The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 1-26
Hf U. S.Hit HEl«MUttttE Fress That Cedwtry te ^ Aw rtsa *♦■# Hem# Mi*»k «r. to* Wsaftk (Ww ii The A»*rlc«j>isatioa ot certain, parts of PaI#»tS&* was described M Loadoa, ItytouML toy Dr. A* M, Gyle* the saylorer. tail too- tu rn . H« found are* fo# Wohatqase- M*m eager to I h i i Itogllsk aa* to edswato toMuuie’ve* *eoortii*f to weefc- «m Wees, I» Haxarefo too discovered; * |W t dearth of yottac men, for th e ! aetlve follows toad all migrated wont, ward to MMPOh of fortune. { "Mirny of them.’’ tooMid, "are going H U fcu* to totrMtef * krsfctVUiurd Bo ttom, sine* already Week* of vleeeld have boon produced which ea* he readily colored, polished m i •work**' Activities of Women. London fflmt* nr# now toying 1 frock* to watch their furniture. Mr*. Gierke W. Kelley of Devito .} L*ke, fj. run* a J.tol acre form, • More then 42,000 births were r#- ■ corded In Bhiladelpbi* during 191J. f Th* International Olympic n a t « i '( will hereafter b* open to women. During th» PMt year 15,119 mar* rtage licences were Issued In Phila delphia. Mother* generally a re agreed that to 7 ^ * 0 * I**?** sss;* 5 sss a tkuw m olerk* in house* dqelag with produce from their native land. Same of them hare done wen, -ami at Beth* letonm I Observed quite a, number of excellent new houses which 1 learned bad been erected by successful eml* j grant# for their parents". | On the borders of the Son of Gall* ’ lee Dr. Gvle wa* surprised to* see * derrick, and still further surprised, to discover a Californian in charge, who i explained. "We are after ell: wo, hare f already gone down 500-feet, and there ‘ In no question that' wo are going to get oil.*1 ‘’The merriest men In the world _ seem to be the pigmies, who live and, laugh in the 'Ftoreat of Eternal Twi light,' " said Dr. Gyle, whose discovery of these people made him famous. He added; "They laugh louder and more often than any other person 1 have, so for met. It was a very pleasant ex- perience in tide striving age to be v-lMi people who laughed more than • ••". ”f " •Y*>,e'("'-'?^' ■ . . . >•■..■• . • . • ' ' - rdes, the jollleat ii,v-v, t p.-.i«,*«, is iUat of the -Shuns; s Some of these little people are to,be] foupd In the northern part of Siam ,1 and I am preparing an expeflltighto go and atudy them,- They-have .sue-, needed in resisting the influence of the Chinese, Siamese and Burmese, by whom their territory is surrounded, and they have preserved their o>yn language and a great many of the cue* toms peculiar to their race," babies at the age of one year and girl babies at ’the age of sixteen months, Miss Margaret B. Connell, deputy clerk of the United State* court, is slated for the position of receiver of the United State* lend office for Utah, Miss Ida O, Tillman, postmistress at Geneva. Ala,, hag refused to sur render her Office to the government, and says she will not be forced out without making a light, SEVERALTOW I.ISTE01 SAME ' TELEPRUf ROK NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS IN’DIF- FERENT PLACER ARE IN ONE ALPHABETICAL LIST. PLAN iS ADOPTED FOR CONVENIENCE OF USERS Mona Use- , J ’or centuries “Mona Li?aV* "beau ty and ■perver8ity’,“'have fascinated .beholders. N q one, apparently, ever had so rapt and yet uncommunicative, so fascinating and yet baffling a smile - as Lisa,! wife Of Fr»adpsfto ‘del Gio-. condo, Leonardo’s "Mona Lisa." When Leonardo painted, her, she - was about thirty yearn oML- Her gown ia simple and drapes the figure in easy foldB, Her dark hair hangs loosely over her forehead, and frames an oval face, Her eyes are impressive,' and about her mouth Is seen the smile which has been the chief character istic In making the painting famous, -The story-goes’that la order to obtain this effect the painter had musicians, singer* and jesters always near his subject so as to amuse her as he painted,- , But bar smfie is infinitely more than a8 ,Vell as ln anoth6r, .one of mere pleasure. It is an eternal smile, As Waiter Rater says of it; “It is a beauty wrought- out from within . . . of strange thoughts and fantastic reveries and exquisite passions Rater proceeds; “Bet it for a moment beside one of - Gxatok goddesses or beau- ".<&&& woman of antiquity, and you would be ijxmhJed by its beauty* into which too aoul.wfth all its mala dies hap passed! An -the thoughts and experiences of the World' have etched and molded therein that which they have of power to refine and make expressive the outward form."—How York Outlook. Combined Directory.Is Big Improve ment Over Former Issues—: Valuable far. Reference. Substitutes for Celluloid.) The, increasing use of*celluloid for the manufacture of imitation ivory, horn, shell, linen, wood, glass, proce- lttin, etc., its due to the cheapness of this mixture of pyroxlin and cam phor, It has, however, the serious drawback of being highly inflammable, and“even explodes at high tempera* tores.-' ■ ■ HOttcs substitutes lacking this dan-. The new With the growing usd of the tele plfone and. the increasing intercom- .muuication between, cities and. towns I in the same locality, a new'type of ielephpne ^directory ,ls coming into j general use, which Is a big improve ment, over former directories. Under the new plan subscribers in several different places are listed in one book. Ip the Same alphabetical i list, On,e directory contains the names- f of subscribers In from six. to twelve different towns. During, foe last year or so foe volume of telephone inter* communication between towns and | cities in foe same locality has steadily Increased:' As a result of this growth in the number of calls from one fovro | to‘another, a. demand has arisen for a "telephone directory- of general ap-1 plication, in other-words, a-reference, i list, which, could be used in one place. The matter was given considerable study by Offi cials of the Telephone* Company, who j finally decided on the; combined dl< rectory, «. Book Used in Big cittern This type of book has been used in j Chicago, New York and other metro politan centers for some time past > and has given the utmost satlsfac- . tion. The' telephone officials believe that, there, is no reason why. the same ( plan should not work out lust as well j in the smaller, cities and-towns, and this belief has- been justified where the plan has been tried, -The new type of directory greatly ] simplifies the task of calling from one town to another. When a subscriber In one town desires to call a sub scriber in another town, by referring I to foe directory he can ascertain foe number of the party in the other town as quickly as he.cah find the number of a telephone subscriber in j his own town. This “convenience to j the subscriber is not afforded where | each town has a separate directory plan, saves the subscriber much time and trouble in making a call to a distant neighboring town.. In every respect the new book is a big Improvement over the old type ] of directory. geroos property have .. long been sought. Such atone is acetyl-cellulose, made by foe action of acetic acid On pure cellulose. This, however, is more costly, and therefore haa not made Its why except where price is a secondary consideration. y Folly of Revenge. Very recently, However, substitutes By taking revenge a man is but I have been Invented which are not even with hM enemy, but-in puifoig.( only effective, but cheap. There a r e . It over he 1# superior.-—Bacon, viscose and formyl-cellulose, already known because of their employment Don’t Heat Knives. In mating artificial allk. Hever heat a knife on the atote While they are not aa yet Utllizhble tor cutting frosting, it ruins the tem- for object* which must have great -Pf1*- Instead, pour hot water over U*a, solidity like those of horn and iveyy, blade, or dip It into hot water. lid, W 4 Spring and Summer Footwear (Shoe Department—Second Floor) ‘ There is the same opportunity for individual expres sion of taste in footwear this year that is offered in the selection of a hat or gown. W e are showing designs, and styles suitable for every occasion, and appropriate for any costume. Not only can the devotee of Fashion be supplied with every .desired kind and shade of shoe. but those economically inclined will find an exceedingly wide range of selection at moderate cost. • Children’s Shoes have received our very careful attention and consideration We do not, carry freaks of any kind in this line, hut do have a range of sizes and widths that insures the competent fitting of children’s feet from the soft sole age up to manhood arid womanhoods *. Nowaga and Idro Models " T* ■“* v ' * Women’s Boots Made on die new harrow toe lasts, with Cuban, Lpuie and Spanish heels. Patent colt, dull domino kid, black satin* and white buckskin . . . IpT .UU t O *p6,UO f\L' ' 'V-• r"- ' ‘ ‘ *' ” * • , Women’s Low Shoes Poconb, Drexcl and the new Colonial effects. ■*Bronze kid, black ! $3.50 to ^l.00 The N ew French Models -The Cleopatra, Molliere, exclusive with this depart ment and representing high-class shoe making satin, mat goat, patent, tan, white buck and tCanvax P u m p s : 1 Flat tailored bows, all leathers, priced from $5.00 to $6.00 Children’s Shoes t> x “ - - 1 4 ' " There are many defects in growing feet, from various causes, that can be corrected by properly fitted shoes, We give this subject careful, painstaking study, and care. «• , ' \ ^ - V , :-Kumler Go. Second and Main Streets Established 1853 Dayton,Ohio h OL / ; - A „ / " b O x - V <rorm«r!y C. St. Cwm ** Sittbd) HANNA'S LUSTRO-FINISH to Walk Oa” o ■ ■ i« for floors, stslri, woodwork and furnituro. Xt t* All Toady to ofio. Just dip in the Brush and jfo ahead, ^ ■■ . I P It flows: frsely and evenly, and two ttiinwtes praotioe will make you an expert in its applies-* tfon* It makes old floors new* and no floor is so Bad that Lustro will not make it clean, smooth* sanitary and beautiful* You oanwipe up a Lustro floor with a damp mop -water does not damage it* It is elastic and tough, and does not mar under heel nails, or casters. NOTICE. We Invite your inspectton of our stock of meats, fruits and vegetables which at all times will be op to the high est standard and priced at a fair margin,^ OUR A fM IS TO PLEASE Slay we have your cider? Walter Cuttice Phone orders delivered. CBbARVlLLE, % OgttO 1 W ant ed -— w - ooli woo l*! ir you have wool -to sell It wIU #* f. you to get In touch with or. JPboao or write o r come m i see *ua. W* -wMl lake in wool a t Yellow Bpring#, Xenia and Spring Valley. Tho yohn Ifo- Vffoe- cm, Yenow frin g e ,; " KERR &HASTINGS BROS H U S eC X a tfi To Users o f, PufaHe Roads. Section *1904 of the Revised Stat utes of Ohio provides for penalties and flues for hauling burdens of more than 3400 pentads', Including weight of vehicle, on tires lews than three uchos lh width, and provides for weight to be fixed (by County Com missioners dor greater width of fores. The County Commissioners have therefore fixed, by resolutions, the following weights; 1 Tires 2 to 4 inches in width, 3600 pounds. i Tires over 4 laches in width, 3800 pounds. Including weight of vehfcle in each The penaHy prescribed- In said Section provide* for * fine in any sum from $6 to $50, and imprisonment un til paid. , - ■ By order of the County Commission ers of Greene County, OWo, IMPORTEDSHIRESTALLION “Colehill Diamond King” I have just purchased the famous flhire Stallion, Colehill Diamond King, of the Truman Stud Farm l .Buslmall, 111., one of the largest lm- b'ortere of horaes in this country. oo L b h il t j d ia m o h d K i n o Is coming five years old this spring. Is a rich hay, well matured, excel* le»*it barrage, fine disposition. In fact the Ueariraft horso so much In de mand In the present day market. T h ish o nm w ill m ak* th e season oa Mjy fa rm B a st o f tied a rv ille . Tsfarta to boannonneed later, B i i w y T w i i i i l t y A Bpcclmenof “Oencralal Utility’*corngrownby .T. A. Burns, ft l* anImproved and earlier maturing varietyof the “OldIllinois Whiskey Corn.” tn growing this corn nocommercial ferti* Userwas used. TheHeldhadbeenfanned threeyears, Wears weighedbfilb, Th* stop averaged 00bushels peradre, —Front Th#Dayton Dally 3tfiw« of Mar«k II, j«u, A limitedquantityof seedcorn for saF d. A> BriRka, Cedartille, Ohio, *
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