The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 27-52
f 1 11 t. > ' ? J ii 9 o t l M |U M N I O t t Jofo ; W « r k wiH <M*Rp*r# w i t h i| t t f t i e f a n y o t! i» r : tWVMDCTH T W t TO. 37 , Th{| ft«n wfeibtmtristf trite i t la ' 4**iacR^Mfiliit s y«»'s *ub*cri#»- < ti<* it past <lu* sud • prompt «*- tlenitnt it earutrtly dssfrtd, , , G 1 DARVILLE, Om p7 jfelBAY, SEPTEMBER, 12 1013 . !"55K PRIDE, $ 1.00 A YEAR Often U, P. Church Chimes. ‘ No fellow quite set* away from, that first six j w » ho spend* a t hi* moth- or’* knee*. .. ■,- * Many people who oWm to he Chriu- ,t4«w never Jot a Sabbath » tm that they do not Jump on the Fourth. Com- mandment with tooth feet. They **y they 4a not went to ho peculiar and ‘^Bvaryhody 1* doing it.'V. HI** SSCaggJa Finney is leader fo. tee 'Christian Union. t Rally Day comes Plan for it. September 28 MRS. SAMUEL TURNBULL ANSWERS SUMMONS FRIDAY. Unde Billy Watapn says: ‘"Men {Without religion don’t nut much lot in this world-rand surely none in the »next” y. • • •. . . , • . .. .... . .. : Procrastination is the thief of time -the * m t « t thief in this whole world And he id still at large. Advertise the church in every legit imate way. '.Winning souls is the business of Christiana, - t Carey £R. Ritchie has returned-from A three months* vacation Spent on • hfe Uncle's, farin' in. Illinois, / miss Inez Lovett is teaching the Aante school again this year and mak ing -her home at Mr. iCIarence Fin- fiey’a. * n v , | ( t Mrs, Prank; Skilling was a welcome ,-Caller a t the parsonage one day last {Week. $ ---------------------------------------- \ Mr*. Samuel Turnbull, an aged and widely known, resident died Friday afternoon about 4 o’clock. Her death was dna to a compllpatiott of disease* from which she had suffered,for some time, combined with the general de- cllntr of physical powers d«e to her advanced years. While her health had toeen frail for several months, she had only been confined to her bed fqr the past two weeks, Mr*, Turtfbull, who was 85 year* Of age,' was born and raised near Clifton, Her maiden name was Katherine Funston. After her mar riage to *Mr- Turnbull, which took Waca 56 year* ago, the couple made their home on * farm, near <!edar- vjlle until fifteen years ago' when they removed to the village where they had since, resided, ■She had been for many years a member of the United Presbyterian church of Cedarville and a woman of staunch and splendid Christian char- aeter. She Is survived by her venerable husband and three children,'Mr, Ed. Turnbull, .Mrs, Fanny Berber and. Mrs, Flora Dobbins, She is also sur vived by one sister, Mrs, (Sarah Elder, of Canton, Ohio. The funeral was held Sabbath,. P erv- McMichaal having charge of the ser vice assisted toy Dr. OWChesney. Rev, •MoMIcbael used as his text; "Her children shall arise up and call her blessed," which he used to eulogize the-Qhristlan life of the-deceased. The >pall bearers were four grand sons, Fred Dobbins, Collin 'Barber, Raymond Bull and Howard Turnbull, Burial,took place north of town! BILO INVESTMENT J 1* Considered One of the Rest That Can toe Mad* by * Men Who Has Now Fed Silage for Over Njhw Year*. PRAYERS FOR FREE SCHOOLS. , i f ■ i The following Btarted .to ‘Cedarvills College Wednesday! Merle Rife. ,Bruce Anderson, Olive Finney, Or- Jand, Carey .ana Kenneth Ritchie, ^Dorothy, William and Roger Collins, /David Bradfute and Reva Moore. v ' 1 ? jp* v * There is great danger that in our ,*eal for every one in general *we lose sight of each One in particular-' , , -Dri Floyd W. Tompkins say s;-“1 Jammed a good many Bible verses "add chapters and Psalms when 1 was A-child^ And I want to say that they , havto baen of far-greater comtopt to me, and strength-to me and use to jae-in my ministry than airthetheo l * <pgy i ever learned.” ■ ■ { "in making' absolute surrender a . .inj&tt must give up not only what is wrong, hut he- must surrender his fights." The. choir under the guidance of safcgaref Rife. is t Rev. dames S, 33<Hiojjlchael, of Ce (darville, Ohio, will Join With clergy men In all parts o f ' the'eountry in a prayer for all Free (Schools, on Sep tember 14. These prayers will he ut tered in all the tongue® of Men al most 'simultaneously. - Special ser mons on;'the subject of religious and' moral education will also toe preach*! ■ed. The aim is to have the Bibk made a test toOok in all schools. This world-wide service has been arranged by. the. National Reform Association which, has its headquar ters 'ip Pittsburg, pa. It Is part o! the program mapped ' out at the Second ‘World’s Christian Citizenship Conference held' a t Portland, Ore., this Summer. WANTED—if you have any clover seed or hay to Sell, call/or write The John ’DeWlne Ct>., Yellow Springs, and we will, send a man, to look a t your seed or hay, no matter where you are located* . MEADOWBROOK HERD preacher has a0hard time. If .jhlSihaStvfe gfay, he is Old. If he is a young -man, he hasn’t had1experience .Jf toe has ten; children* toe has too .mhny. If toe has none, he shoudd have, And isn't setting a good example. If Jits Wife sings in the choir, she is pres uming, If she doesn’t, she isn’t in teracted in her lmsbaitd’s work, ' . * . 'I f « preacher reads from nates, he Js &bore. If he speaks extemporane ously, he Isn’t deep enough. , if he istayB^at home in his study, he does Aot mix enough with the people. If be is Been ground on the streets, he ought to toe at home getting up a good (Sermon. If he calls on some very poor family, he is playing to the gal lery. If h i Calls a t the home df the fioh, he is an aristocrat - i “'Whatever he does, someone could have fold him hdw to do better. .He toss a fine time living oft donations 'which never come in, and promises Ahat never mature, Next to toeing an .Editor, It is' the most awful life." The (Women's Missionary Society {wilt hold its regular meeting a t Mrs. (Gordon Collins’, September 17, a t 1:50 O’clock. The delegates to the Presby- jeriel -meeting at Sugar Creek to toe appointed, special committee reports, also arrangements to toe made for the JfThank Offering service, A full at tendance 1*'desired. The fine Polled Angus herd from the ■MeadoWbrook Stock farm, was highly honored a t the state fair* at 'Colum bus, last week, when the Royal Gratia 'Championship, the'highest prize of the entire stock show, waa awarded ’tc '‘Eastern Star,” the finest bull of the Meadowbrook herd. The award whs made Wednesday afternoon in front Of the grand stand by Governor Cox and was the crowning event of the show to the stock men. Beside the royal grand championship; Mr. Brad- fute’s herd took 9 first, 4 second and 4 third prizes; also two champion ships and one grand championship. (Mr. I, -C, Davis and family, who were formerly located here, toUt -fibre resided in Dayton of late years,, expect bo move-here in a few days, Mr, Davis Is a tailor toy trade* and for merly Conducted a shop here. Is making her home with her grand- Miss Eleanor Kyle, of Sparland, 111., mother, Mrs, <\V. 'P. Haines, this win ter, and attending high school. Ada Burns, the Watt pr ring mare, won three straight heats in (Dayton last Friday, taking a new mark of 2:15 1-4. ' BLOOD HOUNDS ARE U8ED TO TRACK CHICKEN THIEVES. By J. S, Underwood. Record-Republican, Washington C. H. • I have had nine years’ experience in feeding silage and have two silos ion my farm. ' I think there is no safer investment than a lot of green corn Stored in the silo. It is-not *o (likely-to hum as is hay, and it prop* »riy stored and cared for it will keep tor years without deteriorating; Ip feet, the elder -the better, for feeding (purposes, for in its aging it under- oes a ripening process. But it mast too carefully preserved. In filling the silo there Is pome- (times * great, temptation to use corn that la ,iOo green. Sometimes one feels that he can take advantage of changes in the Weather to do work •that would naturally he done at am ipWier time. But we must byf ail means wait till the' corn is at its best for silage. The best time is when >tbe corn kernels are Out of the milk stage and are to]a*ed and quite hard; This I» my practice, though. I find •that some farmers put their com in when the kernels are just & little out of the-milk. I like the corn a t that stage of ripeness at which it will -keep out the air/ That Jsothe diffi cult thing ahpnt It when it is a little too ripe ht cUttlng-time, It does -not ■pack well, and the air gets in, and that produces mold. The corn should be Out when the lower leaves are still ■green, tout, aye beginning to show the effects of the summer’s heat. If 1 have corn that is a little too ripe and some that Id not so much so 1 put in, the ripest first so that it will come at ■the toottd'm of the silo. ' The result Is that the enormous pressure above if ■keeps it -packed tightly and keeps out the air, while if it were on top ■much air would work, into it for some feet •in the middle and for o , •long distance down the sides. In the filling of a silo, a man can eaally lose a lot of money. He. must f lan h is’work aO that the men that re running the silage-cutter will oof be standing idle, but will be able to keep things moving. This will have to be regulated according to the dis tance the corn-field is.from the silo, ■for there, will toe more lost time if the corn-field Is half a mile front.the ailo than If it is . close by. .If ‘the hauling: Is a slew job; then it'Jfetojtf-*' te r to put the binder. In early and I&t the'hauling get a good start Of. the ailageteutter. ... There are a number o f - things about the filling of 'a silo that must bp learned by experience,. One of these is to set the blower as nearly perpendicular as possible so that the wind will come from below and push -the silage up. If. the ‘bfowerris al lowed to slap£ the ells je;-will settle .To have the site properly filled tl silage must settle evepiy/ The -leaVes must not. be-in one place.and the coarser parts of the stalks in an* ■other, i t must be .thoroughly mixed. An'd in my experience I have found nothing that will do this mixing so well as a man. The silage must also too tramped thoroughly next the sides of the'-silo as there it is likely to lie ’so lightly as to ■permit the air to enter* ’The top of the silage should toe composed of corn as green as it id possible to secure, as this will decay and Beal the whole, thus keeping out the air. I find that too dry Biiago can he helped somewhat by running water into the top at filling-time and after the stio Is filled and tramping the silage .hard. The Idea is to get a hard, wet surface that will decay and keep the rest of the silage from decaying. ' > In localities where there are many silos they can toe filled cheaper than Where there aro few. The Isolated farmer Invested in silage machinery of.various kinds than does the firm er in a Community where silos are numerous. In such a community the planting of the seed for silage corn can be so timed that the silage prop of one farmer will toe suitable for the site at a time f t little earlier or later than that of another farmer. This makes It possible to use the same •machinery on more than one' farm and expense Is reduced, OPENING ’OF OOL KVILLE Cedarvillt The twentieth •collie opened »t S:»>s. m., Wednes day, In the shape* f Callage Han, The majority *f kwatswar’* *tuden;s returned and a Ivrgf otaas of new student* entered, be reported Inter, Well filled with OHEENE COUNTY GIRLS WIN THE BIBLE CONTEST' ftor the pakt few weeks the attep. tion of the whole Association world ha* been up on Woodford and Green# counties because of the Helen Gould Bible contest among the girls of these name* will‘two counties, chapel was; Both counties have achieved very patron*, ■wo; ’?rful results and the Jbyous. en- jt/ni -asm must needs extend to the students and al«nmL j Dr, McKinney to## hharge of the! girls all over the country. It is not ■For Sale--Remington -typewriter In good condition. G, H. Bmfth. —School aupphea go to Blcfgwfty’s -tVm* of Cftrdul, 70o ,. A t Wisterman’s. The* Cedarvllle blood hounds were called out Tuesday to track chicken thieves who on Monday night, lifted ten fat chickens from the premises of <?. H. RoblneOn, in >CedarvlUe, On the trail Which the dogs took one of the hens was found where the thieves had evidently wrung her neck and dropped her when she raised a disturbance. The dogs followed the trail to the same house twice, but no arrests have yet been made. For an Appropriate Window Seat ...I -f. J 0MKS1WV (VI eVWWIm PvH*^pyv* «■■, V M v b lu 'dCMl VAMP #MB* B* gwW^m )MAL { M a b r i e s I S * BPBi^Wn^ tv w i * *. uvm i , .( u i ^ J L ' «L*ka w dPEwMI CHURCHSERVICES. GAUOWAY & CHERRY Maia S i Xenia. 0. Rev. *'W, E. Butt, D. D, Is, attend ing conference at Urbaiia this week. There Will be no preaching at the M. B. church, Satohath, R. P. CHURCH (MAIN STREET) Teachers’ meeting Saturday evening at 7 o’clock. Sabbath School Sahhath morning at (#:30 O’clock* Breaching toy Rev. W*. J. Sander son at 10:30 o’clock* Christian Endeavor Sabbath even ing at 6 o'clock. Deader, Milts Edna Stormont, Subject, "Favorite Verses in the Gospels.” John t:l-14. Midweek prayer meeting Wednesday {evening at 7 o’clock. Subject, "Israel Reproved," Amos 8:446, ,, U. F .- lS uR O H . Sabbath SchsPrAti 9:90. Breaching by thepastor at 10:60, Subject: “When I Set My Lord Where He Belong*” . V. F. C. TT. a t 0 p. in- Leader, Maude Hastings. FfgaahingSatY p m. ■ fii.reRiW* —Qet your school tablets and psnsatB fdgvray 's for he hi* tb* best. devotion*. Dr, i/Iiftott Prcabyteriga Scripture ieswon * w , tor of tb* Clifton Ui ian church offered sell rendered two Huber-Fiwgwfto, United, Presbyterian (delivered the III* subject was L ite r itelmdstad high ideal and spiritual Ideal at rfl is the only really 1 ce sful one. He lalion and ir „ life and *u«ees«, Well the influftooe environment, tout the controlling fa 'choice. Ho empl trite, un’sclftsh i t was an able, thong 'was well delivered. -Dr. McKinney.folio well-clinsen remarks the announcements, an invitation from dOavor Sqeiety. of (Street church fo the ulty to a receptfeA new student# next! The tw e n tie th . opens With the tori! the history of J pastor of the “possible to estimate the blessings that ^urch, read the SJtehle, pus- Pre»byter- Mr«. R ur . solo*. Rev, of the Becpnd b-hnoeh, Xenia, have conns to the girls-who have been memorizing these wonderful passages of Rcripture. 6ucb blessings can not too measured »or even appreciated'now by tbe girls nor yet by tile Commun ity, but the years to come will bear the fruit. NEW LOCATION FOR SPRING. FIELD’S LEADING CLOTHIERS, Kredel & Alexander, the popular firm operating a clothing stare in Springfield, has leased tho modern store room vacated by Silverberg, on the northwest corner of Alain and Umeaton* streets. The new location will give the firm about double floor space with hand some display windows. The new atore will toe admirably located and tout a few doprs east of where the firmstarted la business eighteen year# ago. For several years Kredel $ Al exander hav©. enjoyed the reputatloft of doing the largest clothing buslesa, considering -floor space, of any firm in the city. ; The firm has founded Us largo bual- Election Board Fattens At Public Crib la Your [taw value of a out that the ailed in. Christ rthy and buck >wed the re- of habits to >inted out-as- 'heredity and It clear that The Recognition Service, held Sun-„ness on square dealing with the pub day evening in the First Methodist Jlie In giving the greatest value. Their There is a postofHce ruling which imposes a fine of $300 or a year's imprisonment on a-vone Who through carelessness or otherwise takes mail from the postoffleo not belonging to him and fails to return it immediately- This applies to newspapers as well as letters, To say It's the postmaster's fault tu ts no figure under-the ruling. Better look over your mail before leaving the office. ■Mr. 'Wm. Hopping has started Work On the remodeling of his residence. Besides Additional rooms, a hot Water heating plant ana complete hath at tachment Will be added, Baker Bros', are doing the work. O lo th th s of GLEANED At all kinds DRY H om e clothing co. BUGGIES! BUGGIES 1 Bay your buggies of the Greene County Hardware On. Ffnest quality and lowest prices. I t will pay you to come to.. Xeni* and see them. . * Greene Co. Hardwaro Co., . 8t, Xenia, Ohio. REACHES, PEACHES, I have contracted for a car load of peaches of the finest quality. See me early and place your order. Wil liam Marshall, jrati&tf&srafasis Uedkrville College ,fhe coming year want places where they can work for their board and room. Anyone Inter ested will please coffimnhidate with F, A, JtirkaL /*> SAYS HE’S Nf 'We are in rec* Mr. A. W, Md*a making inquiry ** o f his marriage no was announced in' McLean' seems to ‘ ledge of bis being ho redd the news which ho doul fc \ a surprise to him ;| here. The Herald nouueement. from pal Way that sue tod. There ta no . {is to kiwiringrihq pomurment thapi accept his state a 'benedict, McLean’s church, whs one of the most imprea five services ever witnessed in As sociation circle*. Th fact there never has been just such an octehalbn btoi fore, and Greene county should ho mighty proud of her g lris,; ®sh wo reasonably' doubt the plahn ter thn Association in, tho county, . tion jta value after such a demonstra te our own! tion puts-power to influence the girls the worth of to undertake and accomplish suclf a sacrifice.' marvelous thing? , address and Rev, Ferguson, who led', the deyo^ ' ttonal services, expressed his undaunt- him in a tew ■ed belief in the work of the Young {welcome and .Women’s and Young Men’s Christian, png which was Associations, .emphasizing the face. JOhrietlan Fn- that the' work -of the Associations Is R* /P, Main not rescue work tout rather the woj'k sente end tec- of preparation and prevention, ■Tile Associations are the churches at work during, the week; ' "Mrs- Geyer, in representing the class, spoke especially of the toless- ings.' to toe gulped,-by’the .memorizing method-of Bible study. Tp'no ptfier Hvay can you' make the toeanlifttl and wonderfuL'Word of God a part of your life as you can in tho until H-Is, "written’upon your heart,” ■Miss Field spoke principally of tee power of God’s word in the lives of girls and women, Only five of the forty-two who won Bibles were absent from tee meet ing on Sunday evening; Miss ©vans, from Spring Valley: Miss Elizabeth Barnett, Marietta Brewer, and Sara Brewer, of Yellow Springs, and Miss Fteanor Miller, Of^Xonia. Word from •W*fidfprd coimty was received op honor ,bf the evening, .the College outlook lit iEDlCT. teat bp letter from so, Texas, | deformation ago, , as raid. Mr, no knou- ilct uptll m columns, Jt as much s^te friends -the.'hu- lu the- uSv iare report- qualified: |mf thu ari- an, and we ha Is mot to of Mr, 1-a joka:: f too, lines of men and boys’ elotbjng are standard brands that have proven winners and assisted in 'building up a touslnevs 'tbat demanded'more floor Space. The firm members are • pqpular young men, known to hundreds In this vicinity who congratulate them on their Success,. The announcement pf the opening of the new store will ap pear at a late date. ' '—It NEWS NOTE8 FROM - ■ A FEW EXCHANGES, DAY From,the S3outh ^Charleston Senti nel: • r Mrs. Stanley Sellers left the latter part of last week to spend a fevr days, with her'son .at CedarvJUe, O. ■Mr, James Murray spent Saturday the guest of his sister at ’Cedarvllle. He came home .by aufo in the even ing- ’ ter Cedarvllle. She is Employed' to teach a winter- term of school in .a .district pefir tho atooye place; school compienaed Monday. From, the Jeffersonville Citizen:, .All those having business to trans act Officially with the state of Hew York must secure" the Tammany .ap proval before it will be considered, Tho tiger-henchmen in the. general-- assembly have recognized Glynn as' governor.—Springfield Sun. No won der Thaw ran away. Tuesday morning saying teat they had! Auditor-elect Amos Faulkner ha? twenty-four who" had finished and ‘denounced that he will appoint for- were. entitled to the ’Bible.- While' — • -»■«-- - Greene county rejoice? in having, so’ ticket in ^ig&erfti’HeSre- tsry of fit# Christeia Etedoavor Union will toeak at T:S0 o’clock, Monday (evening in tee iCadSrvJHe Opera ’House, His subject is "The Conserva tion of Humanity,” i t hasteeen .de livered with great acceptance before' many audience* numbering hundreds ■and thousands. Mr. Poling is, fair, reasonable, and eloquent. He has ap- tpeared twice -btofOre Csdartlfle audl- lentes and IS a favorite hero. Come •otit and hear him. Remember the might, next Monday evening. The ad* dress fa tree and .every one is wel*- Tome. Yon will hear one of the great* eat speakers Inour nation,- If you hear {Mr, Poling. —Special prices on all groceries in quantities, ■ - t jfiTftgleyBros, Fo.r Rent—*Two fine office rOomv over Hartman clothing store. Inquire of G, H. Hartman. / —Special prices on Eve pound or more of coffee. 5 NagleyBror. many more, we are not forgetting teat timy have some very groat obstacles to overcome which-we have not, . ' (Some very' remarkable stories came to light during tee informal gather ing before and after the services. One -of the' young women has united with -the church since beginning the Study of tee verses and she and one .Airi jrerq tea means of ’bringiu: ........... *- - -*- - (nr apd ndw* , he is supplying ,the£ pulpit whou. „ there. Is no reg ular .pastor, Bach girl repre* sehts a story and It would be < Im possible to relate them all. •Mrs. Shepard has renewed the of fer agMn this year scr every girl In the county may have the opportunity to win this beautiful Bible If she will but try for It. Of course it mem1’* hard work, but' nothing Worth while is gained easily, Tho offer Ja open to every girl or woman who Js or ,wants to be a member of too Associa tion. The yersea are to be recited, in two sittings to some responsible Per son and too tlmo is until -next Sep tember, 1914. . : mpr Glerk of Court's £, Q. Hale as bis deputy.—Yellow '(Springs News. Thpt is you m?an teat he has denounced all the other aspirants and clings to Hale. The. happiest man in the world' JS the poor .fellowwho earns just enough money'to pay his debt?.—Blanchestpr' Star-RepUblicaji.-4Som& are So happy they forget to pay, and Are mad- If you ask" teem. • ' SOLD BAD EGGS. Over in Arcanum, Darke county, ■ft merchant was fined $25 and costs, for selling impure eggs to a custom er. ■Under the law recently, enacted eggs must stand a candle test And farmers selling merchants eggs Im- •pure, are liable to a heavy fine, same as merchants are fined tor selling impure eggs to their customer?. Several parties at Greenville are In dicted for selling bad eggs. ..................... , ...... - —Y-— t,„ » Dr, Albert B. Lewis, of 'Chicago, who spent several days as the guept ■of Mrs; Anna Morton a t the .hotpe of (Mrs. Jesse Marshall, bn Norfn 'Ring street, left Sunday evening for 'Chi- cag:>; » . * 'Dr. 7,ewl? ha? for the past ten years been curator ,for the. Field Co lumbian 'Museum at Chicago, and has recently’ returned from a four years’ tour of Australia and the (South Sea Islands, where he was gathering, .speci mens for the museum. He 'returned with ten thousand specimens which ike will now label and place In the museum., He had with him ft wonder fully interesting Collection of about 1800 views which he had taken ;of strange and interesting things in re mote parts of the world. , Dr, L ow I b is a former Greene coun ty boy, being the son of the late (Mr. (Charles Lewis, formerly of Clifton, {Who removed to California about twenty-five years ago. Dr. Lewis graduated from Columbia university ten years ago and has Bince been em ployed by the museum. For the past .ten days -he had been the guest of Xenia and Greene county relatives. Has a member of the Gouuty Board of Election tbs vote himself pay for work that' is apt performed? Also the clerk? 1 Under tee law the members ftre en- »titled to $2 tor each precipe* in the county and the dork %%tor each pre cinct. As there are 31 precincts in the county the members drew |Cg each and the clerk |93. During tee recent primary the only precincts in the county to hold elec tions were the eight in Xenia city. The board and clerk took the broad view of the law and draw their sal aries tor Si precincts while only eight held primary nominations. The question has been put np to At torney General Hogan who ruled that the board and clerk cpuld not draw pay only for the precincts in which nomination? were held. So anxious is the hoard for the easy change that - a. test case may be made in the courts. ■ The Demotaratlc member? are James B, Fletcher and B, JC Ritenour, both politicians of tho old school, that have served in this capacity tor .several year?, it isn’t probable that these two ■members gave the matter considera tion,- but drew to the extent, of the law on the good*taxpayers’ money But what about the . Republican members, Dr, B,jR , .MOOlepan, and John ‘Baughn, representing what Is frequently termed the "reformed”ele-' ment, with slight emphasis on the "re form,” Baughn is a former henchman of Schmidt-Shoup faction that Was sold put by thls-politlcal,nondescript. Certain reformers having an object in-' view 'placed Baughn as a reformer oh the election board- How they ex pect to exhibit him before the people for a county office after faking: this petty graft, is more, than we wDl’ex plain a t this time. - The gr^ was Just as good to teat exponent of.politrcal righteous- . neg&and custodian of civic virtue, Dr.1 McClellan, as It would, have been to any meinber of the gang the M. „D. displaced. To make matters worse the lDr.. wasn’t even In tee bounty for some of- tee -meetings that he dreAV pay for, being up a t iCedar Point tell* ' ing his fellow physicians about things that .pertain to- fhe American Medical Asspciatiqn controlling the politios'cf rite nation, the sale of patent medi cine and legislation tent would send. all.tee faith .healers, rubbers, and message artists to the Interior of Af rica to-practice their profession. Ail " of this being done by the said “Doc‘‘ MoOteilgh m, $hq yqar 1813 in tea Of Wranws. ■Hogan has spoiled!the^ reformghme ' in Greene county (by giving out an outrageous ruling when Baughn wants • a county office and McClellan draws hijs first pay reaching into tee public crib a full aria’s length. But even "reform” cannot be conducted*with out funds which would excuse the Re publican members. • (Gee page 2*1 Vol, 10, Broad?tone on Citizens' League Re form iii Practical operation,) It’s up to the Democratic members to offer their own excuse as to Why they took the money. Being old hands at the political game thejr need no defense. - Someone should, defend the' ’"reforfners,” Baughn and (McClel lan, and you have read our plea in their behalf. Give them another chance, Hogan, fo r’Baughn might ap ply some of his graft towards paying in full accounts .that went through a receivership settlement Watt and Foust will hold their tenth public sale of immuned 'DurdC swine al Miami Valley Farm, 2 miles east of Xenia, off Jamestown pike, on Thursday, September 18, Sale consists of six fall boars, 11 sows and 45 spring boars and gilts. I *<•*■?■’ %**!+*-* ' M i l m Jobe Bros. Co XENIA, OHIO. •Announces the Formal Opening of the FALL SEASON For. the Days of September Eleventh-to September Thirteenth. Millinery, Suits, Coats,'Dresses, Skirts, Silks Dress fabrics, Laces, Embroiderie, Neckwear andWomen’s Shoes. mm*** [IlMippIMIW *ir *fWe| f M O ) " X
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