The Cedarville Herald, Volume 36, Numbers 27-52
J1 f FOR! COHtl ■pOE s every Tlx v.iic the < was tion < lowii; Audit J.« . deem appa: out si Dean taxif? died to eel withe texture, of be itrlpeb- some The rates uror-1 UP ll These , pared and tl iirer Acton duplii T-reas ’Suite tax v( nade of lor tl j. was f eorra veale4 of do left ihiany Was* ■ cases was.i eorre light more „ flciali nt, colled— *20-00 were quent back entire Mr. Boart . gaget They -each' far Boss town fits that fsucy h r -J..P25.00 hj;d to per- lengfh, propcvl collar, ^ g 'jluM e rS , :000. ship erfciej Sfcanc sped three ship 2St tiTeljftB, high- -‘Efc wppe tax t to tl Ooun Th erroi Boss taxei rect Was (been was been bins’ wkei The C. B $75.6 |112 •Hat new pat- season’a 83.1 jO tIA Jpah imoi too If oun< ieen o” knit these flt- £ta eve; Yo thro< and save quirt fabr t vofcs ; oak Week” lits or two the very m; every ovc of F B d for ut-of- $1,50 d rv wv>,vv I ‘ Kxoelkaw Our Job wlHcompare with tlwic* m y ofcharfirm.,.,* herald. yA*rvW' | 'R ’s (tern rihP'tsatiul aito sb I d - dex,den'teatonsa yens'# iiwst-frp* tiaa h past due mid a protrspl « t « ilcjr.ent;» earnestlydesired. , . « I T H IR T Y -S IX T H Y E A R . NO . 49. CEDARV ILLE , OH IO . fU ID A Y , DECEMBER, 5 1613. mS PRICK , $ 1,00 A Y E A R FORMER OFFICIAL'S ERRORS STOP TAX COLLECTION. County Trewturer McVay Finds ft im- possible to Continue Collection on- Dupfikete Prepared by Auditor Dean. (fikeette.) The regular - collection of taxes which was begun la the office of too -Oouaty Trewwrar a few days ago, was stopped Friday am tion of the County CouwaiMionemi,fol lowing a oonoaftakon between them, . Auditor Amo» Pawlteoer end Treasurer J. H. McVay. This draxtk; actionwas deemed necessary when it became apparent that the record* of tho out going County Auditor, Walter I., Dean, upon which 'the collection of taxes in based, wore in ouch a mud dled Condition that it was Impossible to complete the collection' of taxes without cabbing the county the loss of hundred* and perhaps thoueands of dollar#. ,, . . . . Tho tax duplicates and tho tax rates, upon which, tho 'County Treas urer bases tea tax collection, are made up in tho County Auditor's office. These duplicates and rates were pre pared by former County Auditor Dean and turned over to the >County Treas urer before he retired' from office. Acting on, the assumption: that the duplicates were correct the Uounty Treasurer and his deputy, ‘Mr. J. B, 'Suite-i ^proceeded to,' prepare their •taxreceipts and'had them in readiness for -the collection of taxes, when It1 ■Mgs found that the duplicates wore in correct. A closer investigation re vealed the fact that many thousands . of dollars’ worth, of property ’had been left off tho duplicates and that in . many- instances the same property ■was• on twice, while, ip still .more . capes the compatation- of the, taxes was itfcoi-rect, An effort was madetG correct the errors which first cqhie to light with the result that so many more .errors were found that the of- - ftcials decided, to summarily stop the collection of tuxes until the duplicate® were entirely „ checked’ up. ' 'Conse quently 'the duplicates were turned back-into the Auditor’^ office and the entire' force in the Office, assisted by Mr, George 'Kendall, clerk for the Board; of Commissioners, are now en-' ■ gaged in straightening out the tangle. They, are checking, the duplicate in •each ‘township separately and thus far have checked up three townships Buss, Bath and Beavercreek. In, hath township,they found- $43;000 worth of property omitted- from the duplicate entirely, .Boss township was short , $43,700 and one property, worth $5,- ,000, was on twice, Beavercreek town, ship was short $37,170hadthree prop erties were on twice. In. many in stances the delinquent tax and the > special taxes, were omitted also. Ip . three faxing districts in Bath .town- whip and intone taxing district In Ross township''the tax nates-'were wrong and consequently the taxes were en- :ttaay wrong in these districts, *" ‘ ' “ ‘ * f l | j . toAf^"ex®SnTadv ... to the general muddle faced by the! CountyAuditor.ahd'County Troaatfretv The following *te a lew of the -errors which have been detected in Boss township: Henry. B. Bateman's taxes were figured at $76.86, His cor rect taxes are $119,56. ' Jesee Butcheit* was on- for $34.34 and he should have 'been on for $53.42. •W. H. (Creswell Was O r for $74.51add he should.' have •been On-for only $12.10. Flora Dob bins’ taxes were figured- at $54.25 -when they should have been $49,49, The taxes of B, M, Magruder and L. C. Bailey on two tracts were fixed at $75.60and $80.53 ■when they shouldhe $112.56 and $125.27 respectively. Harry McDorotan, whose taxes ate $83.16; C, B. Rltenour, whose taxes are $32.69 and John M. and ©11a C. Spate, whose -taxes are $47.26 are among a number in Bose township who are not on the duplicate at all. If errors in the Same proportion are found In all the townships’ as have been .unearthed in the three that have thus !far been, checked the collection of taxes Will no doubt he tied up for several weeks. ■■■■„, HENRY J. FARREU. TAKES OATH AS COMMISSIONER. -Henry J. Farrell, newly appointed deputy district assessor of Greene county, took the oath of office, and filed his bond in the sum of $5,900 with the County Auditor, Amos Faulk ner, Monday. The cpmpii*sIojU'r=: har« assigned Mr, Farrell the grand jury roomhi (toe court house to carry on hl» work, He went, to Columbus. Thursday, to attend a, meeting of tho deputy district atof<«K>re of the ftato. and will remain over until Fri day for the meeting, of the county auditors of the state which, the asses sore are requested' to attend. CORONER HOLDS THAT THE RAILROAD 18, RESPONSIBLE. GREEN COUNTY MAY HAVE STATE PARK ALONG MIAMI. The Dayton News recentlycontained a page illustrated article which indi cates that the §tate will likely take eonie action towards making a public park of the clilffi along the Miami. The article dates1 that John Bryan is willing to turn over his farm to the state on certain conditions, the mat ter 'being under the attention of the Agricultural Commiaxiun at this time. Dr, Fess-, Sc-natpr Rroadstone and Representative Anderson are said to favor the movement. A recent law makes it possible for the state to take over property for park purposes. < CLIFTON U. P. CfttHICH CHIMES. A MISERABLE FI itoroner Mnt-ffuart, in his verdict as, to the death of Homer Hawkins and % l F. Creamer, some weeks ago on the Pennsylvania road west of Xenia, bolde the ’railroad' responsible, Fif teen witnesses were examined and the evidence showed that there were no safeguards at the crossing; . ATTRACTIONS At'the Fairbanks Theater, Springfield. Ohio, Week of December 8th. The,Fairbanks Theater, Springfield, te to offer a week’s engagement of the photographic enactment of Victor Hugo’s masterpiece; “Les aiiserables." This fttlrrlng story of the liyes of the French people dn^thq nineteenth cep- tury is recoghizda- as the greatest pro- duct OfFrench literature andhas been read by every school hoy -and girl' since its.publication, It has been pro. duced on the stage, but-the ‘motion picture is a -fuller- and more under standable version thanany of the for mer productions. A splendid com pany of ’capable actors help to make this entertainment both enjoyable and educational. *, ’ Cynical View o f It. Gladstone once talkedwithmuch.en thusiasm of James Bussell Lowell about the noble..conduct of the United States government in providing pen sions to the amount of-tens ormillions of pounds sterling a year'for men who had served in.the Civil war, “I dpnot wish to disparage the generosity of my countrymen,” waB Lowell's reply, “but I may just observe that these persons are voters.” NOTICE. Ameetingof the Cedarville Im provementAssociationwill Jm held in-the coAyw's o^ce Saturday, Deo- 4to2to’ clock ift .which time 'OdslSisfhhle ether business to be VACUUM CL0THE8 WASHER. Yott can wash a tub of clothes in three minutes with- compressed air and suction. It costa $3.50 andrwili save $25 per year. No rubbing is re quired and heavy clothes or the finest fabrics can. be, washed. Every wash er guaranteed and can be tested for two weeks 1! desired, MRS. AliLBN HALVES, For Rent®—Two fine office rooms over Hartman clothing store. Inquire of G. H. Hartman, 11 .~mi~.iir“m•-n-Wum- ~ 'iftl'ili'Ti.Ir'f1) ' Freeh OYSTERS at C, M. Spencer’s, trsmsafoted aud it is important that there be a large representation. Cedarville should have 209members, and with a little effort we can get them. * A , H. Oreewell. Sale of Valuable Real Estate, The undersigned, heirs o f John G. Eeiner, deceased, w ill offer at private sale, at the West. Door of the COurt House, in Xenia, on Saturday, December 13th, 1913. A t 11 a. m., the following real estate: • Farm of About 120 A c w i LOOAS'IONi—New Jasper 'Town ship, Greene County, Ohio, miles S<w . trom Jamestown on the Ballard Road. . DESCR IPT ION i—Two story brick house, in best condition. Barn and i l l necessary out buildings. Brick spring house, With never failing spring. Fine orchard, with variety of bearing tress..A ll tillable ground. Title perfect. TERMS OP' SALE , cash on de livery of deed. , Frank Zeiner, J. W. Zeiner, „ ' A l. Zeiner, Margaret Oraine, Florence Ridgway. H, C. Armstrong, Attorney. W . B. McCaflistef, Auctioneer. RtfWAf B A E m e P O W D E R • A B S O L U T E tY W m Insures the most ilelieious and healthful food By the use of Royal Baking Powder a ^reat many more articles of xoodjnay be readily made at home, all healthful* ae* jidous, and Economical, adding much variety and attractiveness to the menu. The u Royal Raker and PastryCook,” containing five hundred practical receipts for all kinds of baking - ^ ^ and. cookery* free. Address Royal Baking Powder Co,, New York. The subject for C. U. hqx£ Sabbath evening is "The Ideal Christian, Hie Rewards.” Ps. 1 : 16 . The. lender Is Bruce Anderson. Services next Sabbath 1 as nsual by the pastor. Tuesday evening, December 23 . has been, .decided-upon, as the, evening for our 'Christmas entertainment Don’t forget the date -apd,keep ft open. Mr. WUlard Ritchies/of Xenia Semi nary. preached for,ustott last Sabbati} hr the absence of., the pastor. Hiw tltomewas the parable of toe talents. The current number ,of toe Chris tian Union Herald contains an excel lent article on “EffectiveTBfbleTeach ing,’’ by Frof. R-. D.' Kyie, of the Board of Bdutotion. .We -urge you to give it a -careful reading as bearing upon the questionof the ‘trainingof toe young er generation- of ow church, ‘‘A®a result of the recent convention at 'Columbus, top AutbSalooh Leaguf? is working for,National Frohibition. The only difference nowbetweenthem and toe Prohibition Party is one-of method, not of,principle. Let tmhope that thia final obstade may booh be overooine and the enemies of toe sa loon unite, and '-titan we may as sured' of final and complete victory “The truest syinptou of rnwithered hand’ is a failure to. reach the pock et” , 1 , . “The mauwith just enough religion for himeeif generally needs it” . Are you truly gratcful’fdr the meny blessings Which you enjoy? Then pass them on to others, ^ “No one ever died‘<poar who.regard ed a gOOfl name as pUrt of his estate,” Which shall It 'be^fhe-OKriat-chfldor Santa'Claus? Seetoe ChristianUnion Herald. ‘A" deathbed repentance is nn- ef fort to change cars when"the train is entering the depot," , “And the streets sure paved with real gold, and (therewRl be music and flowers, apd everything wiU he beau-' tifnlt” finished the Sunday school teaoher,' who was -telling her amalj chargesof heaven, . . , “And now tali njO” tohfe continued, 'todJfct 'Mad-.of Sims ‘bofw and gifts ' ........ b«r a a; “Ye*, Samuel?" the teacher entMed. •Time, teacher, dead, ones! CHURCH SERVICES. R. P. CHURCH (Main Street), i Teachers’ meeting, Saturday even ing- at 7. j Sabbath {School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching by Mr. Whyte at 10 a, am and 6:30 p, m, <G.. E, at 5:30 p.. m. Midweek prayer meeting, Wednes day evening, at 7. TJ. P. CHURCH. Sabbath Reboot at 9:80. - - * Preaching by the paotor at I0:8fl. , Y . P* C. U. at 5:80. Leader, Miss Euta Tarbpx. Prayer meetingWednesday at 1:80. SECONDINSTALLMENT. The second installment of O. N, Potter’s article on the seuio beauty of the' Miami Cliffs and the move ment to turn the Bryan farm >over to the state for a public park will appear n the Dayton Daily News Dec 7. Cecil Jeffries*- —•Hdrse Blankets and Robes, the celebrated 5A kind, the best on the market. A good lot to select from at the right price, O. N . Stuckey & son. F o * SAnT::-“Buf! rock cockerels. . Mrs, W . H. Arthur, R, D. No. 1. Sutter KfhUt, flvo cents a pound, at Bate’s meat store. Rooms for Rent:—-Inqniro of Mi’s J, N. Lott. Authpr Poos Judge of Hit Work. If John Keblo had hnd his way it is possible that his famous “Christian Year" might never have been publish ed. He was extremely averse to It, and only yielded to the importunities of Ills friends and toe pleadings of his father. Even so, he refused to have his name in the title page; In 45 years it went through 158 editions, and since it went out of copyright they have ceased to be counted. Could Always Be Worse. It is a celebrated thought of Sob ratos, that If all the misfortunes of nankind were east Into a public stock, an order to be equally distributed imong the whdle species, those who ww think themselves the most .ua* sappy would prefer the share they ate ilready possessed of, before that which would fall to them by eueh a Hvlsl0n.“ “Addlson, A cnllrt taKcs Dr. naxattv* TM>- t*U without thinking nt “mtdkinm,” Tho South Mala too corporate line was kept in -good at his personal ex: 13 years. Before the late feeted by the spike roadway was in use center. A ^m*U ciasa. crusted leads) only wan n ter to turn the w traveled way to pro away of the prot In stead of tote parties lately at spike rooter over two tracks, making —three rldgee and on toe traveled wa: all the rainfall, This mistake #o make it necessary as much V?ork and toe road in as was before they operation named. sonturned' over into side ditches was the’ erjy done. Even open at various po ter off, which 4s of the traveled way. stand, or flow upon ‘good; W»NNER$ OF <?OfM ; OFF FORfW ROADWORK. road from Jackson'® gate 4)y B, Hood and labor for up was of* a good solid aide of toe nt of second (about six at the cen- o-sf from tho the washing emt, repair toe on It ran toe tore up toe ud road of it ditches—up. Idling thereon for will tojspply ten times, gterial to bring •nditlon aa it ,eunfortunate #Me ridge® pf; f d w improper y thing prop had been- mit to let the wa- ye destructive- en OMovved to )BT. HOOD, ting Engineer,, FRIZEB A8HINGTON, MR8, M. A. CRESWELL PASSES AWAY LAST FRIDAY MORNING. -Green county has the “G oto ’ Special"' ington under toe Agricultural Con sand boys areow.tte ed stops a t ' Fittab Philadelphia ;«,nd Bay 'C. Lewis, greatest yield of won too Congress prizes. Under A Sandies only -one and too'-pext highd the ether,; In this’ * Mooro*. an ener, that make® his hta demaps, -wan given • John alee- bud the i Ihg this county- »t fall, , So far n» only coloredlad on’ oxccentricBtie*are > toe trip to the »tat| nfeh an abundance, the entire-Party, had tort* other re. delegation, Alfred-It fred Welmer, toaffi-. by toelr paroute. that will tong b& boys, in fact ond sOpa' -hAve ever,. delegation on ,Want to Wash-: on of date Two thou- i -that includ; Harrisburg- . on.' .. 13, had the hper acre and and. county ( o t President uld he itsetl uld he given , John*W&flcy L.colored youth 4fih Mr, W. L. ■ comity ‘prize* o f reprea -nt- '*«tete fair last John is. toe pHp.and it his nadurlug be will fito*. utummeat for ill® township Ives on toe and 'Winl-- -being paid ’ • te piie S hy toe ' 'older Mrs. Margaret. Ann Creswoll was called to her reward last Fridaymorn tag shortly after 8 o’clock, after an Klness of about two weeks following a stroke of apoplexy, she being found ■sarly one morning by- her brother, w, p, Townalcy, sitting in an uncon* ndous condition in a chair. From day to day her strength failed until '.he end eame peacefully. .Dr. B. B. Raney, of Crowley, La„ the only son, was present at the -ime of his mother's death, he being ;a hit way from New York City to visit bia aunt, ‘Mrs, W, J. -Smith, of -Cent, OWo, when word reached him lo come home at once. Mrs. Creswell was the daughter of Newton and Mary Towneley, pioneer resident? of this township, and was 74 years of age last Memorial Day, Her first husband was Hugh Raney, who died many years ago. To. them were born one son, Dr, Ralph Raney, and a daughter that died -In Infancy, Some years later she was married to Amos Freshen, who preceded her in ’ death ten years ago. . Throe brothers and one Sister sur vive the deceased, James Townsiey, of.Atlanta, Ga;, and W. P. and H. A. Towneley, of this place, and Mrs. Mtetile Smith, of Kent, The funeral wap' held from to,e B P. church Monday morning, toe ser vices being in charge of Dr. \V. B. McChcsney, assisted by Rev, -J. -£>. E, MCMiehacl. There Were many floral offerings, quo from toe congregation of which toe deceased wafc'a promi nent member. The pall hearers were: S, M. Murdock, X L. Ramsey, J. H.' Stci-mout, (Win. Coiiley, James A, Mc Millan and •Charles Raney, o f Morrow; Buriat .took plnVe north of town.- -CEDARVILLE COLLEGE WON. PROF. F. M. REYNOLDS j COUNCIL REFUSES TO TAKE * HAS HONOR CONFERRED. UP PERSONAL GRIEVANCES. Oadarville College basket ball team defeated toe Jamestown Athletics last Friday night at Mfqrd Memorial by Uscore of 45 to 26. The second team or toe college met defeat-by one point at the hands-of the Clifton- team. The lineup of the first game, ware® fol*. Iowa:-. Creswell, rf.j--■Asderooh," If.';] Turnbull, center; ToVvhsfey, tfg.; Col-* -lihs, lg.; Jamestown:' ‘ Btoner, rf.; Walthall, If.; S. Stoner, d:; Bcrckhold, rg.; Ogan, Jg. Prof. F. M. Reynolds of too pub lic ciduuds has toe honoi- of being chosermncsidcnt of the Ohio -Super intendents Convention held in Day-tea last Friday and Saturday, For tier past year Prof. Reynolds has been chairman of the executive committee and the year previous, wae its secre tary. The 'convention ntunbernamong its members the leading educators o- the stato, and to be chosen head of such a body is quite an honor. . The other officer# were: J. H, Fort ney, St. Paris, chairman of too execu tive committee; Charles,,,W, Pleaton- ger, West ‘farrolton, and Charles A. Wilt, of Darke county, members, of the executive committee, the latter be ing secretary. It wo® voted at toe session tp di rect the State School Survey to rec ommend to the legislature a measure prohibiting toe establishment of any- special echoed dlEtrlets in the future, and. abolishing present special districts as rapidly as possi ble. The convention accepted to© en tire tentative code formulated1by Di rector Horace L. Brittain of toe State School Survey. . Removing a Cork, To take a cork,out of a bottle when there is neither a. corkscrew nor a knife « t hand, stick two safety pine together diagonally through too cork, opposite to each other. . By pulling on toe upper part of the two pinB you can remove toe cork easily. Thn regular-monthly meeting of ’■council was held Monday evening, all i mc-nbeiu beirg present, Report# o ’ ! vc:firms K-onaniftccu were read and ;approved an wtol the payment o- t co HMiul n;.:a(}dy tills. Only one ordinance was introduced, that by Memju r ."ilvcy nt toc requm’ of Calvin Kwry for reghlotion of poel rooms, Tim introduction of the ord'- nance brought out some interesting ‘ facts through a discussion led by Member Eos#, It appear# On toe our face that a tonge of politic# wan con nected with the ordinance as well as a Jgrudge of J, II. Andrew againfct Wm. ' Marshall in favor of Andrew Htntor, the two latter being at sword’# poinn as restaurant' rivals. It developed also that Ewry was acting for Andrew in an endeavor to even * with Marshall over a political score. The members of the village legis lative body not having a taste -tor refereship in Mr, Andrew's political quarrels turned /the ordinance over to the proper committee, Mr. McFarland, where it will no doubt peacefully rest. It was also suggested that when 4t is necessary tor additional regulation to the pool rooms.toe Andrew daily card game might be Included, - Draining a Metropotte. London sewage has Its main, drain age outfalls at Barking and Cross ness the average dally quantity dealt with Is abodt 260,000,000 gal lons, while the' total, quantity of sludge .collected at Barking and Crossness Is over 2,600,000 tons. A report was given but one night last week of an' attempted holdup. on toe Clifton pike, near town.. In vestigation proved' that,a couple of colored women had gone to Spring- field for beer ’ for Thanksgiving cele bration and certain gentlemen, of col- oi'i having- knowledge o f the trip en deavored to get in on the wet -goods by stopping the horse. The women managed to whip the horse into- a run ' and escape with their beer in .safety, leaving toe hien in-toe dark ness. Marshal ICennon went out the road when notified, but- could not lo cate any Olie. Dr. Miles' 'Anti-Fain Tills tor aU pain. The forty-fifth annual convention Of the National American Suffrage Association is in session .this week in Washington. 3L wonderful con trast between this and the first will be evident.- The first meeting at tracted very little attention other than ridicule. Hveii those there were some far-seeing, broad-minded men such a# Beecher and Liucbln who recognized the justness of the cause. Tim leaders however were regarded by the people in general as a class of fanatics altogether unworthy of respect. Any one to day can be a suffragiSt without feat of ridicule. , : Every year the number believing nr the principle is not Only increas ing but the number permitted to exercise t’ha right o f suffrage is multiplying. Already the right lias been se cured in ten of our states, while at least four others are hoping soon to be added to the list. I t was a marvel when it was noised about that old conservative China took a step in advance of the moBt so-called civilized countries of the world in her enfranohiae- rrienfc of her women. Wnile the Prohibition party from its beginning championed the cause the time has comewheu no political party can safely ignore the question', M. M. Just a few days le ft o f our; close out sale of Bric-a-brac, Pictures, Books, Invitation Papers, Games, Etc., mostly at half price and less. Buy your Holiday gifts now and save the difference. West** Book Store, Xenia, O. -“’Ladies' Homs Journal Pat terns. BuythCm at WistermarTs Drugstore* C lo t h e s ot ail kinds H R Y CLEANED at HOME Clothing Co. OYSTERS received fresh every Tuesday and Saturday for the pres* ent. Telephone your orders. C. M, Spencer. PUBLIC SALEI I will sell at public sale at my residence on N. Mam St., Saturday, December 6th, 1913 A tl:$ op . m«, the following house hold goods: Consisting o f Round Oak heating stove, cook stove, ex tension table, bed stead, couch, stands, chairs carpets, dishes, cooking utensils and other articles too numerous to meutlon. m b s * C aro line W ilson . ^Deadhead" of Ancient Origin. -The origin Of the word "deadhead” takes ua back to tie theater# of an cient Rome. R. H. Btoadhead, ip “A History of Pantomime." give# toe fol- lowing realistic explanation. Hb Says: Person# were instructed to give ap plause with skill. The proficient hired themtelves out to toe poets, au- -m disposed &»- “ " ' ‘ applause. The free «re seen In the, Museum of Naples. Regretted Losing Good Thing. ^Ella—“Mr#.- (Jayboy looks very sad since she divorced her husband.” Bella—'Yes, she didn’t know what a good husband she had until she.saw how generous he bobavdd about tho dlimony.”—Club-Fellow. ; Dollar Saving Days 1 Prosperity -dates from ,the first dollar saved. I f you are earning money you ought to saYe ' something. What you db now in . the way o f saving-* may determine, what,the future will bring you. We pay interest on savings accounts. ; . Let us open-one' * . for Birds Foreshadowed Battle, Xt is said that In tho tower of King Charles VIII. of France,’ too battle that Wa# fought between tho French and the Britons, In whlgh the Britons were defeated, was foreshadowed by a skirmish between magpies and jack- da..s. ..: You can get fresh country butter, eggs and chickens anytime during the week atLeeShroades*. Phone 60 We are prepared to servfr the public in an accept able way, Have you tried us7 Safe Deposit Boxes fo r R en t 4 Per Cent ' Paid on Savings ■ Cedarville, Ohio Under State Supervision Useful Xmas Presents 1 . __________ _______ . . - a , J I One of our customers recently said: “ I am going to be real sensible this year and 4 buy my boy a SU IT O F CLOTHES’'— a good resolution for every one to make. Our new Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats are beauties,- and woul 1 be appreciated by any one as a Christmas present. . We have numerous other USEFUL articles * Shirts, Ties, Hosiery, Suspenders CombinatiPn Sets, Etc. all packed in Christmas boxes. Boys’ NORFOLK Suits just received a new shipment .r. «r • Suits PRESSED 1,Year FREE HOME riAnitiJi C om p an y The Quality Store CEDARVILLE, OHIO SHOP EARLY hnd Trade at HOME
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