The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 27-52
mm ■ M M i p M W Q MWWHiBW" MKMj| f l * f t . J , __ .t ii^ i i AliaU 'rite res! f t ie U !3«t *i*ht <st. Ofcl rflV m BWW w IH v 'O'Vi©.I'Mt ‘ hrt * 1 * iiaw ,mut i la litrv ?V‘i¥it*h4i that n ’ 91.00 l-Vr Ye*»r. fttH »ULU es! f 3.«i- qf, . sut' *Jtu*r , ami *e h -r.v report* t at a , ,<i t'iU'fe n ■'tir’,l,r‘_' i •. * «'H»< tag**)’! J 1lit•(■•»<, *’i5 -; * > l li .mij if.J - —"vsi, tempt of the It'KisIature hi y>a#«uig a tuniform test l*x>V; bill, natrons of Editor the aeoooiu ilo not w,mt to get toe y,*X)\ yulkil over their%oyt«. We want • ■* , *c— isar-^r* '- •* * 'mm■ *' - - lira, ai'lticj* Hmitlt nhoppetl in, fprlngfteltZ, Thursday. The Value of Thanksgiving i- Staterod ufc fch* Poat*Ofiioe, Cedar* Tilt*, <Mtob« 81. 18»?, « oeconci ,?lao«. laattoi", » .iiw«ii'inuiiii« l'nini,miim»uinli!ji(ri"inp.ini VSEDAY, NOVEMBER *1, 1918. The way the oaloon tower* we aetog, thoa* who were rejected L- eettoso/ladirate* -that the liquor ewnp its going to-stey divided for some time. The average rekxra keeper thought the iterate* law alright up until the very ‘ llm* the name* of the fejevted ones, were made known. to«n It was & horse at another color. to see Rcprt'oentJve Anderson -or » une one els© introduce the uniform test bool, bill and keep up the fight*1 re» ■gardlcs* of other iafut-e and the nook fruet, There is no reason why Ohio should not have the same test looks and grade# in every school in tlio state instead of fifty or a- hundred dlf» ferent kinds sold to the patron* at & great profit to p;iy interest on thous* and# of dollars -.of watered stock.- Fivo lba o f r;r ~r! ooffoo $ 1 . 0 0 ., U it ld le ’ s Grocery, By W. if. McChemy, Flu JK ■ Hulk Sauer Kraut. live cents' a pc id. at Bate’s meat store. Rooms for Rent:—Inquire of Mrs J, H, Lott. We notice that the state nankin:; department will recommend that the legislature make it a felony for any one to give a ebeck on a bank know ing there was not sufficient funds to . pay in full, Sttch a statute would' not only protect the public, but certainly receive the endorsement of the hank ers. The .Mexican situation continues to drag along with Huerta still president «r that .troublesome republic, so' far as .tints government is concerned it looks aa if the only important action to be taken wilt *be lifting the embargo on the shipment of arms for the ln» surgentsr* We notice by press dis patches that Congressman Foss come* out in support of the Wilson-Brynn policy, so everyone must of necessity feel that no error ban teen made on the'part of the administration and that everything is»aU right.. . For Rent—Two fine office rooms over Hartman clothing store, Inquire of G. II. Hartman. Union Thanksgiving eeivtee will he held in the R. JP. church, Main street, at 10 a. m., Thursday, The sermon will be delivered by Rev, J, W. Patton, pastor of the M. E. church. All are cordially Invited. •-Morse BlanketR and Rohes, the celebrated 5A kind, the best on the market, A good lot to seleot from at the right price. C. 3ST. Stuckey & Son —Ladies Home Journal Pat terns, Buythern at Wisterman’s Drug Store. We are hearing considerable, about the public schools since, the recent school survey in this state. Like all ' tfther great questions so much comes up that it -is hard for* People to form an opinion as to what ia the proper course. As matters stand today few can honestly venture an opinion for there are so m'any charges of -bosslsm, political appointments; etc,, heard that . You can get fresh country butter, eggs and chickens anytiipo during the week atLeeStiroades’ , Phone 00, 'Three cans.Walrus Salmon 50. cents. Waddle’s Grocery. OYSTERS, received fresh * every Tuesday and Saturday for the pres, ent. Telephone your orders, C,- M Spencer. < Sauer Kraut, five cent* a pound-, at Hate’s meat store.* - From Th<- Gavelyte. —Car load of Haydock storm buggies received and nine sold al ready. Finished line and sold at reasonable prices. Rotter get one at Oitce before the v iny»r is gone. C. N. Stuckey & Son. $100 Reward} $100. J,- Mrs* J. R. Anderson and Mrs. I. (X Peterson,\ of „ Spring Valley, ! visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. "W, Grouse, Sabbatin Thare*de»elthUpaparwUl ba plsam- 4olaarnthat thereis at feaet on* chwhfed <H m * 8 o that sciencehas pacn able to aurain all its stages and that is Catarrh. -Hail's CatarrhCure is tlie only positive curenow known to the medical fraternity, Catarrh a constitutional disease, requires a ooTCitttutiQjwl treistment, Hall’s Catarrh, CUreis taken internally, acting di^ctly up dn the bloodand raucousaurraccBof system thereby destroying..the foundation of the dbease, andgiving thqpalient strength by bwgdtngupthe cpnStitution and -assisting natureIndolug its work, The proprietors haveso muclifailh in its cunfi&tive powers, hat they ad'er OneHlindre'dHdllars forany casv thatU tails to clue. Sendfor Bit o tesHhiOhiiils. Addrosa, F, J, OHKNEY * Go. TOleda Q, . S o » by ibfcfcgSst, V6e, 1ll’s Family Pills irtc the best. I- E veryth ing fo r the Table Our Prices. Schmidt’s Old Hickory Flour, 2l) Zb sack for.. .-7oc Schmidt’ s Qceau Eight Flour, 25 lb, sack’ for... 70 Coufltry Cure(Z Bacon,..,18c Breakfast BacOn, per lb.,-23 Fancy Sugar Cured Ham, i b ....................... - ........- .18 Califoruia^and Picnic Hams, per ib...,.... 18 African lava Coflee, per lb ................. 22 Rio and lava Blend per Zb,—. . —2^ Ri o Cofl ee per Zb.... .........28 Now Received daily in bulk or cans, Try these oysters that, have the realsCa tang—no others like them—the pure food pro- ,. duct, that all enjoy. > k W B $ .¥ G 0 D\ mode* orWaieVtaudws\ \SIALSHIPTOYSTEP^1 mo Cbc^vtwlPreservidve \ A'SatuttftfVwor.Treshnftisy/rWfri; \u <bi*\uy poMtMBSsa J' Pdt,Corner 8 >slem S tones Cakes Received Fresh Daily Save $otir cash register rjsteipts sm 'Cared here andgeteither aClock or a heauti- fukMimor. ’ ^ FREE, H. E. Schmidt 6 Co Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit. Street, . . Xenia, Ohio. To try to re&Itxe >bh« value of Thanksgiving'js like trying to esth mate the worth of *4 heirloom. Both are incalculably previous. The memoriee viuwtertftg wboot TJsoatogiving Day reach over centujiies and seas and forta* la coowura thought to u& many lands and snoot of the religkww. Nearly ’every nation and religion, even; tJibOae of antiquity, have, obsom-d aotne sort of Thanksgiving. Thus it ba* become * kind of ewMsnoa tie to blind all race* and sect* in the <ex- preeakm of on* of Ube deepest feelings and ewceteet sentiments of the (iuman eoul—gratitude. Humanity i» act so tbanklo^, perhaps, m 1t js ibougtlets. Down deep in our teftswnibi^ eeivee wo appreciate in greater or leaser, measure ail tbie poqdwhfch comas into our Iivea. We forget too often, however, to express ow appreciatHou, Thanksgiving Day affords to each one'of nd the opportunity, to exhibit our gratitude, and doubtless multitude**,who do not-enter churches on that day, -manifest and feel their tfounkfutnuee Jn other ways. At least, itvi* to bo -hoped .they do. The opportunity to give^bankg muvt, at -least, -present tho thought and, by tout much, lift the mind aljove tile -common level of Sts activities. . . ■ ■ * . *Phe obswvwnce of Thanksgiving affords social privileges calcu lated to endear friende «nd homerr to us. Wihat splendid times in ,njoeting in our homos, rehearsing old experiences, telling the twice told, and, more; tales, making new acquaintancee, forming new friend ships, gathering about the festal boards, partaking of the sumptuous feaefe, atrd hewing a jojiy good time in general, and then in the fare wells and goodbye handshakes, either mentionEwg or remembering if we do ifot speak of It, the goodness of the bountiful ali Father, who rendg growers -of bleseing into each lifel Then, too. Thanksgiving Day brings many of us, but too few, after all, into our -'various plwe» of public worship, quite often in unlion services to join in praise, prayer and .meditation; as we recount the .blessings of -a year to ourselves, our homes, our schools, our churches, our nation of the world. It sort of breaks the sectarian- lines and unconsciously cements churches' -more different. In creed and ton: 1 than in practice and reality. • Thanksgiving time harks us back to the good old days, when Gov ernor Bradford and bis little band- of Pilgrims in 1621 after the gathering of the fruits and harvest formally" met to thank God for the “'bounteous crepe" -and. to spend the rest3of the day in “innocent feasting and fun*." It TeeWlX the reZomn Thanksgiving proclamation of the -Continen tal Congress! dn 1777 add the few and far between Thanksgivings thought necessary after the founding of the.government until the very integrity of the nation was severely tested by the War of the States, Then, when, President Lincoln felt the crisis of the wkr had passed, he called the entire- nation ta solemn Thanksgiving to GftnL That event was the origin of the custom now beeme national and observed in every abate and province.-of ouv nation ever since and annually pro claimed by the president of -the United’.States and the various gover nors Of the states. It is on Index that Aura is a religious nation. It binds us as-a nation in thought-and sentiment to the- good forefathers of colonial New England and" through the succeeding centuries to the founders of our government and the -makers of our country. It binds , ws in aspiration and. fealty to the God of our fathers and the bountiful benefactor of humanity. It serves the means.* of stowing onr 'kindly offices 3 k dispensing gifts to the lees' fortunate and of renewing our -feeling that all the world’s alftn and men to men should brothers be. To- the Christian It gives one of the best opportunities to exhibit brotherly kindness of the true type, to emphasize the incalculable debt o f ail oiyifimtion to Ohridt, and to express the gratitude of his aopl to God tor toe unspeakable gift of Ms love. Measure then, if you can, toe vaiud Of 'fhanksgiVlng Day -in toe light of that' picturesque ftrrjt Thanksgiving to which the New England -colonist and the Indian stowed, to toe light Of the sacred'and Solemn event* of 1777 and 1863, in toe light o f the years of freedom and prosperity since the reunion of toe state* «nd in toe light of toe blessings of Providence and divine grace, dad yon con .tell something of its value. OrlStn of Word "Sneeze.” " Tito word *ne»ta ,-ha* no possible connection with toe verb "to ^nlff.” Properly It should be spelt and pro nounced "fneeae," as It wao for many years, being an Anglo-Shxon word.' It was toe difficulty of pronunciation^ ac cording to toe latest,dictionaries, that caused the Change of the first letter from f to s, and not as was formerly thought, the disuse of toe old long s which reeHtabled f to printed books. The man who wadis the ekrto gets a lot of mud thrown at him. Zf you don’t make friends you. can’t expect yetir friends to make you. Afier paying the summer hotel bills dad starts ip to accumulate for Christ* mns. .} Pity tile poor man who attempts to keep truck' of the new aeroplane rec ords. ■ Daily Thought. To he alive only to appetite, pleas ure, pride, money-making and not to toodness and tMndnoss, purity and ove, history, poetry, music, flowers, itars, God and eternal hopes. Is to b 6 i dl but dead,—Maltbie D, Babcock. Hutchison cSGibney Xenia, Ohio Have the Finest Assortment all Now in Coats Suits Shirts Waists . At Prices to'Suit the' Purse $9.95 to $55.00 ' U N D E R W E A R —Famous Mentor and Phenix 25c to #1.50 -~ AESp..- Kimonas and Dressing Sacques 50 cents and up Outing Gowns Oilcloth 25 c up , Linoleum 50 c up Window Shades 25 c up MreM One virtue of the vaudeville stage is that it never lets a good joke he for gotten. What has become of the old fash ioned beef carcass that laid cheaper cuts in it? Each time Japan launches a new bat tleship some other nation gets either s protest or an ultimatum. Dollar a pound steaks will prove more devastating than the automobile to the long suffering horse. The first Panama canal honors pass to a tug hauling mud. utility, as ever, having the precedence over romance, No self respecting man is going to be dominated by women, says Lord Northcllife. Well, lots of self respect* ing men-ure. By the way, is Secretary MeAdOo going to put nut any money to help the ultimate consumer move his winter coni into (he bln? Three hundred and seventy-seven million animals inspected at slaughter bouses in the last ten years! We nro not vegetarians yet. Exports to Mexico tills year increas ed $11,500,000 over 1912. Who would have suspected we turned out so ninny rifles and cartridges? "Spirit,” says Emerson, “ primarily . means wind.” Wonder if the old gen* _ tkithftu had any special reference to "spirited addresses?" - aoli C4y?rltta190 brTheH.B!*cXC o . mm The first umbrella made Its appear ance In 1777. But probably the first good place to hide It did not appear until some time inter. It the insanity of n few murderers could lie discovered before instead of after tho fact it might give society, a little more confidence. Probably the acme of uselessness Is expressed by tbo linrbor of Pompeii, which was discovered the'other day, It is 3,750 feet inland. A Baltimore scientist has returned to America with 81.OOt»,OM.(X)0 malignant germs which lie will study. If yon don’t believe it count, ’em. «sp*W CASTOR IA For Infant* and 0Uk nil KindYouHiviAlwaysBought -B»*re to* ftlgnature of M SM AU’OJIOt, 3 PER CENT. AVegclablePreparadatGifA j sMiingtheRiMaactBeguii- " ’futulPiViitUar t^titeSuneritt! Tho Kind Yoa Hava AlwaysBought I nfants rC iuibH i .. ProraotesBigiestkwlCMW- nessm)dlte&t£oWapb’neiiff OpSuat.MorphinenorMiaeral. N o t N a r c o t ic . £ed}^af<M}kSSlXLPfT(SR JfaekmStd'” JbiSmM# MuMeStit- jtmefm* SA* ApcriectBemedyforConsfip*' Hon,Sour StoKKh.DDrrtef1: Worins.Coiwnlsions.Feveri5li:j ness andLosSOFSLEEP- *, 'IhcSiinik Sifoaiure oP J - NEW YORK. *; lit Use Over Thirty Years Sd liave s prepn; where The “ i : . A tb m onth?; ojtd . j j l l o s E ^ ^ C E m s Exact Copy o f Wrapper. ,T|ie qi N taurgommnv *mwv«w©mfc Mpl W E claim that we ar$- ssbowing the b e s t - moderate priced shoes for women that appreciate a par ticularly good shoe at moder ate prices. These shoes are made on honor by & reliable maker. Nothing slighted* or over looked. They are made in Gun Metal Calf, Paten t Kid, So ft Vici Kid and Velvet, AIL the new styles at $ 2 . 50 , $3 00 an) $ 3.50 We Specialize of Proper Fitting Frazer’s Shoe Store For tS Years the Leader .. XENIA, OHIO Em v^ 1*>: I t .*-;: VV;;•«i/**j v; -% •" 1;( A S T R I D E In the right direction is the one you make here to have us do your Tailoring. You can not afford to be indifferent ^oout the style and finish of the clothes you wear. They mark the man. Our work has a distinction of style and a perfection of finish that marks the well made garment. There is certain economy and satisfaction in using our set vice. K A N Y , The Tailor XENIA, OHIO. win SO IT frfcs rh\ Bookmalter ...ftestaarant... INTHE BOOKWALTER HOTEL HIGH STREET IJININO ROOM TORLAD1BSUI* STAIRS AtiSO REST ROOM. M l£A t»B N O W st*. CEN ’1‘8 . Lunch Counter on Main N*or Optn Day «td Nijfht. Tlie Bebfcbf Good ttwd 1 a tire mar# UijtoifMktoat- FISTULA DISUSESOfTHERECTUM mm mvmvPim «MM . . . dr * j . j . M c C lellan Ss’gjSSSKrfw^ C olumbus , o ! Dri Miissf L«x*ure T«bi«ts tret* Hk$’'UNuiifc^' W'kf n
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