The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 27-52
H U M HUM « P M $ M fki CtfatiH# | i . o » P e r Y e iir . ■icawci ..ti:„,';— KA fttH m U . - Ki*lt»r ltai**red *£ Ch# Peet-UfBo#, 0*d*X~ vtiifa. 0*t©b*r Ktt 1887, Jut wound, i lm nisttn* * FSflBAY, NDVFMBBR 7, JH*. ■W*H. (M* oouaty w « u K4 ao nbtuitx- atio* v t i . Ho* tm&y « (* ready now. to an- dare# tb# aMM*b*r* of da# rTftHlnfl*# ai ooareBtioa that iniAorred to yoa U m > method* that bay* wade the e*ti«t of tiw *c*t* the ruJtog power l b « will, tor tiuua to <tnom rtwK-lc the xdvanoa of morel p»u««f Oiwa year ha* fm*aWs*d th# ntr#l paopi* of the M*t« * §ooi exptrUmv, MKMKbiog to b* r#ewwto#r#e. aomattlBg that a man *»r*d to predict hurt. fan. Mirasram SIMMSQIOOL Tfc» result of the afeetkwt atnwri- tamtm or#** tii# state mmm that tie p*opi* «r* not .quite reedy for the abort ballot. ' Tanmiusy wee felled eowily by John Mitchell, fusion candidate tor. mayor in New York 'City. Probably Tam many wanda to imseerb some other of- ficefeoWer. governor Bukrnr found Ylndtoation in being elected to the state legislature. Without * doubt Stfiaer la again headed for the gover norship, Reaction always follows auofe attacks as- Instituted by Tam* uany. Last winter a number o f raids were made ©» triaces la town under the local option injsre. In the Hat o f % raiders was one irho has since «Hd from grace. Not op^r. content with being the tool o f the w?£s m a candidate for council, hut taarried the wot petition, previous to the election Ottlnms it 1« well for persona to run for office in order that their friends cun' be invoiced, Governor Cox, has issued a school day proclamation calling on the peo ple to designate November 14 for this jjjarposo"«hd nssMe delegates for the nfcate conference. People In this sec- "tjOn ®say not understand-tlm Imporfc- tauce/of this movement .for tte reason i that bur ochdols are probably on ap ] ' equal if not superiorto most comrnuni- tties over the state. If you have never traveled In -the southern part -of the state by pike you know nothing of,the school conditions. •Th% is a, very*, im portant matter and should he "given . recognition. - .• > ’ I A floughtei* waa dtom to Mr. Mrs, Fred Waiawfr, Sabbath, {By JJ. O. 8RU.ERS, Director fit Keening . D*par4m««t. Tits Moody Bible IimlJtufe, ; CMrego.-J j and i Us*. Jennie Hutchison ha* been visit' in* with Mr. and Mrs. I* G, Bull this week. I LESSONFORNOVEMBER9. I ABSTINENCE FOR OTHERft’ SAKE.! Mrs. Beniamin Chaney and daugh ter of f'oioiaiio. are guests o f her sis ter. Mrs. F. !M. Reyn^ds. Messrs. Ray lAwrence, of Cincin nati, and Mrs. Frank Gttndle. of •Springfield, and, their faniiUe® spent Sabbath with Mr. J. Q. -Gtindle, The appointment of I)r. J. G. Carson v* pavter emeritus of the Becond Un ited Presbyterian church, was confirm ed at the meeting of Xenia presbytery which was hold at the Theological Seminary, Monday, The call -of Rev. Ainsworth' Hope, of Cleveland, to he- comte pastor o f the IT.’ P, church at Jamestown, .was presented to , the Presbytery and approved,. Much, to the disappointment o f the Jamestown congregation. Rev. Hope will be un able to accept the call. We are in receipt of the first copy of the Dayton New®, that is the Sun day edition. It comprises 118 pages, and hr without doubt the best edited, the‘ ■most* perfect from a mechanical viewpoint, o f any of the Sunday pa pers published ih this section. Qut- atde of the Cleveland Plain .Dealer we know of no other paper in the state 'that has ns many features and or os. high class as,the News. The paper is not only'a credit to ito owner, but deserves the highest compliment of the editor, Mr. Howard Bratton, so well known to our people.. -1 (World’* Temperance Bunday.) I.KHSQN TJCXT- Rom. MtT-Jh ' aoi,T>KN TEXT—“It 1« not good to eat nor to drink wins, nor to do any thing whereby thy brother atumbleth,” Rom. 14:21. Paul wax in Corinth, a city of lux ury, learning and-lie jriousneaa when ho wrote this letter to the believers in Rome, a letter, of profnmd logic and ethics as well as a profound study in psychology and philosophy. I. None'of u* Jiveth to himself," w . 7-11. Paul begins this, chapter by giving a caution aa to doubtful dispu tations, “judgments upon thoughts," whether it be In the matter of eating herbs or meats, or In the observance of set days. Who are we but fellow servants (v. 4) of God? About such things ns habits and observance of days we must ekeh be assured in our own minds, (v- 5), but while that is true yet, “none liveth to ’ himself1 (V. 7), for “we are the Dord's" (v„ $), He is the universal Lord, both o f the living and the dead, (v. 8). IVhat folly, therefore, for any believer to set him self up in judgment upo'n bis brother.. -Four Things Suggested. II. “Give an account to Ghd," yv. 12-18, Verse 12 suggests four things: (1) A universal summons- “each one of us," great and email, obscure or fa tuous; each one must, appear, none overlooked, none excluded, none ex cused- (2) A particular summons, "each one of us." not en masse, but -m O u r P r ic e s . Schmidt’ s OW Hickory Flour, 25 lb sack for.....,75c Schmidt’ s Ocean Light ' / Flour, 25 lb. sack for..„.7d Country Cured Bact>n~.18c Breakfast Bacon, per lb, -28 Fanoy Sugar Cured H am ,' lb .18 California anrfPicnic Hama, perdb.... . ...........™i» A f rican Java CoFee, per lb ’Bto ^ud TEHettd per' 24 Bio Cbfiae per lb... "NowBuoeived daily in hulk or bans, Try these oysters.that havetherealsea tang-^no others like them—the pure load pro duct jthat all enjoy, i A . i > m f o o ® \ ploicB orVfatcrwudus\ ISkALSWroySTERM i\NoCUemkalPrtiervatlve\ n ii \us*a. V/Mfp I! imaturAlUmr.YreiVm«sV/nCBlft F\ Received Fresh Bahy Save paur cured fare ful Mirror, cash register receipts se* andf get either a Clock or a bcautf- FREE, H . E . S c h m id t 6 C o ., ° Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, . . Xenia, Ohio. mt BvparaU atuu. «> a pqrpo«*rA * sniauaoay, “to giro account," not of othom bat mek at JHasmlf, It will nor , h« "blind jaatia*" that shall await u* theca, feat a haiy fited, one who knows all, see* all, every thought and Imsgl- . nation of tin* human heart (Gen, 8:5) and whose jadgnMmt will be righteous. <4) A rightful summooa, because of Its | souroe, “ before God," and shall not the , Judge of the whole earth do right? i No exetta* haeaas* of the failure of . other* will avail, no subterfuge bo an- ; oeptable, “strict justice'* will condemn- j Man-mad* law* and ordinance* as to ; what we oat or what days wo may ob-, ■ serve will then he revealed in the j white light o f the God whose name is f love. In the light of such a prospect ,! how pertiueut therefore that we turn 1 (r. 12), from judging others and look J well to our own conduct, lest that con- ! duct become a rock of stumbling to j other and weaker brethren. Another Law. f III. “ Follow after things whichmake j for peace,” vv. 18-23. To follow that \ which shall edify is to exercise the ( “Jaw of Jiberty.*’ James in his epistle (1:25, 2:12) tells us to look Into this law and to continue therein for by it we shall be judged, yet there ia still another law, "the royal law” (2:8. Matt. 22:38-40), the fulftlllng of which will settle every question of man’s re lation to man., Y7e should-so use our liberty that it he not evil spoken of or become a rook, of stumbling to any. Whether or not the kingdom of God he in us, or we in- the kingdom, dm pends not upon the scrupulous observ ance of ordinance# either aft to eat ing, or the observance of days, but '; rather in the manifeBtrighteousnesnof our live# and in having peace in our heartB, cb. 16:13, being filled with ’.'jby in the Holy Spirit" r, 17. Therefore, if to eat, meat shall cause my brother to stumble or to;be made weak (v. 21). ‘1 will eat no flesh for evermore,” I. Cor. 8:13. * All pf this leads up to the true prin ciple of total abstinence as revealed ih. verse 21, “it is good hot to eat flesh, »or to drink wine, nor to do anything whereby thy brother stum- hleth or la offended*’ This does not alone apply to the Great American Juggernaut, the commercialized liquor traffic, which,* according to the United States Supreme .court, has no legal ground upon which to aland. When the members of the church of God lu this/"land o f liberty" shall each be governed by this principle it will not he Tong before the liquor problem any many other questions that-are troubling ua will be settled. The real question will not be “la It wrong?" but rather, “How will It affect my brother?" Alt meats are dean, we know that, Acts 10:15, but we alee know that .many cannot eat, cannot participate In our acts,'with a clear conscience because in bo taking part there conies before the miud of the weaker brother the ovil associations and practices which s6 frequently ac« company atteh acts or auch eating. Our indulgence, no matter how inno cent and entirely harmless it may be to us, is therefore nut to be thought o f- Tide settles the drink question, -the tobacco habit, dancing, card play ing; theater going, and all “question able amusements.** For once teach a temperance lessen i not on the ground of the harrowing i effect# of thin awful traffic, but try to \ Show that intemperance Is largely the { result of selfishness. Show how less ; selfishness in our nodal relations ; would help to keep men away from , the ealoon. Desk selfishness in money ?would keep us from accepting bloody -tax money. Less selfishness oh'the pajtt of churches by activities during the week would keep children and young people from growing familiar with and finally embracing the mon ster vice. Many ancient authorities insert after Ch. 14, Ch. 18:25-27. . i ■ ... , 1 ... Giraffe' Absolutely Dumb. ?he giraffe is the only, animal that ' is really dumb, it is unable to express itself by any sound whatever. “ T Thief Enters Wolford Home. Mr. J. 11- Wolford’ s home wsa burgalised same tune last- night, a j window (wing broken open and entrance niatle this way. As the family sleep upstair# the fellpw had full sway anil went Into moat *»veiy drawer aud cupboard on the first | floor. Bomething Ilka 8*hS was i taken, also a watch belonging t o } Ralph Wolford that was in his vest ou a chair, / Being hungry lh* fellow helped hitnselt to some cake and ham. Burnt matches were found in everv room, i t was fortunate that #1*5 was overlooked. Marshal Kennon ami the blood hounds traced the fellow down the alley to the railroad out through G. H. Smith’ s field to the railroad again and to the Cresweti crossing Where It is. thought a freight was boarded. In the box car ft chisel was found with a piece of resin. The chisel just fits the marks on the window, ' Mrs, Wolford lias been sick for several days buteleptunusuiUiy well durjng tho night. Mr. Wolford is somewhat hard of hearing but was uot disturbed, NOTICE. Having been appointed aciininis tratol- of the estate of Anna JD. Foster. AH persons knowing them selves indebted to her will please settle, and those haying claims against her w ill please present them in legal form. F, F. FOSTER, Admr. CEDARVIL.LE BRANCH IS ORGANIZED. Tie most enthusiastic of the town ship -rallies so far held in the Inter- ert of the new Greene ■County Im provement Association was that at Cedarville, Saturday afternoon. The meeting was* addressed,’by County Agent W. M.' Cook and whdn he had inlsbed a vote of- thanks was ex tended to him. Many of -the leading farmers of the township were present and a township section of the Asso ciation was organized, with A. H. Cresswell us president, Nathan Ram sey, ,-vlce president,' and William Con- fey, secretary. The president and secretary were selected to represent tho township tin the -annual meeting Of the Asooiation to-be held the lat ter part' oi this month. Mr. Cook explained tho work of the county agent and tho puiposes o f the Association. As exampl s of the -Way ’ In which tho county agent «au assist the farmer ho told of a. county in an-v 'other state in which hog cholera Was very prevalent. Through the efforts ,of tho agent it has -been completely eradicated by careful sanitation. "The administering o f serum is only fighting hack a condition, that ought not to have existed 4n the first place,*'■- said ‘Mr. Cook. ,‘Tt is a valuable thing but Wo need to give our attention to prevention as Weil as cure.” Mr, Cook mentioned that there was * farm in Beavercreek township that had been a center o f infection o f cholera, wh'Ue: the owner did not think cholera was tho trouble.. With sanitary inspection Spread from this source would have been prevented,. Mr. Hook also told of the' successful co-Operation plan worked out by County i Agent Ross of Pennsylvania in a mountain district. It Is worked through the bauke and has attracted tho'attention o f the gov ernment, .'n the discussion which followed it was ^suggested that the •Association could bo instrumental hi encouraging the growth of such co-operative or" ganizationo as the Gedarville Protec tive Association and mutual Insurance companies- whose strength increases with the number of members. Presi dent Clayton McMillan, of tho local farmers’ institute assured Mr. Cook that ho would be given tho best oppor tunity at the institute to present the claims of the Association, H u tch iso n 6 G ib n e y Xenia, Ohio Have the Finest Assortment all Now in Coats Suits Shirts Waists A t P r i c e s to S t ilt ih e [F u fs e $9 .95 to $35 .00 U N D E R W E A R —Famous Mentor and Phenix 25c to 411.50 “•“ A L SO stm Coj./e.vWitLj-tueII. Cd, Ktmonas and Dressing Sacques 50 cents and up Outing Gowns Oilcloth 25c up Linoleum 50c up Window Shades 25c up AGED WOMAN Dl£p AS RESULT OF PNEUMONIA. Mrs.' Brigham Harbison, an aged and well known Cedarvlllo woman, died Sabbath morning at the home of her sister, Miss Martha McMillan, Her death was. directly due to pneu monia from Which developed a few days ago, hut she had been 111 for some time, suffering from a general break down due to the inflrmatles of ago. Mrs, Janet McMillan Harbison, tile daughter of David and Nancy Wright McMillan, was bom iln August, 1S29, in South Carolina, and died November 2. Tfil3. aged eighty-four years. She was married to Brigham.HarbieOn, De cember 23, ,1884. IIo died December iD, 1001, and for the past twelve years : lie has made her home at Cedarvlile •Vith her sister, 'Miss Martha McMil lan, who has been an. Invalid unco l.T-t August. Of * family of six brothers and five bisters, all are dead except one, Miss Martha, 'Besides her Sister, «he leaves, one stop-daughter, Mrs. W. ■t Tarbox, and live grandchildren and one great grandchild, and best ot nieces and nephews to hiouj t her death. Sire. Harbison was of a kind .and "Cheerful dispoeition, and all her life a faithful member of the Reform- <•<1 Presbyterian church. Tho funeral vms held Tuesday afternoon fit 2 o’clock at the home of Mrs, W. J. Tar- box, and wan in charge of Dr, W. R. Aicciiesney, assisted by Rev. J. S. Id. MeMlchael of tho United Presbyterian (tiurclt. Burial was made in Massing tho worstof ns. tbat Ithardly becomes any of us to talk about the rest of us.” Creek cemetery. i#>wiA*ii>ilW*tii MitSjlUfi *>w»irtMun*iAiire**amAlMWi<** 1. B, Preston waft elected mayof of the village; Richard Bparrow, marshall; Gilbert Luce, clerk; S. T. Luce, W« Id, Ilifo and O. K. Oonfarr for school board. C A S T O R IA For Infanta and Children, file Kind You Hava Always Bought Bear# the gigimtyufio?! M M ? o r In fa n t * tu ti CbiMrom , The Kind Yon Have Always Bought “ “a s . I nj & nts yCiiiiMifA RroitwIesDigiesfkmJ^e# iwssandfestjCOhtalftJiieStor OpiunuMorphineporited. N o t N a r c o t ic , j SecyeiflMlkSMmmm AmtmSml* JticSma* AMcUts- ApctlecfRemedyforConffip* lion, SourStomach.Dlarrtoi Worms.Convulsionslcvmsii-; ness andLossQFSlEflP.; FucSwak? Signaturej f ’:; NEW YORK. - mtmtlis old. ^J5 D oses - J ^ C l n m . In f a Over Thirty Years 1 H% OMNTAUM eoMWMY,' HCW YPMM CITY. , This Store is famaiis for stylish Stioes at prices to suit you. Excellence of quality, finest offit - \ $1,99 $2.19 $2.49 $2.69 In all leathers, high and low heel, medium and broad toes. '' ’ . " 1 1 d* " r * . , New .Sample Shoe Store , 38 S.DetroitSt XENIA, OHIO, NexttoDongesDrugStore. L . Stiles, Manager: * ■ flalibway & Cherry Call YourAttention ------- -TO— t — . , R o o m R u g s 9x I2**Woof and Fibre $7.00 to $11.50 . All W oo l Art Squares „ ALL SIZES Tapestry Brussels 9xl2 $12.76 to $13 11:8x12 $ 1 S to $SS • Body Brussels 0x12,11,3x12 and 11,3x16 feat. Axminster * •. 0xls >''..................................................... to $20 W iltons, Ardahans, etc* All kinds of Small Rugs Linoleums and Oil Cloths In both Printed and Inlaid. Shades and Draperies Galloway & Cherry Xenia's Exclusive Carpet and drapery House 11U, Main Street. . » Both Phone# Water-Proof Sale Bills At This Office.
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