The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 27-52

For Bxeel&ooe Owr Job Woru will oomp*r$ with tixatof any oth-ar firmurn* S h e S t e r o i d . j\ T; r. tat: sv.Vr.p d a i : . | (3ta, dc: *ic:: "W «t jto s’J sJaSCfif' | tica ji pre; tate ;rei a j ram,, t sck i ;lc;rrs:,3 .3 curj'TcJy derere'd.. . » afcBrserVS?? THIRTY-SIXTH YIAR . NO. 39. rrrr *rr' r**j OEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 20 1913. R. P. CONGREGATION JFIRST FROST CUTS DOWN MODERATES CAUL FOR ALL VEGETATION. REV. J. L, CHESTNUT, j = f c WllGB, $1.00 A V iiA lt ipiBwmi A nuAtiag of the JL p. congregation w«# held. Mon4«.y afternoon to awd' *>ttA«r « m\\ for Rev. J, J* Chestnut, of ttouJtervllte, III. Dr. MtCiieancy, roprejcntailvo -of X'. v ^ mv iv, y, p. e*,Lci<u. Thy cQnsrrgalioii fixed tija salary at $i,thKL pftr*on'&gc. I t Is wuh t* stood that Rev, t'iieutadt srce’.ve* $’.:ou ItjaisAt this present charge -fthere in* 4we boon for * nuroixr of yoavs. Pres­ bytery meet* here Taesday to take ac­ tion on tb s call. M oswr S. C. VUght hurt N. !<. Runaiey were chosen to rep- retfeutt -tiro congregation. Tile congregation kaa •cowtractov. with, the Bryan Bros., ciocoratora o; ’Columbus, fox1the re-decoration of the church interior. The firm has its equipment here 'and'has started w*rfc, which it i» expected will require five W six weelqs, r) While this ■Improvement ic* in&tte there will be no uoryiew a t the church, -hut pretvohipg. will ho held’a t the col­ lege next Sabbath. After that time no arrangements .have -been made. I Thin ^action was visited by a heavy j frost and slight freeze Tuesday that /laid flat all garden produce,, flowers j and crops that had net yet been hare Ivested, ; i t la raid that there has been some 1damage to la to com that was not fully matured. The tobacco crop will be lest, than half and the melon patches \\i re put out of business. ■ There wiu about an eip’iiu of an inch of ice on small bodies of water. In one section or the state enow was reported during the day, Tuesday, Two freight trains a t Morrow early Monday morning tied up traffic on thin Urto for six hour* o r more. The morn- iptr trains of course did not reach here until late In the afternoon. There was no Jjo.73 of life, but, the property loss1 is. reported heavy. NEW REGULATIONS. . ' The po®fcofllce department lias no­ tified the postmaster that all pen­ sion. letters .must bb delivered onij to tho person- addressed- and if that ' person has moved and left no for­ warding-address, that the pension letters can be held, only ten days, and, a fter ithat time has expired-, tlroj must, be -returned to the postoflice department; fTha order -in full is a s follows; - ■Office of -First Asst. P, M, Gen. •Washington, Aug, 21, 1013. "The attention «of postmasters is again called',to t h e ’ importance oi . carefully observing the instructions relative to the treatment of letters from the .Bureau of Pensions that bear a printed Indorsement referring ' to the Act of August 17, 1012. Such letters ihust not be forwarded to an­ other postofflee under any circum­ stances, and they'must.-not be deliv­ ered to. any*one in' case the addressee his died, is under guardianship, lias changed his postoflice either tempor­ arily or permanently, or, if a widow, h a s ’remarried. A change of street address in the same city is not sueh removal as to prevent <a proper de­ livery of such- -letters. f • ' . Before delivering <&' pension lettei to a person- other than the addressee the cleric o r carrier having It ,in charge should he satisfied1, by inquiry' or otherwise, that, none of the pro­ hibitive conditions exist, in which case delivery may be made t o a mem­ ber -of the pensioner's' family .or household who has been specially au- r'norizofhto receive pension, mail. The speoial *u&horixaifck>n ehould Consist WSroWrTBTO- oywowft .®e person to whom delivery .of pension letters' may be made. Such order ohould bo filed in the pootoflice for the ’information of delivery dorks and carriers. Letters that a re undollverahle be- ■cause of pensioner’s death, removal to the delivery of another post office, or remarriage, should, he indorsed to show the reason of non-delivery slntl the fiat© of death, removal, or roroiu- a-lase, if i t Is known, and returned- immediately do the Bureau of Pen­ sions. Those- a'Ctumed because the penidoner is under- guardianship shoiild be Indorsed with the name of tho guardian, if I t Is known, and re­ turned under the official envelope of tho postoflice. * ' In case the pensioner is temporar­ ily -away from the delivery of the pcstafllcu of address, #ueh letter art- idreeeed -to him should he held in the postoifice for th e ten days specified la­ the return request. The proper indorsement and prompt -return of pension letters is very important, and postmasters are directed to issue the necessary In- ctruettons to all employes who liandied such- letters,” DANIEL C. ROPER, •iP.iret Asst. P. M. Gen. Mr. Al. Boyd enjoyed lilmcelf at file favorite pastime, attending the Columbus races th is week. [DEATH OF FORMER MUSIC TEACHER. f - e *J~'~ ! Prof. ,1, Addi-.oft Brown, of Nrjfia, jU£?.d €8 yeitto, died Saturday .evening i a t bis home in Xenia, having spent jbh* entire life In this county. His Jheel’ll had been failing lor some time and death was duo to apoplexy. ■ .Mr, Brown was a Civil v a r veteran, rind a member ef Company K, 3th O. V. ('■ For many yearn he was -lmtrac­ tor of marie in Xenia « ,d also.. 4Yd- ewilJo, where he will be remembered by older citizens. Ho was twice mar­ ried, has second wife and otto -sou r-wrvivlug. Prof. How ard -Brown, ef. Cadiz, is a bretb- cp , find ’M.'rt. Swancy “a. fis- ter. The fun- ral -ya-s held Tuesday Afternoon. XENIA PRESBYTERY HOLDS SESSION. RECEPTION FOR STUDENTS, Tho three literary societies of the college-.gave a reception to-toe-new students last Friday night, Tho mem- bars of the faculty and 'alumni wcr.c present. As a means of entertain­ ment, a college examination was held, each two being.given a li^t of ques­ tions and the couple answering thou: correct received a prize. Miss Qlive Finney and- 'Mr. ’Ralph HataeLiter re- oeived tills -honor. A three-course sup­ per. was served, prof. Lanning wat- toaatmastcr. Mbs-s Mary Baird gave s toast pf welcome to top students and Miss Mary Hastings spoke on -“Oolk-gi Spirit,” RESIGNS FROM POSITION COVETED FOR YEARS^ ' Dr. Ben R. McClellan, who was ap­ pointed last August as a member of the. Board of Elections in- this, county has fient in. his resignation to Eeerc tary of State Graves. D. O, Jones1, of Beavercreek township, has.'been ap­ pointed to -fill the vacancy Some ’time ago .the board of election.. came into the lime-light for bavin? drawn §62 per member for conducHn? toe Xenia primary when Attorney General Hogan 'held th a t they were only entitled -to pay at toe rate of ?£ per precinct. ■Under this ruling tmem bers could not draw but ?16 legally and tois must he paid- quarterly. ifr, McClellan had coveted toe posi­ tion for several years’, and his re-is nation "owing t o pressing business” was quite a surprise. He sent in hi* resignation just before starting -for Europe. -It is held by toe Attorney General that too excess, in tec musi be returned to the county .treasurer, NEARS CENTURY MARK; Clifton U .!P. ChurdbiChimes. - ^ „ i ‘. . t o . TRANSFERSOF iLESTATE. Mitors. Frrd Bird an l I'A 'S .ftor- rtodl arc uttomling tho o. B. i ’., ;I,o teimcr rrsdnatin;; this oc"t oj tHirj- 5 i v ;n i 0 > hi i Icl t: a M this ’ We will have r. tho same ratio in n just uhant wo work, Monday the Presbytery of too Unit­ ed Presbyterian -church met in tho Sec­ ond U. P. churc-h in Xenia. Rev. G. M, Ritchie, of toil-ton, preaching in the opening sermon, plead for increas­ ed eamcstne-Kaand- enthusiasm in Sab­ bath School work. The day was chief­ ly spent in 'transacting -routine bust- acre.. Monday evening at the Second church wax hi Id a conference on “Some totentials ter Up-to-date Sab­ bath ‘School 'Work,” This- was dir- rusited under -three heads: First, “The Minister’s Place in - toe Sabbath School,” by Rev, John G. King, of O lumbijc; .rseeoml, "Adult Bible Class M’-ork -and the Brotherhood," by Horn T„ MfiflOn, Prugh, pf Dayton; tliird.- “The Combined ’Service” (Sabbath School and Church Service)t .by Rey. Cf M, Smith, of Dayton. * The next Presbytery meeting wilt bo held at-toe First II, P, church, SX>ringfield. STARTED WHEAT SOWING. A tew farmers have already start­ ed their wheat-towing. The acreage will lie quite large as toe fine yield tills- season has encouraged the. mis- htg of that grain. The. recent copious showers will surely., he a benefit, -to the pastures as well an to fall plowing. Stock water was1 very- scarce -before the Wdufr. . . . Considerable tlqyer seed has been throghed in this section this, season. . AJiltongk 'Elder R, Stewart, one oi too pioneer residents of Clark comt-- ty, is drawing close to tho century, mark in yeato ho is just now enjoying one of tho longest journeys of his life. Me lias celebrated his 03rd birthday and is still halo sand hearty, Thret of -his ^children reside in ’Salt Lake City and he baa derided,he must ser them before Ills days are numbered. Mr. Stewart .'started for Sale Lake City, Saturday, unaccompaniid, and Will Visit among h:a children for sev­ eral months before starting tho trip back ‘home.—’Springfield News, . Mrs. Mary Barber hits been quite .ill at the home of her ran, Mr. IL B, Bar­ ber. Her sons, Wallace, of Dayton, and George, of Columbus, vteltod her Monday and Tuesday. Mm. Cena Gatch, of Milford, bar. been toe guest of Dr. and ’Mrs. M. I. March. The Dr. and wife have also had for 'their guest, Miss Gladys Wild- man, of Whittier, Cal., who will go from here to Itichmo al, Ind., to enter Earlhant College. • St »-■ Iffl I ....... Rev. W. R. Graham and Tamily, of Yellow Springs, Who have been spend­ ing the siinuncr in North Dakota, have returned, and visited several days with Mrs. W. II. Ilift Fall Millinery Show * irVIfr i!SkHtH€m€*tx ’ f9iW99 v ^ Saturday, Sept 27. «*> ij All the latest creations in Dress anti Street Hats for women el particular tastes. Never were the models so beautiful and never was our showing so complete. J jt Cordial Invitation to alt \ MissBerniceNorthup Cedarmite, Ohio , ; GAME THING HERE.; The Madison O.ounty Democrat of ■Friday, says: "Our cattle raisers .are much rn- eouraged since toe rain and they- arc scouring the country for winter fend­ er#. - It looks like the BhoepratserB Sliss Margaret Stuckey, ■ o f ' near Ccdarv.iHe, is vbitlng Mite ‘Mary Moore, of (ho Lower Bellbfook''pike.— Gazette. COLEGENOTES. I)r. McKinney was a t tho college, last Tuesday, looking a fter tho executive Interests of the institution. Dr. Charles S. Macfariand, seorc- tary ot the Federal Council of Hit* Churches of Christ in America lias jn st notified- Dr. McOJiesney of ids appointment as a member of the National Commission o f Religious Education by Dr. Shaicr Matthews, the president of the Federal Council. . The Y. M. and Y. W, 0 . A. held held very interesting meetings Wed­ nesday. They are largely attended and the meetings are unusually interesting and profitable. The social tendered to the students and the faculty, F riday evening, by the Philadelphian, the Philosophic*, and the Criterion L iterary Societies was a splendid success, Miss Olive Finney won the first prize and Mr. Fred Townsley the 2nd prize on the puzzle word contest. The luncheon was a three course affair of tongue* piesing delleies tastily served. About 125 were present. AU bad a most enjoyable time. Prof. Lannlng gracefully presided as toast-umstor. Miss Bird responded to the toast “ Welcome’’ and Miss Hastings to the toast “ College Spirit.*’ Mr. F rank T ru isdale has been working a t the college th is week e rod ing new desks for the Chemist­ ry departmen t th a t quantitative analysis may ho taught. This will occupy a th ird room on the second floor of the'Co llege H all, Pr«»f. Lannlng has Incrosed the vtilueof; the equipment in Chemistry and physics to .over $0000 since ho . took i charge throe years ago and the space they occupy from two rooms to four. . , Greene county lost out in the Hupromo court in her contention tha t slid should not pay a part of the cost of tho district tuberculosis hospital near Springfield. Tho *tber counties in the district brought suit to compel payment and the commieeionerB resisted on tho grounds that tho location selected was not suitable and the price too high. Tho county will now he com­ pelled to pay more Ilian $fioq<) as her shore of tho original cost iff tho institution, Many havo felt that the uuinfy would loc-flo from a legal standpoint hut tho ficnefal public Qtrmd.q with tho commissioners in regard to location anil the consider* atiou paid, •‘It is bPttcr to buy i cheap louqnot AnJ fa give it ,a . on; friend this v *ry day, Phan a bushel of r t*mr~white and red-* To lay on bln <offtn i wn he i3 dead.” Marter Kenneth SMtchio was 11’ .•■caxs -old the- 13ch at Saptember, 1913. 'Io Is very grateful1Or toe kind re- qjcmbraiheo of sever, l friends, It is .t worth while- to f W 13. Prof. Alkn, of Ce nrvilte cofirgo, will opeak ter on; Sailv Day. Tell .*11 your friofid.-i. ' - Llorne 28 ladle* fitx tailed -the moot­ ing la3t -week a t -tae -hbnaa of Mra, Gordon Collins, 'Thejr nto<* {fly meet­ ings seem 5-:i by grofrlng an, interest Tho- ppttro 'in'’nil now Ts 41, You teijl ’have tlfiie^r* make -anotocr visit liefoi'o Bally i w . . It-is a great thing -to bo "Out on ftaslness for too King.” M t . . -pout I clioll \ .1. P. Barr and wife*, of Dayton. P:/L'jath with Mr. Jamoa Mit .amily. ....... • Mr, Kay ! J> brock of *.{. .i J . X-1-C.i^* M r ; M r . h V ' “ a;;d can, Sabbath. W.l- with a-aaru ■ ,n > Ex-Shc-tiff T-. T. Tarho:; 'her, hv-n W-'fbO **“* fislYlf (7« T fmn/thffral «o i-ievff/toefvf A li/i, /mnr* Kpedal murk* Tlj*r-)% Day preigfired to aptnd ftld'ay of, ,vnd profit, Gh.e to«f glad„ j-veTyone, • ' " 1 f . Como interest hand to The -pastor'and A. ended Pre^nytery a t day. Dr. RitebLe rerinon. ' ■. W, Y. Ritchie and started in for toe y logical Seminary There were a map1 not as many as w work of the eUuyttho * -FefSitaott tit- 'Orda lavt Mem- ilte. opening Uam Ftergua’op at Xenia, Then- Wednesday. t new men, but needed for tlie W« can-if “You nan alwliy# ...........-—-r-,*- - ,. ----- LAST C ^ L ! * ^ ^ —r—i t Ohe in the puipltt in'the pew; $10.0tr In the-Basket! wilt, net; bn me,” and ’bring your tuaft- ■oerynnts and your -gates1 to tveh sttd'GVCty- ®o to church will do toft Invite your n your f-oqs and servants' and yohr to®1%’tkujg## Rally Day services, . Everybody g« to 4 body ask everybody with. them. Tlte reck. 1‘ ’ teridn ehjjrck id to join with utl in the meeting. Mrs. 'Jeremiah Finney has been in- diyposed,’ but Is somewhat improved at this writing. Paul Ferguson and Pay Fluke started to Antioch 'Colegc Wednesday, Robert Ferguson will epend the -vvin- ter with hi:? father on the farm. . • '•'V* . ‘ '• The delegates to Sugar Creek and Waterloo canvcntions will report Sab­ bath evening. Gome land hear them, Clifton churches have four young men studying ter the ministry. Wen­ dell and Ernest ‘Foster, ot too Pres­ byterian rhureh, in Dane Seminary, at Cincinnati, and Willard RLtdiio and William Fergucon, in Xuiift’Semitniry, Every family rhould furnish at least one con for the ministry. Mr. Clinton Rice, Who has been laid aside from duty hy sickness in im­ proving and hopes to bo -with tin on Rally Day. "There is more hope for the prodi­ gal on his way lioiiie than for the moralist going toe other way.” Let'fathers neglect their stock and moih'uo their cook-books if need be, but let them not dare m gleet -to know what ’iSifir children are reading, IVbnt kind of a church would CUfton be, 1Ceverybody was, just like me? Mr.*?. Thomas Stfewaffc Ins been con­ fined to kta' bed the past two v/eeka and 5s little better at this wiitinrj. Mm. Sadie Currie is making a pro- !ractcd vfeit in Illinois, Prof. Allen, of Cedarvilio College, will epeak at the Rally Day ekcrclct3' next Sabbath. , A very pleasant and profitable, day was spent last Timsdny a t Jfr. Edward Corey’s by Die ladies tacking com­ forts, Mr, Coroy escaped any baton. If you find it- difficult to nerve your- £<>lf. to the work of tnglng upon your friends to accompany you to the Home ot Gear, take an inventory. To the church not (sociable? Here in ,a field in which ‘you can work. Is the tnuslc poor? Is the preach­ ing weak riiul effeminate? Or Is the fault with you? If you have a great church, With social and spiritual ad­ vantage:;, with Tnspiiitsg music, and helpful uplifting preach;ug, is it not proof that you need un awakening, when you find that you Imye not been busy in advertising its advantages to others? Mrs. Margaret King of Spring- iloltJ, BT> y rars of age, died Babbatl^ afternoon a t the home of her daugh­ ter, Mrs, W ill Finney afte r a week’s illness from . pneumonia. She has made her home Willi her son, 'Wil­ liam, in Springfield. Hire in Sur­ vived hy two dafiglitet.H, Mr«. Fihitey and Mrs. Jenn ie (ihroiiistor of Springfield and the son, William of that, city. A daughter, Mrs. L au ra Dhoekran, died about a mouth ago. Burial took place a t Hpflnglleld, Tuesday, Dr. MJkr And IWn l'fils ter s)t pain. o Ray Harrl on, 52.82 acres 1n Ocdar- VilHo twp„ 12500. . . i. H. R, and Mertio Adams to Lutinda* -Imith, two lots Jn Yellow ‘Springs, §D B o t 'Weir to Myrtle and Zaidah LVeir, lot da Xenia, ?1. J. Thompson and Mary Hawker to Oliver-Potta, .CC.49 aeres-Jn Beaver- .reek fwp., $l. Xajtay A. Vtolto i t al, to Itewta and fere:,a Thotnao, lot in Jamestown, SI,- 000; - Walter IS. and Stella Barnett to Standard Oil Company, tract in James- sown,.?100. . 'Caroline Pressinger to Thomas J. xnd Irene Butler, lot In. Xenia, $450. Bora Krouse, as guardian of -Felena KalJahan, to Louise M. Kr-oiise, lot in j Yellow Springs, $3i0. W-Ulan D. Porter to • 'Charles A.; .Irewer, part -of-lot-in Yellow-Springs,M - ,2000, ' Seth and Hattie Yiokens' to Ada- *: Lang, Jot in Yellow* Springe, $300,. Yr. S', and Mary ’Sw-lgart to C» F. jowney, lots* in- Fairfield,- £D John Paul and Anne JL Williams- to Inna Hiltabridle,' lot in. Yellow! Springs, ?1. ' j appojntfd- as j ir-ltor of Ido remit hone-; , and will enter upon bin duties tho first of October, ..j r '. . a v-re't .-'.aoiCih';; l ife -t I a a r e l s r a c d I r o n rolalivr:,* in tho Wect, '.'ik ar#, Atai-ta-en an l vnrouto -JtwBKb-— ■Hcor^ Why Qo Away Mr. O. L, Smith ■made u business' i-Ip -to 'Cincinnati, Tuesday. ‘Mrs. L. G. Bull entertained thoWed- wsday Afternoon club this xveek. 'Mrs. J. R, Orr is- visiting her son-in- Yw and .daughter, Rev. R, B, Wilson md wife, of Hillsboro, III.' Mr, Phil. 'Dixon, who is financial -*igeiit of the- IfoniT Kendall 'College,, it Tulsa, OJd,m, arrived Saturday and, *.s plaiting .his parent^ a ■ short Vi'sit, be being on bis v;siy East In tho-tn- torost of too college. The college l a . rowentering upon a campaign to raise' "500,000,tor the endowment fund, Dur- - ;ng fhe^umtiiar Mr. Dixon spent much jf hia time securing new students and reports an .Increase pf C2 per cent in, 'it-tendance, ; { Tho state W C. T, U. -meeting, with ^ ihout 1000-dekgato.,, will ho bold next i week In Xenia. .The ronx'ention waT .» have been held in Da-iton, -hut when 'he .flood- came ,Xenia wax'" chmten: ■ Tide -is the pawltcet city that baa ever : qo«vention, which will tax h«r ' >ntm The convention; t« expected to ?>e one of the greatest in the history ff the organisation. to buy your FALL CLOTHING when you can se­ cure as good service and BETTER VALUES at our store. We carry in stock the best lines of merchan­ dise in the country. We have exclusive agency for the following standard lines. ■ ' ' . HART, SCHAFFNER & FJjARX Clothing WALK-OVER Shoes INTERWOVEN Hosiery MUNSING and STATEN Underwear ARROW .& MONARCH Shirts .Our new Fall- goods, arriving daily- see th§m. Come in and NOTICE! We keep our suits PRESSED o n e Y e a r f r e e . Clothing Company Trade *f HOME Cedarville, Ohio. M TheQuality Store iateH isfe Jobe Brothers Company + “ New Autumn Suits and Coats LADIES’ AND MISSES’ COATS Wa are displaying many smari; and exclupive fityleu, carefully cut and tailored. Materials run tiro wlioio ratigo of weaves, from the most protnl- 'itoivfc Iloueles and A strakhan to Matelasses Mole- ftlcin and SSlboltne. Colors are Hie most beautiful in years. Misses’ Coats range in price from .... $0.00 to $ 20,00 Ladies’ Coals from ....................................... $10 to $35 TA ILORED S U lT S—rlaw lesa lu tailoring and finish, and now with the last creative touch in garment- dom. Tho models are more beautiful, tho color­ ings richer than over before. Tho m aterials are brocaded effects, Bedford,’ Diagonal, Serge, Cheviot, Wool Poplin, Sponge, priced a t ....... ........$12.50 to $lu.00 TAILORED CLOTH DRESSES in a variety of new styles and combinations. Sorgo Dresses....................... ...........$0,05 to $16.00 Challio Dresses................... ............... ...............$12.60 Sill; Poplin Dresses........................... ............... $10.60 Sponge, Crepe Cloths, Bedfords, brocaded effects................................ ............... $12.60 to $20.00 MKSSALINE PETTICOATS . Arralmost endless selection In a ll the howest, sh ad es............ *............. $1.03,$2.05 and $3.60 r e C T ' tESiGHtaffllAlC.'fta'.-i.V.' Ail taVWuRtll SILK OKEI’B Dl! CHINK Wide, fine heavy quality , rich and lustroun. drapes beautifully, perfect color collection. HOinches wide, p la in ......... >,76and $1.75 40 Inches wide, plain.........................$L*?S 40 inches wide, b rocaded ............... $1.60 DRESS TRIMMINGS AU the la te st effects iti_ Pcrsiana, Je t. Crystal, Ornaments, gashes, Cords and Marabou, All-over Embroidery Nets in all colors. BLOUSES T 11 Voile, Laen and Ohlifon, worn very M od ay as becomes sheer fab ric s ..................................$1.00 to $0.00 WOOL DRESS GOODS Rs inch Storm Serna, a lt colors.. .... 50e . 42 inch Wool Bedford, all colon) .. 01.00 ■13 inch Wool Taffeta, a ll eolurs . ...$!,00 •48 inch Wool Ilatinc, lu the new ina* hogany slmd c.................................... $l.r,u 66 inch Wool Diagonal::, all i-.'loi’n Al r,o 62 inch Wool Mateltonc*, all co lo rs ................................. *ifi inch \V 00 l Pa T;cf I colors........... . *.................. 2Vinch (lordutoj'.':, »U colm 'Ly> a t .......................................... .............fl-tS W a v e , fill ............$1.<T» C| «6c and $l.w 1 Jobe Brothers Company X E N IA . OH IO iThfrii'iftirinim >