The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 27-52
I4fetl» by Hitt* your savings grow and more money madded «> year account when yon have opened an aooount with us, We *dd to your savings by paying you 6 per cent interest on the money d*po*itad with us, and loan you money when you want to buy of build a heme. ; # Foil'd better come around and let ue explain how we ean add to your caving* and help you get a home of your own. The Cedarville Building & Loan Association ■„ . . Incorporated for.... ........‘... 4200.000,00 SubxorlbedStook ....... ....$126,425,00 BOARD 0F DIRB0T0B3 W« 4. Tarbox, President David Bradfute, Vlcs-Pres, _ J. W. Dixon W, H. Barber 0 . M« Orouae W. A, Spencer B. E. McFarland W- M, Cottrell Andrew Jackson, Secretary/ \ J i LOCAL AND PERSONAL O io th e s ot all kinds DBY CLEANED at * HOME Clothing Co. Mr. Oscar Satterfield has been taking a week's vacation and Mr. David Johnson is substituting. Mrs, G, W. Harper visited .Batur* day with her sister, Mre.Vjohn Warner of Yellow Springs. (Mrs. GeorgeMurray of Akron, a sietar- m-law, has been the guest of Mrs. -Harper. Mrs, Jesse Morris was, overcome with the excessive heat Tuesday but has since improved. -—•You save money when you buy your harvest oil at Bidgways. Mr, OP. 3. Ervin and daughter, Miss Mary, spent Saturday in Cin cinnati. Now is the Time , - ' ' t v * to think about sailing us your cream Xenia Creamery Co. XENIA, OHIO Highest Price CreamBuyers Both Phones Cans furnished 30 days for free trial. • * . ? t V , “ V 1 „ * WATT BROS. v . ’ ' ‘ ' \ • j J \ w , ‘ , v v ,,, 1 * S ' - ‘ ' ' So. Detroit St., Xenia, Ohio. am Men’s Sommer Suits Beginning Saturday* July 5th, we offer all our Men’ s Light Colored Summer Suits at . 25 % Off and a pair of Suspender* thrown in. This makes our high grade $15.00all Wool <P| I ' J C Suits . . . . . . . . . v 1 1 •m iO ‘ 'Buy that Summer Suit now and save the 25 per cent, See OurWindow Display ■ « ki *ofstyleciothw” Bird’s Mammoth Store Finest Premiums For Babbitt’s Trade-Marks Silverware, jewelry, toilet articles, hdolcs, music, toys, etc., all o f standard high quality. B.T.BABBITFS BestSoap — 1776 SoapPowder-BoraxSoap NapthaSoap-WhiteFkatfefSoap-BareLyeorPotash BaWWtP*Cloaaser jure the most economwal and effieient Washing andcleaning helps yea « u «M. T W *w* tune, labor, money and clothe*. A ll trade^marhs aut from wrapper* or label* are v*!~ uahle, Save diem and in a short time you 8*| ________ have your choiee.from * lut of thousand* o f desirable article*. •proivtix *n4m l tWtr»d*-ra*rk». . “Writ*for )iti if mtffaih.tifM .tftfritt it unit #lf*» te >»% SABSItt, m t$m tilt, ttm YedtC% Word' ha* been received hereof the birth of a ten pound spn to Mr, and Mrs, Rufus McFarland in Dayton. The vast estate of Jacob Harblnp >fAlpha la bequeathed to relatives. 1, D. Steele, a nephew, wealthy twine manufacturer in Xenia is named as executor. The estate is valued at half a million. PostmasterWright and wife, John and Marjorie, left Thursday for a two weeks visit in Idavlfle, Ind. ■i The many friends of Mlsafsa Dean WU1 regret to hear that " she has suffered a nervous breakdown and has been confined to her room for several days. R --v. J. B. E. MoMichael and family Avho have been spending two weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Mason Prugh, nearDayton, returned home Monday. Dr. Wiley Flshbaugh and wife have returned Jo their home in Mendon aftera visit with the for mer's sister, Mrs, Moore McMillan. r Messrs. J, W, T*rbox and G. F, Siegler were in Cohimbus "Thrusday on business. - p Mr, J. H» Wolford ?s now on a two week's visit at his old home in Washington county, Maryland. It {was forty-eight years ago this, 'summer that he harvested his last wheat cfop in that county to locate ,in Ohio. On his return he will stop at Gettysburgand take ir/tho sight* about that historic battlefield, * The annual O. S,.A 3 .0 . Home [reunion take#, place duly 8-10 and Gov. Cox, Attorney General Hogan and several others of note will ad dress the gathering. Mr. O. C. Jackson, cashier of the defunct Osborn bank denies that he sold hi* Warren county farm the same day that the batik examiner discovered the insolvency of the institution. Mr. Jackson in a card in the Osborn .Local states that h# did transfer his farm but that it was for an equal afndunt of land. At a meetihg of the township board of education last Friday Mr. Dwight Sterrettwas elected to DJI the vacancy in district Ho. 0 caused by the resignation of Miss Fannie Tonkiuaon, Miss Ora Hanna was elected to fill the va'oanoy in district Ho. 3, Mis* Inox Lovett having de clined the election. - Mr, and Mrs. John Lott of Pitts burg arrived Saturday evening. Mr. Lott left Sabbath evening for Mt, Louis In the interest of his company while Mrs. Lott will visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Owens andother relatives. Messrs, Robert Conley aud Ralph Hill have passed the entrance examinationand will beadmitted in to Carnegie Institute of Technology, probably the foremost institution of its kind In the country, having an endowment of eleven million. The examination was conducted before Prof. C. 0. Morton, the list being supplied by the institute. Roth the young men have been successful in teaching and will take up their four year oourse next September, —Special prices on five pound or more of coffee, ' NagleyBro*. Mr, and Mrs. 6. E. Lavery and daughter, Dorothy, of Chicago are Visiting at the At SS, Smith home this week. Mr, Daniel Herlihy of Chicago, brother of Mrs. Smith, who is , Connected with the post Office department, is also a guest at the Smith home. KlBMOfW/ SMSonoi IfSSiffl (By 2. O, SELLffiR , Director of Erenlnr Dspertawmt, **» Moody pjble Jnstltut#, Chloaso.) M LESSON FOR JULY 6 ‘ CHILD MOSS* SAVED PROM DEATH. - mmmtm CASTORIA Til KMY m IhiftAhfiyi Dears the gjjiUftire LESdON TEXT—Bx. 1;» to 3:10, aODDBN TBSXT-“Whow> shall receive ona such little child, Ja my name recelv- eth me.* Matt, ii-JS. The prosperous favor of the kind’s court 'did not last long for the de scendants o f Jacob, and, a Pharaoh arose "who knew not Joseph” (1:8). In chapter 1:7 we see that Israel was (a) ‘ 'fruitful,” fb) ‘‘increased In num bers,” and- (c) "exceeding migbty/* This Was in fulfillment of God's prom ised blessing (Gen. 12;2, 3), it ex cited the envy ,of the Egyptians, how ever, and. theybegan to "deal wisely'1 (v, 10), see I Cor, 1:10, and eventual ly Pharaoh promulgated his iniquitous, decree recorded in Ch. 1:15-21. Child Unheralded, I. The Child. Born, Ch. 2:1, 2. Pha raoh’s cruel scheme seamed well adapted to avoid the supposed danger in that it would cripple Israel, keep them in slavery and effectually pre vent them from escaping"from Egypt How frequently man Is deceived. A babe is born in the home of the rich or the great of earth andw6 speculate upon the possible ensuing changes in history, whereas at that same tigm another child is horn, unheralded in some humble .home that God raises- up to set aside the sohemes of men» Attention has been called to the hum ble marriage (v /1 ) Of Amram and Jochebed (ch, 0:20) and the import ant ^outcome.' No‘marriage fs trivial. It does not appear that to cast the male children into the river was an. edict whfen-Aaron was bora, •Though humbly horn Mose* was nobly born and his parents thought more,of their duty to God than the edicts of man. Moses was a "godly child” (v„ 2, Acts 7:20 R, V. marg. and Heb. 11:23 R. 'V.), That Is, he was without blemish? well pleasing to the eye, "fair to God." His parents must have entertained the hope that he; was to he the deliv erer of Israel and taught' him so to believe,, see Acte 7:25. ■ H. The Child In Danger^ w , 3-8. At threemonths of age (Acts 7:20) It was no longer possible' td hide' the child Moses/ However„inflteed o f his being cast-into the river he fs cast upon the river. -Jochebed knew of the deliver*. „e of No»jb and It Is. prob able that her meditation upon this suggested to' her the adopted plan, for shb made her 'ark somewhat after the dan Noah fallowed, Gen. 6:14. She also knqw- of the habits of Pha raoh's daughter and planned accord ingly, It wka a berilous risk to com mit her child to the crocodile infested liver, but #he t|nsted, Jehovah (Hri*.. li:2gj and God honored her faith, an events demonstrate. . , ■ ' God’r Pi«k It seems a trivial incident for this daughter of a king to indulge In a bath and to find this rude pitch cov ered ark at the river's brink. Yet who can comprehend His ways? She sent one of her servant* to-investi gate, Seeing ,so,,mgoy strange face# the child beglna to cry; how very ordinary, yet how wonderful when considered as a part ot God's plan tor the redemption, o f s race, ,. HI. The Child Dallversd, vV. 7-10. Fromtiie monuments of Egypt we are able to study Phargoh and hi* court, His word Was supreme. At this op portune moment under God’s direc tion, tbe cry of.*-child is used to set aside Pharaoh'S word and to turn the course ot history. The tears ot the babe found tbelr way into the heart of this princess of the royal house aud thus the 'deliverer came fromthe sys tem from which ht was to set his brethren free. God knew that among those frivolous Egyptian slaves'there wasnoneproperlyfittedto oare for His own. is that tbs waiting sister offered to secure * Hebrew woman to care tor the child, perhaps accord ing to a pre-arranged plan with her mother. The plan is sucoessful and the very best nurse possible was se cured. -The only nurse properly fitted' and God-endowed tor the rearing of a child Is Its own mothtrr. Perhaps it was Pharaoh’s infamous decree that led his daughter to send her new found treasure away with a Hebrew woman with the promise of wages (V. 8). At any rate, Pharaoh is set at naught in his-own household and his edict worked a blessing to Jochebed, It was most oertsinly during these plastio years that Mo*#* was Instruct ed concerning God, Abraham and Isaac and God’s ooveaant to these the fathers of his raoa, and to look for-. ward for Him who should deliver Israel. See Acts 7:M and Heb. 11:24- 26. God providentially separated the Israelites from intermarriage with the Egyptian*; a fact which stfvCd them from deterioration and effeminacy. The absolute impossibility, humanly speaking, ot their dellvwaaoe enabled God to end their affliction and de liver to them His promised inheri tance. The hour has now arrived for. deliverance, all that Is needed IS A leader and in His own Way HeJs pre paring that leader. Moses was neith er killed nor enslaved. The vefitare- sotne faith of Moses* parent* In spite of all appearances preserved the life of their babe. Altogether fe e DerirlMI, ’ Dobbe—So you're living in the ooun- try. ehi ‘What kind ot neighbors have you? Are they desirable? Hobbs —Desirable! Great Boott, .wo haven’t * (king they don't desire, especially |n the way of gardenia* implements. mu* Two Cars Seed Potatoes Our Price* Bohmidt’a Old Hickory Flour, *4 lb sack far... . 75c Schm id 's Ocean Light Flour, 25 lb, sack for...., 70’ Country Cured B*oon,.. lfo Breakfast Bacon, per lb...*3 Fanoy Sugar Cured Ham, lb ................................... 22 California and Picnic Hams, per lb 18 African Java Coffee, per Jb.............. ,,..33 Rio and Java Blend per lb 34 Rio Coffee per lb........ ,.,,.,.26 Chlok Feed, a lb ...... .....3)4 The finest seed potatoes at the pries over offered in the county. Severaldif er ent varieties. Get our prices. SUGAR .For Friday and Saturday only SPOT CASH 25 lb. Bag for $1.18 O u r F r i c g f Btar Crackers Silver Pannes....... ........... 10 Prnnes. ,'.:r...... ...............8 Fancy Large Santa Clara Apricots, ~p#r lb*»**r*i 12 Fancy LargeLemon Cling Peaches, her lb,...............A Tomatoes, per canrtOIMIOMlIift ffiioe Tog Corn, per ban... ft Peas, per can Lenox Soap, 8 bars-..... ,-■‘16 POTATOES 60c BU. H. E. Schmidt 6 Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, . . Xenia, Ohio. The Quality is the Same But special pricesarenamed for quicksale. We couldn't change thequality ifwewanted to forthese areall standardarticles manufactured by companies that stand back of every sale, It’s dollarstoevery purchaser andthat iswhat youwant Leonard-GatesHarness................. ;$12.00 and up I, H. . No. 1BlueBell Cream Separator,. $52.00 1. H- C. No. 2 Blue Bell Cream Separator. .$57,00 I. H .C . 3 MSkein SteelKangWagon... . ,$80.00 I.JH-C.3 M SkeuiColumJms Wagon., ; . .$75.00 I.- H .C .2 1>2skein,One Hor*eWagon. . , . .$43.00 I. H. C. Disc Harrow Tongue Truck 3,H. ' B l v e n e r A, ,$25,00 # 1. H. C. Disc Harrow Tongue Truck With, , Tahduip v* « > , $ 4 4 . 0 0 I. H. C. 60 Peg Tooth Harrow .............. . .$11.00 I.H . C, Champion SelfBinder.. ,$125.00 and up Y. H. C, Champion 5 ft. Mower . . $ 4 2 . 5 0 I, H. C. Champion $ ft. Mower ,$46.00 1. H. C. Champion Self Dump HayRake. .$20.00 1 SideDelivery HayRake, .$55.00 I. H. <?. 8 Fork Tedder.......................... .$35,00 t. H. C. HayLoader................. .$55.00 Gale 13 inch Breaking P l o w . .$13.00 Gale 14 ij^ch^Bcedcmg Plow , f ^- .$14.00 Gale 14 inch Sulky Plow ' . , . . .V. . . . . . . . ,$30.00, - Gale SureDrop Planter .$35.00 WithFertilizer Attachment............ .$45.00 GaleRiding, Cultivators. .$24.00 Gale Walking Cultivator* ^ V . .$16.00 ■ Gale Single ShovelP l o w s . . .$2,10 Gate Dmible Shovel plow*........ .$2.25 Gale 5 Tooth 1 ‘Gale 7Tooth Cu The New Idea MSKfare Spreadcr-Light Draft ’ ' ' and Wide Spread . . . . . . . .$90, $t<)0 to $l 15' GASOLINE ENGINES; 1 1-2 Horse Power . , . . .$35.00,\ ■ 21-4 HorgePower ,. . / . . . . . . . ,>. . . .$45.00 *■ 4 Horse Power v v••*• ^ *>. a 4' •!*>:* $90.00 ; dHowe Power .. ............... .,$125.00 8 inch Burr Feed Grinder and Crusher* . . ,$20.00 C. M. CKOUSE, Hardware=Farm ing Im p lem en ts Cedarville, Ohio. •urn Summer Wash Fabrics 2 C 2 C.SEE 2 C 2 C Those two new tables, one filled with 10c goods and one filled with 16c goods worth much more. ' Ready to wear Embroidered W a sh Suits Embroidered Voile Flouncing W a ists , Middies, Balkan Blouses , * 75cto$*.oo* W h ite Sk irts Suitable Seaton Articles ‘ A n o & e r S h ip m e n t Silk Gloves all Lrengths and Colors, Silk H os iery ,............................... . , 50 c to $ 2,50 W h ite Hosiery.......... ................................................ 15 cU p Hutchison & Gibney XENIA, OHIO s*swamain4wi XX GET OUR PRICESON PTOOTVIG XX i
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