The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 1-26

jtw W m tiSMm 0 « r M W»*kwate£iB$>eF* W&h io f * a j o t l i f l m ^ f f k e 'G e d a r v t t l e M e r a l d , Plui »i*g *% * w ttkw i * tto t* ite dex, denote ibnuyest'A subtctip* ffoft s'*pw* 4*t *fti % proeaft in* jtlcmftut is earwretiydwirod. , » * <#v y y wMyvi>^»iyi^ ^ TEURTT-flEVENTH YSAB, HQ. 18, IJrl„ „„J |T,|„„ CE0ABVIJ&E, *©AftD <*F TRAJjl iAN^U’ET V*RY FLffAtMiT AWAfft, I t wo* * jtatfer «e area ante 'mutuum bocetors ft* . Tift fCMt> w*« for tiro rajeriB* •ct®n> ot to* Bterd of Tra4©and exploit* h * ti» tewo1* itdYurittgM, -crnmm- «**%. otareataaaialiy *&d ratigtoatey nod ^wra-Starto* rate o f ^ o d fellow- Hi# ‘Mting*. #kft fl*W *d*OOi fWMM, A g ta rttr «*M «*acw , * cfcon-op te y Ssf .tire town, graved terete*, water, ■tetri* a«d * new depot, Making to t . fo«ta •Wwfcti'Vo iriB attract ©totrpe©- wtefltat*, * jb 4 Sor teufoam pur. *MP ahrarah <Wf Trott t i » Stewart pJotate toiwj w oao w * o Q mw . -it we# » $nd too lodiM of toe « n » w tresiy oa^ memded for tib* teWMW- . .; .OR, J, €>. ,T b f (Dr. «x- «f to© ftfflhM t food' iw totag Mb* w ■«rfto* mtoroftfe, toe ‘cboftsb MeChraoey ta Mg ro- ««wJo» touebte thft heart of ©yta$r ft»‘ dfttcxr to M# review of fo« work m $ o*gamrati*mW •GodorvIJte ootteft-C tw the forawkfagi fw«tey jedna ago, to to® torteebit, to th is tome toa uomr «w*foy ho© ghost $ sooq to atei-ifon to 'toe buiM'lo**, meJotoS $7000, than 3000 yjouingmen, and:-women;bwve beria gfaea ‘partial’toatoiog. 150 hove ■rmp-Jeted toe oouirra and of toto man. :<'y 315 were from th is oomanoinity. The collage has1had taxtra offers to locate riteewhere. • Tender a recent resolution of the stote eeeoctatlon ‘a octleg'e aaust have am entowanewt. of 1200,000 to 5)o In good standing. Today we have hut 485,000. Soatne o f tots ptefeesora hed reapalinetl a t a xsetoowal Ity* to salary jn th a t they cotild ®*>t ses to e coHlege perish.-ATheir prayers and elifortoiKadheen wito ft mq^Thridd oonttoue -to ihe so. .The -college i& ,al- ‘ways totereoted in the eotnanttnity and to h is retneriot truth* in that 4f«jjror Wolford mutdt eouto he done for th e town, toa* eou-raglne home trading, employment of h o w tobor and patronizing home todgstofee w h e rew poseitoa. -Whet ft egone to toe reorganisation iff** there-wws m h dteepsata* as to wbwtow toe ladle* should, bp wdkhea: ed as memfeews. The different ideas pe®vo’,ed oawh laughter wsdt upon wage to#y aaf» to he ndctosted on. equal itoStor-wito to* men, • upon auojton of Portroewter Wright ®fc -T. Ch Stostort apjwtofced 'the ,»omi oonw^ttee* to «ffeet eandd <wte» tor to* varfotus offloeo. The opwiniKtee to J.‘JO. WoMotd, W, X Twrfcox and <U !H. Softanhetvar. ‘independent'* cotomtotee to An' djfB^ gneheon, J» M, Hastings and, These •compiitfeea' will tnahe the awpatoaitons .and a ‘meeting swill he calffedi for ^tbe regular election of of-' fleers and tnem'bers of the hoaid’ «1 •aovensore. WHCH€ EDITORS CAN j WHtord V. Ritchie ohmptod toe JR. FIND HINTS FOR * * * * * * } * * * *5 ^ } Mrs. Kltoatoeth M©L*%h«s been vU- !Hlwt •with her ton reeefOy ftj, spring- OWnew th e editor has trouble in!Held. , . ' <*+ tooeting copy, but of leto there to *oj .» • *®4 Mrs._JCl3itoe| Rfce vieftea OSLESBBR RESIDENCE THREATENED BY FIRE. The hoffiiitlful home Of Dr. H <3/ Oglesbee, on Xenia avedue.tca-menear being destroyodi by tllfe about seven- thirty Tueeday morning. When, dfe- opversd-.ihe roof on th e west side (Was ail ablaze on the inside, which would Indftwto that, fire had, evidently ‘smouldered! there for sdnja tiineJ much -free speech and free thought in the “Letters "From Our ‘Reader*” col­ umns of the tnawspaperB that one car get posted on most any topic. The ■State Journal- to noted'for ft* column from readers a reoent >i*sue we ware amused to look over the different expmetotas, We main topics were taxation, single tax, tond- valuation, suffrage and politics. ■One le tte r front H. N. Bnelgn, of Jaaneeitowa, to wmirim, the writer op. toeing th e coownlsaiffli-, form of gov, armuent, single tax, indirect election, to all oftUtoto and why taxing tows are th is and- not that. Mr, Ensign done not take t» th e idea of the «s- totsor being g^nren to mush power ■vhenthabanker has not been dtoturb- sd. If we. were idolined to answer Mr, Btaeim aad say th a t the assessor should have pow er'to go into every bank and list Individual deposits no newspaper wouffd he large enough iq print his reply fo r -he to aireedw 'on record against th e aseeseor ano^im about his farm hunting thiugs to ad<; to th e tax duplicate. Mr. Ensign 'does express himself strongly against the exemption of any kind o f -property. Have th e sta te -confiscate every dal- tor’s worth of property no t on th e duplicate when ft comes time for set- dement of bSa or her eotetft K such W*s the Xenia 'wouldl aot have seven million bank deposits. and half miHionopiy on itho duplicate.-Such- law Mr. EShetgn says would not be drastic bu t t-t would make men hon­ est, o r make them, act honest. and in the toiv*1 ___________________ ____ _ _ By the aid of buckets and a hose will gfre its support, to !upbuilding it*i fro® the force pump tit w as ebon m -‘ •Mr. <}. -H. Harfenzam on-“•Hive Years f dor ooutroL The Joes was wot *0 ReMhent of Cedarville,” advocated .closer' umlpn of •pie business interests; more opfcfm&tai, booedng together and a making of the toyra more attractive to outsiders and extending the trading radius. Mr. Hartman, recited a- poem a t th e ■ close of-,bis. remarks .that, m~ ptoffnedi '‘boosting*’ and brought forth -the epproVaft of hi* hearere; ' •Mr. Andrew Jeekeon, for yeans sec- retary of th e Board of'Trade, told o f hi® efforts along wfth others in- the fommt^on of -the organization!. The incorporation; papeow worn signed by W,H. Btotr, J , « . Andrew, -mn. mtcb*. ell, J. W, MeLean and th e speaker. Much good 'hast been’ accompltohed, but more could* have been done and. yet by cooperation. ■-Prof*' F, Of, iteyaroids told, of th e public school® and theiir needs. The Prbf. deviated from hie topic M .ttaies poking jesfcs in a- good-natured w ay theft, ftatalshed' many a tough. -The greater# need i® a now school-building in that-.the present bdildlng is bu t a ©toteeetdft. Mot© eqv^pment was need­ ed for tthe «aafes rooma., Se^nKtSiftod, m bav great from the fact- the department had. to throw no water, Neighbors' succeeded; &u getting the household ef­ fects from th ree rooms when it was found unnecessary^ to remove -Aany mtu'e,.' ■ “ The,cause to not directly known yet it to believed to halve originated from a ' defective" flue or -crossed electric wires,. ■ -v • PIQ +fAS*TWO RODIES) SIX LEGS AND TWO TAILS. »ud.{ ment •Chartewton aK h e mere IdwdldfbBsr, T he school Mild- t.ft© bh(e;iptid© of the^-tgwp ■One of the biggest .ntonsfcroSfties e\*er .hoard' of. in, tjlark oounfy—a ‘Stomps© twin,” pig, with two separ­ ate bw iee and six legs,,was bom- Sun­ day on the farm ofeArvy ‘Rock, near South Vienna.- The-awimdi lived but ■a. febont- tftne. I t ha® one large head, with fwo .dils-. tm&t mouths ' side by tflde. Prom th e sbouktoro bw© separate bodied’branch out, each being perfectly formed. Eltoh buddy- Mas two hjtodJegw and* a haft)- #yNe;- <th« auhnai Hx tegs-'and .: two taito—‘South .»0!h*rl«et6n dentin**. •t 3»-s ■», JL ritMWtrftie *f- Another w riter IS after th e spolp of Governor 'Cox in that be dries not prove of the- governor advocating and -forcing -the use o f the Wrnnes tax laVr.-whioh is uncovering so many hundreds of ’thousands of hidden prop arty ever* th e state. This waiter takes exception to civil service examinations for assessors In th a t, th e :man who could pass an -examination Is not nec­ essarily one who has the b est judg­ ment;- 4This w riter jabs the goYemoi for taking a hand in passing such a law, but before he finishes- his Article the governor is again condemned fof nob having a law passed requirlns tbe adsehroro endrf*'sement on notes before thesi a re payable. Some tim e ago a poor heuseholder coatrtbuted -fin article alttaektug the tax -tow and 'the assessor Who .pried into her personal Affairs. Mow every detail nvas looked After in order th a t .the t*x duplicate would be tacceased t »11 -at her ©*pen*e--tod- ©. poor lone­ ly, widow th a t could no t Afford the in- create to \-her expenses. Some kind reipaput} of lady's cotamunfty ©vi- den^y .wanted to se t th© pubbh t " rtrte e tb a t mx»n (making ‘ he-ftpd*- relatives, i» worshipped. Sabbath. The ‘foitowiag •to invite the oneto-Church F. Rftchto, •» Fhilce, Lester Bwday, E. G. 'Corey, Gairte Finney, do to hill, Mory Tobtow, gueon and- andeitaute, Waddle, Gordon ... end Clara Fimvey. K-heer up, eprtog Let u s all get out lp do jsontetbtoK. Not© th e tfodowia^fe from Rev, Curtto J‘ i knowtha* many Hire «orao of memtear*tsomeft m&ettngtf lk tie o r no to the Young FeoplaS* eriticteme have b©fe than our prayer*, seen -their soeffettoa without having a ita restoration to be the result in .the School i t no mace wet© given-for ft Ydung TteoffleV So- appoint one of yotu* yisory merrtber with " ciety jnsit a© yoti x tendent’for the & intention Is no t th a t ed should run the be*a counselor. Joshua ro*e up right wny to go *b —e tsrt rlg’lft •itiudgftft’ ont. dawlln-g over .it;' determined -start to part of 'the -cattle, really takes a hand they go •atone very does not do thing*- , king, end leads and ‘Wider and wider ye The -gaffe®of -the Clearer and dkero r The -wonderful pr Go forth; ye hosts And confquer to e - King!" Neglect o f th e pharaotev weskona destroy, tito happii Everybody k«g© young, can gtodd heart by ibdmg 'pro rain o r' didne, 'even,', effort is -necesaary, ' ‘AknoUk terattoM-j uatos of Cedarvilte; talniatry. How shOtiid" people ebouldi grfv© > ©de e» ^ pi©dges so Mteu-ld;./ *4ult * ' .port * ohUd» <wton, church sod tost A Sponge Cake Recipe W « pen la cold water and drain. 5 egga, yolk* and white# befcten separately 1 » enp* of granulated Sugar julca of one lemon, mixed .with auger and yolk of-eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla cup* sifted Arktos Flour. Beat white* of egg* until stiff and dry.. Add to them on* level teaspoon baking pqwder, foldwhite* ofegg* in mixture. Bake in oven with low flame about 35 or 40 minute*. Let ‘Cool in pan upeid* down. .. - Bakie your bread with Aristos Floor. It make* a loaf,that excels in purity, lightness, and delicacy of flavor. It is the peerless flour for o« home-baking. Order a sack from yoUr grocer,, See for yourself what Arfeto# will do, sei*bo^thteeexoellaBfcprseHealrecipe*malted yourUBK. Addre**Thc*ouU)we*temM(nlnsCo.)KantaeCUyl*Te. A r is t o s l*’ FL our This Trad*Mark «nKverrgack mm. Millinery Showing Saturday, April 4, 1914 O u r o p e n ia g w ill b e a c o m p le te s h o w in g o f P a t t e r n a n d T a ilo r e d H a t s o f d if f e r e n t s h a p e s a n d c o m b in a tio n s f o r d r e s s a n d s t r e e t Wear* W e e s p e c ia lly i n v it e y o u t o t h i s s h o w ­ in g o f D a m e F ftafak ra’s l a t e s t , Miss Bernice. Northup CwAihdllfl) Oht«< ’f itted- i» yeets pazt. Eccndiny all the ©late hoti*© furdtoh-. e* a good topi© In that A w riter ex­ plain© ttoft tihb 23 minion appropria­ tion wb* for two year*, and took care of tbe-ffniHion- flood exp©nee. The writer defewdisr the present board of administration of public inrtitutlon* which'ha®,saved $500,0.00 per year over thb old- method of caring for Institu­ tion©. through various beards. \ CLIFTON U. P. CHURCH- CHIMES. There should b e a family ■ altar to every home. ■ , r When tlie world seems bigger than God- read Psalm- ninety. Mias Grace Ritehie will lead the Christian Union next Sabbath even­ ing. Subscriptions for the book "SKuCcli- ea of the Oovenanters” are due and slrmlatebe paid to Carey P. Ritchie. “Don’t pray for power and theft ait and mildeW.” Foreign Missions have made the name o f Jeetis th e beat known name Jn the world. The trustee® have pkoed a fin©, new pump to Hr© parsonage well for which' th e porsonte family are very grateful. - We had a splendid improvement^ In the audience tost Sabbath. Foreign Mlseiona have stimulated t b e 'govemms&ta of the leading na- ifioris of the Bast to cstaWish educa­ tional system* oh their own. Wd hoard' of a congregation recently whoe© women -made 3600 calls last year. ‘ Fora%s Mission® introduced modem surgery, medicine and sanitation into th e darkest quarters of the globe, by mean* of 675 hospitals and 073 dla* ffiOfttflWlftffiF. "You toll tree,” said the judge, “that thto Is to e persoH th a t knocked' -you tow n wJtft hf# motor car. ffould you ©wbar to th e m an f’ "1 did," retunted the oomptoinant eAgeriy, “but ho did not ttop to hear m©.“ « ‘ . Mr. J. B. Rife, th e troaftarw, te glad to acqualto any1Bwmbec o r friend- o f toe (congregation with financial con* dftioatt Whomever thou ant that entdreet Thia Chwdh; ItemwniWr i t to to e House of God; Be reverent, be rikrtfe, be fhKkUgbtful; And teav*« f t no t without * p iaycr 1^1 For thyself, am i those who mhritoer, > And Hhoee -who worship h«r©. ,Bdreign' missKona have held toebome trite to the eeeewtial putpoee of the gospel, and deihenstrated toe dittvenwd and aH-conquering dharaotec of GhrisWanfty, A deceit of $75.00 On our 'Mitoftm Gfferifiig of $684.00 waft quickly Wife- iferibed iby the men alt to© clos© of toririo© ktot BaHAato1unottring. People who wont a semottefcte dhOUIcPcsfft a pwacherotte. appointed to the ©very* viz: Jennie Rife, Jacob. Turwer, ‘Mra, John Grace Taune- AJbert -Per, Kyie/NeW*- rael Laoron© •March 31. rsunshine mad «ur ©Wars ranretL viz ■hay© been re been i to© -memtoiy ■1« given, audou r earaesi •have »d dig service for Wfeatwould . Sobbato ►and prayer jff&tea for the Ittwill yeu Hof ay os- ad2 •of toe So­ ft- auperfo- Sdi-ool? The "dor appoint ty, but might -it ia the n it task, fair it with- .Wrmipt and '■.aes'alwrge eft toe ?/wd r.onfefprieoa 4y, for ■God H e i a e «3 a king. PERSONAL DUPLICATE STILL ON THE INCREASE. It’s going to be easy for District A*, acssor Farrell to report wben the •*» *e*Bors shave finished their work that the personal dnp&cate bo a ’been in­ creased two mtlWon. dollars In tbte county. White Mr. Farrell and his deputies have had tntfob to do with this Increase yet i t must be under­ stood that to e people are only being educated to make a more just return of their ‘personal belonging*. The law give* these offtcera toe power to do certain' 'things, but the people have taken up the spirit of toe etatute end are waking too Increaee without farce on th e part of the taxing officiate. In toft county 1823 returne have best* made and the increase over ‘last year, fa $608,768.. Lees than one third if the reforms ©re. reported to date. ‘Mr, Warren- Arthur stated Monday h.*t ho ’WouM finish, h is labor*' in, Oe- Jarytlte township ahat day. HI* teak waa completed in just 28 days. He now*win poufin©btoefforte to the vil lage. THE DRUM AND BOUSE UP SOCIETY. .swing;- |e e ring; atvfog God, for your ttear©’down' 1' wnd; may he home. ’ i, old -taM ■minister’s Gabbath/ hfttie •eirti'a, . mirie gr«d- Iftire in the ye? Young ■metot m fam i It toe jc.krad ©up- toe '►ratoeltek, Popular Mechanics tella o f the general use of bid Bibles -amWTeeta- jqasntejby ■gold'Jh&afois ®s'*foroge places fo r gold-deaf, nvlhich, hr placed between th e pages. It says; . “In ome 'comnvunftie'a where geid^beaBng s to© principal industry, no other ■netihod of ©torage eyer used by .he -workmen.” Such a practice ©wid not ex ist among tru e ‘Christian Bn- leavororo. They have promised “to read th e Bible every day." , Next Sabbath w ilt he observed, as ■‘Waide Day” .to ithe Sahbato^choet. llyery .'C, ’B. ■ member, outt Take ifo tbe signiti-cance of-the'name if our godety> It is nqt a rociOty if Obrlstian aocompliehment, ’iw t a ■Society of Christian Endeavor; We Jo not: promise to do 'things, bu t only :o try1to 'do them. We promise to ity to do them ■■ail th e time and .with U1 our Strength, but only to try to do mem, ' Ju st *Endeavor,—Amos' R. Welis, , - . , , ► “The tjhurdhing h i toe Jboy today means the manning of toe church to morrow,” ' Mys- S. is Igraicfous enough to make honey iftSlidd when I go to h e r home for- an, evening, but cold enough to uiit Peaty and .Amundsen stiff when 1 meet her a t Church.” , This is th e to st ©all for too t mis denary' picnic which you. have heted to much about; next Saibbaito wen- ing.M 5:30, with oar-isecreteryv iMfts iroue -'Wright in ’ chehge. Have hi * -good deep before you came for toero will be ft! time during toe Session, 1 • Th© cjhfoago -Tribune, Philadelphia Jforfo Amerfoatu Portland CMdifteJ Ex- pro** and tho iP tebn rg Gazetfo-lUlhes are among to e increasing number of great dallies whtoh refuse'liquor *d- himself. You -might m iwsK try to measure the inGutodo of the- sun irith a yard­ stick aa to try to' measure toe influ­ ence of Chrietiamity by' statistics.' ' - . "Your father is- a raWglous man, isn’t he, James?”aomallheywas, ask­ ed. “Ob, yes,” was the naive ans­ wer, “He juttt hates1, anybody who doesn’t go to church.” An intereetlng’tetmpwtence program will be rendered by toe ohoir soon. Watch for the date. George Grindle haa.qaite recover­ ed from a very serious fall from a tiofoe he wa* riding. A union prayer meeting of the Com­ mittees from toe U, P. and Prteby* teriaft clmrohe3 to qrramge for the Ehrerybody-to^hUridi-iScibhftth washeld at the ‘cSwroh Wednesday evening, A BpeclaS choir reheerBai will be hold Saturday evening in toe church a t 7 o’clock. . The pastor WiWbcgiu a special acr­ es of sermon* on ‘The ‘Church” Sto- hhth jnsornhig. Try not to tolsa any of them1, Brace Knox, of Louisville, Kentucky, visited <hls father, William KnJOx, re­ cently, ■Mr, GeorgeW, Rife aocompanicdtoe pftetor 9n visliatioh tote week, M«C Elisabeth MbLeen entertained for toe dttwter -hour do Tueedayt ■Mrs, Thom** MftcheR’* tether, Mr. Frank Patton, fell and fractured sever­ al rU>* last week. Of course, toe child riKudd giveboth to local work and to missions and benevolences. Thte is ffroe of every Ohrifttian. The child abouTd he taught to divide bis gift* equally between the twO Cflueee (unites bte CbuCdh is very poor), «o that in future years ho vV ttivea s much or msoreto ibenev- oiencte m to kraal support; gBRMONS ON THB'OHUROH March 2J1—Tbe dhurteh—-APlate Of Worship. (Prelude; The Pastured Sheep, April The Xdving >ObUrch, 'Pre­ lude: MiJstakee About toe (Church. April 12--Why John Smftfc (foe* to Church. Prriudo: Ten Men Teii Why They GO, April 19-“Why Not More OOtWrer- tftorw in Odr Civuccbte? Prelude': If the Churth Struck. April 26—Wiwtt Oonwtftutro a Suc­ cessful 'Church! Prelude; Slow to Kill % Ohurcb, 301 — $20.00 APRIL 12. AGCORDING TO YOUR FAITH. The church -ten only Advance ufran jta f 'to te * ■ INSURANCE. * Now is the time to look .out for your iusuwtocs, both Fire and Tor­ nado. I represent The Natural Fire 'Insurance Company, The New Underwriters, The Queen of Amerl* ca, The Pennsylvania, Fire Insur­ ance Company* Combined assets $68,000,000.00. AM wbiv J ackson , FOR R£NT-P*rt of house on, Chil* iicotbe tercet, Inquire of Mrs, Iraeter Reed, oft the east ride of house o r of Frank H«d. DRAWING PENCILS all grades at W ISTERMAN 'S . In PHteburg pledged toentetevo* to vote agdinte. th e ' saloon- The Personal Workers’ Band meets every Wednesday evesdftg In, to e tec-. ture room immediately a fte r to e tmid- sreek' prayer-meeting. The members are studying Dr. Toney's book,. “How to Bring Me® to Christ,” with Prof- Alberta, Creswelff <as teacher. Education is the knowledge Of hew to use the whole of one’s self.—BeeCh* 'er. ' ■, Better get a t those missionary books you promised to read. Why ‘are you a Christian Endeavor- ?r • Think about it. . The Scripture passage to be memor­ ized this week is the 'Safety Verse, the second of th e Twelve Great Verses, Psalm 37:1. And-'When you are-learn? ing It, don’t slight it w lttt a “snap­ shot” ; g ive-it a “time exposure.** ‘J t's little ueo to hang up' to e an­ nouncement, ‘Strangers cordially wel­ come,' unless we translate -that state­ ment lifto friendly smiles and warm handshakes and, an. unfatetakoble at­ mosphere of friendliness.” Quite a few of our members in a body visited toe Allen Christian En­ deavor -League la st Gahbftth evening, You who have recently subscribed for the IC, E. World- be sure to read Dr, 'Oowan’6 weekly .articles on the Sabbath-nchctol lessons; and you wbo have no t aubtferibdd/remember that one dollar will bring you fifty-two issues of * LIVE paper. The tendency of toe times is to dis­ parage th e church. C. E, Is a cor­ rective o f this. Ita motto ban 'been from the first. "For 'Christ and the Church,” . •=» . The following are C. E. prayer.ffi'tet- ing mottoes. Particular attention 1* called to too seventh and ‘ tire eleventh. • gg?V(»ry '0. E. meeting -bears fru it in ttefoity. Preparatiorc means power; power means enjoyment. Do you enjoy the meetings? - . , Pfay for the meetings; pray dur­ ing the meetings. Prayer spells suc­ cess, ‘Christ will help you if you prepare; He will dot help laziness. Ohrisfc can bless a Btammerirtg par­ ticipation a» wejt as an. eloquent one, Tbe G. E. pledge Is a te st of yoUr honor, courage and fidelity. How are you standing the- test? Taking -part when sou do not fete like it la.toe beet way to feel like I t •Prayer-meeting participation de- rteopo tlie <idlnd! aft weM a* the soul: it rntdete intellectual .and sp iritual; ^an ts. ■ i‘ . Never .ask what other people will say; ask only what 'Christ will say. You will never speak for Christ if ypu waft fo r a tim e when, you can find no excuses for not speaking. Have you experienced to* Metefhg of too first speakers? Theiro i » to* kingdom of toft prayer-meeting, No toadcr can make a good meet- ing without zealous followers, FOR RENT. A nice liouae with seven rooms, A large yard, good stable, nicely lo­ cated. Andrew Jackson For Rant—Two line, eific* rooms over Hartman clothing store, Inquire of 0 , H, Hartman, Consider the ten penny nail—the harder you hit it the faster it gets there. Youcan’t “hit hard”< in your farm oper­ ationsunless you arewell equipped with the following: Easy Loader Manure Spreaders, Bucher S Gibbs Alfalfa Cultivators. Bucher &Bibbs Double Disc Harrows. Osborne Double Disc Harrows* Ohio Double Disc Harrows. Brown Manly Steel Lever Harrows. Brown Manly Wood Lever Harrows Brown Manly Land Rollers. • Ohio Land Rollers. fa II E. Main $t.» Xenia, 0. . i , /* ,■ Headquarters for Reliable 7 is, Xenia’s Exclusive Carpet and Drapery House *■*0*1<‘telj te*ai>j 1*1LIH*—1WftI■,ilteTftgNMMUMe^^iWewiftli o u s e Monday,MarchSO, 1914 8:00 p . m . . Big Show Two Solid Hours Refined Amusement 2 A C T S F itxe V a u d e v i l l e MAINEANDBILLY GHENT ■ ^ The Most Versatile of Singing and Dancing Comedians A 'Mrh*S«=S!^^ FRANK CARMAN SENSATIONAL HOOP ROLLING EXHIBITION ■•■**«* CTTVWC ■“ ■D lL aL lJ l!< 0 ,m BIG REELS FINEST MOVIES-^ PRICES Balcony. . Lower Floor 15c 2 0 c Seats on sale at Johnson’s Jswolry Store.