The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 1-26

■f' iM k ¥ , ' 9'" ■T o r Exce llence Qtw Jfcb »Vofk will «wmp*r* with tk*%d m y othur teda, #v*L „ ‘ -v'A* #s. *"Ail^ '■- temwhenmiked withan :u dex, der<-tte that a ye*iT# wlwtji;.’ lion is pastdue *ii4 a prompt j*t- tiemeut It e»me*tlyd«irfd. . * . ?H IB T Y -S E V T 5N TH Y E A R . NO . 1. C E D A J IV IL L S , f c l O , F R ID A Y , JA N U A R Y 2, 19X4. PRICE# $i.QQ A Y E A R Auditor Corrects Many Mistakes, Error© 3m toe Greene 'County tax dopSeate, compiled (luringthe term of tli* outrgoin* Couaty Auditor Wdtef J a Dews, «non»Hng to ?3Jf.460, which ■wouMf 3mv* caused to© county a kwfe o£ Ha twuxesi.are .shown in the import fifed Monday morning t>y Coun­ ty Audte&r Amo© Faulkner wRk too Board: of ■Ooanty Commissioners' and with $tate Auditor Bonnhoy. TJto W- port was m»do by Auditor FaUlknm' at the conclusion of lour week#’ fttronuloua labor »n his office, aponi in c’orrectlng the tax duplicate, which wan turned hack. Into the AixHtor’a office 'by County Treasurer McVteyaft­ er the ■collection1of t&xse had bogus, Only a tew person© had jmftd their taxed when, it was diaqorered toat toe tax duplicate was radically wrong and after a conference between, toe County Ctpatoi0®k>ner0, County Auditor and Obunty Treasurer 4t was ,decided to stop the,collection of taxes until' the duplicate could he checked1up. This . ■workwas immediately hegun “by Audi­ tor_FbUik&e?*, assisted by hie deputies hnd Mri George Kendall, 'clerk of the Copnty CoinnUedtoners/and. >lt wasnot completed until the latter part of laaS Weefc, 'Every township In the county was effected,, hut the greatest .errors were made in Xenia, city, where prop eriy valued- -at $108,470 wan left off the duplicate. The taxes on this prop erty la $1,741.97. That such a large amount of property was left off the du­ plicate -in- Xenia city was due to to.? fact that practically none of the addi­ tions made to the. duplicate by the board of Review were heeded hy the out-going auditor. One of the most .valuable properties left off the dupli- ' cate to Xenia city was one owned by If, iB, Sdhmidt and valued tat $15,00(5. Among other-properties left off the duplicate was the new building con­ structed On west .Church street by Mr. Bradsfreet, the grocer, and a new building Constructed by Dice Bios, to the western,part of the city. Both of these had been ordered on the du- ■plicate by toe Board! of Review, The following table shows by town, ships toe -amount of property omfttfced and what the taxes amounts to: Omitted? Taxes, Prop. on Same . 'Value A$36,970.00 COUNCIL ORGANIZED. ! Owing to the illness of Mayor iBull council organised at his resl- fdence Thursday morning, J. K. !Pierce and J, El Mitchell taking |the places of Dr. J. Q.' Stewart and ' 4 . 1), Silvey. • 4- H, Wolford was re-elected chairman or vice mayor and the bonds of the officials were all ap­ proved, „ The -mayor announces the follow­ ing standing committees; Street;—J. W. Ross,J .E . Pierce. e . W . Dnan, Firei-sf, E, Pierce, Eight;—B, E*. McFarland. Pumps:---J. E. Mitchell, Claiias;-*0. W, Bean, J, E. Mitchell. Finance;—J. H. Wilford, 4, W 'Boss,'-'' ‘ Ordinances;—B. F. McFarland, J, H, Wolford. Bath Tp............ Beavercreek Tp, Oaesarcreek Tp.,, Cedarville Tp. , ... - Jefferson Tp, . . , , ■Miami Tp. L. New Jasper Tp.,, Ross Tp. . . . . . . . . Silvercrsek Tp 575.00- 18.030.00 8.250.00 6.670.00 1,480.00' 38.650.00 :10,310.00 ©prime; Talley Tp. l,370.00 Sugarcteek. Tp.,., 16,220.00 ■Xenia. Tp------- .-.A 32,195.00 Xenia City ,..'...108.470.00 ’Added $ 391.10 387.96 26.39 . 945.56 104,08 122.76 160.15 1,037.73 116,60 2G;72 •184,50 311.49 1,744.97 W. D. Cooley DiedSuddenly. W. B. Ooolej^weil known citizen of this county,who resides m Xenia, died suddenly in a hotel m Center viUe, Pa,, last Friday, while on a trip for his company, -Mr, Coolcj Was past 58 years of ajje and leaves a widow, two daughters and a son. Two slaters, Mrs. John Clark, ol Columbus, and Mrs. Lou Alden, oi Glfard, Pa,, two half brothers, Rev. Walter Cooley, Dayton, and'C. E. Cooleyof this place; two half sisters, Mrs. Annette Murbison of thlaplaoe and Mrs, William Gearhizer, Wal­ do. O. Civil service examinations will be held ip Xenia, February 14, for ap­ plicants ■for Fourth-class- pos< offices. Clifton and Selma are tin only offices In this vhshuty in .that claSB.' Rev, Walter .Morton, wife and son, Paul, of Grayson, Ky.,. art guests of Ml\ 13. M. Murdock and family, . * *. KMinlliWn.<i—l.mliiii !■,»■.in,.ii.!>.■>'' -4 ' Mr-David Mfebhling, of Dayton, visited his patents, Mr, and Mrs, T. B. Meehling over Christmas. Grand and- petit Juror® tor-toe. Jan­ uary term- of court have been drawn. The grand Jury will meet January D; the Petitsjury January 8to. Grand Juror©—Prank Evans, Spring Valley Two.; L. D. Wdteon, Xenia,, 2d ward; R, O, DeHaven, ©ilvercreek TWp.; David- lillt, Miami Tw-p.; Ed­ win . Partington, Sugaxcreek Tw-p.i Thomas Beal, Xenia Twp.; C. K. Ellle, Jefferson Tw|p<; John A. Hotbi- Bon» ‘Oedanrill©Twp.; James -R, Fudge, New Jasper Twp.; Eredt SUellebarger. Bath Twp.; C. M. Bailey, Xenia City, 3d'"ward; Homfer,- Bath Twp.; Al. Clwise, Xenia, 2d ward; David Keiter, Xenia 3d Ward; George Ham- mottVi, Cedarville Twp. Petit Jurors—©1. D. Barnett, Spring Valley; Willlam Ferguson, Beaver­ creek; Joseph, Hutchison, -Beaver­ creek; Robert Dude,' Xenia, 3d ward; Jordan Robb, Xenia, 4tk ward; Wm. Kennedy, Xenia, 1st wardp Albert Turner, Jefferson; Abe ’dine, Silver- creek; €. E. Aarbpgost, Xenia, 2d waidi; Geo. H. ValkCnand, Betlver- cieek; tM. F. Beal, Xenia, 3d ward; J. A. Watklne, Ross Twp.; Aitour Cummings, Ro«*; Joseph Adams, Xenia, 3d waVd; J, A. Mttinan, Bath; E, A Sanz, Xenia, 3d ward; Hester Smith, Sllvercreek; Charles Geiger, Xenfa, 1st war'd'. There were shipped frqm the farm of EL S. Kelly here 147 head of fat cattle, 3 years old, averaging 1,310 pounds- at 8%. cents Per pound. They Wore purchased- by Mr, Stinson, a Cat* tie buyer, and sent to Philadelphia on Wednesday, making nine carloatk. ATT! is toe atocadlon for toe Fairbanks Theater, Springfield, on Tuesday even­ ing, January 6th. ‘ Thte remarkable organf-zatlort, to headed by Gertrude Hoffnaur, who la conceded to be toe beet dancer on the stage today, ©lie was seenhero-a fewyears ago in "The Mimic <WjOridw and since tout time him daujced not only In every impor­ tant city in America, but in Europe, and critic© abroad have called her work real art* Her dance©ore unlike those used by any other artist, having been designed'-by toe star herself. An­ other "important and recent 'addltikm to toe company is Ching Foo, toe greatest magician in the world. He was with (Lillian? Russell early in toe season, but a few weeks ago joined Miss Hoffman’© company. Other ar­ tists of equal distinction make up the bill, -which is- probably toe biggest offering of its kind ever produced. •What -would you do. If you woke tip one morning to find toat you bad been'mode toe guardian of a baby girl? Especially if you happened, to to a grouchy bachelor who -bad never liked childrenanway? That is the situation that confronts the hero of "Ere Bach­ elor's Baby,” whichwill -beseen at the Fairbanks Theater, Wednesday, mati­ nee and evening, January 7th. At first be refused to consider any thing but an orphan asylum, for toe little one, blither winning ways and sweet little smile mbde him change his mind and, When he found that etie- could also aaeiftt him in his loYe affairs, his tol­ erance for the baby quickly changed to love. It to a very pretty story, well acted, With lots of fun- and just a kittle pathos. Only Sixteen Assessors in Greene County. There will be 3914 fewer assessors in the state for personal and real estate property under the new Warnes taxation measure accord­ ing to figures given out by tho state fax commission. Under the old law there were 5r-i0 assessors now there will be butiPOti. It is plain the new tax assessor* are nop going to enjoy a vacation at the expense or the state for there will be additional duties not hereto fote known. On January 8 n» examination will be held for a! applicants who will be chosen undei civil service rules. The exam! nation wiU-fulJy determine the fit­ ness of candidates along bhsinef- lines, his educational qualification? and ability to value bofch personal and realty, Under the old law Greene county would have had 81personal property assessors and 28 quadrenial assess ors for realty making a total of 57. Under the new law 16 men must do the wqrk o f the 57. Institute ; itSuccess1 BASKE.T BALL Springfield Selects First City Manager. Springfield is now tinder- the coni' mission form of government and Charles E. Ashburter. the origina­ tor of that form of government, has been named city.manager. Be was born of English parents in India, educated In France and Germany and for mauy year© a civil engineei in this Country. He' devised the commission form of munqipaf goverment and city manager for -three years giving what has l>4en said to have been the best govern­ ment o f any city in America. Mr. Ashburner accepts his new position with tite' understanding ' that his salary is not (o be fixed until be makes good, Dayton, has the same form of government and pays Manager Waite 112,600, annually,. In her petition for divorce filed to­ day, Mary Eliza McCoy, says that her husband, William McCoy, left her and eloped with Another woman whose name she does nor., know. Slip says he left her Jun© 14, 1009, and has been wilfully absent from here for four years, She asks to bo restored to her maiden name, Blow. The two suits of H. Cl. Armstrong against Kate Sets and others have been appealed by the defendant© from the Court of Mayor Bull of Cedarville, to Common Fleas Court, fn tho lower court Attorney Arm- strongwas awarded a judgement of #100 and cOBts amounting to #0.16, as his costs in a recent case m which oe was attorney for the defendants. Tho detendanta refused to pay tlie costs. CeMlle €owtt$bipSchoolReport. S -S Of . 3* "» 05 ct& £ w 2, p P'S 1 2 ft 4 6 6 7 16 21 8 16 1ft 7 9 1ft 21 8 1* 12 7 9 87 96 So 80 92 95, 97 0 ft 0 0 0 0 0 7 10 6 2 6 8 7 48 48 is 17 40 46 78 a 24 0 16 23 2 0 6 2 s 7 6 8 1 dumber o f District................ ................ jSnfollinettb....................... ....................... Average Daily Attendance.................... Par Cettfc.Datb' Attendance................... Mttmbet Tardy .. ...... ............. Humber Present Every Day................. Per Cent Present Every Day ................. Humber o f Visitors............................... - Bank for Bept............................. ........... HONOR ROLL Mist. Ho, 1—Fattiihe Collins, ltuth Huston, Nor* Brakcali, Lusile Hub­ bard, Willis Corry, Harold Grinncll, Earle Collins. Dlst. Ho, if Rosa Andrews, Dorothy Andrews, Clara GlllJsbeo, Pauline Hots, Marguerite Bpracklen, Hazel St, John, Dwight Horth- • up, DOtiaid Nortisup, Earnest Jenson and Raymond Spraek- i$|f Dm , H<* a- -Mable Bfrobfidgo, Catherine Bmitli, Alice Lackey, Edith Ramsay, Clarence Smith, Willard RyJft* iiDtefe. No. 4--Lester Cjamans, Frederick Thompson. Diet Ho, 6—Frank Evans, Ruth Moore, Hasel Hutslar, Luclle llitenour, Eiizabeih Creswell. ■niife fi^Dewew Corn, Harvey McMillan, Wilbur McMillan, Dist! Ho* 7- Dorothy Chapman, Mary Relehe?, Hollie Ntfl, Faul Kolelicr, Harry Davis, Denis Davis and Wilbur HefL 'Respectfully, ......... ........ ,i.......................... ■.............................. JiL.P^lbta?ifimgJi4->fli..Y, LIST OF LETTERS List No. 15 Remaining unclaimed in the Cedarville. Ohio, Post Office for the week ending Jan* 2. 1914. Letters Douglas, Mrs. A. S. •Neff, Mr. Call (two) Smith, Wm. II. Smith, E. L. Spahr, Earl Thornley, Mr. William Turner, Mrs. Lottie * Persons calling for the Above will please say “ Advertised.” S tephen C. W bight , P, M. Tim twenj tho Cedardl was a great j being »l>ot« program si The state-i and Gear Inez Flo^p Mr. W. M. fy Impros d»o on tt ioterestins ifco obji ganizatioiiK! F*rrnerst Institute Tuesday Evening Jan. 6 » Alford Memorial *•#, the attendant*. average and the! it* ' { srs wereJohn Begg Coffey with Mies the ladles’ session, sf the Greene Coun- Association was , and gave a verj astmetive talk on oses o f tliat or * CEDARVILLE COLLEGE VS. BLUFFTON COLLEGE 15 P. M. ADMISSION 25c. There w£S|l B^Uerable local tal— ent whichwH E®?atly, appreciated j t>y the atriflj Moore gavwH Mr. John W. i ^Wled account of his ■Mpn with the com Hgsbox, and,. Hanoi, Hbcootlent readings* Bpndftll o f SOJma. , trip to W ^ | boy©/' E i ^ h Tonkinsott^H did i Mrs. A- G v TH ■ b rea d a paper on i . “ woman B^poma'1 which wan* practical Hjptoructive. There was an abUfflB mM o f good mwMo by the CoUege 9 ■fe»l Uoy8, a piano * nolo by Igp-i Ogtesbeo; vocal solo by Mi£M JKaBtiiigs p.nh a ' duet by MkaB Dol’Otliy t « raqeile Johnson and ■ Spe. Tba question1 boxes Were m Mott and I j n Beeted by Mr. C. W . ; ■ A. Turnbull, ‘ '. S| The Tlini was presidj Tbwnsley,; having dire life of tbest These tladi popular in ? to all.' A rescind Rqmsey Con'grese resolution: passed, The not slated ef thj M. W.CoDfJ E. L. store The followli HughTurn! ard, vice treasurer, committee^-, Coe, Miss. W* A* Tui Tito Offife mittea are highoIas«.| theiire -afternoon -session1 by Mrs, Harry glostond discussions ( flrgon (ho home , Icon thq farm, stens have beep, and ot interest i ' 0 ered*by Mr. N', L. jjptg the action of in offering'a ( prohibition was - eommjittee. cop-: jngt Cooley' I,*-jGreswetl,;Mrs. s, G.E.Jobe. vere,chosen; at; Ed, Ball -1 oretary onu: ; .e^eOUtivei |ner, H. N .’ Ii| and Mrs.* 1 ! eom- ANNUALpYSTER SUPPER. • _ The annual oysteraupperglven by tho Clark’s Run neighborhood was held at the beautiful and hospitable- home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Conley: on Monday evening. Fifly*sovcn’j| guests Were present and enjoyed to: the full tile boutdifulHupper.. • These annual affairs are looked- forward to with pleasure, apd cer­ tainly (end to more closely unite the neighborhood in the bonds of good fellowship. SUFFRAGE; Miss Mary McMillan, of Colum­ bus, visited relatives here Friday and Saturday, Mte. Julia Condon, of Trenton, is visiting Mr. H. A. Turnbull and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs, T. N, Tarbox enter- taliw a number of relatives at dinner, ChriBtmas. Mr, PhU, Dixon, financial agent of Henry Kendall College, Tulsa, Oklahoma, is the guest Of his par­ ents, Dr« and Mrs. J. W. Dixon for a few days. Rev, O. il. Milligan, wife anti.son, Wiliiam, after-spending a week with Dr, E. O. Oglesboe and family, loft Monday ior New Concord to spend a few Clays with relatives be­ fore returning to Avalon, Pa, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Cooley were at home last Friday to a com­ pany of friends in liomor of Rev, and Mrs. O. H, Milligan. Alfred* the sou of Mr. and Mrs, .Winter is sick withpneumonia, The year 1918 has seen a greater advance ip suffrage cause than any previous year, lb has been remarkable m the number o f workers which have come into the field and the degree of enthusiasm they have brot with thorn. Then there has been tangi­ ble results, Presidential and muni­ cipal suffrage have been granted to the women of Illinois. ■ Then the first measure Introduced into the legislature of Alaska was ai suffrage bill. It passed both houses unanimously, and became a law without a vote of the people. The legislature o f Nevada, North and South Dakota and Montana passed suffrage amendments which will bo submitted, to the people in 1814, The legislatures of Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, New Jersey,! Pennsylvania arid Iowa all passed; suffrage bills but none of them are-j-: yet ready for submission to the people* . In some of the legislature suffrage bills passed in one and was defeated in the other house. In some states they were introduced iti the other house, lit some states they Were introduced but left in the hands of the committee. The cause has also made much progress in other lands and haB received attention in a number of parliaments, ■‘-LadiM’ Homo Journal Pat* torn*. Buythem at Wistarman** Drug Store. OYSTERS received freto every Tuesday and Saturday for too pres­ ent. Telephone your orders, C. M. Spencer, C l o t h e s oi all kinds D R Y CLEANED at HOME Clothing Co, Fresh OYSTERS at i l M. Spencer’s. Sauer Kraut, five cents a pound, at Bate’s meat store. Company Xenia, Ohio Of ■/■- Coats, Suits and Furs Our complete stock of Coats, Suits and Furs, tho newest in winter styles, offered at an un­ usual reduction in price. . . Goats, hereto fore $10 a o d $12.50, bow . . . . . . . . $ 5 . 0 0 Coats, h ere to fo re $15, bow .............................. ........ $ 7 *5 0 | *Coats, hereto fore I l S aBcT $20* h o w , . . . . . . . . $ 10,00 . Goats, hereto fore $22 .50 and $25, B ow ......... .. $ ! 2 . 5 0 - Coa ts ,/hereto fore $30 arid $35, now . . . . .$ 1 5 .0 0 The Store Where Styles. j ] Originate. BO- 6 CA N 'S Exclusive Styles The Store Others Try tu Imitate, Absolutely Reserved Come and take y o u r cho ice from OUR EXCLUSIVE STOCK. Abso lute ly noth ing carried over. A ll must go , regardless o f cost. A ll the season ’ s m os t fa v o r e d styles and materials, up t o the BQGGAN STANDARD in every par­ ticu lar. Com e and m ake y ou r selection at and Less PETER A. BOGGAN 24 Bast Main. St. B o th Phones 825 Ut* our re*t ro*m to mft*t your frioml*, Or ft Iftlsur* hour with u* to apftnfi. S pr irg fie ld , Oh io . ■ ri t