The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 1-26

?■' : Spring Fashions and Fabrics Opening: Week Beginning March Ninth First Complete Showing of WOOLTEX COATS SUITS SKIRTS During the introductory display of advance models in Wooltex Coats, Suits, and Skirts, we wish to emphasize the fact that the maker* of Wooltex are so sure o f the Quality of fabrics, linings, interlinings, and workmanship that they freely give to the wearer o f a wooltex Coat, Suit or Skirt a guarantee o f two full seasons satisfactory service. FABRICS AND TRIMMINGS A t the same time we will be able to show a complete raDge of all that’ s new in Silks, Dress Materials, Laces and Trimmings. A most interesting exhibit and one that you are cordially invited to see— to study—to buy—as you please. OUR REMOVALSALE Will continue until we move buck b«ine lo the Bushnoll Building. All prices made for the beginning o£ tbe sale remain in forte, with' stjll further reductions On all winter goods and a saving ote all ollie merchandise, goods y<ar in and year out, on an average uf at least twenty-five per cent, Shrewd shoppers are taking advantage Qf the great saving. ' • IThe Fahlen Tehan @| ,Springfield,' Ohio. ^Wep a y fares both ways on allpurchases o f $15-00 or over . Everything for the Table Our Prices Schmidt’ s .Old Hickory Flour, 25 lb sack for....75c Schmidt’ S Ocean . Light Flour, 251b. Back for,,,.. 70 Country Cured Bacon....I8c "■ Breakfast Bacon, per lb.,.2 Fancy Sugar Cured Ham, lb ....... . ............18 California and Picnic Hams, per lb......,.,,,.......„16 African Java Coffee, per lb...-.............- ........... . 22 . Bio and Java Blend per lb : ............ 24. * Bio Coffee per lb............. iA P tTK S YO O D l l\NoIce orWatertoiictvi’j \stMAbVPT GYSTLUS\ ABoChemicalt’vesE'rts.ixvs;l iVused. ■■-;- . ■■ ...„ Natural Havor.’StesMevs ujriGff . . »T/ | .The O yster w ith the Genuine S e a T a s te In Bu lk and C an s Received F re sh E v e ry D a y S to n e ’s C akes Received Fresh D a ily Save yoUr cash register receipts se ­ cured here and geteither a Clock or a beauti­ ful Mirror. ' T T H . i P i r H. E. Schmidt & Co., ■ ■ ■ ^ W h o le s a le and R e ta il G rocers 30 Sou th D e tro it S tree t, . . X en ia , Ohio. f ■ The Great Sale of Hutchison <S Gibney Xenia, Ohio DidNotTaKe all the Bargains Coats Furs Suits Skirts Waists a t the low est prices. Sheeting Pillow Cases Napkins Aprons a t reduced prices Table Linen Pictures Rugs Mattings Linoleums In F in e Supply* A ll new . Entered at the Post-Office, <Vdar- eiile, October 31, 1H87, as second •lass matter, . 1 ------- JBIDAY, MABCII «, mi. LESSON my 1- O. SELLERS, Director of Evening l.‘nrirtn;rnt, Th« Moody Ifiblo Institute, i Chicago.) ■ I W« doubt if the average citizen gives sanction of any step upon the part of this government that will cause the us© of aims and loss of Ji'fe In the settlement of the Mexican. git- nation. It has net been*0 many yearo ago that tho late* President McKinley Was bitterly criticised when lie iefu;- ed to declare war against Spain with- o>;t being'prepared and without feel- :ng that -settlement could be had no other way. President Wilson Is far­ ms the same situation, go did ex-I’ws- Ident Taft, and tlmce -who would advo­ cate armed intervention on the pa;, of the U. S. do so in the interest of the financial interest® in that coua- try. The day i& not at hand when, this country should he called upon to finance a war costing millions,, in ad fllttwi to tho young Wood of -thecoun try, thaVwill he spilled, all to protect the 'interests of a few investors whe reap great dividends off the twenty seven cent per day labor. This coun­ try has offered ample- protection to all Americans in Mexico.' If -the offer is declined the government’s respon­ sibility should cease, .. * ■ . - ■■ | LESSON FOB MARCH 8 } WATCHFULNESS. (Temperance Lesson.) 1 LESSON TEXT—"Luke 12:33-*!. j CiOLDEN TEXT—"ElesBCd are those 1 servants whom the Lord when ho cometh shall find watching;**—Luke J2:37. ■- - - - i »-■ ■ ■1 ’■ •„.• I’ Woman’s suffrage is. scorned in tnany quarters, hut the day Is not far distant when the political parties must recognize ft. Already the Prohibition, Socialist and Progressive partieshave advocated this step, while the Demo­ cratic and Republican parties have on­ ly rpccgnize(l it in some of the Weft- era states. Senator Rorah in his Co­ lumbus speech suggested an advance step for the Republican party in sup­ porting equal suffrage, but from the saute platform ex-Senator Fowiker thought that, before giving woman the light to ‘ vote all mem should be ac­ corded this privilege. Senator Borah knows the result ft* suffrage in the Wott and what a step it would be for tjie Republicans in this state. One cf the most important laws- yet adopt­ ed In any state is on the statute books In (California as the result cf woman’-5 influence. It is none other 'than what is known'as. the Injunction and abate­ ment act, Under which the owner of property rented for dinmoral purposes ic held responsible. We know of noth­ ing that would be as elective In wag­ ing war against vice than to hold the property owner equally responsible. People have within the recent agi tation of the new tax law gained con s'derable insight into matters whlcl In -the past have not concerned 'them Then we are having the experience of seeing the “wealthy” come across with -the Income t#i, “Uncle Bam” be ing determined that-this tax be paid whether you live in one state-or an other, This tax meets with bur 'ap­ proval, not because we do riot happen to havemu income subject-to taxation, but because certain reputed kings of finance have tfnthe past paid little w no tax. .For Instance John D. Roclt iJelk-r only paid-a jotat of ¥79,91 tax In Blevemad, hardly as last year P Sm mud as the average tenant on. a farm Ir. this community, John. D. bad no’hesi­ tancy In ©wearing that he owned no horses, automobiles Or even Uwatch; painting or valued- works of art- Household goods were valued at $4,- 50p and four ^-carriage at ¥450 each, Now lets eee how truihfiil J. D- was Under the WarneS tax law the district assessors of Cleveland found that h would have to pay a tax of twelv million, exclusive of the .government income4ax, listed at six millIon, Aid­ ed by well-paid lawyers Rockefeller thinks be will- escape this payment ■by announcing that Ohio is no longer his legal home and from now1 oh hi will reside in New York. To this end he bad shipped a painting, for which ho paid ¥87,000, This picture' wae skipped by a special train from Cleve­ land along with thousands of dollars of personal property in horses, auto mobiles and carriages. Regardless of tho fact that tho Oil King shipped ar this property, his return for taxes last year says that the had no valued paintings, horses or automobiles. The fight -the tax-dodger is putting up re­ minds us of tbe position of tbe liquor interests, still fighting, but each ran test finds them Jitet a little weaker •anil unable to win k fore the Inovit able. * ■Mahoning county voted under the local option law Monday, tho *wett winning hy 257. Five years ago tip : wets won by J93I. Youngstown u tho largest city tu tho state when i a wot and dry contest has been j started. Both sides claim that flu ; snow storm kept much of tho vote ! at home; : Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ferguson of 1the Xenia and Clifton pike,wen given a surprise last Friday nigiif , by9 their neighbors and friends. They expect to locate in Yellow Springs upon leaving the farm soon. N EW GOODS just in. WALL PAPER our enttro spring stock. New Ginghams end Lace New Percales and Em­ broideries. . New Dress Goods and Trim ­ mings. New Shirt Waists. Bird's Mammoth Store The worde of Jesus are the greatest authority the believer has upon which to found his belief in. the Second Com­ ing. Some refuse to have much to do with this important theme because oth­ ers have perverted it pr else "overly emphasized It" yet In the 2G0 chapters in the New Teatament there are 318 distinct references to this theme, a far greater proportion than is placed upon some of tho doctrines upon which whole denominations have been found­ ed, • Relative Value, |. The- exhortation to watch, vv. 35* 40, This is the beginning of a new paragraph. Jesus has been showing the relative value of material, posses­ sions and the Kingdom of God and epitomizes his teaching in yi 34, lie now sets before his disciplines what Shall their attitude towards him during his absence (II. Pet. 3:11,12 IL V., Ti­ tus 2:13; II, Tim. 4:8), Thus to be watchful seems to contradict his sug­ gestions about anxiety. We need to remember, however, that the child of the Kingdom is in entirely new relationship with the world. His desire is not for self enrichment hut rather to be in such relations with God as his rights demand and thus to bring to others their highest good. This par­ able epitomizes opportunity. Rightly to make use of none’s opportunities spells happiness for the disciple 4when he the king shall appear. Tho evidence that we are watching for his appear­ ing consists of the readiness of the in­ dividual who is or Is not watching, v. 35; I. Pet. 1:13. Jesus knocks at the* individual heart (Rev. 3:20) but when ho comes ’twill be to be present at a feast, v, 36. We cannot contract this time a.nd there Is no call to service to­ morrow. Lions girt, ready for the bat- *tl.e or for the race, and lamps burn­ ing, (light is always the result of some­ thing being consumed), are today’s vis­ ible evidence of continuous service, « Peter’s Question. 11. The explanation .to Peter, vv. * 41*48. Between this parable and the one which follows, Peter interrupts by asking- the- question, -"Lord, speakesfc thou this parable unto us, or even un­ to all?" That which follows is his an­ swer to that question but it is also a continuance of tho teaching just given. In thisPpart Jesus refers to stewards; (bond-servants) that it is their su­ preme business"to seek. the Kingdom by selling in order to give. The one work of a servant is to give to tho members of an household, each in. due season his portion of the father’s bountiful grace. John 21115-17: 1. Pet. 5:3; Jeiv p;15, There are many de­ ceitful servants who first feed them­ selves, or-feed, only a portion of the household, or who feed chaff-rather than bread, even the true bread of life, I. Pet; 2;2; 4:10,11. Jesus teaches us that each bond-servant shall likewise be judged and that suddenly, HI, The exhortation. Jesus Christ hero presents to us the fact that we shall all he judged. That the measure of our reward or of our punishment is dependent upon the measure of our knowledge and of our opportunity,* James 4:17. To him to whom much is given, of him shall much be re­ quired, Our present responsibility is that of being ready for the coming of the King and of his Kingdom. The ex­ pression of that readiness is evidenced by our lives of service. There are of course many other phases of service not included in this parable, but our Lord is emphasizing opportunity, stew­ ardship, service, watchfulness. In or­ der to fulfill our service we must enter into fellowship with the king in his reign, and thoso who enter Into that j fellowship, who are faithful, ho will f reward vv, 37,43. Tho measure of our { punishment is conditioned upon tho j measure of our knowledge (v, 48) and j our knowledge can bo enlarged as wo j use our opportunities. ; IV. Tho Golden Text, (v. 37). Is j intended to fix our attention upon tho j acts of our Lord when he'sball return. 1 It seems astonishing that lie shall coin- j pel those whom, ho finds watching to seat themselves- that he may gird him­ self and serve them. Here wo gird ourselves that v/e may servo him by ving others (Matt. 25:40). But in : tomorrow the day of his victory, S I * vlll gird himself and serve those f 3,1,0 have been watchfulness and obe­ dient servants. This is a suggestion of tho exceeding grace mentioned by tho Apostle Paul, Rom. 11:33. V, Tho Temperance Lesson is sug­ gested by tho conduct of those who are not watching for the King’s ap- pearlng (v. 45). They "were Indulging in the animal,pleasures of tho moment. The Kingdom of God is not in eating OYSTERS! OYSTERS! Leavoyouf order for nice, fresh ones received each Tuesday and Saturday. C. M Spencer, CASTORIA For Infants afcd CMldron. ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. , AN^gefabteIVjrajaiioflCrAs- GunllatlngtiwFpotfaalRegija- tmgUieSwfflaftisaodBowelsDf and drinking but consists of righteous­ ness and peaco and joy In the Holy Spirit, Rom. 14:17. Tho effect of in­ temperance on the death rates, on tho next generation, from an economic standpoint or viewed from any angle, is only the result of tho most criminal shortsightedness. A clear apprehen- |slon of tho fact of tho imminence of his return would change all lives. Ladies' Home Journal Pat­ terns. Buy them at Wlsterman'sf Drug Store. 40 Pairs Woman’s lace ahocs 20 pair sixes 3 and 3 1-2. sold $1.50 and $2 ,00 . Yours at 98c. 20 pairs size 3 and 3 1-2 sold at $2.60, $3.00 and $3.50. Yours at $1.69 pair. Tbe*d shoes are excellent style and will give double value for the price paid. I nfants / children SjSf i l l 1 2M q S p i 769 0* “‘KS.Wffs P f f i m i l OTVte J* : w M ii W jr PromolcsDigesHoriJCItcexfu]-' nessandBestJCORtalRAneither Oiiium.Morphixu?norMteaL N o t N a r c o t ic . jfow tfW fcsm m m m jHwjriwJW" A&Smm* JkkffeUtt- JhticSttd* % 'S** AperfectRemedyforConsfip#-' Hon, SourStoiuadi.Diarrte Worras^owulsioiisieYriisu- ness andLossOFSLEEP. Facsimile Signatureof NEW YORK. The KindYou Hove Always Bought Bears the Signature of I That’* o/irfiod.” V dimes and <J savings rnak can ht-Jp y»> T h e Cedi !n Use For Over ......... Thirty Years ii s w. J. Tarbo: W. H. - C. M C w : m . A t 6 months old. -r SBS~35CEF?s Exact Copy of Wrapper. 'm m w B m m m m s m THEaCCNT/tim COMPANV. HEW V9KK CITY. . *4- If You; Arc a Successful Farmer- Ton nve making money—and as a consequence you have this problem to solve— “ In wliat form shall I keep this money so that it will,'be safe—so that it will earn a good rate of interest—and so that I can get it when I need it ? ” Here is the solution that is being used b y 'more every year—open a 5% deposit account men with us Toiir money will be safe—27 years’ experience and our large lie serve Fund guarantee that—5% is a profitable rate o f interest-—-and your money will be. available when jrou need it.. tovestigate our accounts offering “ 1 0 0 % Safe ly — 5 % Dividends” GemCity [ Building &Loan Ass’n. V' . RESOURCES 4 MILLIONS. . ' 6 N. Main—D ay ton . ! Steel EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN USED CARS •" 1012 Cadillac, 4 cylinder, 5 pnBsonger, electric starter and light; ' ' 101if Cole, 6 cylinder, 5 passenger, electric starter and light. * 1913 Interstate, 4 cylinder, 6 passenger, electric starter and ’ light. > ■ a 1013 Speedwell, C cylinder, 7 «pnssenger, electric starter and light. 10J2 Everett, 0 cylinder, 5 passenger. ' 1911 Steams, (Silent.Knight), 4 cylinder, 5 passenger. SmalLMota, roadster. ’ Detroit ELTSCTBIO, Coupe. If you are contemplating purchasing a used car this Spring, don’t fail to sec these bargains. Illustration and price on application. Ensign Motor Co. Gall Carpt X e n ia ’s E 205-207 South Fountain Ave., at Big Four Tracks. SPRTNGFlTsLD, OHIO Open Evenings and Sunday. TRY OUR JOB PRINTING ■WKs—wn F i r Silv mus: «S> J 1 i Napti:: arc the mo you can «.= rheBookmaker ..ftestaafant... <NTHE BOOKWALTER HOTEl HIGH STREET Bird's Mummoth Stor*. TRADEMARKSm.ti } fb’iul HU iif'l. fk>Lrinof nt:;l titIff ill HI,fur fUKKSEARCHfln.l iCf Ht0AI IhAtoninbility. 1 R ; n » J i f i-NBW ClOOXLItt full ii,f«>i« .ad n. it v.j.iLOpvvuU fntfni'n. * . . _ _ _ _ _ REAO RAOEU llflt,,: 13 liCfjM ftpp.jilng ■ora (at i.t. V,r..o t .- ,13 D.SWIFT&CO. , . „ PATENT L’'.WVERS, , i 303 Seventh S t , Waehington. 0 . fi.J DINING ROOM FOR LADIES UR STAIRS ALSO REST ROOM, M ISALS NOW GENTS Lunch Counter on Main Floor * Open Day and Night. PILES fiSTULA m o am , < DISEASES OF THE RECTUM fcnn?*n***» i > ri N mi * a m * a,, it ?*k**» *r«i*»ir «<U.M*4I.MM »nthutad» ftni MtaMfcnt P* 'S'tSUcnlfl>» Swtltmi. Bl.dAw,XiA.y, Blo.'AMS*Skill DtfewMMiaHww >! W w*i™*5* vofxosiuwr*!. wmeunte(raw:; sell l» 4 «MWMk<otMtl.ntaekM. iMkHUMim dr .« j . j. M c C lellan S l f f i n S S V C olumbus , 0 ; The B u t ot (Iiiurl M 111 the Olil. mfery Department. »t. MIlMT lAsAtlTD Tablet* III Me* mum I* * * l ’WMrlc ttk* * ofeMrU, 5 0 0 r j WALL PAPEF ‘ of «*ch pattern | l o SING ; hr 2o per doubl , riloa for paper and axoaadingi ‘ . 9 trd,* ‘” I l!