The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 1-26

' mm '■TOWNTfi'YirtlWHi'Mif‘1 im A m i s'w wreJWWWYi^retevWp'A^w^E -W^ Workwill oo#mp*re with ‘■ tva 4 m $ f f h e Tbfi he® * k t» ttsrfcfc* w ilt i | } r < dex, denote* that * year’* wb*crfjp» tion is jmuk dttMUtfJ« prompt wt# tlement in e«rn«*t|y dewred, , , * THtSTW-gEVENTH YEAR, NO. II 5R 3E ,,k-m . j.=E CEDARVILtEi OHIO, )AV, MARCE[ 13 , X#H, 5$^E®S5T*5 PRICE, 31,00 A SEAR Washburnlatest Pleaof C- O. W m liburn, arrested in Spokaao, Wash,, for wife desertion and non sapport of a child enter**1 » p lea of guilty" b»fore Judge a rd n n d o n Wedtiesday Was sencenced th e ootts in the onte, $580, a u d “$16 per month fo r tii a support of the wife and ah jld . A tou r mpMfes •antanoe lit th aw o rk s In ©punreislqa vrith tbe sbOYe fljje was Biisperiaed on tb* pay tnan t of £$te flc* and costs which w ill be aeoured. f* Under s%« law the mptUpr ’duu1$. J soon b a r e conaotad the .psr ° m on th fftipn the cqunty. 8:80u -> ( ^ P P I S P V I C K , R. P .”CHURCH (MAIN. SiTREETJ Teachers’ meeting Saturday evening a t 7 o'clock, P a lta th School Sabbath morning at 9:30 o’clock. Pr(»«ctiifig b.v Willard V, Ritohu jiahbnih a t 10 tso a, m, and p* m , V- E . Sabbath a t 6:10 p . m. P ray e r m eeting, W ednesday t p . m . Sub ject, A G reat Respopai- B illty, Gen.,41:84, FORRENT. A dice boose with seven rooms, a large ya r l , , good Btahlei nicely lo­ cated, ! Andrew Jackson VUDiTt* COMPLETES TAXDISTRIBUTION. A tu fitw ^an lJine r baa distributed 1X78,686.80 the various m itten % av sr u m i NOTICE. tu .8 Members'of the CedaryilJe branch of the Greene County Improvem nt . Association and a ll o thers desiring to o rder m ill feed and tankag* -should 1*4 ve order a t once with ( N, Stuckey ArSoii. ‘ tax ing dis­ trict#. in the county, SJapla city gets $43,C9|.88; Greene county, HB.Zaf.l®; Bellbrook, $361.4*. Bowere- vitie, $f»M0; Ued&rvUle, $1774 771 Olifton, $66,80; Jamestown, $1*74 09; Osborn, $SWW»; Spring Valley $4*6.64; Yellow Springs, $8812.06. Township figure in the distri- bu f as fellows; R a th $4688,98; oreek, $3606.48; Gasser creek. 1} CsdarvJlls, $4016,76; Jeffer K7.83; Miami, $ 1818 . 60 ; Uey, RSMr, $$66%89; livaa, $8196.40 •WWW ljf* **180; Spring Valley. t y B L fyg j^ ^ eek , $3405,60 an t Schools: w i|l receive a to ta l os $l0tl.8j7,77. Xenia city school din- tn'cfc .will jget *$$6^08 v», and Xenia tqw;i,*liip BCbooi distrust receiver $8508.83, The various other sohoo difltriota w lll beheflt. aB "follows. Bath township, $4139/79; Benver- eptteki town»htp, $ 10 , 266 . 61 ; Reaver* creek special, $498.83; Oae^arcreek, |85|4j36; Cedaryilfe t o w n s h i p . |3jj0,75: Jefleraon,. $4041.66; Miami, $2328.09; New Ja spe r, $4041,24; Rost-, $3820.88; SUverbreek, $3187.64; Spring Valley township, $4668.09. Sdgarcreek, $6521.60; Cedarvillt corporation, $3668.68; Clifton eor- poration, $1857; Fairfield, $iQ40; J ameatown, $2167,14;OsbOrn,$2392,18; dprnag Valley, $1160,88; Yellow Springs corporation, $8203.88. l'he amount- of $1774.77 for si* tuonths for the corporation is nearly f1,2(10 short of the fixed, expense for tnaiutance of the streets, lights, etc. To ovetcom eth ls council cat do w ha t is done in th e otftei viitkgos -issue Bonds to cover this- .*nd then, the budget commission ft> orced to levy enough to care f-u Hem through the id te re st and sink- .ng tund . f h e village schools w ill, have it •arger amount of motse: th is tern tiuan last. THE SAN JO*C 3CAU6L AriD. THE UME^UBFUB WA8H. I t is now tkhfily to consider the care of ijhe home o rriw ^-eapeclally from th e standpo-Sat of pruning; and if done la late spring ju st before, or the spraying to r aoate Is meet etteotiva ;nq 'jayuiik etc; »upnp etUfef «* $som -f» 7* *HP»ai PW* p noiytpedaca gipa eoop isq Awoi -uveg esoj: uvg eq; fa jpixynoa eqg joj yajAaidi- jo a t th e time the Bud* are1swelling on the fre t rees. The Sen Jose eerie 4s well distrib­ uted over- Ohio, but th e nortfaweatern half of th e sta te ig m ere severely in­ fested -than th e eouteeaetettv .half. In many sections the-emei|;erqh»fds at wl], •h . o m m . ' PTOBt' od.t-le tigerfqwyaasi iahed with “ ris e m F * POLITWIAN* ARE (MM1 «OME “QUM-tHC Although R is f ir * : primary them is mere i cemthigDkig being d the 96«aon than w e ; €tarfaoo Butt*!* that master ' plane for some ca is well that th e done,now iaetesdl of Bs*-; detri) In the Bested tfrm« REAL ESTATE TRAHfFERA WORK. pntH the HU 1 liirifl** eerisr to yet ex-, *jriJ re fe iit- •lairing .tse doubt work he le •Petitions a re to ofljes of eheriff, whhjji > t etaeSsre to a . .. ,_____ vide oonditlon, due bo G nt gcUVfUde. of jcaile insect*, ifowever. even tibough Purchases Import­ edShireStallion. - Messrs, J . C. and H a rry Towos- ley returned from BuShneii, III., wWrfeaKd ^ y ^ ^ ere they ’ went 60 in - ft1;" -W^ home By "MK T ruman, who cairn he re to .inspect two biboded horses owned’by Mr. H a rry Townsley, * A s a r e s u ic of th e v isit Mr, T ru­ m an takes a Stallion and Percherdn m are aiid tor, a ca sh eonelderation Mr- H a rry Towitsley gets a five y ea r old im po rted1Shite th a t wort first grand championship in Iowa, Ind ian a , Illino is and second a t the l a s t " In te rnationa l Chicago show, Mr, Truman s ta te s th is horse, “ Oolehlll Diamond' Xing” is not only ope o f the g randest individual horses eVer shipped into the count) b u t one t h a t is probably th e highest valued. The T rum an 's a re one" oi th e largest importers, of'hlopded horseB in the country and some ld> a m igh t be gained of the business done when they repo rt the sale of ,bne horse a few weeks ago -fop $11,600. You will find Mr. Towns- ley’s announcement in th is issue. ' ^ ., 4 .. 11 .^,»— F o » H ai . b ;—Cook stove, coal or wood with reservoir in excellent condition Inqu ire a t ib is Office, . OYSTERS received fresh every Tuesday and Saturday for the pres­ ent. Telephone your orders. C. M Spencer. For Rent—Two fine office’ room over Hartman clothing *tors. Inquire of G. H. Hartman. Fresh OYSTERS a t € . 14. Spencer'*. DRAWING PENCILS a ll grades a t WISTERMAN’S. ASSESSORS STILL ; INCREASE PERSONAL PROPERTY DUPLICATE. According to the last report Of Bis- Irict'Aseeesor Jbarrril to the State Tax «,outouaa?!$to .shows an . tooraase <n -void- 2 * per cedt over last year, hv *e<a«toir'bi,p^a6wAJpgcoj " " ' ^ The tooreats© to th e personal dupli­ cate- wAl yield Hanger return* for rev­ enue to rite .Yillagee,' townehiips and iChtool dlatrtotft, Contrary to the ged- j ir i belief the amount of taxee polo ,0 the etate troto. i hi* county to stpaR, .bout 9 cents pec $J, 000 , valuation, for university and nOrtoal school expense, The Wamets ,law is erpected? to fur- tosh, larger revenue for the different .axing .dtetrksta a t a much- reduced ^osfc over the old-system' of asetsa- ioerit and. It looks now as- if all the fcatomi are to he fulfilled. the tree* a re to a had; wAy^n the ma­ jority of'lnstinces such trees-m ay he wriped W Pebper ttam g tw ? m& be made not Cady to yisUd good fa d t for icnrto u*e, hu t to produor w®, over- abundance whtdh may b& ftp**}-to Snantoiri profit By ther.-owpsy. The wrttpr, to fatones*. m ust.m y th a t he lock tte t .contend to* sfcelh can be dindnated By one o r moi& apiaytogs, 10 m atter how Wwrourif’th e ' -work, After th e Sen Joee scale- Become* ec- ’•ablitoed, one atm uri epraying Is neo< a-ary, >bi*t 4fi to e work, to 'dime care­ fully, the scale w tti he-BieldJn, such, wmpfete suhlecttott th a t ;it»>-presence •riil, scarcely he jreeowijcib M 'the game tome aome of toe. .other Insect pests and fungOua- tro i^fee ,nvjR he aP 'ected to such an ' extent that, too l.reahnent 'WiJll be o f dO ^e-'totue. . T$e Ban Jpee scale,' *»' many we already aware, .tojures-tob treee by liercing to e to^rk With Ito'tony nefedle Rke'heak and- drawimgjtoe .sap toere- from, hence, 3n. order to 'control It, wmh mihstance must-hpapglled which vs strong enough^to , aet-dirertly upon ‘he Body of 'the,- I ubcc L Affei*'years if experiment.’,'to e ; lime^suHur ,waeh„ bias ‘become recognised as toe safest, cheapeOt, and a t 'to o same time the qw^t relialbte spray. There-are‘sev©ral different so rts of iime-BUlfur. but the one wltl^ wMch we w e mrinily oonce-roe&vsib too- pres* ant?tone is too tomencrcWt coccen- •rated liqnid'lknepu^ir.-wil^cSi 1» pre- nared-hy a large number of manufhc-. ..iv. fia Grawflll'.,lSheT^ wlmWIBIama, Rejx^etc. AJfairly ,*»m- ' *u ttfcinitihcUuWe'afefi dlstrl- butens will he furnished t£y the Exper. 'meht'.'Stat'tun upon rerreet;' This type of $roe-»uifnr, ®s toe name indicates. ,'z purchased in liquid, ' conoeBtmted form. "When applled^itigAfitutedwith cold water. < The amcrohi of wajtw^to he,added 0 each g$Mon. of lim ^tohhp r t* a matter Sn rogw d to whicaLtoereo riats •t' wide dttfcrence of bpjaibn; afOet-.of toe menutecturers advise anywhere from 9 to 12 gallon* o f water to -each riton .o f Ihhe-suipbur, hut unqneation. " ‘ iJAs is too greet * dfiutton. The ‘ tt Wtdto#IDigteaWS 'grtd- Kotog to le t one defeat in *uppor!t of toj* toaa i titloda.. afotohig hw- ^, John B&ughn to dat%.j knoito th at he coveted' due tkoft Deputy -S start; to* pettOon*. A new name has 1 cortbberioat. with to e nmreileakingput,fmeni here; tea#, friend*- w f-‘ Joseph FSSttney try 1 have ab t heard o f JoeS this tone. Beat advice" JProeecutort Johnson v " commonpieceifroefo fojr to e third heat -a*$ Of toeoownty . 1 uS Io- .havt; wf m: 1 ’a* Midlatoat enter, the wiftlry siadvtoor The lion And too together 1n- th e c ow propceedto have a % ., wWh_plenty of “eatsA; toryi; fashioned aftertfl celebration, Wh38e " worn mot very e tr sanitation In the “get-together” meeting | purpose of Brluging tc content elements Jrt < Party known a s too reformer*.- tt is **i made necessary andj inpfomisemmg.ho* oorete wiH ocohpy, <* ieasdkto too,pii^3c', ces alter cases and tions of two years gotten. to to dine og been bW” feast lid and oca- r"Oolnmbuf resaive^ apfirtybri rign. toe !movo fo r the sr too, die- Repuhttcaf “andtoe move Is Lveand-take o r toe Dem- wvenue that <Xrcums-tnn>‘ eonten- t.'to,jbetfp# 1 In. sta te poliBof hke Ocmgrcseman; mibllcan nouinattoa j though, tooto trill-; uatrioto th a t will' friend*, to the toou-M be strong, Yehls'toatheW&' tteo.Aind' wouiKifft'J ^d,h*-w4»4.*be,5 « # - vrtto toA ; mm‘ **** tog- ■ MA T-*. .otoer woro*. J to® toSn-wThpob to e tre e s ,; ,->LAN REUNION AND ’ ALUMNI HOME COMING. The fa-culty. of CedaxvfMe college is piannlng to make commencement veric to ls year memor in too his­ tory.;of th e institution in- honor of the twentieth anniversary. I t ha# Been proposed th at th e people of th is vi­ cinity Join in to e celebration By hav­ ing a -home-coming for their friends and relatives during commencement week. AM .members of th e alumni, .owner student* a s well a s those a t­ tending a t present, will be urged to Be aere and once more do honor to the -niriitutkJn 1n -hedplng to make toto a gnuud celebration., The fact th a t Gov. J. IS. Cox is expected* to be th e Com­ mencement orator should inter*** clt- ixend in. landing a Band to tb te weiebra- tJon. He Didn’t Mind/ *T suppose, Jerry,” said- toe emin­ ent statesman, looking through his pocketbook for a new dollar blit, “Ilka a lo t of other people nowadays, you vrbtdd rather have clean money?” "Ob, that’s all right. Senator,” aald the cabman. "I don't care how you made your money.” W . V . v . f Y ^ . V , V . * l i f i f W A Brown Bread Recipe 1 cup Ariaipp flour 1 teaspoon aoda ■*' ‘2 cup s g raham flou r 1 cup molaeeea 2 <top« XfidBuixkteai 3Vz cupa nulk A little salt BeatWell and ateem forfont hoots. This le for soar mUfcl when «w«t pUlk i« oeed u*e beking .powder la plto* Ofebda;. There’s irOTftend le tte r breedInevetyeftckpfArietoftFtoufii For mtvi, biesoite and jsewy—all temte-boldnr-ArfeweJe ' Miknt ' See for yoacseiL Order a eerie tana your grocer today. Know vriarida *««♦ CY j t iw s .saSfreryAMk’ J9 *m &*%$£ . „ ire F fo te to ere in a ’tttJe over six gallon* of to e concern tented.% rid told fU* to e Barred with rafesr. - .* ¥ For tow e who deriro to, prepare heir own. Iftn&auiphur’mttoure, oom- vtete direWBone fo r «o doirg may Be **adBy i^ tln jf te-toe.Bjnwmm»t 6 ri- Hon, WOoeter, Ohio, for^Brilletin 169 bub th is .inisto re 1s ho t a cow ^trabed Tite, and rnutd- be' e-ppaied’w tln tt 36 to 48 hoiito Sitter ite prepis*»aon, since it epbEe or'deteriorates to a certain* degree (after -tb*t tone." The <powdered eralfur compound, wMoh is now Being extensivriy' pro­ moted'ae a subetituite fo r toe counter, ctel liquid limeBClphug,;!* -worthy of trial. ButPCiBaP*aboufd Bo used- in a smell way un til exteiurivp trial,.baa proved 3te merits. On aocount of the nature of the San J0»e aerie, t t le obviouw toatr extreme care nhbuSd he taken' when- spraying few portion* a t to« toeerleft: unteuch- -d ’by toe Bpmy, o riy rerve w rejo.- testation, ceotere dipi^vtoe;,fritewin.t' summer Breeding, aeeaon. Neither, should spraying be done when the tree# a re wet w |to rtdh or when" toe^tobrrtjbmMeY-ptanda Below frearing ' Over-dHutfott; of* mixtores^ catfriees wertc, Sod' spraying done dar­ ing ‘Imfsvorahfe weatoei’ condition*, ere probotoiy. reapoaribia for to e ma­ jority o f f*ttarr»r to cuHtpol eoele »B taclm thosgh home mstr .Be due to faulty m lsteres. The commercial con- rentfiited IkJWld BmeeidfurJ# known In pact year# to have varied greatly in strength# lb order to eBmlnete tMs evil, topre wa# pateed during th e 1813 season Of toe letodattsre a. Taw com- ueHfng -limoeolfdr meotffltetorens to label each, imbrokou..pteksge w ith a statement string toe: atrengto of toe Ikjufd 'conteftled- therein; Look for aw# label. The, strength, of to® mix­ ture fe eerily meavuned in a rough way by mean# of an instrument oaffiad a hydrometer, and in order to facili­ tate matters, toe Expertmerit Stattbn is equipping each .county agent with one. of those Instruments. I t will Be worth your while to take a pint of tod1 eriutltm you expect-to. use to your agent, Mr. - — and 'let Mm test it for you. At to® tome time Mr. im Being furnished with speci­ men* of to e Sap J®®® scale, Scurfy Bark lou se and Oyster Shell Dark Dome—the th ree scale Inaecte most common to Dhlo orchard®, Samptes of twigs from yotsr trees may Be taken to Mat fo r comparison. TheCreabmcnt recommended for Sgu Jto e acrid la r iw effebttte agakieb toe Otoear spedtes muted, J. S. HOtBSSL Her Various Garments. Never mind about kissing a girl’s glovs aa long a# you can kiss her dainty coat of tan, . Ws All Tsai That Way. Ts to*' tmtoiiiidngi ’ a toP flf# fcaotoar wild Jte hototog more than I MomiMtota) hutsanc® that plank® hia bag a t bohsi upon ev«rytk!ag for tha •ommen good that eotnea up, May toatotboalepliwea Itoac-lMti' vam towtoto look# foe to e Re- goYemor, bt BO otoer bicvolce their BUBjp ie advice re- ■p r e h ^ rr M w*n- , equri foot- “ro- • -Ami: 3# , Of "Tlnsre a rea- tlathartoei. A. See*kw 40 Nancy 3, Bossier 6M acre# in Jefferson Tp., $ 4 . . J. D, Steele, exewtov of JW 00 B If. Htobtee, to Freak O; HubbeH, 7.4S am** in Beavsrcrato, $L Eareh 6+ Ready to Freak If- Wto V, C. and !dara 91. BafcdoM to PBankttn P, Dabdorf. 66 wore# In Bath per 65.16 acres in Rons Tte, $1. Ip., $3,500. ton, to Home Missionary Society. 3 Anna JU audS . w . OWham, of Oey- $1,350. T, Hi apd Anna fL. Harper, of Roes Tp. to the Houston Bank of South Chatoeston, 483.36 abres ip R om T p ., $19,640.64. T. &. iterper and Ana* I#. HOr- ■'isr to Houston Bank of South Charles- >K 4d5 aerse. Roe* TP., $15,723,02, Them*# and Anna I* Harper to M daj ®. Dol'd, 425 acre® in Rrea II®■ - * T p ., 58B9RN CIT»ZEN» OBJECT TO FLOOD RESERVOIR PLANS. The Reed, prevtotom. plane a# eub- ufitted prbvide a,n«nber of huge rea- i tevoit* along toe Mtend and Mad rlv- ere covering several thousand acres and 4t M;proposed to care fox a flood syen-grtolter than toe. one 9ast March. Opposition has developed; In th at Day " ton and! «i number of «to®T-town#. and oittes giolig these rivers will b e ’am­ ply protected, but several otoerstear they ,will Be damaged-. ^ ' ■ A mere meeting of Oehbm ritirene .was Monday afternew to enfcer a protect, But nottdng'wa® done until to® Dayton committee was. given an opportunity to. elate to rir rifde of toe cac®.'- . A NOVEL INTRODUCTION Dr. Howard Co.' 1 Makes a. Special *■ , Price., ' The Dr. Howard Company has en­ tered in to .an arrangement.-with C. M. ftWgwayi druggist, By whito a special introductory offer wifi Be made" of 25 cento on toe 50 cent size of their oeltoratecLsfiecific for toe’cure of .con­ stipation and dyspepsia. Headaches, coated tongue, dizziness, gas oh to e stomach, specks before the eye#; constipation and ail forme of malaria and liver trouble a re soon cured by th is scientific medicine. £ , IM. Rldgway Bos been able to se ­ cure only a limited supply, so every one who- wishes to b e cured of dys­ pepsia o r constipation should:-call Upon him ’a t once or send him 25*-ceht# By toaHjand get 60 d-oscs o fth e b e e t tned- iclna ever made, on th is .special half price introductory, offer, w ith-his pew sons! guarantee to refund-the money if toe specific does not cure. , !^ , '.t ' '"ti*T' , *F«f storing L inen.,, storing, linen .wrap InLsa BUI. whfoh -has B re i;i Hitch Your Horses to a Star A n O liver Star 3 or 4 S te e l B eam S tee l Plow 1 A plow that cu ts c lean furrow s, s c o u r s p er fec t ly an& le a v e s th e Ground ju s t rigt t for the harrow . Aplow that Is easily handled, tight of draft and, has an ejegant finish. ■ S' . ■" An extra amount of throat clearance in­ sures against clogging. 1. -w!' - ■ . re ,4 * « & Cherry HE. Main St.,. Xenia, 0 . ’ r ' " J , ‘ ^ i ‘* ’ "l ” . ' ' - ^ , *' ’ Headquarters for Reliable A#Cri. Vim. reyt; Von,” jn rtt» w « “gebtogetoor" In th at Greoda county MMy havc the hon­ or of a mt the,RrtKtofic*n abate Hcitet ln the peusufiage of-M. A, Broad- rtone for tteuteuonb govwrnor. "Mike1’ Was one of. to e .Republican wheel horses, in too Ibgislatoro and B3e ac- qttrinbanoe wEl etaablo B4n$ to drew -i 'huge vtfte. Again, Bring « friend of Sem tor PBraker, and to te riemont was tergriy in control of to e Grium- buo meeting, k snoan# th at "Mike” wilt bates a good load in this, race. To exhiBk too proper »pM fc RCpu-bHcans of Ohio will soon.Be aBoim thn t evcvy* body in Greene tofo r ’Mike” and fac­ tional line# are erased. The question is ‘'Will W riter Dean be a candidate fo r Bounty ndd-kor?” Some answer In toe affirmative, others lb toe negative. In view Of to e ex- poourca <i# to -toe condition; too coun­ ty Books -were le ft ID Bad toe .trouble, other official# and tax payer# have bad iq, getting thing# righted many doubt tho wtedom of to e former auditor mak­ ing a usetew race. R at W riter Is hte Own ariroeor. Hie. never couneris others on matter# of poUttes, always plunging kx bead and toot w tto-a d«- tenataatkwk to win. I t i# evident th a t public eenttmemt te not irito him « t tote -time, But to ri wiK moke no dif­ ference wito Walter, He wtti convince the public th at ft 1» wrong and he te right, evert the fellow th at paid- more taxes to*** be Should have and now get* a refttoder,. In former campaign# Wetter woe strong wito toe reform committee, but a t protent there I# no hKOofttkm that hie -former friends will be with him In another rack for audi­ tor, But too t w itt make no dtftefeuce tt W riter want# to run. One thing is sure, no one can keep hint from run­ ning tt Be desirea fo—h is -personal rtt&t under' the primary law. Draperies, Etc. I r >* . ‘fe • 4 s. i ”‘ ( ’ , " ‘- , . „ ;‘ ^ Xenipi’s Exclusive Carpet and Drapery House ifeiiijiia Author of “TH* RubSiyaL” Edward Fitzgerald wo* utterly oare- ios# of his f..-jo. Ho lived to be an old man, yet not one in a miUkm of hi# fellow oojmtrymen regarded him Is a poet, even if they had hoard his hams; mentioned as an old -chum o f Alfred Tennyson. Yet ho wrote “The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam” long ysars before bis death. He kept It "chucking about,” apparently not thinking it worth publishing, and whan he did print a few copies nobody took any notieo of I t Today “Omari* Is one of toe most famous poems la too World* Day by Day* - Wo live by daya. They are. too leave# folded book each night in too great volume that we writs. They are our autobiography. Booh day take# us not newly, hut as a tale aontlaued. It finds us whtt yesterday left us; and aa we go on, every day is telling to every other day truths about us, show­ ing the kind of being tost is to be handed on to It, making of us some­ thing b ittef Or something worst, as W#*«#&**?« f t # . WMttr Our. Annual Sale of Fine Undermuslins begins this week. In this Sale we are offering the very best values in Un- edrmuslins, representing* th&most select numbers from many of tlm best makers of Muslin Underwear in tho Country, ' UNDERMUSLINS AT 26c. Women’s Drawers, Lace, Embroidery and Ruffle Trimmed. Excellent Quality Muslins. Corset Covers and Short Skirls, every siire 25 cents. UNDERMUSLINS AT 50c. ' Wome ns Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Combination Suits, Long and- Short Skirts, Fine Lace and Embroidery Trimmings, garments th a t are perfect in every way. 50ceafih, ...... ................ 1 1 ' MI'-'.|nr|-|Miw.^i"|*"V.......... I'Ll'.'''l.I.!' ' ......................... ................ ■Ill"nil............ .pi■" ...■*■■.■....... . im ., UNDERMUSLINS AT 75c Dainty, Beautiful Trimmed Gowns, Combination Suits, Corset Covers, Drawers, almost endless selection a t 75c. UNDERMUSLINS AT $ 1 .0 0 . .... Never before such Yaffles, nor beautiful XJndermuslins a t the price- Princess Slips, Gowns, Combination Suits, Skircs including the double Panels, in the newest and daintiest trimmings, $1.00 Each. NewWhite Weiste at $ 1.00 More than 1000 New White Waists in the most wonderful styles and values ever seen a t the price, $1.00. Many Waists in this Lot would be cheap a t $2.00. Representing the latest ideas in Lingerie Waists in Hight and Low Neck, Long and Short Sleeves, sizes 34 to 46 in. Choice of Lot a t $1,00. Children’s Undermuslins . Childs Muslin Drawers a t 12 l-2c, 15c, 25c. Childs Gowns a t 25c and 50c Chpds Princess Slips a t 50 and 75c Sheets Underpriced. Good quality Bleached Sheets, sizes 72x00 in. 30c. Excellent Bleached Seamless Sheet, size 81x00' in. A good 75c value special 59c. - Jobe Brothers Company XENIA, OHIO I S N E W ® f x , w )