT ANY SACRIFICE. -Stocks are the biggest at any time in. our history at this time of year. You’ ve seen Sales before—but none like this one will be for sensational bargain-giving, for EVERYTHING MUST GO—with no thought of PROFIT OR ORIGINAL COST,- The loss la ours—the PROFIT IS YOURS. ' * • , ; ' iffered in this Gigantic January Sale at these wonderfully low prices are of our-well known.high-grade and dependable qualiij—*• *esh nthrehandise bought for this season’s regular business, • - „ Tr„ t tt _? 0 5 TA|CE OF THIS SALE IS SO GREAT THAT WE URGE YOU TO LET NOTHING KEEP YOU AWAY* YOTJ WILL SAVE A HEAP OF MONEY BY DOING 4 J,L YOUR WINTER TRADING AT THE GIGANTIC JANUARY SALE, ^ . These are only a few ekaii^ples o f the phenomenal Bargains in the^Gigantic January Sale There are Hundreds of other Gigantic Sale Bargains just as good °all over this mammoth stoTe, for ENTIRE STOCKS, ARE .REDUCED {ex­ cept a few contract items. , * How Large congregation^} are, maintallied by the effort andSpirit of fee |t churcbmembers. Advisedly do we say the members. The church Gun theirs, The success of its worship and work 'depends largely ■cWgas xhd sfajpee—blg ussort- ■nietazoif oolora- ansi- patitoraB', Gl^taarWc (SaUpyiMeO now,,, . . . . si ns neiitly large congregaiimi, The key to the situation; is with the membership. Talk favorably about your*,church. Make It the topic o'f conversation day-by day among your friends, OthefswiH• 0 catch the cantagibn of interest'from .you, -Fraise'-your church's work;/ Comniend itsm'n's{er-, 'Give publicity to his pulpit mes- ‘ 'sages. Encourage the officers*and%orkors- Fray for the bfess- ’ jng of God upon the work. Then XQOiCordictltyurelcoyt*strangers. Follow them up.' Assist ifc interesting them,in thework. ^ Lopk The pastor is,as ambitious as the people (lit the Clifton Church Forward sh^ll succeed* The people have wrought well in years that >havu Not Pa3b But that record cannot be placed to our c;*dit-as a present Baokw^rd success, Let-us be‘ Up and doing npwl Let.present achievement .be pur aiip! ’Confessedly, there area? great opportunities now as ’ ’ at any time in the hisfory of the .church! This fact should but ’ - bind us closetr tdour source of power.4It is calculated to redouble our faith hi tireOne who alone can give success, W* arha United church. As childrenof faith lire daremore but’ one way*' It is .forward, Let the onwardmovingstream be the symbol.'of our ‘ Christianity.-Forward! It has the right rittg. But rememberj o . **, have a Forwardmovemen^wemust ftrel havean Upward Move* ' • „ -hmU, . ’’ ' ; REMEMBER* THB' DATE' . SALE BEGINS Saturday, Jamr- ' ary 3d, 1914—and ends' Saturday, January 24tb, .350 SHEPHERD CHEckS, 19c . ' ©LACK AHU WHITE SHEBP-"- fiHOBD'CHECK’S—3g4nchj in differ- wfc sHzo checks; can ’fm made m , ” "i2W>c shaker flannel 7i/„e either eldo; well worth, 35o. WA,SfcH; f u n n e l , 754 c CHgunric FriO© now,.. . 1a|u RHAKm FLAN-, ' hOte-BLAGK' D.RESS ’ ABOUT 49 H mtBSfif UOODS—3 !Wldo; plain 'and aEripes; also fancy /Mohajr; vhluea to 59c, - .. <}R a . . .£ v w . W z PRINTS,, 5e 10c DRE6S PERCALES, 6J^c BTANBAitB 'AM-FEICANSHlRT- . DCUBLIES FOLU/ PKRCAlLElS— INC'*AND DRESS P R I N T ' Navy blue grounds; Vbito JSg- ' urea and »tr&peS; fafet ooloruj TOo - 25c COTTON POULARDS, 17c -MERCERIZED COTTON FOU- LAEDS-^Beautitul'pateemst over 29 different ; atyl-efcr^fw,-kimoniae,. REMEMBER THE DATE SALE BEGINS Saturday, Janu­ ary-3d, -1914—And end? Saturday, January 24th. kind. now Gigantic Safe Brice. £1 f t . i— a 1214 DRESS GfNGHAMS, 8%c etc;} 25cfe -fhe Tegular priee. 1 7 f t Gigantic Safe Price noyr.. . . i| u '49c RANCY^EOLIENNES, 27c , ’FANCY FIGURED EOLINEN- ' FA.NGY DRESS tGlNGHA'MS—27; N®S—‘Wfete ground® 'Wftehneait col- »r,iir <oved' figures*; very na-btyj cannots bo duplicated;for less* than 49c. Gigantic iSatc Brice . . . . ,:27c ahd'r Tegular' now '* * 4> » n *•4 * •|K, Vi.1' 3 ' The first reipsnsft to the q*)l feu,ady-aime-riipuldbe jthwg .thfiiijRg of regularattehfrahee ar tfie public wprehfp aerwclba.- Q& A*i$$Sli. • t SST Hwadarthe l^cal-place to begin aa advance. SabijAth. ihlh# red letter day of our cause. The public worship services are the piv- otai S«srvfe(&of the church. Attend} bring yourAches and- pains, your doubts and anxieties, your joys and aspirations.' You will be vastly better orf with them in God’s house than ip. your own. Here we cultivate reverence, and spiritualminded^ess; 0 , A Cloud ■ . ,'■ ■ o f W iin t iis k You are a5Christian. You are a church member. “Forsake not the assembling oEyourselves together, as the mannerOf sortie ty,* Your loyalty in attendance is -watched by 'man and God. You bear testimony to ypur neighborsand friends against, the cause you have espoused every time you remain away from tha public serviceswithout a just cause. Such accumulative witness against the dhurch soon tells against its reputation and influence, Per- hapsyou had not thought of it in this light. Outsiders-will not, crowd a churchwhose insiders are not diligent to attend. The same Is true in the Sabbath'School, Join a bible class if you have hot done so. ' Whan ' * Leader Youhave summoned me to ieadyour worship and yout; work. ’ I have givenmy assent. I can lead only as there are those who follow. Many hearts are aflame with holy- zeal. God awaits, to bless. Let us—pattor, parishoners and patrons—get together now on this, first proposition, and remain together. All at it and always at It. Let this be ourwatchword, ouf shibboleth. N « a imm I will not worry." 1will not be afraid. - ■. ■T* ■■ I will not give way to anger, 2 f will act yield to envy, jealousy or hatred. I ^ {l he khid to every man,woman and childwith wham 1 come in contact. 1 wfllbe cbestfal and hopeful. » 1wilt trust in God andbravely face the lutute. The session requests the earnest co-operation, of the congregation ht the prayenseeting. ^ The tnwtte* are anxious for the faithful use of the envelopes by every mem­ ber every Sabbath,. ■ The ptodor earnestly commends the selection of some department of church activity to whkh you will give sptcialattentionthit while not relaxing dili­ gence in all others as before. Let us try to have every dollar of our quota in the Treasury by April ls and a Id oar most earnest prayers to our gifts that 'The Kingdommay come.” Do not pray for easy live#; pray to he stronger. Donot pray for easy task# equal to your powers; pray for power* equal to your tasks. Then*’ the doing, of yourwork shall be no miracle, but you shaHbe a miracle. Every day you shall wonder at yourself, at the richness «! life whichhas com* to you by the grace of CM, >*» * * Keep looking on Jesus. If you are puzzledwhat to do, look at Jesus and think what he would do K l»« WWUM ***■> . f> Keep confessing Jesus. Showwhose side you are on at your own church, in your daily Hfo-nsverywher*. Keep studying year least fifteen minutes every day, Keep praying. Take plentyof time to pray, Gate work. The move you work for Chriat the more you will enjoy it Faithfully your pastor, C.M^Mitehk. Gdgantfe SWe/OPrl-ce, now. 45c* PRINCESS SILKS, 29c, , A.'PLAIN SILKMIXED FABRIC -—36 inbbes Wide; Mgh!t’ mid dtok plain dtodee tor street or evening w'Ofw; "wbPbh 45q yard. 4 OQ, Gigantic Safe Bitkie, now ,.-.Aw l 6J4c.BLEACHED TOWELING,. 4cr. - BLEACHED ' TOWHJLlNG-^-Bink 'bordered; good.onodivtor weight -foe fcoiud or hotel use; nellsf reguferiy' 'at 95£e. Giguntfc Sale ‘ Aft >-jCrifeemxw^yard.' W-, $125 TABLE CtlGTHS, NOW 69c* % FRINGED .COLORED TABLE OLOTHSr—8-4 or 194 sixes; good rflhgbof peutkoms; sell regularly t&Sfc Glgantlo Sale *’ * y-Brice now,* t«toh"? . - - . l l J I V WHITE GOODS REMNANTS, J HALF-BRIBE . , _ MUSLINS, SHEETHTOS add v«r rkrnhother white afoofefedlprirf-ect goods and utsohii lengths; «B q«mS-. kk». Glga&tre Safe Bride, m v HALF REGULAR PRICES, 69c SLOP JARS, 27c STONE -CSE5NA GIXKP JARS^- ■ftith hafe and cover; regular 09a - 1lad. Gigantic Gale Trica bt •|2, _ EVERY PICTURE In.our entire! etock gobs; «gold loaf or drcaaeted' . finfeh franKu; flne&f c*«bon de- * ■ atenn; ‘beat* subjects; $2.59 ,W-4 . *$3.00 values. Gigantic » P ( j ff Safe Pride now ,... . . . . . . . . ,O m « $2.00 LACE BED SETS> 9fe 11A0E BED SEDS—Deep tfe- irlgne, look like, drawn work; 39x90 wise; finest ?2.00 .quality. Gigantic Sale Price now ftflz* $3,00 WASTE BASKETS, $1,19 FANCY tVASTE FABER -BAgi KHrys-^Beeutiful eihwpea and col­ ors; values up fe $3.00, Gigantic Safe Price now *< j | Q ./Af’ t o D o y t o n W C P A Y YOUR F A R E During the :Glgantle January Sale wo will repay Railroad or Traction Fanes—no matter where you come from — the amount of your purchase, You will bersUrprieBd how -little yon Treed, ----- * ' ’ “ 1 and -' n purchase m order to have your ROUND TRIP .TARE repaid by Trailer’s , .it FEED N o t GOST YOU a PENNY tn railroad fare to attend thin Gigantic Safe: IT * . 'V i n W ' z A iL lli,, n ’tv, - 3 fe*ftvl. • • '» '« ftiktM I i, ' A<v- w**v..*:«*M *«-«k\ ->s A t nVoL. v *.WS ...U?*%■»•« ....... M H -n * , - you Bay, 4ess*>than a H io ^required amount 't o have your entire round trip fare paid we pay a ^ portion o f it according fo.tbeamounkof yourpirrcbaee - - BUY A ROUND TRJP, TICKET wfieri coining to* Dayton. Show the return 'portion, to- ’ *gether with *vo«r sales checks showing the amount o f your purchase, at our Cashier’s Office, il * Second floor, where your/fare witl bo repaid. - ■ *- * % * |f - • ■ We deliver Gttpds* Free" to yoqr nearest railroad or’*tractfon station when yout purchased- * amount $5,00 or ovpr, > * 1 - ' , . 39© TABLE UNSNS, fife ©LEAGUED'OR UNBLEACHED ;Heavy qualRfes; GeTsuau'OT,liiloh weave*; 1 '* “* ‘ ’ larly . . . . . . . . WOMEN’S 59c RUBBERS. 39c . 'WCMBEN’S GOOD . QUAitaTY RUDBSERGrHSmrertand' few1 miBtdhfr GfeimGc Gsfe B b H**nsw. www, WOMEN’S $2^0 SATJN PUNfPS, ,»1.9G .. •Lot-of Women’s Btl^ADK SATIN g choice pa'tteras; fell pegu- ' -button And; ih -•tor S&c, Gigantic ' C f l a -Worth ,$3.09. Brice now, yard.... .. . w a l* . Safe Price ri y»gfe»® a iS ia p w k . WOMEN'S $3.00 SHOES, 75c J-Xhfe fet- o f . WOMEN’S YE»Y DRESSY SlIOES-^Odd fets ffUlace, tm - bluchar; to 5; ' - Gigantic.. «, 7 U W ? * a t» now 39c FLANNELETTE SKIRTS, 17c * ■ i J j ADIES' ‘FLANNELETTE. p®T- TIGOATS,—-Neat -pink or blue, - & tripes; -well rnddb; 25c and 39c kinds, '.Gigantic Safe X T n Price.HubW" ^ , v - V s tz. ..FINE CORK'LINOLEUM® WOMEN’S S1.75 SLIPPERS, 95c '...WOMEN'S SLlBPfSRS--ln .e«tt "vMWd and pafenit colt; 3-sbraip of-' foots; neat round ‘toe; Stoor-t vafep; easy Sitting; good?' Wearing; stzesr 2 fe fe 3 ; $1.76 vsimsr t • Gigantic:Safe Price -now.. , . u u u ^.$1.00 black (baeetoent) LADIES’ 25c NECKWEAR, 7 c LOT OF (LADIES’ NECKWEAR, ©feck CoSi&n, *Jwbotr, Rtc.—-Kind* that eold up to 25c. GJgantfo 7 n ‘ Sale (Price now . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 U REMEMBER THE DATE > SALE BEGINS Saturday, Janu­ ary 3<h 19l4r-and ends Saturday, January 24th. all feme; $2.50 value*. Gb gentfe-Safe -Pried now. , CHILDREN'S: 25c ' _ - PANTS, 16c I, ' Ribbed, -Reece'bared Black Punts tor children; sizes; • 2<Mo 29; th^ , 25c gpufei Gigantic (Safe f l j i •ipricenew , 25c EMBROIDERIES; Kfc. ; . 2690, yards fin* (Embroidery Edgea, Ineerbtng*, K’kraiet Cover -Embroideries, ctc.“-Vafeee to 25c- y*«h Giifentif* safe 1 , Price no#, yard . . . . . . . . . . . . IUt> 25C SHADOW LACES, 1fe. Beetfdful Shadow Lscev, 1a wtdtbe 3 to 9 lnchew; worth lip to 25c yard. Gigantic litre ®ele Price «kw s i.. . . . . . I l f u 26c SILK BOOT ROSE, fee. Ladies’ Gttk -Boot Hoeo-Doubfe beefl nnd toe; htock ftxwl white; our regular 25c value?. Gigantic 1 Qn a dele Trio* now I«|C BURSGN HOSE, 12J£b Ladle*’ Baraon ve*mfe*s sdutped Hoee—GHgSyt ifogreifeotferw, of reg* ulxr 45c quality. Gigantic .Sale Price new ' ' LADIES’ 19o GINGHAM ' , APRONS, 5p ' GINGHAM APRONS—Good nise, wpll made; 100 dozen ,tb sell; 19c value. Gigantic Safe. P rice. now ■,., ... t , , , , . %jf fife KNITTED PETTICOATS, 29c ' LADBEJS' ^KNITTED PETTI- O0AT&—Ire black, reavy, red and griay. wwn. Coloredetrifiee; eaosiient ,69c SWIrte-HAoiu© sRght hreparfiec- tionu); fife kind. Glgwntfe OQre Safe.Prlee now, yard'....... . .A u u 69c AUTO HOODS, 3fe. . Mirssfev and 'L adies ’ kn it AUTOdJtjODS—M nll-colbrs; nenh petfeot rittln*; dined and unlrined, fife and 75c Gigantic Oftre (Sale Trice now j[2dflnor);.'.w»»C 25c HANDKERCHIEFS, 3 FOR 45c 'WOMEN.1® 'HANDKERCHIEFS— Pare linen, hhnd embroidered; ireg- ular 25c quality. Gigantfc 45c MEN'S 25c GARTERS, 15c. BOSTON PAD. GARTERS—SaUtt •pad'; best -cable webbing; no metal Safe Pride now, three tor,. ,touches; (the ririn;, every swttr per­ fect; sell regularly everywhere, ifor $3.69 FANCY CLOAKINGS, $1.9& LOT OF Sff-INCH MATBLA9S© . CLOAKING—Tha gtyllsfh Gloaldiig of the Beaetm; latest patterne; for $3.69. Gigantic S i rtf*. -Pride nbw ...................z jM iG © ' •2fe, now Gigantic Sale Price' 15c $1.00 HOUSE DRES8ES, 590 . Good quality Percale; light and -darkcolors; A new, frenh stock; 100 dozen good $1.00 Dresees. RQA Gigantic Sale Price n oW .,..« ja v $3.50 KID GLOVES, $1,98 16 * .Birttun FRENCH KID ,GLOVE&^-Soft' . pliable quality; .white only; regular value $3AO ■prir. Gigantic Safe S I n n Price-new ..................... LADIES’ $10.00 COATS, $4.95. Wontenb and Misses’ Coat*— Pl’aln, mateiilals and novelty niix- ifudee; haVe sold at $19.00 regularly- -all eeafion. Gigantic Side Price now $4.95 »v»' . f £ e 3fe BROOM8, 15c CARPET BROOMS — 4-eewed, regular size; -regular 3fe value. Gi­ gantic Safe Pricenow (Base*‘ meat—none1delivered) . . .. 15c TAILORED SUITS FOR $16.95 •High-grade Tailored Suita that -soldi for $30.00, $35.00 and $37.50. Gigantic Stile 9 1 9 rer- ■Trice now . . . . . , . . . . . . $ 1 O iifi) (Sale Price now REMEMBER THE DATE SALE BEGIN8 Saturday, Janu­ ary 3d, 1914—and ends Saturday, January 24th. THE LOUIS TRAXLER 3 I - 3 3 S o u t h M a in S t . a rid A fiia d tt ■ Dayton, Ohio CHRISTMAS IN FRANCE. T B Y OUR !OB PRINTING Ltttta On** Ovtr There Uw 5ho«» fn-| stead of Stockings, > | French children lustend of hanging up their aSiS'klngsGlirfstttiah eve jtlace their shore Imfore the chimney, in the morning small children will find' toys for their rejoicing, but w Fbltd who has arrived at the use o f .reason I# more likeiy fo receive a gift of a sum of money tui’i n book, Frtmch gift books for children, as much asany other cue thing 1 know, mark the vast difference between American and French civilization. These hooks, itn to contents, remstn- id* those terribly «ood Imoks that aged ago fe the United States formed the subetfihce of ftsmhiy school libraries.> They Are, if not mtnons fortheyouhgi then tales of children go impossibly virtuous as to be more insufferat.fe than the longest, driest sermon. M appekranee three lioOks exhibit a uni* '• fortuity ns tlrrenme as their contents, ! They afe ahnosi InvitrlHbly femnd In liright ml rlotfr. decorated with afa-' liesque designs fe vivid gold, and In sire they vary from that of a gospel hymn book to something pretty nearly as largo as the family Bible. The sire of the book la regulated, ^wording to the merit of the child receiving it and also according to the heart o f the de* -nor,—Harper** Basaf. He matter hew hard year heed aa%«*r Be. MM** Aati-Pkia f*nttWfe M » y*«u I I M M ! mm r t A amt* taKfts i» , az«*r*WWM*ve « mn I r ws4 whhest tpbixw w T w a g w - jr RECIPES FOROHRISTMAS, Salmon Salad-*—Latnlih »»lm- etr wRh ououtnbara, tomato** and lettaoa. Sprinklo wHb salt, pappor.and paprika. Add a faw dropa m ohlil vinegar and sllcaa of hard belled «gg. Cover with ihl* eauoe: YoTki of thro* egg*, jul&a of a Iamen, «*it and rad pepper,-a plnoK of grated nut­ meg, three tahleepoenfuls of butter and half a etipful of wa­ ter, Stir ever the fire until tblok, ,r Monfreauk Saftdwlohetw—Boll four eggs fer a quarter of aft hour, then pound them with two tableepoonful* of butter, on* teMiopoenfnl * f finely chop­ ped perriey and auffielent ap- ohovy eesenoe Somake alt a geod pink eaten When well pounded add *' little paprika And spread ' the mixture on slioea of butter­ ed breed, Serve garnished With parsley. Ill Fifi Mlnoomeat Fleer—Weigh half a pound of flour, sift fe rub in three tebteepeanfuto of but­ ter or ford, add one fedepeeftfui of baking powder and a pfeeh of safe then gradually add just enough sold cutter to form a et'Hf peate. Rof dut^enoe. Lin* ,*m*{( molds wifi the pastry and fill with mfetepttwRt, addlr low chopped ■ even for Clearance Sate of Winter Millinery This is an opportunity and one that you should not miss a s our line is large and complete with * ■- * 1 , (v • . . * : * ■ • ■ the latest,styles* Hats Sonnets Toques F o r Women* M isses and- Children* Entire stock to be disposed o f regardless o f cost. Osterly Millinery 37 €?reen Street, | Xenia, Ohio ii » itp n* a lr ogm sL ing a r M . ‘mho fe a hot fiftewTfefeste** c m m - * 4 * ^ jfeJe-*.’fee Hdr-V ‘ W e e l y j p M l IW H lBWH l' MM t f in re t fNMM ^ iuMW M e ia faom K v , l \ 39c SLEEPING GARMENTS, 17c - 'CHILDREN’S '^FLANNELETTE,. SLEEPERS, wlfcb fee^Gooth -Waxm ‘Sleeping Gai'menfe; 'wwth 39c. Gi­ gantic safe Price now . ■, '1*7^ (2d1-'floor ''.vM.-Wjt'-vA ,*Vif.>* 4;1^;. SrpLANNELETTE KIMONAS, 4fe JUST 25 DOZEN'LONG FLAN- •NELETTS.iaMGNAS—Excepfilonal-.-: $L09 values; Empire style; Persian , patterns/ Whlfe, they Hasit, -'$1-09 values- at-the Gigantic ilQre > &al&„Price now, ; t u U > . MEN’S 75c SHIRTS, 34c ,,t, FINE -DRESS SIURTS-^PcrcailQ 'and Madras;;" coat (jafyle;' attached, .{cuffs;- 'toll cut 'bodies; sizes 14 t o ­ ri?; Tegufer 75c Valqea ^verywlferCk (Gigantic Gale- ^ ZA<i &ieex ’«qn »,‘ A , . L - - 1 MEN'S 60c WORK SHIRTS, 29c BLUE 'AMGSKE s AG GHAMBRAY SHIRTS’—'VWfihday-down.- dollar and pocket; double-aefwcd full® cut;- elzes- 14 to flL You always ■pay 59c -for eucSi BMrts. -l)Q A . Gigantic Gafe Price mow.,., 5fe CORK LINOLEUMS, 33c Hk > . it -T '' I \: ’;. I \ yards wide;- 47 full feU©; light lop- '•dkfk pattOrife; 55c quality;- GlgaJbtic' Gafe •Price* nOW, . - , ^ -ri&re equar* y a rd ......... .wUu 1 BOc BLANKETS,-2fe • teddy - bear blankets — Each fe it separate1box; handsond- •'Cat. colors; regufer 50d kfe-dA.Gi- ganitlc Safe Price „ \ G Q - now, each ....iL t iu - $1.75, ART RUGS, $1.90 AldVWGOL FIBRE ART .'RUGG —Big, 36x63 size; -double' faced; Wear twice-aer Jong;-150 prettdeet $1.75 onee. Gigantic Safe f|rt Trice mow ' . . ; , T. . . . - . ; 4,-.qwfsMV ' $16.50 TAILORED SUITS, $6,96, '. ’.Made of a)l-wool- umnn'lsh Serge, dn black, navy, brown, gray; guari anteed satin, Jilned; •$18.59 Valued; Gigantic Safe - ffrt QQ Trias mow ..,,..« p 5 i t e 0 $15.90 DRESSES, $7.60 Handrome Dreeeee of silk. -pop-. ! tea, aneSBallnea’ and ChlffOns; -wo- urtenfe and hi]tees', sizes; $15.09 value*. Gigantic Gale" 0 7 JJf| Price now i v y $5.00 AND $6.60 PETTICOATS, ■ $4.49 r * / - Genuine “Kloefit” Bilk Petti-; coats, fe black and, colors} tegu­ lar $5.90 and $6.00 values, $M /|Q . Gigantic Gale Price new. .W V iv d $1,00 MUSLiNWEAR, 49c Lpt' of Primcees Slips, -OoiMbltua- . tlon». Chemise*, Perilcoats afidiOov- «et Govera and Drawers; excellent $1.90 wtoe*. Gfeantic /[ tl f t I tift *F¥V^ Y3 Bath T Beaver; Caeaarc Cedarvl Jeffersc Miami New Jr Ross T Silvere, •Spring Sugarc. Xenia 1 Xenia Tata JRIH Gran uafy t The gl' the pe Grax Valley ward; Twp.; win P Thome Ellis, . son, 'Ck New J Bath T 3d wai Al. Ob Keiter. mond, Petit Valley: creek; creek; Jordan Kennei Turner creek; ward; creek; J. A ’ Cumini Xenia. E. A. Smith, Xenia, Ther of E. cattle, pounds were p tie buy Wedne Aut I ’j f l Erroj dp^llca- 4he> out Xt Dear would 3 Of $5,8. report I ty Audi Board « with St port v.. at the rtrenuw in cbm W0^ tU' olllce b) er the < Only a taxes w tax- dup] after a < Commi;> -County stop the dupllcat wprkwa tor Paul and Mr. County conrplefci week, was 'effi were mi enty va the dup1 erty is ampunt plicate ■fact tha tlons n; •board o out-goin. valuable cate in H. E. S Among dupllcat Bbructed •Mr. Bra building in the v of t'liesi plicate The f ships- t-1 and wh Numl Enrol Avert Per C Numl Numl Per (' Numl Hanlc ;D b l \+ l Dlst. Illst. I)ist. DlsL DiBt Dlst D lst fe la j wl ?i 4 lA bnj eft •1L Qtel cal sfe! A, 2j tA :a ffo I p L-: t fe ?ti tei a 1 m i 9 Q Ju •>f*0 pet tid ill itel (9Sl pw, lue Qite ,po I5.i Kitf AT, fetl reg itei bih »63 dlri ,9 /an rda| i( M & y flw IIO mi